#xavier thorpe x fem!witch!reader
vxntagedior · 1 year
hello gorgeous! love your writings! thank u so much for your works! if you don't mind, i have a mini crack thought about witch!reader x xavier maybe friends to lovers? they're casually hanging out together and witch!reader asks out of nowhere "are u a virgin?" xavier is confused like "why?" "need some male virgin blood for a potion/ritual" idk why i've been thinking abt this mini dialog for weeks but i've found it hilarious. it's ok if it doesn't inspire you or something, though. thank u in advance!
to keep thy young
summary | you make a joke at xavier who just gets more and more confused
pairing | xavier thorpe x fem!witch!reader
warning | fluff, humor, mentions of virginity, mentions of blood
word count | 435
Your nose was deep into your spell book, looking up occasionally to your caldron, Xavier hearing you mutter something under your breath before going back to reading. 
Xavier was used to it whenever he came to your room, unless it was an emergency, you’d be into your witchy powers as Xavier would like to call it. 
The two of you had an odd friendship, while you kept your nose in a book, in the library whenever you had the free time, while Xavier kept up with his art, attending the Nightshades, meeting you for the first time in front of the Poe Statue. 
“Xavier.” You called out to him. It was a shock that he saw you out so late and that neither of you hadn’t been caught. “I need a favor from you.”
“Uh.” He muttered, feeling conflicted. 
“I know about the secret library, and I need to get in.” You went straight to the point. Sharing a few classes with him was probably the most you knew of him, and the drama that went around Nevermore when he and Bianca broke up.
Xavier was enchanted when he first met you, he always thought you held a certain aura around you, and you were more beautiful than he could ever imagine, there was no way he could say no. 
Meeting that fateful day was when your blooming friendship developed, something Xavier dreaded because he wanted to be so much more than friends. 
Hearing a loud groan from you, Xavier pulled out one of his headphones. “You okay?”
Sighing, you turned around looking at your best friend dead in the eye, not wanting a second, “Are you a virgin?”
Stunned, Xavier was shocked what you asked him, completely off guard. “Um.” He licked his lips, “No.”
“Great.” You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes, “Guess I could go find Eugune.”
“Why do you want to know?” After you mentioning Eugune’s name Xavier was just more confused. 
“I need the blood of a male virgin.” You shrugged, “I need to keep myself young, wrinkles are starting to show.”
Xavier was to the point beyond confusion, starting to gear towards delusion. “What the fuck.”
Hearing you laugh, Xavier watched as you finally turned around to face him. “I’m joking.”
Even hearing you say that, he still couldn’t believe you. “It’s not a youth potion, I’m making a wolfsbane remedy, just wanted to see your reaction.”
Xavier just stared at you, starting to laugh quietly with you. “Do any of your spells or potions ask for the blood of a virgin.”
“Oh yeah.” You grinned, “Tons.”
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱
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Xavier Thorpe x Witch Reader
Request: „Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Xavier Thorpe x fem. reader where the reader is a new student at nevermore and sits next to Xavier in Mrs. Thornhills class and he tries to impress her with his powers (like in the scene where he made the spider come to life)‟
A/N: Request from anon. I changed one thing about the reader skills/ powers. It's not my best work but as always I hope you all still gonna like it. 
English is not my native language so I am sorry for any mistakes.
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She felt unwanted eyes on her, again.
However, despite the fact that the situation repeated itself since she set foot in a new school, each time she chose to ignore it. She knew who the irises following her every move belonged to anyway, so she quickened her pace to disappear from their radar, as she had done many times before.
When she found a secluded corner, she leaned against it, sighing. She'd only been here a week and she'd had enough.
Her father told her about possibilities and freedom, oh how easily she was outsmarted by him. Now she was stuck in a strange place, far from home, in a school for "people like her". However, she soon found out that this term was not entirely true.
Nevermore Academy was supposed to be something of a safe oasis for children who were extraordinary, in the worst sense of the word. But Y/n quickly noticed that the teenagers weren't much different from normal people, well, except for the hidden talents they'd inherited. Girl was one of them. 
Being the ancestor of one of Salem's oldest witches had its advantages and disadvantages, although she saw more negatives than positives. That's why she hid her abilities.
-Y/n! - girl's voice called her.
The teenager closed her eyes, only to open them after a moment and turn around to look at the well-known blonde.
-Enid -replied the witch, tilting her head gently to the side, in a silent act announcing that she ,could continue.
-I was looking for you- she replied, smile did not come out of her face - Botany classes will start soon, and you are hiding.
Y/n sometimes wondered how a person could be so happy and carefree. But she was never able to come up with a satisfactory answer.
-Then it's better that they don't wait for us - she said with a slight, almost imperceptible smile, going with the werewolf to class.
Her steps, although slow, still led her to her goal at a much faster pace than she would like. Entering the great conservatory, without stopping, she went to the designated place.
Xavier was already sitting in his seat, lost in his notebook, sketching something Y/n couldn't see. Only when she sat next to him in the field of vision appeared the image of a black spider. Before the boy could see that she was looking his way, her head quickly turned to the desk, making it look like he was looking at her, not the other way around.
