#where you have to be absolutely sure to cover all your bases in a thin sense of irony or acknowledgement of the flaws before admitting
kicktwine · 2 years
the past three or four media ive engaged with have all had posts made about them saying well the writers probably arent smart enough for ______ or the writers didnt do this on purpose but ______ or dont get your hopes up the writers wouldnt make these connections and i think thats enough!!! i have had enough bashing of well-meaning writers i have had enough of it from now on every writer is so so smart and everything they do is intentional and flawless and if i think a writing decision is stupid or the direction they went is bad no i dont and im gonna kiss each and every one of them on the mouth
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radioisntdead · 2 months
I don't know if you do parental asks, but if you do, could you bless me eyes by writing a father Alastor and child!reader who is a toy/doll demon? Reader is hyperactive but very clumsy so Alastor always has to keep an eye on her so she doesn't hurt herself and sometimes he resorts to having one of his shadows watching over her if he's busy. Reader is small so they always seem to get stuck in cabinets or closet, which scares the hotel residents when they see Reader in a random place. [Not me trying to cure my daddy issues] 😂😂
Good evening my dear! I've been expecting someone to request a parental Alastor, [No seriously I have, I had a feeling someone was gonna request it, it was only a matter of time] I'VE BEEN READY FOR THIS, Not to mention I'm related to a hyperactive child so taking inspo from that! (Please help me he bites)
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Father! Alastor & child! Reader
Platonic, obviously.
Fanon, I'm going fanon for this, mild cannibalism, feral, reader is based off a porcelain doll but I am TERRIFIED of porcelain dolls, anyways feral reader, injuries etc etc Alastor scooped reader up from the side of the street, I like how I've had every parental hazbin character with a child figure reader just scoop them off the street, I should draw that later
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No one knows how exactly how you ended up below, it was theorized that there was probably a mix-up or maybe you were one of those deranged child serial killers or maybe you WERE hellborn that just aged really slow, like concerningly slow, but from some of the things you say it was suspected you were indeed a sinner.
Anyways that's up to you to figure out, but what we do know is that Alastor stumbled upon you absolutely tearing apart a grown sinner in some alleyway, despite looking like a porcelain doll that could break if dropped on carpet, the radio static coming from him caught your attention,
And then you saw those big fluffy ears that sat on the top of his head, you ran towards him with the speed of a feral child, because you were, infact a feral child
You immediately climbed onto him, little hands clinging onto the fabric of his suit before finally reaching for his ears,
He didn't even get a chance to get away from you. With a strained smile he grabbed you off him, and held you up as he inspected you, observing your appearance,
"How peculiar, don't do that."
He said as you continued reaching for his fluffy ears.
And that had sealed his fate, he could NOT get rid of you,
He left you back in that alley he found you? You showed up again two minutes later, he sent you into the Vee's tower? You are the reason Valentino has a messed up antenna.
Alastor became a father against his will, and honestly it could've been worse, you were a decently chaotic child, that would either follow him around or when in the hotel would climb up his back and play with his fluffy ears while maniacally whispering
"fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy"
"Dear, please get off me."
Your skin was covered in a light porcelain coating, like thin wax covering soft clay, If thrown harshly against something you could crack and bleed, it wouldn't make that much of a sound.
you were very much a fragile thing and as your reluctant caretaker Alastor made sure that you stayed out of trouble, safe and sound, and away from any sharp objects.
Unfortunately you were hellbent on getting into mischief, especially in the hotel where there were many things you could get into, like behind the bar where husk worked, He took a five minute break to grab something to eat and you had managed to slip yourself behind several bottles inside the cabinet, one wrong move and they all fall to the ground and shatter with the alcoholic beverages inside them,
He had to take out twenty bottles, place them on the counter then take you out, gently place you on the ground then put all the bottles back, it was a hassle, not to mention you had a thing for fluffy things, Husk was NOT an exception, if he wasn't paying attention you would claw your way up his back like a feral mongoose and just gently pet his ears while mumbling "Kitty cat, kitty cat kitty cat kitty ca-"
You got along well with Niffty, she was like a sadistic older sister but it was decided that she was a bad influence on you so whenever you're near her it needs to be supervised by someone.
You give Charlie mini heart attacks because either you'll be the sweetest little thing towards her, you'll draw with her, call her 'Big sister Charlie' or something like that and you will have her wrapped around your little fingers, or you'll be a source of stress because your playing on the railing and oops! Your falling twelve feet to the ground and she's rushing over to catch you, and after she catches you, probably breaking something in the process you just give her the biggest smile as you hug her saying she caught you, you've also terrified her and Vaggie more then once by hiding underneath their bed and popping out at the worst of times with confetti or something.
Speaking of Vaggie you had a similar relationship but she was more strict in a way, she has a soft spot for kids and she keeps an eye on you, she'll teach you how to spar as an attempt to burn any excess energy you have, she'll go for a run and take you with her, she'll have you on one of those child leashes because you can, will and have run into the road and almost got taken out, respawning was a very very painful process, it was like getting ripped apart, turned inside out, twisted and turned back out and put together again, there's a reason it can take time for a sinner to respawn.
A child like you should never have to deal with that, and Vaggie, while she can't respawn she understands and will prevent you from having too, Alastor may not like her all that much (Or at all) but she's proven to be a decent babysitter.
Sir Pentious was like a goofy older brother or that dork of a cousin, he'd probably invent something to entertain you or he'd read to you, you scare eggs out of him when he's working on something and BAM you pop up out of nowhere, the majority of the eggs were fearful of you too.
"uh, can you not bite me?" A egg asked as your unhinged jaw munched on him, slowly tearing away until he eventually cracked leaving you to run away from the yolk covered crime scene.
[He's the first person you go to when you are redeemed, a familiar face is what you need in an unknown place where you should've gone in the first place, the halo on your head makes him cry, you made it with him but that more then likely means you perished like he did]
Angel dust was no different from the others, he tones his language down a bunch but he's still Angel dust, a inappropriate joke can and will slip through the cracks but he doesn't mean any harm, he just panics and tells you not to tell your Pa, giving you some child-safe candy in return and if your running around like a manic Niffty he'll pick you up and try to find the more responsible residents, or you'd tug on his fluff, he was one of the fluffiest residents and that made him, a major target for your lil' grabby hands, if you ever want a snack your not supposed to have he'll give it to you, you want ice cream? Sure knock yourself out kid, He reminded you of someone you knew once.
What did they look like again? You couldn't remember..
When Alastor steps out of the hotel to go to a overlord meeting or whatever he does and no one is available to watch you, he'll have his shadows watch over you,
His shadows need a pay raise.
"I'll be back in a few hours, be good dear!" Alastor said patting you lightly on the head as you grinned up at him,
"Alrighty! Bye Papa!"
You wave as he leaves, as the door closes you turn around and wander around the hotel, everyone was busy preparing for something, you didn't quite know what yet though, but you were left to your own devices today! You ran up and down the staircases, you got a laundry basket and used it as a makeshift snowboard on the staircase which Alastor's shadow had to make sure it didn't fling up into the air, you jumped off a counter his shadow grabbed the collar of your shirt to stop you from face planting.
You eventually get bored of playing around and try to find Niffty to ask if she could make you something to eat but the hotel's resident housekeeper is nowhere to be found, so you enter the kitchen and it is a DANGER ZONE, you knew not to touch the stove or the sharp knives thankfully but that didn't stop you from dragging over a chair to climb up into the cabinet to grab a plate, a few cups falling in the process but the shadow caught them before they could shatter into the floor, You hopped down from the chair to get a tortilla, the shadow stood next to you ready to grab you if needed, you waddled over to the refrigerator and took out a pack of bacon bites and sour cream, you acquired a plastic knife to spread the sour cream onto the tortilla, sprinkling some bacon bits after before rolling it up and placing it onto the plate.
You grinned at your snack, this is what defined your childhood, you turn back to the refrigerator to grab a juicebox before taking the plate and booking it back into the main room of the hotel.
You sneakily made your way to the TV and looked around, you gave the shadow a 'shh' motion as you turned on the tv to vintage cartoons, like Popeye, Betty boop or if you were lucky to access more modern cartoons, you could watch Scooby doo!
This was the time Alastor's shadow could rest from protecting you, so it wouldn't snitch to Alastor about your consumption of cartoons.
It wished you would watch more cartoons because after your snack you were dangling from the chandelier! You didn't know how you even got up there?!
When Alastor finally returned from wherever he was you immediately ran, tackling the Radio demon in a hug, Alastor's smile tightened slightly but he bared with it, you were just an excited child that he cared for, like a pet.
"I take it you were behaved while I was away?"
You nodded, "Yep!"
The shadow would say otherwise because you were HANGING FROM THE CHANDELIER FOR AN HOUR, They had to lurk around in case you fell, which you did, Thankfully they didn't have to catch you, because Charlie had emerged at the right time to catch you as you dropped from the chandelier.
But Alastor didn't need to know that right now, he'll find out on his own when he's making dinner and he goes to check on you to see you dangling from the chandelier again with Angel and Husk scrambling beneath trying to catch you if you were to slip and fall.
"Aren't you a little troublemaker?" He would say as he snapped his fingers and you were brought down from the chandelier, safe and sound, he'd bring a clawed hand to your face as he gently pitched your check, tutting like a old lady before turning around and bringing you to assist him in the kitchen and give huskerdust a break.
Alastor didn't see himself ever having a child before you, and he could see you growing into a powerful overlord one day, he'd be there to guide you as you grew, you would've grown up loved, watching as sinners entered the hotel and left as saints,
For now you were standing behind him in the kitchen carefully mixing rolling out some type of dough as music played from the radio and you told your Papa about your day.
Once the dough was rolled out and cut Alastor pat your head saying that you did a good job before moving to dip the dough into hot oil, as you watched, a tentacle holding the back of your 1930's themed attire making sure you didn't dive into the oil by accident.
Within the hour you were sat at a table with freshly made beignets Infront of you,
"Thank you Papa!"
You said before digging into one of the beignets as Alastor smiled per usual, it was a nice treat, you liked moments like these, you hoped you could stay in the hazbin hotel with it's residents and your Papa forever, they were your family and family stays together right?
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in! I was supposed to post this last night but I passed out, and We may be adopting a dog soon! I'm not using that as an excuse I'm just excited, anyways I'm working on requests, part twos and all that good stuff! Tune on in for that later on!
Also I may have added sprinkles of angst here but we don't talk about that =]
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onismdaydream · 5 months
bro, I've been wanting to read a step brother for a while now and I'm SURE that only you could do something as good as I've been thinking. So, can you do one where Leon (RE2) is fantasizing about his little sister? imagining how he could fuck and abuse his little sister's big breasts 🥺
sorry i made u wait for a month but i finally wrote something :3 i hope u like it!! <3
tags: mdni. 18+. stepcest (siblings). afab/fem reader. masturbating (m). voyuerism (leon watches reader without their knowledge). he's obsessed with your tits obvi. not proofread.
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He didn't mean to. Honest.
But he couldn't help but steal a quick peek as he walked by your room, your door open just the slightest bit. He could see your reflection in the standing floor length mirror, the one with those little strings of ivy wrapped around the top. Your room was always so cute.
You were rifling through your closet, the hangers clanging into each other as you pushed past each article, trying to find the perfect outfit. Leon couldn’t wrap his mind around the amount of effort you put into your appearance. You already looked perfect in his opinion, no need to waste all that time getting ready.
