#which they now gave to Asuka
nozomijoestar · 2 months
Tbh I think it's better that they didn't confirm if Lili bought Asuka her T8 clothes because the way Asuka dressed in 8 then implies she CHOSE to resemble/match elements of Lili and a Western European style either on purpose or subconsciously, aside from the bird and biker motif design and silhouette, that would reinforce the way she sees Lili now
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heart4reigns · 1 year
i wanted to know if i could ask for a Roman Reigns x fem reader imagine. Like based off that one tiktok sound, ‘are you in the mafia? Am i in the what?’ although he’s most definitely in the mafia lol
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warnings: cigarettes, alcohol, guns, violence, curse words, blood, slight age gap, pet names, creepy dude trying to flirt with you
tags: owww mafia roman in action.. i need him
summary: maybe it's okay to be suspicious of your rich boyfriend
THE sun was literally on top of your head. it was a great thing that you decided to buy an extra pair of sunscreen because the sun was going to be the death of you. the wind tingled your skin as you breathed out the fresh air. "hey, do not provoke me, i'll beat your asses in volley if i can!" you heard your boyfriend yelling at his cousins. "they're still going?" you asked. "looks like they're not stopping anytime soon." he chuckled. "a private beach, jimmy, jey, and solo. doesn't sound like a good combination to me."
yes. a private fucking beach. you told him you wanted to go to the pier for a date, but again, he just had to do something out of your reach–your boyfriend, roman, had a private beach near his house. you knew dating him was an extraordinary experience, he was very extra. at certain times you wondered about his life and why he didn't like going out to public places. "i hate crowded places." was always his answer.
you started dating him 6 months ago. the two of you met in a bar, for your best friend's brother farewell party. it was a stretch but hey, you could never decline free drinks. the two of you hit it off right away, finding similarities that you thought was kind of weird at that time. you were the polar opposite of him when you first met. he was intimidating, of course, he had the figure of a man you wouldn't mess with. but when the two of you started talking, he was a totally different person.
ever since your first meeting, your days were never filled with mundane things. sure, he was rich, but the way he treated you, it was like something that came out of the movies. he gave you the full princess treatment, even if you didn't ask for it. roman showered you with love, gifts, affection, and everything you could ask for. you were very lucky to have him in your life and he was very lucky to have you too.
"how are you enjoying this, baby?" he asked, tying his hair. "i love it, thank you, love." you looked at him with a smile. "although, you went very extra with it, i should know by now." you chuckled. roman held your head and kissed your forehead. "you deserve good things in life, baby." the warmth of his love gave you nothing but happiness. he was genuine and it showed. you couldn't help but to wonder about his daily life with you knowing only a little about his life.
you felt the sun disappear for a second. someone was standing in front of you. it was his personal assistant, paul. "sorry to bother you, but you have a call, chief." roman looked confused for a second. "i told you i'm not accepting any calls if i am with (y/n)." "it's from hunter, chief." he immediately let go of his embrace. "babygirl, how about you play with them? i have a very important call." you pouted. "okay."
weekdays came and you were back in you class. not to study, but to teach. you were a college lecturer, teaching criminology. you loved your job and you loved your students. "good morning, as i promised after your finals, we're going to watch a movie." your class was filled with excitement. "jason suggested we watch joker, but no one voted for that movie. sorry jason." you let out a laugh. "asuka suggested the shining, with the highest votes, we are going to watch that today."
"these kids will be the death of me." the lecturer lounge was empty, leaving only your best friend and old college buddy, seth. he was practically your wingman in every scenario. he taught english literature, which was the class next to you. "looking rough, buddy." you chuckled at his distressed hair. "they beat my ass in word games. i'm devastated." he groaned, taking a seat in front of you. "where you going after this?" "home, i have to check their finals." he nodded. "well, stay safe. i think i might be sleeping here."
you checked the time, it was 11 pm. to your luck, roman was going to pick you up in 15 minutes. you pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. it was a bad habit, you knew–but a single cigarette after every lesson was something to look forward to. as you were walking outside the campus ground, you heard footsteps behind you. you felt goosebumps as you looked behind and didn't see anyone.
once again, to your luck, it was very dark. you were practically power-walking. your other hand was inside your bag, trying to look for a pepper spray–incase things went downhill. "hey, you alone?" an unfamiliar voice rang in your ears. "no, i'm waiting for my someone." your voice was laced with venom. "i don't see that someone here, how about you leave with me?" you shook your head. "sorry, he'll be here anytime soon."
"code 03." roman read the text solo sent to him. "fuck." anger boiled inside him. "paul take care of this deal, i got a code 03 from solo." paul nodded and took the paperwork inside his bag. "i don't want the fucking guns from damian, they're a rip-off. if they want to score a deal with us, tell them they shouldn't bring counterfeits in front of my fucking eyes." paul nodded.
code 03 meant that someone in the business was bothering you and he wasn't there to intervene. solo could've step up if things went to an extreme extend, but that would leave you more confused on how he got there in an instance. "dude, please leave me alone!" you yelled at him, looking for someone to help you. "i'm just being nice sweetheart, i can treat you nicely." he kept pestering you. seeing you like this broke solo's heart, he wanted to lunge on the guy but he had to wait for roman's command. the guy had a familiar tattoo on his neck, solo noticed that. the guy reached out for your arm. "come on!"
"she said no." you were relieved to see your boyfriend in front of you. "i don't give a shit about what she said." the guy said, still holding your arm. "get the fuck out of my face and let her go." your heart skipped a beat. you've never seen him like this. he was always a sweetheart to you, even with his cold facade. "just trying to give her a good time." the guy continued. "oh, you're going to have a very good time if you don't let her go now." the sentence was dripped with sarcasm. "let's go." roman slightly yanked your arm, pulling you away from the guy.
roman had to make sure that the guy wasn't following the two of you or he just might whip something out that you weren't supposed to see. he knew that guy, he was familiar with his face. "baby, are you okay?" as soon as you entered the car, he let his guard down. "i'm okay, love." you assured him that you were fine. "i'm sorry i wasn't there... baby, i'm sorry it happened." you shook your head. "love, i'm okay. now let's go back, i have to grade some papers." you gave him a reassuring smile. "let's get you ice cream first."
you passed the street that you were on earlier and the guy was nowhere to be seen. you could've sworn that you saw someone dragging the guy away, but it was probably your mind playing tricks as you were very tired.
after grading your papers and eating ice cream (which you insisted getting a cone but roman just had to buy the entire tub for you), you felt sleepy. "i'm going to bed." you announced, seeing your boyfriend slump on your couch watching football. "go to sleep baby, i'm still watching the game." you nodded and went over to give him a kiss. "i love you." "and i love you too, baby."
you were fast asleep and roman silently went outside your apartment, already thirsty for blood. you were his and no one should lay a finger on you. the drive to his warehouse went quick as he was already boiling with anger. the guy earlier was tied up to a chair, shaken up by the act. "well look who is here." his voice was deep, greeting the guy. "r- roman, i'm sorry." he stuttered. "sorry for what you did or sorry because your sorry-ass messed with the wrong person?"
jey, jimmy, and solo stood by waiting for his command. "i don't usually deal with situations like this. but you touched my girl and you're going to pay for it." roman barked, intimidating the guy. roman was in love, his cousins thought. he could't careless about other people except for his bloodline before he met you. his family business was his top priority, but now, you were always on his mind.
the first punch roman threw sent the guy on his back. all those private trainings pulled off. "who sent you?" he didn't answer. roman picked him up with force. "i said," he paused a second to throw another punch. "who sent you?" the guy cracked. "t- the judgement day! they didn't like how you insulted their shippings! they told me to get your girl to intimidate you." the fucking judgement day. roman clenched his fist, preparing for another punch.
blood splattered across the room. his fist was busted as well. "if you and your little emo band cross our path again, i'll fucking kill you. if i ever see you again, i'll fucking kill you." the guy was beaten up to an extent where he was already begging for roman to stop. "throw him somewhere in the east coast, give the judgement day some warning." jey nodded.
roman was powerful in many ways. he was feared by everyone, no one crossed his path and they knew not to mess with him. as one of the top dog for the mob business, everyone respected him. it was hard hiding things from you. he didn't want you to see him in a different light. so he told you that he was the one in charge of his family's company. there were almost slip ups along the way, but being the man he was, his secret was still safe–not for long.
his cousins; jey, jimmy, and solo all worked for him. they owe him their lives and they were ready to take a bullet for you and him any day. you were special for them, like a shining with light glimmered with hope, you were a breath of fresh air.
you woke up to the sound of his snoring. "love, get up. seth is picking me up today." he groaned in despair. "you know i can drive you or have the twins drive you there right?" you shook your head. "seth and i are going to our weekly lunch, it's a tradition since high school. you've met him countless times, i'm safe with him." roman was still on top of you, unbothered. "i'm going to kick your ass if you don't move in 5 seconds." "i'd like to see you try, babygirl."
lunch with seth was always fun. it was in his nature to make people laugh their asses off. "becky made me workout last sunday, my arms are sore." he complained. "because you never workout and your wife has her own gym." you stated the obvious. "well, you're a criminology lecturer and your boyfriend is a ceo, that doesn't add up too!" he defended himself with a chuckle following his sentence. "that's because i don't pry." you replied.