It might sound strange, even scary, but the brunette liked to look at her, especially when the teenager was so close to him. Every detail on her face was much clearer then. Her thick and long eyelashes, behind which beautiful irises were hidden, full lips or the flash of her thick hair, which seemed to be soft as silk from a distance. Xavier noticed all this, and day by day he became more and more addicted.
Before he knew it, he was smitten with her, and as if sensing it, she began to run away from him. Each step she took was further away from him, which meant that he was never able to catch her, or talk to her, even for a moment.
When Y/n's eyes finally rested on him, he responded by pushing the notebook towards her. Her brow furrowed in consternation, and he merely smiled at her, extending his hand to hover over the drawing. After a while, the animal came out of the paper, leaving only a gray halo behind. The arthropod moved a few steps. The witch did not let him out of her sight.
-I doubt Y/n will be impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe - said Mrs. Thornhill unexpectedly, when she came to class.
-Admit that you're a little impressed - the green-eyed boy muttered.
The girl didn't answer for a long moment, too focused on the spider. Shivers involuntarily passed over her body and before she could've said something, the animated drawing burst into flames. Most of the students looked at her with a mixture of admiration and surprise, but she didn't care. Holding her hands, she occasionally ran her long fingernails over the rings to distract herself from the outside world.
Xavier cursed under his breath, he thought he would impress her, but all he did was make her hide even more.
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It was nighttime when Y/n received an unexpected message.
With the end of class, she locked herself in her room, content to finally be able to breathe fully. Dressed and refreshed, she spent time on the floor, drowning in the books of witchcraft that she read several times before. The sound of music filled the room as well as the sound of her own voice as she hummed along with the band's lead singer.
Only a quiet but strong blow pulled her out of her bubble.
Standing up, she walked over to a large, tall window. At first glance, everything seemed normal, but when her eyes began to wander, a black cat appeared in the field of her vision, or rather its sketch.
The teenager sighed and opened the window. Curious about the explanations. There was a card in the animal's mouth and an invitation on the paper.
-Meet me at nine o'clock by the fountain - she recited, frowning slightly in thought ,knowing exactly who the sender was.
Thinking, she stared at the landscape outside the window, then she shifted her irises to the cat, who was still waiting, sitting on the windowsill. Involuntarily, she raised her hand and stroked his ear, as if hoping that it would feel something, even though it was only a drawing.
Before she could think carefully about her decision, her legs led her towards the exit. Right underneath the stone construction.
Xavier was already waiting for her. Her school uniform had been replaced with a long-sleeved black mid-thigh dress and leather boots. The boy didn't know what to think, it was the first time he saw the teenage witch in something else, in something close to her comfort zone.
-You really came - he remarked, not hiding the surprise in his voice.
-I really came - she replied, clasping her hands behind her - Your form of invitation was quite interesting. I was wondering if you matched the cat to my species or if it was just a coincidence.
-Yes...I mean no - brunette tangled up in words, pushing himself away from the fountain to approach Y/n - Your reaction to my previous drawing got me thinking. I preferred to create something that you should like this time.
-I'm just not a fan of small, crawling creatures. But I appreciate your gesture - she said honestly, which made Xavier smile.
-I'm glad to hear that - he replied, looking at the girl.
-What is the reason for your invitation? - she asked suddenly.
-I wanted to apologize. I guess you didn't want to show off your abilities - he remarked, scratching the back of his neck.
The gaze of the teenager, who was directed at the fountain near them, moved to the green-eyed boy.
-You have no reason to apologize - she announced -It was my instinct that worked the way it did - she added before taking a few steps back so she could turn freely and head back to the dorm.
-Wait! - Thorpe called her, grabbing her wrist, and she stopped, looking at him with furrowed brows -Would you like to go for a walk?- he asked with a trace of hope in his voice.
The girl shifted her gaze to the building behind her, then back to the tall teenager in front of her, who was awaiting for her response. Y/n nodded with a slight smile.
-I would love to - she said, nodding imperceptibly in confirmation.
The two of them moved forward. The witch put all her trust in the hands of Xavier, who led them to a place known only to him. Her heart was beating hard from the adrenaline, and surprisingly, she welcomed it. She hadn't had so much fun in a long time, even if it was just sneaking through school property.
Eventually they came to something that looked like a shed. Y/n involuntarily approached the body of her companion, looking curiously at the wooden building. When the brunette turned his head to check the girl's condition, he found her close to him, closer than he expected. Satisfied, he lowered his head to be level with her ear.
-This is my studio - he confessed, as if proud of this fact - I cleaned it, so Weems let me use it.
-We are alone - the girl noticed, approaching his face, which involuntarily covered with a blush - You don't have to whisper - she added, then moved away, walking towards the entrance.
Thorpe followed her with his eyes until she had disappeared through the door, then he moved on, quickening his pace so that the girl wouldn't wait. When he entered, Y/n looked around intrigued, but kept her hands to herself, watching from a distance.
-You have talent - she admitted after a long moment.
-Thanks - he said, following her like a shadow. -This is my safe space. Art makes me relax - he added, standing behind her as she paused at another of the many paintings.
-It must be nice to have your own sanctuary - the teenager said - I often dream of something like this, that wouldn't be my dorm room. Life at Nevermore can be...overwhelming - she confessed, rubbing her hands together in comfort.
