#yandere cygnus black
slytherwrites · 11 months
Hello, I hope I am not disturbing you. Your writings are great. If you are getting requests, can you write for yandere husband Pollux Black, Crygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black, Severus Snape, Gellert Grindelwald, Aberfort Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore? Please
You're not bothering me at all! I love requests! Here are your husbands lol
Characters: Pollux Black, Cygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black, Severus Snape, Gellert Grindelwald, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Albus Dumbledore
TWs: Yandere Content, implications of forced sex, implications of forced pregnancy
Pollux Black
There was no denying it. Pollux was drunk out of his mind.
He'd always carried himself with guilt. A twin who's brother died in the womb. The firstborn son of his father, thus complicit in whatever he wanted, in order to keep his place in the family. He was man who's back was so spineless that it should've curled in on himself already. A disappointment, not proving himself better than Arcturus and not securing the switch in power between his branch of the family and Arcturus'.
But he was you husband, and you had to stick by his side.
"Baby," He crooned in you ear, "You know I love you. You know your the only one for me."
"I am aware."
"Oh, darling I need you, there's no one else for me." He continues, "Love is just what keeps me going. And love is just you in that dress."
"Is that some song?"
"Loving you is just what I do best..."
You take the cup from his hand and slip him out of his formal robes. The reception is over. Cassiopeia got out of this family and is married to someone who loves her. You wish you could say the same.
"It's how I feel, darling." Pollux continues, "I can't stand to see people around you."
"I'm all yours, Pollux." You tell him, "I'm all yours."
"When are you going to act like it then." He whines as more layers get removed between the two of you. You've holed up in the main manor, in one of the side rooms. Pollux is too drunk to apparate or use the floo network. And nobody in the Black Family would dare be seen riding the Knight Bus.
"I do act like it." You tell yourself, "I'm yours, Pollux."
"You don't say I love you. You recoil from my touch. You refuse to call me anything other than my first name." Pollux's tone gets serious, "You don't act like you love me."
"I love you." You tell him.
He grabs your shoulders and throws you onto the bed with him, "Then start acting like it."
"Pollux—" You tried to put some distance between the two of you, "Pollux, wait."
"No." His tone was much more sober, even if he was still slurring his words, "No. You are mine. Quit acting like you're not."
"Please—" You start but he interrupts you, "No! No. You are my wife. You shall act like it."
"I do!" You try to get back onto your feet, "I do!"
"I am your husband and you are my wife." He says, "We shall be one. We shall grow ourselves—our family."
What he means dawns on you and you know that this was always a part of your marriage contract, but you believed that by the time it happened, you'd be in love with him.
You tried and your tried but the light are off and the curtain is closing. This performance is over and act two's about to begin. This time, with a proper pureblood family from the two of you.
Cygnus Black
Cygnus was raised as a righteous man. He has a duty to the family—to live long and prosper. And he wanted to do that with you. Second-born son of the second-born line, he wasn't close to leading the family, even in his wildest dreams.
But he could lead his own family. And he wanted to create that family and that legacy with you and you alone.
"Spin." Your dress robes shimmered with the brightness of the stars themselves, the glimmer bouncing off of them in the waves of your turns, shining as bright as you do.
You don't say anything to him as he takes in your figure. You need to be perfect for him. It is your wedding day, after all.
"Muggles wait to see what they're partner is wearing until they are right in front of them." Cygnus notes, "What fools they are."
"How do you know what muggles do at weddings?" You try to laugh, tease him so that this moment isn't as daunting for you.
"Because I do." Cygnus growls, "Don't question your husband."
"You're not my husband yet." You laugh weakly for your own sake. Cygnus has always been quick to anger, quick to contempt. Hopefully you're quicker—especially than he is at action.
"Look at me." He grabs your arm and squeezes until all of the blood rushes from the hold, "You do not question me. I am your husband. It would behoove you to learn that quickly."
"Alright." You rub your wrist, comforting yourself, "I understand."
"I'll train you up. Don't worry." He says, "You'll learn before our children are born. You'll be an optimal parent. You'll be the perfect spouse. I'll make sure of it."
Somehow, you silently note, that you know that you'll never be as perfect as he needs, no matter how much he teaches and you endure.
Orion Black
Orion Black looked at you with a gaze so sharp it could pierce your body and soul. His straight black hair was combed neatly. His eyes were concrete grey and he kept his face just with the hints of what his beard could be if he didn't shave it regularly. His suit was crisp and clean and his shoes shined like motor oil.