"i don't know, (y/n). it's kinda fishy." seth shrugged his shoulders. "what's kinda fishy?" you raised an eyebrow. "you've never been to his workplace, you don't know his work life. he doesn't like open places, always takes you on a private date. hell, the dude doesn't even have instagram. what if he's like a mafia or something?" his question made you laugh.
"seth, just because he's jacked doesn't mean he beats up people for a living. he's afraid of cockroaches, for fuck's sake!" you furrowed your brows. "well, i don't know. even my brother doesn't know what he's up to. but as long as you're happy, (y/n)." seth gave you a thumbs up while fixing his sunglasses. "you're thinking about it now!" he pointed his fork at you. "i am not! there's no way my boyfriend is in the mafia, he's just your regular joe!" "i've known you since we were babies, i know when you are thinking about something."
it did get to your head though. but you brushed it off, there's no way your oat milk-loving boyfriend was in the mafia. roman picked you up, exchanging goodbyes with seth. "you owe me a lighter!" seth yelled, waving at the two of you. "i don't owe you shit, rollins!" you laughed. "how was lunch?" roman asked, driving away from the cafe. "it was fun, we gossiped about you." his right arm was on the steering wheel, weirdly enough–covered by bandages, the other was holding yours. "gossiped about me? what'd you say?"
"oh we thought you were in the mafia, so like are you in the mafia?" you joked. for a second you saw him clenching his jaw and the grip on your arms tightened. "am i in the what?" he furrowed his brows. "i don't know, it all adds up." you continued your joke. "you have paul as your personal assistant, i've never been to your work and you rarely talk about it, you have random bruises on your back from 'working out'." yet again, the grip tightened.
he pulled over some random street. "baby, you know i am not in the mafia. that's just insane." roman chuckled. "right? seth is out of his mind, you know how he is!" roman had to be careful, as your best friend was picking up some clues. but he knew he couldn't hurt seth. you'd burn the entire world just to find out who laid a finger on your best friend. "paul has been working for my family since god knows when, you've never been to my work because there's nothing going on, it's just boring board meetings. i rarely talk about my work because i want to be a hearer not a talker, baby. i get bruises because i work out." he explained.
"baby, you don't really think i'm in the mafia right?" "no, that would be very stupid of me, love."
he was relieved. "okay baby, do you want to go somewhere tonight?" roman asked, starting the car again. "let's go watch a movie." he nodded. "right, i'll rent a place." "NOOOO, I DON'T WANT A PRIVATE NIGHT. LET'S JUST GO TO THE MALL NEXT TO MY PLACE." he was sure that you were going to be the death of him. "okay baby, whatever you say." roman would risk his life for yours. but little did you know, the mall was filled with his men. it was never a normal day with the mafia boss of the reigns clan.
"you do realize this is the first time we ever went to a public date?" you teased him. "yes." he was oddly wary of your presence. "are you okay? you look distracted." you furrowed your eyebrows. "baby, i'm okay." he made eye-contact, giving you a warm smile. "i just don't like going out in public places." he confessed. "i'm sorry, love. do you want to go home instead?" roman nodded, feeling very tense at the thought of being out. "okay, love. let's go home now."
the walk back to the parking lot was filled with conversations about the movie that you watched. "thank you for watching barbie with me." you chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "anything for my baby." he stole a kiss from you. "i knew you would like it." the black-haired male actually loved the movie. despite his strong persona, he was a softie. especially to you. "it was a fun date-" before you could finish your sentence, you heard screams coming from... solo? when did he get here? you thought.
there was a sudden bang outside. "GET DOWN!" solo yelled. roman immediately pushed you inside the car. "JEY, DRIVE!" roman yelled, taking off his sweater, revealing a gun strapped to his side. "WHAT THE FUCK!" you yelled in a state of panic. "I TOLD THOSE FUCKING EMO CLUB NOT TO MESS WITH ME, NOW I'M FUCKING PISSED." you've never seen roman like this. "PAUL, CLOSE THE DEAL WITH THEM. THEY FUCKING PISS ME OFF! THEY MESSED UP MY DATE NIGHT." roman yelled at the phone. the two of you almost got shot and you were only the one panicking.
a/n: THANKKK YOU FOR THE FIRST REQUEST <3333 i hope you enjoyed it!!! requests are always open!!
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
No one hates you more than I do!
Locked Up (Part 1)
Enemies to lovers (Rhea Ripley x fem. Reader):
You're a well known wrestler in WWE and Rhea is your worst enemy. You hate each other in and outside of the ring. Rhea always flirts with you, not that she means it, she just knows it makes you furious and wants to annoy you. But one day everything changes and you start to feel like all of this isn't a joke anymore and that there might actually be something between you two.
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You're walking backstage, just wanting to find the next best sink to wash your face. You challenged Asuka for her Women's Championship title and lost because she used her poison mist attack and you couldn't see well for the rest of the match.
"Hey y/l/n" you hear a familiar voice shout in your direction. Of course it had to be her, you think to yourself. "Leave me alone idiot" you snap back. You hated her, you were sworn enemies and she never missed an opportunity to let you know that.
"Aw someone's mad" she mocks you. "Argh Rhea please, I just want to go to the fucking bathroom to wash my fucking face" you say and try to push past her.
"Ye ye, let me help you" she says and picks you up in one swift motion. "Hey!" you yell. "Rhea Ripley, you're letting me down right now or we're gonna have a serious problem!" you try to wind free from her grip, hitting your fists against her back and kicking with your legs but to no avail.
Rhea chuckles at your efforts, she knew how much you hated getting picked up, especially if it was from her. You try to open your eyes a little to see if there's someone who could help you and spot a tall man in black ring gear.
"Hey Damian! Tell your stupid friend to let me the fuck down!" you shout over to him. "Sorry Bae, gotta go" he winks and walks over to the gorilla. You mutter something inaudible and eventually just accept that Rhea is carrying you over her shoulder now.
As you reach the bathroom she let's you down roughly and you stumble backwards, hitting a sink. "Thanks for nothing" you grumble, not realising that Ripley already closed the door and locked it from the outside, making it impossible for you to get out again on your own.
You try to wash off the poison mist from your face and out of your eyes. It burns heavily and tears are streaming down your cheeks but you had to get it out, not wanting to risk any long term injuries.
Several minutes later you finally had a somewhat clear vision again. Your face was still green and black from the mist Asuka used on you. Your make up everywhere but where it used to be and your eyes red from crying and rubbing.
You just wanted to get out of here, change into some comfortable clothes and get home into bed. You walk over to the door, just to find it locked. You try to open it, rattling the lock and throwing yourself against the door but it doesn't move even a bit.
"God damn it" you curse under your breath. "Rhea! RHEA! LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" you scream. "took you longer to notice than I expected" you hear her laugh outside. "sorry sweety but I can't do anything, I lost the key. Well, see ya!" she chirms and walks away.
"What?! No, NO LET ME OUT! HELP!" you scream on top of your lungs. You hated being locked in some tiny room. Not only that, but your claustrophobia didn't exactly make it any better.
You kept screaming but no one seemed to hear you, nor walk past the door. You wondered where she put you, in which part of the building you where and eventually just gave up, sitting down on the floor crying until no more tears were left and you sat in silence.
You didn't know how long you stayed in that room but it must have been hours. The sounds of the people in the arena had stopped since the show probably ended. You hear footsteps approaching the door and get new hope.
"Hello? Can anybody hear me? I need help, I'm locked in here!" you shout and bang against the door with your hands. The person outside stops, probably confused until you hear them knock on the door. "Hello? You in there?" you hear the janitor outside. His voice rusty and old, probably because he was smoking so much.
"Yes, yes please, can you open the door?" you plead, glad someone finally found you. The janitor was a very nice man in his late 60's, you liked him, he always brought a smile on your face as he knew exactly what to say to cheer you up.
The lock clicks and he opens the door." Oh my god thank you!" you sigh and hug him. "Woah Woah, how long have you been in there kid, it's almost two in the morning!" he chuckles, but you can still see the concern written in his face in the dimly lit hallway of the basement.
So that's where she took me, you think before explaining to your savior how you ended up there. "Thank you so much again, good night Joe" you say as you leave to find your locker room.
You're glad Joe found you, you don't even want to imagine having to spend the whole night in there without food or anything to change, having to lay on that uncomfortable, dirty floor. Oh Rhea is gonna regret this, this time she won't come away with it.
Maybe you could report her to Triple H, your boss. But on the other hand, what if everybody thinks you're weak then, reporting your coworker for a little incident which can be seen as an accident. No, you weren't going to take that risk, there has to be another way.
You enter your locker room, quickly change into comfortable clothing and wipe off your makeup and the remains of Asuka's poison mist. You grab your bag and keys and head out to at least get a little rest before tomorrow.
Part one of my new series No One Hates You More Than I Do, hope you like it. I'm planning on making longer chapters than in the last story. Again, comment if you wanna be added to the taglist, as I deleted the last one, not knowing who wants to be tagged in this one too.
