#wilbur crit
dappersautismcreature · 8 months
ok so,, followers of mine, moots of mine, beloveds, i have to warn you, as wilbur comes back to the qsmp, i am perfectly incapable of liking him. i am sorry, i apologize, but i will likely be slightly critical of him. as far as i know he hasnt done anything bad, nothing i can blame this irrational dislike for him on, it is simply the vibes, the autism doesnt like him im sorry (and possibly trauma related to his specific local accent, but the dislike started before that)
anyways i will always tag my shit as wilbur crit so feel free to block that tag, sorry if i go too far, feel free to tell me if im being unfair, but I may make a longer post about my frustrations with SOME of his fans at some point. feel free to unfollow if you want, i wont mind /gen
i also want to say im not gonna go outta my way to crit him, but if his actions fall into my circle of qsmp critique, i may be a little less nice to him :|
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thevoidmeows · 2 years
I think for me the reason this lore stream felt so off was that tommy was acting his heart out with his sadness and need for c!wilbur to stay, only for c!wilbur to be like love ya bro, but i’m off to utah lol,, and just leaves c!tommy on the shore
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quackitytheduck · 2 years
I love ctnt but only as a vessel to show how hot cq is like this guy who was a formative part of your past comes back and he sees your glowup and becomes obsessed with you but you're too busy having your own hot girl issues to actually care about him anymore? slay. perfect. everyone should be obsessed with quackity actually
THIS!!!!! holy shit idk how to express to u anon how based and qpilled u r at this time. i really only pay attention to tntduo when cwilbur is 1. in the lore directly 2. nikis birthday party hehe (i really like this one) (its one of my fav streams) and 3. scenes like "i dont think about u at all" like HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! i had to step back from my phone (i was at school) when he said that i was losing my fucking mind YES BITCH!!!!!! YES!!!!! HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK!!!! hes worried about soo much bigger things than u like. yk. THE NARRATIVE.
i would like to state however that like i said i am only a tntduo when fanon cwilbur is bringing out his inner simpbur likeee. maybe its just bc i love simpbur that lil fucking creep but it really gets a kick out of me EEEVVVEEERRRYYY time
its like. cwilbur was nothing but a stepping stone during the election. absolutely nothing. he was something at the top of the mountain for cq to push the boulder towards. and then once he was vice crimeboys were exiled and he had SO. much bigger problems on his mind than that little powerhungry rat
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corvusthecryptid · 2 years
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recookerator · 2 years
Previous reblog;
The sentiment is. Nice, I like the different view point but I can’t help but disagree… idk, if we’re thinking in terms of the post, there was too much emphasis on the “subversion” part of it all and less on the cohesiveness that kept everything put together. I guess it’s not clear enough to really talk about Wilbur’s intentions with his character since he hasn’t really talked about it himself, but it still feels funny to me; like he was just trying to push this project to the past to focus on other things.
​that and no where in the story did it imply that people become better after trauma.. this story has been about trauma, yes, but it’s also about healing, and that’s where becoming better comes from. And it isn’t implied that anyone “becomes better” either, in fact it’s very clear with the fact that there have been irreversible changes to these people and that they’ll have to work through it with themselves to accept who they are and how to grow past their traumas
Sorry I can keep going but my brain is frying and I don’t wanna sound annoying
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Wilbur: Who's the lucky- who's the lucky lady, who's Missa, what's she like?
Phil: It's a dude. *laughs*
Wilbur: Phil, you didn't tell me you were bi, and also polyamorous.
Phil: Definitely not.
Wilbur: What does Kri- what does Kristin think of your- of your... husband?
Phil: SHE'S NOT CANON IN THIS UNIVERSE! And we- and it's not like that, it's not like that- it's uh, we're- it's platonic, we're just dude's hanging out protecting an egg-
Wilbur: Who's the top?