He was well dressed and angry at something. And he was looking at you to fix it.
You took the initiative, silently accio-ing a bottle and a glass, pouring him a drink and then handing it to him. "Rough day?"
He takes the glass you offer, "News you won't like."
"What is it?" You ask, "I can handle it."
"I know, darling. You're so strong for me." Orion takes a sip of the drink and bridges the gap between the two of you, taking your hands into his, "They know the gender of Druella's baby."
The realization dawns on you, "Another girl."
"Yes," He offers you a sympathetic smile, "You've always been bright."
"I don't think coming to that conclusion took much brain power."
"I talked with my grandfather. He's expecting us to pick up the slack."
"Have the heir." You fill in.
Orion nods.
"No." You put your foot down, "That was the deal. I was to stay with you, play the perfect Black Family Wife and I would remain financed, protected, and untouched."
"That was if Cygnus was able to have a male heir." Orion says, "Do you think that I want to go back on that arrangement?"
"Then don't!"
"And have Bellatrix be the next Head of the Black Family?" Orion asks, "I'm already set up to be heir. It was always expected of me."
"It's not going to be expected of me."
"Yes it was." Orion's grip tightens, "We are already wed. You are mine. You cannot leave. Now you can do this the easy way, or I'll imperio you."
"You wouldn't."
He looks you in the eye and reaches for his wand. He doesn't say the words outright, but you made a deal with the devil so he wouldn't hurt you further. And maybe you will have to slide back on that deal a bit. But if you didn't, he'd take it painfully. And he would feel as if he could take more and more out of you.
You can keep some semblance of control this way. And what's one kid in the grand scheme of things?
Alphard Black
Alphard Black loved you to the moon and back. He was Hephaestus and you were Aphrodite, but like the mythical husband and wife, you were not loyal.
No, you'd found your Ares.
A muggleborn, in fact. Some man in the French Ministry of Magic who's been in Britain working on a project. Alphard didn't care who he was or what he done, except for when it was with you.
He used muggle means of subduing him. He's always been fascinated in the magicless. After all, he took you as his wife, even after his family threatened him.
It took all of his convincing to prove that you'd be a good partner, despite being a squib. You can still produce magical children after all. And he's not of the main line anyways.
But you had to go and fuck it up, didn't you?
He has your man tied up in a chair in the parlor, stripped of his wand and his clothing. He was still out cold and you came running when your darling husband told you oh, so sweetly that he had a surprise for you.
He stands over and behind your passed out lover. He's able to see your face when you notice what's gone on. And he can see the horror on your face as you see his manic smile.
"Alphie... what did you do?" You take a step closer, kneeling in front of your lover, "Alphie! What are you doing!"
"Don't Alphie me, sweetheart." He replies, "I saved you from a horrid life in the muggle world and this is how you repay me? By fucking some muggleborn swine!"
"Alphie, it's not what you think..."
"No, baby, it is what I think." He says, "I've been working and you've had a bit too much free time. So you took a man who would give you that attention. I'm sorry, darling. But I'll give you the attention you deserve."
"Alphie, please!" You try to reason with him, but he grabs a knife, "You can't do this!"
"Oh but I can. Knife to the head, incendio for the corpse, and aguamenti to put out the flames. It's simple, really."
You try to run to your lover, standing with him so that if Alphard was to light him ablaze, he'd have to do so to you as well. But Alphard casts a spell you don't recognize and you fall to the floor as you loose consiousness.
You come too as the fire dies down. Your lover no more than ashes. Alphard has himself pressed against your back, arms around your waist. He's singing the song at your wedding and it dawns on you:
You can never escape. You will never escape. The world that you admired so much and was desperate to be a part of you had a chokehold on you so strong that you were unable to leave it, even if you wanted to.
Severus Snape
You were in this marriage for your own personal protection.
The Snape name wasn't known as a Wizarding name just yet, but Severus was a halfblood. He could trace his lineage.
You could not, on account of being a muggleborn.
Honestly, with how Severus acted, you'd wished a death eater would take you out already. It wasn't nearly as torturous as being the wife to such an insufferable man.
"Darling," His slow manner of speaking irritated you, as if you couldn't handle him speaking any faster than this, "You mustn't linger about like that. You seem unhappy."
"And what if I am unhappy?"
"With the favor I have provided you?" He asks, "It would be foolish of you."
"Then call me a fool."
In all honesty, he was right. Staring out the window in the muggle home the two of you shared wasn't healthy for you. It only served to remind you of the home and happiness that you have since lost.