And also, look at that picture I found of Mami 😍
Taglist: @specialinterestshows
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riptideripley · 1 year
His Princesa 3
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part 1 part 2 part 3
smut,aftercare,dominik mysterio x reader
word count:957
Fast forward 2 months later,you were in your wrestling prime. Ever since you left your ex boyfriend and began dating Dominik,life has been so much better. Rhea was still the Smackdown woman’s champion and now woman’s tag team champion alongside you. You currently had a match against Asuka,which was something you weren’t looking forward to. After her match with Rhea,you were nervous. Based off the mist she uses,you could tell you were in for it but nonetheless you were excited. Oh and how could I forget,you and Dom were now in a public relationship. It shocked the whole world,wrestling wise and friends & family wise. Fans were excited for you two and that made you very happy.
Your match with Asuka had just finished and you were immediately rushed to medical,due to have the mist in your eyes. You still pulled through and won the match but the pain was finally settling in. Dom was by your side like always along with Rhea,as he held your hand. He knew how this mist felt,so he made sure to be with you. Once the pain wore off and the rest of the mist of washed completely off you,you bumped into none other than Roman Reigns. He looked down at you and smiled,before walking off. This confused you but you brushed it off and continued on to the locker room to get changed. Once changed you went to the monitor to watch a few matches before you went home,suddenly you felt two cold hands wrap around your waist. “hi princesa..” a familiar voice spoke as they laid their head on your shoulder. You glanced down to see it was Dom and smiled. “Hi papi” you said as you kissed his forehead. “Let’s go home” he said as the current match ended and he dragged you away gently. You giggled and grabbed your stuff along with his as you both said your goodbyes to the Judgement day and everyone else.
Once you got in the house,Dom wasted no time picking you up and kissing all over your body. He began to suck on your sweet spot,which caused you to whimper. He continued to do this while carrying you to your bedroom,he laid you on the bed and you immediately took your shirt and pants off. He did the same and smiled at the wet spot formed on your underwear. He immediately ripped them off and began blowing cool air on your clit as your body jolted from the sudden coolness. His finger rubbed small circles on your clit as he kissed up your stomach,stopping at your bra. He unhooked it with his free hand and threw it across the room,sucking your right breast. You moaned and threw your head back,he took this as the opportunity to kiss and suck on your neck as you whimpered. “P-Papi please..” you begged as you were practically grinding against his finger. He chuckled and moved his finger,sliding his boxers off and slowly entering you. You were wet enough to handle it but still arched your back at the sudden action. He waited for your sign of approval and you whined a bit,but gave him a double tap to his side which meant continue. He began to pump himself in and out of you,making you arch your back but you were quickly pinned down by his arm. You squirmed but nonetheless let out relentless moans. He continued but went deeper and faster each time,making your orgasm closer. “O-Oh god I’m gonna-“ your words were cut off by a whine. He had stopped and flipped you over on your stomach. Scooting you closer to the headboard,he grabbed a pair of furry handcuffs and cuffed your hands behind your back. You whined,”Daddy please!” you yelped as you felt a vibrator pressed against your clit,making you let out a loud moan. “Shhh princesa,you don’t want your neighbors to hear us again do you?” he was right,last time y’all did this the neighbors heard y’all and lord was it embarrassing. You bit onto a pillow to not be as loud as he slid himself back into you while holding the vibrator against you clit,pounding into your wet cunt. You moaned and screamed against the pillow,tears of pleasure and overstimulation forming in your eyes,but of course that wouldn’t stop him. Only a safe word or tapping him three times would stop him. “P-Papi please!” were the only words you could form at this point,begging for your orgasm. He was also close so he decided to allow it,”Cum for daddy cariño” he whispered in your ear with his slight accent as he ran his hand down your back. You slightly shivered as you screamed his name when you released.
Whenever he called you that,it always sent you over the edge or made you shy. You squeezed your legs shut as soon as he pulled out,making his way infront of you and kneeling. “Open” you quickly opened your mouth as he began to fuck your face. Once he released all down your throat,you collapsed. He smiled and went to the bathroom,getting a cold towel and coming back to the room cleaning you off. He carried you to the shower and turned the hot water on,your favorite. After you two showered,he put you in one of his shirts and some shorts. He slipped on some fresh boxers and watched you doze off on his chest. “I love you my princesa” “I love you too my príncipe” you two exchanged words before falling asleep.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
The Right Time
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Summary: Rhea takes care of you after Damage CTRL attacks you.
"See what happens when you try to humiliate my girls? You're nothing Y/n. You are so low on the food chain I wouldn't let you lick my boots," Bayley said as she slammed her boot into the side of your head. You were laying in a crumpled mess on the ground as Bayley, Dakota, Iyo, and Nikki ruthlessly attacked you. Rhea wouldn't have allowed this, at least not the one you had been holding out for. Every week you hoped that she'd look your way, but it seemed like Rhea didn't care anymore. Now that you weren't waiting up for her anymore, Bayley decided to finally come after you for some comments you had made whenever she returned about her being a coward.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Dakota teased as she kicked at your ribs. You let out a particularly loud cry, having learned already the hard way that keeping it all inside wouldn't help you at all. Bayley only made them hit you harder when you tried to be strong. She wanted to break you and show you that you were nothing compared to everyone else, which was exactly what she was doing.
"I thought I told you she was off limits!" Standing tall against the group that was kicking your ass was Rhea. Behind her, you thought that you saw Bianca, Becky, and Asuka, all of whom had come to your defense before when others had tried attacking you. Bayley and her group scrambled away as the three women Rhea brought with her chased them away. Rhea came straight to you, apologizing quietly as she lifted you up into her arms to carry you somewhere safe.
"It hurts. It all hurts, and I can't make it stop. I want it to s-stop," you began to cry. Rhea just held you tighter against her body. You clung to her like she was giving you every bit of strength that you had left. In a way, she was. The fact that she saved you had to mean something, even if it only did to you. Rhea stayed by your side as the doctors assessed your injuries. Nothing was broken, but you'd be out of commission for a few weeks as your body healed up. It wasn't like you had any matches scheduled for TV or even live shows, but you'd take the time off to stay home and relax a little.
Rhea got your things from the locker room for you and took you back to your house herself. The show wasn't too far from where you lived just outside of Chicago. Rhea had booked a hotel room, but she had opted to stay the night at your place instead. She hadn't exactly asked or anything, but you knew what was happening whenever Rhea began pulling your futon out in the living room. You wanted to tell her to just share with you, but you didn't know a good way to bring it up. Rhea hadn't been that close with you since Liv came along because Liv was sort of jealous of you.
"I hope it's okay that I stay the night for a couple nights. The doctor said that you might feel worse for the next few days, so I can help you if you need it," Rhea said. You nodded as you walked over to sit down next to her. Rhea smiled at you, and for a moment, you were reminded of the girl you had met way back at the very first Mae Young Classic who had shown you better ways to do pull ups at the gym. "I'm sorry that I didn't get there sooner. You'll see why soon enough."
"Dom?" you asked. Rhea nodded, a somewhat sad look on her face. "You two look good together."
"We're not 'together' it's just complicated. He's got a lot of feelings, I guess I don't," Rhea admitted. "Not for him anyways. There's always been someone else."
"Liv?" you asked. Rhea shook her head as she looked down at your hand. It was just a few inches away from hers, and Rhea wanted to grab it so badly. "Toni?"
"God no. She's a little closer to me than either of them are right now," Rhea said nervously. You tried to decipher the clue, but it was the way Rhea watched you with anticipation that gave it away.
"Me?" Your voice cracked as you pointed at yourself. Rhea nodded as she bit her lip and shifted a little closer to you. On her knees, she was a bit taller than you. It was just enough so that she could really pull you in for the kiss. You had kissed Rhea before, but it had never felt like this. There was so much intensity in it, but she was still mindful of your bruised face. "Since when?"
"Toni says since we met, but Liv thinks it was before that. I don't know though, but I do know that I don't want to hide it anymore," Rhea said. "Dom won't like it at first, but I want you to join Judgement Day. Finn and Damian will look out for you when I can't, and we'll be able to be more open about whatever this is going to be."
"It's so weird you used to talk to your girlfriends about me," you laughed. Rhea rolled her eyes as she pulled you onto her lap.
"Exes, and they brought it up, not me. Something about me deserving to be happy with the right person, and they all thought that was you," Rhea said. You pressed a quick and chaste kiss to her lips, backing away just before Rhea got the idea to nip at you. "And I think they were right."
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kristailine · 4 months
Tekken 8 storymode thoughts/rant/review
Obviously will contain spoilers
But I have to say that
Surprisingly, I really liked Tekken 8's story (which is something I really didn't expect. I was preparing to gaslight myself that I liked the story because I was expecting a mid plot. But I can definitely say that I genuinely enjoyed this installment's storymode)
I'm going to remove my kazujun stan lens for this review
Jin has always been an after thought to me. The only time I care about him is if it's connected either to Kazuya or Jun (as a kazujun shipper). But the way he was written in Tekken 8 added layers to him and developed his character well. Don't get me wrong though, IT WOULD NEVER REALLY ERASE THE FUCKED UP SHIT THEY DID WITH TK5-7, but Tekken 8 was sweeping up some of the garbage left behind.
