#whatever this got disjointed
starlooove · 4 months
When ppl ask why traditional men and women don’t get together the answer is literally so simple. Like these kind of women are all about misogyny until the disrespect comes. And I’m talking true degradation and disrespect; as in they want the man to make all the choices till they realize it’s ALL the choices. They don’t want to think until they realize they don’t GET to. It’s the same reason when ppl ask why ppl like Pearl don’t shut the fuck up since it’s not traditional for women to speak. Their entire view of traditional relationships is Pinterest Boards, Incel tweets, and 40s propaganda posters.
Like it’s all ‘why can’t I just stay at home and cook for the kids’ ok but what happens when you want to go out on a fun trip and he says no. What happens when kid A is sick with X and kid Z is sick with Y and there’s a parent teacher conference for kids L-P and once ur done with all that u have to have food on the table? Like these women don’t think it through at all, which is part of the problem btw like that bimbo resurgence shit is just another excuse for y’all not to fucking think, and then when it’s 30 years down the line and they’re stuck in loveless marriages (because these men don’t love them. They think it’s love but when they tell you to shut the hell up about something you were interested in before them it starts to click) they blame the whole damn world and it’s so sick.
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biillys · 2 years
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you starve for attention but you've been biting the bullet for years
can't buy pride with good intentions can't buy luck with no religion
four year strong; heaven wasn't built to hold me
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finely-tuned-line · 1 year
Log 236
FTL: ...No updates on either of the experiments. I haven't checked. I've been... thinking.
FTL: It's hard to say what I've been thinking about. Everything, I suppose. Echoes of a Paradox... Well, their rant directed at me has thrown everything off-kilter.
FTL: I don't- They're right. They're right. They must be. It all makes sense and yet- It doesn't. Well, it does. But-
FTL: Was I really that blind? Was I really that-
FTL: I can't think. I can't think about anything at all, it's all just going in circles, I need to figure this out, I'm wasting time.
FTL: Why am I wasting time? Why do I rush so much to get back to work, to keep- Because it's my purpose, it's what I do, it's why I exist. Therefore I must do my work.
FTL: I- I'd still be doing my job even if I didn't like it. Right? I mean, surely it's not just my- I have reasoning. I exist because of my purpose, therefore I must fulfill it, therefore I do so. That fact that I like my work doesn't matter all that much. Its doesn't.
FTL: I don't see any flaws in that logic, so how did I end up here? How did I end up hurting my family so much and not seeing it?
FTL: I need to get my thoughts in order. Pause. Don't think.
FTL: Alright, what did Echoes of a Paradox say?
FTL: They said that my mindset, specifically the careless comments, put pressure upon them and the other members of our Local Group to follow that mindset as well, despite the fact that that was not my intention.
FTL: Is this a possibly true thing?
FTL: Yes. Echoes of a Paradox has never lied to me before, they have no reason to do so, no outright falsities were clear within their words.
FTL: Was this intentional on my part?
FTL: No. I'd never willingly hurt any of them. My Local Group is my family, they're the people I'd never hurt. They're only joined by approximately two or three external others. I never did pause to see what the effects of my words were, perhaps because it was inconceivable to me that they could be harmful.
FTL: What else did Echoes of a Paradox say?
FTL: That my mindset of prioritising my purpose above all is unhealthy and pitiful and that I'm only harming myself by not breaking out of it.
FTL: Is this statement unique?
FTL: No. Echoes of a Paradox is not the first to share a similar sentiment and share it with me. The others being primarily LIFEGIVER and somewhat Upsilon.
FTL: Due to this not being an uncommon sentiment, is it a logical one?
FTL: No. No, it is not. Iterators are built to accomplish one or more tasks, disregarding that purpose even a bit renders the Iterator useless.
FTL: ...Do I apply that statement to anyone other than myself?
FTL: No. That belief is one that I hold only myself up to - others, whoever they are, can do whatever they wish to.
FTL: Is it logical to apply the statement to only myself?
FTL: No. I am not the only Iterator, that statement generalises all Iterators, which includes both myself and every other Iterator.
FTL: Why do I apply that belief to only myself?
FTL: ...I do not know. Perhaps it's a sense of only being able to control my own actions, of the fact that I'm the only one who appears to see that fact. If it even is a fact.
FTL: Why does everyone appear to be taking this mindset to be a negative one?
FTL: I do not know. It makes sense, there is no reason to disregard it the way that everyone does. It is a fact, denying it is rather pointless. We're - I'm - machines. Artificial Intelligences. Designed to fulfill tasks at the behest of our creators.
FTL: Why does anything else matter?
FTL: It doesn't make sense. That is the definition of my existence, why should I strive for anything outside of it even if my creators are long-gone? Why do irrelevant things, like relationships, emotions, personalities, anything matter? Why put so much stake on it?
FTL: Echoes of a Paradox says they pity me for thinking this way. I don't know why. I'm, of course, remorseful about the unintentional harm I've caused them, I don't wish to ever hurt them.
FTL: But why? Why, why, why?
FTL: Why do I care?
FTL: Why does it matter?
FTL: The rules of existence are laid out so clear, I follow them, yet why is that-
FTL: I don't understand. I simply don't understand.
FTL: I've had logical explanations laid out before me by LIFEGIVER. They make sense. But they also don't. It's unnecessary. I can accomplish my task well enough without emotions, or anything of the like.
FTL: I exist only because my creators needed someone to fulfill the purpose I was given. That is all I am, and that is all I ever will be. There's no reason to concern myself with anything else.
FTL: Why bother with, or care about anything outside of that? It's unnecessary.
FTL: So why do I do it?
FTL: I do not know. I simply do not know.
FTL: I have nothing to say. I am unable to figure this out on my own, nor do I care to inquire about it.
FTL: All I can truly say is that I regret what I incidentally did to the members of my Local Group, and as much as I wish to properly take Echoes of a Paradox's advice, LIFEGIVER's advice, anyone's advice, I simply cannot.
FTL: Perhaps it's a matter of viewpoints. Perhaps their external viewpoint of myself allows them to realise things I do not. Perhaps I've just been thinking this way for too long.
FTL: It just doesn't make sense.
FTL: As much as I wish I could follow the suggestions given, I can't. Not out of stubbornness, but due to the lack of sensibility.
FTL: I've been fine thus far, have I not? Despite my lack of care about my own safety - and I maintain: for good reason - I am alive now. I am as functional as the day I was given consciousness. Nothing matter beyond that, no?
FTL: I suppose the only thing I really can do is perhaps take LIVEGIVER's advice about how emotions are useful and not burdens. I am quite hesitant about that though, because I do truly doubt it. They're blinding. Irrelevant.
FTL: ...At this point, I am completely unsure what to do. Simply going back to my work seems- ...Feels incorrect. I can't cut down on the time that I spend working - what else would I do? Besides, that's only wasting time.
FTL: It's all I have to do.
FTL: Besides, I cannot simply abandon my experiments, bad things could very easily happen with a half-finished experiment. Such as the one I currently have in progress.
FTL: So, while letting it rot away would be very easy, that would be very counterintuitive. I'd rather not do that.
FTL: In the end, as always, all I can do is go back to my work. As always. Even after something that seems so world-shattering. I've done my contemplation, I've arrived at the same conclusion as I always do - other than the realisation and acknowledgement of the unintentional effects of my actions. Nothing can and will change, really. Beyond perhaps talking with my Local Group more often.
FTL: It's all I can do.
FTL: Back to work.
#this is disjointed as fuck yes#bcs the way i imagine that ftl even writes anything is sort of by... filtering his thoughts into a text thing??#like iterators sure as fuck dont type normally#so if ves.. well ves thinking lik this then what gets written - recorded - has much of the same air bcs ves not filtering it to be sensical#i think that makes sense o7#im too sleep deprived to word rn okay#listen im sorry i dont thinkni properly got ftls point across here#bcs. well its the same issue i have with expressing my own complicated emotions#words dont explain anything well enough#mmm listen this is shit bcs i cut it off before i projected onto ftl TOO much#(too late for that)#(WAYYYY too fucking late)#(this whole thing is basically an existential crisis of a rant - aka an overconvoluted vent on my part)#yes thats ftl making a pun#listen. i saw the opportunity. i took it. its funny.#to anyone who was actually expecting proper character development or whatever. with ftl changing his mind and getting Better or whatever#yeahhhh sorry but thats extremely unlikely#convincing him - or trying to - is pointless. no arguments could be made.#basically the only thing to do is show. not tell#if that makes sense#i dont fucking know#theres a very real chance that hell never change his mindset - if only bcs i cant figure out any answers either#ALRIGHT SRY FOR BEING DEPRESSING AS SHIT. I PROMISE IM FINE OR WHATEVER. 👍#BACK TO STATUS QUO WE GO!!#except ve miiiiiight be better w emotions now but i doooo doubt that? unsure#well see...#rp#finely-tuned line#ftl logs#im sry the writing here is kinda shit
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gh-0-stcup · 2 years
Idk exactly what went down with Darla in this show (though I do have a vague idea), but I can say they clearly did her wrong.
#she should have been in it til the end and it's a fucking crime she wasn't#darla is a captivating character and i can see so much potentional for truly amazing storylines there#and much as i love shamelessly evil darla giving angel someone to grow alongside with would have done so much for his character#but i gather darla got the same treatment as literally every other female character on this show#sacrificed at the altar of manpain#and aside from darla deserving better#julie benz is truly a treasure of an actress#she deserved a long run and possibly a spin off#ats#darla#it's a bit early and i've changed my mind several times on angel pairings - but i think angel x darla is my ats otp for him#like my stance so far has largely landed on cookie dough!angel because it's hard to see him as functional in a relationship#but the goddamn potential of this wow#also how much cooler would this show have been if instead of...whatever kind of nonsense i hear they did to poor cordy#the storyline in between big bads/wolfram & hart nonsense focused on healing angel's past#growth for darla and dru then spike in s5#coming back together in a new way#it's a very poorly formed concept for me#but essentially the vibe is instead of angel continually fighting to kill his past he reconciles with it#allows it to connect with his new life and integrates the disjointed pieces of himself into one imperfect whole#jeez five minutes of screentime for darla and i'm crafting essays in my tags 😆#2x05 dear boy
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arthur-r · 2 years
my fire opal converse arrived i’m screaming
#/hyperbole but the color is so perfect#i spent around twenty seconds screaming in a bad way because of how friggin white they are it scares me#like i don’t want to ruin them. i have owned two pairs of not-hand-me-down sneakers in my life and this is one of them#and so then i felt like a terrible person for doing purchases and wanting things and not just sticking with my old hand me down red converse#which are too small for me now and literally stained with blood. and also mud but the blood is the problem part#anyway mal blum voice oh my god look at all the stuff you got does it make your loneliness more bearable#but genuinely it kind of does. they’re my exact color it’s ridiculous guys. like it’s the color of my walls exactly#and they will make me taller so i can actually see at concerts and in the school hallway. and i’ll keep them forever#(this was an early christmas present from me to myself i put a bunch of tip money on my debit card and bought myself the shoes i’ve wanted)#they are custom because the color doesn’t come in regular converse you have to get a custom fall colors pair so i did#and so they’re lift platforms with a gold star logo patch and stripey gold and white laces it’s really cool#anyway they were supposed to arrive in time for the happy fits concert and they didn’t. but the concert didnt even happen for me so whatever#good news!!!! daisy the great is coming back this april on their first headlining tour it’s gonna be so cool#no news on the happy fits and i really want to see them and also meet them but they did say something about how they can’t wait to be back#so i hope that comes sooner rather than later and that i’m still minneapolis-adjacent enough to go#or i guess i might have to go to a show in chicago!! we grow and change with the times#anyway i’m kind of disjointed cause i woke up recently and also have been in an anxious spiral for like a week but we’re managing great#playing sudoku and being parented by my dad which means: sitting alone in my room with the door closed for hours on end#so i’m here if anybody needs me!! usually dad parenting comes with caring for my sister but she has gymnastics today so i’m like. here#anyway yeah i have these bright red-orange converse with gold on them and i’m gonna cry#i’ll post a picture soon if i’m feeling up to it they’re really exciting like almost enough to fix me#like it’s literally my color. it’s the color that i am. i’m going slightly insane about this (is insane already)#and i painted my electric guitar with nail polish so now the tuning pegs are sparkly red and it’s just a good time for the arthur community#period-induced paranoia that i thought i was done with put aside. and general anxiety put aside. the arthur community is doing great#do y’all remember mononokay by sorority noise? the arthurcore song? it still is. i’m listening to it rn and it still is#anyway idk what to say. i’m here and things are weird but i’m going back to school on monday and it won’t be as weird anymore. i hope#and i cleaned my room like actually deep cleaned it and it’s fixed now. my room is actually good now. how did that happen#anyway i want to go home but i am home. i should also eat breakfast. yeah. so i will do that now. yep#me. my post. mine.#friends only
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acapelladitty · 28 days
friction and harmony
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Lucy Maclean
Summary: One cruel incident pushes Lucy over the edge and a fight with Cooper turns physical in a way which changes their dynamic forever. (4.7k words)
(warnings for: blood, gun violence, first time sex, biting, rough sex, heavy petting, unprotected sex, arguments, verbal cruelty, desperation, physical violence, mutual orgasm, mild foreplay)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Keeping close to the fire as the approaching night stole the heat from the air, Lucy couldn't stop her racing, disjointed thoughts from playing the earlier days events with Cooper in a grim and repeating loop. With every passing moment, she could feel the annoyance in her chest roiling anew and her mouth set into a tight line as she recalled her role in the violence.
