tending-the-hearth · 3 months
so my brother and i watched the episodes and yes, all signs point to clone x being tech, but we were throwing around suggestions, and we both thought of one name that would cause SO much angst.
dogma, who we don't know exactly what happened to him.
dogma, who went along with the regulations until it was too late, and did the only thing he could think of to avenge his fallen brothers, and make it up to the living ones.
dogma, who left behind his best friend after what he did, who learned of tup's death, and wanted to do what he could to help, but ended up trapped and experimented on until he lost every little piece of himself.
just... rex and echo realizing who it is, maybe by taking off the helmet, either when it's too late, or just in time, and both of them just freezing, because it's their vod'ika, the one who struggled so much, whose mind was never truly his own, who was used by so many different evils.
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graveyard-society · 10 months
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i was at my therapist's not too long ago, drew these on the whiteboard while on the waiting list ☺️🩷
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quasi-normalcy · 6 months
#Just read a disquieting rumour that my ex was faking being indigenous.#Which...#I mean#I didn't see the evidence#All that I know is that this call-out post went up about 9 months ago in indigenous facebook groups#and my ex's entire online presence was apparently immediately scrubbed afterwards#which i'm only learning just now because honestly i've broken off all contact with them and with the rest of their friends#but like...it kinda wouldn't surprise me?#but the thing was they were an extremely militant decolonization activist#like they would go on long angry rants about appropriation and 'pretendians' and how terrible they were#but also like...they didn't really identify as indigenous until i think a year or so into our relationship?#and at the time i just figured ''whatever they're reconnecting with their roots''#(I'm not indigenous; I don't know how these things work)#but then they started speaking sporadically in a fake accent when around other Native people and going on about how 'Rez' they were#and like...'Rez'. Mate.#I know for a fact that you grew up in a $10 million house in Hawaii#(at least I assume it was a fact)#And they were a big fan of using social justice arguments and language as a pretext for abusing me.#And if it was a lie then. Well. It would be very much in character for them let me just say.#Like they lied constantly to other people. I just...I guess I assumed that I was an exception?#Or that they wouldn't lie about the big stuff. Especially when they acted so vociferously angry about it.#But yeah. Trying to assume the absolute most marginalised social identity they can for clout sounds very much like something they would do.
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es-quest · 1 month
A few alternate paths You could have taken.
Authors Notes: Hi so these are some side-stories I wrote up in my spare time about various other Es Quested Prisoners. All inspired by mutual rambles about how these prisoners would have act in this situation, and written in the few spare hours I have in my life at the moment, so the proofreading isn't the graetest. I'm trying to get back into writing Es Quest after being hit with....many things in life.
I'm not as good as writing the other prisoners as I am with Amane, but I hope this is satisfactory. Hope this tides people over.
CWs: Usual Es Quest Nonsense, these are Alternate Loop One situations so expect stuff related to that.
The girl giggles at you as you express concern over her situation. “Hm? Are you really worried about me, dear hero?” …Yes, why wouldn’t you be? You just wandered into a dungeon, and found someone chained up at the end of it. Anyone would feel concerned about that. 
She hums. “Eh, but I already told you I’m not locked up here. I was just waiting for you.” She pouts and points at you. “Maybe it’s your fault for taking so long then.” 
You shrug. You're sorry? You're not really sure how to react to that. Is it your fault? Well you're trying to make it up to her now. It must have been uncomfortable waiting like this, this whole time. She doesn’t respond immediately, instead observing you with an unreadable expression. When she speaks, she smiles at you warmly. “Hm, even though you acted so tough at the start…you're not intimidating at all, Dear Hero.” Somehow you can’t help but feel a bit insulted by that.
The boy smiles at you, maybe in an attempt to get the salamander to calm down. Though that is assuming he can see him when he hasn’t acknowledged Fuuta’s presence in the slightest otherwise. ”Ah, are you going to continue yelling like that?” He says. “You know…it’s a bit disgraceful for a hero to act like that, don’t you think?”
Disgraceful indeed! You’d flick your finger at Fuuta’s head if you could. You apologize to him. He’s chained up like this and the two of you are arguing about how to help him. It really is rather unbecoming of you.
“Heh don’t be. I’m just glad you're here. This place is creepy, isn’t it? If God didn’t tell me I needed to wait here I would have ran away as fast as I could!” Ah yes, a normal and fine sentence for someone to say.
“..Hm, did I say something wrong?”
“Shut up!” He says, before seeming to think twice of acting so rude. “I mean…” He curls further into himself. His tails trying their best to cover his entire body. You can’t help but feel a bit bad. You suppose you were being a bit presumptuous in your previous actions. Though this coarse refusal is rather upsetting. 
