#yall it just me cheese dagger
"so what is it like to have mia as a roommate"
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hops-hunny · 4 years
Miscommunicated Love
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Pairing: Pansy Parkinson x Black Ravenclaw! Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: N/A
Summary: After a long feud between two girls with confused feelings, a resolution is finally made.
A/N: there’s not enough love for Pansy out there so decided to make this!
Pansy Parkinson hated most people, but especially (Y/n) (L/n). Just something about the snarky Ravenclaw made her skin crawl. Unlike what she did when she disliked people from other houses, she couldn’t do the same for (Y/n). They had about just every class together except for two. Whenever they were in a five foot radius of one another, the fighting was on sight no matter what. Neither one of them were entirely innocent considering it wasn’t just one who’d start the fights. Sometimes it was Pansy, sometimes it was (Y/n), and sometimes they both came at each other at the same time. The tension was so thick, so dense that not even Merlin could part that sea. The professors tried to separate them, putting them on opposite sides of the room but as expected, that didn’t stop them. Which led to some disastrous times.
It was potions class, both girls’ potion partners had sent them to get the required ingredients not even thinking of what could potentially happen. As (Y/n) was coming up from the bottom shelf and Pansy was getting down from the top shelf they both collided sending them both to the floor. (Y/n) was the first to get up, Pansy still sat on the ground dusting herself off.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Let me he-”
“It’s quite alright, just be more car-”
They shot daggers into each other as they realized who had bumped into them. Some bystanders tried rushing out of the way of the disaster zone while others got closer, curious as to what would happen this time. (Y/n) quickly drew her hand back from the helping position. Pansy stood up straight with her shoulders pushed back as an attempt to intimidate the shorter girl.
“I should’ve known it was you, Parkinson. As a mole it must be awfully hard for you to see things that are clearly visible. Why don’t you go ‘head and make sure you actually grabbed the right things? Better yet get your eyes checked as well because, well, look at you. You walked out of your dorm this morning and decided that,” she made an up and down motion with her hand “That was okay? Hmph, couldn’t be me.” She said, tossing her freshly done box braids over her shoulder. Whispers slowly crescendoed around them. (Y/n) knew she had her stumped as she began to check out her freshly manicured hand. Her victory was very short-lived as next thing she knew, she had unicorn snot dripping down her head. She gasped along with many others, wiping the gooey substance off her face as she looked up at Pansy who wore a smirk.
“Whoops! You know what, maybe you were right (L/n). I do need to get my eyes checked. That was a complete accident, I couldn’t see a single thing when I threw that on you! My apologies darling!” She said, not even bothering to contain her laughter as sarcasm dripped from her words like venom. Bottles of liquids, gels, and everything else soon went flying as the two girls through things at each other. Professor Snape had to end the lesson early in fear one of the girls would throw something harmful at another student. The aftermath in the room was awful, looking like a war zone with a hodgepodge of disastrous smells. In turn, the two girls both got a month's detention and their Hogsmeade’s privileges revoked until their head of houses deemed it appropriate to have them back. 
When they got sent to Dumbledore though, he said something that made (Y/n) rethink her actions. As she made her way back to her dorm that night the words “I expected more from you Miss (L/n). I never expected someone capable of such great things to stoop this low.” and even as her roommates badgered her for the details, she simply shut the lights off. She decided she could only do one thing. Be the bigger person.
After the ‘Great Potion’s Incident’, (Yn) had made it her mission to avoid Pansy as much as possible. At first, she tried taking different routes to class but Pansy always found a way to her. So she did the next thing she could think of: switch her courses. She got permission from Dumbledore and he agreed to let her choose whatever courses she’d like as long as she continued on with the splendid behavior she had been exhibiting. And she did that, making some of the best marks in her class. She had even made some new friends such as Neville from herbology and Luna from care of magical creatures. Although she couldn’t lie, not seeing Pansy left a feeling in her chest that she couldn’t quite place.