Biting on your sparkling lip gloss covered bottom lip, you pulled out a frilly skirt, a pretty shade of pink that you always seemed drawn to. Leon suppressed a groan when you bent down to slide your lounging shorts off, his eyes glued to your panties. They showed off your ass in just the right way, hugging your wide hips and barely covering anything. It’s like you were putting on a show for him, like you knew he was there watching you. Wishful thinking, to say the least. Knowing you, you would slap at his chest, calling him a gross perv for staring at his step sister before you would run off and cry to your daddy. And then he’d get an earful from his mom and that wouldn’t do.
He should really stop, walk away while he was ahead, but then you started to twist your hips to watch the material twirl around you. And he was fucking mesmerized.
It’s not like Leon didn’t know you had a nice rack, he wasn’t blind. Especially when you would wear those tight tank tops or those low cut shirts that you almost burst out of, or god that absolutely not appropriate excuse for a swimsuit you’d sport during the summer. Family trips to the beach would make his mouth dry and he’d have to run to the bathroom to jerk off at the sight of your wet body. He would never admit how quickly he’d cum, his hand covered in sticky white as he tried to catch his breath.
But this was different somehow, more authentic. The lacy bralette didn’t do much to support your tits, the slight movements of your body making them bounce. He wanted to stick his head between them so bad. Suffocate him between those massive things and he’d die a happy man.
You seemed content with your choice, nodding your head with a soft hum before you walked towards your dresser to find a top. Leon could feel his cock straining against his underwear, the tightness becoming too uncomfortable to ignore. Thinking fast, he pulled out his phone and snapped some pictures of you, your full breasts and perky nipples beginning to prod at the thin fabric, a sight too perfect to not capture. His eyes caught your own in the mirror for a split second before he bolted as quietly as he could to his room.
Leon slammed his door shut and immediately fished his aching cock out, gripping at the base as his head tipped back against the wood. He didn’t even need the pictures honestly, the image of your beautiful tits at the forefront of his brain. God, what he wouldn’t give to just feel them in his hands, to grope and squeeze the fat of them. They’re probably so sensitive, you probably cry out when someone tweaks at your nipples. Probably liked them being sucked on, too. He could imagine you pulling at his hair as he licked and bit at those swollen buds, your voice turning whiny as it always does when Leon teases you.
Maybe he could convince you to let him fuck them, let him slide his fat cock between your tits. All you would have to do is push them together a bit, just enough so he could feel your soft warmth surrounding his length. Surely that’s not asking for much, right? It’s not like it’s actual sex so it’s completely fine. Just let him use your body for a bit and he’d make sure you felt good, too. Leon’s a nice guy, after all.
He didn’t even realize how hard he was fucking his fist until he felt the familiar coil tightening in his gut, his mind running rampant with images of you and your fucking tits. It was pathetic, really, how fast you get him all worked up like this. It hadn’t even been five minutes and he’s about to blow his load, his tip practically drooling with precum.
The sound of your voice calling out his name made him tip over the edge, a loud moan slipping past his lips as his jizz coated his hand and dripped to the floor. He could hear your hurried footsteps come closer to his room, your palm banging on his door as you yelled at him. So you did actually see him, huh.
He wipes his dirty hand on his pants, stuffing his twitching cock back inside. He didn’t really care to listen to exactly what you were threatening or what insults you called him, not that it really mattered anyway. Leon had a pretty good idea of what he could do to get you to shut up.
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sunraies · 1 year
a smut where rafe is streaming but reader (she/her) gets horny and is teasing him behind the camera and the conversation get to the point/topic about onlyfans 🙈 AAAAH IM SORRY BUT I DREAMT OF THIS LAST NIGHT AND I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT AHAHAHHAA 🙈 help me out here please 🫶✨ thank youuuuuuuuu
I tried, only proofread once as always with smut
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings- +18 MDNI, smut, fingering, reader teasing Rafe. Dirty talk.
As requested above. Rafe is on a live stream, and you distract him.
Throwing the book down on the bed and kicking the blanket of your legs. You sighed in frustration. You had just read some absolute filth and had a million thoughts running through your head with no Rafe to help you.
You could sort out your little problem yourself, but ever since you began dating Rafe, it wasn't the same. You often found it just made you need him more, and that made you even more frustrated.
His voice and laughter carried from the spare room, his streaming room of your shared house, as you dug around in the bedside drawer. You smiled at the buzz of your bullet vibrator before it suddenly stopped.
"Fuck" you cursed at flopped backwards on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, contemplating life. You knew your own hand would be no good. "Fucking asshole" you muttered to yourself.
Once you heard his laugh again, you sat up suddenly and came up with a plan to get what you wanted. Stream time be damn, you needed Rafe.
Rafe started his streaming career three years ago. He had started with videos of the crazy shit he and his friends would get up to. From yacht parties to setting off fireworks on the Country Club golf course.  People ate up the crazy rich lifestyle.
Over time, and as his fan base grew, while the videos became wilder, they also became calmer. Sometimes, he could sit live in front of the camera and just chat. They still loved him.
"Yeah, so we won't. We won't be. " Rafe stumbled on whatever he was explaining as you stood in the doorway. You had caught his attention the moment you leant against it.
'Hi baby,' you mouthed, stood in only his white shirt and lacy black lingerie.
He shook his head, trying to regain focus on what question he had been asked. He was thanking all the gods that the camera was the other way round so no one could see how, drop dead gorgeous you looked.
"So, as I was saying. Top won't be sticking a firework up his ass, again. " He tried to explain as comments flooded the screen, everyone wondering what had suddenly him so distracted.
You sent him a wicked smirk as you trialled a hand down your body, right to the panty line. His eyes roamed your body with your hand before they snapped up to yours, daring you to do it.
"What am I looking at?" He read a comment aloud before smirking."Well, I'm looking at the most gorgeous site on the planet"
You felt your cheeks heat up, but didn't want to back down as your fingers slowly dipped below the panties and began circling your clit. You bit your lip so as not to moan while your other hand cupped your breast, playing with your nipple through the thin fabric.
"Yes. It's my girl. " He kept eye contact with you before raising an eyebrow as you frowned. He knew it wasn't giving you any relief.
His followers knew of you. He never kept you a secret, but your face was never in his videos. He wanted you to have some privacy, but sometimes you were in a photo or in the background of a house video. Most of them seemed to love you, too.
"Come here, baby." He held a hand out to you
You hesitated before walking over and allowing him to pull you into his lap. He covered you the best he could and made sure that your face was cut out. Luckily, the only part visible was your torso.
"I think I'm needed for something. But you'll have a new video by the end of the week. " He spoke to the camera again. "Three words, foam, pool and party"
He reached over to stop the stream before comments asking for only fans videos with you and saying how amazing you looked, caught his attention.
"What do you think, baby?" He whispered in your ear, squeezing you tighter, his hand holding you thigh. He made sure your legs weren't visible as his thumb brushed against your lace covered core. "Would you join me on only fans?"
You knew he had one. It was something he often got you to help with, but you had always been behind the camera.
All you could was nod before he placed a quick kiss on your neck.
"She said yes." He smiled at the camera. "Maybe there'll be a video up later. Bye"
He quickly shut everything down before humming and kissing your neck again, peppering from your jaw to your shoulder with kisses.
"Would you really like that, pretty girl?" He gently run his fingers over your folds, feeling how soaked you were. "You like the idea of people watching while I make you come undone"
"Yes, Rafe." You breathed, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as he forced your legs open wider. His hand  harshly played with your clit, making you jolt forward.
"Let's get you warmed up, baby." He continued to tease you before slipping in two fingers, pumping them slowly. You gasped and rocked into his hand while his other hand played with your breast.
"I want them witnessing how you scream my name and to hear you cry when you desperately want to cum. My good girl" 
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catboybiologist · 2 months
hi, i have one like, question for you regarding transgender healthcare. beacause. like there are people to whom dysphoria brings immense distress/unhappiness, and any healthcare system should absolutely take care of that, for free.
but theres also people who dont feel that strongly about gender and or dont experience dyphoria, but still prefer getting/removing their tits/penis/vagina. and thats also okay, like, infromed consent and all. but im not sure where the line should be on what we (as in, taxpayer) actually pay for. like, idk, i dont have a strongly formed oppinion on this. so id like to hear yours
I know you're not from the US, but unfortunately my perspective on this will have to be amerocentric because that's my experience- so I'll talk about that perspective first, and then try to generalize it.
The American healthcare system is so wasteful in how it bars people from procedures its insane. More money is spent figuring out how to reject people from receiving monetary payments for healthcare than would be spent if you just approved the overwhelming majority of them. And this isn't even considering other ludicrously wasteful forms of spending the US government does, like the insane portion of our defense budget that just disappears into thin air every year.
So how much additional burden should the taxpayer pay? Ideally, none, because any significant reform of the healthcare system would make all of these questions moot.
But, not every country is in this situation. And there is still a question embedded in here- what is the line of providing medical care from the government/taxpayer? I don't have personal experience with it, but this is exactly what countries with socialized healthcare deal with all the time, well beyond just gender affirming care. I tried to make the parallel with abortion because its a similar category of thing. Let's call it like... "semi-elective" procedures- medical procedures with the potential to significantly improve someone's quality of life, but won't kill or severely incapacitate them if they don't get the procedure, leaving it up to them to decide whether the medical context for the procedure fits for them (I'm NOT trying to lessen how life changing these procedures are, I'm calling them 'semi-elective' as a way of denoting that two people faced with the same situation can make different decisions about it based on their personal considerations). This can apply to a lot of things, some of them almost entirely cosmetic- surgeries to mitigate a mild disability, breast implants for cancer patients after a masectomy, procedures for conditions like cleft lip, facial reconstruction after severe injury, and on and on. To me, gender affirming care falls in this category- its not cancer treatment, but it is life changing in an overwhelmingly positive way.
In my mind, it should be the priority of any government to prioritize and expand the healthcare they're able to provide, including for these semi-elective procedures. Many wealthy, developed nations have the ability to cover most or all of these kinds of procedures, even though they're entirely "elective". But yes, budget and resource concerns are very real in many places, so yes, priorities do have to be made on a national scale. This is a very delicate and interesting question, actually, and there is a lot of room for well-intentioned debate on it.
But I'm not going to answer it.
Because I think you should ask yourself something.
Why is this a question so frequently applied to gender affirming treatments, yet rarely, if ever, applied to any of the other procedures I listed above? I'm not jumping on you, because you asked a genuine question, and I'm glad you asked it. I'm speaking to anyone reading this, not just you, because this exact thing is so frequently brought up when discussing gender affirming care. And that's a double standard through and through- there's no way around that.
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milkiematcha · 2 years
the perv jeno ask!!! 😳 what do you think sex with perv jeno would be like?
bestie, if im allowed to be completely honest this one got away from me. i don't know whats going on but i hope you like it!!
he wanted everything to be perfect, and for that he'd wait so long to finally have sex with you. i mean, like, months and months into the relationship before he even tried to get you in the mood. but of course, he's and absolute pervert when it comes to you so he can't even just fuck you like a normal boyfriend.
jeno wants you to want it. he wants to see the way your lips press together shyly, the way you tug at the hem of his sleeve to get his attention because you can't say it out loud. he wants to watch you rub your thighs together like you need him.
and once he finally gets you there- through rubbing your upper thigh or gripping your cheek and cooing about how cute you look- then he finally begins to touch you, luring you into his lap while he rests his big hands on your waist.
"you look so needy, princess. look so pretty like this, hmm?" he'd coo, tapping your arms to tell you to raise them so he can pull the thin fabric over your head. "the prettiest girl i've ever seen. gunna let me ruin you, right baby?"
the way you whine in response is musical. it's so perfect that he visibly shifts, settling you over his thighs. and he most definitely does not miss the way you move to cover your chest, shown by the way he grips your wrists and tsks at you, as if you were a kitten being told off.
