#yeah i have nothing else for this episode it was cute and it was funny but there really wasn't anything else that exciting to gif
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#I'd Love To See These 3 Play A Round Of Golf
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sciderman · 13 days
Sorry if someone else already asked this but out of the Deadpools in any animated adaption which one is your favorite?
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okay kidding, i've never played fortnite but i love watching him do the dances. i'll rate all of the animated deadpools i guess. all the animated deadpools that i know of.
hulk vs wolverine
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5/10 i think this might be the first animated deadpool i'd ever seen. and he's okay. i don't like nolan north's voice, really. i know a lot of people love him. i think his voice is pretty plain jane and his delivery is nothing special. mind you this wade doesn't have a lot of funny things to say anyway. this whole film is so very mid and so forgettable. marvel animation generally is really mid and forgettable. also he's such a scrawny little twink. i like my wades beefier. 5/10 for being one of the most ordinary, inoffensive, mid portrayals of deadpool ever.
deadpool (the game)
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3/10 yeah i don't know, i hate this guy. nolan north yet again but his voice is slightly less plain jane and more rocket raccoon here. not into it. this game sprouted all the worst interpretations of deadpool ever and for that it must pay dearly. three stars because at least his tits are massive. but i hate his stupid pinhead.
ultimate spider-man deadpool
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8/10 yeah he's the best one the west has to offer. sorry. he is. his jokes are funny. he is completely insane. he upstaged spider-man in every way a deadpool should. he's a scene-stealer. he has the presence. he has the hips. he has the thighs. he has my heart. one of my first ever exposures to deadpool and the start of a downward spiral for me. he loses two stars because DEAR GOD his voice is UNBEARABLE but. the episode is a masterpiece if you hit the mute button. i wanted to write a fic about him to flesh out his lore because honestly i'm really interested in this specific presumably teenaged wade wilson who was digested by the shield system and came out of it a mercenary. wade i was a teenage mercenary wilson. i want to know everything about him. i'm obsessed with him.
marvel disk wars
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10/10 he is SO cute and i think i'd die for him. he lends himself to anime so so well, and the japanese just know how to do deadpool. he's a spider-man fanboy and every bit the attention whore he's meant to be. he knows how to give his chimichangettes what they want. the crotch shots. the unrelenting barrage on the 4th wall. but he also has a good heart at the end of the day. he's everything to me.
marvel's future avengers
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10/10 obligatory, for being basically just a continuation of the prior deadpool but in a new series. he is very wife. the art is better but the animation isn't. but he's so. so cute. look at him. look at his gwumpy little faaaace look at HIIIIIM...
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the japanese do just know how to do deadpool. his sole motivation in all of these is literally just to hog screentime. that's literally all he's there for. he's just a spotlight hog. all he wants is attention, and for them to make cute anime figures of him. he's the most valid deadpool ever. i think.
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
no but listen okay!! imagine you and eddie have been dating for quite a while but neither of you have said the "L" word yet.
the two of you are in his apartment, chilling out on the couch. your hair is slightly wet and your skin is still dewy from just taking a shower. you're outstretched, laying back with your legs laying across his lap. eddie on the other hand is leaning back, one arm on the back of the couch and the other slowly rubbing up and down on your calf.
it was the weekend and for once the two of you decided to skip out on the group's night out, opting for some relaxing alone time. so there you sit, in an oversized shirt that eddie bought you from the thrift store and a pair of shorts, glasses perched on your nose, and a book in hand.
eddie decided to put on the tv, flicking through different channels before landing on an episode of family guy. the show is left unwatched though, just background noise for eddie while he looks at you.
your lip is in between your teeth, eyebrows furrowed, and your eyes flit across the pages. you look so beautiful like this, you look beautiful all the time if you ask him, but something about you like this makes his heart pound harder.
and just like that it hits him. he's so goddamn in love with you it's not even funny. never in his life has anyone ever made him feel the way you do. when he looks at you all he can see is spending the rest of his life with you.
he wants to grow old with you, get a cat and maybe have some kids. he wants to do the dishes and cook with you, fold the laundry and build furniture (even if the instructions are hard to read) with you.
