#western libfem manifesto
sayitwityachest · 2 years
my prof may have prevented me from releasing my planned lecture on bisexual marginalization in radical feminism, but she cannot stop me publishing a whole manifesto on the discussion board ehehehhe
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
yk there are a lot of things that usamericans get shit on for that i really dont care for- in fact i find it highly insensitive, like, idk our healthcare system is evil. straight up. shit profits from the public's suffering. and i find it really fucking gross when that is something thrown at us like it's a roast, buT ANYWAY, i will never not be disgusted at 'progressive' stances on capitalism in this country. god it's hideous- like we know, besties, it's right there in front of us! we know what our greed is being fed by, but we still act like it cant be fucking helped and it's so revolting. today in class, i was obviously talking about overconsumption (like acrylic nails, really?) and these girls were fucking falling over themselves to point out how hard it is not to participate in this exploitation of women, and it was so.. pathetic. im not saying that it isnt hard to break out of the way we've been conditioned to consume, that's real, and it's difficult especially when we have so many stressors and have been brainwashed into fucking buying away any sense of unease- but can you really not even fucking admit that it's categorically wrong?
word for word i said "oh and people go 'wow it's (shein products) so cheap! yeah there's a reason for that...they're called sweatshops' and this girl's hand just fucking shot up.
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
"ahah feminism is for EVERYBODY" "feminism will help men too!" i dont careeeee and neither will the majority of men because the ways it will help them are not valuable enough to them. they benefit far more from patriarchy/sexism. im so tired of this. pls girl stop saying this like it's some hot take and u are introducing us to a life changing concept
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
going to my feminism class and experiencing the "they hated jesus because he told them the truth" meme and then getting on tumblr where i get the likes/reblogs yes yes
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i feel like bc my prof hasnt graded half of my discussions boards she's not allowed to get mad at me for not having turned in my essays. like oh sure youuuuu can talk about ur mental breakdown all the time but when im struggling with medication dosages and overwhelming discoveries about my family and depression/executive dysfunction in generallllll you judge the fuck out of me and act like im stupid
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i hate listening to white people talk "like the internet" which is literally knock off aave. it makes me wanna die. u sound stupid. u sound wrong. what are u doing. listened to a white girl guide the discussion over Lorde's "eye to eye: black women, hatred and anger" which like, yeah 70% white class, it is what it is, but she did it in this super fake ummm "cool" language and it made me wanna die. what are u doin. grow some awareness pls
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i actually like my prof despite her weird contradictions with feminism- she's a fun person and seems super heartfelt. That being said she is obviously biphobic. The fun thing about being bisexual is biphobia can be soooo easy to not notice bc so much of it the silence (uhem, invisibility) UNTIL bisexuality comes up. This is a class on feminism in the 60-80s, so of course bisexuality is not mentioned much (doesn't mean I'm not gonna talk about it a bunch in my own class discussions and analyses). The prof is eager to explain and apologize (and apologize and apologize and...) about how western feminist theory has been framed around white feminists and women, and that's how she learned it. And although she only really focuses on Black women and the ways they've been left out and screwed over, basically only paying lip service to other groups of non-white women, it does feel sincere (def clumsy tho). So, when we talk about political lesbianism and I bring up how it seems highly likely that the majority of political "lesbians" were bi women- and this was the first real mention of bisexuality during the semester- and this comment is greeted with soooo much enthusiasm, so much curiosity on the topic from other students- the prof is overwhelmed. Being a lesbian herself, she speaks so much on Lesbian Feminism- which is very interesting to learn about the history of btw some wild stuff forreal lol- and we talk about the sexual dynamics between men and women (in the context of heterosexual sex and relationships), but why did a student have to be the one who brought up bisexual women? You are teaching a theory class, teaching Simone de Beauvoir, but when one of these young women asks you so earnestly if there are any noteworthy bisexual feminists (as in theorists) you have to fucking google it and read a list that includes fucking lady gaga? Are you serious? Okay that's fine because i can talk about it, and i certainly did, and after she admitted in a somewhat sheepish manner "uh sorry- I don't know much about bisexuals." Why is it that I, a 21-year-old bisexual woman, was reading theory by lesbians and straight women before i even took this class, but you, a 55-year-old feminist scholar, can't be fucking bothered to know jack shit about bisexual women? Why is it that when you talk about your 200-level class (this is freshmen and sophomores- 18/19 y/o's) and your frustration towards their lack of understanding towards old school feminism you felt the NEED to say, " and you know... they're all ~bisexual~..." and never fucking elaborated on that. What the hell was I supposed to get out of that? What were you trying to communicate? Genuinely, besties, I don't know- I'm not even trying to be like "she's saying bisexuals are dumb" there are just so many fucking different reasons for her thinking that was a noteworthy thing to say that I might actually understand- not agree with, but understand, yes- that the fact that she thought it appropriate to say that and just leave it hanging like it was an explanation in itself makes me so angry. Who the fuck else gets treated like this? "And you know... they're all ~lesbians~/they're all ~straight women~" ????? that's not an acceptable thing to say in our social setting at all. Especially in terms of feminism. I know damn well there is AT LEAST one other bisexual girl in that class, and honestly, judging by the response to my comment on political lesbianism, probably a few more. But yep, let's mock bisexuals for being interested in feminism, for making up the majority of your intro to feminism class, let's fucking fumble through all discussions of bisexuality with "oh gees uh wow I never thought about it oopsies" like that's a legit excuse as a supposed expert on women. I'm tired.
