#yea. yeah
kentuckywrites · 5 months
The End of All Things - REWRITE
On July 6th, 2018, I succumbed to some self indulgence. Six years later, let's do it again. Featuring @deltheor 's Sydney ~
Pongo knew. 
The official BLADE report never made it into the public eye, but he knew Elma, and Elma knew everything, so he got the information out of her. While Pongo had been out on a forced vacation, Sydney had Brainjacked seventy percent of NLA’s population and had taken them to Cauldros, where he’d set himself up in a Ganglion fortress to play the role of false king. Elma showed him the witness reports, people recounting being controlled, people recounting their efforts to stop him. An elite team of Brainjack users were able to take him down, in the end, but even that almost hadn’t been enough. 
The rumors spread like a disease throughout NLA. He still walks among us, Pongo once heard. He’s been stripped of his rank, so hopefully he won’t be allowed anywhere near a knife again. I saw him in the residential district once - do you think he’s planning how to do it again?
It hurt. The rumors had nothing to do with Pongo, yet he still felt their sting. He could only imagine how deeply it was affecting Sydney.
In the end, the rumors and the official reports combined were enough for Pongo to make a decision. 
He pulled out his comm device and called Sydney just after noon. Someone had given Pongo his number a long time ago, long enough that Pongo couldn’t quite remember who it was. Sydney didn’t respond. Frantic, Pongo kept dialing and calling, dialing and calling, dialing and calling, come on Sydney why won’t you pick up -
“The fuck do you want?!”
And suddenly, everything Pongo had planned to say vanished into thin air. Gods above, Sydney’s anger was something to behold. Pongo knew he had to be quick, or Sydney would hang up. 
“H-Hi, Sydney,” Pongo started. “We, um…we need to talk.”
“We’re talking right now, dipshit.”
Damn it. Damn him. Pongo released a shaky breath, trying to keep himself composed. “I meant in person. This is not something I can talk to you about over the comm device.”
“I’m busy. You should spit it out and stop wasting my time -”
“Not over the comm device.”
Pongo hadn’t meant for his tone to get so strained, so forceful. Sydney didn’t respond immediately, and he almost wondered if the (former?) Interceptor had hung up after that little outburst. However, after a moment of silence, he got a response.
“Alright, fine. When would you like to plan our little date?”
Pongo swallowed hard. No, Pongo, it is not a date. Do not get your hopes up. He shook his head, then responded, “Well, um…do you know of that elevator by the West Gate? The one that leads to the very top of the walls of NLA?”
The location held many good memories for Pongo; that was the same elevator he’d taken down to the Industrial District, the very first time he’d stepped foot into the city. Back then, he had no idea who he was, or who he was meant to be. In recent months Pongo found himself revisiting the location, if only to reminisce on the past. Others had called this insight into himself and the hearts of others a blessing, and perhaps he could use this talent to…well. To see Sydney.
“I know the place,” Sydney said, again knocking Pongo out of his stray thoughts. 
“Would you be able to meet me there tonight? Maybe around eight?” Pongo asked.
“Sure, I guess. See ya then.”
“Right,” Pongo said, but the dial tone hit his ears before he had gotten his full response out. With a sigh, his hand lowered, and pressure built behind his eyes. Shoving his comm device in his back pocket, he looked to the horizon. The sun was high above him, a promise that the day was still young. It would be a painful wait until the appointed hour arrived.
Pongo found himself waiting at the bottom of the elevator fifteen minutes before eight. This corner of the city was quieter than he expected, but then again, this was the Industrial District. Outfitters, arms manufacturers, and construction workers hurried about the district in a mad frenzy. The chaos usually calmed his nerves; he felt at home in the hustle and bustle, the high energy that came with BLADE’s intellectual conquests. Yet tonight, as he’d been walking towards the meeting point, Pongo had briefly considered getting a drink at the Repenta Diner. Frye had once told him that spiking a coffee wasn’t out of the ordinary, and Pongo had seen first-hand how alcohol soothed aching hearts.