"look how hard you made me, doll." he'd murmur, moving your hand to press over the bulge in his pants. "you gunna help me like the good girl i know you are?"
and you look so pretty giving him head, so so so pretty. the way you gag when you finally get to properly reaching the base, the way tears lay on your waterline, and most of all the little sounds you make when it gets too much for you. he doesn't wanna face-fuck you, he could bruise that pretty little throat and then where would he be?
so instead of threading his fingers through your hair and fucking your throat until you're really crying, until the sounds you make get louder and louder, he fingers you, so nice and slow that he's basically forcing you to beg him for more. to beg for him to switch from one finger to two, because even though he knows it wont hurt he needs to make sure it won't even slightly damage his pretty little doll.
but finally, after he's coaxed two orgasms out of you using just his fingers and made you clean his fingers with your tongue(an image that would certainly lead to a ruined pair of panties later on) he lets himself fuck you. and, oh my god, does he get you addicted to it.
he has to force himself to stop from fucking you right away by pressing his mouth into your neck and marking you up while you whine at how think he is. jeno has to remind himself he doesn't want to hurt you because he's going insane waiting for you to adjust to his size, so insane that he doesn't think he's getting enough air to his brain and his thoughts are all hazy and filled with you.
and when you finally give him the green-light to start thrusting into you he can barely give you two slow thrusts before he's going harder and deeper, his fingers digging into your hips and breathy groans leaving his pretty lips while he praises just how good you feel.
"god- you're so good for me." he'd groan, completely focused on the way your back arched prettily off the mattress and overstimulated moans leave your pretty lips. you were so wrecked- so completely and totally wrecked that tears fall down your flushed cheeks and your fingers dig into his back, no doubt leaving marks all over the tanned skin. "can you cum one more time? i know you can, princess, you can do it for me right?"
the whiny moan of affirmation that leaves your lips is going to live in his head forever, and he rubs at your clit so perfectly that it throws you over the edge, the knot in your stomach fracturing into a million little pieces and sending you floating into space, weightless and not even able to think about anything but jeno.
and god, it throws him over the edge too, and he's cumming in you and he can't really think about anything but you either. he does, however, have enough brain power left to press his finger back into you, ignoring your whine of protest to scoop up some of his cum- mixed with yours- and press the sticky mixture against your tongue until you swallow.
another image to ruin your panties to.
jeno is so careful about your aftercare, forcing you to pee and bringing you water and massaging your sore thighs the next morning after breakfast
but you never get those panties back.
im so sorry that i didnt do this ask for like a week but i hope it's good!!
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: He desires you so deeply...
A/N: This is based on a dream I had last night, so enjoy 😂
He should be sleeping.  But Aleksander was awake, one arm draped over your waist, desire coursing through his veins.  When you’d asked if you could spend the night, of course Aleksander said yes.  However could he have denied you?  Your relationship was new, barely a month old, and he was absolutely, completely in love with you, and you with him.  But with that love came lust, and oh, how Aleksander lusted for you.  He would wait until you were ready, of course, he would never push you, but that didn’t mean he didn’t desire you.
It was wonderful, sleeping in Aleksander’s arms.  His embrace was warm and safe, comforting and serene, and sleep found you easily.  But Aleksander was awake, hoping his aching erection was unnoticeable to you.  As soon as he’d seen you in your nightgown, the sheer white fabric hugging your curves, he was a goner.  Aleksander forced himself to lay atop the covers while you were beneath them, knowing that if there was only your thin nightgown between your body and his, he would be unable to control himself.  
So for three hours, Aleksander had lain awake, willing his desire to vanish so he could sleep, but he had no such luck.  So when you stirred, moaning softly, Aleksander heard it well, and when you snuggled closer to him, he sucked in a ragged breath.  “Hmm, Aleksander?” you said, voice rough from sleep, and oh Saints, that sound did things to him.  “Shh,” he said, rubbing your back.  “Go back to sleep, my love.”
But you reached a hand up, cupping his cheek.  “Sasha,” you said, and it was enough to break him.  “I want you,” Aleksander said.  “I desire you so deeply, Y/N, I feel like I could die.  Everything you do turns me on, and having you in my arms, I can’t bear it.  I want you for so much more than your body, Y/N, but seeing you tonight has me more aroused than I’ve ever been in my life.”  You’d lifted your head so you were looking Aleksander in the eye, and he went on.
“I won’t push you, I couldn’t, but I desire you so deeply, my love.  If you want me to go, I will, but when you’re ready, I am more than ready.”  He wasn’t sure where the words had come from, but Aleksander found they rang true.  You felt heat pool between your thighs, your lover’s declaration of his desires arousing you, and you leaned forward to kiss him.  Aleksander happily reciprocated, letting the hand on your back track downwards.
“Yes,” you said, and your lover paused.  “What?”  “Yes, Sasha, I want you.”  In three words, you set a fire in him, and Aleksander tore the covers from your body, hiking your nightgown over your hips.  He kissed you hard, pressing his tongue into your mouth, listening to the sweet sound of your gasp before kissing his way down your chest.  He took a moment to draw each nipple into his mouth before continuing, his lips brushing over your stomach before pausing at your hip.
“Do you want this?” Aleksander asked, and you reached down and took his hand.  “Yes, Aleksander, please.”  He smiled, tugging your panties down and spreading your legs with one hand, the other holding yours.  Your lover inhaled deeply, moaning low in his throat.  Aleksander had dreamt of tasting you for weeks, and it was about to become reality.  Gently, Aleksander licked your cunt, making you gasp and squeeze his hand.
“You taste even better than I ever imagined,” he praised, pressing his tongue between your folds, wanting to bury his face between your thighs and never resurface.  You knew you weren’t the first woman to enjoy the pleasures of Aleksander’s mouth, and within minutes, he’d settled into a pattern that had you moaning loudly, squeezing his hand as you bucked your hips against his face.  He alternated between sucking on your clit, lapping at your slit, and flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit.
All the while, Aleksander was watching you.  His dark eyes were locked on your face, which was screwed up in pleasure, feeling his cock throb where it was pinned between his body and the mattress.  “Look at me, Y/N,” he gasped, unwilling to remove his mouth from your pussy for even an instant.  “Come for me.”  When your gaze met his, and you saw the love and desire in his eyes, you were undone.  You let out a keening wail of his name, feeling for certain that you’d left nail marks on his hand.
Your lover continued to lick at your cunt through your orgasm, and when he lifted his face, you whined.  “Aleksander,” you breathed, reaching your free hand out to your lover.  “Aleksander, I need you.”  Once more, in three words, you set a new fire in him, and Aleksander quickly removed his pajama pants and boxers, and you let out a soft moan at the sight of his hard cock.  “I am yours,” he said, bringing himself to hover above you, his lips ghosting over yours.  “I am yours, Y/N, from this moment on, I will only be yours.”
“Take me,” you sighed, and your lover sealed his lips over yours.  He aligned himself with your entrance and slowly pushed forward.  Aleksander wasn’t sure if he was your first, and in hindsight, that was something he should have asked, but he truly didn’t care.  Either way, he would be gentle, tender, loving, and every part yours.  As Aleksander began fucking you, he pressed his lips to your forehead, whispering praises into your ear.  You sighed and moaned as his cock dragged in and out of you, his thrusts gentle but deep, slow but immensely pleasurable.  
“Aleksander,” you moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.  “Faster, please.”  His reply was a moan of your name, and be obeyed, rolling his hips faster.  One of his hands was on your cheek, the touch intimate, the other was pressing on your lower stomach, which aided in stimulating that spot within you that had your cunt fluttering around him.  “I love you,” Aleksander exclaimed.  “Y/N, my darling, I love you.  I love you so much, you feel so good, no one has ever made me feel this way.”
You knew his words were true, that in the centuries he’d lived, no one had ever made him feel the love, lust, or pleasure that you brought him, and your heart skipped a beat at the notion.  “Oh, my love, I won’t last long,” he continued, and you felt him throb inside you.  “I’m too close, I can’t hold on.”  “Sasha, I love you too.  I love you, Aleksander.”  Your words shattered him, and Aleksander came, pressing his face against your neck.  He gave one last weak thrust, which was enough to push you over the edge.
The only sounds were soft sighs, the sound of your lips pressing to Aleksander’s temple, and labored breathing.  Your lover was lying atop you, his cock still inside you, pressing gentle kisses to your collarbones.  “Sasha,” you said, a slight laugh in your voice.  “I can’t breathe, love.”  He rolled off of you, his cock slipping free, pulling you into his arms, holding you greedily against him.  Aleksander was filled with a giddy, lovesick feeling, so enamored with you and so happy you’d wanted him as much as he wanted you.
“I love you,” he repeated, and you knew that you’d never tire of hearing those words.  “I love you so much, Y/N.  There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”  “I love you too, Aleksander.  How soon do you think we can get my things moved here?”  He smiled as he pulled the sheet over you, kissing you soundly.  “By tomorrow, I think.”  “Good,” you replied.  “Because I don’t think I ever want to leave this bed.”  Aleksander laughed, kissing you again, and after a few moments, fell into a deep, content sleep.
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN as Your Seatmate in Class - Highschool AU
Gen. ;; Fluff + tiny amounts of angst - Headcanons/Scenarios
Warnings ;; Bullying + Stress (Robaire's section)
Proofread + Edited ;; No, sorry !!
Auth. Note ;; This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I'm an idiot and forgot to finish Tae Young's section and when I noticed I was too tired to write anything remotely good :'D !!
Also, quick disclaimer, I'm not American so I have no idea what type of school system they have over there, I'm basing this high school experience off of my own experience :)
I really struggled with writing Z's and Tae's and I think it's obvious in both the length and the quality so I hope you can forgive me (especially Tae's in comparison to the last one)
Enjoy !!
Aaron T - The One Who Steals Your Shit
It's a hate-love relationship
You hate when he asks to borrow your stuff
You love when he leaves you alone
Not one single class goes by where T isn't asking you for something
A pencil, a pen, a ruler, a rubber (eraser), tape, colouring pencils, specifically a purple crayon, post-it notes, a compass and protractor, glue - things that you can find in most shops
Has this man never heard of the stationary section ??
You don't even know why T needs half the stuff he asks you for given it's an English class but there we go-
It's gotten to the point where you're just giving him your pencil case before he even opens his mouth
T gets this goofy grin whenever you give him what he needs (which is every time he asks)
And maybe you keep giving him your stuff just to see that grin
What of it ??
Look,, I'm not saying you're a simp
But I'm not not saying you're a simp either
It's okay, we all go through our phases
One day I'm sure you'll be able to look at a pretty boy and not throw your empty wallet at his feet
But until that day it looks like Mr. Aaron T has got you wrapped around his finger
It's not all one-sided though !!
Because T's got a secret (Another day, I'm back at school. I thin about him, he's so cool !!)
He absolutely has every single piece of stationary he's ever asked you for in his bag
I don't mean he's stolen your stuff
I mean T already has all the stationary he needs in his bag he just chooses not to get it out so that he has a reason to talk to you
Yeah this is that trope - buckle in
Mama T has made sure her baby has everything he ever will ever need and makes him pack his bag every night before school
So I bet you're wondering how you found out about this
If you weren't wondering before you better start now
Well, friend, it was the unzipped backpack trap
Y'know when you're walking and your bag is completely open
Oh yeah
You know exactly where I'm going with this
It was the end of class (and the day) and everyone was packing up or already gone - you got back the fineliner T had borrowed and you were ready to go home
And then the loudest unzipping sound came from your right
You turned just in time to see a waterfall of multi-coloured stationary fall out of an unzipped pencil case that was falling out of an unzipped bag
And a frozen T, watching as all his stuff went crashing into the floor, stood with his bag swung in front of him as he prepared to leave
Mans is giving all fish a run for their money with his impression rn
Poor boy is just opening and closing his mouth trying to think of something to say
And you have so many things to say you can't choose which one to say first !!