I always joke about Jin and his war crimes. Obviously, waging war is bad irl, but this is fiction okay. Anyway, Tekken 8 somehow managed to make me really feel like Jin didn't want to wage war. It was more of a result of his own self deprecation. Add to this, he was already suicidal before he took over the Zaibatsu, but after Tk6, he just really sulked into the idea of having to carry his sins and let it define him for the rest of his life.
The way they turned Jin from this guy who's hopeless and is submerged in his own hatred towards his bloodline and himself to this guy who finally acknowledges that all of the bad things are a part of who he is, but it doesn't have to be who he completely is, was really really really written decently. This whole character development with Jin instantly makes Tekken 8 on par, if not equal to, Tekken 4 story writing. And I was really impressed and blown away with how they unfolded the development. Because I really didn't want the romanticization of all his past mistakes, and his allies just cheering him on. Instead, his allies actually acknowledge JIN AS A DEVIL literally and figuratively (e.g Hwoa saying Jin has those dope-ass powers, Leroy asking Jin who is he, Xiaoyu saying she isn't scared of Jin despite the devil look), but they all believed in the chance they gave him to atone for everything he's done wrong.
I wish we could've gotten more about the history of the devil gene. It's still a very vague concept, and I was kinda expecting Tekken 8 to answer most of the questions about it, but still no.
Although as a Jun stan, I'm upset she never really appeared in the real world, I have to say that I really like how they still kept going with Jun's persona as a mysterious woman. If you see a previous post of mine, I have always been scared that Tekken 8 would finally be the franchise who would ruin Jun's character, but they played safe with it. She's still as mysterious as ever, but they allowed her to show more of her kindheartedness.
Like I said, I really wish we could've gotten more. I wish we could've also got to explore Kazuya's perspective. It's been like 6 consecutive games, and we still haven't had a storymode that focuses on Kazuya's character (always the one sided villain). Although, I understand why they couldn't do it (maybe because of budget constraints, and it would really diminish and compress the quality of Jin's char dev if they're gonna focus on both of them). I'm assuming at least that we get Tekken 9 and have it shine a spotlight on Kaz.
Overall, I really liked it. It gets an 8/10 for me!
More things I kinda didn't like:
- Where the hell is Yoshimitsu???? He appears in the tournament and then goes Bye Felicia once Kazuya absorbed Azazel LMAOOOOO. His bio about investigating the Mishima bloodline and whatever didn't really reflect on the storymode :<<
- Nina and Steve.... Uhhh.... We already had them in Tk 7, and I was at least expecting that they would continue it in Tk 8
- The Asuka Kazama erasure.... She's just treated as another one of the side characters at this point. I fear she's just only in the game now because of Lili. She's very underdeveloped and underutilized and I feel so sad about it :<<
Tekken has a very interesting set of characters with amazing dynamics and chemistry with everyone else. It has a huge amount of lore to explore as well. And they could really do better by exploring and developing most of the characters. Here's to hoping we get a story expansion DLC not just for the main story, but also for the other beloved characters in the game.
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seeds-of-life-daily · 5 months
how far does your seele rei au diverge from canon :0 if I may ask
Thank you so much for asking this !! Well, I gave it some thought, and I wouldn't say it would stray too far from canon, but some big changes would be made. One of which being, well, the main thing. That Rei gets raised by seele. I covered some of the changes it would make to Rei and Kaworu in this post I made a bit ago, but after giving it a bit more thought, I wanted to note down a few more changes I would make to canon in this AU. One of which, probably the biggest divergence in this au, is that Rei doesn't get forced/conditioned to take such a maternal and feminine role. Other than the usual maternity stuff that comes with having the soul of a progenitor, she wouldn't have to experience it with the intensity they do in canon. They also won't get sexualized, since that was another thing that I really disliked in Evangelion. Not to go off on a little tangent here, but when talking about canon, I really think Rei never really wanted to take on that kind of role. The femininity was something they were made to feel like she had to do. She was taught it meant to serve, to be complacent, to fill a role, and to mother. Whenever I think of Rei and femininity my mind always goes to that one Aradia gender meta, since the parallels between the two are insane, and it just voices basically most of my thoughts. In the seele!Rei AU I like to think that Rei's more self-expressive. Being reserved, but a helping hand because she wants to. I think they would also take part in their interest to learn more. We don't know too much about seele, but since we know they probably let Kaworu have access to music and human culture, I think Rei would also have the opportunity to indulge in more books, the internet, and so on. Also, since Rei isn't a clone of Yui here, she won't be subjected to Shinji's Freudy antics as much. She would still somewhat look simmilar to Yui, but this time not made from salvaged remains. Now, another thing I would change is letting Kaworu develop more as a character. In most adaptations of Evangelion, we only see him mainly interacting with Shinji. In this AU, he will not only have Rei as a sibling, but I plan to make him interact with Asuka and Misato too. I think a talk between Kaworu and Misato would be really interesting. Especially when she finds out he's an angel. Imagine meeting the kid that got created, and half of the population, including your dad, died because of that. An interaction with Asuka would be similar. Imagine meeting the guy who's here to replace you if you get worse at piloting. They would eventually get along, but at the start, I can definitely see some conflicts going on there. Since Rei's with seele here, they have both seeds of life in their custody, so it would be even easier for their instrumentality plans. While it's true that Lilith's still in the NERV basement, and Adam's still getting kidnapped (angel-napped?), seele can at least be sure that if one of them dies, at least there's another vessel to work with. (Speaking of which, what would happen if two instrumentalities happened at once? Maybe seele didn't think that Adam, in her embryonic state, could be enough to initiate one? Maybe they were too focused on the Dead Sea Scrolls that they never bothered to think of it?) While we're on the topic of instrumentality, they would totally try and rebel against it this time. After spending a good amount of time at NERV with the rest of the Pilots, I think they would attempt to go against the whole "everyone becomes one in the big primordial soup ocean" plan. Those are just the major changes I would make, but overall? Yeah, it would be canon-divergent, but it would still follow most of the happenings of canon.
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bigupsdog · 2 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 3: Johnny
Sol: Your bounty is high enough to pay for my trip to the moon three times over.
Johnny: You ain't the first person to try to claim that bounty, you ain't gonna be the last.
Ky: You were also orphaned by the Crusades?
Johnny: That bloody war took many a good man's life.
May: When are you going to let me pilot the May Ship again?
Johnny: The last time I let ya drive her ya nearly crashed into Illyria Castle.
Axl: Out of curiosity what's the craziest thing you've ever stolen?
Johnny: Alright, now I wont say which, but one of the Kings of Illyria’s crown is a fake, if you know what i'm saying.
Chipp: Come on, you're wearing all black and you wield a katana, just take the full plunge and become a ninja.
Johnny: Sorry buddy, but if I became a ninja, I would just be too cool for the world to handle.
Potemkin: I'm here to retrieve stolen property from Zepp.
Johnny: What are you talking about? I haven't taken anythin from you guys… recently.
Faust: How’s… May’s… Condition???
Johnny: She’s doing a lot better thanks to you, Doc.
Milia: I work for the government now, so I have to take you in.
Johnny: I’m sure ya asked for this job personally, to see good old Johnny.
Zato: This is nothing personal, I'm just doing my job.
Johnny: And when I cut ya down, it also won't be anythin personal.
Ram: I'm confused, I thought pirates were supposed to be in the ocean, not the sky.
Johnny: Ya don't have to have such strict definitions for everythin sometimes a spade is just a spade.
Leo: A lawbreaker stands before me, and I will be the mighty judge, jury and executioner.
Johnny: I’m startin to think this ain’t no jury of my peers.
Nago: Your swordsmanship, it reminds me of samurai from ages past.
Johnny: You lookin to relive some of your glory days? Because I'm more than willin to help.
Gio: Look I have my orders to take you in, but I still owe you one, so even if I win I'll just say you gave me the slip.
Johnny: Ah that's sweet, looks like it ain't a dog eat dog world after all.
Anji: Steal from the rich, give to the poor, you’re a real Ishikawa Goemon.
Johnny: First time I heard that one, normally I get Robin Hood.
I-No: Don't even try it lover boy, I'm way out of your league.
Johnny: Damn, and I had a great witch related pick up line and everything.
Goldlewis: Outlaws like you give us cowboys a bad name.
Johnny: Nah, lawmen like you ruin the real spirit of the cowboy.
Jack-O: Is that a cowboy costume? Shouldn't you have a gun not a sword?
Johnny: It ain't no costume, I'm the bona-fide real thing.
HC: Ah the showdown, the best part of any western movie.
Johnny: In a quick draw it all comes down to who's faster, unfortunately for you.
Baiken: Put that sword down, you ain't no damn samurai.
Johnny: Cowboy, pirate, samurai, what can I say I have a lot of feathers in my cap.
Testament: I hear you've adopted many an orphaned child from the Crusades.
Johnny: I'd like to think your old man Kliff woulda been proud of me.