you're the person he wants to lay next to at night and wake up with in the morning. he wants to make you breakfast and dinner, drive you around to whatever store you need to go to. he wants to hold your hand until both of you are nothing but soft skin and wrinkles.
it's like a freight train of emotions, happiness and joy, love and adoration. you're the love of his life, the person he wants to take his final breathes with. he'd jump in front of a speeding car if it meant you'd be safe, he wants to protect you and hide you from all the bad things in the world.
he'd work until his fingers were nothing but bones if that meant you were happy. he loves you, god, he's so in love with you. you're his person, his peace, and his heart.
it scares eddie. he isn't going to run away this time though, no. he's going to tell you how he feels, even if it ends with a broken heart. he needs you to know that he'd not only die for you but he'd live for you, and that's even harder to do.
"i'm so fucking in love with you." it comes out like a whisper, like he meant to say it in his head instead.
you hear him though, dropping your book the moment the words hit your ears.
"yeah?" the face you make is so cute, he might die from it.
"yeah." there's no hesitation to his answer and you notice. smiling brightly back at him, your eyes sparkle like the thousands of stars in the sky.
"i'm so fucking in love with you, it makes me crazy." and like music to his ears, his heart burns bright with your admission.
there you sit in the comfort of his living room, the small world that the two of you built for no one else to see. in that moment the two of you signed your hearts away to each other, the deal being sealed by the touching of your lips.
yeah, eddie was in love with you and he was going to be in love with you until his last day.
is this too much to ask for??? i guess so lmaoaooo
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chochuuya · 7 months
manga genres.
matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader
disclaimer/note: lots of bickering, chifuyu is a hardcore, he called you a dork and actually roasts you bad but.. finally breaks his christmas curse? (。- .•)
wc: 1.6k [1668]
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you both can never get along when it comes to your manga preferences.
“shut up.” chifuyu sneers.
“no, you shut up!” you say in return.
it’s been about 30 minutes since you first started arguing. chifuyu is a softie at heart, and enjoyed the romance genre. while you were a person of action, enjoying the thriller genre much more.
“the art style is so much better. i don’t even know how you can read a story with such bad flow!” he argued.
you scoffed, turning your head away for a second before looking back at him.
“bad story flow? how dare you. as if your fav isn’t so predictable and mundane, chifuyu. trust me, action is sooo much better than romance.”
“well at least my favourite doesn’t have bad character development! at least they have likeable characters with diverse personalities, compared to your fav show where everyone is plain and boring.” chifuyu says, clearly not going to budge.
“oh, and your fav also has shitty romance.” he adds with a smirk.
he’s getting annoying, you swear you could punch his dumb face but you decided against it.
“well, at least my manga has plot twists and actually keeps their audience wanting for more! your romance? twelve episodes and we’re done. you can just read another of the same genre and you’ll get same plot every time.”
“oh no plot twists, huh?” chifuyu retorts gleefully.
“like who died in the latest chapter or some other bullcrap like that? i rather read and watch something where i can relax and enjoy.” the blond says, “you know, something that doesn't overstimulate your brain.”
“and plus, with romance i get to enjoy some sweet and spicy scenes that i like so much.”
he adds cheekily, “besides, i hate waiting a week for the next chapter. romance is much better than that.”
you scoffed in disbelief. the audacity and ego of his is something else.
“maybe your attention span is just too short to be watching or reading action, chifuyu!”
“and maybe your brain is a bit too simple compared to mine.” he retorts snarkily, “maybe you need constant action and stimulation to keep you entertained, because you get bored too easily.”
“and, it doesn’t matter how long a manga or anime is, it’s the enjoyment and the quality of it that counts. and clearly romance does it best.” he adds smugly, knowing he’s won in his eyes.
you actually rolled your eyes at his reasoning.
“maybe your authors keep dragging the story because they know romance and slice of life is just too simple without any action in it! yeah, what about that?”
“not to mention some of your favourites are quite questionable, chifuyu. what was it again.. oshi no ko? fruits basket? yuck!” you added.
chifuyu chuckles in amusement at your annoyance.
“you know what else is funny? i bet you can’t watch a romantic comedy without feeling cringe or getting embarrassed. and i mean real romcoms, like wotakoi and kaguya-sama.”
