#werewolf Kevin
people-and-person · 10 months
Hello spooky month fandom! I present to you my werewolf Kevin and vampire Streber drawing!
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sidotherobot · 1 year
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Hello spooky month fandom, i am not dead, i also have more werewolf kev doodles! i like doodling werewolves sleebin or laying down in general so yea. Also have a kev in mid-ish transformation!
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fizhingtrawl · 1 year
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Cuddles to calm the beast!
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sweetmisschesire · 10 months
Kevin wheezed as he ran through the woods. Normally he wouldn’t be out here, unless he was wolfed out. He has decided however to walk along a path just off the sidewalk in the forest, wanting to avoid people. It had been a long day and he just wanted to go home.
But he was really regretting it now. He had been maybe halfway home when it happened. Someone walked out on the path in front of him. Kevin didn't think much of it at first, he wouldn’t be the only one using this path. But as he got closer he could actually see the person. Or rather the red robe and hood they wore.
The hood had many eye holes, and the person also wore a golden necklace with a blue gem. The person just stared, not moving. Rustling of leaves and some branches breaking made him turn around to see more robed people behind him and on his sides. He was completely surrounded.
“Witness to the stars.”
The one who had walked in front of him suddenly spoke.
“Beast granted by the eyes.”
The group moved closer to Kevin.
“You have a place you must take.”
And now here he was running. Kevin had managed to force his way through a gap in the group. He had no idea if they were still following him but he wasn’t about to stop and look.
“Beast granted by the eyes.”
No way. No way they fucking knew right? This was bad. Really, really bad. He had no idea where he was either, given he had run off blindly but deeper into the woods.
Kevin had been so focused on his spiraling thoughts, that he wasn’t watching where he was putting his feet. His foot snagged something and next thing he knew it was yanked out from under him. Kevin grunted as his face made contact with the dirt.
He looked back to see his leg in a snare trap attached to a small tree. Panicking he began jerking his leg towards him, a bell at the top of the tree clanging loudly.
“Shit shit shit! No!”
Kevin began clawing at the snare in an attempt to untie the knot. But it was so tight around his leg all he was doing was making his fingers bleed. He didn’t even have time to react to the footsteps when his arms were grabbed and he was pinned face down. More weight was placed on his back and free leg, effectively immobilizing him.
“N-n-no! G-get off! Let go of me!”
“I’m afraid we cannot beast.”
Kevin winced and looked up to see one of the robed guys standing in front of him.
“You have a place with the Eyes of the Universe.”
Kevin watched as the man reached into his sleeve. He pulled out a golden collar with a blue gem, much like the necklaces they wore. One of the men holding down his arms used their free hand to yank his head up by his hair.
The robed figure stepped forward. “It is time for you to take your place.”
Kevin struggled to try to even squirm but the others held him firmly in place. He watched as the collar clicked open and felt the cold metal press into his neck before hearing it click in place. The weight was oddly heavy for something supposedly made of gold.
The weight disappeared from the rest of his body but before he could even think of fighting back he was bombarded with voices.
So many voices.
Talking all at once.
In his head.
It was too much, all too much.
Covering his ears didn’t help.
He knew he was crying from how overwhelming it was but he couldn’t focus on anything but the voices. Kevin’s vision swam as he collapsed into the dirt again, and knew no more.
He came to in a room he didn’t recognize. It was red and gold in color, and he lay on a bed. Kevin forced himself up, his arms shaking from the effort. His head pounded causing his vision to go all colorful. Taking a moment to close them, Kevin sat in place and waited till his head stopped hurting.
Opening his eyes once more he surveyed the room. Besides the bed the room was simple despite its colors. A dresser and wardrobe, a small vanity with a mirror, and a bookshelf full of books, all matching the room's colors. The books had writings on their bindings he couldn’t even begin to understand. There was a bathroom with no door on the same wall as the bed.
The only other item was some kind of dress mannequin with a hooded robe like-
He shook his head and looked down at himself. Kevin could see he had been stripped of his uniform. He had on a long red sleeved shirt, and black pants. He looked up and caught sight of the collar. The blue jewel seemingly glowing.
He dragged himself out of the bed and his legs wobbled beneath him. He leaned on the bed till he felt he could stand on his own. He ran to the only door only for it to be locked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, no. What do I do?”
Kevin ran around the room looking for any other exit. A window, a vent, something. But there just- there were just blank walls. He was trapped. The sounds of locks being removed from the door had him spin around.
