#ya know??
hoodie-buck · 24 days
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i just think they’re neat 🥹🥹
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dinomintz · 6 months
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silly pitaya doodles
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spookberry · 10 months
does anyone else, due to their experience within fandom, have a tendency to sorta imagine the ways fandom would misinterpret/misrepresent your ocs and their relationships if they were like in a popular piece of media?
not in a negative way tho
I mean this in an entirely amused way, I actually find it quite interesting, like who would fandom ship and who would they found family? What popular theories would take over and become virtually canon to them but had never once occurred to me as an avenue? HOW would they gijinka the non-human characters into humans ???
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I know I post nsfw things and all of that, but sometimes a girl just wants to have a normal conversation without it being sexual or being sexualized 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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sinematically · 1 year
sometimes I worry that battinson will be written like canon bruce when it comes to fatherhood and it really dulls my sparkle
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majestic-kestrel · 5 months
sometimes love is romantic, but sometimes love can just be a dead gay world war 2 soldier and his georgian daughter who died 150 years before him singing together about clouds
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broodygaming · 6 months
This feels like the equivalent of doing like, a friends camping trip that ends in the ER waiting lobby - with some deep conversations happening, sure, but we're in an ER and like maybe I need a break from all of you.
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8aji · 2 years
Shinichiro & Sunshine!
prompt shinichiro sano x reader where emma is sick, after you return from a "medicine" run, you hear shin sing you're my sunshine, my only sunshine to stop her crying
send me a character and the randomest, first word you think of and ill write a prompt based on it! (i may write a lil blurb based on it as well!)
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Shinichiro doesn’t sing. Yes, he whistles and hums and sometimes does sing that serotonin-inducing guitar solo in a very high-pitched voice, but as you stood outside Emma’s room holding the pinkish yet bitter medicine bottle close to your chest, you wondered why he doesn’t do so more often.
Little Emma Sano has been bedridden for a couple of days already, fever spiking up and down; no matter what you did, you never managed to keep it in line.
And it hurts, the both of you can see. Her little body shook every time she coughed, eyes closed tight and eyelashes moist from unshed tears. You can hear it as well, the whimpering every time she tries to eat, her throat inflamed and sore and itchy. Even after giving her as much medicine as the labels on the containers deemed appropriate, it wouldn’t stop.
So as Shin stayed close to Emma’s side, who was lulled to sleep by both of your voices devising a game plan, you went on a run down to the nearest drugstore; you’d get something stronger this time.
not long after you left, she had woken up, but now, instead of the familiar hovering and cooing, it was silent. No sign of you or Shinichiro on sight, and even after she had called out your names, despite the ache in her throat and her muted words, no one came to her rescue. 
Feeling alone and weak and sick and scared because the pain in her muscles barely allowed her to move, tears pricked her eyes and she started to cry, scratchy sobs filling the room.
Soon enough, Shinichiro came bolting from the kitchen, not bothering to turn off the stove before entering her room. He sat on her bed, holding her close to his chest, shushing her cries as he stroked her hair. They stayed like that for a while, until Emma's sobs turned into quiet whimpers, until Shinichiro’s soothing turned into soft lullabies.
He laid her down gently, supporting her head, and arranged the pillows so she could lay almost upright, in case she woke up due to another coughing fit. After making sure she was comfortable, and hearing her little plea, Shin-nii, please don't go, he found himself kneeling on the floor next to her bed, muttering a familiar yet comforting tune he’s heard you sing to his siblings. Whenever they scrape their knees or whenever one of them can’t sleep, the familiar tune will slip from your lips.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, 
It was a little cheesy, yes, but Shinichiro can't lie, it made him feel safe as well.
With the back of his knuckles, he stroked one of her reddened cheeks, sighing in satisfaction as her breathing evened out. The streaks her tears had left behind glimmered under the light emanating from her bedside lamp, it casted a warm glow on the both of them like a reminder of the comfort they managed to bring to each other.
He dabbed her sweaty forehead before he stood up, tugging the blanket a little higher up her body. He stretched his arms before sighing once again, placing his hands on his hips as he looked down at her; she looked so peaceful like this. Once again, he bent over, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head, before he dimmed the lights just a tad; he didn't want her to wake up engulfed by complete darkness, didn't want her to get scared again.
“She’s finally asleep,” He whispered, he hadn't noticed you leaning on the door frame, your presence startling just for a second before he allowed himself to relax, placing his forehead on the crook of your shoulder. “She…she was crying and I— I didn't hear her call after me, she woke up all alone and, and—”
Following his example, you placed a kiss on the side of his head, running your fingers with your free hand through the charcoal strands. 
“You did good,” you whispered close to his ear. It tickled his skin, and he couldn't help but nuzzle up closer to you. “I promise.”