-Really?- he asked, eager to hear more, happy to finally be able to talk to the object of his interest.
-Yhm- muttered the witch -That's quite an interesting paradox. An outcast feels like an outcast in a school for outcasts - she noticed, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, the boy made her feel surprisingly better, surprisingly calmer.
-You can always talk to me if you want - Xavier said, shrugging -I don't bite.
-I appreciate it - she replied, not sure what else to add.
When silence fell between the two, Y/n realized how close they were, how intimate the situation seemed, and the brunette slowly began to think the same, his green eyes not even for a moment stopping looking at the face in front of him.
Her eyes wandered over the boy's face, trying to find a starting point. Her slightly parted lips as well as the smell of lavender and gooseberry did not help Thorpe concentrate. Only the girl's frown woke him up from his trance.
Following her gaze, the teenager met an image, but not just any image. The canvas depicted a girl sitting on one of the stone benches, lost in thought, her face calm and her eyes distant. There was a sheet next to the easel, which must have been moved by a gust of wind when Y/n stepped inside.
-It's...me - she whispered in shock, walking towards her likeness.
-The first day, I couldn't forget you. So I started painting - he tried to explain, keeping his voice stoic -You surrounded yourself with this mysterious aura that drew me in even more. You were different from the rest...I talk nonsense - he muttered, closing his eyes.
The girl turned to face Xavier. Then , she unexpectedly put her hand around him, standing on her fingers to kiss the corner of his mouth.
-I quite like your nonsense - she confessed ,almost brushing his lips because of the closeness of their faces.
Xavier took her confession as a signal to action. Placing his hands on the witch's waist, he slowly brushed her lips, and seeing no objection, he did it again, and again, and again.
They said romance was dead and Y/n had to agree. But the electrifying touch of the boy's hand, the warmth of his lips, and the addictive scent that surrounded him, made her not disappointed by the death of romanticism. She preferred the version where she could’ve indulge her feelings without having to play cat and mouse.
And now that she had tasted the forbidden fruit, she was not going to stop. 
Neither did he.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Xavier thorpe meeting you witch moms
⚠️: 2 moms, talk of Turing in to frog and flys. Mentions of fire. Gender neutral reader
A/n: there names are Victoria and Jessie just as filler. Enjoy
This was written in December
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"You ok with meeting them this weekend" you asked xavier
"Yup" he nodded
You had warned xavier that you over protective moms were coming and might try to turn him to a frog
"Ok if you turn in to a frog i will still love you" yiu kissed his cheek and ran off to class
He just stood and wondered if it was an mistake
Rhe next weekend you ran up to him in the hall and whispered "you can still run"
He just laughed as you ran to the quad
You saw you moms
One tall and in a casual suit
The other shorter and in a flowing dress and a sun hat
"Mama, mom" yiu say hugging them
"Hey our little newt" you laughed at the nickname "it's good to see you mom
"So wheres the boy" one of your moms said
"Oh mama" you said "always in my love life" you laughed and waved over to xavier who was talking to Ajax mom
"Xavier" you said and waved him over
He walked over and looked at you mom's
"Hello I'm xavier thorpe" he stuck out his hand but your moms ignored it
You mama pulled him in a tight hug and you other mom just glared at him
After your mama jess released him you mom started to speak "I'm Victoria" she said "but you will call me Ms.L/n"
"And I'm jessi" your mama said "please can my ms.jess"
"Now" you jumped in "I'm going to give them a tour of the updated droms, run while you can" you wishpered
The next day you wear with wendnesday and edin in there dorm and xavier was in the quad
"Xavier" a cold voice said "he turned to see you mom Victoria no longer in a siut but in overalls thay you would expect a grave digger to wear
"Yes ms.L/n" he said trying to hide his nervousness
"If you hurt y/n" she said with venom in her voice "I will turn you into a fly and burn you slowly" she said as her hands glowed with her magic and red color.
He just gulped and nodded
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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OK an Xavier x reader where the reader is a witch and her mom attended Nevermore and was Bestfriends with Morticia addams and bc of that reader and Wednesday were raised together and are basically eachothers Bestfriend but the readers mom died and her dad is a horror author so alot of ppl in nevermore know abt it him kinda similar to how Xaviers dad is famous (except readers dad rlly cares abt her)
Anyways reader is a bit shy buts nice and friendly which you don't expect from Wednesdays bestfriend. Anyways her and Xavier both like eachother but reader is too shy to talk to him as he's her first real crush so she mostly ignores him making him think reader doesn't like him
pairings: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader summary: you too shy to talk to Xavier, making him assume you don't like him back warnings: none
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"he's looking again" your friends, Yoko said annoyed, motioning over to the one and only boy you've ever had your eye on
you looked back and saw him staring at you. your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him confused as to why you keep finding him like this.
you looked away quickly and left with Yoko
"just talk to him" she suggested
"are you kidding? I can't just do that! I would make a fool of myself" you sighed, looking back at the boy
you saw him walking in the hallway, walking with Ajax.