"and yeah, they’re my favourites, the anime just elevated them more. i mean come on, they’re cute and funny! and oshi no ko’s mystery and drama, even the comedy at times! how can you hate them?!” he states, annoyed.
“you bet i do, i don’t know how you feel all giddy inside when watching or reading them. maybe you’re just a hopeless romantic!”
you laughed wholeheartedly at your own remark.
“kaguya-sama? even i know better romances than you, ao haru ride and kimi ni todoke is so much better.”
“you know nothing, (y/n).” chifuyu says, amused.
“i admit kaguya-sama has its flaws, but it’s so damn good too. and ao haru ride is nothing but a sad, slow-burn romance that is painfully boring." he says, feeling a bit annoyed at your remark.
“and kimi ni todoke? again, slow-burn that is a bit too cliché.” he adds before saying, “i’d rather read or watch wotakoi. that’s a much better romance manga.”
you sighed in defeat. just hurts your throat trying to even get your argument against him.
chifuyu laughs, “told you! you clearly don’t know enough about manga and anime. you should learn from me, (y/n)!”
“and maybe, just maybe, if you try to change your tastes in manga and anime, you’d start attracting people who like the same thing as you.” he smirks, knowing he hit a nerve with that last comment of his.
you nudged him.
“you say that as if i don’t hear you complaining every christmas that you can’t get a girl, chifuyu. shut up!”
he goes silent, a slight redness creeping into his skin, “h-hey, c’mon! you didn’t have to point that out!” he says, trying to defend himself.
“besides, one day i’ll get a girlfriend.. just you wait—” he grumbles, looking away.
“yeah, whatever. i would probably be dead before you even can get yourself a girl.”
he goes silent again. his face seems to get redder, his annoyance clear.
“what’s that supposed to mean? you think i can’t have a girlfriend?” chifuyu retorts, annoyed.
he didn’t appreciate you mocking him like that.
“um, yeah. every time a girl talks to you, you chicken out. be grateful that i stayed.”
his face turns to disbelief at your words, still red with anger.
“i chicken out? chicken out?! that’s rich coming from you, who’s too scared to ask anyone out on a date.” he says, not backing down.
“and at least i’m not an introvert who gets anxiety whenever they meet new people, scared of embarrassing themselves and avoiding any and all social situations.” he adds, being as brutal as he can be.
your jaw dropped but you quickly compose yourself. don’t let him get to you just yet!
“h-huh? what do you even know about dating?! i bet i have more chance than you do, chifuyu.”
he chuckles in amusement at your outburst.
“oh you’re just all bark, no bite, (y/n). i’ve been on a few dates, sure maybe none of them really lasted, but at least i’ve been on some. you can’t say the same, can you?”
“and i doubt anyone would wanna go out with a dork like you anyway,” he adds with a smirk.
you had enough. you stood up from the floor of his room and exited the door. wow, so much of a hangout!
“hey hey hey, where do you think you’re going, (y/n)?” chifuyu taunts, standing up and walking towards you.
“the conversation isn’t over yet, now is it?” he adds.
“i’m going home.” you said plainly as you walk down the hallway.
“no, you’re not," he says, grabbing you by the arm and stopping you from continuing your walk.
“who says you can leave now?” he asks, annoyed and determined to carry on with his argument.
you nudged your shoulder, removing your arm from his grasp as you continue to ignore him.
coincidentally, baji came and opened the door. poor guy must be confused to see you leave right after. he stepped aside as chifuyu tried to chase after you.
“hey! what gives you the right to ignore me like that?!” chifuyu shouts, watching you walk out of the front door.
“damn it!” he yells angrily at you as you walk away with your nose in the air.
“way to go, chifuyu.”
“kindly shut up, baji-san.”
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the next day at school, you were not in the mood. maybe his words got to you yesterday.
you stare into the void of your locker as you got your books out slowly.
chifuyu notices something is off with you. he decides to walk up to you as he sees you get your books out slowly, looking at you with a concerned expression.
he decides not to bring up the argument you had yesterday, for he knows his words can cut deep sometimes.
“hey (y/n), are you alright?” he asks quietly.
“hm.” you simply hummed in response as you shove your books into your backpack. you adjusted the straps before closing the locker and walks towards your class.
chifuyu follows you. he decides not to follow up with his previous question, and instead makes an attempt at being friendly.
