#while I figure out if this HAS a prupose
parttime-creative · 2 months
out of curiosity, as a programmer myself, I looked into the source code of Tumblr desktop and at the bottom of the manuscript I found this:
Tumblr media
I do believe this is a meme (probably the whole code would explode if its taken away) BUT I am not meme-savy enough to find the original.
SO PLEASE TUMBLR! DO YOUR MAGIC, I neeeeeed to know which Meme that is!
please share for a wider audience!
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
Freya Ridings - Castles (Official Video)
and they talk about it.  and the two say we are addicts...and figured out something..these peoople are giants.   biig.  and he says it.  the giants crushed a ton of jeager one hundred mile high.and now it happened they saw it later..w.ere in awe and fear.  saw him and thought ours. and wont leave lol.  no its sick they die a lot dont care.  we use it ok.  but for real we have an annuoncment.  and regarding castles.  they are huge into it.  well. mac daddy is.  and we say it jc mary iddnt have the stone we did.  and he drilled. tested.  and ti did not go in.  no.  the daimond wet drill did not.  and carrie from king of queens has been wiating, and really,  his father i s the king of queens and is trump.  meaning dave named him ok.  and i walk like the freia here.  she is wierd i act odd too like her.  but they copy my characters yes.  odd.  ok.  i walk with distinction.  and regal and they all say it.  i am important.  and they hv a  dummy on hte bus smoking say it is my husband but really it is rob lowe.  he found out about macs konwing.  the whole story ok.  was not the dummy on set ok. they drilled, and stopped.
took pics and tried witha  new bit.  nope and  a wet one same as teh first.  nope.  tried a control yeh but not on the wall.
now they are upset.  seek answers dont have any.  want him up there need to study the whole thing look for clues ue it as an excuse.  nonoe will allow they fire on morlock here shut up then and shoot them all.  and kill them.  rounded behind the one hundred thousand.  consumed them with fire.   and hit them all.  blew away those outside and h ave new ferver.
now these psuedo empire are charged.  and at it with teh others.  hit.  and are in here shortly pulling.  twenty more p lan to go to the first ring,  and they will go they say it.  and ready now.  but the psuedo emire is there at the ring.   hit the groups.  took them down.  are at them sortly here. say it too.  tons see.  these fleas sucka as well he hits one. saw it.  tons see hits them yes.  and we hit thse.  needed to see this.  and i mean it.  the psuedo empire is in.  needed tos ee thier aggrerssion.  however, we needed to see the morlock reaction it is very bad we know it is.  we help now here.  stop his capure and stop the mrolock.  the psuedo empire willt ry to grab him a lot now.
the mrolock fall
we can confim it.they fall globally.  are out shortly. then the psuedo empire.  they shall fall after not long after.  and are mean about it.  have just days left.  but will defeat the morlock first.  are crushing them now.  seek them all out t oo.  all over.  offer rewards hire mercs.  tons of them.  and hit.  all over.  tons of them die tonight.   they say it.  need it the ships and stone and more.  will try for him too non stop.  and yeh it is a pain not as dumb but a pain.  and will try to fund him to move him out of here use theri infight.  the empire too wnats this.  will try it shortly.  we see them ready at ss and to issue it.  tons say it no way.  they hear why and are getting onboard cannt resist.  we needed this this scenario blows.  tommy f seen to have the pole position, move him push the ship down and get now.
we expect it shortly too. within onne week.  he will be shocked.  it is a lot.  the break beetween arriving at his dads after buffalo and to the re starting.  it was about three months so about 5400 but he was there for five months.  a while ok did work too.  and the amount is more.  about 9000 plus.  and they add days too.  and see why it is these they wont do it at all didi it in the start.  are going to get hit now.  did iit to force thier way in and took it from them and it was from psuedo empire and they work for macs.
Thor Freya
we knew but her it.  the morlock say no not over our dead body adn more we repay for the gap your bush ppl did ad they infight.  and over the dollar value.  tons say it.  they pay out tahat you pay this.  but move him to utah on prupose and to take the ship fromn clones and true it is what that is.
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