It opened and four of the hooded figures walked in and stood on either side of the door. A fifth one walked in, but they were different. He could actually see the lower half of his face, and some purple hair sticking out on either side. His necklace was also more grand. At this point Kevin knew he had been kidnapped by a cult, and whoever this was was likely some kind of higher up, if not the leader.
The person grinned and looked at him, his eyes actually glowing blue, cold and icy. A chill ran down Kevin’s spine as he felt that gaze upon him.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Your new home beast.”
Kevin flinched, they definitely knew.
“Oh we know, and we know this gift was granted to you by the Eye of the Universe. And now the time has come for you to repay their generosity.”
“Wh-what are you talking about? That other part of me- it’s a curse.”
“Ahh, but you are wrong, you just lack guidance.”
“I-I’m not helping you.”
The man laughed. “You don’t decide that.”
He touched the jewel on his necklace and it glowed a brighter blue. Once again the voices, all those voices-
“Now, listen.”
Kevin felt his body go rigid.
“I have a test for you. And I need the beast. Do you understand?”
Kevin nodded his head. ‘No-no what’s-‘
“So give me the beast.”
The pain, the pain, the fucking pain. He could feel his bones shifting and hair sprouting from his skin. His nails bled as they grew into claws and he couldn’t help the whine that escaped his throat. Kevin’s jaw cracked as his teeth forced themselves further out of his gums.
‘No no, this can't be possible, I don’t want this, please no.’
Kevin had always either wanted to be cured of this curse or to control it. But this wasn’t control. Not for him. What would this man make him do? Would he be forced to hurt people?
To kill?
He was down on all fours now, his mind growing fuzzy like it always did right before the wolf took control. Kevin fought so hard, tried so hard to ignore those voices. But the wolf awoke, and Kevin slept.
He awoke later as he always did, the smell of copper reached his nose before his sight came back. He was coated in red, and it wasn’t his torn shirt.
So much blood.
All over him. The floor. He could taste it in his mouth. He looked up to see he was likely in some kind of cult chamber. It looked like some mockery of a church. Kevin noticed the blood trailed off behind him and managed to turn around.
He wanted to puke.
Everytime the wolf killed it was always something like rabbits, or deer, or even coyotes.
But there in a drawn circle lay a woman’s corpse. Her body had been shredded, covered in holes and gouges from claws and teeth.
His claws and teeth.
“No no no no no.”
“Well done beast, you’ve completed your test.”
He could feel hands grab his arms and force him to his feet. The man from before walked into his line of sight. His smile and eyes were cruel as he looked at him. He then gazed at the woman.
“You found us a very fresh one, she’ll make a decent gift to the Eyes of the Universe.”
He was forced to hunt and kill this woman for this man, for these fucking cultists.
“I sense you’re distressed. Don’t worry, you’ll be accustomed to your role in no time.”
The man turned back to him, and ran his finger along the edge of his necklace .
“With the proper…motivation. While human you’ll be expected to dress properly.”
He waved his hand as he turned the woman again.
“Take him to his room. Clean yourself while you’re there beast.”
More cultists walked in from the shadows as he was forced to turn around and walk.
“We must perform the ceremony while she is still warm.”
The door shut behind him, and he could hear it lock into place. Kevin felt his legs shake as dropped to his knees.
He was trapped. He was kidnapped by a bunch of cultists.
They had full control over him. They could make him transform and turn back whenever they wanted.
He just fucking killed someone.
Kevin found himself hurling in the toilet, unaware that he had even moved. The blood was drying to his skin, the scent of copper clinging to him in a cloying, foul way. The shower would help. But he didn’t want to obey that man willingly.
He honestly wasn’t sure he could move. His body trembled as he finally just
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werewolfthing · 1 year
oh ywah more werewolf keving au i forgot to post here
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im figuring out what i want to do with this au
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Request for more candybats tkl fluff plz??
I’ve seen too much werewolf Kevin floating around to NOT use it, so I’m gonna use my version
Ler Streber, Lee Kevin
Warning: cussing (except sassy Kev lmao)
Word count: 936
There was a lot to love about having a werewolf boyfriend. The full moons often led to a night full of snuggles, and a night full of helping Kevin learn how to control shifting between different forms, although those nights also made it the most challenging.
However, some nights, Streber swore…
… that Kevin was a werehusky of some sort.