This was something he needed to be sober for, though, so in the end, Pongo had gotten a water from the diner. He’d nursed it in his hands and had taken two sips before discarding the cup. He wish he’d kept it now, as he had nothing to do with his hands aside from wringing them together. Sweat built beneath his palms, the friction of his gloves providing some level of distraction from his own thoughts. Funny, how he allowed himself to feel this. Funny, how it didn’t serve to distract him from the truth.
“Pongo? Helloooo? Anybody home in there?”
Pongo blinked a few times, and when he regained focus, he saw Sydney standing right in front of him. How long had he been standing there?! Gods above, Pongo was out of it, huh? He could even smell Sydney’s cologne - it was one of his favorites. Jasmin, saffron, cedarwood. An expensive blend. Pongo stepped back, his heart fluttering under his chest.
He did not wear this for you. Stop it.
“H-Hi,” Pongo stammered, “sorry about that, I just…”
“Lost in your own head?” Sydney guessed, raising one of his pierced eyebrows in annoyance. “Happens, I guess.”
“Right. Yeah,” Pongo grinned sheepishly, finally making eye contact with Sydney. What was the human saying again, something about eyes being windows to the soul? If that was the case, Pongo could see through Sydney, and in that brief moment, he saw the truth. Sydney was happy to see him.
That made Pongo want to cry.
“So what’s so important that you couldn’t tell me through comms, huh?” Sydney asked. “You’re an old-fashioned fucker if you prefer talking to people in person.”
“Then call me old-fashioned, I suppose,” Pongo laughed nervously, “I, um…I think this is going to be too important for comm messages, is all.”
“Guess I’ll be the judge of that,” he huffed, “so get on with it. I don’t have all night.”
Right, he said he was busy. Pongo needed to get to the point. But at the same time, BLADEs were flying past them both, some casting looks over their shoulders. Damn it, he should’ve thought about how busy it’d be here.
“We should find somewhere quieter,” he suggested, expecting some form of backlash.
To his surprise, however, Sydney shrugged. “Whatever floats your yacht.”
“I do not own a yacht.”
“...I’ll rent you one of mine, sometime. Maybe I’ll throw in a one percent discount on the rental fee, too.”
Pongo’s eyes started to sting as he held back tears. The offer sounded so genuine, so real. Do not get your hopes up. 
“I would like that,” he said softly, feeling his heart begin to rip itself apart. He turned away from Sydney before he could say anything else.
Pongo stepped onto the elevator platform, using the controls to send it to the top floor after Sydney had embarked. It was a long way to the top, so once the elevator fence came up and they began to ascend, Pongo found himself sneaking a glance at Sydney. He was facing away, observing the city below. It was an array of colors and lights under the darkened sky, replacements for the stars that didn’t shine that night. Sydney’s head turned slightly, and Pongo could see those same lights reflected in his eyes. What a vibrant red they were, the color of power and blood and undying strength. 
Red, the color of love.
The first tear fell. Pongo wiped it away with the back of his glove, wincing when he pulled his arm back. He’d done it too rough, and now his cheek hurt. Not enough to leave a bruise, but enough to leave a memory.
The elevator came to a stop at the top floor. Pongo stepped out once the railings came down without acknowledging Sydney. He came to rest his arms on the fencing along the platform, staring down at NLA. This was where Elma had taken him when he’d first entered the city, when Pongo was unsure about who and what he was. There was a kind of poetic satisfaction in returning here, a satisfaction in knowing that he had found himself. 
Though…had he?
No. Pongo wasn’t here to throw himself a pity party. Just push the feelings down, as you always have and always will.
“So…” Sydney said, leaning back on the railing to Pongo’s right, “what do you want?”
Pongo didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he let it go in a shaky exhale. Maybe he could save himself. Maybe he could find a silly excuse and have Sydney get mad at him for wasting his time. Maybe he could find another way to get the answers he needed. 
But he couldn’t do any of that in good conscience. He had to face this - and so did Sydney.
“Elma gave me access to the BLADE reports,” he finally said. “They, um…you Brainjacked over seventy percent of the population.”