“You didn't hear her cry though, she sounded so scared, and I wasn't there for her and I shouldve—”
“You’re an amazing brother,” You kissed him once more before gently holding his face, making sure his eyes met yours. “You're trying your best, and that’s all that matters, okay?” 
You waited for him to nod, before pecking his cheek. Emma would probably sleep for a couple of hours before you woke her up for dinner and medicine; you had bought a couple of treats for her on your way home, hopefully, they’d help the medicine go down.
“Wait! Fuck, I left the stove on—”
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© 2022 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work.
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iwantoceans · 11 months
Why did you go away?
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hinakyuu · 1 year
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panthers practice @ FLA Live Arena (230303)
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eff-plays · 8 months
I think Hiraeth/Astarion is a case of game recognizes game, but sort of in reverse. Hira is a tiefling with a weird little body and demonic glowing eyes that stare a little too intently and an aura of wrongness. They're attractive, if you're into that, but most people aren't. Their obvious nature as a tiefling puts them at an automatic disadvantage. So they need to work their words and charisma in order to seduce people. Meanwhile, Astarion only has canned lines and obvious overacting, but he's pretty, and he's sexy, and it's immediately apparent. People want him instantly, regardless of what he says, so having neutral rizz doesn't really impact his efforts at all. Even if people realize he's full of shit, what does it matter? He wants them, and they want him, so whatever he says is irrelevant.
So when Astarion says "I love you," how do they feel, I wonder? I think they're mostly amused. Because they know for a fact he's ruined people's lives with those three little words, with his shitty lines. And now he's both trying to pull the same trick on them, but also letting them in on the somewhat cruel joke, expecting them to laugh along.
And on one hand, yeah, it's funny. On the other, it's gotta be a kinda frustrating. He gets to walk around being a heinous little creep and get away with it because he's nice to look at. They have to twist themself into sweet purple pretzels to make people like them.
Like wow, these lines WORKED? On REAL people? To the point where it's basically a literal murder weapon? And I have to simper and smile like a dog begging for treats? Cool cool cool.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 3 months
hi patchy!! does sero have any nicknames for you and vice versa?
Ooooo what a fun fun question! I actually, for once, have an answer for this!!
So, Sero calls me 'mi corazon' so much that if (and when) we have kiddos they assume that is my name for the longest time.
I sometimes, jokingly call him Tangerine, as that's his favourite snack (and he, in turn, calls me Lemon). But I mainly call him the usual pet names like sweetheart, pet, love, and stuff like that.
But yeah 😊💛
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carefulfears · 1 year
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thinking more about this moment in closure, and how his hands are on samantha’s words, and her hand is on him.
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mossy-waddle-dee · 10 months
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Kinda proud of this drawing from collage :D
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jaytodd1129 · 2 years
I would really like to read one (1) geraskier fic in which someone doesn't have to spell out Geralt's own feelings to him or urge him to make a move on/ apologize to Jaskier, but that instead he realizes his feelings and decides to make a move himself, despite the fear of unrequited feelings and despite being terrified of being vulnerable. Just one.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I can see Gregory throughing a squeaky toy and Roxy/Roxanne wolf would case it.
But then he see cassie.
So roxy little sister dasent react to squicky toy?
I may be a Wolf like my big sister Roxy but I do not react to dog toys !.
Humm. Let me think here. Fazbare...
* Wait *
* a evil grin appears on Gregory face as he pull out a dog whistle and uses it *
* I can see fazbare reusing roxy ears on cassie animatronics body to save at least a little bit of money *
* Roxy/Roxanne wolf and cassie both cover there ears and growl at Gregory win the dog whistle was used *
Oh my god a dog whistle...
I just looked it up and apparently they don't typically hurt the dog or cause any damage so long as they're used properly and not like... Directly in their ear and stuff. Apparently they're used for recall training and stuff which is neat! And with another look, there's sheepdog whistles used for training herding dogs which I really should have known since I've seen them do that before, but I didn't realise it was a specific kind of whistle. That's pretty cool! The more you know!