You change the subject, "How is your lord faring?"
"Better, now that he's decided on whomst his biggest threat is."
"Not Albus Dumbledore?"
"No, not Albus Dumbledore." Severus won't tell you more than that and you do not push the matter.
"Anything interesting in the potions you've been making?"
"No." He replies, "It is all the basics for getting a potions mastery. I will have to show it to the Potions Mastery Committee, down at the Ministry."
"You're heading into London?"
"I was planning on flooing, actually."
"Pick me up a new book." You turn to look at him, seeing him flip through the pages of his own book, "I've finished the last in that series and I want something of a similar author."
"Alright." He replies, not looking up at you. You look at his face, still ever-present in his book.
You suppose that he could be worse. He could be active in this situation, not just complacent in your slow torment under this roof. He could lay an unjust hand on you. He could treat you like the other wives of Death Eaters.
There is a mercy in how he acts. There is love in his distance.
You could reciprocate it, you could let it grow and blossom. But for now, you let the waves splash softly against the sand that is the foundation of your relationship with the man.
Gellert Grindelwald
Gellert Grindelwald doesn't love you.
The truth of the matter is that he's never loved anyone, only having obsessions. And, for all of his life, he's only been obsessed with two individuals: Albus Dumbledore—and you.
The fact that you have something in common with Albus Dumbledore makes you laugh. Him, one of the greatest wizards of all time, and you, a witch with so much self-loathing you almost formed an obscurus.
Almost, being the key word. For Gellert Grindelwald made it certain that you would not succumb to this deadly affliction, that you would find love within yourself and the world and its magic, so that you would keep on living.
And, it was all so he can keep you funneled away, hidden from the rest of the world in a small flat near Godric's Hollow.
It's embarrassing really, how quickly you fell for him. And yet, he does not love you, even after all that he did to make you love him.
You just stare off into the fireplace, awaiting his arrival. Because he's the only thing that keeps you from slipping into that state again. He's the only thing that brings you joy.
Aberforth Dumbledore
Aberforth wasn't the gloriest of husbands you could of had.
In all honesty, you befriended him to get closer to Albus. That was the real catch, your mother told you. Handsome, intelligent, hardworking—the world was falling at his feet and you could've been the woman smiling by his side, perfectly cared for and content while he tool the Wizarding World by storm.
But Aberforth had to actually take a liking to you, one he took violently, one that tarnished your reputation afterwards.
One thing lead to another and there was a child between the two of you. Aberforth made you an honest woman and you got yourself stuck with a child you didn't want, a job you hated, and a husband you hated even more.
At least nobody cares about what you did, out of wedlock. It's been decades now. You and Aberforth are over a century old. So is Albus.
And even if you can't call Albus Dumbledore yours, you still get to be near him and bask in his intellect. You two are friends, even if you always wanted to be something more.
Albus Dumbledore
He was an odd man. Never violent, even if you wished he would be.
He was kind, wise, put love as the forefront of everything, even though you didn't love him.
You didn't even like him. No, you were filled with pure, unadulterated hatred for your husband.
He's a gentle man. Smart, intelligent, caring. He keeps to himself on most occasions and lets you roam the walls of Hogwarts freely, just like you did, when the two of you were students.
You remember him well, you suppose. Back then, he wasn't like this. Back then, he was easier to endure. Back then, your dislike of him was validated.
Now, he's the war hero and headmaster of the greatest wizarding school in the world. He's saved countless of lives and mentored everyone who's walked through the walls of Hogwarts for the past century or so.
And it's exhausting, staying by his side. You're expected to be a proud person, prideful in your husband's work and all he has done, joyful in how the Dumbledore name has flourished and grateful for the man you've married.
But you are not here willingly. You would not have joined his side by choice.
You honestly hope Minister Fudge finds a way to oust him. Maybe his crimes in the wars will be released. Maybe he'll keel over and die already.
Because being the partner to such a perfect man is exhausting. Especially when you're the only one who sees all of his flaws.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere husband Cygnus with pregnant wife who is pregnant with Quadruplets boys? tho they already had their daughters (Yandere Bellatrix, Yandere Andromeda and Yandere Narcissa)
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Cygnus is literally very proud. He will take good care of you throughout your pregnancy. The best doctors will take care of you. You will have the best food and expensive maternity clothes. Cygnus will brag about it. I think your girls will be jealous. I think Narcissa would be the most jealous. But all three will take care of you. They never leave you alone. They have a protective attitude towards you. When Cygnus is not with you, your daughters take on their father's duties of protection, assistance and watchdog. They will go shopping with you for their siblings, and they will be with you as you walk around the garden. They take turns checking you out while you take a nap. They literally treat you like mother chicken.