 She was currently discussing how excited she was for the upcoming holiday with the two as they exited the great hall. “And yall two should come visit! My momma stays in America so I go back to my auntie’s during the holidays. She makes the most bomb ass mac and cheese. And oh, Nev! You would love her garden, it’s full of some stuff you probably ain’t ever even seen before.” she exclaimed, as she tied her faux locs up into a ponytail. Her friends nodded in agreement expressing how much they’d enjoy giving her a visit during the holiday and encouraging her to do the same.
“Ah, do my eyes deceive me? Well if it isn’t (L/n) in all her...well I’m not sure glory would be the right word to use for the likes of you. What an interesting little sweater! Did you dig it from the trash at the bottom of the lake?” Pansy voiced loudly, making sure her comments reached others. A few Slytherins snickered as they passed but (Y/n) had had enough at this point. She stormed over to the girl, a few centimeters away from her face.
Pansy stood there, still happy about what had happened, lips tingling from the kiss they had shared. (Y/n) turned around one last time to glance at the girl she liked only to be met with a wink and a cocky grin. Maybe a little hate was good for the soul sometimes.
“What the hell is your problem Parkinson? I ain’t done nothin’ to yo’ ass for the past few months and you’re still carrying this shit on?” she spoke through gritted teeth as she poked the girl in the chest, moving closer as Pansy tripped over her own heels. “So, what is it? Do you hate Ravenclaws, maybe it's cause I’m American. Or maybe, maybe you just don’t like me!” she said, raising her tone. She sighed, placing a hand on her forehead as she stormed off in the opposite direction. Pansy stood there silently, she had never meant to take it this far. Sure she liked to get a rise out of the girl, finding her to be quite attractive when angry. Eyebrows furrowed, glossed lips articulating her response so elegantly.
Pansy chased after the girl, yanking her by the wrist when she got close. (Y/n) opened her mouth to say something but was quickly cut off by Pansy’s lips on her own. At first, she was shocked. And that’s when she realized. That feeling she got from not seeing Pansy from a while was longing. Her heart always knew what it wanted before her head caught up. Pansy began to grow hopeless, beginning to pull away but before she could, something unexpected happened. (Y/n) reciprocated the kiss. She brought a perfectly manicured umber hand up to Pany’s smooth face, stroking her skin as the other gripped her shirt. Pansy wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist bringing her impossibly close to her. She was the first to pull away, green eyes staring into brown. “My dorm in an hour?” she said smugly. (Y/n) began shaking her head as she smiled, walking off in the direction of the Ravenclaw dorms. Pansy had a feeling she’d be there.
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
1575 words of gay and also hair? ft. amy
yo yo yo what up im back and im here to bring u that sweet sweet infidget
disclaimer: in case the title implies otherwise lemme just say that amy is gay too shes just not the main focus of this story. trust me, shes v gay and i love her. shes a good gorl. bless her soul
other disclaimer: infinite’s not-infinite name is finn bc infinite is Not his real name i stg
other other disclaimer: this is old friends au/fixed canon. follows the canon @theashemarie and i are establishing over here in our lil gay corner
u kno the drill yall click Keep reading to read the things
It’s a simple difference, so small that Gadget doesn’t notice it at first.
Finn’s there, at the breakfast nook, reading the newspaper, and when Gadget walks in (always the last to wake up, today’s no exception) he makes it all the way to the fridge before his eye spots the change in shape, the abnormal smallness of the silhouette in his peripheral.
He turns, slowly, as though he’ll disturb the air if he moves too fast, and says, perplexed, “Did you cut your hair?”
(Gadget really looks at Finn for the first time, and his brain confirms what his eyes whispered to him mere moments ago; short, white locks tickle Finn’s neck, replacing the usual mane of white down his back.)
Finn looks up from his periodical, makes eye contact, and shrugs. “Needed a change. Do you like it?”
Gadget’s still several paces behind where he needs to be, not yet at ‘Do you like it?’ and still at it wasn’t short last night.
Finn’s not exactly a master hairdresser. Gadget eyes the thin locks, the jagged ends, the slight shake in Finn’s hands as he watches Gadget watch him; it all screams impulse, midnight and afraid, chop it off, feel better now but horrified in the morning, all too aware that it’s too late to take it back. Gadget sees it in his eyes, the need for reassurance, validation.