Silence. Pongo didn’t have the strength to look up at Sydney, to gauge his reaction through his facial expressions. Yet the air shifted, a tension that was nearly unbearable. Pongo opened his mouth, too uncomfortable to remain quiet, but Sydney beat him to the punch.
“Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
A confession. Pongo gazed upwards at that, finding that Sydney had turned around to assume the same position as him. He was staring out at the city lights, his brow furrowed. From the profile, he looked…
He looked sad.
That was what Pongo had been searching for. That was the answer he needed. 
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” Sydney spat out in response.
“Sydney -”
“I’m fine,” he repeated, sharper this time, “why do you even care?”
Because I care about you.
He couldn’t say that. He shouldn’t.
“Because Elma also told me you suffered some kind of amnesia afterwards,” Pongo answered, “that you did not remember most of the time in Cauldros. It just…from everything I heard, I do not think that the one who Brainjacked everyone was truly you.”
“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Sydney’s voice rose, “Of course it was me!”
“No, no, Sydney, listen to me, that was not you -”
Pongo flinched back at Sydney’s order. Sydney’s eyes were glazed over, tears trailing down his cheeks. He hunched over to hide his face, an ugly sob emanating from the back of his throat. It took every bit of willpower to resist rushing forward, to resist wrapping him up in a hug, to resist telling him that everything would be alright. 
I will not be able to let go if I hold him now.
“I don’t even know why you wanted to see me,” Sydney nearly shouted as he straightened his spine, spinning around to finally face him. “You know what I did. The entire fucking city knows what I did, but I don’t even fucking remember what happened. What, did you wanna point and laugh at the asshole who ruined lives for shits and giggles?!”
“It was not you,” Pongo pleaded, unable to hold back his own tears.
“Then who the fuck do you think I am, huh?! Who are you to tell me who I am and what I’m capable of?! I’m a fucking monster -”
“You are not a monster!!” Pongo cried, “You are not the same person as the one who Brainjacked the city!!”
“Oooh, so that was a fucking clone who did that, then?!” Sydney retorted, “Answer the fucking question, asshole - who am I?!”
Pongo swallowed hard, forcing himself to stare into Sydney’s eyes. His makeup was starting to smear, a black tar staining his cheeks. As Pongo spoke, his voice rose, gaining more and more strength.
“You act vain and narcissistic and you hardly care about anyone other than yourself. You buy things because you think it makes you happy, but you are never happy, because you think you are undeserving of everything you have been given. You act as though you only care about yourself because you do not want anyone showing you the slightest hint of compassion, and it is because you are terrified, Sydney, you are terrified of being loved because you think you do not deserve it, but damn it Sydney you do!!”
“I don’t deserve shit,” Sydney faltered, but now Pongo was shouting, now he felt too deeply.
“YES YOU DO!! Are you living?! Breathing?! Then you deserve someone who loves you, someone who will be there for you through thick and thin, someone who sees past all of your flaws and sees you for your heart!! Fucking hell, Sydney, I lo-”
He caught himself. 
“I know you deserve to be loved because I know you are a good person deep down!! Everyone deserves to be loved no matter how many times they have fucked up, and I will not sit back and watch you believe you are undeserving, because YOU ARE!!”
Pongo’s voice was cracking, a mirror to his heart. His breaths deep and painful, he stepped back, hitting the rail. The metal provided a cool sensation against his hands, welcome in the heated moment. Sydney looked shellshocked, eyes wide and unblinking. Pongo had never seen this expression before, and despite his fury, the sight made him near-nauseous. He had to close his eyes, a gentle breeze finally coming to soothe him, caressing the hair sticking to his face.
“The fact of the matter is that you have changed,” Pongo quietly said, controlling how his voice shook. “You put on the same act as before, but deep down…I see you, Sydney. I do.”
Silence, eternal. Pongo sighed. He couldn’t stay here. He couldn’t keep doing this. Getting attached, getting his heart broken when there was nothing left to break. 
“I am sorry if you had somewhere else to be,” he apologized, “I got my answer. I will leave you alone, if that is what you want.”