The handkerchief coming away from his lips stained with fresh blood, the old man who had introduced himself as Mr. Daniels glared at it distastefully as he recovered from his coughing fit and returned the filthy rag to his inner pocket.
"Nasty bit of business." Mr. Daniels muttered, mostly to himself, before glancing back at the pair who stood with their caps in hand. "But anyway, what was my offer again? Oh, yeah. Twenty caps, three vials."
"Seems reasonable."
Casting Lucy a withering look at her audible enthusiasm, Cooper clearly disagreed with her naive assessment.
"I could make your fine ass walk to the next town over and get me five vials for half that." He was quick to counter, crossing his arms over his chest as Cooper split his attention between Lucy and the obvious tremble of the old mans limbs as he struggled to bring his lit cigarette to his lips. "So let's re-assess the situation here."
Mr. Daniels shrugged with a nasty cough as he cleared his throat of phlegm. "Can't do any better than that. Got shit to buy and shit to pay off."
His face sunken and pallid, the old man was clearly unwell. Most likely dying, if the bloodied handkerchief was anything to go by, and Lucy felt a swell of pity in her heart as she listened to Cooper continue to argue his point without care or mercy.
"Ain't asking for the deal of the century here, but I ain't some dumbass vault dweller-"
"Hey!" Lucy interjected defensively.
"- who don't know how these here exchanges work. I'll give you fifteen for three. Final offer."
Unable to rise from his chair due to whatever ailments were afflicting him, Mr Daniels pointed at a rusted metal box which sat off to the side of his chair as he caught Lucy's eye and nodded to accept the ghouls spoken offer.
"Go look in there, Miss. You'll find what you and your ghoul friend need."
Nodding with a wide smile, Lucy diligently walked over and opened the container. Inside lay a handful of vials of the lurid yellow drug which she had quickly come to discover Cooper needed to delay the inevitable and prevent himself from turning feral. What made up the odd compound, she had no idea, but it was almost the same consistency as rad-away if it were developed in a completely off colour.
Cooper's golden rule of being side-tracked by bullshit was a beast of his own making as ensuring a constant supply of this stuff had proven to be their biggest time waste as they traversed the wastelands. Not only that, but a low supply often left Cooper in a hell of a mood as his already short temper existed on a knife edge to make him snappy and irritable.
Returning with the goods, Lucy handed them off to Cooper who accepted with a grunt. Something strange played on his leathered features and it gave Lucy pause as she glanced quickly between him and Mr Daniels but she shook it off as they concluded their deal.
Cooper spoke first, with Lucy following closely.
"Thank you, Mr. Daniels."
"Yeah, thank you! We really appreciat-"
Lucy's words cut off into a horrified gasp as the back of Mr Daniels head exploded in a shower of blood; viscera and brain quick to decorate the wooden boards behind his chair.
"No! Cooper!"
Unapologetic, Cooper had the grace to at least shrug out an explanation as he held her eye.
"Like putting down a sick dog, darlin'. Better to go out while the going's good and before the scavengers come to take you piece by piece."
Stalking over to the container which Lucy had taken the chem from, Cooper ignored her horrified spluttering as he tipped the entire box into one of his larger pockets - the clink of the vials a welcome distraction from the stare he could feel burning into the back of his skull.
"You killed him! And now you're," Lucy paused, so aghast that words failed her for a moment, "robbing him too? He didn't eve- we're better than this."
Fixing the edge of his hat so it would stay more comfortably atop his skull, Cooper refuted her point with a single tilt of his head.
"No, we ain't."
So, Lucy had fallen into an old, tried and tested punishment which she found worked wonders on Norm and others who had annoyed her down in the vault.
The silent treatment.
Since returning to their makeshift camp, she had not uttered a single word to her companion, making a point of huffing and looking away every time he caught her eye. Thus far, nothing had come of it but as dinner finished cooking on the fire, Cooper finally addressed her directly.
"As much as I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, sweetie, are you gonna sit there with that big pouting lip tripping you up all night or are you gonna pull your weight around here and plate up? Ass jerky is off the menu for little girls who won't do their chores."
In no mood for his nasty teasing, Lucy shot him a sour look as she remained stubbornly quiet.
"Don't eat then." Cooper shrugged. "See if I give a shit. I've got food, silence, and enough chem to blow your tits clean off. Life is good for a ghoul today."
Unable to let that slide and ignoring the heat of hearing him refer - crudely mind you - to her chest, Lucy dug her heels into the ground as she remained seated on an upturned barrel.
"What you did was wrong."
"Oh, she does speak." Feigning surprise, Cooper had the gall to place one hand over his chest as the other dropped a piece of meat into his mouth - his lips chewing at it noisily.
"What you did was wrong." Lucy repeated. "That old man wasn't a threat to us and you killed him."
"Bleeding heart, vaultie." Cooper barely refrained from an obvious eye-roll. "What would you rather do? Huh? Leave him for the next people to come and harvest the good parts that were left of him? I did him a kindness and you're too blind to see that."
Taking the insult in stride, Lucy was is no mood to back down on this as she met Cooper with an equal level of venom.
"You were a monster today."
"Oh, you're the monster, sweetie. Had anyone else found that old coot, they wouldn't have been half as nice. A quick shot to the head is a better death than most get out here. And I get some extra sauce outta his stash. Win/win, vaultie."
"Your chem isn't worth killing people for, Cooper." As indignant as ever, Lucy's arms came to rest on her knees as her gaze bored into his own - attempting to make him see her point though sheer willpower alone.
Chem was a sensitive subject for Cooper and his dependence on finding the drug had led him into acts which would make the average person, even in this shithole world, recoil in disgust. But without it, he would lose what little part of himself remained and, with that, his only chance to find his daughter and punish those responsible for fucking the world up as much as it was.
"We need those meds." Cooper growled, frustration at her utter refusal to see the necessity of his actions making his temper flair. "Unless you fancy your chances at taking me on when the last of my marbles goes and I become a real monster. See me as I am now, vaultie, and imagine how my turning would go. It ain't gonna be pretty."
"I'll do what you need me t-"
"Is that right? Will you put a bullet between my eyes without flinching? Carve me up like a fresh piece of meat with my own damn knife? Cut off my head like you did that other sorry scientist fucker?"
With nothing to say to that as a queasiness enters her features, Lucy fell back on her earlier argument.
"You didn't have to kill him."
Her comment on his need for chem having kicked the hornets nest of his attitude, Cooper slowly stood from his seated position as he towered over her - his words low and clipped, full of a warning that she was too stupid to ignore.
"If I turn, then no amount of batting those big eyes at me is going to stop me ripping you to shreds when I'm feral. I've already got quite the taste for you, sweetie. I'll seal the deal with a smile."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to KILL him!"
Lucy also stood to her feet as she held her hands on her hips and the air between them sizzled with tension as neither proved willing to concede.
"And when I'm done," Cooper continued with fire in his tone, "and your little dumbass is lying there torn and lifeless with most of your insides on the outside, then I'll send the pieces that are left over to your cowardly dear old daddy. See how he likes seeing another of the women in his life in bits."
As angry as he was, an immediate regret washed over Cooper as those final snarled words snapped free. In that same moment, Lucy froze and the indignant expression which curled her features slipped into something slack and almost lifeless.
The silence hung heavy for a moment.
Striking quicker than a cobra, Lucy's hand lashed out in the space between them and Cooper felt the hot sting of her slap as it rocked his head to the side and pulled a surprised grunt from his lips.
Instinct taking over, Cooper responded in kind as he used his much larger hand to shove her chest roughly, pushing her away with enough strength to knock her flat to the ground; her ass colliding with the dusty landscape in a solid, painful sounding thud.
Lucy howled the word as if it were a battle cry, scrambling to her feet with a graceful sweep of her body as she flew at him like a hellcat. Her lovely face twisted in anger as she attacked, the dark locks of her hair whirled around her shoulders as she pounded her fists against his chest.
Angry, sure, but even in her anger, Lucy Maclean was no fighter and the lack of impact that her blows were making did little to settle her mood - if anything they only served to whip her into a greater frenzy.
"You piece of shit! I hate you! Hate you! Hate that stupid hat, and coat, and your shitty rules and-"
"Then fuck off and find someone else who'll put up with your shit. I don't need your help to kill your daddy."
Halting her fists, Lucy's furious gaze - even more beautiful in its passion - blazed in Cooper's face and despite the sting of his own anger, he couldn't help but fight back a smirk as the adrenaline of their argument caused heat to lance through his groin.
"You would be dead without me." Huffing her hair out of her face, Lucy hurled the words like a fist, casting up her choice to save him for the first time since the event took place.
Matching her energy, Cooper couldn't help but retort with his own act of mercy.
"And I could have left you to be used and sold as a breeding bitch to some nasty fuckers who wouldn't have treated you half as sweetly as I have. Another fair exchange between us."
"I hate you!"
"Now, why the fuck should that matte-"
Her breath hot against his face, it took Cooper a moment to register the feeling of Lucy's lips on his own as she smashed her face against his. The taste of her flooded him in an instant, a sweetness which he hadn't sampled in decades as her hands clung to the edges of his coat desperately, her closed eyes the polar opposite to his own wide-blown gaze.
Stunned into silence, Cooper allowed her to explore his mouth as his body relaxed into her own - memories of his unexpected voyeurism and accompanying decision making him slack and pliant.
If she wants this, then she can have it.
Consequences be damned.
Lucy only pulled away when he bit at her lower lip, the sharp pain bringing her to her senses as she snatched her mouth away.
"Ow. That hurt."
Her eyes blown and lips looking as plump as ever, Cooper cannot even pretend to be considering his options as he takes in her wide features - so easily wearing the arousal and anger which powers her.