"hi, Y/n" Ajax smiled at you as you approached, you and Ajax were kind of friends. you talked to each other nicely and sat with each other on the odd occasion in class
"Hi, Ajax" you waved softly
"Hi!" Xavier greeted you warmly
you looked at him and quickly turned your head away, walking past them
"what was that?" you heard Xavier ask Ajax
"she's just shy"
"why are you always looking at him?" Wednesday asked bluntly, watching you stare at the long haired boy longingly
"I do not" you scoffed quietly
"you're wasting your time on a stupid boy" she huffed
"he's not stupid" you muttered
"he might not be, but you are" her deadpan expression made you feel weak
"how?" you stopped looking at him and turned to her confusingly
"because you stare at him like you're in love, yet you make no effort to talk to him, and when he tries to, you just shy away and leave" she explained
"I don't shy away, I- I just get nervous" you mumbled
"even though I don't believe in the concept of love. I think it's stupid to waste it away just because you're nervous. he seems to want to talk to you, so that's something you should consider next time" she rolled her eyes. not in a rude way.
"I can talk to him" you argued
"I'm sure you can" she nodded sarcastically
"you know what. I'll talk to him right now" you stood up from your chair and walked over to Xavier, who was sitting, talking to Ajax
you walked up to them and looked down at Xavier, beginning to get nervous again
"Hi" he smiled softly
"Hi..Ajax" you said quickly, turning to the gorgon beside him
Xavier slumped in his chair and sighed quietly, running his tongue along the inside his cheek.
"hi. Y/n! need something?" he asked politley
"I was wondering if you could help for miss Thornhill's class, I'm kind of struggling and I know you do good in that class" you asked nicely
"yeah, Of course I can help you! do you want to go to the library tomorrow at 3?" Ajax said
"yeah, that sounds good. thank you!"
you turned to Xavier and smiled sheepishly
"bye" you murmured before walking away
you sat at the Library, waiting for Ajax to arrive. you had arrived a few minutes early, to set up what you needed
"ready to start?" Ajax asked, sitting down next to you.
"yep!" you replied cheerfully
"do you have a problem with Xavier?" he inquired suddenly, you had been studying for fifteen minutes and you had a minute of reading back on notes when he asked
"what? what would make you say that?" you chuckled nervously
"sorry, I didn't mean to catch you off guard or anything, you just don't seem to like him" he shrugged
"what makes you say that?" you questioned
"I just don't see you talk to him, I mean I see him try to talk to you but you never really keep the conversation going" you contemplated telling Ajax, but he's Xavier's friend, so you knew he would probably end up telling him what you said.
"I didn't notice" you lied
"oh, ok" he brushed it off and continued helping you.
it had been two days since the study and you had organised another one. but this time it was by the lake.
you there you sat. leaning against a tree as you looked down at the lake, watching ducks swim by with their babies following. your books were sprawled out in front of you
"I brought a blanket, if that would be more comfortable to sit on" Xavier's voice said behind you.
you looked up and saw him with books and a blanket in his hand
"Pardon?" you gulped
"I know you were expecting Ajax, he was busy so he sent me" Xavier replied
but little did you know, Ajax was sat in bed, sleeping after he told Xavier to go instead. to get to know you.
"it's fine" you looked down at your hands and fiddled with your fingers as he took a seat next to you
"what about the blanket?" you exhorted
"you wanted to sit on it?" he asked
"sticks aren't that comfortable" you stated softly.
he set the blanket up on the ground and let you sit on it before him
"let's get started then" he begun. flipping to a study book
"this is the most you've ever talked to me" Xavier smiled
"I've talked" you argued quietly
"two words" he chuckled "why is that?"
"why's what?" you blinked cluelessly
"why do you ignore me. I try to talk to you all the time but you just walk away" he repeated in more depth
"I don't know, I just don't hear you" you lied
"but you would sometimes be looking directly at me" he urged
"I know, my hearing is pretty bad" you sighed deeply
"I'm serious, I just want to know. do I make you uncomfortable? awkward?" he listed
"nervous" you said
"nervous?" he spoke in a confused manner
"you make me nervous" you admitted
"how?" he had a slight smile on his face
"I don't know. you just do" you shrugged sheepishly
"so this whole time I just thought you didn't like me. but you were just too nervous to say something to me?" he laughed lowly
"basically yeah" you nodded your head slowly
"so you do like me?" he quizzed
"in which way?" you wondered
"are you saying there's a possibility that you like me in a romantic way?" he smirked
"no" you shook your head, beginning to feel nervous again
"are you sure?" he smiled cheekily
you couldn't talk. so you just stared blankly into the distance. pretending to not hear him
"don't go back to pretending I don't exist. please just talk to me" he pleaded
you looked at him for a glimpse of a second before turning away again. shaking your head before scooching an inch away from him
"If it makes you feel any better. I like you, a lot, actually" he revealed. your eyes went wide as he told you that. your hands went clammy as you breathing became heavy
"are you ok?" Xavier panicked, moving closer to you
"no" you whispered, breathing uneasily
"hey, It's ok. I'm sorry" he cursed himself under his breath, wrapping an arm around you and rubbing your arm for comfort
"I do like you" you confessed wobbily
"in which way, sweetheart?" he teased carefully
you glared at him as your breathing became more steady
"I'm kidding" he laughed
kind of shit, ngl.
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lovetorn · 1 year
so she goes - xavier thorpe [part 2]
Guitarist!Xavier x Fem!Reader
tonight you are mine [part 1]
Summary: After your date with Xavier, he doesn't call, leaving you to worry about where you stand.