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
I will never not take an opportunity to flex about my family's grassroot activism. There's this idea that Mexicans, Hispanic people in general (okay honestly every non-Black racial minority) has always taken their abuse without a fight, never resisted and stood up to say, "this is wrong." I hate that shit. They don't teach it, but Mexican Americans have a rich civil rights history and continue to stand up for themselves today- the media just doesn't show it. So, every time I have a chance to tell people about it- I'm going to take it, I don't give a fuck if I look obnoxious, I am proud and I am going to make sure others know about at least some our history in this country- and Mexicans are literally inseparable from the history of this USA, we have always been here despite it all
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
tell me how tf the self proclaimed "radical" prof told us today she questioned whether or not we, as in college student women, could consider ourselves oppressed as women??????!!!! girl!!!!
rest assured literally every girl in the class was like what the fuck. someone came out real quick with "there is no hierarchy of oppression" and that shut her the fuck up. This came about bc of a comment i made btw lol i was confused bc bell hooks was saying that some women arent oppressed, just discriminated against and me and the whole class were like ?????
jesus it was so tone deaf bc then she started going on about her place in life and whether or not she was oppressed and she was like "haha i can do whatever now.. once ur parents are gone youre free" so like overlooking that that's not how oppression works.... FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU
she assumes a lot about our experiences if she thinks that her own interpretation of her life applies to all of us.
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
With the label "feminist" becoming so meaningless: whenever id suggest it be used as a purely political label people would act like i was being mean lol. like literally the mean feminist type shit. i get how women dont have anything that's theirs, and there's this desire to have this THing and congregate around it- and feminism is really the only option bc that's 100% women. like it really shows the need for a woman's culture that is actually Good and not Femininity, yk. we have a political movement that has devolved into the everyday woman's support label for continuing to live her life as is, and that's because all these different ideas were pushed into feminism bc it was the only outlet for women to Think, and now it's nothing. nothing at all. it's so crazy, makes my head wanna explode.
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
the assignment is a reflection on a topic or issue we saw in class or readings and im doing the inclusion of tw/gender ideology in feminism bc it doesnt fucking make sense, we are mostly looking at radfems, and my thesis is that the gender ideology we see today is a counter offensive against women's gains- which isnt groundbreaking here, but i have to use a bunch of class text and discussion to reflect and i am very very glad i started those rant posts lmaoooo
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i gotta laugh at my western feminist lit prof bc she spent the whole semester carefully steering class discussions and weirdly derailing with her own personal stories (made class a therapy session), and then all along lamenting whether or not she was ~radical~
like bro, youre literally part of an academic institution, you get visibly uncomfortable when we talk about more advanced sex education in terms of women's liberation, you cut off engaged conversations on topics you aren't comfortable with all the time, yeah you arent radical???
beyond how as a prof in feminism, all that shit listed is BAD, it's not the end of the world if you arent, youre just buying into the identity=activism type shit
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
there is literally no way for me to write an accurate course evaluation without this prof knowing who i am lmao ughhhh
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
last day of class and i outed myself as a tumblr user LMAOOOO
i had to do it besties they were talking about how intense censorship on here is and i was like YOU CANT SAY SEX ON TIKTOK!!!! YOU CANT SAY KILL??? and they kept being like well you cant talk about anything over there and i had to do it on em.... one girls jaw dropped i kid you not. then this other girl backed me up and outed herself lmaooo. later we were talking about it and she was like "yeah i cant believe u did that, but i felt compelled to not leave you hanging out there" adsadfsdfdf #brainrotsolidarity
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
in my class we also discussed what power was and yk, public health person, i have a pretty concrete idea of what power is in our society. but the same girl is like "ya power is completely relative" and im like ????? we can wish all we want that creative life-giving power held the same status as, uh, you know ACTUAL societal power, but that doesn't mean it's true. and i kept thinking of jk rowling and how the only reason she hasnt been shut up is because she is one of the only women in the world who has real power aka wealth besties!
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
they way my prof gives us intense discussion board deadlines only to not grade them for weeeeeeks. There have been 6 discussion boards. I didnt do the 4th one because i got behind. Whatever, she hadnt even graded the first yet. Suddenly i get a notification, this woman apparently had graded the first a week ago, then yesterday gave me a zero for the fourth- while completely ignoring the grading for the other 2 in between??? make it make sense. hater shit. i was gonna do it holy crap
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