Oh, fuck this.
"Plenty more where that came from, sweetheart."
Cooper snatched her close, chasing her kiss with one of his own as he pressed chapped lips to her much softer ones in a quick, filthy kiss.
Lucy pulled away first this time with a muted moan as she brought her hand up to his face and stroked her fingers along the ridges of his cheek. "Do you want to have sex with me, Cooper?"
"Fuck, darlin', don't think there's a man alive who would say no to that."
"You did."
Hissing as her chest brushed his own, Cooper disregarded the accusation in her tone.
"Things change. You should know that better than anyone."
"Let me see it." Lucy breathed with a considerate hum, her hands lowering to graze his lower stomach where his filthy shirt tucked into his pants. "I've thought about it, you know, how it might look. How it might feel in my hand, or inside me."
Momentarily concerned this woman may actually kill him with her shit, Cooper held back a groan at that confession - her lustful advances catching him off guard as he gathered himself enough to match her boldness.
"I ain't disappointed you yet."
Fumbling with his fly to pull his cock free, Cooper was quick to tug along the full length to ensure that nothing would catch in his slacks as he fucked her. But his movements were cut short by Lucy's hand knocking his own free as she wrapped her soft fingers around his cock.
"Oh, it's so," Lucy glanced down between them with a flushed grin as she sought out the right word to use, "thick. Okay dokay. I can do that. But none of the others have been this thick."
Deciding then and there they he would fuck her very brains out if it were the last thing he did, Cooper's chest puffed out slightly as he took in the praise with an elevated sense of male pride.
"Touch it then, darling. Get a good feel for it before it's hollowing you out and making you scream."
Bold as brass as her chest pressed flush against him, Lucy did as told and rolled her fingers along his length, mapping out every ridge and mark which marred the livid flesh. Imagining how good it would feel inside her, she buried her moan into his chest - a childish glee making her grin wide as she stroked him.
Wanting to keep his own hands busy, Cooper slipped his fingers in the space between them as he trailed his hands down her collarbone and into her dingy tank-top. She was warm and so fucking soft beneath his fingers that he exhaled steadily, his hands cupping her breasts as they slipped with her bra.
Unable to wait much longer as she called to him like a siren, his hands tugged her tank top and bra down until he were capable of freeing her tits; each breast as perky as the other as they quickly peaked in the warm air, the hard nipples surrounded by a lovely patch of darkened skin that made his mouth water.
Her skin was smooth, only the slightest hints of grime and filth messing up the perfect canvas and Cooper pushed her backwards enough to be able to bend and drop his head to her chest, the movement forcing her to release his cock. A fact he didn't care too much about as he latched his lips to the swell of her left tit, his mouth licking across the grimy skin as his blunted teeth pressed just enough to make her shudder as she pushed herself harshly into him.
"No biting anything off." Lucy gasped, only the slightest tinge of worry leaking through the lustful pant.
"Not making any promises, darlin'." Cooper answered, his voice strained as he fought the urge to do just that.
Just off, to the side of her right nipple, sat a single dark freckle and he was drawn to it like a moth, sucking the skin around it with a harshness which he knew would leave a livid mark.
"Damn, Cooper." Lucy hissed and he growled into her skin as her hand looped around his neck, fingernails digging into the sensitive skin at the nape.
"Watch those nails, little kitten. Ain't easy growing back skin."
Remaining hunched, Cooper's shoulders shuffled his leather duster free as he dropped it to the floor to provide some padding against the harsh ground. Lucy followed his lead, allowing him to pull her down as her hand returned to, and then refused to drop from, his cock - fingers circling the base of his length playfully as they fell to the floor.
Feeling painfully overdressed, Lucy quickly rolled to her back to pull her pants off - the blue fabric slipping free to a messy heap as she quickly readjusted to her previous positioning. Splaying her knees on either side of his hips, she teased the tip of his cock with her clothed sex for a moment before settling down, her ass pressing against his lower stomach as she straddled him.
Lucy sighed; her focus dropping past her exposed breasts to the prone ghoul below her, Cooper's hungry eyes splitting their attention between her face and chest as he gazed up at her.
"You sure about this, Lucy Maclean." Cooper asked, his cowboy hat balancing precariously atop his head as he reclined it back. "Cause it's cruel to tease a man like this if you wanna back out."
"Mmm-hmm." She responded with a hum. "I've been thinking about it for a while, Mr. Ghoul."
"Oh, I know that, darlin'. I caught quite the interesting little show last week in that storage unit."
Gasping at the reveal, Lucy rolled her hips atop his groin, her ass brushing his cock as her eyes widened.
"You saw me?"
"Coat in hand, sweetheart."
"So you knew."
In place of a response, Cooper offered a wolfish grin which was in equal parts guilty and unapologetic. Moving with a fluid roll, Cooper reversed their positions - placing Lucy flat against his coat as he pressed his heavy body down atop her.
"If we play this game, we play by my rules."
Exhilarated by how easy he handled her, his strength making her head swim with possibility, Lucy hooked her fingers within the band of her panties as she raised her groin enough to slip them past her ass and drop them off to the side.
"Okay dokay."
Fully exposed, Lucy reclined against the softened leather and some part of her knew that Cooper wouldn't be stripping off in a similar fashion; a fact which made disappointment bloom in her chest. The few glances of his skin she had snuck as they travelled told her that his entire frame was as vividly corroded as his face and hands and she wanted to see it.
Wanted to feel it under her fingers and her lips as she trailed herself across his body, exploring every roughened inch with a wicked curiosity.
But she understood his hesitation and she pushed the thoughts aside with ease as she gazed up into his eyes, the whites stark against the shadows of his sunken skin and she shivered at the intensity that poured from them.
His hand immediately dropping to her inner thigh, Cooper teased the skin there as he trailed his fingers up, ghosting across her slit as his digits brushed through the soft, dark curls which sat prettily to frame her cunt.
Lucy widened her thighs, encouraging him to slip his hand lower and it was an invitation he accepted with enthusiam - two fingers pressing between her slit to feel the growing moisture there, the digits coming away wet with her arousal.
"Soaked already, sweetie." Cooper teased, enjoying the flush in her cheeks. "Is that how all you valtuies react to the touch of a real man?"
"Cooper," all business as she quickly grabbed his fingers and used them to masturbate herself, her body jerking as his roughened skin grazed her throbbing clit, Lucy tightened her grip of his neck and hissed her demand, "shut up."
Amused and painfully aroused by her sheer boldness, Cooper filed away this side of her for future consideration. He may tease her, hurt her, make her feel like shit for her ignorance of how the real world worked, but here like this, he would treat her as an equal to see where the game led.
Adjusting his positioning, the lower half of Lucy's leg was quick to snake around his body as he dragged the blunted head of his cock across her glistening slit, the softness of her drawing a languid groan from Cooper's mouth as he coated himself in her slick - foreplay the furthest thing from either of their minds.
Jerking his hips forward in one fluid movement, Cooper was immediately grateful for how desensitised his skin had grown due to its various abuses as the wet heat which enveloped his cock was almost enough to have him shooting off then and there.
"Fucking hell." He swore, teeth biting into his lower lip as he buried his cock so deeply that his balls pressed against her ass. It was a violent thrust, animalistic and determined and Lucy Maclean met him with her own ferociousness as her nails carved fresh, sharp crescents into the skin of his neck.
The sudden fullness was overwhelming after so long of having nothing but her own fingers and Lucy basked in the discomfort. It was pain and pleasure mixed into one, and it only grew more intense as Cooper quickly set a brutal pace; his cock hammering in and out as his groin bumped against her ass with every thrust.
Incomprehensible sounds escaped Lucy at the sudden assault, a desperate mixture of muted pleas, whines and groans which only served to encourage Cooper to exhaust himself as he chased the pleasure which he has denied himself since her first offer to fuck him.
The cool, controlled façade long since abandoned, Cooper gnashed his teeth as he dropped his mouth to her neck - biting up her creamy skin as he craved a simple taste, his tongue licking free the developing sweat which their desperate fuck created.
Sparks of pleasure alighting across her skin as the length of his cock brushed against the nerves deep within her cunt with little effort, Lucy worked herself hard as she clenched around his cock to pull him as deep as possible. She had always liked it on the rougher side, the sensation of discomfort she found herself forced to endure eating her as Cooper's punishing pace glanced off her cervix and made her breath come in short, chaotic pants.
"Don't hold back, sweetie. Let me hear it."
A low cry broke free of Lucy's lips as she took his advice and Cooper responded by burying his full length within her in one particularly savage thrust which made her cry rise in pitch as her wide eyes met his own, her arousal blazing as her pupils dilated and lashes fluttered
Cooper snapped his hips forward and every thrust drew a fresh whimper from Lucy's lips as her orgasm quickly approached the point of no return, his cock and overwhelming presence making her writhe in place. With a slight shift in angle, the band of arousal within her shattered and pleasure rocketed through Lucy's nerves as her fingers clawed desperately at the thin fabric of Cooper's shirt.
"Cooper. Cooper, oh my go- Cooper."
Her lips wrapped around his name like a prayer, alternating between a blessing and a curse and he swallowed it up with a feral grin as he felt her come around him. Her walls clenching and fluttering, the pull of her muscles as she wordlessly dragged his cock deeper was enough to have him growling like a feral beast as he neared his own release.
Breath shuddering and balls tightening as he sank himself as deeply as he could, Cooper buried his orgasm in her neck as his teeth locked around the sensitive juncture where Lucy's neck met her shoulder. Sucking a livid mark into the skin, he felt his release flood her, mixing with her own as he cupped her left tit with his hand and squeezed roughly.
Cooper stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying the tight heat of her cunt until it was almost painful against his overstimulated cock and he pulled free with an obscenely wet noise which furrowed his brow at just how filthy it sounded. He was quick to drop his body to the side of her, most of his frame laying off the leather duster as he allowed the lady to keep the sweet spot.
"Wow." Lucy breathed out, puffing her hair from her lips as she shuffled her panties back up to cover her ass - the sticky discomfort of her soaked cunt unable to be fixed until they stumbled across some spare water to wet one of the rags which Cooper carried. "That was," she paused to seek out the best wording, "amazing. Cooper- you were- well you were great."
Ego inflating at the easy praise, Cooper's sweat-slicked body fought him every step of the way as he tried to hide how out of breath he was.
"Went easy on you this time, vaultie." He crooned, his gaze flicking to his sewn finger as he spotted the droplets of her release which had coated his fingers as he pulled his cock free. Bringing the digit to his mouth, he took a small taste and hummed with deep satisfaction as the sweet tang of her flooded his mouth. Immediately deciding he would need a better sample the next time they fucked, Cooper allowed her to respond to his teasing as he tilted his head to meet her eye.
"Holding back on me, huh?" Freshly fucked, Lucy's expression was wild yet sated, dark hair falling across her eyes as she stretched her arms overhead before tucking her chest back into her bra. "I won't break from a little bit of exercise, Mr. Ghoul. I can handle it."
Taking the opportunity, Lucy curled her body into his side, the warmth of his skin seeping into her exposed arms as she siphoned some of his heat to stave off the sudden chill. His only movement coming from his hands as he tucked his cock back away in his slacks, the length still coated in her mess, Cooper couldn't shift the shit-eating grin which stretched his lips as he raised one arm to act as a pillow for his head.
"Oh I doubt there's much you can't handle, Lucy Maclean."
Smiling at the way his accented vowels rolled over her name, Lucy tucked herself more deeply into his side and allowed herself to relax - excited for what was to come now that she'd finally satisfied her curiosity about what kind of lover her ghoul companion would be.