Bridget: Your bounty is HOW MUCH!!!
Johnny: Run along now lass, bounty hutin ain't nothin you want to involve yourself with.
Sin: Hey man, your ship looked so cool while I was riding next to it on a dragon!
Johnny: You did what now?
Delilah: Your ship was nice… um, thanks for letting me ride in it.
Johnny: Ah much alleged, good old Johnny's always willin to lend a helpin hand.
Asuka R#: I am not the real “That Man” I am simply a clone.
Johnny: So the coward made a fake to hide from his past, I see how it is.
Asuka R Kreutz: I am deeply sorry for all the pain my past actions have caused.
Johnny: Ah ain't that sweet, ya apologized, to one person who you helped make an orphan, what about all the rest?
Elphelt: Is that a noble outlaw, coming to steal this fair maiden's heart?
Johnny: Normally I'm the one who uses the cheesy pick up line, feels weird, the shoe being on the other foot.
ABA: Your ship is a whale, yet you didn't paint it blue, what is wrong with you?
Johnny: I didn't paint the May Ship, she was just born that way.
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featherxs · 1 year
been thinking about asuka ren a normal healthy amount ever since she debuted in webtoon and now i realize tumblr is better for compiling all my thoughts on her. so here… are some thoughts, for sure!
first of all… we know so little about her :( the main things are basically: japanese mangaka, creator of peace land, and was present in the group regression in epilogue. mostly she serves as hsy’s foil throughout the peace land arc, and she briefly shows up during the enemy of the story scenario to support kimcom.
but there are a lot of small details that add up to her character, in my opinion… for example, her constellation sponsor is “master of the niten ichi-ryu,” who cannot be anyone but miyamoto musashi himself. this is kind of funny considering how she is unfortunately a wet sock for most of peace land arc except for that scene (…where she doesn’t even use a sword!). what’s even funnier, though, is that miyamoto apparently did ink paintings as well. sometimes i think singshong just gave asuka some random big-name japanese sponsor to cement her status as a leader among them, and sometimes i think about this coincidence. because… is it?! (incidentally, she is mentioned to have/use a katana, but it isn’t specified if she has two. tsk… what’s your dual blades stigma for if you’re not gonna use it, girl?) in addition, her physique and strength were both level 55 during peace land arc, which were pretty high when you compare it to michio’s mid-20 stats. a twitter user got the idea of her being from a family that runs a kendo or judo gym and was going to inherit the dojo someday before she declared she’d become a mangaka, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it ever since.
as for her personality… well, we’re told she’s a leader among the japanese incarnations, but… honestly, does she act like a leader to you…? from what we see of her in peace land, she can be cowardly, easily shaken or attacked, and she put the small people’s lives over her companions’… in short, she’s a little bit pathetic (fond). but then again, that was in peace land, so i guess you can’t blame a girl for being a little shaken up after being confronted with choosing between killing her friends or killing her creations. but we also see her argue with hsy a little over clichés and tropes, and we also see how she spoke out against yamamoto when he declared he’d kill the small people, so that adds up to her being decisive and true to her morals. (also, tangentially related, she calls michio by his first name without honorifics, which is as intimate as you can get. this is cute, personally, because in the ebook he mentions he was a college student before the scenarios, so he could be anywhere from 18-22+ years old, while asuka… is 31. that’s, like, her little brother.)
definitely the most interesting part about her is peace land and her relationship with it, though. because, of course, a creator must have a relationship with their creations! she must have resented her work at some point because of all the critique it got and how it ended up getting canceled so early in its serialization… i wonder how long ago was that before the events of orv, if peace land was her debut manga or her most recent work. if it was somewhere in the middle, then i want to know if she went back to making mainstream content after peace land’s failure just to earn money and if she resented that, too, or if she was prideful enough to try and make more unorthodox manga like it but kept getting shot down anyway. did she lose confidence in her craft… could she no longer find the same joy in creating no matter what she made…
then when tls123 apparently contacted her about it — how cruel must it have been to unknowingly have let someone borrow your setting, thinking your words may have finally reached someone, only to later find out the characters and setting you had put your heart into were turned into cannon fodder for your colleagues. to destroy your own work in order to move forward… what if she considered it for just a moment… after all, if anyone had the right to decide what happened to these people’s lives, it should be her, the one who made them in the first place. but after seeing them with her own eyes, in that panel where the small people are looking up at her, it must have really cemented her decision then. to them, she’s just another disaster here to kill them, but they don’t know she’s technically their god… (maybe that’s also partly why she seemed so agitated when questioning how hsy won over the people’s loyalty so quickly, because who is she to them?)… they don’t know she must have really loved them as she wrote their story. and even if they knew, maybe they would only resent her for bringing this torture upon them anyway… the guilt and resentment and frustration of a failed work but still, still that creator’s love and pride throughout it all. because after all, a writer truly can’t help but love what she has created…
i never really thought about asuka beyond a really stupid fic idea i had for her and hsy, but seeing her in webtoon following the ebook’s revisions really made me appreciate her character more. her feelings towards her work are so complex, even if we don’t see a lot of it, and even worse is that she forgets all about making peace land in the end. she doesn’t just become a character in a bigger story: her narrative has also completely escaped her hands now. but in a way, maybe she’d be happy to know they’re separate from her as she is separate from them, because that means they’re moving forward in their own world line… and not bound by such mortal restraints as the manga serialization being canceled.
man this got long, and this doesn’t even include all the delusions i have for asuka/michio and asuka/izumi. well then, my final message:
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broken-clover · 1 year
so confirmed on asuka r# being a clone. on the character select you can select between original asuka r. kreutz and r# (r# b if youre player 2 and player 1 picked r#). the only real difference i can tell so far is certain characters' (sol, jack-o, maybe others?) dialogue changes depend on which asuka it is
While I knew of the general concept, it is very funny that they actually gave us the ability to pick between them. What was the point of that? Why make the clone?
Actually, upon watching some of his story mode, I'm incredibly amused to see that the answer is basically 'Asuka attempts to do self-reflection by making a clone and then the clone immediately called him a little bitch with no friends.' I love that pretty much all the clones seem to have more scruples than Asuka himself. Sorry man you've made them you can't pull a parental abandonment on yet another person/ Also slightly concerned about his continuing hobby of cloning, first we have Jack-O/her unused copy and now we have Doppelkreutz and co (I think Doppelkreutz could be a fine name for the group or 'species' as a whole) what do you think the odds are that he's made at least one Freddie clone that he keeps in his basement.
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gear-project · 9 months
Do you know why Axl seems to have such a strong rapport with Sol, of all people, throughout Guilty Gear?
It's interesting that you ask this question in light of everything that has transpired.
Early on, Axl started out as a drifter, having wandered in to the 2100s from his time-travelling mishap, and really, there was no precise reason for him to get involved with anyone.
Axl first met Sol during the Sacred Order Tournament in 2180, and while they didn't exactly fight one another directly because of Sol's other objectives (i.e. destroying Justice), Sol did witness Axl's fighting capability and effectiveness in Flame Magic.
It wasn't until the Golden Disc incident that Axl really got caught up with trouble involving Sol... in that instance the Postwar Administration Bureau were posing as "fake police" and kidnapping anyone involved with Blacktech or had knowledge of it for their own personal gains.
Besides almost burning down a bar, they also almost picked a fight with Jam Kuradoberi and Sol even ended up fighting Ky over the disc.
Since that point, Axl had only just begun to get a handle on his powers, and accidentally Time Slipped back to 2172 and ran in to Sol during the Crusades, even cracking jokes about his outfit (which probably contributed to Sol's desire to desert the Sacred Order).
He also ran in to Kliff Undersn who gave him a massive lecture, AND he fought Justice by accident and just barely got away before she could try and kill him!
He had to use a "proxy" of himself to Time Slip back to a regular-ish era but still had to deal with a Time Loop that somehow triggered from his interactions with Sol.
Sometime after this, he managed to time slip sometime BEFORE the year 1998 back when Sol was still a child and was interested in visiting the Houston Space Center... it wasn't Axl's intention to get that deeply involved with Sol's past (and he apologized profusely later on)... but part of the reason is I-No's involvement with that past.
(Keep in mind this is old lore information back during the GGXX days, so it may not entirely be canon anymore...) Axl claimed he found an old photo of I-No wearing a "lab coat" and she was standing among other Scientists at one point!
Ky Kiske even claimed that I-No might have once been a former soldier or military project at one point... (of course that was Ky's limited speculation at the time... as he didn't have much evidence to her true origin, which was the Crusades itself...)
Now, whether or not I-No got involved with any of Asuka's Gear Projects remains to be seen, but... she has witnessed the Fall of Rome several times (as has Axl) in their offhand conversations. And she did serve under Asuka for a while...
Of course, I-No makes it a habit not to influence the timeline as much as she used to, so it's hard to trace what she's been involved with in the past.
Anyway, back to Axl's involvements with Sol... sometime after becoming close drinking friends with Slayer, Axl learned a bit more about Sol's situation from Slayer and decided to be as helpful a friend as he could given his growing powers.