Warnings: swearing, maybe some grammar mistakes (if you can find any, pls lmk) & i think that's all
A/N: i went down a different route for the second part because i didn't want to write the actual date. i hope you don't have high expectations lmao xo enjoy!
W/C: 3.2k
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“I hate him.” You spat as you slammed the door of your and Enid’s apartment closed. Knowing she would be in her room, it was the first place you went. 
You stood in the doorway while Enid lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She had a knowing smirk on her lips but went against guessing. 
“Who do we hate now?” She asked. 
“Xavier! Who else?” 
Enid kept her giddiness to herself and acted nonchalant. “I mean, there are a few others we could hate instead. But what did he do?” 
You shook your head. 
Nothing. He had done nothing. 
Enid knew from your expression that the date had gone well. “What did you do?” 
You sighed and pushed Enid over lightly so you could lay next to her. Covering your face, you groaned. 
“He’s just so irritating! He’s cocky, and he’s cheeky, and he’s so damn cute, and I wish he were boring so I didn’t get this annoying feeling in my stomach every time he spoke.” Your hands muffled your words, yet Enid heard every word. She grinned from ear to ear while you continued; however, your voice dropped to a whisper, tethering on the edge of cracking. “I’m scared, Enid.” 
The blonde girl’s eyes widened at your confession. She shook her head and tried to remove your hands from your face. Her tone was quiet and warm as she spoke. 
“Why are you scared? There’s no reason to be scared. He likes you, Y/n,” She whispered. “And I know you don’t believe he could, but you should’ve heard him backstage beforehand. It was almost sickening,” She made a face, and you laughed softly. “He thinks you’re the prettiest, and I think so too if that counts for anything.” 
You nodded, tears threatening to slip out of the corners of your eyes. “Really?” 
“Obviously,” Then she gasped. “He didn’t hurt you, did he? If he has upset you, I will kick his ass and throw him out of his own band.” 
Laughing, you turned your head towards her. “No, this is all me.” 
She gave you a solemn look and twisted her lips. 
“Thank you.” You whispered. 
Enid shook her head. “It’s the truth. So,” she clapped and smiled, changing the direction of the conversation. “How was the date?” 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
Meanwhile, Xavier paced in Ajax’s living room. The latter sat bored on the couch while he watched his best friend argue with himself. Xavier had gotten back from your date around the same time you had, but the warmth in his chest was something he hadn’t acknowledged until he got to Ajax’s apartment. 
“She’s so…” Xavier paused to find the word. 
“Cute, funny, so sarcastic it almost hurts—” 
“Not the word I would’ve gone for, but yeah, okay.” 
Xavier didn’t pay any mind to his best friend as he made a hole in the floor. “She’s like no one I've ever met, Jax. She’s, like, perfect for me!”
“Okay, perfect?” Ajax furrowed his brows. “You met her tonight.” 
“Exactly!” Xavier stopped in his tracks and pointed at Ajax. “We only met tonight, and I already feel like this.”
Ajax went to open his mouth to talk again but was cut off. 
“Is she a witch? Do they exist? Has she cast a spell on me?” Xavier’s long arms were thrown in the air in question as he continued to pace, his hair swishing in every direction. His expression was deadly serious, and Ajax had to hold in his laughter for fear he’d offend his friend. 
“I just think you like her, Thorpe.”
Xavier couldn’t keep his smile contained as he looked at Ajax. “Yeah. Looks like it doesn’t it.” 
“Bro, yes! I thought we would be here all week until you figured it out.” Ajax jumped from the couch and hugged his taller friend, the pair laughing together. 
“Shut up.” 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
It had been a week since your date. A week since Xavier took you for dinner and then drove you home. A week since you’d heard from him. It hurt that he didn’t text you, but you didn’t either, and a phone works both ways. 
You refused to tell Enid, afraid she would pity you. You went about your days jumping when your phone got a message and hoping Enid wouldn’t bring him up, which was going fine until she invited you to a band practice at Xavier’s. 
“It’ll only be for a few hours, I promise, and then you can go home.” She practically begged. You screwed your lips, unsure. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of Enid by telling her the truth, so you agreed. 
“Great!” She squealed. “I’ll see you at 4.” 
At 4 pm, after parking your car in the street of Xavier’s house, you walked towards the address Enid had given you. Band practice was held at Xavier’s, as he was the only one with a garage to do so. He lived off-campus in a quaint house he shared with his other college friends. 
You didn’t need to double-check the address when you heard the familiar sound of an electric guitar and drums. Your nerves were almost unbearable—it was the first time you’d be seeing Xavier after your date. After he never followed up with you. 
“And here she is! The girl of the hour, my favourite person ever—”
“After Ajax.”
“After Ajax! Hey…” Enid’s voice echoed through the street as she spoke through the microphone when she spotted you on the sidewalk. “Y/n!” 
The electric guitar riffs stopped. You looked up and waved at Enid before your gaze drifted to the left. Xavier sat with his deep blue guitar, the afternoon sun reflecting off the paint. Heat rose to your cheeks as you shared an awkward smile with him. If the others saw, they didn’t say anything yet. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Ajax sang, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You shook your head, wishing they wouldn’t tease you. You didn’t want to make things awkward, considering you hadn’t told anyone you hadn’t spoken to Xavier in a week.