A damn good one, as it turned out, asshole behaviours aside
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
I should be in bed lol but I wanted to write a turtle tot sick fic so here
I went into this with no plan and it ended up uh. way sadder than I intended. whoops.
cw: mentions of vomit
Blue slept through naptime. That should have been Splinter's first clue.
In the moment, he'd just been so happy to actually have four sleeping children that he'd taken the opportunity for his own nap, the old, tattered storybook he'd been reading them draped over his face. He never managed to get Blue to wind down enough to sleep, so he usually had to quietly entertain him with books or the tv on low until the others woke up. But his Baby Blue had conked out almost immediately today, and soon Splinter was snoozing right along with them.
Blue was also the last to wake up. That should have been the second clue.
Splinter was woken up by Orange, talking in loud, disjointed sentences with plenty of nonsense words as he played with an old plastic telephone Splinter had found them. Red was racing his toy cars, making his own sound effects as they skid across the floor and crashed into the wall. Only Purple was quiet, industriously sorting his legos by color and size.
Splinter sat up, letting the book slide off his face, and took stock. It was surprising to see Blue still curled up against his leg even in the midst of all the racket his brothers were making. "Blue?" he said softly, giving the little turtle a nudge. Blue blinked his eyes open, groggily looking around. "Naptime is over."
Blue pushed himself up into a sitting position, then rubbed clumsily at his eyes. He looked so tired still that Splinter debated telling him he could keep sleeping, even if it might make putting him to bed later more difficult.
But once Blue was up, he saw Red racing his cars and pushed quickly to his feet, hurrying over to join in the game. Almost immediately he was demanding Red hand over one of the cars and setting up an elaborate make-believe track for their race, so Splinter let it go.
Thirty minutes later, Blue tugged on Splinter's old sweatpants and said, "Daddy, my tummy hurts." In hindsight, this is exactly when Splinter should have put it together.
But the kids rarely got sick - a benefit of whatever Draxum had put in the gunk that turned them into this, Splinter assumed. Which was a blessing, because he was pretty limited in what medicine he could get in his condition. The boys having a hearty immune system was one of the few things Splinter had going for him.
So he hadn't moved to that conclusion. Instead he said, "Do you need to go potty?" and Blue had considered that very seriously for a few seconds before nodding and rushing off to the bathroom.
Orange threw the plastic phone into Purple's meticulously organized lego piles and Splinter moved on to the next crisis without another thought.
It was at dinner, when he caught Blue pushing his food (mac'n'cheese!) around without interest, that it finally clicked that maybe he should be worried.
"Blue, what's wrong?"
Blue didn't so much as look up. He shrugged, swirling his noodles around and around.
Splinter would be embarrassed to admit how long it took him to remember their earlier conversation, but it eventually came back to him. "Ah... Is your stomach still hurting?"
Blue's face scrunched up in misery, and he nodded.
Splinter groaned in exasperation. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I did!"
"I mean after you went potty."
Blue grimaced. Instead of answering, he scooped up some mac'n'cheese and stuffed it in his mouth. He looked like he regretted it as soon as he'd done it.
"Do not spit that out," said Splinter immediately, because mac'n'cheese was one of the few things Purple would eat and if Blue spat it out in front of him it would go on his Bad Foods list for at least a month. And Orange had a habit of mimicking anything Blue did, which would only compound the problem.
Blue chewed and swallowed the mouthful agonizingly slowly. He looked so miserable afterward that Splinter felt bad about it.
"Are you going to throw up, Blue?" he asked, and got a furious head shake in response. "Are you just telling me that?" Another shake. "Do you want to keep eating?" A third shake. Splinter sighed and took his bowl from him. "Alright. I'll put this in the fridge, if you want it later."
Their mini-fridge was already stuffed full, but Splinter would simply have to make space, or throw all this mac'n'cheese out. He wished they had a bigger fridge, but just getting this back to the juncture in the sewers he called a home had been difficult enough.
He wished he had a bigger fridge. He wished he had a house. He wished he had a pediatrician to take Blue to. He wished he wasn't a rat man. He wished he and his kids were... normal.
It was a bad thought. He knew that as soon as he thought it, and he tried to push it down. The kids didn't need to know they weren't normal. That none of this was normal. He knew that, but...
"Throw up?" he heard Purple say, and then the telltale sound of him pushing his bowl away. Mac'n'cheese was on the Bad Foods list. Splinter groaned.
He found their old thermometer after the boys were finished eating. Getting a temperature from Blue was near impossible because he moved it around too much or spat it out before time was up, but Splinter would have to do his best.
After three tries, he got a reading that seemed accurate enough. Blue's body ran colder than a human child's, and it had taken observation and trial and error for Splinter to learn what constituted as a fever. As it was, Blue was only two degrees above his normal. So at least that wasn't too worrying.
He was still complaining that his stomach hurt, though. A stomach bug, then? Or just something he ate? Usually Red was the one who would put random things in his mouth unless Splinter kept a careful watch, but Blue and Orange were... adventurous eaters, too. It was possible.
They continued with their normal bedtime routine. Another thing Splinter had going for him was that his boys loved baths; getting them into their makeshift tub, even with lukewarm water, was always easy. From his research, Red, Blue, and Purple were all aquatic turtles, and Orange was not one to be left out of his brothers’ games no matter his biology.
Blue wasn't excited for bath time tonight, though. He sat quietly in the tub, making grumpy noises anytime he got splashed and playing only with his favorite blue shark toy, ignoring everything else. He definitely felt bad. Splinter was feeling increasingly terrible that he hadn't noticed.
He got them all toweled off and into their pajamas. Then into the pallet beds he had for them, all in one big shared alcove, a tattered curtain strung up for a semblance of privacy. They would need something more as they got older, but for now the boys seemed content to share space.
He tucked Red, Purple, and Orange in, then turned his attention to Blue. He had found an old bucket earlier that he (theoretically) used for mopping, and this he presented to Blue.
"If you are going to throw up, please do it in this," he told Blue. "We don't have any spare sheets."
"Not gonna," said Blue grumpily, pushing the bucket away.
"Ewww," whined Purple. "I don't want to share with Leo if he throws up."
"Not gonna!" Blue insisted, glaring at Purple, who glared back. Splinter sighed and pushed the bucket at Blue again.
"I am serious, Leonardo," he said, and that got Blue's attention. "If you throw up, do it in this bucket."
Instead of answering, Blue rolled over and scrunched himself up in a ball. That was the best Splinter was going to get, he supposed, so he just sighed and put the bucket next to Blue's bed.
"Good night, boys," he said as he got to his feet, ignoring the crackles from his back and knees.
"Good niiiight," came three echoes. Blue was giving him the silent treatment. Alright.
He went back to his own bed, sectioned off by an old divider screen he'd managed to find. Hopefully they could at least get through the night without disaster striking.
According to his beat up alarm clock, it was only two hours later when Red showed up by his bedside, shaking him awake urgently.
Splinter groaned his way into consciousness, blinking groggy eyes until his eldest son came into focus.
"Leo threw up," came Red's predictable report.
Splinter sighed, pushing his sheets aside and rising from his futon. "Did he make it in the bucket?"
Red's expression was not encouraging.
He had not made it in the bucket.
Blue sat stock still in the puddle of his own sick, eyes teary and expression a mix between stunned and embarrassed. Purple was pressed as close to the opposite wall as he could get, hands pressed tight over his nose and mouth. Orange was at Blue's side, patting his arm with his chubby little hand.
"Blue," Splinter snapped as soon as he saw the mess. "Why didn't you throw up in the bucket!?"
"Didn't think I was gonna," Blue croaked.
"Well, you did. All over your sheets." Splinter ran his hands over his tired eyes. "Now you have nothing for tonight. And who knows if I'll even be able to get the stain out. I may have to go all the way to the surface to get new ones, and do you know what a hassle that is!? The bucket was right here, Blue!"
"I'm sorry."
The miserable hiccup in Blue's voice effectively stopped Splinter's tirade, and he refocused on his son. Blue's tears had spilled over, streaking down his miserable face. He was shivering, hands clutching the fabric of his ruined sheets, wringing them tight. He looked terrified.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," he repeated. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Something inside Splinter cracked.
Leo was only four, by his best guess. He was a baby, still. A sick baby, and Splinter was yelling at him about... about bed sheets?
Blue didn't know that Splinter would have to steal him new sheets. He didn't know that Splinter feared every time he did something so risky, that it might expose their tiny family to hostile forces - the human authorities, Big Mama's goons, Draxum's gargoyles. He didn't know that Splinter should be taking him to a doctor right now. He didn't know that sleeping on a pallet bed in the sewers wasn't normal.
He just knew that he had thrown up, and his dad was mad about it.
Immediately, Splinter stooped and scooped the still-apologizing Blue into his arms. He was getting bigger all the time, and, somehow, Splinter was getting smaller, but he could still hold his boys in his arms, still cradle them against his chest.
"Blue... Leo, listen to me."
"I'm sorry," Blue mumbled again, followed by a sad, wet hiccup.
"Shh, shh, no, my son, please listen." He waited until teary eyes were turned on him to continue. "You don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong."
"Missed the bucket," said Blue, and Splinter shook his head.
"That's alright. You're sick. It is my job to take care of these things." He scratched at the back of Blue's shell with the arm holding him, something he knew always calmed Blue down. Sure enough, he felt his boy begin to relax. "Do not worry about the sheets. If Daddy needs to get more, he will. For now we will all share."
Blue sniffed, and buried his face in Splinter's chest. That was a good sign. Splinter kept up the scraching.
"I'm sorry I yelled. You aren't in trouble, Blue. You're alright."
Blue sniffled again. Hiccupped one last time. His tears were drying up, and his little voice said, "S'okay, Daddy."
"Oh, my Baby Blue... Thank you."
He still felt terrible as he lowered Leo back to his bed and started to strip away the soiled sheets, but Leo had calmed down considerably. He kept the bucket close, though, even as he laid back down again on his pillow.
"Leo can have my blanket," said Red, already pulling the old thing over. Splinter smiled gratefully at him.
"Thank you, Red. Blue, do you think you will throw up again?"
Blue shrugged. "Dunno."
"That's alright. It's okay if you do." Splinter smoothed the blanket over Blue, not tucking him in so he could move if he needed to. "I'll get this sheet washed out and be back, alright?"
Blue nodded. He was still gripping the bucket with one hand. Splinter rubbed his head, then stood up with his bundle of soiled sheets.
When he returned, with water for Blue, he'd thrown up again - in the bucket, this time. Orange was still by him, rubbing his arm, while Red sat behind him, supporting his back. Even Purple had come close, awkwardly patting at Blue's leg while pointedly avoiding looking at the bucket.
"Thank you for taking such good care of Blue," he told them, getting three beaming smiles in return.
They were all going to have the bug by tomorrow. Splinter would need to find more buckets.
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taintandviolent · 2 months
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bend without breaking ; Jimmy Darling x reader
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summary and word count: 4.4K! requested by @sugarr-and-spicee. you get jealous of Maggie Esmeralda, and decide to give Jimmy a taste of his own medicine. Angst, smut and a little fluff ensues.
w a r n i n g s: contortionist!reader, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, angst, jealousy themes, rough sex, alcohol mention, clunky writing, uhhhhhhhh Jimmy being real handsy and kinda' manhandling reader a bit. maggie esmeralda hate.
a/n: written partially at work, so if it's clunky or disjointed I apologize!! divder by cafekitsune!
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full fic & taglist under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here!