T glances at you...and then tries his best to avoid your attempts at eye contact
"Who put all of that in there...haha...wow..."
The loudest snort escapes you as you cover your mouth trying to muffle your laughter
T can't help but smile - at least you were laughing, despite his embarrassment at least you didn't hate him
Bit dramatic but then again this would be boring if it wasn't
"You're such an idiot, oh my god" in between wheezes, snorts and loud hyena laughter
As T joins you in laughter he finds himself glad that this happened, even if it is a blow to his ego, otherwise he would never know this side of you
From this day on, T pledges to be the reason you smile brighter and laugh louder every day
Jesse - The One Who's Never Paying Attention
Jesse's the kinda bitch who gets the highest grades every time - he's top of the class in most things - yet he never pays attention
And its beginning to get to you
Big time
And you're way too sleep deprived to be dealing with this mental stress rn
Sitting next to this boy is torture because as you put all of your effort into focusing and still struggle to keep up with the lesson while Jesse has no problems
So confident in his abilities that he doesn't even try
Which definitely isn't the case
I think Jesse is someone who cares deeply about doing well in school, though he'd never admit it (he definitely instilled this mindset into his kids too)
He studies every night at home and reads ahead on the material so he knows it in preparation for class
Because the teachers don't teach in a way he understands, it just doesn't click for him
So he takes his education into his own hands
King behaviour tbh
So during class time ?? He's completely up in the clouds
Jesse loves to sketch in class
He'd prefer pottery but y'know...not exactly possible to bring out his wheel in the middle of a maths lesson
Oh yeah, this is a maths class
So he sketches pottery designs and whatever catches his attention really
As Jesse sketches, you are contemplating putting yourself into a coma (death's straight up commitment dude and you're too indecisive for that-)
But for now slamming your head into your desk repeatedly will have to do :)
How the hell is any of what this teacher is babbling on about meant to make sense in any way, shape or form ??
Literally name a part of their "explanation" because you call bs !!
You keep quiet because imagine having the teacher call you out as you have a breakdown ?? literally bye
However, being your seatmate, Jesse has no choice but to pay attention
Literally, you're causing his lines to shake-
But also because you've caught Jesse's attention and your...movements are making you hard to draw
How can he draw that sparkle in your eyes if you're face down on your desk ??
A light tap on your shoulder brings you out of your wallowing
Fuck, the teacher's caught you now
They're gonna hate you for forever now and you're gonna fail because they'll make sure to never explain anything in a way you understand and fuck shit damn it you need to pass this class
You look up - ready to really put on a show of tears and pretend your friend's grandma's pet's uncle Gustopher died last night-
...that's not a teacher
Arguably worse it's Mr. Know-It-All
And fuck if he doesn't look like god's gift to the world in this stupid lighting from this stupid angle which no one should look attractive from
It's official: you hate Jesse Whats-His-Last-Name
"You alright, love?"
(Because of course Jesse is just as free about pet names as he is when he's grown up - probably even more so)
How dare he use that on you ??
Especially looking like that
"Okay, how about you rest for a bit, I'll take some notes for you, alright?"
for you ?????
You manage a nod and a watery smile
And somehow you manage to pass out for the rest of the lesson
You wake up to the sound of chairs scraping and loud talking
On the left side of your desk is a sheet of neatly written notes with diagrams (you could cry-)
As you pick it up to put away in a safe place you notice another piece of paper underneath it - folded.
Curiosity obviously wins out so you pick it up and are met with many sketches
Flowers, clouds, lots of pretty things
But the two noticeable drawings ??
They're of you
One of you staring forwards with your pen held against you bottom lip
And the other one of you sleeping at your desk
You couldn't lie they were beautiful
You were beautiful
Is this really how you look ??
Did Jesse see you this way ??
You hope he does
Speaking of- you look around for Jesse but he's long gone - along with everyone else
Better skedaddle before the teacher attempts conversation- oh wait they're gone too
Great ??
You let yourself smile as you slip both of the pieces of paper into your bag
Maybe he isn't so bad
Aaron Z - The One Who Comes to Class Injured
Oh man, you have major concerns about Z
Every other week he's sporting some new injury
A month or so ago he was on crutches with a sprained ankle
2 weeks ago he had a black eye
Last week he nearly ripped a tendon and wasn't allowed to come in
And now he's got himself a broken arm
Fucking how ??
What the hell is Z doing to get these injuries ??
Is someone hurting him ??
Is he getting into fights ??
Is the extracurricular sports he plays religiously ??
And why does he get extra desk space-
Just give him his own desk, dammit !!
And of course Z is so quiet that he barely has any friends in his classes and none of his actual friends seem to share any with him either
Which is so strange ??
Not one person really ??
So now you'd been lumped with the poor guy to help him out whenever he has an injury since you shared most (all ??) of his classes
Z just looks so uncomfortable whenever you're alone together
You'd be offended if you didn't know his personality
Unfortunately, his general discomfort makes you feel just as awkward as he does
And it's kind of a problem
Because your teachers keep looking at you like they're expecting something
Like you'll suddenly become besties
Which is...hopeful
And naive
Not that you wouldn't love to be friends with Z
The guy seems really cool
This bizarre buddy system had only recently taken place so you'd only been helping him since the start of the week
And it's already this bad
Not that Z's bad !!
He's fine
Great, even
Just...quiet ??
Again, not a bad thing !!
Just had to make a friend for life in these conditions, y'know ??
Doesn't help that your almost as awkward on a good day so...
You walk side by side, carrying both your and Z's bags to your next class which, surprise surprise, you share
Stuck in the monotony of school life your mind begins to wander
As you amble along Z begins sneaking glances at you
You sat next to him
You accepted to escorting him around school like a bodyguard
or worse...a babysitter
You offered him a smile every time he sat down next to you
You even offered to carry his bag when all you had to do was walk him to the next class
Why... ??
Why're you being so nice to a...not stranger...acquaintance ??
Sucked into his own thoughts Z didn't notice the small step in front of him
The sudden drop (though pretty small) was enough to send him flying into the wall shocking you both out of your stupors
You sprinted over, checking over him like a worried mother as Z stood there stewing in his embarrassment
"Oh my god! Please tell me you didn't break the other arm!"
"...it's fine..." he replies in the quietest voice ever
"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the nurse's office anyway, just to be safe? I have plasters but I'm not sure they'll help all that much"
You break into nervous laughter before it quickly turns into real giggles and snorts (yes you will snort every time you laugh, if I have to suffer this irl you can suffer through it in headcanons !!)
Though he doesn't laugh with you Z does crack a smile which is a win in your book
"I think I'll live"
"You sure? Because your track record suggests otherwise"
You receive a playful glare for that one
"Come on, clumsy. I'll make sure you make it the rest of the way to class in one piece."
Maybe the next time you had to help out with Z's injury the silence would be so awkward
or silent at all
Robaire - Your Academic Rival
Similar to Jesse's headcanons, Robaire is one smart cookie...it infuriates you
But in a fun way
Because you can fight back
The competitiveness on you two is scary ngl
Everyone else in your class has given up trying to beat either of you
They just silently hope that whoever is highest in the most recent test doesn't gloat about it
This time it's Robaire
And you're not...happy about it, shall we say
So of course Robaire has taken it upon himself to rub it in your face as much as he can
And though you hate losing you can't deny the anticipation and excitement you feel whenever test scores are released
Because win or lose it's a lot of fun competing with Robaire
And he has fun too, don't you worry
On occasion Robaire has been known to study for a few more hours than usual leading up to a test just so he can beat you
And his friends find it hilarious
Because on you could get under the cool, calm and collected Robaire's skin like this
So they simply watch in amusement as he turns to you, a victorious smirk on his face
"Look like your crown is slipping, your highness. And with that, I think your throne is mine."
"Just you wait, Robaire, I will crush you in the next test. Prepare to taste my dust."
You shared grins
"I don't think I will. If you can't even keep up a streak of more than one victory compared to my four in a row, how could you hope to seize the next one?"
"Pure determination, loser. Watch me."
You grab your bag and stand up
"Here, I'll even give you some dust-eating practice. See ya next class."
You wave and move on out of there
But not before you hear a hushed whisper from nearby
"They're such a try hard it's not even funny..."
"Pick-me behaviour-"
You're no stranger to mean comments and prefer to let them roll off of you like water off of a duck's back but these particular voices with comments like these had started to follow you everywhere
What really got to you, though, was the fact you never saw who was saying them
You could only hear them
There's no way to turn them off
And you hate that you're letting them start to affect you but you just can't help it.
They're everywhere
Your only haven is your home and even there the comments had started to pick up, your mind echoing them back to you whenever you had a single moment alone
It's starting to make studying even harder than it already is
Which is why you completely bombed the next test
You failed badly
You can only hope you don't start to cry as you flip through pages upon pages of red crosses next to your hastily scribbled answers
You hadn't gotten a bad score on a test in so long
You'd made sure of it
What would everyone think if they found out-
The pick-me doesn't even have a leg to stand on
Look who's all bark and no bite
This is Robaire's rival ?? yikes...
Fuck...what will Robaire say ??
And after you'd gone and blabbered your mouth at him too
So when Robaire turns to you, holding his paper close to his chest and grinning as if he knew he'd won, you lost it
You sprinted out of the room and to the toilets as fast as you legs could carry you
A sight that left Robaire more than a little speechless
One of his friend laughed, "Is that their way of telling you that you've eaten their dust or?"
But Robaire had seen your face and it hadn't been mischievous or even slightly smiling
You looked distraught
Robaire walked up to your desk and flipped your paper over, eyes widening when he saw your score
Well, now he knows why you ran...
Dropping his paper on top of yours to hide the score, Robaire runs out of class too
Meanwhile you're staring at yourself in the mirror willing the redness in your eyes to disappear
Fuck it...whatever
You left your paper there anyway, there's no way that the whole class doesn't know about it by now
You give your swollen eyes one last look before leaving the toilets
And fucking great, Robaire himself is right there as you leave
"You okay?"
You stare at him for a second and then nod
You'll get over it
Jury's out on everyone else though
"I'm gonna need you to convince me, chéri. Because seem as okay as you want me to believe."
"It's whatever, man, forget it."
"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it right now. How about a hug? Feel free to say no." Robaire smiled gently at you and you felt your heart squeeze in your chest
You hesitate before nodding and stepping forward into his waiting arms
You breathe in and smell what can only be described as Robaire
You have no idea what to place the scent as, it's just warm and it's him
Maybe you'll tell him in a minute, or an hour, or a day or maybe a week but here, in his arms, you feel safe and better already
Tae Young - The One That You Tutor
Given the fact the Tae Young's moved around a lot, he's also the new kid a lot
And that always affects his classwork
Different curriculums, different teaching styles, even different languages and he's expected to roll with it and keep up
Tae's expected to ride the wave of change but he keeps getting sucked under, flailing around as he tries desperately to stay afloat
Even his best classes are ones he's somehow behind in and it's pretty upsetting
Tae Young is smart but all of this confusion and catching up to topics he hasn't even heard of yet is lowering every semblance of his confidence and self-esteem
Which is where you come in
Being a part of the tutoring program it's literally your job to make sure the students under your care are getting the grades they deserve and are understanding the topics they're learning
You share their losses, their wins, everything - you watch the people you're assigned to grow and learn and nothing makes you happier
And you like to think they enjoy being tutored by you just as much
So when you're told you've been given a new tutee you're happy to help out
It's what you do after all
So you make your way to the library, note books in hand
You'd done enough tutoring by now that you had a set plan of how to go about things
In this first session not much tutoring would be done, honestly, but in order for your tutee's to learn anything you'd need to figure out how they learn, what they need to learn and what's causing them to struggle
When Tae Young was told he'd been given a tutor he felt ashamed
If he'd just been able to keep up with the work then he wouldn't be in this situation
Tae's barely been in this school a month and he's already enough of a failure that he needs another student to tutor him.