Honestly, at this point, all I can imagine is management or the Plex staff getting so annoyed at Roxy being Roxy and trying everything to try and get her to do as she's told for once. Like the manager assigns a handler to her who's whole job is try using the dog side of her brain against her by using dog training techniques on her. So some guy is trying to get her to do things on the whistle for a reward of some kind and it works, sure, but she's also not a dog. Like, she can figure out what they're doing here and find loopholes or just straight up steal the whistle. She can just take the reward when they're not looking cause she knows where they're kept and keeping it on a high shelf doesn't work with an animatronic wolf lmao
Maybe after several attempts going South, it's deemed a lost cause and now the whistle is only used to get her attention when she's ignoring all the messages they're sending her again. Or maybe to wake her up from a nap when she doesn't wanna cooperate or something I dunno but I love the mental image of management fucking chasing her around with a dog whistle, a clicker and a chew toy to try and get her to do stuff she doesn't wanna do lmao
If this starts happening in the Fazcade, DJ plays Yakity Sax every time. It's become free entertainment for the animatronics and staff members to watch management try every trick in the book on her and nothing ever works... It would be pretty funny if it worked in unintended ways though. Like, Roxy hears the whistle from across the Plex and in her brain, that means someone has something for her so she shows up immediately. She gets something, sure, but they also give her several commands or jobs to do that she may or may not do. It might give her something to do if she's bored, but I bet a lot of times she just shows up, takes the reward for showing up and leaves lmao
If the manager is particularly good at dog training, they might be trying so hard not to get frustrated with this. A dog is more likely to learn if they do it willingly and can leave if they want to, so if Roxy isn't willing, trying to force her will have the opposite effect. And they've come so far! She shows up for the whistle! And sometimes she does what she's asked to do! If they start trying to force her into things or start severely punishing lack of cooperation, she's just gonna go back on all of this! So they can't force her! No matter how much they want to just grab her by the nose and drag her where she needs to be! It's driving them insane but look how far they've come!
Roxy playing fucking mind games here. Shows up when whistled for, gets her reward and then sometimes does just enough of what they ask her to do to keep them thinking they're making progress, stringing them along as long as possible. It means she keeps getting rewarded for the absolute bare minimum she loves it
Of course, Roxy does everything she's supposed to anyway, but if they're going the dog training route, they've probably figured out she's bored most of the time. So now they're trying to keep her out of trouble with other things and this is the only one that's shown any semblance of success lmao she's so fucking lucky she's become the boardroom's favourite and is too expensive to replace now. Like as soon as she knows that, there's just no hope anymore.
I dunno that could be pretty funny maybe
Anyway, I know this isn't what you were asking about so... Imagine Roxy standing there, frozen solid, eyes closed, arms crossed, ears flat back and jaw tightly shut, because Gregory is trying to get her to chase a squeaky ball. He has a whole bag full of them. Roxy is struggling so hard with all the squeaks and she wants to just leave so badly but she knows if she moves even an inch, she's gonna break into zooms and she can't have that... So she's spamming Cassie with messages to come and save her right the fuck now.
Cassie shows up, sees what's going on and immediately drags Gregory out and confiscates all the squeaky balls. The door shuts behind him, she turns to Roxy. "Heehee he's gone!" and Roxy gives her the biggest puppy eyes ever. "You ready?" Cassie asks her as she holds a ball up. Roxy makes a little dog noise of affirmation, and in a flash, the ball is squeaked and thrown across the Raceway as far as Cassie could manage.
Roxy is fucking gone. Cassie can't keep up with her. All you can hear in the empty Raceway is excited squeaking and laughter. Roxy is zooming around the place so fast she puts her go-karts to shame, squeaking the ball like crazy, jumping off the walls and flying over the railings, while Cassie keeps picking up more squeaky balls, squeaking them for Roxy's attention, and throwing them for her as far as possible again. She's curious how many Roxy will try to chew and squeak at once. If the Minis are here, they're helping grab and throw more of them, sometimes drawing her in three directions at once so she doesn't know who to run to first.
This is Roxy enrichment of the highest level! Her favourite game ever! Her brain just switches off and all that's going through her head is squeaks and the need to run even faster! She's having an absolute blast and a half! The game only ends once she's ran out of steam and flops over on the floor for a rest. Her tail does not stop wagging and the squeaking may slow down, but also won't stop at all for at least another hour lmao
It just hits the perfect spot in the dog half of her programming, it's so much fun for her and the most effective way to de-stress she's ever found. And of course, Cassie loves it too. It's so fun to play these kinds of games and to see how excited Roxy gets. If Cassie is an animatronic dog here too in the scenarios you've created? Sure, she doesn't wanna chase the ball too, but even humans roughhouse. There's no way Roxy doesn't crash into her and start a play fight, or that Cassie doesn't try and wrestle the ball away from her sometimes. And if it's a squeaky bear or something? Well there's always tug of war!
Only problem is Roxy getting too carried away and accidentally hurting Cassie a little bit. It's not usually that bad, and sometimes Cassie returns the favour in the next game by also getting carried away, but it upsets Roxy every single time. But she's still very much in her dog brain usually so she comes over to Cassie, eyes all big and pathetic, whining and nudging her with her nose all sad and apologetic... Cassie hugs her every time, says it's fine, she's not hurt that bad, it was an accident, it happens... And then grabs the squeaky ball from behind Roxy and brings the fun back by insisting they keep playing with a lot of squeaks lmao
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