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
Hello. How are you? I hope I'm not bothering you. I'm so sorry your old blog is gone. But I believe you can start over. I wish you the best of luck on your new blog. Can I make a request if requests are open? You shared it once. I wonder if you can do it like part 2? Can you share more for yandere husbands Pollux Black, Cygnus Black, Orion Black, Alphard Black and Severus Snape ? Please
Don't worry you're not bothering me dear, and thank you for the kind wishes for my new blog, I really appreciate the love and support I've received from all of you during those difficult times. I was pretty dejected when my blog got deleted for no reason but it's okay, I'll start over, a fresh start and sure, let's get into this
I'll have to write only for Pollux and Cygnus unfortunately, you've requested for too many characters 😭 Please request for not more than 2 or 3 characters at least for a scenario next time, it gets overwhelming to write for more. I sincerely apologize 😔
Pollux Black: Pollux might love you and be obsessed with you but if you dare to act up in front of him he's not going to appreciate it. As much as he cares for you he's really not above using the Cruciatus curse on you when you misbehave with him and demand for silly things like your freedom and wanting to see your friends and family. He's your family now, you're supposed to be content staying with him, he's already providing everything for you despite your constant tantrums and protests which he's willingly and patiently tolerating, and yet you say you don't want to be with him?
As soon as those words come out of your mouth, you'll be wishing you'd never said that in the first place judging by the dark look that's now plastered across his face. After he's done with torturing you for a while, he'll lock you in a room and ignore you till you apologize to him by literally begging him to pay attention to you, which is what he wants. You better hope and pray to whatever God you believe in because this deranged lunatic will hunt down every friend, family member and person you've come in contact with at least once in your lifetime and murder them right in front of you
If it's a random stranger who bumped into you on some random day, even better as he'll taunt you for having the blood of them on your hands and gaslight you by saying how all this is your fault because you refused to love him and reciprocate his feelings back. This is why I called him a deranged lunatic. When you finally do apologize, his personality will change drastically, like going from a zero to 360 in just a matter of seconds. He'll gently kiss your hands and tell you that you've been a good little darling for him as he patches you up, this bipolar MF 😒 All in all, just be good and you won't have a hard time dealing with this lunatic and try not to make him jealous by mentioning other people in front of him, things will get messy
Cygnus Black: Cygnus is quite fond of books and if you're a writer, lady luck just graced you with good fortune, however of course, as usual there will be consequences since well, is a Black after all. Cygnus will allow you to pursue whatever interests and hobbies you have after he's taken you because he knows you'll be lonely staying cooped up indoors all day long without magic. If you're fond of art, he'll get you the best art supplies galleons and knuts can buy from a reputed store. If you're fond of reading books he'll gladly join you when you're reading as he slowly wraps a protective arm around your waist and pulls you in closer to him while the two of you read. He won't really mind it if you decide to lay down on his lap, he'll be thrilled that you're finally trusting him after so long as he secretly basks in his moment of victory and gently runs his fingers through your hair
This man is territorial and possessive, you can't do anything without taking his permission first and unfortunately that rule applies to you wanting to get your books published for everyone else to read. You decided to ask him about this one day during dinner. He noticed there was something on your mind and you were unusually quiet, at first he thought of using Occlumency on you to find out what you were thinking about, however he decided to be generous and gave you the chance to explain yourself. He'll most definitely use his Occlumency skills on you later though, you know, just as a precautionary measure to make sure you aren't thinking about anything silly like trying to get away from him
"You're quiet today...quiet than usual, I can tell there's something on your mind" he said in a nonchalant voice as he sipped his Earl Grey tea and surveyed you with a calculating look in his eyes, silently trying to draw an answer from you. You slightly fidgeted with the hem of your robes and spoke "I was wondering if I could publish a few of my works to the public..." You were greeted with silence in return as you mentally winced at yourself for coming up with this idea in the first place. You could tell he didn't appreciate the question you've just asked him judging by the way he was starting at you with an unreadable expression on his face
He got up from his chair and strode towards you as he lifted your chin with his finger. "Dear, why would you want insignificant pathetic vermin to tell you how good your work is when you already have me? Is my presence for you not enough?" You were struggling to think of saying something that wouldn't anger him as he continued to speak. "Your writing is one of a kind my love, the others... they're like mere flies who have no experience when it comes to writing, they don't know how creative and beautiful your mind is when you imagine something and put those very thoughts on a parchment. And yet some of them dare criticize you, your work is reserved for me and ONLY me, they don't know you like I do.... the sooner you get rid of this silly notion of yours, the better" as you nodded your head silently and kept eating your dinner
Sure enough he kept a close eye on you whenever you wrote something to make sure your writing didn't go public. Part of him was worried that you'd include some secret message in your writing and then he'd lose you, no.... he couldn't lose you.... he won't lose you, you're his and he'll make sure people pay dearly if they dared to take you away from him
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for thirdborn black reader if cygnus “adopted”/stole his niece/nephew how do you think yan sisters/cousins bellatrix andromeda and narcissa would behave/view reader?