He felt like all eyes were on him as he shuffled to the library, nervously picking at the skin around his nails
Even the wall had eyes to judge Tae with
You made sure to get to the library before your new tutee (such a weird word lol-)
You set up at your normal table and waited, wondering who they might be
Tae Young stands outside of the library, fingers tapping out random pattern on his thigh as he hypes himself up
Now or never
He takes a shaky step inside and looks around, hoping to find his tutor
You watch Tae Young vibrate on the spot as he frantically looks in all directions
Well, your new tutee hadn't come yet so you could probably help him out
"Tae? You okay?"
Turning to the side, Tae Young catches your eye and almost deflates in relief
Someone he knows !!
"Mmm, yeah. Sorry!"
You give him what you hope is a reassuring smile
"Not to worry. But, uh, I don't normally see you in here, what's the occasion?"
Tae Young chews on his lip for a moment before looking up at your through his lashes
His voice drops down to a hushed whisper
"I'm supposed to be getting a tutor but I don't know where they are..."
Your smile widens into a grin
"Well, I think I've hit the jackpot then because I'm waiting for my new tutee. Bets on who that might be?"
Tae's eyes widen comically as he lets a smile take root on his face and you stifle an aw
"Really? Thank goodness, I was super worried that they'd be mean but I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore!"
You laugh and guide him to your table
"I'd hope not. Well, since I already know you we can skip introductions. I have a rough idea of what you might need help with but it's much easier for the both of us if we hash it out together; does that sound good?"
Tae Young nods and flops into a chair, his earlier nerves dissolving as he listens to you talk
With a tutor like you he won't have to worry so much anymore
And if he slips you a thank you note and a daisy the next time he sits next to you in class that'll be our little secret ;)
I always end up writing too much for Jesse's sections T^T stupid character limit !!
I hope you enjoyed !! <3
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foibles-fables · 1 year
You already talked about your thoughts on the romance, but what did you think of the rest of the plot of the DLC, with the Quen and Londra? I believe you posted that you didn’t love the overall plot and writing of Forbidden West, so I was curious if the DLC had done better plot-wise for you or if you had concerns going into the third game?
Since you're asking outside of the romance, I will answer outside of it as well!
So, Ashly Burch herself compared the DLC to a summer blockbuster movie--and I have to say that she was right.
On the surface, the plot was fun. Definitely an action thriller with the cult, and the Zenith tech, and the Horus! The stunning visuals definitely helped with all of this, too.
The writing? Fell flat to me, sure. (Like a summer blockbuster.) And most of my criticisms do fall in line with the issues I had with HFW.
There was a lot of inelegance in the telling of things, not the showing. The Quen were, IMO, underutilized for it being their DLC. Interesting aspects of their culture were touched upon, but--never quite enough, you know? We get told about Compliance...told about their other issues...but not really shown a lot? And I think that's definitely credence to the sparsity of the Burning Shores as opposed to the Frozen Wilds, where we were immersed headlong into Banuk culture. It would've been nifty if there had been more (mandatory) side quests to tether us to the Quen more, like having to build up clout to challenge Aratak in FWilds.
As far as the plot with Londra--while the "oh no, somehow a Zenith escaped" plot is a little convenient, it does a really nice job of 1) establishing the DLC as postgame and 2) containing the DLC unto itself. I can overlook the convenience writing of Zenith Tech (both for the spaceship and the Horus) because, well, it's what we were given in HFW, so there's precedent. I thought the cult was a pretty good and believable angle, too, given the nature of the Quen and their relationship to the Ancestors.
Which...brings up one of my major ????s. The handwavey reason for the Fleet's End Quen not recognizing Aloy as Elisabet Sobeck--because their Diviners are gone? That doesn't match up super well with Alva's dialogue to the Marines in HFW. "Don't you see? etc." That was one of the issues that threw me.
The other was...how Kina was treated at the end? About how she would need to earn Seyka's forgiveness? For being young, brainwashed, traumatized, prepped to be taken as a creepy wife stand-in mate? Oh man. That was...pretty yeesh and not the outcome I was expecting from that conversation, TBH.
I think a lot of the Dangers (the cult, the radiation, the Horus, the Kina issue) could have benefited from some more time to breathe, but it was a short DLC! Maybe picking and choosing the crises would've helped. Not stretch everything so thin, you know? Trying to do So Much all at once, a lot like HFW.
BUT! I gotta shout out the absolute gems, too. Once again, the datapoints were the heart and soul of the series--I hope the datapoint writers are proud of themselves, because goddamn, they should be. And Gildun's quest? Don't even talk to me. Made the whole DLC for me. I adore the way he's written, and I adore the way his quest highlights Aloy's growth since FWilds in subtle ways. Chef's kiss.
That kinda covers my base-level thoughts, nonny! I'll be back with "AND ANOTHER THING" if anything hits me, lmao
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despairforme · 9 months
why do you like nnoitra so much he’s fucking ugly
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[ I SPOT A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT MY LOVE FOR NNOITRA IMMA TAKE IT !! First of all, my liking for a character is usually not based on how "good looking" said character ( I mean, some of my favorite One Piece characters are Perospero and Spandam ) is. In my portrayal of Nnoitra, he shares your opinion that he is fucking ugly fjfjfjjf, but he just doesn't mind. BUT IN MY UNBIASED OPINION --- ! Nnoitra is SUPER PRETTY !!!! Like OH MY GOD have you seen this man ?? ( Also, when I talk about Nnoitra's appearance, I do so from a completely platonic pov, I find it quite uncomfortable when people express physical attraction towards my muses ). ANYWAYS, yes, Nnoitra is incredibly pretty. I guess I just have a liking for "unconventional" beauty.
Nnoitra's build. Even though he hates it himself, I find it SO pretty. His build has influenced my drawing style, where I draw a dorito shaped torso fjfjfj. I mean his super broad shoulders and wide chest, and then that tiny tiny tiny waist... And his loooong skinny arms and looong legs?? He's got these odd exaggerated proportions that give him such a striking, recognisable silhouette. I also love being able to see his ribs and spine because I love drawing those things! I love that Nnoitra doesn't have the copy-paste "anime build". Makes him more unique. I just love how long he is? And also that he's so incredibly strong even though he looks so skinny. It's the "don't judge a book by its cover" vibe. And, of course, can't mention his build without mentioning his height. Nnoitra is amazingly tall, but not so tall that it can't be adapted to real life, which I'm SO happy about. It means I can write him in his main (human) verse without changing his height (like I have to do for my One Piece muses who are over 3 meters tall ). I just love how he's so tall and skinny. It gives him such a threatening vibe? I think he'd be less scary looking if he had a large build. There is something unnerving about an incredibly tall skinny dude?? I don't know how to explain it but I just love the vibe!
Nnoitra's face. Hello YES once again I'm so happy he doesn't have a copy+paste face. I feel like a lot of the Bleach characters have really similar faces, but with Nnoitra, he's unique. He's got his own design that doesn't resemble anyone else's. His face is quite long, but doesn't appear long, because it just fits perfectly with his body. His sharp jawline and pointy chin and his single squinty eye... Holy HECK he's so pretty?? Though my favorite part of his face is for sure his mouth. I love that he basically has no bottom lip, because his lips are so thin. It makes him really easy to draw. And, of course, the absolute best part! His HUGE piano teeth! This is where he absolutely goes way out of proportions and I LOVE IT SO MUCH !!!!! His teeth give him the most sinister, evil look. Like, he's supposed to be a monster and he's got the teeth to match. I love the manga panels of him where he's drawn with a HUGE mouth. Those panels are so effective and intense and portray emotion that normal "pretty looking panels" just don't. With such an amazing design that Nnoitra has, which is not SUPPOSED to look "pretty", he can be drawn much more dramatically, and that's amazing. Also just... Piano teeth are generally the best. Like they're so square. So perfect. Also gotta mention Nnoitra only having a single eye. When it comes to drawing him, this is a blessing. I love the angle of his eye, and the color. Storm grey, like that colour the sky has right before it starts raining like hell. Also... Have you seen his eyelashes? Stunning. I really like how his eyepatch compliments his face. If it was smaller it would look sort of odd imo, so the size is perfect. AND!! Another important thing about his design is that he doesn't have eyebrows in canon. I don't know why but I have a huge deal for characters without eyebrows fjfjfj I tend to not give my OCs eyebrows in their designs I don't know why. I feel like it just leaves the face so much more open and not as "cluttered" when you draw it IDK! Tho I do give Nnoitra eyebrows in his human!au.
HAIR!!!!! Can we talk about how Nnoitra has the prettiest hair you'll ever see? It's drawn SO shiny and smoooth in the manga. It always frames his face perfectly, and almost never looks messy, despite all the things Nnoitra goes through. Clearly it's really thick and heavy. And ink black which contrasts so perfectly to the really pale skintone they gave him in the anime ( which I use for my portrayal ). I think Nnoitra looks really good with his shorter hair as well, but yeah something about his long hair is just so majestic. And I also think it helps portray his depressive vibes. Like the panels where he's sitting... The way his hair falls just seems heavy.
HANDS!!!!! Who doesn't like pretty hands? IDK. And Nnoitra's got THE prettiest hands. Because they're unconventional. They're HUGE. Like really goddamn enormous? I think he's got the biggest hands in bleach fjfjfjf. His fingers are SO sharp and skinny. And bony. And also somehow he's got pretty nails. Hands are my favorite thing to draw and drawing Nnoitra's hands?? - chef's kiss - I just love the details.
And his outfit! People always say Nnoitra's outfit looks silly. That he looks like a spoon. And, yeah, he does look like a spoon. I affectionately refer to him as "my spoon" when I talk about him. He's got an outfit design you actually remember. It's unique, it's characteristic. You can see his silhouette and immediately identify him. I just imagine how terrifying it is for the other Arrancar when they suddenly see his shadow. They'll know exactly who is standing behind them. His tight fitting jacket really brings his build out in a way a fluffy jacket just wouldn't. And his neck looks so long and thin thanks to the way his collar is?? Also the fact that he wears bracelets that would make it harder to fight... It's such a good addition. Like why did Kubo bother giving a minor character like that SIX bracelets that he'd have to draw?? I love it. And Nnoitra's wide pants which are stuffed into his boots to reveal his incredibly thin ankles... Holy heck. 5/5. I think he'd look less threatening if his pants were tight-fitting ( and also would be impractical for fighting ), so this is such a nice move. AND ALSO HIS TINY FEET!! The fact that he wears high heels and that his boots have that curved tip... And his feet STILL look small for such a tall man... I love it. It's endearing somehow. And, guys, high heels were worn by men long before they became fashion for women, so this has nothing to do with Nnoitra being "feminine", because he just isn't.
SANTA TERESA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cannot talk about his design without mentioning ( my unbiast ) favorite Zanpakuto. Everyone in Bleach has sort of a small Zanpakuto, at least when it's not released. But Nnoitra? Nope. It's HUGE. It's freaking enormous. It's like a battle axe, but times two. The crescent shape, one pointed at his enemy, one pointed at himself, is so symbolic. And how skinny the handle is, which would mean it's super uncomfortable to wield... And how black the blade is. Like death. The chain always attached to him, like an anchor. That incredibly eerie sound it makes when he moves... GOOSEBUMPS !!