“I told you this would happen,” Amane says. The cat jumps off your hat, and sits right next to the boy. "You've been rather mean towards him I think. Is it really that funny to see him act like this?"
You haven't been mean! You were just trying to cheer him up...by being mean.
Amane gives you a disappointed look. The boy on the other hand seems completely lost on what's happening.
You decide to end the argument there, for his sake.
“You're cutting it?” He says incredulously. His attempts to hide his shock fail as he looks over to your hand. You look at the strange leash. Is there a problem?
He seems prepared to shout before thinking better of himself. “Only if it’s a problem to you.” He says. 
Not really, it’s more important that he gets out than preserving whatever this leash is. You raise your arm, and slice through the leash. The metal object at the end of it clattering to the ground. There! Job done!
“Heh thanks.” He says. “I appreciate your help even though it’s probably weird that an old man like me is chained up like this though, isn’t it?” He rubs his shoulder. “You’d think I’d be strong enough to bust out of here if I wanted to.” 
That is true…It Is rather suspicious that he is here. You would expect someone that looked more…well weak to be here.
This man doesn’t look like that at all.
An arm clings to your shoulder as the knife goes through her chest, and into her heart. It slides through so easily it’s almost like it’s meant to be there.
You stagger backwards. Yuno looks up at you. Somehow smiling despite the circumstances.
“Ah, is that your choice, my dear hero? That’s a shame…I thought for a second I felt a bit of…”
She falls to the ground.
Mikoto’s eyes are closed when he pushes your knife into his chest. 
He doesn’t say anything. Why would he? His job is to die, and he’s not going to make a fuss about it.
He doesn’t let go of your hand no matter how hard you try to struggle out of his grip. Until his hand goes slack, and his body falls onto the altar below him.
Fuuta sighs as you walk towards him. “Let’s just get this over with already.”
Get what over with?
You hear a tsk. “Come on. Don’t tell me he gave you a knife, and didn’t tell you what you're really supposed to do with it.
You shrug. You really don’t know what else he could be referring to. 
“Well I’ll show you then!”
He pulls you closer, and grabs your knife.
“I’m sorry, Es.” Shidou says. “But I cannot allow you to take me away from here. He pushes the knife fully into your heart. 
Your body falls onto the floor soundlessly. You think you broke something but you're not really sure What considering how everything else feels like it’s on fire.
Kazui looms over you. His figure in dark shadow, except for his eyes. Somehow glowing in the dark. “Ah...I’m sorry…But I warned you, didn't I? If I wanted to get out of here I-”
You wake up before he can finish his sentence.
End Notes: Now that we're at the end I get to name each prisoner and which mutual inspired who! Yuno and Fuuta are based on @74n5n's iteration, @gunsli-01 very helpfully provided the Mikoto thoughts, and @stuffedsand provided the Shidou and Kazui thoughts.
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
i have decided that i dislike drawing Donnie with his goggles down. you will probably not see that again
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ato-dato · 9 months
tf is "proship art"? do you mean "ships that proshippers tend to like" or...? i'm genuinely confused
Last time I answered an ask about the "no proship" part of my commission sheet I got some ppl mad so all I'll say is basically. Proshippers tend to excuse or are into certain things (including unethical stuff) which I don't condone. So what I mean by "no proship" is "I will not draw any ship that I deem unethical or gross"
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marxxymoon · 1 month
apparently theres a short horror film about Spider man on youtube now. and while i want to watch it. my arachnophobia would never let me.
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
The human au is very interesting! Would you do another one? Maybe they get attacked by the deviants and Thena is a bit too late to protect Gil and he gets hurt badly while he saves a kid?
The last thing he remembered was that little girl, standing in the middle of the chaos, looking up at the wall. But whatever they were fighting out there was big.
Gil was forbidden from leaving the gates when they were under attack, even to help get people inside. Partially by Ajak's order and strongly enforced by Thena, it was simply too dangerous for him to be out there.
He was as good as human, now.
He had run over to the girl, protecting her with his own body as a section of wall crumbled from the outside in. Human or not, he was still bigger than she was, and he could still protect humans, even if he was one.
"What happened?"
"You saved a young child," Ajak smiled down at him. She must have healed him, because the pain in his body was screaming.
"Some of the wall fell around and," Sersi grimaced, "on you."
"Don't worry, pal, the kid's fine," Kingo reassured.
Gil's eyes moved around them all. He could even see Druig and Ikaris on the outskirts of their little group. He groaned, "Thena?"