It would really depend on when exactly the Reader is brought into and made a part of their family. I see Druella absolutely being all over the Reader and taking them in as her baby rather than as an extended family member who has no where else to go. I think Cygnus would keep communications with Walburga regarding her last surviving child very minimal. He won’t let the Reader see any of Walburga’s letters or interact with their mother much, if at all, after taking them in but he will relay the gist of them just to say he did when he writes back to Walburga but again he keeps most of the ramblings of his sister pretty vague and chooses what to really tell the Reader. As far as Cygnus is concerned his sister isn’t the Reader’s primary family anymore nor does she have the stability to be in their life. Eventually, Cygnus’ replies to his sister become sparse and then he will get to a point where he just stops answering her altogether.
Out of the sister, Andromeda would be the first to grow attached to the Reader. She probably ends up taking on a similar maternal role to them as her one mother had. She’s the one who will devote the most time and attention into the Reader, becoming the one that they’ll seek out if they need anything (particularly consoling and comfort). When Andromeda ends up marrying Ted and being outcasted by the family, there’s a good chance she would pull a Sirius and take the Reader with her. Ted wouldn’t mind at all.
Narcissa would eventually grow attached to the Reader too, similar to Andromeda. After Andromeda is outcasted and in the case she doesn’t end up taking the Reader with her, then Narcissa would fill Andromeda’s used to be role in the Reader’s life and becoming their life line in the family. She would be Adam t about taking the Reader with her when she marries Lucius and ensuring the Reader wasn’t left alone.
Bellatrix would be the last to come around to getting attached to the Reader. She really only sees them as another Sirius and doesn’t expect much from them later on in life except to be outcasted like Sirius and Andromeda were. I could see Bellatrix spending whatever of her time and interactions with the Reader by testing whether they’re following the pure-blood traditions and ideologies or not. Honestly, she’s going to be the worse out of Reader’s new family but if the Reader plays their cards right like Regulus taught them to and bullshit their way through like Sirius taught them then they could end up eluding Bellatrix into leaving them alone. Only it will end up backfiring and getting Bellatrix to only take a darker interest in them and becoming much more attached then she even thought she could be.
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Hello. I saw that you wrote in the hp universe. I wonder if you could write for the yandere husbands Cygnus Black,( Druella husband) Orion Black,(Walburga husband ) Alphard Black. There are no entries for these three Blacks. Please
hi anon, thank you for this request, i'm sorry it took awhile for release i struggled to create fleshed out ideas of them as im not too versed in their characters
Cygnus Black
i think he would be the most manipulative on this list
he would poach on your fears and take advantage of your blood status, no matter whether your muggle-born, half-blood or pureblood he has something to say about it
we know from his disowning of Andromeda that he is very strict beliefs and will not let love drive him so it's probably not an immediate attraction that drew him to you and more that he enjoys playing with your feelings
he wants to control you, to consume you
but somewhere along the way that became his only purpose, don't you know you couldn't survive without him?
he will slowly distance you from your friends until you don't even remember the last time you saw them, he'll soothe you when you feel lonely and proclaim that he's all you need anyway
the obsession makes it difficult for him to let you out of his sight
would propose to you in the most elaborate way in your common room in your last year of school where everyone is watching, he knows what pressure does to people
when you're wearing his ring he gets an unexplainable throbbing in his chest that makes him want to cut it out
when you're married he stops caring so much what you want, you're his now and he's quick to babytrap you
you're pregnant within the first two months of your marriage and he's never been more attracted to you than when you're carrying his child
doesn't stop after the girls are born, claims he just wants a boy to carry on his name but he just loves seeing you pregnant
Orion Black
he's less controlling but he's more violent than his brother-in-law
however he is much more strict on who you associate yourself with and is very judgemental over the ones he begrudgingly allows.