Tumblr media
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tobi-smp · 4 months
I just feel like there's an inherent difference from tommy calling wilbur crazy while he watches his brother, his stability, spiral in front of him. desperate and scared, no idea how to help him, but wanting more than anything to Try, to never let go. trying to do anything to stop wilbur from hurting himself, from hurting anybody else, while wilbur actively tries to convince him that he's already too far gone to be helped. choosing wilbur again and again and again.
and technoblade calling wilbur crazy while actively agreeing with everything wilbur wanted to do. no qualms with him wanting to blow up the country or kill people just thinking he's being too mentally ill about it.
both of them were hurtful to wilbur undeniably, tommy probably more so even. but as the audience we should be able to recognize that these aren't on the same level or coming from the same place right.
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mellorphic · 1 year
Thinking about how the way this fandom treats anger as a trauma response?
There’s the c!Tommy method - pretend it does not exist or pretend it’s the only trait he has
The c!Wilbur method - demonise and vilify him for it
Or the c!Niki method - turn it into a girlboss trait
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voiddrop · 7 months
Not people spamming on and on about how you can’t be critical of Wilbur for the choice of his character being away and busy - which yeah no true you really can’t - but lets also extend that same mentality towards Tallulah? She’s allowed in character to be bitter, to have mixed feelings, to be upset.
I’ve seen so many people already spamming how you can’t blame Wilbur while making jabs at Tallulah, and this fandom loves to demonise her for not being ‘perfect’ and ‘sweet’ and ‘nice’ all the time.
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cquackity · 2 years
really fucking sick of people who claim that quackity's tommy's etc etc character would be better under wilbur soot's writing. why are we still doing that
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ladyddanger · 10 months
the insane wilbur soot tag is so gross. weird bench trio stans stay away from him challenge. (Failed)
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dappersautismcreature · 7 months
hey sorry this is super outta nowhere but i was scrolling thru the mcytconfessions blog n saw you saying youre a wilbur hater and im genuinely curious as to why?
this isnt me waiting to like. white knight him and bite your face off btw. i like wilbur but this *is* genuine curiosity pls dont be afraid lmfaoksdsdfkhf
ah yeah, sorry nonnie, and no worries. sorry for the rant ahead i just wanna lay it all out.
listen, its pure vibes, i dont really have an explanation for it. i liked him just generally for a while, but i watched a video where he talked about american gun control and it just came off super uck to me. like, a lot of british lefties have this weird thing where they will assume americans are all stupid just for kicks when we've actually been indoctrinated to think the way we do. i guess i just dont like seeing brits have political takes that are just pure "america needs to get its shit together" cause yeah bro we know, focus on whatever the fuck is up with ur government please. I feel like if i talked politics with wilbur soot he would be condescending as shit and basically explain to me what socialism is or whatever when its like, dude,, please. british lefties think they know more than the average young american, which is most of the time not true, or not something to insult someone over. (this is also because he reminds me of a shitty ex friend who was in the states for AMERICAN STUDIES but would just talk on and on and on about how dumb americans were -___-)
and its more than that, i never get idolization of people, like, online people. the closest ive come to it was technoblade maybe? gtws is pretty awesome too, bbh is low level idolization maybe. so it weirds me out when people are just in awe over him, makes my instincts go wild. im really not accusing him of anything, i know this is just the silly brain reacting silly. it just weirds me out. his fans do not know him, nobody's fans know the person, and yet they act like they do, and like he's gods gift to leftism and queerness when he is,, a cishet maybe-aro upperclass man from britain. nothing against him really.
oh, and his fans tick me off because theyre ALWAYS inserting him into things and just. listen, i dont like having to scroll through tons of wilbur fics in the qsmp tag when im just trying to get to some badboyhalo or etoiles centric fics. the man has been on the qsmp for like less than a week of playtime and he's the fourth most tagged character on the qsmp ao3 tag.