So yeah, I absolutely do not think Nnoitra is ugly. He's got that awkward, strange beauty about him. The reason why I started loving him in the first place, was because I randomly drew him one day. I was just sketching some Bleach characters, and I drew him, and something happened. It's quite hard to explain, but I got the urge to draw him again. And again. And again. Something about him inspired me. Something about how it felt to draw him. Honestly, when I started drawing him, I didn't even care that much about his character. I hadn't really "noticed" him when I watched Bleach. But as I started drawing him more, I went back and re-watched, and - I was completely sold on him. I started drawing A LOT more than I ever had before, and it gave me a different sort of joy. I felt happy drawing him. I think it's hard to explain if you've never had a muse before.
( muse - a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. )
For me, that was, and is and always will be - Nnoitra. After drawing him for nearly a year, I started to write him on tumblr. My portrayal in the beginning was... Quite questionable ( I was very young, don't judge me ), but OH MY GOD !!!!! How much fun I had !!!! The very first month of writing him I wrote almost 50k words for him. I had never had this much fun with anything. Never felt so inspired. And it's been like that ever since 2014.
WHY do I love Nnoitra so much?
He is my inspiration. No matter how I'm feeling ( I have a chronic illness so I'm often in a lot of pain ), writing Nnoitra can make me feel better. Little things in my everyday life that remind me of him makes me happy. Like getting a milkshake because in his opinion you can't go on a roadtrip without it, or going for a walk because Nnoitra loves being outdoors. I always, ALWAYS want to write for him ( even though I often physically can't ). Having something to always return to, always want to do is a blessing.
I've met amazing people and had amazing experiences because of him. All the friends I've made online, some who I've been friends with for almost a decade, are friends I met because of Nnoitra. I used to be REALLY shy and insecure, but after I started writing Nnoitra, that just went away. I forever felt confident and comfortable. I've had no trouble reaching out and chatting with people. I've gotten to write incredible plots and had so much fun. All thanks to the confidence Nnoitra has given me.
Nnoitra's character overall to me is so interesting. He's so complex. Yes, he's an absolutely horrible person, and I find writing about that to be incredibly intriguing. There is pretty much no "limit" to Nnoitra's story, because he's NOT the good guy, he doesn't GET a "happily ever after". I've been writing his main-verse story for almost 10 years now, and there is still so much left to write. I love all the contradicting aspects of Nnoitra. How he's fiercely loyal, but that turns into possessiveness. How he wants to be cared for, but is selfish as hell. How he hurts others knowingly. How he knows he's a bad person. I love the small tiny glimpses of his humanity when it shines through. I love his bravery because no matter how heavy life feels to him, he always gets back up. He feels very REAL to me. He's got many sides to him. Most of them ugly, but all of them real. I always know how he's going to react in situations, because of how good a character he is. ( I don't mean good as in morally good, I mean good as in well thought out ). I love putting him in different situations ( aus ) to see how things go for him. The fact that he stays the same character regardless of scenario is amazing to me. You can change his whole life story, and somehow he's still there. Recognisable.
I guess it's not easy for people to understand why I love him so much. Definitely people in my real life don't understand why I dedicate so much time to an obscure ( they also think he's ugly ) character. But to me it's like ?? Nnoitra is my light? My inspiration? I love him. ]
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rosemelon82 · 5 months
Exit (2019) - KR - whump list
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Yong-Nam (Cho Jung-Seok) graduated from a university several years ago, but he is still looking for a decent job. His hobby is rock climbing, which he was an active participant in his university days. Meanwhile, Yong-Nam's mother Hyun-Ok (Ko Du-Shim) is set to turn 70-years-old and she will have a birthday celebration at a convention hall. At his mother's birthday celebration, Yong-Nam sees Ui-Joo (Lim Yoon-A). She works as an assistant manager at the convention hall. Back in their university days, Yong-Nam and Ui-Joo were members of the rock climbing club. Yong-Nam confessed his feelings for her back then, but Ui-Joo rejected him. To this day, Yong-Nam still holds feelings for Ui-Joo. Suddenly, a lethal gas spreads throughout the area. (copied from AsianWiki)
Genre: action, comedy, disaster
Yong-Nam played by Cho Jung-Seok
Fair warning, it is a movie based on an emergency situation so there will be a lot of panicking and running.
25:47 - gas canister crashed through window, broken glass flying everywhere, crouched down, in a panic, running, runs to go save his sister who is covered in burns and is having trouble breathing, carries her inside, panicking, calling 119 (korean emergency number)
36:02 - throws trophies at window, avoiding the ricocheting ones, almost hit
39:28 - jumps from window with rope tied, lands with a lot of force, barely hanging on to railing, falls, barely hanging onto roof edge, pulled by rope, climbs up, breathing hard
41:55 - jumps from roof with pole, falls multiple times, barely hanging onto ledge, everyone worried and panicking, breathing hard, scaling the building, sweating, breathing hard, (where tf is all this rope coming from? we all know he did not have this much rope), testing out grip spot, climing thin ledges, sweating, rope pulls taut, unclips the rope and is yelled at, panting, jumps, struggles to pull himself up, loses grip, almost falls, tumbles onto roof, panting, sweating, hit by cousin, scolded, shaky, trembling
1:01:01 - in a makeshift hazmat suit, climbing through tunnels/air ducts?, makes it to the rooftop
1:11:24 - tries to climb across makeshift rope line to another rooftop, forced to go back due to lack of support for his weight, climbs the line with mask on through the rising gas
1:14:09 - seen to have rope burns on his hands, water poured over it, stings, groans in pain
1:31:39 - jumps off a roof again, tries to use his makeshift zipline, makes it halfway, hanging on, straining himself, rope is cut, swinging, slips, falls, fate unknown for a short time, family grieving, seen climbing the tower crane
1:36:00 - exiting the helicopter lift thing, looking like an absolute disaster (validly), grimy, dirty, traumatized, worried about his sister, hugging his family, scolded, lwk crying
Review of movie:
This movie has been an absolute favorite for a longgg time. I've watched it like four times, this being the fourth time. I think there was a list for this at some point made by someone else but I couldn't find it so I figured I'd make a new one. If I manage to find it in my reblogs (why did I reblog so many posts??), I will make sure to tag and link to that post. I love the casual comedy thrown into this movie and the desperation of the characters really feels weirdly refreshing since they are trying so hard and aren't giving up at any point in the movie. I definitely recommend if you're looking for something chill that still keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the movie. Even if you aren't looking for that, 1000000/10 I recommend. I love this movie so much, if you can't tell lol. Thanks for sticking around till the end and I hope that you enjoy the drama. Stay tuned for more whump lists!
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Prompt request: Jack really needs to update the current status report for the UN. But Sombra and Hana are being little shits, trying to distract him. Of course, he knows what they want so he'll hold back the most until one of them breaks. And of course, the end result is them being railed by his hyper dick until they finally go quiet.
And thus, after achieving its latest mission the 12th, Overwatch then...
"Hey, daddy !" came Hana's voice from Jack's office door.
"What is it, Hana?" Jack sighed, raising his head from his computer screen to look at her.
"What do you think of my new swimsuit?" She asked, sauntering in wearing a two-piece, barely covering anything, almost exclusively thin straps, pink bikini.
"Pretty hot." he admitted, feeling his cock stir.
"Great! I'm gonna make a video later at the pool." Hana giggled. "You can come fuck me for it."
"Later." he sighed. "I've got the report to finish."
Normally someone else would have written it, but Jack had heard that the one who'd review it was one of the UN secretaries he hadn't fucked into his mind broken sluts yet, so his report had to look at least passable.
"Oh. Okay." Hana pouted, and turned around. "Can't believe you prefer writing this boring thing over fucking my tiny cunt." she teased as she left.
Jack sighed. Now, where was he?
Overwatch recently acquired a contact list of Talon's backers as well. And while the list is most likely not complete, we believe that...
"Working hard, papi." a voice commented in his ear.
Once again, Jack had to restrain himself from turning around to defend himself against the would-be assaillant. Olivia was an annoying brat, but a tamed one. Mostly.
"As you can see." he agreed as he felt her hands delicately run on his shoulders.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?" Sombra suggested. "Or to jerk you off with my huge senos while you work?"
She had lightly pushed the back of the chair aside, letting her enormous chest press against Jack's back, whom once again felt his cock stirr.
"Thank for the offer, but not for now." Jack shook his head. "I've got to at least pretend this report is normal, so I don't want to slip up."
He'd usually have absolutely zero issues multi-tasking and not being distracted (he'd once taken part and won a shootout while balls deep in a woman, after all), but he still wanted to be careful, if just this once.
"Your loss, papi."
And with that, Sombra was gone, leaving him with the feeling of her breasts still on his mind.
He shook his head and went back to writing.
When it comes to the new recruits, it is with great pleasure that I can inform you that their training is going swimmingly and...
"Stop that." he said firmly.
For the third time in an hour, D.va had crawled under his desk and had begun to unzip his pants before he stopped her.
Hana looked at him tearful, puppy-dog eyes. 
“But aren’t you horny, daddy? You’ve been working at that for hours and your poor cock hasn’t been sucked or fucked in that long.”
“I’ll manage.” 
Despite her tone, Jack knew damn well that she just wanted to mess with him, probably make him write some names wrong. But he would hold still. He was a horndog, but he could, and he would, control himself.
“You’re sure about that?” 
“Yes, now go away and let me work.”
“Okay, but you know who to call if you want to, right?”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
As for the infrastructure of the Overwatch base itself, it is with pleasure that i inform you that there had been no major accident or repairs needed so far, and that no work beyond standard maintenance had been necessary. When it comes to agents capacity, we....
“Oh fuck, oh please fuck me, you feel so good! i’m losing my mind, I...”
Jack’s writing had been suddenly interrupted by his speakers broadcasting the sound of a woman being fucked, and then his screen changed to display a video of him bending Amélie over a table and railing her.
It was an extremely arousing sight, but Jack was more preoccupated with what had caused it.
“Sombra!” he called out loud. 
“Hey, papi. I just finished editing the latest video for the site, so i figured i’d let you see a bit of it to get your opinion.” Her mischevious answer came from the door, where she was leaning against the doorframe, fully naked.
On Jack's screen, the angle had changed, now focusing on Widowmaker's bouncing breasts as she had her cunt and mind broken once again by her master in a video that would be seen by millions across the globe. He glanced at the video before his gaze returned to the hacker.
"It seems good to me." he sighed. "Feel free to put it online when you want."
"Aww, it doesn't make you horny? Doesn't make you want to fuck a puta?"
It was a very hot video, but Jack was growing frustrated by Hana and Olivia's attempt at messing with him. He would not give in and would not fuck them.
Meanwhile, Sombra had reacted with mock outrage at his words. "You don't want to fuck?!"
"Not for now, so leave me alone... and remove that video from my computer for now."
“You’re sure you don’t want to continue watching it for a bit?” the latina teased him.
“Yes, i am sure. now leave me.”  
“Your loss.”
As Sombra left the room, the wet spot between her thighs didn’t escape Jack, who smirked. This wasn’t just a contest to try and make him lose compsure, but they also really wanted to be fucked.
Since they had been so annoying, he’d make them beg.
He had to tell Hana to go away four more times in the afternoon, the korean girl sounding more and more desperate each time, even if she insisted she just “wanted to make your cock feels good while you work”. 
After her little stunt with his computer, Olivia had come a few more times to tease him, and had always recieved the same answer “not now", her cunt dripping on the floor as she sauntered away.
And now, just as Jack was putting the final touches to his report, his door opened once more, and both D.va AND Sombra entered. Both were naked, their pussies dripping as they made their way to his desk.
"C'mon daddy, don't you want to fuck us?" Hana asked as the two leaned forward, fully showing off their huge breasts to his pleasure.