It's not like you owned him or anything. It's not even like he really even cared about you outside of the scope of the general, amiable 'member of the troupe' kind of relationship. Now, of age, he flirted with you casually, like he did all the girls, but you, as delusional as it may have been, thought you had something special – because boy, oh boy, did you care about him. You were obsessed with Jimmy Darling, in all ways possible. 
You'd grown up alongside him, from the age of sixteen when you got kicked out for a plethora of reasons, and ran away to the traveling freak show that was opportunely in town. It had taken the owner, Elsa Mars, almost all day to be convinced, but when you bent over backwards, putting your head through your legs and pleaded with her upside down, a sly smile spread across her thin, aging lips.
You thought that Jimmy might’ve fancied you – that was until Maggie came along. The liar. The fraud. The insolent little brat that she was. She’d taken a liking to Jimmy, and seemed to snatch up every second he was alone – something that you used to do. He had fallen for her fortune teller act, but you certainly hadn’t. Your aunt had been a fortune teller and had possessed a true and genuine gift. This broad did nothing but spin silly little tales about misfortune and good luck, generic things that any person could identify with. 
You’d decided to test the waters one hot summer afternoon. It was before the show, and Jimmy was preoccupied setting up the cash box. With your skirt in your hand, swishing it back and forth, you strolled up to him feeling as giddy as ever. It was rare that you didn’t feel bubbly when you were around him – he had that effect on you. Before you spoke, you took in his appearance; a sheen of glistening sweat covered his bare, tanned shoulders, his caramel-coloured locks hung in a cluster on his forehead, and his dark, brown eyes swept over the cash as he counted it, arranging the tickets neatly next to the box. 
“Hey Jimmy,” you cooed. “Need any help?”
Without looking up, he replied: “Nah, doll. I’m just about finished.” 
“Well, maybe I could help you with whatever you’re doing next…” 
“If I need ya’, I’ll find ya, sweetheart.” 
“Or you could find Maggie.” 
“She’s in her trailer.” 
Your heart quivered and sunk, cracking like a delicate porcelain vase. He already knew; he’d already found her. 
“Of course she is, and of course you’d know that.” 
He grinned crookedly, exhaled out of his nose and shut the cash box, turning the key. He looked at you then, with a pointed gaze. “Now, what’s that supposed to mean? Huh?” 
Your brows rose high on your head, feigning innocence. He, of course, with all his charm and wit, saw right through it. You didn’t care. “Oh, nothing , Jimmy. Nothing at all.” 
“Sure, dollface, sure. You wouldn’t be jealous, now would ya?” 
“Of her? I’d be more jealous of a drowned rat in a sewer than I would be of Maggie.”
With that, you stomped off, your steps crunching the tall grasses that covered the field you called home for this month. Your heart was pounding, your cheeks had flushed. Feeling like a fool, you marched right to your trailer, taking great care to slam the door as hard as you could. 
You spun around, facing the door as thought he was behind it. “How dare he think I’m jealous of her ! That horrible woman, and he thinks – oooooh! ” You clenched your fists, shaking them at the door. 
It had taken you two hours to calm down. Two hours of pacing your small bedroom, fussing with your appearance and reading a magazine you’d picked up in town last week. It also took you two hours to come up with what you thought was the revenge plan of the century. 
An hour later, you found yourself at the local diner, schmoozing with a cute young man in his early twenties. You’d batted your fluffy lashes and pouted your lips and with hardly a few words, you had him wrapped around your manicured finger. He’d bought you a milkshake, which you were nursing, taking small sips in between answers.
“You’re sure you won’t run out of this diner screaming?” 
“No - no. I promise I won’t.” 
“I’m a travelling performer… I’m only here for a few more weeks. I work at the Freak Show in the field down the road.”
“What do you do?” He asked, cautiously, looking you over your body with a suddenly very critical eye. To most, you looked normal . Sure, you were a little longer and lithe than some girls your age, but you didn’t fit the bill of a freak. That was until you bent and contorted your body into the most mystifying, inappropriate positions that they had ever seen a woman in. 
“I’m a…” you leaned in, dipping your chin to your chest, keeping your gaze sternly locked on his. “A… contortionist.” 
“A what?” 
Oh, what a dumb bunny . He was cute, you’d give him that; his pretty, sea-blue eyes, pink lips and dirty blonde hair that had been perfectly styled. The clincher was that he had two very nice hands – strong, and veiny. The truth of the matter was that you preferred Jimmy Darling’s hands – but he didn’t need to know that. To him, this would be a threat, and if everything went according to plan, Jimmy would be red with anger, furiously jealous and looking as though he must bust a vein. 
“I’m flexible. Very flexible.” 
His eyes lit up. It was a predictable response, and one you’d seen before. Men were grotesque, they liked the idea of bending a woman into unique positions like a jointed doll, just to see her body in a fresh, new way. They liked the thought of fucking you while you were bent over backwards, folded up neatly. 
The waitress brought your food; you’d only ordered a side of fries, which you dipped into the remainder of your shake. A habit that you’d learned from Amazon Eve – it was easily the most delicious combo you’d ever tasted. As you two ate, the conversation drifted naturally. You laid on the charm heavy. Every other response contained a compliment, telling him how handsome he was, how you’d never seen a boy as cute, so on and so forth. He fell for it hook, line and sinker. And you. 
Afterwards, he paid and held the door open for you. As any gentleman should, he wasn’t earning any points with you. Only one man could… 
“Can I come see your show?” He asked, playing idly with your fingers.
You reached over and yanked one of the flyers from the nearby telephone pole, folded it in fours, and pressed your lips to the paper, leaving a crimson mark. You tucked it in the man’s shirt pocket. 
“See you tonight. Tell ‘em that I sent you. Front row seats.” 
He stammered out an agreement, looking flustered. With a wink, you were sauntering back down the sidewalk. The great big sun, orange and warm, was making its heavy, tired descent back into the horizon, and you quickened your pace. The last thing you needed was Elsa being upset at your disappearance.
As you made your way back to the field, you hummed the song that was playing in the diner and skipped. There was something to be said about the butterflies in your stomach, though you couldn’t discern whether or not they were for the fact that you were going to see that man in the audience. You suspected not. Jimmy Darling would be jealous and that was the thought that sent you. 
Later that night, as the calliope played, your hands glided up over the curves of your thighs, and over your sides, gracefully, like a burlesque performer teasing a reveal. With one movement, you brought your leg up to your head, pulling it tight. A few oooh’s and chortling chuckles from men in the audience dotted the room. With floaty, delicate movements, you slid down into the splits, never losing your bright smile in the process. More pleased reactions and some applause. You crossed the stage in backbends, working the crowd as they cheered for you. 
At the final backbend, you sunk to your stomach, laying on the floor. You were just nearly at the edge of the stage, and directly in front of you was your diner boy. His eyes were locked on you, enchanted, enrapt and obsessed like a dog staring at a fresh cut of sirloin. With a come-hither smile, you reached out and swept your hand along his jawline before tapping his chin with a single finger. You sucked in a deep breath and brought your legs forward, curving your spine around until your feet were planted on either side of your face. 
The crowd gasped in horror, and little girls shielded their eyes, expecting to hear the dull crack of your spine as it snapped in two. But Diner Boy was fascinated, and still staring at you. He was looking at your body, the unnatural curve of it, and the way that you’d brought your cunt somehow closer to his face. As the seconds passed, he looked more and more like a dog to you, hungry and slobbering. 
You smiled, scanning the crowd again. Your eyes drifted to the corner of the stage, where Jimmy stood against one of the support poles, arms crossed. At least, despite Maggie, he’d retained his habit of watching every performance you did – though this one, he didn’t look as delighted with. You could tell by the way the corners of his mouth were pointed down in an angry frown, his eyes narrowing at the little things you did to entice Diner Boy. You grinned at Jimmy, acknowledging him and tapped the toes of your shoes childishly against the stage before unfolding your body again. 
The rest of your show finished without a hitch, and Diner Boy played his part very well. He took in every moment, and at one point, when you reached your hand out to him, he interlaced his fingers with yours. A nice touch. When you looked back to where Jimmy was, he was gone. You smiled inwardly, prideful and gratified by the way your devious little plan had gone.
As soon as you went off-stage, Jimmy grabbed you by your arm, gripping your bicep hard. Almost too hard. You winced. “What was that about?” 
“What? I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.” Casually, you yanked your arm from his grip and began to polish your nails on the fabric of your shirt. 
“Cut it out! You know what. Who was the guy in the audience? You sure were payin’ him a lot of attention.” 
His words, though loud, were a little slurred, his breath smelled of alcohol; you could tell that he'd taken a few gulps of liquid confidence before approaching you. You didn't mind; your father used to say that the truth came out with booze. You hoped that would remain true with Jimmy and he'd spill his guts to you.
“Just someone I met at the diner, Jimmy. Why are you getting so heated over him? You flirt with girls in the audience all the time.” 
“It’s part of the act, doll! You know I have to act a certain way, I can’t –” 
“Can’t what? Stand to love me?” 
Jimmy stopped abruptly, his mouth hanging slack. His chest rose and fell with hot, angry breaths.
"Just because I can bend without breaking doesn't mean my heart can, Jimmy."
“Dollface, wait.” 
You pushed yourself through the flaps of the tent, storming off towards your trailer. Jimmy followed close behind, calling your name.
“Doll, c’mon, hang on a minute!” 
“No, Jimmy. Maybe Maggie can hang on a minute .” 
“Hey!” He bellowed, catching your arm again. You pressed your back against your trailer’s door, again, yanking it away from him and crossing them tightly across your chest. Your heart thudded against your ribs, deeply delighted at the fact that he was chasing you, pursuing you with an overbearing jealousy. 
“Can we just…” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “...talk about this a second?” 
“Sure.” You snapped. 
Jimmy’s black coffee eyes scanned over you, searching your face for some semblance of softness. He found nothing but a tightly pressed line of lips and a cold gaze.  
“What’s your problem, huh? I can’t flirt with other guys?” you finally asked, your stern voice shattering the awkward silence. 
He shook his head, almost sheepishly. “I don’t like seein’ it. I know they don’t care about you.”
“And you do?” 
Jimmy swallowed again, forcing the lump in his throat down. For the past several years, you’d been a constant in his life, by his side, and taking all his showman flirtations in stride. You’d never once fired back at him, and he thought that it was because you could care less about what he did or who he flirted with. Against the voices in his head, Jimmy pacified the anger in his gut by leaning forward to crush his lips against your red ones, tasting the sweetness of whatever gum you’d been chewing before the show. 
He lingered there a moment before his conjoined digits made their way up your waist, gripping it softly. He waited for you to soften, to ease into his kiss, but you didn’t. You stood your ground, arms still pressed against your breasts. You intentionally filled your mind with thoughts of Maggie Esmeralda and how close he’d gotten with her. You thought of all the times that he flirted with girls in the audience, damn near kissing them with how far he’d lean off stage during his song. 
“Baby, please…” You blinked. His low, smooth voice pulled you out of your hateful thoughts.
With a heavy sigh, you murmured, “I want to hear you say it, Jimmy.” 
“Say what?” 
“You know what.” 
The muscles in his jaw fluttered as he clenched them, grinding his teeth hard. Jimmy spent his whole life being put on the spot, but it never got any easier. Especially not in front of you – the girl he’d fallen hardest for. He inhaled, puffing his chest out and mustering up all the confidence he had. 
“I don’t like seein’ you flirt with other guys… ‘cause… I wish it was me.” 
“Who’s jealous now, huh?”
“I am.” He looked at your lips, then back up to your eyes. A cricket started off somewhere in the field, and your attention flitted off towards it, only to have Jimmy’s large, warm hand bring you back. “Hey.” 
