#yeah don't be so hard on yourself
bifairywife · 10 months
lowkey felt guilty for my slow progress cause i'm feeling a lil burn out recently so i haven't really written anything in months, then i shared i got 20 fics online now and my friend got all excited for my progress cause she remembered a time i only had 8 fics up on ao3
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dadrielle · 7 months
I can't stop thinking about just how emblematic everything in those conversations of Ashton being "a child" are of how, even at her most beaten down, triggered and traumatized, Laudna is not and will not be what Delilah wants her to be.
For Delilah, "they're still a child" is dismissive, a bit derisive, but doesn't even merit being truly hateful. She doesn't find Ashton worth the attention Laudna is giving them, not when there are such more interesting, important things to pull the attention of an adult. Children are only important when they are useful. She will indulge Laudna on the subject, because Laudna is useful, is her vehicle for action in the world, but she only cares about it in the context of getting Laudna to do what she wants. Calling someone a child is calling them unimportant. (Laudna is a child to her)
But for Laudna, who loves children and who understands intimately what it's like to have the helplessness of child, to be trapped under the authority of someone who will never treat you as a full person, even when they are being ostensibly kind, to be so confused and lost and powerless...a child deserves attention more than anyone else. Of course children lash out. Being a child IS in many ways quite awful because the world is so big around you and you don't know yet how to react to any of it, how to soothe yourself - and if you aren't given the attention, you never learn how. Ashton never learned how. Her instincts - instincts trained into her by manipulation and abuse from inside and the world around her - may say kill him, but she fights them the whole way because her heart is stronger and her heart says that the angriest, most volatile child needs care as much as any other. More, even.
Laudna hears Delilah call Ashton a child and agrees on the word, but they have diametrically opposed understandings of what that means, and diametrically opposed instincts on how to treat a child. Laudna doesn't want to hurt anyone, especially children. She loves children. She loves so much and so selflessly. And Delilah is so very very good at manipulating her but she has tried for 30 years to change the bedrock of Laudna's psyche, the truer thing that drives her beyond the base animal instincts of survival, and it hasn't worked.
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skunkes · 8 months
doing figure drawing studies because i know thats what i should be doing right now but also ive been in a very insane deranged state for the past 2 months that leaves me like this whenever i look at a man for too long
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hiiiii how have you been love bug? (Please tell me if your uncomfortable with that term since you are non-binary and they/them I’m not sure what nicknames you are uncomfortable with it’s just what I call my friends and just a nickname I have for people in general🫶🏻🫶🏻 ) so I’d like to to request farah with a adhd reader who is hyper forgetful and sometimes has meltdowns ( as someone with adhd)🧡🧡🧡
Hey! I'm fine! Bought some more yarn for my leftover blanket today, which I'm excited to work on! And don't worry, I think love bug is really cute! I don't mind most nicknames, but thank you for being considerate, I really do appreciate it! Hope you're doing well as well ^^
I don't have ADHD, so I don't know at all what it's like for someone with it! I had to do some research on it, so I don't know if these are actually viable methods of helping, but I tried! Please do correct me with something that might help and I'll add it in this post afterwards! I hope this is enjoyable to you regardless! Thank you for the request!
Farah with a Reader with ADHD
Farah doesn’t particularly know a lot about mental illnesses. She may be traumatized, yes, but that doesn’t mean she ever had the time to research any of them. So she’s definitely not the best person to go to when it comes to things like these, but she tries, even if she can’t always understand everything that’s going on. You’re suffering, and that’s enough for her to know she should do something to help you.
You being this forgetful may be a cause of concern for her, though. It’s not every day she meets someone who forgot what they did five minutes prior. It’s especially concerning when it’s something important, though, like seeing a doctor. Although she may be worried for you potentially developing something as severe as dementia eventually, she’ll try to push her worries aside and help you to the best of her abilities. If you ever need reminders, she can help you. Farah remembers and retains things very well, she’s never had any issues with it since she had to in order to get by. If you need to remember something, she’ll remind you a few times a day. You have an appointment? Don’t forget about it tomorrow, I’ll tell you again then. However, she’s also a big fan of post its and will write down whatever it is you may need and place it somewhere she knows you’re going to see it. I know, out of sight, out of mind, but she’ll also text you and have you make reminders on your phone for important things so you don’t forget. Won’t get mad at you for forgetting your anniversary, she can see that it’s hard for you to remember things and won’t yell at you or anything either. However, she will mention that it was your anniversary, or maybe her birthday. For the most part she just wants to spend those days with you, if she can, and will thus remind you. Again, you don’t need to feel ashamed for forgetting, she’ll tell you that it’s quite alright and that you shouldn’t worry. She’s patient like that.