Gadget sighs, a small depression of his chest, and smiles. “Yeah, it’s nice.”
It’s not so much that Finn smiles, or speaks, but his carriage lifts ever so slightly, and the newspaper stops shaking.
(Gadget also sees, for the first time, the dark circles under Finn’s eyes, and his mind wanders.
Finn, three a.m., sheets tossed by nightmares and bed absent one, stumbling to the bathroom and staring himself in the mirror with wild, cold eyes. He doesn’t recognize the face in the mirror. He can’t feel his own hands. The world is little too dark, too foggy, obscured by nightfall and burnt lightbulbs, and the space feels liminal, unreal.
Finn runs the tap, listens to the whine of the faucet, lets it ring in his ears as he splashes his face with cold water, and the hair on his head hangs limp over his neck, pouring over his shoulders, a cascade of white. He forgot to put it up last night.
It’s this simple fact that occupies his mind, drags his hands into the drawers for a hair tie, but instead his fingers brush against something hard, sharp. Scissors.
Gadget’s mind stops there, not willing to breathe life into the image of Finn, breath heavy, eyes watering, hands trembling, sweeping hair into the garbage and carefully climbing back into bed limb by limb like he’ll break if he bends too far.)
It’s later, when the day is over, and they’re home, sprawled out over the couch and recharging after errands and separate schedules and distance that Finn finally says it aloud, despite its sitting heavy in the air since that morning and never leaving:
“I need help.”
Gadget, head in his lap and eyes on the television, doesn’t look up, doesn’t even bother raising his head to speak and instead mumbles his words into Finn’s knee. “Astute observation, Einstein. How did you ever come to that conclusion?”
Finn huffs. “I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” Now Gadget rolls over to look up, frowning when he sees the disconcerted expression drawing Finn’s brows together. “You haven’t cut your hair since third grade.”
Gadget sees the cogs turn in his head, and then finally Finn says, barely a whisper, “Third grade?”
Finn deflates, sinks back into the couch, and then sinks further with a sigh that flattens his lungs. “I really need help.”
At first, they dismiss therapy outright, because they don’t think a psychologist will hear “I killed thousands of people because I got kidnapped by a mad scientist and forcibly possessed by a rock” and not immediately send Finn to the psyche ward (or, alternatively, a prison cell, since Finn’s still technically a wanted criminal. Only technically). It’s only after another night of deliberation and (for Finn) staring, sleepless, at a wall that they decide that they need someone to talk to.
(When Gadget mentions this to Sonic while they’re out doing “cleanup” (getting rid of debris in X city or Y town because Knuckles is occupied), almost shouting to project his voice over the creak of the pipe they’re lifting from the sidewalk, he’s not expecting the immediate response Sonic shoots back.
“Talk to Amy,” says Sonic, casually, dusting off his hands and reaching for a chunk of… building? Sidewalk? Gadget can’t tell. Concrete something. They’re both going to have to lift that one. “She’s great with emotions and stuff.”
“But Amy hates Finn!” Gadget cries. “Why would she be his therapist?”
“Well, she likes you,” Sonic says. “Maybe that’ll help?”)
When Gadget relays this suggestion to Finn, he’s just as appalled. “Talk to who?”
“Amy,” Gadget says, hands worrying over each other and eyes somewhere to the right of Finn’s face.
Finn deadpans, “She hates me,” and Gadget thinks it’s like poetry, how his conversations seem to rhyme.
He sighs. “I’m aware.”
The moment they show up on Amy’s doorstep, and she opens the door, eyeing Finn like he’s a block of rotten cheese she just found in her fridge, Gadget’s one-hundred percent convinced that this isn’t going to work.
This feeling continues as she ushers them (Gadget) inside and offers them (Gadget) some tea, to which Gadget politely refuses and Finn stays silent. She brings out three cups of chamomile anyways (Finn’s was likely an afterthought, but Gadget considers it progress), and they’re seated in her living room, Finn’s hand in Gadget’s, Amy in the seat opposite, when she starts speaking in earnest. It’s not what Gadget expects at all.