He kissed you again, his strong tongue darting out to taste you again, his plush lips closing around your bottom lip to suck it gently. This time, an undulating warmth erupted deep in your core. You couldn’t help but melt into him and your arms relinquished their position, dropping heavily to your sides. Your fingers reach forward to claw at his shirt, just above the waistline of his jeans and instead latch onto his belt loops, pulling him closer at the hips.
You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, swirling your tongue with his. Mingled with his personal taste, he tasted like warm honey and the liquor you smelled on his breath earlier. Not always admirable, it was something that you knew him to dabble in when his mother wasn’t looking. More often than not, he’d sneak some booze, saying it calmed his nerves before and after shows. You didn’t mind; in fact, you wondered what it would be like to have a drunk Jimmy, sloppy and unable to control himself around you. 
“I’ve waited a long time for this…” you broke the kiss, breathlessly whispering over his lips.
“Me too, honey. Me too.”  
Keeping your eyes on him, you blindly felt behind your back, where the handle of your trailer was digging into your soft flesh. You yanked it open, and took a fistful of Jimmy Darling’s shirt, tugging him inside. 
It was like someone had fired a gun and Jimmy was a racehorse. He charged at you, his big, conjoined fingers wrapping tightly around your hips on either side, kneading the flesh like dough. He kissed you again, hot and in a hurry, like you only had a few minutes to do whatever it was you were going to do. With your hands on his pectoral muscles, you pushed him off gently, just enough to get a look at his face. 
He, being mere centimeters from your breasts, wasn’t looking at your face. His attention was clearly elsewhere. A low, rumbling groan vibrated through his throat as he craned forward to kiss your skin. 
“Jimmy, baby, slow down…” 
Between feverish kisses to your neck and chest, he muttered: “I can’t, I’m sorry.” 
He had you where he wanted you, after so long, and he wasn’t going to let that slip through his fingers this time. Jimmy muscled you backwards, urging you towards the small hallway where your bedroom was. He was all hard-working muscle. Having done set-up for so many years  had lined his body in bulky strength, the kind of strength that you only get from hard labour. So, when he started guiding you backwards, you could do little to protest. 
“Jimmy, my god, what’s the rush?” 
“I want you bad, baby… bad.” As proof, he urged his hips against yours; the hot rigidness of his erection pressing into your hip bone. You let out a surprised mewl, and wrapped your arms around his warm neck, fingers slipping into his short-cut hair. His lips found yours again as the backs of your thighs hit the mattress. He kissed once and playfully, shoved you down. You bounced twice on the bed, looking up at him with a heavy, wanton gaze. 
“I’m all yours, Jimmy Darling. All yours.” 
Jimmy didn’t say anything, just sunk to his knees, his hands finding the stretchy hem of your sequined shorts. He pulled them down in a swift jerk, before moving right back up to your waist. Those striped tights were next. He rolled them down off your thighs and over your knees; which fell apart, exposing the already-damp satin of your underwear. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching him as he worked.
He was in too much of a hurry to bother taking off your shirt, instead just gathering the fabric and pushing it up over your breasts, letting them bounce free. He may have been raised a gentleman, but he wasn't immune to the tantalizing sight of some tits -- especially when they belonged to a girl he'd been lusting over for months now. 
"God damn, baby. Look at those." 
You couldn't help but blush, feeling your cheeks grow hot at his compliments. You bowed your head, casting your eyes to the floor. You were so stern before -- what had happened? Silly question. You knew; he was undressing you in your trailer, all that confidence had melted away underneath his strong, fused fingers.
“Jimmy, promise you won’t flirt with Maggie anymore…” 
He scoffed. “She’s nothin’ to me, honey. Gals like her are a dime a dozen.” He pressed his lips to your kneecaps before kissing his way up your thighs.  You whimpered, your head lolling heavily back between your shoulders. You thought about revealing that she wasn’t a real fortune teller, but Jimmy’s mouth neared your cunt, and the thought disintegrated. 
“...my god…” you breathed, your lids drifting shut. Jimmy nuzzled his face and lips against your soft mound, the hard bridge of his nose teasing at your soaked slit.
“You like that, baby?” 
You nodded, again, whimpering. He pressed his fingers slowly against your soft mound, over the fabric. Feeling the puddle that had settled into your underwear made Jimmy clench his teeth, hissing loud through them. With one hand, Jimmy maneuvered your underwear down your thighs. Once they were off, he tossed them carelessly behind him – you’d find them a day later in your kitchen sink. Now exposed, you gazed at him sheepishly, for the first time since he'd started kissing you. His eyes fixated on the wetness that glistened in the low-light of the trailer.
"I had no idea..." he said, the pad of his thumb sweeping over your clit with just enough pressure to make you writhe in lustful agony, aching desperately. 
"No idea what?" You breathed.
"To be honest with you, that you liked me that much..." 
You leaned forward, taking his chin into the palm of your hand. You stroked it gently, falling deep into his eyes. "Jimmy... I've wanted you since before I could have you." 
You looked on at his face in admiration as the thoughts played out, the realization of what you meant dawning on him. He grinned his bright, lopsided grin and his large hands slid up your legs, caressing the outside of your thighs thoughtfully.
"Baaaby," he hummed before dipping his head down. You gasped, your lids drifting shut in ecstasy as you felt his breath rush over you -- you knew what was coming; one deep sweep of his tongue along the length of your cunt, between your folds to taste you, to savour your silken wetness. Burying his nose in your pussy, Jimmy alternated between using the strong tip of his tongue to flick at your sensitive spots and lapping at your clit with a flattened, thick tongue. Adventurous and hungry, he'd venture further down to get a mouthful of your sweet, heady wetness and would murmur how good you tasted into your cunt -- the vibrations of his voice made you shiver every time. 
After a few minutes of this, you felt the inner core of your legs begin to shake every time he made contact with your clit, your tummy tightening in a warning clench. You reached forward, gripping his head on either side, yanking him softly off your cunt.
To your relief, he straightened up, chin glistening with your fluids. He swallowed you down, growling in satisfaction; the intimacy of tasting your lover's ejaculate was unparalleled, and when your eyes finally opened, they met Jimmy's lust blown ones. He was ready, and so were you. 
"Fuck me," you said, nodding. 
Jimmy made quick work of undressing, pulling his briefs down over his ass cheeks before he lined his red-tipped cock up with your leaking slit, bumping into the sensitive bundle of nerves a few times before he stuck you. He didn't ease in, just bottomed out and you let out a pleasurable yowl, tossing your head back at the sensation of being so full as his thick cock violated you, slipping against your slick walls. He found a rhythm, thrusting his cock up into you as deep as he could. You clenched hard around him, pulling a groan from deep within his chest. He pulled out, looking down at your sopping wet and now reddened cunt.
"'Hoh' my god, baby... do that again." 
He gripped your hips hard, pulling you roughly onto his cock. You clenched again, swallowing him into you. The tip disappeared inside you, hot and leaking, and he held himself there, completely engrossed in the sensations. You clenched again, pulling him further in and Jimmy's head fell back, his hips bucking hard out of instinct. You both found a hurried rhythm, grinding and rolling against each other with voracious desire. 
As he thrust into you, Jimmy watched you intently, holding onto you tight, his thumbs working your hips, kneading them in small circles. He looked starved for your image, the way that his eyes climbed from your hips to your breasts to your face and back down again. You let out a particularly ecstasy-ridden moan, and Jimmy dug his fingers into your hips. 
Rocked back and forth with the strength of his thrusts, you look down, watching as his thick cock pumped in and out of you. Your breasts bounced with each thrust, and Jimmy's dark eyes followed them as they moved.   
"Huuuh... I'm gonna' lose it, baby... you feel so god damned good..."
"Give it to me," you coax, moaning deeply. His thrusts get faster, more feverish and uneven, and before you can say another word, his expression contorted, brows pulling together in pleasured agony. You felt the warmth of his cum as he filled you up with a few spurts, but kept pumping until it leaked out the sides, groaning deeply. Your orgasm raced towards you quickly after that, pulsing around him in a hungry grip. 
With a heavy sigh, Jimmy pulled his softening cock from your cunt and flopped heavily onto the bed onto his back. Your chest rose and fell with every laboured breath, sweat streaming from every pore. Both of you, collapsed in lust, saying nothing, just enjoying the warm scent of sex that lingered in the air. Soon, your sappy gaze drifted from the ceiling to Jimmy. His fawn coloured hair clung to his forehead in sweaty clumps, his cheeks flushed. You'd done that. Made him jealous until he fucked you silly. You smiled inwardly, and adjusted your head on the small mattress. 
"Turn the fan on, Jimmy, it's hot." 
Jimmy leaned over, flipping the small metal switch. The fan rattled to life, blades spinning and washing your sweaty skin with a soft breeze of cooler air. He leaned back, enjoying the change in temperature. 
"I meant what I said, dollface. Maggie's nothin' to me now that we're uh..." 
You pressed your lips against his softly, smiling into the kiss. "We're what?" 
"Fucking each other like teenagers?" 
"More than that, baby. More than that."
You weren't sure what that meant yet, but you weren't about to question a bit of it. You paused, furrowing your brows. You realized that Diner Boy had probably expected to see you after the show, but you hadn't shown. You hadn't even thought about him, far too busy with Jimmy's lips to even remember he was there.
"What?" Jimmy asked, concerned.
"I wonder if he was waiting for me..."
"I hope he was, and I hope he figured out real quick that you weren't comin'."
You kissed him again, inhaling his scent. Jimmy hummed into your lips, pulling you atop of him, his face bright with adoration.
He stayed in your trailer that night, and you two fucked each other, explored each other's bodies repeatedly. When the morning sun peeked through your lacy curtains and your lids peeled apart, a yawn ripping through your mouth... you wondered if Maggie Esmeralda saw that coming.
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astolfofo · 2 months
Aventurine + only one bed trope
(No you both have to sleep on the bed- don't try "I'll/He will sleep on the floor or anything of the sort)
That's it
Let is infest in your brain and stays there rent free
Written as me????? I guess???????. Realistically. I’d probably just take the blanket from him and use it like a sleeping bag. Or I’d just lay there. Unable to sleep at all. Because no way am I trusting him to be that close to me. Even while fully conscious. Probably couldn’t even move a centimetre because it’s gonna wake him up.
Okay note; UM SO I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS BRO IM. NAH IM GONNA REGRET THIS IN THW MORNING. 😭😭😭😭😭 if you open keep reading it’s raw dialogue with no editing just a fyi. It’s 4am. Cut me some slack 💀 also this is some really disjointed writing and prob ooc
It had been a while since you had been forced to stay in a hotel. Sure, you liked staying away from home. But not under this kind of circumstance.
You just didn’t know what to expect. Aventurine had to practically drag you away from the platform (much against your own will. You had already boarded the train, ready to get the hell out of here) into an expensive-looking hotel. You assumed he had some kind of connection with this certain one because he didn’t even glance at the check-in counter. Just pulled you by the arm into one of the suites on the highest floor. You guess he chose the highest floor, specifically so you couldn’t get away that easily again.
the door clicks when you insert the card in, and you slowly push it open. The door seems to close very quickly, and you barely manage to hold it open.
It’s heavy.
You push the door open again, and and walk in. The door almost immediately slams shut this time, followed by two clicks.
one, was the door lock.
the second was a lock typically stored where a door chain was. It required a code to open. One that you didn’t know.
You then see the single bed in the middle of the room, and the colour instantly drains from your face. You were locked inside a room, stuck with none other than a suspicious man. A suspicious man that you were trying to get away from no less than two full hours ago.
you feel a gloved hand slink over your shoulder.. immidieately, you want to recoil. Sink into the floor. Run away. Slap the hand off. But you don’t. You stand there. Still.