“Hi, Ajax. Where’s Rowan?” You wanted nothing more than to direct the conversation down a different route, but when Ajax looked at you like that, you knew he wasn’t giving up the topic f his best friend and you yet. 
“He had a study group,” Ajax brushed off your question. “There’s a seat next to Xav if you need one.” 
You gave him an unsure smile in response and saw Xavier drag a fold-out chair towards him and pat it in your peripheral. Sighing, you turned, avoided eye contact, and sat in the seat next to Xavier.
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” He watched you sit down; his green eyes were bright in the setting sun. 
You didn’t speak for a moment, letting the awkward air settle between you two, instantly regretting it. 
“I’m just here to watch, okay? Don’t let me distract you.” You said, picking at your fingernail. 
Xavier laughed breathlessly next to you. “Easy for you to say.” 
You leaned back in your seat, deciding to go with a teasing response rather than none at all. You’d hope it would diffuse the tension. “Pretend I’m a ghost. Or, a witch, rather. I’ve cast an invisibility spell….” 
Ajax had told you about Xavier’s spiel about you last week when you were still riding the high from going on a date with Xavier. And let’s just say you’d have enough ammo for a while if Xavier would let you. 
The uncomfortable air dissipated as Xavier turned around quickly and shot Ajax a glare. “Are you fucking kidding?” 
The drummer just laughed and threw his arms up in surrender. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man.” 
“I hate all of you.” 
You wore a smug grin as you stared at his side profile. 
“Not Y/n, right? You still have so many dates to go on.” Ajax called.
Xavier physically froze, and Ajax started clicking his fingers at Enid to get her attention. 
His head slowly turned towards you, a lopsided grin on his lips. He glanced at his best friend before he nodded. 
“Yeah, no, I don’t hate you.” His expression softened when he saw your teeth capture your bottom lip. “What are you doing tonight?” 
You ignored Enid’s giddy squeal and replied. “Whatever you’re doing.” Your gaze never left his eyes. The anxiety about Xavier you’d harboured had been on the back burner.
Ajax laughed. “She’s so smooth, Thorpe! Up your game, bro!” 
Xavier dropped his head and let out an easy chuckle before looking back at you. “Sounds good. We’ll go out after this.” 
You nodded, anxiety fizzling in your stomach as you thought about being alone with him again. 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
The deep chords of the guitar vibrated through the garage. Enid went inside to get water with Ajax, who desperately needed one too. You rolled your eyes when the couple left, leaving you with Xavier. Although, he was in his own world while he figured out the riff to a new song. 
You had relaxed a while ago with your head lolled to the side as you watched Xavier pluck the guitar strings. You didn’t mind watching him; you found it intriguing and didn’t want to disturb him. You wanted to ask him about not calling but were deterred when you saw his expression.
Xavier’s face was tense with concentration, his hair hung in his eyes, and you took the time to admire him while he attempted different patterns. The way his fingers moved up and down the neck; the way he hummed the melody; the way he sighed in annoyance when he couldn’t get it quite right. 
After he played through the song with the riff he was trying out, you intervened. “That sounds really good, Xav.” 
Xavier glanced at you, a sheepish smirk on his lips as he shrugged one shoulder. “I guess.” A deep red dusted his cheeks as he smiled wider. “Thanks.” 
You noticed him lean closer, and you did too. His eyes flickered to your mouth, and butterflies erupted in your stomach. It was quiet, the only sound being the wind brushing the plants a few feet away from you. 
But the door attached to the kitchen slammed open, making you two jump apart. 
“Are we ready to rock and roll?” Ajax yelled. Enid bounced on her toes next to him, and Xavier stood, putting the guitar strap over his head. He gave you an apologetic look before smirking, dimples indenting his cheeks. 
As you watched him adjust the strap, you noticed the ends of his hair were caught under it on the back of his neck. 
“Xav.” After the sound of your voice, Xavier turned. He was confused when you stood up and reached towards his neck. You spun him back around, grabbed his hair, and slowly pulled it out from under the strap. The room was silent as the others watched your interaction. Xavier’s forehead creased when he felt you do so but relaxed when he realised what you’d done. 
“Uh, thanks, Y/n.” He mumbled, his cheeks still painted a darker crimson than before. 
“No problem.” You wrung your hands together. “You should probably put your hair up.” 
“Is that what you want?” He teased, leaning over to pluck the hair tie off your wrist. 
You stammered as he took it, heat rushing to your cheeks when he winked at you as he pulled his hair out of his face and into a bun. If Enid was squealing with excitement like usual, you didn’t hear it, too preoccupied seeing how a single hairstyle could change his appearance. 
His features were sharper in the afternoon light compared to on stage. His nose longer, cheekbones higher, his jaw defined, and his neck slender. 
“Stop drooling, or you’ll have to mop the floor yourself, Y/n!” Xavier chuckled to himself as Ajax yelled. 
Your whole body was on fire in embarrassment. “Fuck off, Jax!”
The drummer only laughed and began the first beats of the new song. It was difficult without the bass guitar, but they made it work.