Looks were traded. Ajak looked behind her and nodded her head before looking down at him again. "You should rest, Gilgamesh."
The rest of the Eternals took their leave, leaving the Warrior Eternal to take their place to be the one and only in his vision. He looked up at her, trying to read the expression - or lack thereof - on her face.
"Are you in pain?"
Yes, he was in agony. He blinked at her, "not bad."
Still, she just stared at him, "you lie."
He watched as she moved around Phastos' examination table. He grunted as he tried to sit himself up, "that makes two of us."
"Gil," she put her hand to his chest.
He huffed, flopping back down again. He would have smacked his head on the table if not for her hand cradling the back of it. "Please?"
Thena kept her hand pressed on his chest, but did eventually move one to his back to help him up. "You must move gently. You were gravely injured, Gilgamesh."
He winced as his body took on its own weight again. "I don't remember."
"Perhaps because the gravity of your injury is blocking your memory."
He looked up at her. That eerily still expression was gone but it was replaced with an even worse on. "You're mad at me?"
"Do not trivialise this, Gilgamesh," she scowled at him. He did have to consider himself lucky. If he were anyone else he would be getting a lot more hell than just this. "You were nearer death than I have ever seen you."
He attempted a smile, "I saved that kid, right?"
Thena looked away. She had no argument to that, nor would she shame him for it, no matter her feelings on the issue. Her approach changed direction, "you were told to stay within the walls."
"I was, technically," he pointed out, not that it was helping his case.
She glared at him, "Gilgamesh."
"Hey, I'm the one injured here," he countered, but that just worsened things again. Her fists clenched and she leaned on the edge of the table. He frowned, "Thena?"
"I cannot be in two places at once," she conceded, and it sounded like she deeply and truly resented having to admit such a reality. She finally looked at him, eyes screaming what she could not. "There is only so much I can do to protect you."
Gil sighed, although his broken and then healed ribs protested. "You're protecting me day in and day out, already."
"Does that displease you?"
"I'm not saying that," he cut in quickly. He held out his hand, and was relieved when it seemed that this at least remained the same for them. He brought it to his lips. "How do we make this work?"
Thena bent herself to kiss his lips this time, gentle in a way that made them both want to cry.
"I can't go on like I'm made of glass," he stated aloud that which everyone had been avoiding saying. "And you know it."
"And what would you have me do?" she whispered, locking their fingers together. "Allow you to walk into harm's way when you are mortal?--something you would never allow to happen to me if I were in your place?"
She used that argument often. And she was right; if she had mysteriously turned human overnight he would nary let her out of his sight, let alone onto the battlefield.
And keeping her from fighting would hurt something inside of her, no matter how safe he kept her.
Thena touched her forehead to his, "I know you want to help."
"I can't do nothing, Thena."
"Of course not," she accepted, deeply saddened by his happy declaration. "But I will not watch you die, either."
Gil ran his hand over her cheek. It felt the same, even if he had no Cosmic Energy under his skin. He could still feel hers, though, as if rising to just under her skin, calling out to him. "I promise you won't."
Normally she would scold him for making a promise over which he held so little control. Now, all she did was lean into his touch. "I was too late, today. If that happens again-"
"It won't." Now he was just lying to her. But he tipped her lips to his again. "Hey."
She indulged him, looking into his eyes with her green ones.
"Y'know," he murmured, "this doesn't have an end in sight. Are you really ready to face...what if I never-"
Thena placed her finger upon his lips, then her own lips. She smiled, "am I prepared to have a human for a partner, you mean?"
He blushed.
She inhaled against his cheek. This was the most she had touched him in weeks. "If it's you."
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gothgirlsakura · 1 month
also i love this time on the dash so much because it feels like almost everybody is awake and posting
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asheanon · 6 months
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Twenty seven thousand smiling Sal faces and it still isn't enough. Ffs...
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
It's really common to see criticism against 13 in how she's passive, especially related to the Timeless Child (i.e. the Master making the discovery, Swarm killing Tecteun, not having memories of the past so she isn't held accountable for her past actions). Just missing the point of how maybe she having agency removed by others might be the point and I guess, sorry the Doctor didn't commit matricide on national television?
acknowledging that 13's having her agency removed was on purpose would require being willing to accept that the timeless child story is a critique of imperialism and colonization, and of how people use and abuse refugees and erase them from cultural history. Or possibly just people managing to even Realise this all, never mind accept it.
Like, yeah, sorry, she has no control over these things that were done/are being done to her, there is a reason for this. Like portraying her value and right to know these things Anyway. Like how she's a whole complete person deserving of respect despite not knowing. The story says she has a right to own her own past, but it's not callous enough to imply she was lesser When she didn't have it. Those without agency are not lesser. Cough. Bit of a point, that.