If you have a meltdown in front of her, she definitely would not know what to do at first. Depending on what kind of meltdown it is, she’ll react differently. If it creeps up on you, slowly making you irritated, then she’ll ask you what’s wrong. Regardless of your answer, she’ll ask you how she can help you, if you would like to be left alone or if you would like to take a small break in any way. She gets it and she’ll get you away from whatever is stressing you out so you can slowly recharge. If you really do want to be left alone for a while, she will comply, but will knock on your door to check up on you every once in a while and will bring you some food as well. Farah just wants you to be well, so she’ll take care of you how she thinks might help. Food is always good, food usually helps her, so she hopes it’ll do the same for you as well.
If it’s a sudden meltdown where you don’t know where left and right are anymore, then she’ll get you away from everyone else at first. While she can’t imagine what it’s like for you, it likely isn’t very pleasant for you to be crying and screaming in front of other people. Hoping that you trust her, she’ll try to ground you, asking you how you’re feeling, what you’re feeling and how she could help you. What happened is also another question she would ask you. Again, she won’t really know what to do on her own, but she tries her best. Farah will talk to you in a soothing tone and try to distract you at first so you can calm down a bit. Whether it be cracking a joke or asking you about your top five favorite reptiles. Even if you can’t answer her properly, she’ll just reassure you that it’s okay, that everything is just bad in this moment and that it’ll pass. She’s with you this entire time and won’t leave you unless you want her to. Asks you to breathe a bit with her. In all your time being together, she’s likely learned a breathing technique or two that might help you.
Once your meltdown is over, she’ll be very gentle with you, especially if she can see you’re beating yourself up over it. You really shouldn’t feel ashamed for something that you can’t help, it’s not your fault. If you feel especially down, she’ll give you a kiss on the forehead and get some ice cream with you. Something like a meltdown seems exhausting to her. While she doesn’t want to seem like she’s rewarding you for having a meltdown, she does want you to be kind to yourself afterwards, that’s what the ice cream is for. And if you don’t want ice cream, then some berries, fruits or a small snack will suffice as well. Either way, she’s there for you the entire time until you feel better.
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oscill4te · 10 months
i feel bad for women with vaginismus/vulvodynia who date men bc in my experience men always see the vaginismus as not a real concern and act like its something you'll overcome and are so pushy about PIV. they get all mopey and sad bc "i just want to have rl intimacy with you :((" and they keep bringing it up to you, even if you decided you never want to have PIV sex
like theres soooo many ways to have sex and all u can think about is PIV and making your partner feel bad for something that legit hurts like hell, feels like glass and carpet burn and not remotely enjoyable at all??? why do you even still date them if its such a dealbreaker. The formation of vaginismus is rooted in trauma for many people as well so theres also an emotional component to it for many women who struggle with the disorder. if ur partner has vulvodynia/vaginismus and you keep pushing PIV as an end goal, maybe go uhhh jump off a cliff plz thank you
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averlym · 1 year
Im sorry but can you do 45 angst for parrlyn? U don't have to tho!
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45- "leave" (very quick doodle for you!)
#hi anon akshdjdhd thank you for asking so politely i guess#here's this .. 'm not sure what exactly but it's exam project season rn#and like!!! screwed up stress responses all over the place!!#anyways.#six the musical#six the musical fanart#anne boleyn#catherine parr#parrlyn#... the angst of being in an awkward situation#quick run down: been reading fic (not helping my revision any but nevertheless) and looking back at old characterisations of cathy#and like one thing was the coffee/ lack of sleep/ stress response thing that seems like part of widely accepted hc#and. well. um my stress response is avoidance! including of people#so yeahhhh maybe pushing people away is bad but also people can be so overwhelming even in the same room yknow#aka why i haven't been studying with friends (sad haha) and like maybe i'm projecting a little bit . shh#also also anne! bestie! me too! logically it's the 'ily but i really Cannot rn' and yeah it checks out but#on the other side of it the rsd / anxiety hits hard it's like oh i'm a terrible person#then you spend the next hour coaxing yourself out of that piece of sh- mindset#so. that's the idea of angst but also apparently most people don't know the insides of my head so what's angst for me#which is usually strongest with Implications instead of proper whump or whatnot#isn't probably angst for the. general populace ..#maybe it's the anxiety? *fingerguns*#alright! gn!#<side story: there was once this guy who kept trying to get me to go out with him to study (?still actually but now he's resigned to reject#-​ion) and i couldn't say to his face ' i would want you to stop breathing tbh because your physical presence in the same room would set me#absolutely off and into a nervous breakdown' and that's how i ended up saying 'people are distracting' and implied i was interested in him>#<lowkey. very yikes>
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corallapis · 6 months
okay. see. the thing is. the cricketing gear isn't just a silly set of clothes the tardis picked out. it's to clue you in that we're dealing with posh edwardian man levels of repression here. that's who five is.