So She Goes. 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
Xavier was relieved practice was over, something he would never admit. He loved playing, and he loved the band, but when you sat there looking pretty, he would do anything to leave and take you out instead. He was a little upset that you hadn’t texted him back, but he would do anything to find out why, which is mainly why he asked you to hang out. He couldn’t stand to be away from you again when you were so close. 
So, he led you to his car, a black Toyota Corolla, and opened the passenger door for you. He would drop you back here to get your car afterwards. 
The silence inside the car was uncomfortable as you watched the street lights pass by out the window. Unironically, High and Dry by Radiohead played softly through the radio, and Xavier tightened his fists on the steering wheel, glancing over at you through the darkness. 
You pursed your lips in an attempt to stop your giggle. But you told him last week that you’d always laughed at the wrong times, so he was expecting it. 
“Xavier,” You said, a breath of laughter following. “Where are we going?”
He smirked, poking his cheek with his tongue at the sound, and looked at you when the car stopped at a red light. “A lookout. We need to talk.” 
His tone was light, faking seriousness, so you weren’t expecting an awkward chat about where you stood with each other. 
Warm light passed through the car in bursts as you turned to watch Xavier drive a few minutes ago. He let his hair down some time ago, rolling the hair tie back onto your wrist with a thank you. You played with the band on your arm as you admired him, and you knew he knew you were doing so. 
A few bumps in the road made you look straight ahead. The feeling told you the car was pulling up to a gravel road, and then the crunching sound of tyres on the pebbles filled the car. You slid slightly in your seat, and Xavier looked over at you, smiling. 
You’d heard about this lookout from people at college. It was a beautiful spot at night but also the number one hook-up spot for students who lived in dorms and had roommates. You couldn’t help but feel the anticipation as he pulled into a parking spot. 
The view that expanded past the windscreen was unexpected. The vivid lights of downtown and the clusters of lights from neighbourhoods blurred the stars in the sky, but it was a sight. 
You sat further up in your seat to try and spot your apartment building—something you still couldn’t find every time he brought you here. 
As you searched, Xavier fidgeted in his seat. He wasn’t sure how to bring up the situation with you, his confident persona that you knew from a week ago fading with every day he wasn’t on stage. 
So, instead of stalling, he outright asked it. “Why didn’t you text me back?” 
You turned your head towards him, a confused look on your face. “You never texted me.” 
“Yes, I did,” Xavier plucked his phone from the cup holder and passed it to you. You squinted at the screen. “See?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you grabbed the phone out of his hand and read the phone number at the top of the screen after reading the message: hey y/n, i had a great time the other night. wanna do it again?
“My number is wrong,” Xavier’s head whipped towards you. “That six is meant to be a five.”
“Seriously?” He was breathless as he asked and then blushed, playfully snatching his phone from your hands. “I’ll fix that.” 
As you watched him change the number, you sat sideways in your seat. Glancing to your left, you saw a familiar grey t-shirt on the backseat.
“Let’s see.” You mumbled, reaching to grab the shirt. As you unravelled it, you saw Xavier take a glimpse at what you were holding. Your phone number was still scribbled messily on the chest area of the shirt where you wrote it a week ago, and you could see how he could have mistaken the 5 for a 6. 
“I wrote that so badly, sorry,” You smiled sheepishly, covering your cheeks with your hands that held the shirt, mostly by accident, but Xavier thought it was cute. The faint scent of his cologne and him overwhelmed your senses, and your ears felt hot. 
Xavier locked his phone and set it in the cup holder. Your phone buzzed under your leg, and you ignored it as you made eye contact with him. 
You dropped your hands to your lap and rubbed the fabric with your fingers, tilting your head when Xavier sighed. “Aren’t you gonna answer?” 
“Depends.” You whispered, throwing a teasing smile in his direction as you tossed the shirt in your hands in the backseat, tapping your phone screen afterwards.
Xavier gave you a crooked smile and dropped his gaze to his lap, his hair falling in front of his eyes. He lifted his eyes to yours before you spoke.
You nodded. “I can do Saturday.” 
“Perfect,” His cheeks were pink. “But I have a gig beforehand, so if you want to come to that, I can get you a spot backstage.”
Xavier leaned his elbow on the middle console and brought his face toward yours. Your eyes flickered between his and his lips, noticing him doing the same. 
“Sounds good, rockstar.” You say, brushing his jaw with your fingertips. 
It was silent for a moment as the two of you admired each other. His breath on your lips and your nose brushing his. You tucked his hair behind his ear, a few strands falling forward in protest.
“Can I?” He mumbled, his hand caressing the back of your head, fingers twisting in your hair. 
You nodded, wasting no time, and gripped his chin, kissing him. 
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
On Saturday night, Enid invited Xavier to perform his new song. One the band had spent hours on that week s he could do so. You stood in the front row after declining Xavier’s offer to be backstage. You would tell him later that it was because you liked the atmosphere and not because you could see him better from there. 
Xavier was in his element. With his burning glances and swollen lips, long fingers and raspy voice, he only kept his eyes on you. He played his guitar and sang with Enid like an angel, and it was only a few songs before he was running the show.
He dedicated this song to you. The one he had been writing for months and couldn’t finish. 
But once he had his muse, he was hooked. 