he's standoffish when he first begins a relationship with you and will never be big on pda but his touch is also very hot and cold, either gentle or bruising he doesn't have an in-between
he proposes in private but still somewhat elaborate, he also doesn't even consider for a second that you might say no
he does genuinely think his love for you is normal, he didn't receive the most obvious shows of love and affection growing up
his possessiveness over you is the highest on this list and he doesn't let anyone think for a moment that you're anyone else's, he shows this particularly at your wedding
he wants you to always remember, he can provide for you, they can't so the Black family crest is hung almost everywhere
he would indulge you if you wanted children but it wasn't much of a priority for him
he will want a son but after you have Sirius he won't really care, leaving you to care for him most of the time
he will try and care for him but his patience is thin and as far as he's concerned he only has enough space in his heart to love one person and he's already chosen you so why should he try to change that?
isn't above snapping your wand if you disobey him
Alphard Black
overall he will seem the lesser of all three but don't be fooled, if he wants you he's taking you
he would be more overt about pushing himself into your life under the guise of a concerned observer and your relationship moves swiftly, he wants you to see the best of him and lock you down before he shows his problematic tendencies
he will hurt people in the name of your honour or people he doesn't like around you but wit your soothing words, there are few incidents
you won't meet his family ever unless you get pregnant which will make him happy but he's willing to put his whole life on hold if you ask it
a new house? already signing the mortgage. a pet? on its way, darling. another bundle of joy? okay, sweetheart.
least likely to keep you holed up inside but he has his limits
if you show any signs of leaving him he'll have a breakdown and bombard you with affection and gifts
only seeks his family out as a last resort, he knows in his heart he can't live without you, he refuses to
people are allowed to visit you but you can't visit them without him there
he will raise your children into a sphere of protection and treasure each one of them
a lot more sympathetic of you if you defy him
nothing is your fault, you just need someone to guide and love you, he's sure
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greycloudsinwinter · 25 days
Hello. For example, if the reader was from the Ravenclaw house. Would anything change? And yet would Cygnus erase their daughter Andromeda from the family tapestry for not marrying a pureblood? If the reader wants her daughter(Andy) not to be kicked out. If Andy is kicked out of the family and the reader wants to continue seeing her daughter. What would Cygnus do?
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🐍if you are from ravenclaw or any other house other then Slytherin he is a bit more wary of his affection for you. But it doesn’t stop him from loving you in the most darkest ways imagining.
🐍as for your daughter… he loves his children very deeply they are an extension of both of you . However her marrying anyone other then a pure blood is seen as her rejecting you and him.
🐍even though he loves his daughter he will erase her from the tapestry. Maybe if you beg and plead for him not to he will think about it . And possibly give her a chance to dispose of the person she loves and come back to you both. And he would pretend you were a perfect family. But if she didn’t and refused to get rid of the person she loved he wouldn’t kill her but he would pretend she was never born . Going so far as too remove and portraits or anything that could be linked to her .
🐍if you still wanted to see your daughter there is literally only one way . YOU have to give him a son . That’s the only way he wants a boy really bad like he’s willing to do anything to get a son. Going so far to healers to see if they can make sure the next child you carry is a boy.
🐍just give him a boy and he will let you however you can only see your daughter once a year . And in his eyes that’s very generous of him. However beg him plead him all you want if anything he will banned you from not seeing her it annoys him when all you do is talk about your daughter.
Thank you for the questions ❤️❤️
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Hello. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Would you write for yandere husbands Cygnus Black (Druella's husband) and Orion Black (Walburga's husband) when you have time? No one has written for them.Please🥺
Yes I will! They're underrated characters and I'll be happy to write for them, especially in a romantic way. I'm currently busy with other requests, but when requests open again, feel free to ask for them! 🤭
~ Lady L
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hello. I wonder if you're taking requests, would you write for yandere husbands Cygnus Black (Druella's husband) and Orion Black (Walburga's husband)?
I’m sorry, but I don’t. My requests are open, but I don’t write for those characters. You can see who I write for on my pinned post, on the link titled “Fandoms and Characters”
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slytherwrites · 1 year
Yandere House of Black Headcanons
Characters: Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix, Cygnus, Druella, Walburga, Orion, Sirius, and Regulus
It was Narcissa who latched onto you first. A fellow first year Slytherin who was a pureblood, but not familiar to the British Wizarding World before this, for whatever reason.