A simple question, four words, and the most perplexed voice Gadget’s ever heard from Amy; “You cut your hair?”
It’s an unexpected question followed by an equally unexpected answer: “Midnight crisis,” Finn says, and it’s with a voice that’s not nearly as small as it was hours ago, when they were both leaving the apartment and Gadget asked if he had his wallet. That was the quiet “Yes” of a man half his size and age; this is his normal, low timbre, conversational, like Amy wasn’t glaring daggers at him mere seconds ago.
Amy’s posture shifts, and while the air’s still unnaturally cold, her face opens up just a little more. “That’s why you’re here.”
“Yeah,” Finn says, frank.
She hums, and Gadget’s nerves spike.
It’s an hour later, and Gadget’s walking back to the metro station with Finn to head home when he hears him say, “That wasn’t too bad.”
Gadget reminds Finn, pointedly, “Half of our visit was awkward silence.”
“She only glared for a quarter of it.”
Later, Gadget thinks, watching Finn fiddle and hum and haw under Amy’s stripping, burning, disarming, demanding gaze for the third time in a month, that there’s something missing. He sees Finn’s thumbs, his fingers, restless, twitching and turning in his lap, and Gadget’s struck, hard, with this feeling, a wave washing over him that this isn’t right. Gadget knows what’s missing, he’s sure of it, but it’s just out of reach, a breath too far from his grabbing, clutching hands.
Then, as they walk home from Amy’s that day, he sees it, in the corner of his eye; Finn, right hand in the motion of grabbing for his shoulder, where for years a white lock would spill over and he could grab, run it between his fingers, fiddle and twist.
A memory surfaces: The two of them, younger, late high school, Gadget slipping out of the house at one in the morning because if he stays inside, where the death and cold and emptiness his father left behind aches the hardest, he might punch the walls in two, every single one, and then break and bend and snap over the rubble right after, a broken body to match the broken home it came from. He leaves, he sneaks over, desert night lukewarm and clammy against the back of his neck, and he arrives at the gaping maw of his best friend’s front door, where the hinges creak and the door opens as soon as Gadget’s foot meets the doormat.
It’s a comforting memory; Finn, shoulders tired and slumped but eyes and arms warm, curling around Gadget, letting him step into his space and his embrace, there, in the doorway, and both taking a moment to pause and breathe. It’s this lull, this potential energy building between them before moving again, that does Gadget in. His chest breaks open and a single, harrowed sob, more a hiccup and an exhale than a cry, spills out, but its muffled by Finn’s chest, contained, away from the prying eyes of others and kept just for them. In this stillness, Gadgets cards his fingers through the hair on Finn’s back, focusing on the softness of the locks instead of ache of a late father, and the digits begin looping the tufts into loose braids.
Gadget thinks of this moment, sees this in his mind’s eye as he watches Finn try and register why there’s nothing there, why his fingers feel nothing, and Gadget wonders how much they really lost that night, weeks ago, besides sleep and besides hair.
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hdawg1995 · 7 years
DnD Antics: “Man up and be a farther, ZACK!”
before rebegin Ryan (frost crystal) changed his name to Sam recently so if you’ve been following our antics for a while know that Frost Crystal is played by Sam. carry on~
we leave the earthen sanctum as it is collapsing. Envoy’s wing is crippled and the Monk tried to save her but got his arm smashed by falling rocks. the everything is crumbling and our witcher almost dies so many times!
DM: roll reflex. elizander: *rolls* DM: okay you trip but flow into a summer salt so you’re still running. elizander: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
everyone gets out BUT Zack!
me: Bardic knowledge! DM: you sense that someone is in trouble. me: I cast fish face folly! DM: odds or evens? me: eeevens? ryan: Odds just to be evil. me: *rolls 17* ryan: ODDS! DM: you cast FishFace’s folly. there is now a moose standing before you. Envoy: *silently screaming* DM: hes eating walnuts. he was gonna get attacked by a bear. me: oh okay. i roll to pet the moose. Envoy: *nat20* me: OF COURSE SHE WOULD! Ryan: this is envoy’s attention span: we are in danger! save the frie- OMG A MOOOSE!
there is now a moose named Oscar that hangs around the pokeball.