The worst part is, even in full wolf form, Kevin could speak. He just often chose not to unless he was telling Streber off. Instead he’d scream his woes to the skies, much like the Youtube-famous dog breed.
“Kevin! I get it, you get paid minimum wage, most of us do, now shut up!”
Streber sighed, listening to his werewolf boyfriend scream like some kind of crazy wild animal, tapping his paws around on the ground and swishing his floofy tail as he went. The vampy boi had to think. There had to be some way to teach him a lesson for being a loudmouth, didn’t there?
Oh my god I’m a fucking idiot. Why didn’t I think of that before?
He clicked his tongue and whistled, calling the pupper over to the couch.
“Kevin! C’mere!”
“Pets?” the fluffball asked as he hopped onto the couch, his tail wagging at the prospect of attention.
“Yes, pets, you big mutt, come here,” Streber offered, opening his arms as his boyfriend leapt onto the couch and snuggled into his arms before flopping into his lap.
“Mmmm, attention… also I’m not a mutt, I’m a wolf, get it right,” Kevin argued, pushing on Streb’s face with a paw.
“Yeah, yeah… seriously, what is it about this form that brings so much sass out of you?”
“I don’t know, honestly, I call it ‘doggo sass.’”
“Pft- doggo sass… oh, you’re so weird sometimes.”
“Hey, at least I’m not as weird as you are 24/7.”
“I’m not weird, you take that back!”
“Mmmm… nah. You’re weird. Pretty sure Rad and Rick would agree, too. I mean, ‘hauntiest of houses?’ Really? Is hauntiest even a word?”
“Oh, you will not let that go, will you?”
“No, I absolutely will not! I mean, seriously?”
“Kevin, what did I tell you was gonna happen if you made fun of my haunted house?”
“Uhh… Hm… I honestly forgot. I mean, we did end up more focused on something else, y’know?”
“Yeah, I know. But, I told you that if you made fun of my haunted house, that I. Was going…” Streber paused for dramatic effect, but also to see if the fluffball that was currently upside down in his lap remembered. But it seemed he couldn’t.
“Was going… to what?” Kev tilted his head to the side.
“To tickle you!” Streber announced, grabbing Kevin up under his arms (front legs?) and pulling him further over his lap.
“WHAT? Nonononono! Streb, no!” Kev panicked, wiggling, twisting and kicking his hind paws in his boyfriend’s grip.
“Hey, I warned you fair and square, plus I’ve had enough of your attitude tonight!”
“Nono, c’mon, there must be something I can do, right? Right?”
“Hmmm… Ok. Turn back and maybe, MAYBE. Maybe I’ll spare you. If you’re good,” Streber offered, a deal he thought was fine.
Apparently Kevin thought otherwise.
“How about… you don’t tickle me and I stop pawing you in the face?”
“Hmmm… how about… nope!” Streber chirped.
Before Kevin had the chance to protest, he squealed, bursting into giggles as Streber gently scratched at his fluffy belly, squirming as much as he could, even as Streber’s fake arm held tight.
“Aww, poor little wolfy with a ticklish, fluffy belly!” the ravenette cooed, “Bet you regret trying to act like a big dog now, huh?” He caught himself laughing at his own joke.
“Thahat was ahahawfuhul!”
“I think you mean it was… pawful?”
“Youhur johohohokes suhuhuck!”
“Then why are you laughing, hm?~”
“Behecahahahause! Ihit tihi-AAHAHA NOHO!” the poor wolfy twisted in his boyfriend’s hold as the scritches moved from his belly to his ribs.
“Because it what, Kevin? Use your words!”
“STREHEHEB! AHAHAHA NOHO! NOHOT THAT SPOHOHOT!” he squealed as Streber’s fingers gently scratched over a little spot on his lower ribs that had his hind leg kicking like a dog getting an itch scratched.
“Not this spot? You sure, Kev? Your lil leggy sure seems to like it! Look!”
“NOHOHO!” Kevin whined, pulling his paws over his face, the fur on his ears and cheeks fluffing up.
“Y’know, Kev, you’re not doing a very good job of hiding!~”
“IHI’LL TUHUHURN BAHAHACK!” Kevin finally gave in.
“You promiseee?~”
Eyes widening a bit at the threat, Streber withdrew his hands, letting his boyfriend calm down, panting and giggling, moments before the wolf in his lap was human once more.