As a Black, her word was law for any Slytherins her year of the years under. At the start of first year, that wasn't many people except for their peers. Though, that was enough power to be able to make everyone else avoid you, so you would be running to her for everything.
Narcissa hated sharing with others she deemed as unworthy. And even other Sacred 28 purebloods were not worth your attention like she was.
Her sisters however, they were fine. They were allowed to be in your presence. They were worthy.
And that's where her mistake was made. Because Andromeda and Bellatrix both became as attached as she was with you.
She only went to them because they had more status then she did. Andromeda was smart, beloved with professors and students alike. And Bellatrix was feared.
But she didn't think that they'd be attached like she is.
Andromeda thought you were so kind and out of your element, wanting to teach you the joys of power and the good parts of being here with them.
Bellatrix found you fascinating, wanting to put you through the ringer in order to help mold you into a strong member of the House of Black.
Because sweet you were going to be a member no matter what. No matter what deal with the devil (their parents) they had to make, they'd get you as a sibling.
They brought you home for winter holidays. Cygnus was interesting. Very rarely his three daughters ever asked for the same thing. Very rarely they all accepted one person to this degree. Druella was concerned, knowing how fixated they were. After all, they are their father's daughters.
But it didn't take long for them to get attached to you too.
Cygnus is the first to crack, seeing you like a daughter as well. Like you were the last piece of the puzzle. It didn't matter that he didn't have a male heir. You were who they needed to round out the family.
Druella's concern only grew, but the obsessive nature of the family quickly watched over her. You were now her favorite child. Even if she didn't birth you, you were hers. She knew it. Her children knew it. That's why they brought you to her.
The Annual Black Family Yule Celebration was coming soon and you were invited, treated like the royalty they saw you as. And that's when the other half of the family finally met you.
Druella and Cygnus introduced you to Walburga and Orion. The girls had obligations to mingle with their betrothed and their families. But you were mingling with Walburga and Orion. All four of the adults knew of the intent: getting you arranged to be married to Sirius.
Sirius, their heir, was the one way to get you into the family forever. Marriage would bind you to them eternally.
It doesn't matter that your parents aren't here. They never really cared did they? Not like Cygnus and Druella do? Not like Walburga and Orion will.
Orion finds you of interest first. He holds a conversation with you, silently judging you to see what you're worth. And you've been taught well. Moldable, but he'd love to mold you into the perfect pureblood. He doesn't see you like he sees the others. It's potential he's glad to exploit.
Walburga isn't as impressed, but she likes seeing you squirm. The way you try so hard, but shy away from compliments is delicious. You're just like the girls she would lead during her school days. Though, she doesn't want to break you completely. You're like a piece of clay, able to become a prized piece of art.
They lead you to Sirius and Regulus. Regulus isn't impressed at first, but he grows as you indulge his childish instincts. And Sirius becomes jealous of that. He holds no claim to you yet, but something snaps into place in his mind. The once in sync brothers become at odds, each wanting your attention.
By the end of the break, your life is being planned out. Married to Sirius, becoming a Black yourself. Holding no power except to indulge your in-laws with your time. After all, they're making you into the best you can be. After all, they'll be your family now. After all, they'll be all you have left, once they get rid of the family you belong to now.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Hello any headcanon with yandere house of black
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You may have met the Black family in several ways. Tips are taken from @thefieryphoenix in this request. I hope you will like it. Feel free to write more requests.
~ Maybe you are a friend of one of the family (young people).
~ Maybe you are the lover of one of them or the bride-to-be.
~ Maybe you met by chance somewhere.
Blacks do not give up their inclination towards you, no matter what your blood status is. They will make everyone believe that you are purebred. Half the week you will stay at Cygnus and Druella's house, the other half with Walburga and Orion. They will spoil you financially. They make sure you have everything you want. Walburga and Druella love to decorate you with beautiful clothes and jewelry. Bella, Andy and Cissa will spend some girl-on-girl time with you. Bella teaches you self-defense, Andy helps you with your lessons, Cissa helps you with your hair and dressing. Sirius will try to make you like him. It will take you to concerts and other muggle activities. Regulus disapproves of his brother's actions. Regulus likes reading with you or doing quiet activities alone. They will get rid of anyone who wants to take you back. They are not afraid to get their hands dirty to be your legal guardians and family. Cygnus and Orion will observe and assist you with your lessons. Alphard brings you lots of presents when he comes to visit from time to time. Pollux and Irma firmly believe that they are your grandparents. At Hogwarts, young people will keep an eye on you. It is a mandatory rule that you write to them every week. Whoever hurts or upsets you, they will get rid of it all. Young people of the Black family will introduce you to their friends. Andy and Sirius want to take you as they run away from home, but they know they can't. They promise to come back to pick you up one day. You are not allowed to work after school is over. They argue that you do not need to work because you are already from such a wealthy family. You get the title of the most perfect aunt of the year. Draco and the other kids (children of the Black teens) love you very much. It is not allowed to have a lover. They will argue that no one deserves an angel like you. They will never give physical punishment, they will only use guilt and manipulation.