Zack was in the mouth of the cave but it was collapsing. Tim was rolling horribly and fishface folly was our best bet but it failed so we went with the ranger’s idea: a arrow with a rope tied to it. the original plan was to shot the arrow and hit a leg or something fleshy so it wouldn’t be so bad and would be easier to heal. unfortunately Tim wanted to try and grab the arrow with his good hand. im pretty sure you know where this is going.... the reflex wasn’t high enough so the arrow shoots threw Zacks hand- and into his and out his elbow. his bone is splintered in the process but he can still grab firmly onto the rope. Spine (in his sadistic glee) helps Valekimin pull on the rope to get Zack out of the still collapsing cave. hes at 5 health and is confirmed for worst rope burn/road rash in the history of ever. it was taking too long how ever and Zack was bleeding out, so the ranger has her bear yank on the rope. this cause the arrow to go half way back into Zack’s arm.  once hes out the ranger (in a very bad case of miss wording) yanks the rope and arrow out of his arm, knocking him out. the necromancer boops him on the nose to give him 10 false life but he goes out again when we do the math for the rope burn ON THE INSIDE OF HIS ARM and the bleeding hes doing so the necromancer heals him again. why am i including this you ask?
lindsy: i give the bloody, gory bits of the rope to Rose. Rose: *takes the rope. licks it.* Spine:....do you like it??? Rose: >_>.....>u>....*starts pealing the gore off very slowly* Tim: *horrified into going unconscious AGAIN.*
we all go running off in our own ways to avoid a land slide (Envoy Nazul and Zack are in the pokeball, Spine blink daggers away, Vale flies with her companions, Frost Crystal plan shifts and Elizander....)
DM: roll reflex. coolie: *rolls* DM: you land on your hands and spring into several back flips before righting yourself. you keep running. elizander: FUCK YOU GUUUUUYYYYSSSS! (we actidently left him behind....>_>)
so alicaria goes to the plan where all the deitys are and finds no one there so she goes back to the normal plain HOW EVER....
Vale and Spine try to tree teleport and end up in Frank’s forest.
vale: *casts speak with plants* Frank? hello? Frank: Sup bruh? Ryan: *facepalm* hes a teenager now....
Vale has to go kill a evil yant to prove her worth to her qticotal and spine goes with to watch.
*vale and evil radio active yant fighting* Ryan: is there such thing a necrotic popcorn?
Alicaria brings everyone to the steam punk gnome village. its very bad. Envoy wants to stay and help but she needs to go visit Frank and do some things so they tree-port there. once there, Envoy does a song and dance of prayer to the moose asking for advice. she is told to return to the gnome city and help the people there, and that there is a meeting with all the deities at the moment.
Envoy: okay. i’m going to get some wood for a personal project and then head back to cogsworth! me: *nat 1 on finding some wood* Envoy: *picks up stick* this should be enough! Elizander: Envoy that stick isn’t enough for what ever project you’re doing. Envoy: and how would YOU know me I-Don’t-Have-WoodWorking? elizander: what are you making...? Envoy: rings. elizander: that stick would make 1/3 of a ring, Envoy....
Elizander and alicaria look for a log for Envoy and Alicaria nat 1s.
DM: you turn into a tree. you are comfortable as a tree. its very nice. Envoy: *flies up and sits in the Alicaria tree* Issac shelab and the griffion: *same* Elizander: come on alicaria! we need to go! Envoy: you ARE my only way of getting back to the steam punk city... Sam:.....im a tree :D Alicaria: *cats vines. lifts elizander up* coolie: PUT ME DOWN! Sam: IM A TREE MOTHER FUCKER! :D
evenutally Envoy (who can’t fly, is too far away to ride the yak or teleport) decides to ask Frank the blue flying moose tree for some help.