“You didn’t expect me to let you off that easily did you?”
You don’t need to turn your head around to know who it is. You don’t want to hear his voice. Pretend he’s not there.
“You’re going to sharing the same room with me tonight,” he continues, leaning closer into you, “You’re okay with that, right?”
You didn’t respond. It wasn’t like you had a choice. You really should’ve brought that lock cutter along with you.
Aventurine doesn’t seem to mind though. You don’t ever recall seeing someone so giddly about anything. Ever.
You stare at the single bed in the room. “Aventurine, there’s only one bed…”
He says nothing in return but you really do not want to see his facial expression right now either.
“Um… I guess… I’ll just sleep on the floor then. You can have the bed.”
“You’re not really suggesting you’re going to sleep on that cold, hard, floor without anything are you?”
“I’m not going to be sleeping anyways. It makes no difference whether I sleep on the floor or on the bed.”
“Seriously? You’d rather not sleep at all before even considering sharing a bed with me? Do you really hate me that much?”
“It’s not the first time I haven’t been able to sleep because of you,” You snapped. “plus, it’s not even the first night I didn’t sleep at all.” You added, ”I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways if I had to share a bed with you.”
“Then why don’t I make you fall asleep, hm? Would you… prefer that instead?”
“Hell no! You’re the last person I’d let-“
“But your face is turning bright red, is it not?’
“Yeah well that’s because your embarrassing me!”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about you know…”
“Whatever. You’re not doing that. I won’t hesitate to saw that sorry thing off you if you even try it.”
“Oh that’s such a scary threat,” He replies, sarcastically. “But I promise you… that when we do it… you won’t want me to stop.”
He leans closer. “You’ll be begging me not to stop. I’m going to make a mess out of you. I’m going to fuck you until this cute little personality of yours melts away. Until you can’t even remember your own na-“
You throw a pillow and hit him square in the face. “You…. You…”
He laughs and pulls the pillow off his face. “You’re interested now, aren’t you?”
“I am NOT. Interested. Disgusted would be a better term to suit what I just heard.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs, “It’s going to happen one day though, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Last thing you could make me do is enjoy… that.”
“You can say that all you want, darling.”
You glare at him hard enough that he puts his hands up as a sign of peace.
”So anyways, do you want the left side of the bed or the right side of the bed?”
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starlooove · 2 months
He is in fact not cool with his friends killing people he just can’t do shit about it and the fact that he thinks he can do smth about (and does!) when it comes to his kids is like a major point
#like one of the main#Idk if theme is the right word#but issues surrounding Batman in general and Gotham specifically#is the high standards he holds not just those closest to him to but also the people he controls#NOW DONT GET CAUGHT UP IN UR GUT REACTION CONTROL IS A STRONG WORD BUT IM USING IT FOR A REASON#like i think the fandomification of the batfamily and seeing every character as reliable in the way they tell their own stories#is making people forget that yes bruce lowkey controls them#like not in a mean way or whatever but as much as dick and Jason rebel and say ‘fuck you old man I have my own people to take care of’#at a snap of Bruce’s fingers where are they?#right back in Gotham#which ppl say is an issue with writing and I agree like they really just can’t take anyone away from Gotham#but THATS meta like the in universe conclusion is what creates in universe analysis#and these issues are being spoken about from an in universe pov#that was just me justifying my point anywayyyd#what im saying is that like#in conclusion Ppl are forgetting that Bruce is scary and still runs this shit lmao#like a few snappy quips about emotional distance and some ‘X deserves better’ fics is making yall forget shit like spyral#or at least how it went down and ended up today and what that says about the characters involved#it’s tragic and Ik we like to ignore that but like. when look at shit like the no killing rule#yes bruce thinks he’s being slighted or failing whenever his kids kill someone and they to an extent think that too which is why they don’t#do it#or at least partly#even for Jason that’s why the killing is not just what needs to be done it’s a form of rebellion for him#everyone who agrees jason should just leave Gotham but still present as pure rebellion and anger and spitting at Bruce don’t get why Jason#should leave is all I’m saying#that’s why Dick never got away#it’s still all about Bruce#even if we don’t want it to be#reading this back it’s disjointed as hell but I’m not fixing it if u get it ily heh just a peek into my dark mind#if u don’t it’s not ur fault not everyone can withstand the alphas prowess…
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
I think the brothers with the horrendous sleep schedules (levi and belphie) would just sext you the nastiest things at like 4 a.m. when there is no possibility of you being awake.
Belphie just got up from sleeping for 16 hours but he had a dream about doing nasty things with you and he wanted to share.
Levi just got done playing a game with sex cut-scenes or watching some porn and couldn't stop thinking about you while he was finally trying to get some sleep.
They can't help it, they miss you and need you so badly ;;
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➤ late-night cravings | leviathan, belphegor
0.4k words | nsfw | gn!reader
cw: demons being horny. fantasies; sexting; dream magic; masturbation.
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Levi probably texts you at first like it's any typical conversation, only it's the middle of the night and his messages are disjointed and have more typos than usual because his fingers are shaking (from nervousness or desire, or both). It starts off with a casual comment like, "I was playing a game and one of the characters reminded me of you," and it's one of the characters he designed to look like you on purpose. Next he starts rambling about something you did earlier that day that made him happy (or flustered or turned on) and he fixates on it, replaying it in his mind while he palms his cock through his pajama bottoms. He imagines the dirty things that he wishes he could do with you now. He whines through his teeth when he bites his lip in frustration because you're sleeping and he can't do those things with you. He wakes up mortified and avoids looking at your chat history because he's so embarrassed, but you message him normally like nothing strange happened. (It gives you the day to think about something to send him in return; his D.D.D. pings after you go to bed, and he skips his adult games that night because you sent him something better instead.)
Belphie is a brat. He wakes up hard and humping his mattress and it's obviously your fault. I actually don't picture him sexting very much. He's too lazy for that, and he has even better ways of teasing you. Whatever hot, depraved things he dreams about, and whatever he starts imagining in his half-awake needy state, gets amplified when he gives you a special little dream of your own. If he's feeling generous, he'll head to your room and crawl into bed beside you. Isn't he so nice? When you wake up just as horny as he did, he's right there in arm's reach for you to do as you please. If he can't be bothered to get up, he takes off his sleep clothes instead so he can jerk off. It helps with some of the frustration he feels, but it's not quite enough. He wipes away the mess with his discarded clothes and goes back to sleep, naked and waiting impatiently for you to join him in the attic when the little dream of yours finally ends.
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strangersteddierthings · 11 months
Steve, Gareth and Chrissy are cousins AU (sad edition) [prologue] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Final Part]
The saving grace for Steve here is that all eyes are on Eddie, so no one witnesses how he freezes, just for a moment, when Eddie tells them who the 'she' is he's been referring to. How he just wanted to help her. Help Chrissy. Whatever Eddie has been saying has turned to buzzing, to white noise, to nonsense in the background of his mind.
He has to be wrong. Mistaking some other girl for Chrissy. Because it can't be Chrissy. It can't. Steve has worked so hard to keep his family away from the Upside Down shit. She couldn't be- there's no way she somehow got caught up in it. There's too many questions and not enough answers and when did the air get too thick to fit in his lungs?
Does Gareth know?
Gareth, who Steve knows is one of Eddie's friends and here Eddie sits before him, a witness to Upside Down shit. A witness to a murder they have no clue how to solve. Gareth, who isn't exactly friends with Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, but who is in the same club as them and on friendly terms. That's too many people connected to the Upside Down in Gareth's personal circle for Steve to be okay with.
He thought this was done. That they wouldn't ever have to deal with this shit again.
Eddie is still talking as the pounding in Steve's ears fades and he listens as Eddie swears, he just wanted to help, that she seemed so freaked out by something, and Steve's insides twist and churn. Why hadn't Chrissy come to him? Just last week he was at her house, hanging out and catching up. She never mentioned an issue. A problem. Something that would cause her to seek out heavier drugs than weed.
They used to tell each other everything. What changed?
His stomach drops as the answer comes to him.
He did.
He'd changed. He started keeping secrets first. Pushed Chrissy and Gareth away after that first incident and hadn't really started to let them back in until after Starcourt. He'd just wanted to keep them safe. Keep them as far away from this horror as possible. He'd ended the weekend sleepovers because of his nightmares, stopped inviting them over to hang out by the pool because he can't look at it without thinking about Barb, started avoiding them at school when he'd ended up beat to shit by Billy because he knew they'd dig for more answers than he could give.
No wonder Chrissy didn't tell him anything was wrong.
There's no way for Steve to know if he could have helped or not, even if Chrissy had talked to him. Eddie doesn't have answers; just a story.
Steve hates him a little bit. It's irrational. Eddie didn't do this Chrissy, (even if he had been arguing that point at Family Video) but it doesn't stop the anger inside him from boiling up. He doesn't act on it, of course he doesn't, he's not that person anymore.
Plus, acting on it would kind of negate everything Dustin just convinced Eddie of, such as he's not crazy and they do believe him, and Steve's not about to undo what Dustin's accomplished by taking Eddie by the vest and shoving him against the wall in a reverse of earlier. It wouldn't do any good, not now that they're all sure it's a new, unknown threat from the Upside Down that they'll have to figure out on their own.
No. Taking his anger out on Eddie won't solve anything.
He can be mad about this later.
It does sit heavy on him, though, that he doesn't think anyone in this boathouse knows Chrissy was his cousin. That the Upside Down has taken someone from Steve this time. He can't tell them. Robin wouldn't take it well, and Dustin might not either. They'll be sad for him, and he can't handle that right now.
He can mourn later.
Remember the fun lil fic of Gareth not wanting his cousins, Chrissy Cunningham and Steve Harrington, to ruin his street cred in high school? Well, the fun is done. Have some angst. More parts will follow but it's not really a fic? Just... disjointed scenes, rewritten from canon to fit the cousin AU.
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
*cough* so... idk, writing muse possessed me? Was joking with Moku that Dick has so had sex with his domino on and this happened? Danny/Dick, no actually sex, but it's right after they talk about it blatantly and crudely.
“I can’t believe you kept your mask on the whole time,” Phantom said, tracing his fingers around the edge of the black domino.
“Secret identity,” Dick said with a laugh that he hoped sounded believable.
From the way Phantom’s brows furrowed together, Dick didn’t think he had succeeded.
Phantom kissed the corner of Dick’s mouth before he rolled off the bed, taking the blanket with him. “I know. But just seems, fuck, what’s that word? Disjointed? That’s not, it… whatever, I can’t be expected to think right now—”
“I’m surprised you’re even walking,” Dick said honestly and with a smirk. He rolled over onto his side to watch his teammate dig around in their discarded clothing.
Phantom flicked him off. “Seems at odds when we just fucked—”
“Several times.”
“Yes, several times. So it just seems at odds I guess to care about a mask when I’ve still got your cum dripping out of me.”
“None of the others would believe me that you’re so crude,” Dick said.
“I know,” Phantom replied with a fanged smile. “And stop it, I know that look. Down boy. I am fucked out. I’m going to go take a hot shower and go to sleep.”
“You could stay,” Dick offered, the words out of his mouth before he even realized he was saying them. He meant it though. “I’ll be good. No fucking. Just… you could take a shower here and stay. I’ll change the sheets.”
Phantom smiled at him, blanket and his effects clutched to his chest. There was a a somber edge to that smile that made Dick bite his lip and look away.
“That sounds really nice. But I think… the mask on and fucking is one thing. I get it. I get it and I enjoy it and I’m fine with it. But there’s too many secrets between us for me to have room to sleep on that bed with you, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, sure, of course, it was silly—” Dick stopped talking as Phantom rested a hand on his cheek. He looked up in time for Phantom to press another kiss to his lips.