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boxwinebaddie · 3 days
hi uncle neen! in honor of freckle kyle becoming canon, does jers have freckles? <3
yES!!!!! YES HE DOES!!!!
hooooooly shit, oh My GOD, i am so sorry for being FERAL, you guys, but when i tell you that i have been WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION!
because jerseykyle does not just 'have freckles'.
obviously, everyone's kyle is different and i think a lot of people hc kyle having a nice light smattering over his nose, some light ones on his cheeks, neck and shoulders, which, again, i think is so lovely, i love when kyle has freckles, i think that is a perfect hc, tbh.
for days and weeks and months and YEARS!!!!!!
anyways, follow me under the cut if you want my yelling.
okay, so, i wasn't sure how to explain this, but if we don't know, my embarrassing uncle nina lore is that in mid-highschool i used to tumblr rpg often which required the use of faceclaims or irl actors and models so i actually have...a surprising depth and wealth of knowledge when it comes specifically to models/supermodels so...
this is cintia dicker. X / X / X
( yes she is beautiful )
like aaaaaalll OVER his damn face. like jersey be dominating boys in the bedroom, but those freckles be DOMINATING HIS FACE, BABY! like light ones, dark ones, idk, but they are fucking everywhere, all over his face, his neck, his arms, his legs, his chest,
which...Whew. he is sooooo pretty. it is seriously striking like he looks like pale pink sky with a blizzard of amber sparkles on his face. it's so wonderful, like jersey kyle please model for VOGUE. he is that bitch, he is freckly as damn hell, there are HUNDREDS, possibly thousands.
i might be exaggerating...
which...he was very embarrassed about for a long time. to this day, it is a large point of insecurity for him bc he feels really weird about them and considered using foundation to cover them up because of how strange and messy he thinks they make his face look because of the way society used to treat them, like they made his face look dirty or imperfect or ugly and AAAAAA OKAY!
so throwback ( as in i want to throw that man off a cliff and run over him several times w/ the barbie jeep i don't know how to drive ) when rm cartman said jers looked like he was 'speckled with shit'. :(((
it made kyle morbidly depressed/insecure to the point where he wanted to rip the skin off his face, but then stan told him that his mom said 'freckles are places where you've been kissed by the sun' and that ky must be 'the sun's favorite' bc he's been kissed so many times and he's trying to catch up…
ravenstanley marsh, ceo of simping for freckly boys.
speaking of, so one time, i think they were watching a movie and stan was, uh, not watching the movie, he was literally watching jerseykyle. and kyle was like "what are you doing, dummy? is there something on my face?" and ironically stan shook his head and said "yeah, but they're fine where they are..." then trailed off in thought, still intently staring at kyle with Extreme Laser Focus.
and normally, kyle is used to people staring at him, y'know, bc he's fine as hell and really tall, that doesn't really phase him, but ravenstan staring at him makes him SUPER nervous, awkward and flustered, so he's like -anxious laugh- "seriously, dude, what are you do—“ and stan's like "shh" ( in a not condescending, loving way )
"i'm trying to count."
jerseykyle furrows his lovely auburn brow, trying to figure out what he's talking about, realizes what's going on, but still literally in shock, laughs again, because he thinks stan must be joking and goes "oh my gahd, are tryna count my freckles? stan's literally imposs--" and stan shushes again him in a gentle manner and is like "shh, i need to focus. quit distracting me, you're gonna make me lose my place."
literally on his face, counting kyle's, i shit you not, probably over 100 freckles, which i think is soooo fucking CUTE of him because he's literally swimming against the deadly current of his adhd, forcing everything in his constantly fidgeting body to focus so that he can keep count. it's a truly beautiful thing watching r.s.' brain whir and his pretty blue eyes narrow and widen, counting softly under his breath.
ravenstan does, unfortunately, find he can't count them all because like jersey said, it is a pretty damn near impossible task...that did NOT however, stop him from trying multiple times, the last time though, he didn't actually lose count, kyle just kissed the FUCK out of him because it was literally the loveliest thing he'd ever seen.
he did possibly get laid for that, i'm sorry.
but yeah FRECKLE SUPREMACY KYLE AND SPECIFICALLY JERS. that man has so many freckles that his body looks like the night sky on a perfectly clear day, it is...beautiful. it is a work of damn ART.
anyways...i'm done now.
do we see the vision ( of loveliness )
that is jew jersey kyle matthew BROFRECKLOVSKI????