And because of I-No's attempts to kill Sol using a Time Paradox, it wasn't something Axl could necessarily let I-No get away with.
Eventually Raven and Asuka punished I-No for messing with Sol, and she was frozen for a while... Axl still wanted to get in contact with Asuka to understand the "real history" behind the Crusades, but Sol had his misgivings about Axl doing that and even Anji Mito got in Axl's way for a time.
It wasn't until Bedman attacked Axl and I-No rescued him that things began to turn in his favor. Initially, Axl had no idea how to use his powers, so at first he consulted with Dr. Faust, later Slayer, and finally the Original Sage (or at least, a future phantom of the Sage).
After meeting with the Sage, Axl was given the task of "passing a message" on to Asuka R. Kreutz that was encoded by the Sage so that only Asuka could receive the message (even I-No wasn't allowed to hear the message).
This was, of course, before Axl learned about the existence of Happy Chaos, though he was semi-aware of Ariels because of Bedman.
Given the depths of his growing powers, Axl felt he was unsure of what to do... so he consulted Sol and Bedman on the subject.
Sol simply said "don't cause more trouble"... which Axl could immediately comprehend. But after speaking with I-No and Bedman, he felt that simply "doing nothing" wasn't what his girlfriend Megumi would want him to do.
After pulling Sol and Jack-O' out of their "pinch", Sol promised Axl that drinks were on him and they celebrated their victory over Ariels sometime after.
Sometime after that, Axl began to study his powers in earnest and realized that Megumi was the "other axis" of his own existence... or in other words: the other balance of the Scales (possibly connected with the Scales of Juno).
And while he had his suspicions that I-No was a "paradox" of his other half... Axl just couldn't convince her to stop her actions... as she became too far desperate to listen to him.
Despite her defeat however, I-No passed a message to Axl stating she would show him just how "unfair" her world was by passing Megumi's existence in to Axl's reality so they could finally meet.
While it hasn't been openly stated, Axl likely holds no grudge against Sol for beating I-No... as he ended up going under cover. And he's still friends with Sin, Ky, Dizzy, and Slayer of course, even Jack-O' (whom he affectionately calls 'Jacky' for short).
It hasn't been revealed what will happen with Axl and Megumi moving forward, but they are likely taking their time getting used to the modern era and probably won't use Axl's powers (if he has any left, that is...) unless it's a major emergency.
I wouldn't be surprised if Axl Low was on Ramlethal Valentine's "List of Consultants" in terms of Magic knowledge and the Backyard.
Given how powerful an incident involving Delilah was... it wouldn't be that difficult to expect Axl to help in any way possible in comprehending that level of power... and given he respected Bedman in their last encounter, meeting with his sister one day might just be in the cards as well...
Finally... with regard to the "theory" that Axl and Raven are paradoxes of one another... that's more true of I-No now than it was of Raven, but since Raven's just as immortal as Axl Low potentially is... (and Sol, given his Gear body), that's not to say that they won't be caught up in future incidents... but Raven himself once stated that Axl is a "light of hope" for Mankind's future... that is, if Axl himself can help it!
Given Raven's role as "history's observer"... you'd think he'd of course be keeping an eye on the likes of Axl, Megumi, Slayer, Sharon, Sol... and other immortals like himself... maybe even Nagoriyuki!
Of course, someone as powerful as Axl Low probably has his own intentions... but he likely won't cause Humankind too much trouble if he can help it... he promised Chief Sol he wouldn't after all!
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nozomijoestar · 4 months
Here's my initial analysis and thoughts on Asuka's ending (character episode) in Tekken 8
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caught yearning in 1080p
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thinking abt getting students now that the Zaibatsu ate shit (btw you don't find out the Zaibatsu is pretty much on track to being done with no leader again, which is why they continue the tournament presumably after the final battle unless you look through the character episodes, not the main story, for some fucking reason)
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Asuka finally smiled at her accepting her and the feeling is mutual, this ending had great role reversal in the sense instead of previously only getting clear insight into Lili's feelings and thoughts now we're openly getting them from Asuka in response- she also felt tempted to give in to her old reaction first think later ways but here she's finally thinking before deciding it doesn't matter why, she enjoys fighting Lili and she finally seems to recognize what Lili's schemes are about on a level (wanting Asuka's attention and getting back at her for having lost), this is the closest so far we've ever gotten to a "I like you too"
this is on top of the teasing and compliment she gave Lili's ability in the same scene, and also correcting Lili on the Kazama Motto Asuka learned, which only Asuka could have told her at some point suggesting further closeness
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"Softness overcomes hardness" you two are (HOPEFULLY) starting to change your relationship to be softer (also the hilarious hypocrisy of Asuka BARELY being a person living by any softness in practice)
I love that she even refers to Lili as "That noble (rich) girl", an ojou-sama, which is far better than calling her by nothing or using a rude form of You (anta) as in the past (and generally she's given up calling Lili by rude terms be it in the story mode or otherwise including Shaheen's ending, which is honestly more about AsuLili than him lol, it's also incredible seeing Asuka glad Lili's life was protected and joking about Lili being a handful with someone else)
And despite provoking Asuka in a very shitty way reminiscent of Feng, the premise of this ending is Asuka beating Lili at the tournament so Lili will honor her word of putting Asuka's dojo back the way it was before she bought it- which Lili does after losing rather than refuse out of spite, even if she then uses taking it in a fight to provoke Asuka again, it's nice that she IS willing to listen to Asuka when it comes to promises
honestly if you cut the entire scene into only my screenshots here it still looks so fucking gay
Video source ( @ 1:03 )
This is the de-facto best Asuka ending yet, at last she's happy, hopeful, not confused, and at some form of peace and connection in her life
Plus Asuka might finally get the dojo back up and become the next leader with Jin's image being fixed and thus how people would see Asuka since they're related, as well as the current war being over- though Reina's new devil bullshit will probably ruin this in the future
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I doubt these are Jun's birds specifically it's more likely just symbolic of Asuka and Lili if it means anything at all. Also doesn't have to specify meaning lovebirds, in general their characters will always be put together. But it is funny how Jun's birds always appear to show her connection to someone she loves, so there could be a parallel here that Asuka's bird imagery would represent the same sense of connection. If it is a visual metaphor for lovebirds though by the time we get Tekken 9 then, the cinema of it all.
ALSO Harada has said Jun attracts animals because of her spiritual mastery over martial arts. She's at a level of power where animals don't run because of sensing her aura; she can suppress her fighting spirit. With how at peace AND in control of herself Asuka is in this ending, maybe the birds imply she can move in a similar direction from here on. And it makes sense too because Asuka has returned to a state of equilibrium now that she doesn't have the stress of the world being in chaos affecting her. As a person who prefers being in control, she's back to feeling some control over her life.
1. It's great that the tone of their relationship is now friendlier, but like in story mode and other places they appear as a pair, we're never shown anything on how they started transitioning from fighting all the time to agreeing to listen and partner up in general, nevermind during a global war they're supposed to have their own personal stakes in beyond not wanting to die (those personal stakes ended up being entirely irrelevant anyway which is it's own problem)
There's a problem present where you're shown the end result of an emotional shift with none of the journey or even a simple scene explaining how they got there, much like the main story and other characters in general many plot points and character changes are resolved off screen showing only the results with no explanation the majority of the time. In the main story this gets even more egregious because even how a character knows specific information usually doesn't get explained at all either unless it relates to Jin understanding the devil gene. This writing makes a lot of things simply happen like it's checking off a list.
In essence, WHERE is a scene connecting Asuka who did nothing but fight Lili and get pissed with her to the Asuka who's tolerant of her, is more catty and accepting than outright angry, is now willing to joke and play around with her, who taught Lili the Kazama Motto she learned (though I guess this one you can say Lili found it while looking up Asuka's family, something we ALSO don't get Asuka's thoughts on beyond surprise) and so on
2. The fact this scene ends with provoking another fight, as much as I like that it's friendly now, isn't the best direction. This fits again into problem 1; there's no on screen room to let these characters breathe and illustrate what made them change now to the viewer. There's no fresh angle given about their relationship outside fighting or even a new approach on their relationship within it. There's no pause in the formula which many people are tired of (and people are already back to calling Asuka a useless piece of shit who's a complete fucking joke, and I can't really blame them entirely because on a surface level all they see is the exact same situation as it's been for twenty years of cutscenes).
Also the logic of having this scene exist is confusing in itself. Nothing in the game story clarified if Asuka sat the tournament out or did participate but was eliminated and decided to follow Lili's progress in Rome as a spectator. A scene explaining either of those would give better weight and context to this one.
3. Zero mention of Asuka's father or his current condition
4. Having Lili imitate what Feng Wei did to dojos like Asuka's is the cruelest way she's ever provoked her. Whereas before it was often ridiculous, silly, and teasing, involving an event that led Asuka to spiral adds something uncharacteristically spiteful toward her from Lili's end. Insofar as what Lili has previously used to get her attention anyway. Keeping Asuka's trauma out of it has always seemed to be a line Lili was willing to respect. And it's off too because this is happening when they're supposed to be becoming friends/are friends now. It's too personal to be brushed off the way it is.