Pongo let go of the railing, straightening his spine and turning back towards the elevator. The silence remained deafening, and his thoughts raced to devour it whole. His own voice echoed in his ears, remnants of his anger, reflections of his soul. The anger was not towards Sydney, he concluded quickly, but rather towards himself. How could Pongo have been so stupid, to get this close to Sydney? The happy-go-lucky Interceptor with a heart of gold, with friends in every corner of the city and beyond, a man who dreamed and hoped and wished for more. That was selfish. That was greedy. That was wrong. He wasn’t allowed to wish for a deeper connection because he was destined to love and never be loved in return. That was his punishment, his sentence, his -
A hand, quickly grasping his. Metal under his skin. A whisper, a plea in the dark. 
“Don’t go.”
Pongo wasn’t strong enough to keep his gaze fixed forward. He looked to Sydney, to the quivering form that had stopped him from leaving. He was a shell - or perhaps, this was the original Sydney, the one who was showing his true colors after years and years of hiding in plain sight. And his true colors were beautiful in every sense, vibrant red and gold and white. His palm pressed in Pongo’s own was a dream, a hope, a wish come true. 
Pongo looked down at their intertwined hands. He couldn’t. He couldn’t.
And yet…
Could he allow himself to be selfish, just this once?
He didn’t give himself enough time to answer that question. Pongo brought Sydney closer, wrapping his other hand around the back of Sydney’s neck, pulling him in, in, in - and their foreheads touched, skin upon skin. Pongo forced himself to keep the space between their mouths, though he cherished the small contact made between their noses. Do not get closer, he told himself, his last shred of control. 
But the little voice in the back of his mind, once smothered, echoed out. You are allowed to want this. 
His resolve finally shattered.
“Okay,” Pongo breathed. “I am here.”
And he sealed the distance between their lips. 
Sydney was wearing lipstick, Pongo discovered, and he wondered if this sudden kiss would smudge it. It would certainly appear on Pongo’s mouth, and he battled with whether or not that was a point of excitement or defeat. He tilted his head ever so slightly, adjusting so he didn’t aggravate Sydney’s piercings. Sydney’s cologne overwhelmed him, that same mix of jasmin, saffron, cedarwood. Pongo could drink deep of it and never be satisfied. 
But he pulled away, eventually - after he realized that Sydney was not reciprocating the kiss. Pongo didn’t meet Sydney’s gaze, everything crashing down on him all at once. He had to say something. He had to come up with an excuse. This is the end of everything. You never deserved to get this close, and now you have to pay for it. 
“I am so sorry,” Pongo whispered, “I should have…I should have asked first. I know this would not work, but I just...”
He wiped his tears from his face, turning away. His heart had skipped several beats, and he wasn’t sure why the air suddenly felt so heavy, so constricting. He deserved it, still. He deserved to get smothered in the pain. Friend of the world, closest to none. How could someone like him ever hope for more?
The elevator was enticing, too enticing. But he told Sydney he was here, that he’d stay. The honor took hold of him, so his feet refused to move. Better for him anyways - he had to be here for the fallout, both self-inflicted and external. Gods, he should’ve left when he had the chance. He should’ve ripped his hand out of Sydney’s and spared them both the pain. How deeply, horribly selfish indeed. A hypocrite, a fool, and above all else -
Sydney’s hands found their way to Pongo’s cheeks and pulled him back in.
There they were, kissing under the moonlit sky. It took Pongo only a moment to recover from the initial shock, and then he crumbled, his defenses completely destroyed. One of Sydney’s hands shifted backwards, entangling in Pongo’s hair, and the other fell down to cup the space between his neck and shoulder. Pongo’s arms, out of desperation, wrapped themselves around Sydney’s hips to draw him in closer. He thought this would ground him, but instead he found his thoughts floating in a pastel haze.
Sydney was the first to pull away. Chasing the high, Pongo nearly followed his lips, but as they caught their breath, Pongo couldn’t hold back his relief. He laughed, soft and warm, keeping his hands around Sydney’s waist. Hells, he’d been right before - he couldn’t let go, now that he’d taken hold. He didn’t even realize he was crying until Sydney’s thumb came to trace the skin under his eye, wiping away a wet streak of newborn tears. 