“Yehe… youhuhu… you suhuhuck…” the giggly ravenette complained.
“Aw, I know, but you love me, ya big puppy!” his fellow ravenette responded cheerfully.
“Ihi do…”
Streb chuckled as he gently ruffled Kevin’s hair, before his fingers gently began combing through Kevin’s knotted locks.
“How does your hair always turn into a rat’s nest every time you go into wolf form?” Streb giggled a bit at the current state of his boyfriend’s hair.
“Well, I’m sure that tickling me and messing with it is not helping,” Kev reasoned, poking at his boyfriend’s leg.
“Yeah yeah yeah… ah well. I’ll help you brush it out tomorrow morning. For now, we need to sleep. You’ve got work tomorrow.”
Kevin groaned at the reminder and snuggled up to his warm boyfriend. “Fineee… goodnight, Streb…”
“Goodnight, my giggly puppy…”
Omg a finished fic who'd've thunk it?!
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exist101 · 1 year
I love goofy silly werewolf Kevin but it's fun to think about Genuine Threat werewolf Kevin as well
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ceteradesunt · 10 months
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Dog Soldiers (2002) dir. Neil Marshall
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weirdlookindog · 4 months
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Kevin Rekis - Werewolf, 1950s
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MONSTERS BAND AU. HELLO. kevin on the drums, aaron on bass, andrew lead guitar and nicky with the vocals !
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queer-lovebot · 7 months
Happy Halloween uh. Vampire Kevin feeds so messily after leaving the Raven coven. He feeds without restraint and without care and it makes him feel sooo good because it’s a freedom he’s never had before.
Andrew (werewolf) makes him wear a little bib and gets Really good at getting bloodstains out of clothing. Neil (shapeshifter) happily offers himself up for mealtimes when Kevin is slowly getting rehabilitated to drinking fresh blood again.
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sapphicparrish · 2 years
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nora sakavic, the king's men / mary shelley, frankenstein / nora sakavic, the king's men / caitlyn siehl, start here / nora sakavic, the raven king / neil hilborn, a place where someone loves you / nora sakavic, the king's men / richard siken, planet of love / nora sakavic, the foxhole court
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sidotherobot · 1 year
*places this and scampers off*
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still unsure of the werewolf design lol
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fizhingtrawl · 11 months
Wait wait wait
A horrible scenario
Where the cult makes a collar out of one of the necklaces and uses it to control Kevin and his transformations
In human form he is fully aware of the situation
In wolf form less so but he knows it’s wrong
But he can’t disobey
And then Streber gets to kick their asses when he finds his missing boyfriend
Kevin would feel so awful while human, unable to get it off, suffering
He wants to tell someone, but he’s scare they’ll get hurt. So he wears a turtleneck to keep it hidden
But while he’s wolfed out, he’s just more anxious, fearful. These people- monsters, who did this to him- he can’t disobey, his body forced him to do these things, and it hurts so much
But streber comes in tow after Kevin runs off at an unusual time due to pains, and streber follows him off and becomes aware of the situation. And when he does? Hooohhh boy… he and his haunted house gang are gonna kick some cultist ass!
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andreilslovechild · 8 months
A Spooky Triad
wymacks guild is full of strange creatures
more of a halfway house really
so its no surprise when yet another joins their group
andrews wolf instincts make him very protective of his and their own which makes him wary around the new kid
especially because hes a kitsune
known for their trickery and increased power as they age
and andrew has no idea how old neil really is
he keeps a close eye on him
only stopping truly when its the full moon or kevin needs to feed
which typically end up in andrew creaming his pants and then blowing the goddamn life out of kevin
his neck is sensitive okay?
unfortunately for andrew
he finds that neil is very attractive
and flirty without even seeming to realize what hes doing
which drives andrew crazy
especially once they start their truth game
and andrew finds out much more about the illusive newcomer
which then makes him more comfortable
and he ends up adopting him into his pack without much argument
which means neil now gets to take a turn being kevins meal for the day
unfortunately andrew cannot be kevins meal all the time
but neil gets to enjoy it
and andrew insists on watching
and he knows neil enjoys it
just the same as he does
and one time
andrew just
stops neil from leaving
says he can help
they both can
and after that its history
the three of them are hardly ever separate from eachother
letting kevin feed off them
cuddling with andrew after a full moon
both are always there
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werewolfthing · 1 year
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