-uncle nina, feral about extremely freckly jersey
p.s. ravenstan, as a man of justice for all and fairness, basically loves all of kyle's one hundred thousand million freckles equally but there is a darker one that is just above the right curve of his lip...THAT IS HIS FAVORITE FRECKLE, I AM SO SORRY IT IS THE EQUIVALENT OF THE RAVENSTAN RIGHT UNDER EYE BEAUTY MARK BUT FOR STAN LIKE HE IS FEEEERAL ABOUT IT. he does...give it a special kiss often...very gay of him. his second favorite freckle is...
Next Question. <3
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meownotgood · 9 months
my brain rewarded me for working hard, last night I had a dream about aki sex ❤️
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theflyingfeeling · 20 days
yes it's just me whining about the same thing for the billionth time, pls just scroll past nothing new to see here 👋
#i just want to enjoy the summer but i feel like i don't deserve to if i'm not constantly trying to become employed again 😭#''apply for jobs then? problem solved'' uh-huh yes but!! i also hate applying for jobs#job seeking can be so incredibly humiliating#first i have to send them a letter BEGGING to be invited to an interview#and then i have to try and convince them that i am actually competent and good at my job even though you have my cv right there#and then afterwards they call me to tell me they found someone who they liked better than me#(or rather someone who was more competent than me judging by their work history etc.)#it's like ''yes we are hiring but not YOU specifically lol''#like. at school if you take a test you get the grade you deserve based on how you did in the exam.#it's something you can actually directly affect yourself#but if someone who's applying for the same job with me has more work experience or whatever they will get hired over me no matter what i do#(at least that's how it usually works on my field)#in which case it doesn't matter if i do well in the interview or nah. bc the other person was always going to be picked for the job anyway#and yes one could say i can then be satisfied if i did my best but it's little consolation when i'm still unemployed!!#and so every time i apply for a job and get rejected it feels like a personal failure#and to avoid that feeling of failure i want to avoid applying for jobs altogether#so yeah. being active in job seeking is more likely to relieve me from this misery but job seeking is ALSO misery. so 🤷‍♀️#that on top of the fact i don't even _want_ to apply for all the open positions on my field#but i feel obliged to because it's what i have a degree on. and when i'm unemployed i don't have the luxury to choose which ones i apply fo#i can't afford to be picky#I DON'T DREAM OF LABOUR I JUST NEED MONEY TO LIVE BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO DO JUST ANY JOB! I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT!#i don't want to come home crying from work every day because i hate every single aspect of my life INCLUDING my job 😭#when this semester i actually HAD a job i didn't mind waking up to every morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair#to conclude i don't deserve to enjoy myself in the summer because i'm not doing enough to fix my unemployement situation#(just like i don't deserve to feel sad about being lonely because i don't work hard enough to maintain deep friendships#but that's a crisis for another day! stay tuned ✌️)
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shimmerluna · 4 months
it’s really shitty that his parents get so upset when Charlie’s literally just trying to be a good boyfriend :/
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kabutone · 7 months
after the years of people jumping on activism like its a trend and then leaving it behind after a few weeks i am so fucking tired. like not to be cynical but like i see SO many people talking about palestine and saving lives but like be so fucking real are you gonna forget all about this in a few months? like how ppl ditched BLM after it gained traction in 2020? like how so fucking MANY OF YOU have stopped wearing a mask despite the pandemic still happening? you could be saving lives right in your own town instead of posting tiktoks that might not even help
i'm not saying you need to dedicate your lives to activism forever and ever but you do need to at least change Something to make yourself and the world better. i will always be listening to black voices, jewish voices, disabled voices, any groups that need to be heard, and trying to change my behavior for the better. like idk after seeing this happen time and time again a LOT of this shit seems so so fake. like there's so many bad things in the world and i know you cannot dedicate your all to every single problem ever forever and i don't want people spreading themselves too thin or burning themselves out but like please don't just stop giving a shit when it's not "popular" or getting you views or pats on the back anymore.