“I don’t know what this means,” Sydney whispered. “For you, for me…I don’t know what any of this means.”
“It does not have to mean anything if you do not want it to,” Pongo replied, his smile weak but honest.
“But I want this to mean something. You deserve that.”
“You deserve it, too. You always have.”
Sydney swallowed hard. “I…I don’t know if I believe you, yet. But I want to. Damn, do I want to.”
Pongo didn’t respond, but his smile strengthened. He knew Sydney believed that, and he’d do everything he could to prove him right. That he was deserving. That he was loved, loved so much that it hurt. 
And maybe…maybe Pongo could believe that for himself, too. That he deserved the same. 
They stared out into the city after that, hand in hand. The silence became their friend. 
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simplydm · 2 years
Bdubs has a thing for people who are always lost, but so is he so <3
Bdubs and [insert any of his lovers here] are hand in hand, but not a single one knows where they’re going, bless them
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bhalspawn · 2 years
garfield propaganda meme but it says I AM NOT IMMUNE TO OVERWATCH 2
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nousanti · 3 months
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Lately I did wonder if you did it all to make you feel desired, for love to replace your shame.
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roe-oo · 5 months
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the sillies
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snarkspawn · 7 months
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notwxrriors · 1 year
what is it about awtto that always ends up gravitating towards sad and tragic!! something about them just feels so inevitable they try to make it work for so long but end up falling apart after spending a decade holding each other up!!! they make me insane.
:(( I mean !!! we've all seen awstens lyrics he's so sensitive,,,im thinking ab crying over it all and it seems like the most quintessential sad awtto song :( it's shit like that !!!!
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nerdpoe · 16 days
Danny, on a work trip with his parents, is tired and maybe a little cranky and also all of his joints hurt. Sleeping in the GAV is not great. As in, it just doesn't happen.
So he pops his neck.
Or, he tries to pop his neck.
He sighs and grabs the bottom of his jaw and the top of his head and forces his neck to pop.
Except he miscalculated.
He's broken his own neck.
As a halfa, it's fine, he just needs to force/hold it in place and wait twenty minutes for his healing factor to kick in. But when he moves to do that, a pair of red-gloved hands interrupt him and put him in a bracing hold.
"Don't worry kid, ambulance is on it's way!" The Flash reassures him, not budging an inch. "I know it feels like you can just pop it back into place, but it's actually pretty broken right now, and you could uh...it...the doctors will makes sure you're okay!"
Danny watches in despair as his family disappears into the crowd, having not noticed that he was being held up, and tries to think of a lie to make the hero let go without resorting to using his powers in front of the many, many livestreaming phones that have turned towards him.
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astrolavas · 6 months
have some permadeath hunter au sketches from 7 months ago, caused by accidentally getting way too invested and emotional while discussing "what if hunter hadn't woken up in ttt" scenarios with friends.
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in which, uh, hunter wakes up in the inbetween realm instead of back at the old gravesfield cemetery...
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zer0point5ive · 7 months
hey uh mr jigsaw .. sir. i don’t wanna make things awkward but .. well .. you put my friend in a trap last april and it kinda seems like you put more effort into his .. ? *kicks at the ground* i’m just getting the feeling you don’t care as much is all ..
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birues · 4 months
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The days of our years gone,
Our souls soaked in sin.
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old-desert · 3 months
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Ah yes, hooman Loop
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^ early concept
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isjasz · 2 months
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[Day 287]
Colors by @sillyfairygarden @bad12amcomic (also prompt from her) and @kunehokki in order and lineart/sketch by me!
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basaltbutch · 9 months
sorry not sorry but the height of romance in my opinion is sharing someone else's body with them. let me curl up in your brain i want to be lulled to sleep by the rhythms of your body and the sounds of blood whooshing through your veins. i want to take shelter in your body. does this make sense.
disclaimer: this post is about erotic cannibalism and being a symbiotic parasite and gay t4t sex.
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layraket · 4 months
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late but yeah.... it is still 14 i swear....
gay rabits yes sirr
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
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modern au and esen’s honkers are haunting the instagram feed
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