But also, i'd raise the point that the idea of having and using whatever agency you Do have Inside of oppressive systems and situations is a massive theme here. 13 may not have a lot of agency, but she sure as hell isn't Passive. Passive is sitting around waiting for things to happen To you, that is not the doctor. If nothing else, they tend to run away at top speed to avoid things rather than let them happen. 13 is never Passive. Having things happen To you doesn't make you passive, like? You Can be passive in these situations, but this is not even close to a foregone conclusion. 13 seeks out answers, a lot! Ask Yaz, she'll tell you how much she wanted to stranger her for not being transparent about what she was looking for. It's canon that 13's Actions drove Tecteun's, making the doctor the first domino (like, I mean from a cold sequence of events kind of way. It was Not 13's fault that Tecteun did this, but she Did cause Tecteun to act).
(also, lol, Karvanista would have Loved if 13were passive. No Such Luck.)
But yeah, anyway, agency In systems that try to strip it from you is a ~thing here that holds hands with the anti-imperialism themes. Fugitive!Doctor did not have the agency to do much of anything but she ran far far away. She could do that even if she couldn't get out of division by being allowed to just leave. Vinder (the doctor metaphor) exercises his agency in an oppressive military state by simply reporting what his leader did that was wrong. He couldn't stop him, but he could sure as hell stand up for his principles despite what it cost him. That is a use of the agency he Did have in a system designed to strip it all away from him.
In reality, we All live in systems we can't escape. We all live at the mercy of the actions of those around us. That doesn't mean we are entirely helpless or totally powerless. A small action in response is an action we chose based upon the options we had regardless.
So yes. The lack of agency is a plot thing. I respect that female characters not having agency in fiction simply because it never occurred to the writers to give it to them is a Massive issue, but this isn't that.
And yeah, sure, Matricide. Obvs what we want on our little family show??? I think maybe we should just realise that the doctor was not going to kill Tecteun. Swarm did not kill tecteun Instead of 13. The doctor is many things, but somebody who just kills somebody in front of them because of what they did to them? No. Swarm happened to kill Tecteun, there is no indication that he stole some kind of kill shot from the doctor because the doctor was not, actually, attempting to kill her herself! As much as i'd sympathise with a game of who gets to Tecteun, this scene was Not that.
Also... Uh, even aside from the above, how was 13 going to kill Tecteun? Swarm's whammy meant no regeneration, 13 doesn't possess that kind of permanent kill shot.
And honestly. Whatever, You wanted 13 to find out about this on her own? Fine, whatever, but that's a preference not a critique. Personally I think it'd be hard to find a way for her to find this out through a sequence of events entirely based upon her own control. She was running from her past and from Gallifrey, she was not going to find this out without somebody else telling her? She's not the master who Would go digging through the matrix for sheer funsies and nosiness. Or possibly boredom. If the doctor is bored or nosey they go meet strangers.
So yeah, she had little agency in certain areas. It's because she's representing a subset of people whose agency has been stripped from them. That's kind of the point!!!
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Spot the owl part ?:
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zehina · 14 days
Checked out my AO3 account, because why not, and wow. That poor thing was abandoned years ago. I should really update it sometime.
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Happi Ester
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this is your yearly reminder to keep your insectoid friends out of your Easter baskets.
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saltpepperbeard · 3 months
Omg if it wasn't for people of tumblr to get it because I made my sister watch ofmd because I needed someone to talk to but she doesn't really care ;-; so I tried telling her about the boyfriends thing and she was just like .....ok? (She unfortunately didn't become someone I can talk to about it)
ANON, I'm sorry, it really is quite crushing when that happens! 😭
Like it's like hsjkdshldks "hi hello i'm sharing a piece of my heart with you because this means the entire world actually and i'm really hoping you'll at least share a bit of my excitement? or have a general understanding of why it's so impactful for me??? 👉👈"
And then when said person is like "Ummm ok???" or they just show a degree of nonchalance, iT FEELS LIKE THEY CRUSHED SAID HEART PIECE LMAO 😭
I understand not everyone will feel as excited about it, or even like it, because it might not be for everyone. But at the same time, part of my brain struggles to conceptualize it. Like, what do you even MEAN you don't care for two extremely earnest, extremely sweet middle aged men who finally find true love and comfort in one another after years and years of isolation and heartache, all the while being extremely silly goofy with their extremely silly goofy little found family??? 😭😭😭
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"You've KILLED me Scar!!"
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