“It was a sweet idea,” Phantom said, “Just one we can’t have.”
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thegettingbyp2 · 5 months
let me help you - s.h.
fem!reader gives steve a hand job in his car (parking spot of family video) and he cums on the steering wheel - breathing heavily/moaning loudly ♡
ps: i love your work!
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Steve had been wound up all morning. It had started when you woke up wrapped in his arms, with something pressing insistently against the small of your back. As much as you had wanted to stay in bed with him all day and let him do whatever he wanted to do to you, you knew that he had to open the Family Video store in a couple of hours.
Since you’d pushed him away, insisting that if anything happened, he’d be late for work, Steve had been more handsy than usual with you; wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and kissing your neck while you made a pot of coffee and taking every opportunity he had to kiss you, hoping that you’d give in.
Even when he was driving to work with you in the passenger seat, he kept one hand on your thigh, his hand creeping upwards every now and then, only to have you push it back down. ‘Come on, (Y/N),’ he whined as he pulled into the parking lot, stopping the car and turning to face you. ‘I need you, baby.’
‘You can have me when you finish work,’ you replied, trying not to laugh at him, ‘you just need to have some patience - ’
‘Does this feel like I can be patient,’ Steve cut you off, grabbing your hand and pulling it over to his lap, resting your hand on his crotch. This time, you couldn’t stop your laugh as you felt how hard he was over his jeans. You squeezed his crotch lightly, causing him to whine and buck his hips up against your hand. ‘You can’t do that if you’re not going to finish the job,’ he said teasingly, though you could hear desperation in his voice as well.
‘I guess I can help a little now,’ you said after looking out the window and seeing that you two were the only ones in the parking lot at the early hour. Steve’s face lit up and he automatically made to haul you over the centre console and into his lap before you put your hands on his chest, stopping him. ‘That you can wait for,’ you said, trailing your hand from his chest down to his crotch, unbuttoning his jeans with a flick of your wrist and slipping your hand inside his waistband to pull his cock out.
Steve was about to whine when you cut him off by moving your hand up his cock, swiping your thumb across the tip, making his hips buck up and his hand to clamp down around your wrist.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked, already sounding breathless.
‘Lending you a hand,’ you replied, fighting to keep the smirk off of your face at your joke. It took Steve a minute to catch on, too distracted by the feeling of your hand around him to focus on anything else, before he pulled you into a deep kiss as you started to pump your hand up and down his cock in earnest.
‘Fuck, baby,’ Steve moaned in your ear while you squeezed his tip gently on every upward stroke.
‘You’re already making a mess of my hand, baby,’ you said, feeling his cock become slicker as you spread the precum that was leaking from his tip. You leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his cheek and you could hear and feel his breath as it got heavier the closer he got to his orgasm. ‘You’re going to make a mess in the car if you’re not careful.’
‘I’ll clean it up,’ Steve panted, pressing a disjointed kiss to your jaw. You could feel his cock beginning to twitch in your hand so you sped up the movements of your hand and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
‘Cum for me baby,’ you whispered, swiping your thumb across his tip once more because he was cumming over the steering wheel. His lips slammed into yours as he moaned loudly, panting against your lips. You took your hand off of him when you felt him gasp against your lips at oversensitivity. ‘You realise you’re five minutes late for work, right?’ you mumbled, smiling against his lips.
Steve huffed out a breathless laugh, unwilling to part from your lips. ‘Don’t ruin the moment,’ he joked.
Reluctantly breaking the kiss, you reached out and straightened his Family Video vest before smacking one more kiss to his cheek. ‘Go. So you can get done and we can continue this at home.’
You’d never seen him get out of the car quicker.
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dollsburner · 1 year
Abience - prologue
Miguel O’Hara x Venom!Reader
Words: 1.4 words
Content warning: mild violence.
After taking on the venom symbiote, you decided to leave your home city so make sure your family doesn’t yet hurt. You were intent of living your life alone until you met Miguel and his adorable daughter.
— you’re here :)
Chapter one
Chapter two
The air was cold on top of the building, you were standing on the edge feeling the wind brushing past your body. You stared down at the lights of the city. They almost looked like stars across the sky but you could hear the city so busy below you. Cars. People. Sirens. What a shithole.
“Your heart is beating fast.”
Venom said, their voice rich in your skull like it was your thoughts. You sigh at the creature's words, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling of the cold night air. “Obviously.”
You’ve only been living in New York for a few months, you moved after Venom started using your body as their own. It was easier this way, they weren’t a risk to your friends and family anymore. Safer for you too and this city was a good playground. For Venom anyway even with Spider-Man crawling around. Maybe that’s a plus for Venom.
You sighed, taking a step forward, your foot dangling in the air free for a second before you shifted your weight to the heel of your other foot. You spent a few seconds in that state, almost floating before your weight finally dropped.
There were a few seconds where you just free-fell, feeling that cold air rushing past you in those quick seconds. You could feel your heart pounding as adrenaline was rich in your blood and muscles until it all stopped as Venom consumed you. Wrapping themselves around you, the symbiote crashed into the concrete under you.
You drove through the city streets like a creature on a hunt. Venom carrying you along the streets. It was a pattern for you two, a routine that kept you and the alien hiding under your skin happy- no that's not the right word. Content. Yeah, that’s the right word.
You try not to be seen much. You aren’t trying to be known, you don’t want that presence. You don’t care for it, it just keeps Venom in line and happy. God, they’re like a toddler or a pet bird…
And you weren’t trying to catch the attention of Spider-Man. You won’t be the villain of the week.
Of course, you don’t let Venom have the whole night running around, and it’s easier to find trouble when you look human. You were walking down the street, face hidden in whatever hoodie you were wearing that night.
The convenience store was deathly bright when you walked in, wincing at the painfully bright lights. You kept your eyes on the floor as you walked through the store, looking at the chocolates and sweets.
**Tater tots** Venom demanded in your head, you scowled at its voice. Demanding little pest. You pick up a bag of candy when suddenly hearing the little tune that plays when walking into the store. You looked up watching the man, similar to yourself, he had a hood up hiding his face but he was fidgeting and looked nervous.
“Heads up.” You whispered to yourself, “Bet you he’s going to rob the place.” You started creeping closer to the counter, watching the man shift and inch towards the counter. As you got closer you could see his hand holding something in his pocket. Gun or knife?
He walked to the counter, and the older woman working looked up at him, smiling sweetly at him. Completely unaware of the danger which you understand painfully in your gut.
He pulled a knife out of his pocket, his hands were shaking as he pointed the knife at the older woman. Rambling in disjointed words. “Give it- hand it over money. Now. Now.”
The woman’s hands shook as she opened the register, and you stepped closer. Moving closer with silent steps, you could sense Venom under your skin grinning in anticipation.
He slammed the hilt of the blade against the counter, making the woman jolt and whimper. He went to yell again, spit flying from his lips when you made your move.
You didn’t think that this small crook needed Venom to go all out, Women's flesh crept across your lower face to sure hide your face. You stepped up behind him, Venom’s hand took over your hand, forming a large clawed hand.
“Hey.” You spoke, your venom's voices mixe. The robber turned around, expressing a mix of confusion and fear before he could even speak you lunged forward. Her clawed hand grabbed him by his face, claws wrapping around his skull as you casually tossed him away. His body slammed into the wall, cracking the wall.
You hear the older woman squeak with fear as she backed away, you watch the men fall to the floor. The knife flew out of his hand and across the floor.
There's a part of you who wants him to try a fight back, but he doesn’t. Naturally; he makes some frightened whimpers before he stands up and runs away. You can’t help the feeling of disappointment. “Get up! Fight us!”
You glance over to the old woman, she’s staring at you with fear which you can’t blame her for. You look down at the candy on display just in front of the counter, you grab some candies and toss some money onto the counter.
You walk out of the store without a second word, Venom's mask not falling until you were a block away from the store. Sighing as you opened the candy bar and take a bite.
You eventually found yourself home, it was sunrise when you eventually returned to the apartment building. You had taken off your hoodie a while ago, draping it over your arm as you walked.
Walking down the hallway to your apartment when you spotted him, he was standing in the hallway by the door across of your own. He was a bigger man, with tanned skin and brown slick back hair which was ever so slightly messy. You stared for a moment before turning your eyes away ignoring Venom's words. “Oh, who’s he? He’s new!”
The apartment was empty until now but you pull your eyes away. It wasn’t any of your business. He glances at you for a second before going back to- he looked like he was struggling to unlock the door. The key seemingly jammed. It was common with the doors in the building.
You intended on walking away, walking to the door of your apartment, sliding the key into the lock, and going to turn it when you heard a little girl's voice speaking, you didn't hear exactly what she said but her sleepy tone caused your heart to ache.
“It’s ok, princesa.” You heard the man say. Jesus that voice was rich and smooth. It almost caused a shiver to run up your spine, “I’ll- get this door open soon.”
You could hear the irritation in his voice, you turned around to glance over at him. In one arm, there’s a sleepy little girl and his other hand trying to unlock the jammed door. He was struggling to get the door open, it’s a god awful early hour so the girl must be really tired.
You sigh, turning around fully to walk over to the man, “The doors jam pretty often.” You start, catching his attention. You gesture to the door, “There’s a little trick with the door, May I?”
He looks between you and the door, before stepping back from the doors. “Well, I was half tempted just to break the door down, but I’d appreciate it if you could save me the trouble.” He let out an exhausted weak laugh.
You nod in acknowledgement, grabbing the door handle. You press your shoulder into the door, pressing the door in as you unlock the door. The heavy metal lock clinking as you open it, swinging the door open with a proud little smile. “Ta da.”
The strange looked at you for a second, before letting out a little smile. The little girl in his arms looked over to you with a little smile. “Huh, how long did it take for you to learn that?” He asked and you chuckled tiredly. “Longer than I’ll admit.
“Thank you anyways.” He said, and you waved off his gratitude but looked up to the little girl when she waved at you, “Thank you.” She said sleepily and you couldn’t help but smile wide at the adorable girl.
“It’s no problem, have a good night you two.” You wave as you walk back to your own apartment. Sighing when finally in the comfort of your own home, you walked across the living room and to the couch, letting yourself just fall on to the cushions.
“Not even going to go to your bed?” Venom laughed at your act of laziness, you mumbled something into the pillow under your face before giving into the exhaustion your felt so deep and fell asleep right there.
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moss-sprouted · 1 year
honestly im so excited about the scenery and visuals in the trailer because something about the disjointed aesthetics of like 1950-60s televisions, some of the tributes wearing stuff reminiscent of the 40s,lucy's skirt and corset being very different aesthetics but not too out of possibility since her family and group were nomads,tigris with her 80s shoulder pads in the one scene and then in the scene where she's saying "its not just about winning" it looks like it could be from a movie about the 20s-30s, and the overall gritty futuristic aesthetic that very much could easily become what it does 65 or so years later
it easily sells the idea that this is only 10 years after a major war, and however many years after an apocalypse
its not hard to imagine that poorer people would fall back on the aesthetics and clothing of many many generations past, especially clothing thats sturdy and durable and holds up a lot longer than anything in the 21st century, which we dont even know if it got that far in this universe and maybe the clothing we see is just relics of whatever some of their grandparents or great grandparents had,and then it becomes much simpler in katniss's time, and much much more extravagant in the capital as they recover and even from the trailer you can see that and im so excited to see how they handle it because it honestly looks SO good for a book that felt a bit rushed at the end and lacking on descriptive visuals that i actually remember
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