#i keep seeing SO many tiktoks that are like 'it is not that hard to use the filter. there are people dying. you are a bad person etc etc'#and like ok yeah. using a tiktok filter is probably the bare minimum YOU will do before patting yourself on the back and forgetting about i#do you wear a mask? real question. if you're posting that shit trying to guilt people into using a filter answer me.#bc wearing a mask is ALSO the bare minimum to fucking SAVE LIVES. will you do that?#like. idk. i know you don't fucking care i know you just want to look cool.#do you fucking care if people die? or do you just want attention on tiktok. be so fucking real with me.#i can GUARANTEE you that you not wearing a mask harms more people than you not using the stupid fucking tiktok filter.#i can guarantee you that someone that wears a mask is still ten million times better than someone that just used that tiktok filter#if you wanna feel like a hero so fucking bad wear a mask. you will legitimately be protecting and saving people if you do.#also i hate to break it to you but honestly. theres not a lot that normal people can do in this situation.#theres still things you CAN do but there isnt a lot of options#so if you want to save lives so bad!! a well fitted respirator mask if the easiest way to do it right now.#its so frustrating to see people be like EVERYONE! DO THIS THING THAT HAS LITTLE TO NO EFFECT TO SAVE LIVES!!!#AND ALSO IGNORE THE THINGS THAT HAVE A VERY HIGH CHANCE TO SAVE LIVES!!!!!! fuccckkkk you for real.#oh also one more thing. ive seen some people use palestine as an excuse to be antisemitic. dont do that shit either.
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Cool dice and stargazer
(Also the vampire one made me wheeze laugh so hard I snorted XD I was like nah I ain't saying that one about anyone 💀)
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Everyone has diagnosed me as "Cool Dice" It makes me wonder if I should post a picture of my neat socks collection.
Also... Stargazer is so VISERALLY accurate, I'm surprised not many people got it sooner.
I was a Honor Roll straight A kid who didn't need to study or learn any life skills because schoolwork just came naturally to me and a lot of the subjects in school, like reading, science and art... and the basic academics were my special interests at the time so I did well.
When I went to college, I think I got my first Cs in classes that I genuinely loved and thought I was to be good at. Like Theatre, Photography and Psychology. and then I cried cus I thought I was dumb and not good at things that I loved.
No, I wasn't, I just didn't study and no one told me like that's what you HAD to do in college.
So like when... I tell Neurotypicals that I'm actually Autistic. They look at me so strange like... "But you did good in school!"
Yeah. And then I flounder later in adult life cause fundamentals weren't explained to me and quickly forgotten about.
I remember fighting with my English Teacher in highschool a lot because i said that "as long as the sentence makes sense in the context of the story, grammar isn't nessasary"
Which is probably something you see in my writing that I struggle with, and it's typically why I take so long because I keep trying to change the tense of verbage use to keep it consistent and second guess myself as if my fanfic is an academic paper to be graded. A horrible habit I know.
I'm also mildly dyslexic and horrible at spelling and cheated on all my spelling tests in Fifth grade and don't know how to spell to this day.
Spellcheck has been my friend, but since they integrated AI into it, lately spellcheck has not been picking up on my common misspelled words and usually recommend me different damn words then what I want....
Yeah. Sorry for dumping
Anyway. I have a lot of cool socks.
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floralovebot · 1 year
It's insane to me that this entire "debate" (if it can even be called that) is literally just
trans people, jewish people, black people literally everyone who has been hurt by bigotry: hey please don't spend $70 on a game about pro-slavery and fascism when a lot of that money will go to its creator who is publically bigoted and uses her massive amounts of wealth to fund the eradication of marginalized groups
and the response to that was: fuck you why can't you just let people enjoy things, harry potter personally saved my life
like. it's extremely telling that so many people value their own entertainment and nostalgia over the lives of others. jkr is such a horrible, despicable person and literally all people are saying is that yeah you shouldn't be giving a modern day nazi that much money when they constantly bring people to the alt right and donate that money to every anti-human rights organization you could think of.
and no i don't think sending people death threats is okay but at the same time, you don't get to act surprised, defensive, or victimized when people call you out for giving money to a fucking nazi.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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I feel like the "Bi but nobody wants them" meme is SO Takumi but. Kinda falls flat where there are at least Two (literally also One canonically) people who want him.
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flavia8 · 13 days
I've come to the conclusion that I can read and enjoy the most fucked up literature as long as it doesn't feel mean. It's hard to explain but as long as the book/manga/comic/whatever doesn't feel mean spirited I'm totally down.
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