Rose colored glasses glued to my face when she always came around,  attaching memories to these sounds
Dimming the flashes from the Polaroids I took inside my head,  but I'll forget the words she said
And so she goes, leaving those aspirations And so she goes, free from those conversations
And she faced the window driving back on Main Street And I'll keep my cards close whenever someone's near me
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
songs mentioned: - so she goes - geskle
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
thank you for reading! <3
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vxntagedior · 1 year
Xavier x witch reader where they have been dating and over time he’s gotten more and more interested in her practice, and she decides to teach him about meditation. So in his dorm she surprises him and sets up a sanctuary with her candles, crystals, incense, etc. and for the first time he finds true peace while learning how to meditate and he starts crying happy tears without even realizing, which results in a lot of concern, but ultimately ends in tooth-rotting, peaceful fluff.
From a witch to you, thank u ✊
true peace
summary | after a meditation session, xavier finally feels serenity
pairing | xavier thorpe x fem!witch!reader
warning | fluff, slight angst, witch!reader, established relationship, overload, overworked
word count | 0.9k
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The room smelt like incense whenever Xavier came over, your crystals were laid on a special table you brought, the incense burning. Before meeting you, Xavier didn’t know much about spiritual guidance, meditation, any of it, and he still really didn’t. 
He’d just quietly watch you intently, trying to figure out on his own what you were doing. Couple months into dating, he noticed how you started leaving crystals in his room, sometimes putting small ones in his pockets. There were a few crystals that he knew and what they meant, the first was a rose quartz. 
It had been his favorite because you gave it to him explaining how it meant unconditional love. He kept with him constantly, making sure it would never leave his body, whether wearing it as a necklace, or just leaving it in his pocket. 
With all your powers, it puts a mental drain on you, leaving you tired and stressed by the end of week, which was when you started meditating. 
Your grandmother taught you how to meditate when you first started showing your powers, she explained that not only it calmed you down, slowed down your heart beat, practiced breathing exercises but it also heightened your spiritual awareness. 
You loved mediating, you started and ended your week with it, and always invited Xavier to join you who always declined.
As the semester started getting tough, midterms coming up, everyone at Nevermore was on their last string, stressed to the max. 
Xavier was one of them, he had an exam on a project on exams, his work piling up on him, barely seeing him the past couple weeks. It hadn’t been on purpose it was just Xavier never had a time to take a breath or relax.
Taking the time when he was out studying with Ajax, you snuck into his room, moving all your mediation stuff into his, setting it up into his room. Your little rug was on his floor, setting up candles and crystals around the room, the lights off, the blinds closed. 
Coming up to his room, Xavier smelt that familiar incense that was always in your room, smiling to himself before opening up the door. Seeing you on the floor of his room, smiling at him. 
“C’mon.” You gestured, Xavier just nodded, pulling off his jacket, setting his stuff down before joining you on the floor. Mimicking your legs, crossing them over, resting his hands on his knees. 
“Let’s meditate together.” You smiled, Xavier just nodded, following your instructions. Leading him through a short breathing exercise, you kept your hands on your knees, your eyes closed, breathing in and out. 
Peaking your eyes open, you already saw Xavier looking at you, smiling softly, before closing your eyes again. 
As you finished explaining what to do, both of you were quiet. You tried as best as you could to explain, muttering soft words of encouragement to him, reminding him. 
The room was quiet when you heard it, it was a little hiccup, followed by a sniffle. Peaking your eyes open again, you saw Xavier starting to cry.
Not being able to hold in anymore, Xavier let out a cry, gasping for air. Coming up to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting his head rest on your shoulder. 
“Shh.” You cooed, “It’s okay.”
Holding him as his sobs turned into sniffles, you pulled him away from you, cradling his face. 
Smiling softly, you wiped away his tears, kissing the tip of his nose. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Xavier was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out the right words, “I-just..”
“Hey it’s okay, take a deep breath.” You placed your hand over his heart, “Take your time baby.”
“I never felt like that before, and it was overwhelming.” He confessed softly, his eyes closed not wanting to see the look of disappointment or anger on your face. 
“Can you explain what the feeling was?” You were delicate with him knowing how your first time was, similar to his. 
“I felt calm, at peace and I never felt like that before and it scared me.” He said. Holding him tighter, you kissed his forehead, pushing some of the hair that fell on his forehead, tucking it behind his ear. 
“I know it's your first time.” You whispered, “All your emotions come crashing at the same time and you don’t know how to react but you did amazing Xavi, I’m proud of you.”
Xavier just smiled shyly under your gaze, hugging you tightly. Staying there for a moment, you started to pull away, Xavier not liking any of it, hugging you closer. 
“I know, I know,” You laughed, “I need to clean up and we can cuddle.” 
Keeping your promise, you tidied up, joining Xavier on the bed. 
Shifting around, you leaned against the headboard on his bed, Xavier sitting between your legs, his head rested on your chest. 
Running your hands through his hair, you massaged his scalp lightly. “You need to stop pushing yourself like that, you need some time to yourself to calm down.”
Xavier just hummed, his eyelights becoming heavy, fluttering shut. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, hearing how his breathing started to become deeper and slightly slower.
Looking down at him, the pad of your thumb just runs down the bridge of his nose, kissing the crown of his head, before falling asleep yourself. 
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