#when i was 13 i used to lie awake in bed thinking about climate change and disastrous weather phenoma and i would just lie there in silence
pcktknife · 4 months
i am always filled with so much dread
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headcanon-haven · 7 years
I came across this fun ask meme and though it was originally intended for an authors OC in one of their stories, if you wouldn't mind - could you do it on Bucky (though if you wanted, maybe Steve too)? Kinda random, I know but seemed fun - thank you!! 1) how does Bucky get ready for bed? 2) does Bucky prefer a warm or cool bed? 3) how many pillows does Bucky need/use? 8) in what position does Bucky sleep in? 9) describe Bucky's sleepwear. 10) how long does it take for Bucky to fall asleep? ...
Last of the questions from the sleep ask meme: 11) does Bucky remember his dreams? 13) is Bucky more likely to have a good dream or a nightmare? 14) does Bucky require certain conditions in order to fall asleep? 15) is Bucky a restless sleeper? 16) does Bucky or Steve sleep talk? 21) what odd locations has/will Bucky been found sleeping in? 23) where is Bucky’s typical napping spot? 24) what is Bucky like immediately after waking up? ❤️❤️
I actually got a few of these so I’m just going to combine them into one monster answer.  Also thank you, I actually really love exercises like these and it reminded me that I wanted to add a few things to chapter 9 as I’m working on it so that we have a contrast to go back on as the story develops...
1.  A lot of this is going to go with the fact that I think Bucky, especially at the beginning of the fic, is the type who just works himself until he’s too tired to stay awake then passes out, because otherwise his mind races too much for him to really sleep anyway.  That, combined with the fact that it’s not really like he has money or motivation for a bunch of skin/hair/etc products, means his night-time routine is pretty simple: he finally gets to the point where he’s ready to get off of whatever he’s doing on his computer, brushes his teeth with whatever dollar store toothbrush and toothpaste he has and flosses (going to the dentist for yearly exams kills enough of his budget that he does everything he can to avoid ending up with a cavity), rinses his face off (on nights when he’s feeling super gross he might wash with plain soap but it’s not an every night thing), then strips down and falls into bed.  
As the pregnancy progresses this will have to get a little more involved because he’ll start to actually need skincare and will require more sleep so will need to start figuring out ways to calm both himself and Peanut down, but that’ll be revealed as we go.
2.  I think under normal conditions Bucky just requires a horizontal surface: his apartment is pretty meh when it comes to climate control so he has a thin set of threadworn sheets and a fan that he rebuilt from a thrift store to keep relatively cool in the summer, and for the winter he has the same couple of comforters that his parents bought him when he started undergrad at NYU (which have been patched a number of times by Clint of all people), but for the most part he’s not picky.  That said, now that he’s pregnant, he tends to run WAY warmer than he’s used to, so the fan is going to get considerably more mileage over the next few months than the blankets are.
3.  He’s got one decent pillow that he splurged on a few years ago when he moved to Brooklyn, and that’s it.  It does it’s job and again, it’s not like he’s used to needing a ton of comfort to pass out.  Obviously, over the next couple of months that’s going to change significantly... and is something that he didn’t plan for in the least.
8.  I think he’s the type who usually falls asleep either on his back or his side, but usually tosses and turns like a fish in the night so usually wakes up in all kinds of weird positions with his pillow tossed on the floor and blankets kicked off the end of the bed.  Again, something that Peanut is going to put a stop to pretty quickly, to Bucky’s dismay.
9.  He’s the type who just kicks off his clothes for the day and falls asleep in his underwear - maybe with a pair of sweatpants and longsleeved tshirt if it’s really cold.
10. If he isn’t tired enough it can take hours... Bucky’s the type who does an okay job of keeping a lid on his stressors in public, but it’s not easy when it’s just you alone in your tiny little shoebox of a studio in the dark.
11. Not often, because he’s usually sleeping too hard to wake up during them unless they’re really remarkable ones.  That’s going to change.
13. Sadly with the way his past few years have been the nightmares far outweigh the good dreams.  I don’t necessarily know that that’s going to change now that he has better prospects, considering how weird pregnancy dreams can be.
14.  See above - normally horizontal is about the only requirement, and even then he can make it work without sometimes.  During the first trimester he literally just needed enough time to close his eyes, as the exhaustion made him a pro napper.  
15.  Yup.  And unfortunately for him, Peanut is going to take after their Papa.
16.  Hmm - I could see either of them doing so during a nightmare, especially since god knows they both have enough trauma in their lives that it wouldn’t be surprising, but I don’t think they would with regularity, no.
21. I mean, he’s already been caught napping in the breakroom at the coffeeshop and snoozing at a baseball game with Steve.  Luckily for him the second trimester will be a little easier as far as exhaustion goes, so he shouldn’t get much more dramatic than that.
23. His only place to really lie down if he’s at home is his bed, unfortunately, although I would imagine he’s dosed off once or twice in his computer chair (to his later regret).  At the moment he doesn’t really have one outside of the apartment.
24. A Mess.  Like, groggy, discombobulated, hair everywhere and squinty and totally wrecked until he can get a cup of coffee in him.  Obviously for the past couple of months that’s been compounded with morning sickness and a severe lack of caffeine - luckily the nausea and vertigo is about to end for him, but mornings are probably never going to be particularly fun for our poor hero ;)
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