"Working all day like that, without a pussy to fuck..." Sombra continued, her tone teasing, but their was now a hint of desperation in her voice.
"... or an ass..."
"... or a pair of tits..."
"... or a throat!"
Jack hid smirk. With every word, the two girls sounded more and more desperate and less teasing.
"Honestly, it felt nice going for an entire day without fucking. I'd forgotten what it was like." that was technically true, but he was now commited to play along and make the two brats beg.
"So... you're not gonna fuck either of us?"Olivia asked, trying to keep her composure.
"Probably not. And I might even try going without sex tomorrow as well." Jack lied.
"You can't be serious, right Jack?" Hana's voice broke, the propsect of that teasing being for nothing and going without Jack's cock for a few days was shaking her.
"Maybe I am."
"It's to punish us for teasing you, is it ?" Olivia asked.
"Yes. You've been brats all day, bothering me when I'm trying to work, annoying me even when I told you two to leave me alone."
"C'mon, Jack, that was just a joke." Hana pleaded. "You can't do that to us!"
"I can, and I will. That'll teach you two to listen to me more." he concluded.
"Please, fuck us! I'm sorry I was a brat!" Hana begged. "I've been missing your cock, please!" she knelt to the floor, begging now.
"We went a bit too far, but we need your cock!" Olivia added, as the two brats were on their knees.
"Look at my needy pussy, Jack." the korean gamer spread her legs, showing the flood of wetness from it. That just being in the same room as, that just thinking about, Jack's godly gargantuan cock gave any woman.
"Please, we need your cock, we're sorry we teased you so much!" Sombra continued, her fmdark nipples hard enough to cut rock, a trail of drool from her mouth as she looked at Jack.
"Let us worship you!" They begged in unisson.
Jack wordlessly got up and walked around his desk until he was standing over the two bratty sluts. He looked down at them, at their looks of desperation, of lust, of worship. At the trail of juices their pussies had made from the overwhelming need they had to be fucked by him. At their breasts, jiggling slithly with every panted breath of them. And he smirked.
"Please." the two pathetically whimpered.
Sombra laid in a corner of the room, passed out, having been fucked into unconsciousness, her mind breaking to dust, then to atoms as he fucked her. She was completely unrecognizeable, drenched in enough of his tar-like cum she was barely visible, bloated enough that she looked pregnant with quintuplets, leaking his cum from her pussy, ass, mouth, and even nose, ears and eyes. She had been been overwhelmed, pleasured so thoroughly her mind broke.
And now it was Hana's turn.
She was fucked doggystyle, and every clap of Jack's wrecking-ball-sized testicles against her resonated through the room in a lewd, primal noise. His cock had stret hed her, bulged her so much she looked like an overinflated condom more than a woman. Her tongue was lolling out, barely able to form words, eyed rolled all the way to the back of her skull.
The drains installed in every room of the Overwatch base had worked overtime, but even then, they were ankle-deep in Jack's cum.
And he was nowhere near done fucking them.
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thecorruptedlovely · 2 years
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Thank you for this request! Fun fact: you requested three of my absolute FAVORITE characters from the Arcane and I am SO happy to write about them!! :D
And since they're my favorites, I've decided I'm going to do.... ALL OF THEM! :DDDD
Hope you enjoy!!
Also for Viktor I decided to do a s/o with ADHD since the term neurodivergent covers a LOT of other stuff, and for Jinx I decided to do a S/O who has PTSD since, again, there's so many things listed under mental illness and it would be difficult to include all of the mental illnesses she has (I don't wanna make this TOO long so that's why I picked one mental illness), I hope you don't mind!
Sorry if any of this isn't accurate :(
Different types of headcanons for Arcane characters (plus a short story)
Jinx and Viktor are romantic but Silco is platonic (father and child relationship)
Reader is gender neutral, pronouns used (if any) are they/them
No warnings, but just mentioning of PTSD if that counts
Not proofread, may be mistakes and misunderstandings of the request
(Viktor, Jinx, Silco)
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(My husband omfg skcbskcbskcbdjb)
Viktor 📕 with a S/O who has ADHD
He finds it amusing when you have your little bouts of energy and are just rushing all over the place, not in a mean way, but he finds it pretty cute
He always comes to you when he needs help solving something, seeing as your brain works differently to his you always come up with solutions he never would have thought of
Remembers one time you set up an entire domino-like system where if you were too lazy to open the door for someone you could just throw a teddy bear at this target and let the system do its job
Your room is set up similarly with all these different kinds of domino-like systems or projects that you use to help you with daily stuff
Don't wanna get off the couch (Viktor had it specially brought down for when you wanted to rest with him for a bit) to take something to Viktor or Jayce? You've designed a contraption that'll bring it to them for you.
He also loves how you have a set routine for mornings when you wake up, he's the kind of guy who also likes to have a schedule
Whenever he sees you tinkering with a new invention or contraption for your own personal use he can't help but feel inspired by it, sometimes he'll spend some time staring at you thoughtfully, then it's as if a lightbulb went off over his head and he's off to tinker on his own stuff
He claims that seeing you work so intensely and so determined gives him inspiration and motivation to keep working on whateve he's working on at the moment
"What are you working on now, моя любовь? A new contraption to help with your routine? You never cease to amaze me, моя жемчужина. Allow me to help you, we can get it done twice as fast if we are both working on it."
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(Jinx is so pretty and you can't tell me otherwise)
Jinx 💣 bonding with her S/O over PTSD
She is completely understanding about it (in her own kooky way)
She definitely has her share of PTSD from that night
If you're up for it she'll ask you to tell her what happened and what your PTSD is based around
She still has trouble opening up to anyone, but just maybe she'll let you in and tell you some of what happened that night
She'll try to distract you with jokes and stuff, mostly she'll act like her normal crazy self, unless it's really bad, then she'll calm down and offer to lay down for a bit with you
If you ever have moments where a loud noise or sudden movement scares you she'll be there to comfort you and get you out of the situation
Whenever she goes to blow something up she'll always make sure that you're a safe distance away and that you have something over your ears just in case
It might seem like she babies you but really she just wants to protect you, she knows what it's like to be struggling with something like this
She will be there with you through thick and thin and she knows you'll always be there for her when things get rough for her too
"Hey, hot stuff, I made a new bomb! Wanna see it?– Hey, trinket, what's wrong? Did a loud sound scare you again? Don't worry, it was prolly just one of those fat rats... You know, I bet it would make great target practice!– joking, joking!.... Kinda–"
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(This is my dad everyone)
Fatherly approval from Silco 🚬
After Silco had called you in to his office with no explanation or anything besides just a "Come to my office, I want to speak to you" had you worried. You hoped you hadn't done anything to disappoint him, he had taken you in as a child when your parents were killed in a fire and he had become like a second dad to you.
You slowly opened the door to his office, carefully peeking in, his chair was facing away from you so you announced your presence with a meek cough.
"You called for me, sir?"
He turned around halfway, currently smoking another cigar, you waited patiently as he blew out a puff of smoke.
"Yes, come here please"
You opened the door fully and stepped in, shutting the door behind you as you walked up to his desk and stood there, waiting for whatever he had to say to you.
"Come around here please" he said, placing his cigar down for a moment as he waited for you to walk around his desk to stand in front of him. Once you stepped around and in front of him he gestured for you to sit on his desk, something he never allowed unless it was you or Jinx.
As stepped closer and hopped up on his desk, leaning back some to assume a nonchalant appearance, hoping he wouldn't sense your anxiety, but surely he wasn't angry if he still allowed you to sit on his desk. He sat up straight, looking you in the eyes.
"I wanted to say, I'm proud to have you as one of my acquaintances, I am glad that I decided to take you in that day, you are an incredibly loyal and diligent worker... I've even come to see you as something close to a child of mine."
Your eyes widened at his words... He was proud of you? And he thought of you as his child? Silco was never a very open guy so something like this was incredibly rare to hear from him, he rarely ever said he was proud of anyone and he definitely never opened up like this to others. You were beyond happy to hear these things from him, so much so that your eyes began to overflow with tears of pure joy.
You suddenly hopped off of his desk before throwing yourself into his lap and hugging him tightly, he chuckled quietly as his arms came up to return your tight embrace. As you pulled back and smiled up at him, you swore you could see pride and happiness in his eyes when he looked at you.
"I swear, as long as you are under my protection, no one, and nothing, will ever hurt you. And if they do, they will pay the price for messing with you."
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I realize you probably wanted these to be in the form of short stories so I apologize for that and only doing Silco's as a short story, I feel like I completely misunderstood half the request 😞 I hope you're fine with how I did it instead, but I can always redo it if you'd like :)
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carriemiller · 8 months
Case Study: Scribbr Plagiarism Checker in Action 
What Is the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker? 
As students, we all have the same goal: to emerge victorious from our academic experiences. Scribbr Plagiarism Checker acts as a dependable companion who always has your back. This program covers all of the bases, from identifying direct duplicates to finding instances of information that has been paraphrased. Doing so helps you comprehend the thin line that separates research and plagiarism, directing you toward making better decisions in your writing and allowing you to produce better work.
Imagine that you are conducting research for a dissertation on global warming. You have probably invested a significant amount of time into reading various articles and research papers. Your ideas are beginning to come together, but you're concerned that you might have inadvertently lifted one or more sentences from another source. You are able to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your paper and obtain fast feedback when you use the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. It will indicate the sections that are excessively similar to other works, so assisting you in rewriting those sections in order to preserve the academic integrity of your paper.
It is impossible to overestimate the significance of maintaining academic integrity, and applications such as Scribbr Plagiarism Checker play a vital part in doing so. How reliable is the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker? In addition to being of high quality, it is of incalculable value to anyone who is serious about producing original academic work. Consider this to be your treasure map in a world where individuality is more valuable than gold.
Where Can I Find Out More About the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker?
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker now that we've demonstrated how important original work is. It is a tool that has been developed expressly to assist you in identifying any instances of unintentional or purposeful plagiarism that may be present in your writing. It searches through the billions of sources spread across the internet in order to identify matches or even terms that are similar. The most important question, however, is Scribbr Plagiarism Checker good. Absolutely, and I'll show you why in a second!
Is there enough trust in the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker to use it for academic papers?
Is the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker a reliable tool for scholarly papers? That's for sure the case! Its algorithm is meant to search through a vast database that contains scholarly books, articles from academic journals, and other types of scholarly sources. It's just like having your very own private investigator who focuses on solving intellectual mysteries. In contrast to other plagiarism checkers, the one provided by Scribbr is designed specifically for academic writing and provides not just detection but also useful comments and suggestions.
How to Maximize Your Use of the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker?
You are in possession of the most powerful instrument available, but you are unsure how to maximize its effectiveness. To begin, before turning in your work, you should always check it for originality using the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. This will not only prevent any unintended instances of plagiarism, but it will also provide you with some much-needed peace of mind. The second piece of advice is to take note of the feedback. Scribbr offers advise that is specific to the context of the document, highlighting problematic passages and providing suggestions for how to correct them.
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what-if-nct · 9 months
hey bestie so tbh I have nowhere to go w/this cuz I don't have a lot of friends but I was wondering...what are your thoughts on pretty privilege?