Frank: sup bruh. Envoy: Sup man.  Frank: wut ya need? Envoy: my ride is kinda tree right now. shes chillin so i ain’t gonna throw off her grove, but i promised the BFM id help out at cogworth. any ideas on how to get me there? Frank: nah bruh...sorry. Envoy: thats alright homie *pat the tree* Frank: wait. hang on i have an idea. *summons tree spirit* yo homes help her out. Spirit: why doesn’t she just fly? Envoy: this ones broken *pats wing* Spirit: *fixes it* eh... still got a job to do.
the spirit lifts Envoy high into the air and we all think shes gonna get thrown. she gets planted into the ground instead and she is sent flying through roots in the ground. still fun! 
DM: you stop. everything is dark. Envoy: *remembering everything Spine taught her about being buried alive, she takes some dirt and drops it to find where ‘up’ is* (this is funny cause it took Spine 12 tries to figure out what direction UP was when he too was shot underground and was trying to dig out)
Envoy pops out of the ground and, with no best friend necromancers to hurt with her ultra awesome flute that heals people, she spends the next 24 hours healing wounds and lifting spirits with her music. mean while...
Envoy: eli- elizander: Envoy. Envoy: i can’t get her to let you go- Elixander: EN-Voooy. Envoy: and i promised the blue flying moose i would help- Elizander: EN. VOY. Envoy: IGattaGoImSorryBye Elizander: DONT LEAVE ME HERE ENVOY! *envoy gets planted* Elizander: ENVOY!....ENVOY DONT LEAVE!....EEENNNVVVOOOYY! Alicaria: do you want up? Elizander: fuck you do you want to play chess???
Elizander plays chess and alicaria is a shore loser. she puts him on frank.
eventually Zack comes out the pokeball with the yak and he tries to help Eliznder but drops him. Eli hangs upside down thanks to the vines alicaria cast to catch him and the Yak boops him about with her snout before eating the vines.
Elizander: i want to go home... Shiba: *bumps the witcher* Elizander: oh? you... you want me to get on? okay. *gets on the yak* are you gonna take me to Cogsworth or- Shiba: *starts to buck him around, rodeo style. this is how she has fun*
Vale kills the thing and Spine takes the remains into his necropolis so he has a new friend.
when we FINALLY get everyone back together, Envoy has a surprise for everyone! While healing the gnomes non stop and keeping spirits high, the gnomes gave her the title “The Healer” (she gets a +10 to heal checks now) and as a thanks for her work, they gave her a air ship.
Tim: so wait- me: I HAVE A AIR SHIP YALL! WOOT WOOT! Ryan: wait JUST her??? DM: YES JUST HER! shes the only one that was helping the city. its HERS.
the wrecking crew has a air ship now. its piloted by flick!
Envoy got some wood along the way and after we fix Zack and stuff and blah im getting tired LETS GET TO THAT TITLE, SHALL WE?
so while Nazul was a baby, Zack decided to be his dad since Slyvia was bent on being his mom. adopting the assassin was pretty nice, and Zack even continued to refier to Nazul as his son when we fixed him. (this is hella sweet cause Nazul never had a mom or dad so this is like major awesome for him).
so what does our grateful neutral evil Assassin ghost boy do? WHY GO BACK TO THE DWARTH CITY AND BUY DRINKS FOR EVERYONE WITH ZACK’S MONEY AND NAME!
he gets caught at first. Drawth: arn’t you that prick that stole everyone’s money while the trolls were attacking? Nazul: are you sure it wasn’t the TROLLS who stole your money? DM: Roll Bluff. Nazul: *Nat 20 cause when DOESNT this group get nat 20s???* Drawth: YOU’RE RIGHT! DAMN TROLLS!
he gets up to alot of mischief. he also turns all the dwarths racist towards gnomes. eventually he gets caught caught and is sent to the king.
King: you bought the town ale with your farther’s money, sent the lot into a drunkin rampage resulting in many citizens breaking into the royal whine cellar, you cheated two times in the pits- Nazul: i was having too much fun. (he killed a orger, a 4 armed gorllia, and a lizard person. he broke the rules cause his rune brought him back to life 2 times) king: -and all this in your farther’s name. how do you think he will react to this? king: *teleports Zack there* this your son?
the result is Zack owes the drawths 100,000,000 gold OR he can return the cane algres stole from them.
and at the moment hes buying cheese for master spliter so he can be level 20 with the rest of us.
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