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greycloudsinwinter · 23 days
Which husband do you think wants more children? Yandere Cygnus or yandere Orion. Which of these two men is more insistent on having a son?
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🐍both love you too peace’s however they want some one to rember you and him when you are dead.
🐍in other words a child both wish for a child wanting apart of you and him together through blood.
🐍I believe that they are equally matched in wanting children .
🐍however orion wants a son (an heir) more then Cygnus .
🐍you see Cygnus is happy to just be with you and have a child or two .
🐍but Orion is much darker wanting a son more then anything going to great lengths to gain an heir.
🐍they both love there darlings they truly do but it’s just not enough for them they need MoRe they need you connected to them forever.
🐍seeing you pregnant just absolutely makes them feel proud (and also turned on) don’t be surprised if you hear them talking to others about how extraordinary you are.
Thank you for the questions ❤️❤️
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Please I need a Cygnus version
Reader and Cygnus meet while at school. Reader is in fifth grade and Cygnus is in seventh grade. The reader is a pureblood witch belonging to the Ravenclaw house. Cygnus enters the reader's life as a friend. Cygnus initially tried to ignore these feelings, but was unsuccessful. Cygnus was on edge until the reader finished school. He was afraid that the reader would be stolen by someone else. The year the reader finished school, Cygnus proposes. Cygnus is the happiest man in the world when the reader accepts his proposal of marriage. If the reader had not accepted, Cygnus would still have found a way to marry the reader. Cygnus demands that the reader be a faithful and obedient wife. It is forbidden for the reader to leave the mansion and invite anyone into the house without the permission of Cygnus. Cygnus and the reader have five children together. (My gut feeling is that it's more likely.) Cygnus and the reader's children:
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Bellatrix / Andromeda /Narcissa
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The children are all fighting for their mother's love and attention. It's no surprise that their father's obsession is passed on to their children.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Andromeda seeks solace in the arms of her precious mother.
Androneda : Mother. I do not know what will I do.
Even if Andromeda thought of escaping, she would not dare to leave her mother and siblings. It was impossible for him to accept the idea that he would never see his precious mother again.
Lady Black : My beautiful daughter. I won't hesitate to kill your husband if he tries to hurt you.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Your daughter is upset that Andromeda is about to be engaged to Rabastan Lestrange.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
yandere cygnus black x reader, scenario where cygnus meets the reader in a meeting where she accompanied her grandfather while he and the dark lord talk.
Cygnus fica encantado com o leitor assim que a vê, seu cabelo preto com uma única mecha branca na frente com uma postura militar e uma espada na cintura ao lado de seu avô.
O avô do leitor e o lorde das trevas percebem como cygnus olha para a mulher e fazem planos para deixá-los sozinhos para que possam se conhecer.
For the first time, Cygnus understands what love means. Moreover, the feelings inside are not just pure love. The obsession that begins to burn in his heart takes over Cygnus. Grandpa and the Dark Lord are noticing Cygnus' behavior. The arrangement of pureblood marriages is important. So they leave them alone for the two young people to talk. Cygnus tries very hard to impress your reader. Cygnus already has a thought in his mind that they should be together now. While courting, he tries to be the most perfect groom-to-be and gentleman. The Cygnus reader will try every way possible to get married. Cygnus is a Black. So he won't stop until he gets what he wants.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Cygnus and Druella with daughter who act like Helaena from the house of dragon (how when Alicent tried to touch her she move away from her)
Nobody can make bad comments about the reader and try to harm him. These two are ready to do anything for the reader. They don't let the reader leave their side. There are many people at Hogwarts who watch and protect their readers. In their eyes, the reader is excellent. So if someone comments on the reader's behavior, it will draw the wrath of the Black family. These two are overprotective, possessive, and helicopter parents. They will pamper your reader to the end.
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