The only way I can rationalize it is if Asuka has let go of her anger towards what Feng did in part (but she still has a special intro where she wants to attack him on sight saying they finally meet so, I don't fuckin know, that may as well have been included as an easter egg if they're gonna do nothing with it) or she never really gave enough of a shit about the entire thing in the first place. You can make a loose argument using prior games to show Asuka never really cared about the revenge aspect as much- but her behavior sorta contradicts this at the same time. So really who fucking knows. Based on how she reacts here I guess it's not a big deal at this point cuz she doesn't get mad and jumps into messing around with Lili like a friend anyway.
Maybe this could be explained too by whatever made them act friendly now in the first place, but again we never saw that. So instead it comes out worse than if we knew.
We also never see them discuss what Lili knows about the family in any depth between themselves
Viva le sex gay I guess but now I have more questions than answers and that's a problem when the game acts like I've been given answers it never provided. I got something I wanted but with nothing to show for it.
EDIT 1/27/2024 : However that won't discount that I do love what I received and the potential it represents; I adore this shit.
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yuribracket · 1 year
The Maligned Yuri Bracket's preliminary round is underway!
It will still take me a good deal more time to find or make images for all of these pairings and schedule the polls, so don't expect voting to start up right away. But let's take a look at our contestants anyway!
EDIT: The preliminary round has started! This post will be updated with links to polls as they are posted and results as they come out.
I've decided that all pairings that received more than one submission will automatically be included in the final bracket, since there were so few of them. The remaining pairings have been sorted into 55 matchups of 2-4 pairings each, the winners of which will be added to a final bracket of 64.
When posted, the polls will include excerpts of the reasoning submitters gave as to how the pairings are maligned, to help people decide who they'd like to vote for. For now, here's a look at all of the pairings listed alongside the media they're from:
Kay Faraday/Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs. Franziska von Karma/Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs. Adrian Andrews/Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame (The Great Ace Attorney) vs. Aura Blackquill/Metis Cykes (Ace Attorney) vs. Athena Cykes/Pearl Fey (Ace Attorney)
Aiho Yomikawa/Kikyou Yoshikawa (A Certain Magical Index) vs. Mitsuko Kongou/Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Ema Hinata/Emo Moegi (Aikatsu Friends! and Kiratto Prichan) vs. Ichigo Hoshimiya/Aoi Kiriya (Aikatsu!) vs. Ran Shibuki/Yurika Todo (Aikatsu!)
Barbie/Raquelle (Barbie) vs. Annaliese/Erika (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) vs. Kristyn Farraday/Hailey (Barbie in the Pink Shoes)
Talia Al Ghul/Selina Kyle (DC comics) vs. Lois Lane/Selina Kyle (DC comics) vs. Jean Grey/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Barbara Gordon/Dinah Lance [DC comics (Birds of Prey)] vs. Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane (Supergirl) vs. Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (DC comics)
Sera Masumi/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan) vs. Hidemi Hondou/Jodie Starling (Detective Conan) vs. Ran Mouri/Kazuha Toyama (Detective Conan) vs. Ran Mouri/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan) Kazuha Toyama/Ran Mouri/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Princess Alia/Akari Tsukimura (Kamen Rider Ghost) vs. Erika Satonaka/Chiyoko Shiraishi (Kamen Rider OOO)
Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time) vs. Aurora/Mulan (Once Upon a Time)
Elesa/Skyla (Pokemon) vs. May/Serena (Pokemon) vs. Lana/Mallow (Pokemon)
Nemona/Penny (Pokemon) vs. Iono/Klara (Pokemon)
Cyllene/Zisu (Pokemon Legends Arceus) vs. Irida/Mai (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Setsuna Higashi/Inori Yamabuki (Fresh Pretty Cure!) vs. Miki Aono/Inori Yamabuki (Fresh Pretty Cure!)
Kaoru Kiryuu/Mai Mishou (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star) vs. Saki Hyuuga/Mai Mishou (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star) vs. Saki Hyuuga/Michiru Kiryuu (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Yuko Omori/Hime Shirayuki (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!) vs. Iona Hikawa/Hime Shirayuki (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!)
Himari Arisugawa/Ichika Usami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Bibury/Ciel Kirahoshi (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Himari Arisugawa/Aoi Tategami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Ciel Kirahoshi/Ichika Usami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode)
Reika Aoki/Miyuki Hoshizora (Smile Pretty Cure!) vs. Akane Hino/Nao Midorikawa (Smile Pretty Cure!)
Hikari Kujou/Honoka Yukishiro (Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart) vs. Hosshiwa/Sasorina (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! and Heartcatch Pretty Cure!) vs. Megumi Aino/Manatsu Natsuumi (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! and Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Sora Harewataru/Mashiro Nijigaoka (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure) vs. Kokone Fuwa/Ran Hamamichi (Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure) vs. Hibiki Hojo/Ellen Kurokawa (Suite Pretty Cure♪)
Laura La Mer/Asuka Takizawa (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure) vs. Nodoka Hanadera/Chiyu Sawaizumi (Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure) vs. Momoka Kurumi/Yuri Tsukikage (Heartcatch Pretty Cure!)
Elena Amamiya/Hikaru Hoshina (Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure) vs. Lulu Amour/Hana Nono (HUGtto! Pretty Cure)
Mirai Momoyama/Daia Nijinosaki (Kiratto Prichan) vs. Amane Sumeragi/Hina Yayoi (Waccha Primagi)
Coco Adel/Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY) vs. Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs. Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Mizuno Ami's mother/Rei Hino's mother (Sailor Moon) vs. Ami Mizuno/Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) vs. Hotaru Tomoe/Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Sayaka Miki/Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. Sana Futaba/Iroha Tamaki (Magia Record)
Nao Egokoro/Reko Yabusame (Your Turn to Die) vs. Touko Fukawa/Komaru Naegi (Dangan Ronpa)
Tomoyo Daidouji/Meiling Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Togo Mimori/Yuna Yuki (Yuki Yuna is a Hero)
Haruka Hani/Tamaki Teijo (Six Hearts Princess) vs. Minto Aizawa/Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Howan/Himeko Mashima (Show by Rock!) vs. Hitori Gotoh/Kita Ikuyo (Bocchi the Rock!)
Goombella/Vivian (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door) vs. Sally Acorn/Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs. Theodora/Eleanor Vance [The Haunting of Hill House (novel)]
Katya/Sofia (Goncharov) vs. The Yuri Bracket submission form/The current submission (yuribracket)
Jenny Dolittle/Lynn Lambretta (Mouretsu Pirates) vs. Amami/Kokoro Komadori (Yuri Espoir) vs. Kei Sugiura/Rei Yokoe (School Zone)
Haru Edamoto/Sayaka Saeki (Bloom into You) vs. Sophia Ascart/Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess) vs. Natsumi Ichikawa/Akari Seto (Otherside Picnic)
Chloe Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Chang (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Valerie Amaranth/Sophia Anderson (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart) vs. Bloom/Stella (Winx Club)
Olivier Mira Armstrong/Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Misa Amane/Rem (Death Note) vs. Nami/Vivi Nefertari (One Piece)
Chika Amatori/Izuho Natsume (World Trigger) vs. Izumo Kamiki/Shiemi Moriyama (Blue Exorcist) vs. Nobara Kugisaki/Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Aya Hoshino/Miyu Yamazaki (Gals!) vs. An Lili/Yona (Yona of the Dawn) vs. Akari Mizunashi/Aria S. Granzchesta (Aria)
Nao Ishiwatari/Makoto Kowata (Flying Witch) vs. Konatsu Amano/Koyuki Honami (A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow) vs. Mayura Ransaika/Urara Ransaika (Akane-banashi)
Irisviel von Einzbern/Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Zero) vs. Sion Eltnam Atlasia/Riesbyfe Stridberg (Melty Blood)
Peridot/Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) vs. Kyoshi/Rangi (Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rise of Kyoshi) vs. Aqua/Cinderella (Kingdom Hearts)
Lain Iwakura/Alice Mizuki (Serial Experiments Lain) vs. The Agent/Arakawa (Elfen Lied)
Rey/Rose Tico (Star Wars) vs. Anne Bonny/Max (Black Sails) vs. Svetlana Sergievsky/Florence Vassy (Chess)
Rin Hoshizora/Nozomi Tojo (Love Live!) vs. Naru Ayase/Rinne (Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live)
Ranma Saotome/Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2) vs. Kurako (Kuranosuke) Koibuchi/Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish)
Morena Prudo/Theta (Hunter X Hunter) vs. Botan/Keiko Yukimura (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Chika Fujiwara/Miko Iino (Kaguya-sama: Love Is War) vs. Marcille Donato/Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Makoto Kurume/Yuzuki Murashigei (Skip and Loafer)
Kozue Kaoru/Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs. Rei Ayanami/Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Akako Koizumi/Aoko Nakamori (Magic Kaito) vs. Shirayuki/Kiharu Toghril (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)
Dehya/Dunyazard (Genshin Impact) vs. Luluca/Roana (Epic Seven) vs. Karen Aijo/Mahiru Tsuyuzaki (Revue Starlight)
Foo Fighters/Jolyne (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs. Bayonetta/Jeanne (Bayonetta)
Shanoa/Laura (Castlevania) vs. Alisha Diphda/Rose (Tales of Zestiria)
Kurumu Kurono/Mizore Shirayuki (Rosario + Vampire) vs. Kaede Shiranui/Shinobu (Ninja Nonsense) vs. Sagir/Yuzuriha (Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku)
Miku Kohinata/Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear) vs. Sun Jing/Qiu Tong (Tamen de Gushi)
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bubblepopsims · 8 months
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"what am i doing...?" "what are you doing emillie?" "I don't know... I think I am about to sleep with Asuka.. which is what I wanted right?" "I don't know did you? What about the whole Maddi thing?" "fuck maddi right now... literally fuck her. For the past couple of years, i've been so consumed by Maddi that I didn't even pay attention to other people...that I could connect with." "So what about Asuka?" "...pewww... i meannnn....."
