#welfare fraud
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Brett Favre Welfare Fraud
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
UPDATE: Brett Favre To Be DEPOSED Over Welfare Scandal
This is just to bring you up to speed on this entire Walfare fraud investigation regarding Brett farv and the state of Mississippi governor Tate Reeves.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Black Twitter isn’t letting Brett Favre’s alleged involvement in misappropriating funds meant for needy Mississippi families fall by the wayside.
The suspension of Boston Celtics head coach Ime Udoka over inappropriate behavior with a staffer drew many of the headlines over the last few days. But users of the social media platform worked to keep the public’s attention on the reports that the NFL Hall of Fame quarterback diverted $5 million from Mississippi welfare funds.
Favre is connected to an alleged $77 million welfare fraud scheme in the state; new court documents show he texted then-Gov. Phil Bryant in 2019 to ask about getting money from the state’s welfare agency to build an indoor practice facility for the University of Southern Mississippi’s football team.
Bryant allegedly told Favre via text that federal money for children and low-income adults is “tightly controlled” and “improper use could result in violation of Federal Law.” The texts about the football facility came two years after then-director of Mississippi’s Department of Human Services John Davis committed welfare money to a volleyball arena that Favre wanted in order for his daughter to play there.
While Favre’s radio show has been put on hold, many believe that Favre is facing much less scrutiny than his Black athlete counterparts, including former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who knelt during the national anthem to protest police brutality; current New Orleans Saints quarterback Jameis Winston, who reportedly stole $32 in crab legs while in college; and former NFL quarterback Michael Vick, who was vilified - and ultimately convicted - for his role in orchestrating a dogfighting ring.
Many are angry over the lack of media coverage of the scandal, especially since local publications in Mississippi published their findings well over a year ago.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“CASE OF BEER MAY END IN DEPORTATION,” Montreal Star. November 10, 1932. Page 4. --- COBALT, Ont., Nov. 10 - (CP) -Because he celebrated getting his name on the relief list by buying a case of beer, Toivo Wainonen is in jail facing deportation to his native Finland. Wainonen appeared at the Town Hall and succeeded in being listed for town help, during the winter. After he obtained the beer, he ran foul of the police who found he had never taken out naturalisation papers.
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randyseaver · 4 months
Once in a lifetime
Of course it happened in Biddeford. Okay, so maybe it could have happened in Sanford, Lewiston or Rumford but really – – what’s the difference? I’m speaking, of course, about the so-called sting video that was meant to prove rampant abuse of welfare benefits in Maine. The undercover, amateur video was shot in the Biddeford office of the Maine Department of Health & Human Services roughly six…
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generallemarc · 1 year
As the first sentence of the summary states, this bill is specifically going after people who abused pandemic benefits specifically. 220 Republicans and 10 Democrats voted for it, and I'd bet anything that all 10 of them did so because they wanted a piece of the ultimate irony that is the fact that George Santos voted in favor of this. This man was born without a functioning sense of irony.
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uboat53 · 1 year
In Mississippi they've long praised self-sufficiency and tend to condemn federal anti-poverty programs.
Given that, I'm sure you're shocked (shocked!) to hear that, instead of spending their federal welfare dollars on poor people, they've instead been giving it to rich people.
Seems self-sufficiency is only until you're rich enough to buy yourself access.
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mea-cuppa-part-2 · 2 years
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jackass-democrats · 2 months
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maxellminidisc · 5 months
Every time I write letters to my local politicians I'm always prepared to have a vein rupture from how pissed off their response emails make me. I hate all politicians, but Texas politicians I hate you the most 🙃
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nando161mando · 4 months
Fascist nazi Treasurer says & gaslights revamped Stage 3 tax cuts will benefit middle income earners who earn $200k+
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joelletwo · 1 month
being pestered by medicaid communications and like kjhsfg stupidest fucking country in the world im turning down free healthcare bc i dont trust the admin of it to not fuck me over by being incompetent and i cant be assed to deal with all that. on top of the health problems
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 month
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"CONSTABLE TESTIFIES AGAINST HIS BROTHER," Toronto Star. April 30, 1934. Page 1. --- Hamilton Officer Called in Relief Fraud Case --- Special to The Star Hamilton, April 30. - A policeman was called upon to testify against his own brother to-day when Robert Tweedle, 89 Wellington St. N., was convicted of defrauding the city relief department of $103. He told relief investigators that his family had no income, but it was shown that his mother, with whom he lived, received a pension of 10 shillings a week from the old country.
Constable S. Tweedle, brother of the accused, also testified that he gave $10 monthly to his mother.
Tweedle was given a remand until Friday to try to make restitution
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feckcops · 1 year
Why the trope of the benefit “scrounger” has returned
“Everything is dark. A siren yelps, drums kick in, police in riot helmets march up a stairwell, and a man – his head out of shot – zips up a black stab vest marked ‘DWP’.
“It’s Tom Pursglove, a Tory minister of the Matt Hancock aesthetic (Foxtons Tintin), tabard strapped over his suit, standing beside a tree. Brow furrowed, he quasi-quotes Liam Neeson’s ex-CIA maverick in the 2008 film Taken: ‘We will track you down. We will find you. And we will bring you to justice.’ ...
“This is the Department for Work and Pensions’ latest campaign warning against welfare fraud. It was tweeted from the department’s account last Thursday morning, with a take-on-Taken caption: ‘At DWP we have a very particular set of skills that we use in conjunction with the police to tackle fraud.’
“The focus on benefit cheats is disproportionate to the reality. Fraud amounted to just 3 per cent of welfare payments in 2020-21, or £6.5bn. This looks even less significant when you compare it with tax fraud: the ‘tax gap’ between what is owed and what is collected (of which fraud is a large part) is at 5.1 per cent, costing the government £42bn a year. Fraudulent Covid loans, meanwhile, cost the UK £17bn – most of which the government does not expect to recover.”
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