I always felt it was true even if I didn't know the words to describe it. *pretty privilege is when you get special treatment solely/mostly based upon how good looking you are*
I feel it to be truer having had experienced being on both ends of having pretty privilege and not having it (never had it growing up, got it way far into adulthood so in adulthood is weird to be reminded how shallow ppl can be). But would love to know what you and your followers think if you want to talk about it? If not, is OK to ignore this ask ♡
Also** don't feel guilty if you never get pretty privilege or if you feel you did get special treatment for something shallow. Don't see your self worth or confidence through this lens! Acknowledge it exists and do your part to make all femmes and queers feel beautiful (is my motto)! 🌈💗
Hiii! And I absolutely believe it is true as well and it also goes hand in hand with thin privilege. Sadly if you are thin and conventionally attractive the world is kinder to you. I haven't really experienced pretty privilege. I don't consider myself pretty. I think I'm cute, sure. But not pretty just adorable and I'm fine with that. Though I have noticed that when I present myself a certain way I do get treated differently. And it's sad when you actually think about it. I grew up absolutely hating myself as a child because of how I was treated vs my sister who is thin, and light skinned and has longer hair. I've never felt pretty and was constantly reminded of it. Though at home my family did make it where i didn't feel that way at home, by the time I was ten I did not want to go to school. I loved learning but I didn't like being around people because of how I was treated.
But when we saw extended family they'd always tell me how pretty I was so I just only had a problem with school. As an adult for me it was more just being ignored which I'm fine with I do not want to be perceived please leave me alone. Also I always forget that I'm covered in deep visible self harm scars so it's kinda sad that when I notice people staring at me my brain automatically goes its cause I'm fat, ugly, I shouldn't exist and not oh I'm covered in visible scars , that never is a conclusion I have. It's obviously only about the way I look in a negative way. Growing up as the ugly one and being treated as so does really fuck up your brain. That as an adult I noticed that if you dress in alignment with the male gaze that's when you get more positive male attention. Vs when you dress more aligned with the female gaze it garners more positive female attention. And at first you do seek that validation that you've never had but you kinda end up going too far and you learn that outside validation is worthless and you were better off without it. And I'd rather just be ignored and here a woman yell your cute once in a while then bend over backwards trying to have people who don't matter find me pretty. It sucks pretty privilege exists, but others validation is not important. What other people think of you means nothing. Only your opinion of yourself matters, as long as you love yourself inside and out that's all you need.
One last thing I noticed is if you're not conventionally attractive but you are with someone who is the looks you get is actually insane. I remember I went out one night with this guy very very sweet he was actually only 2 days older than me. But he was tall, thin had blonde hair and blue eyes. And I'm a plus size black girl with pink hair. And I noticed so many women looked at us with such disgust it was something I never have experienced. I pretty much only date outside of my race but I never experienced anything like that. I could have just been anxious, but like I just remember it and I cannot explain it but it felt just so bad. I did have an anxiety attack later in Starbucks and he was really nice and held me but i just never experienced those kinds of looks and energy. My friends told me it was probably just in my mind but it was just repeated and apparent and I never experienced that before. It could have been my mind and anxiety but i know what I saw and felt.
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Apple iPhone 14: Everything You should know about it
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iPhone 14 Event: The Modern Flagship Smartphones
The headline announcement of the event was surely the iPhone 14 series. Apple didn’t announce any immense changes this year, but there are absolutely few notable alterations to how smartphones look and work. Below, we have summaries of the four models of iPhone 14
IPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus
Now, the 6.7-inch iPhone 14 Plus takes the place of the iPhone 13 mini, where the mini model was one of the smaller versions of the mainline iPhone, and on the other hand, the plus model is the larger version of the basic 6.1-inch iPhone 14. Elsewhere, the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus have new camera hardware with the best photography and videography quality. It has a 12MP main sensor with a fast aperture, among other highlights, and a 12MP selfie sensor with autofocus.
The biggest change that Apple has eliminated is the SIM card tray. Now, all the US-based iPhones will be eSIM-only, which could be an inconvenience if your carrier has not determined its eSIM system yet. Finally, the new iPhone has an SOS system connecting easily to satellites. It is a very arduous system that involves you needing to point and track your phone at satellites to express your emergency. The iPhone 14 price starts at $799, and the iPhone 14 Plus starts at $899. They all will be available for pre-order on September 9, with the iPhone 14 hitting sale on September 16.
iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max
The pro models of iPhone 14 have a new chipset in A16 bionic. This SoC is more powerful and faster as compared to A15 from last year. The phones are a bit different from the front, and finally, the tugboat notch is gone with a pill-shaped cutout in its place, which apple is egotistically calling the dynamic island. This cutout is a mixture of physical cutouts and screen trickery to cram in many sensors needed for selfie photography and face ID. The pill can resize other software features and notifications. Apple is also bringing an always-on display to an iPhone. Although, this is now locked to just the iPhone 14 pro and pro max.
On the back side, things are almost the same. There are three camera lenses; a comprehensive, ultra wide, and a telephoto. The primary sensor upgrades past 12MP to 48MP, and there is also a new 12MP ultra wide camera. The iPhone 14 Pro price starts at $999, and both models hit the pre-order stage on September 9 and general sales on September 16.
iPhone 14: Design, Display, and Materials
The iPhone 14 is a virtual replica of the iPhone 13, but it might suffer in comparison to the new iPhone 14 pro and pro-Max, both of which sport the brand new dynamic island as a fungible zone that houses the display information and true depth module.
For those who are unfamiliar with the language of design Apple first introduced with the iPhone 12 model, the 6.1-inch iPhone 14 is permanently a thin slice of technology between two pieces of splendid glass that may or may not be gorilla glass vistas. The cover screen also has ceramic shields that provide an additional layer of protection.
The roughly 0.30 inches and 173g body is held together by an effortless aluminum band. Microphone, speaker grill placement, and button placement are unchanged from the iPhone 13. You have the silence slider with the volume buttons on the left and a larger sleep/power/Siri button on the right.
This is the first iPhone to do away with a SIM slot in consideration of all-eSIM systems. It’s very curious to see a phone without that directly recognizable panel and the small hole for the special tool to pop out the SIM tray. On the back side is the still-square-ish camera array, which arrives unchanged from the iPhone 13. There are two 12MP cameras, the first is wide, and the other one is ultra-wide.
Because so many things are the same, the most exciting thing in design about the iPhone may be Apple’s admirable new purple body color option. Yes, purple is the in-color this season, with Apple following Samsung’s initiations of Bora purple for its galaxy Z flip 4, Samsung Galaxy S22 line, and galaxy buds 2 Pro.
iPhone 14: Cameras
There are three cameras on the iPhone 14, including 12MP wide, 12MP ultrawide on the back side, and the 12MP TrueDepth on the front side. Apple said it enhanced the main camera with a larger 1.9 µm pixel and larger ƒ/1.5 aperture for low-light performance. The 12MP wide-angle occurs unchanged. The TrueDepth camera now supports autofocus.
The new photonic engine technology of iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus makes low-light performance better, with a 2x improvement on the front and ultra-wide and 2.5 x on the main camera. Video also gets an upgrade with a manner stabilization mode called action mode, which can be switched on to make the video smoother. There are also some other camera modes, such as cinematic mode, which can shoot in 4K at 30fps and 4K at 24 fps.
We got a notable camera upgrade on the iPhone 14 pro and Pro max too. All the cameras (wide, ultrawide, and telephoto) also benefit from enhanced low-light photography with a new 9-LED flash. The program can also be used uncompressed at 48 megapixels allowing extra flexibility for editing, and video can be hot at 4K UP TO 40 Frames Per Second In Cinematic Mode.
iPhone 14: Performance and Software
The iPhone 14 is operating Apple’s one-year-old A15 bionic. It’s a little bit frustrating not to view the recent silicon here, but now, the A15 bionic is the industry-leading CPU for mobile. The 5-core GPU and 6-core CPU are no crouch when performing across a wide range of tasks.
Apple has offered a better thermal system in the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus, which might lead to battery and performance gains. There are some intriguing new features in the iPhone 14, such as crash detection and emergency satellite communications. The satellite communications features are built into the smartphone. As Apple introduced it, they used the existing antennas of phones and some solid algorithms to handle what is usually a very low-bandwidth connection. It congests text messages and provides a few easy-to-use boilerplate communications to assure you can communicate the basics when necessary. You can access its services with a free trial, but ultimately, you will need to pay for it.
The owners of the new iPhone 14 will find redesign notifications and the capability to use various lock screens with focus modes assigned to each one. They will also be able to set up multi-stop directions on the editing, new amps and retrieving text messages after they sent them and rapacious image subjects autocratic of photos, dropping them into apps and notifications.
iPhone 14: Tech Specs
The iPhone 14 has an A15 bionic chip from the iPhone 13 Pro, which means the iPhone 14 is 18% faster than the iPhone 13. Apple also says that it also improved the performance of thermal so that you can push the iPhone 14 for more, which would benefit those who wish to use their phone for gaming.
The main improvements are in the camera and battery life. Apple claims more than 20 hours of video playback on the iPhone 14 and more than 26 hours on the iPhone 14 plus. That would be the perfect battery life on an iPhone yet.
The other new feature includes the much-rumored satellite connectivity. Emergency SOS with satellites allows you to call for emergency help when you don’t have a mobile signal-which can be a lifesaver for people in rural areas. In iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus, there is also the crash detection feature, which is mainly designed to discover when it thinks you have been in a car crash and will contact emergency services automatically if you can’t respond. Keep in mind also that this model has no SIM card tray, composing the iPhone 14 eSIM only.
If we talk about the iPhone 14 pro and pro max, then you will find a few new things. The pro models will come with an A16 bionic chip built on a 4-nanometer procedure with a 6-core CPU. It also has a 5-core GPU along with 50% more bandwidth and a display engine for dynamic islands.
iPhone 14: Batteries
Based on chatter, Apple could increase the battery size for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro, although it will marginally decrease the battery size for iPhone pro max, compared with iPhone 13 pro max. The brand new rumored iPhone 14 Plus will also have large battery life in this generation, say 4,325 mAH. The upgraded battery will help make the charging faster and add national time on iPhone 14 for tasks. According to a few tests, the pro models of iPhone 14 will reach a 50% charge within 16 minutes, while the iPhone 13 pro takes nearly 30 minutes. A bigger battery also gives iPhone 14 and 14 plus 20 and 26 hours of usage time, respectively, and 12 hours and 16 minutes on iPhone 14 pro.
iPhone 14: 3,279mAH
iPhone 14 plus: 4,325 mAH
iPhone 14 Pro: 3,200 mAH
iPhone 14 Pro Max: 4,323 mAH
iPhone 14: Pricing and Release Date
The iPhone 14 pro and iPhone 14 pro max have a release date of September 16; along with iPhone 14 pre-orders starting September 9 on all new models. The starting price of these models is $1,099, which is a little bit costly, but you are able to upgrade to 256GB for $1,999. Gouging to 512GB costs $1,399 and 1TB will run you $1,599.
The Pros and Cons of The iPhone 14 Lineup
Pros: iPhone 14 Pro
Rear-facing camera with 8K video recording and 48MP resolution
Upgraded front-facing camera with auto-focus
“Dynamic island” notch design
The purple color addition
Always-on display
A16 chip
Larger battery life
“Dynamic Island” notch design
Shipped with iOS 16
Cons: iPhone 14 Pro
Pro: iPhone 14 Pro max
Upgrade front-facing camera with auto-focus
rear-facing camera with 8K video recording and 48MP resolution
Bigger size
Shipped with iOS 16
A16 chip
New purple color option
“Dynamic Island” notch design
Always-on display
2TB storage
Cons: iPhone 14 Pro max
No bigger battery
If all the features of the iPhone 14 models are genuine, then it’s really worth purchasing one. The pro max feels like another interactive raise and a real upswing forward for Apple’s flagship. You get a solid 48MP camera, a replacement for the notch that’s really smart, and an always-on display that can help you to make your life easier while saving your battery life. The legitimate iPhone 14 pro looks stunning, too, but the iPhone 14 pro max is your perfect bet if you go for longer battery life and a larger display.
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