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"Physically.. Jesus... have you seen the size of her bosoms??" "Emillie focus." "right... I mean she came out of nowhere... the way she talks, holds herself.. soft and sweet but just aggressive enough to make me catch my breath..and the fact that her silence, gave me a mini panic attack is new for me.." "so you think you could like her?" "Depend on after tonight."
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"but I will say she is not afraid to take the lead... if you know what I mean" "jesus emillie..."
wink wink, nudge nudge.
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marmakar · 1 year
Got a random question! Do you have any Sexuality Headcanon on the major characters? I would love to hear your Sexuality headcanon on Donald Love.
Yeaaah, sure! I don't know which part of GTA series to take, so I'll take characters that I have headcanons for.
More often I'm just starting from the canon and what we have.
Donald Love: Homosexual (GTA 3 and VC it's not expressed, but in GTA LCS we can know a lot. Honestly, he just leave main protagonist with compliments and they look more like flirting. He is trying. Come on! Donald's first mission's cutscene literally begins with when he happily trying to dance with Toni and hugging a person he doesn't know at all. And another interesting detail is that he would say "WE" about any mission, when Toni rejected. And only at the end, Toni nevertheless began to speak on behalf of "WE", ahah. Another fact. Donald gave Toni a mission to steal the bodies of only men's character. IDK maaaan. Kinda SUS character. We LOVE Mr. Love).
Lance Vance: Bisexual with homosexual tendencies. At first, in the VC his behavior seemed SUS to me. Probably the moment he calls Tommy after mission Cop Land and begins to literally complain at some point that he doesn't pay attention to him like he is his boyfriend fr: "Why should I be? You don't care about me, do you? You gotta look after me a bit better". Well, in the VCS only this feeling finished off. More gay jokes update, LMAO. Lance is so cool underrated character.
Asuka Kasen: Bisexual in canon, but I see her as a lesbian. In the plot she is literally have BDSM session with Maria in GTA 3. I didn't play or watch walkthrough GTA Advance, but I just read she also have BDSM session with Mike (GTA Advance Protagonist). A cool dominating woman.
Reni Wassulmaier: Pansexual and just ICON. This is not discussed!
Ahh enough for now. It’s difficult for me. My memory is fish's memory. If your want to hear about character who doesn't mention here, just ask about, it will be easier for me to write.
Don't forget the truth: "Bruh, all characters in GTA is gay (c)" /j
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duhragonball · 2 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 10
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It's a shitty episode, that's what this is.
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Why does this episode suck? Well, we start off with Kaji taking Asuka shopping for bathing suits. She's going on a school trip to Okinawa, you see. She asks him if he went on any school trips when he was her age, and he says he couldn't because Second Impact was happening back then. Anyway, Kaji sucks and I hate him.
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As it turns out, she can't even go on the stupid trip, because NERV wants the Eva pilots on standby in case of an Angel attack. You'd think this would be a standing order year-round, but Asuka is gobsmacked to find out she's not allowed to just do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. You're in the army now, kid.
Here's the thing about Asuka. I was kind of looking forward to her introduction into the story, because Rei and Shinji were practically comatose throughout the early episodes of this show. At least she would bring some energy to this thing, I thought. And she does, but mostly it's a whiny, bratty, irrational energy that gets old pretty quickly. When Misato tells Asuka she can't go on the trip, Asuka demands to know who gave the order. Well, Misato did, dummy. She's your commanding officer. When she can't argue with that, she argues with Shinji, expecting him to say something to resolve this, like he has any control over the situation. But Shinji kind of expected this to happen, so he never got excited about the trip in the first place.
This is the origin of that "so you've given up?" meme. I always took it at face value. That is, I assumed the scene was Asuka asking Shinji if he was quitting something hard, and he just casually admits that he's collapsing in the face of adversity. But the actual context is that Asuka is trying to cajole Shinji into the impossible task of getting them a furlough from their indispensable child soldier jobs. When that doesn't work, he insults his manhood, then asks Misato why they don't just find the Angels and destroy them first, so they're not always on stand-by to defend against an attack. Misato's like, kid, if we knew how to do that, don't you think we'd have already done it?
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Misato points out that both Shinji and Asuka can use the downtime to catch up on their studies, seeing as their grades haven't been very good. At this, Asuka tries to claim that the school's grading system is irrelevant. Kid, just shut up. You're not gonna win this one.
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Anyway, Big Rigg Mahoney sends his regards from Okinawa.
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So at the base, Shinji studies, and Asuka tries to do scuba diving in the pool, since she can't do it at Okinawa. Turns out Asuka's already graduated college? She claims the physics problem Shinji is working on is easy, but her grades were poor because she hasn't learned enough Kanji to read the questions. Also Asuka wonders aloud if thermal expansion would make her bust bigger. I wasn't going to say anything, but I think the animators on this episode already made her bust bigger, because Asuka looks like Boa Hancock in this turkey.
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Meanwhile, a joint NERV-SSDF mission discovers a juvenile Angel inside a volcano. This is a huge opportunity to study the things and learn more about them, so the Eva pilots are mobilized to go in and retrieve it.
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Asuka insists on being the one to actually made the dive, because I guess she drank like fifteen cups of coffee before this episode started. Settle down, dammit.
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Asuka is chosen to make the dive, but her Eva will have to wear this dorky looking exosuit to withstand the temperature and pressure.
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Also, Asuka herself has to wear a modified plugsuit that looks like this for... some reason? It's supposed to protect her from the heat, but she's going to be surrounded by the Eva, which will also be surrounded by an exosuit. How much more protection does she need? And why does inflating the plugsuit make it safer?
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Asuka whines about these intolerable conditions, until Rei offers to pilot Unit 02 in her place. Asuka quickly changes her mind, since she can't bear the thought of getting left out of the mission. Geez, she's like a toddler!
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So we go on the mission, and Asuka asks if Kaji will be here to see her in action, and Misato informs her that this is none of his damn business. It's called "professionalism", Asuka, look into it.
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As they prepare, Misato explains that if the Angel can't be captured, or if it matures into adult form, then they'll have to destroy it. And if they fail, the UN will blow up the whole volcano, and all of them along with it. Shinji asks who would order such extreme measures, and duh, it's his dad, the guy in charge of the whole organization.
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From here, most of the episode looks like it was filmed inside a Nintendo Virtual Boy. This probably was considered pretty badass in the late 90s, but no, it looks like crap. They just keep lowering Asuka further and further down in search of this thing, and then she finds it and puts it in some kind of rectangle.
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Rectangle secured, mission accomplished, OR IS IT?
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Turns out the Angel hatches just as Asuka starts heading back for the surface, and the device she used to contain the Angel can't handle its adult form. Misato orders her to release it and head back to the surface as quickly as she can.
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The fight sucks because you can't see anything. Asuka had a "progressive knife" when she went down, but she dropped it during the descent. So Shinji tosses down his own and she catches it and fights back, but the thing is still incredibly strong and durable, becuase it lives inside a volcano for crying out loud.
At last, Asuka remembers that conversation about thermal expansion and uses that to win. Something about diverting the coolant in her Eva while she attacks with the progressive knife, but I can't see what she's doing and I probably wouldn't understand it anyway. The Angel disintegrates... I guess? And she returns to the surface.
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So Misato takes them to a hot spring near the volcano to celebrate a job well done. The girls ask Shinji to toss them a bottle of shampoo over the retaining wall, and then he hears them... tickling each other? And he gets a boner? I guess that's a joke? A plot point? Why the fuck is this in the show?
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There's also a cryptic exchange between Misato and Asuka. Misato has a scar on her abdomen which she says she got during Second Impact. Asuka asks Misato if she knows about her past, and Misato does but assures Asuka that they need to put it behind them. So I guess we'll find out what that means one of these days.
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And there we are. This was dumb. Most of the show was Asuka babbling like an idiot, or people watching machines lower other machines into lava. The show continues to drop all these hints and clues about the characters' backstories, but it never puts any of the pieces together. It just gets really formulaic, and I think the best evidence of this is the fact that I got mixed up while playing this DVD, and I accidentally watched Episode 11 first, thinking it was 10. So I had to go back and watch this one, but I could have just as easily skipped it, because nothing happened that had any long-term consequences.
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