not to mention he gets dragged into other plots like "what if this actually happened to wilbur!" or "yeah but what if wilbur was there!" or my most hated "cant wait till this character meets wilbur because i cannot enjoy this media (which is about finding and enjoying a bunch of ccs) if it doesnt have my guy in it!" like i get it, you have a hyperfix or a special interest, ive been there, but maybe then go watch stuff he's actually in, instead of forcing him into a plot he really isnt that big a part of anymore.
people also praised his dsmp writing when it was,, average at best. honestly i think bbh's and the eggpire's writing did way more for the dsmp because they actually tried to include other people in the plot as much as possible, instead of just writing for you and a few of your friends. imo, c!wilbur was an ok character, like, nothing bad, but nothing extraordinary for me. utah is death, ok buddy got it, wow, insane. yeah yeah we've all been to the soul sucking pit of utah, haha i get it. << this is just pure salt ignore that lmao
oh and lovejoy didnt fuckin invent political indie rock, people need to get over themselves on that one.
so yeah, its just a thing of, i cant really bring myself to like him. the brain goes wonky when he's around. kinda wish i didnt like, get angry when he's on screen but idk i cant really stop myself. nothing againstt you if you like him, ill usually tag anyy wilbur neg with #wilbur crit so if you wanna mute that tag. i dont post it too often tho.
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lacystar · 9 months
Why is lovejoy teasing new music. Stop it. Play minecraft
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mossmelancholic · 2 years
i feel my main issue with the finale is that it’s a bad ending that exists for the wrong reasons.
one of the aspects of c!tommy’s lore that appealed to me was how fundamentally bleak his existence always turns out to be. he’s inherently a tragic character: the consequences for his actions are always overblown in comparison to both the intent and the impact of them. because of his loud personality and even louder voice, he’s the centre of attention in any room he walks into, which makes him a quick and easy scapegoat if you’re looking for someone to blame. he’s stubborn and he’s surviving, but he’s never at peace with his circumstances because something is always missing - his discs, his friends, his family.
i know that suffering for the sake of suffering is not a story beat that many are fond of. i know that many watchers just wanted tommy to heal because he deserved something hopeful. but to see a character whose circumstances are always stagnating, stuck in this tiring cycle where they always find themselves ending up right back where they started… that really appealed to me on a personal level, and so keeping that in mind, i always thought there was a chance his ending was not going to be a happy one.
but to me, this does not feel like his ending. it’s not an ending that exists for c!tommy. it’s not the natural conclusion to his story. this was an ending made to excuse c!dream’s entire villain arc instead. c!tommy’s characterisation as a victim did not matter here, because characterising c!dream as a victim instead was the intended goal. the abuse c!dream inflicted on c!tommy is less important than desperately clutching at straws to make a character, that we as an audience have no reason to view as sympathetic, ‘worthy’ of our sympathy. the narrative is desperate to give room for c!dream to have a second chance, something that comes at the cost of enabling victim blaming against a canonical child abuse survivor.
when c!tommy, in the haze of memory loss, befriends his abuser, i don’t think it was intended to be tragic. it could and should have been, because c!tommy having no recollection of anything is a good set-up that would leave him vulnerable, open to c!dream’s manipulation once again because he doesn’t know who to avoid and who not to trust. but it isn’t trying to be unsettling when we see c!tommy unknowingly befriending his abuser; it’s meant to be a sign of hope that now everything has been reset, maybe there could be peace again. it doesn’t work, because the viewers remember everything even if the characters don’t. instead the amnesia plot line feels like a flimsy method of making a blank slate and a fresh new start where c!dream can avoid the consequences of his actions completely. this is a unintentional bad ending for c!tommy, because he’s placed in a position where he will grow to trust someone who has the full capacity to hurt him, but it’s an intentional good ending for c!dream and it seems that’s where the cc’s priorities lie.
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corvusthecryptid · 2 years
C U IN UT....see you in undertale 😳😳😳😳😳💥💥💥💥*vine boom sound effects*
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apple-but-sour · 2 years
Bad writing is when a character doesn't speedrun a healing and redemption arc and completely resolve all his issues in the ways he communicates with people in a single lore stream.
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