“can i walk with you?”
he walks alongside you, feeling quite uncomfortable with your silence.
“so, um, do you mind if i ask what’s got you so down?” he asks, as he walks with you to class.
“was it that argument we had? or something else..?” he asks again, genuinely curious.
“maybe next time don’t call me a dork when you know i dislike it, chifuyu. i get it, i’m sensitive sometimes but—”
“that was yesterday, is that why you’re pissed at me still?” he asks, not fully understanding the situation.
“besides, i wasn’t being serious, (y/n)! we’re friends, you’re no dork.. i’m sorry okay?” he says, feeling a bit saddened.
“and besides, i like it when you’re sensitive. it’s adorable.” chifuyu says with a small smile. he felt that admitting that is rather embarrassing, but he wanted to reconcile with you.
you paused on your tracks as you look up to him. “did he just.. call me adorable?”
“come again?”
“you heard me.” he smirked.
“you being overly sensitive is such an adorable trait to have. not to mention, i would prefer my future girlfriend to be somewhat sensitive, instead of being a cold and mean person.”
he said it all so boldly that makes your mouth hangs open slightly. your cheeks are betraying you already.
he can see your cheeks getting slightly red tinted now. he was getting flustered himself.
“i.. uh..” he stammers.
“i mean, everyone would want their future partner to be someone they like. and i like you, (y/n).”
“plus, what i said is the truth. people do think you’re cute and adorable whenever you’re overly sensitive. even your anger is adorable.” he adds, giving it his all to persuade you into admitting you like him.
he’s clearly into you now.
and, you have no choice but to answer.
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
chifuyu is so cute (i am biased) and a fluffy fluff is what he deserves (ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³ i hope you like this one~ all reblogs & likes are vv appreciated!
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acciocriativity · 5 months
Hiii! So I that you're having a 400 followers celebration (congrats!!!!!) and I was just wondering if i could request an imagine with Jongho x fem!reader where they go sledding on this huge hill and the reader makes him carry her and the sleds back up, but he ends up dropping her in a snowdrift to get revenge, so she pulls him in on top of her, and can it be really sweet and fluffy?? (maybe with hot drinks and cuddling afterwards?) I'm sorry if this is really scattered, I just got really excited when I saw your winter theme!
Thank you so much and congrats again!!!
N/A: This was such a fun challenge for myself, thank you so much for the request and the support <3 I hope you can't tell I knew nothing about sledding before this ask. Love you lots <3
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(Pictures are not mine, credit to the rightful owners)
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Ateez Masterlist
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It was his idea.
You knew Jongho as an active person, his frequency on the gym was a great indicator of that. However, there wasn’t much else he could do as an idol, it was always a high stake whenever he went out of the house for anything, really. So when he got the chance to do something different, you were glad to come along and enjoy the moment.
He ran to you out of the blue to tell you about one of the WANTEEZ episodes they were going to film on the weekend, a few special winter episodes. His excitement was clear, because he was rambling on and on about the trip.
“So Yunho-yah said they were going to let us stay the re- hey, why aren’t you paying attention?”, his big and shiny eyes suddenly glaring at you, still, there was a small smile grazing his face.
“I’m paying attention to you”, you were beyond amused. “You are just too cute like that”, you grinned as you said it.
“Oh you-”, he said and cringed hard at those words, looking down while covering his face with both hands. You could giggle as you watched him hid his blush. “Do you think you’re funny?”, he looked up at you.
You shrugged as you stopped giggling, trying to maintain a serious facade.
He took a deep breath as he sat straight again, staring at you with a soft smile on his face. “I was going to ask you to come too, but now I’m not sure anymore”, he crossed his arms, while looking away like he didn’t care, but oh he did, a lot.
“Sooo, you’re not going to show me the hugeee park you are going to?”
You opened the Pandora box all over again.
The truth was, you never went sledding before. You thought you knew what to expect, but even through layers and layers of warm clothes, from your ears to your toes, you felt the shivering cold ready to freeze your entire body. Winter was always brutal in Korea, but it just became another level as you traveled higher up the mountains.
When you arrived only a few hours after them, the park was already re-opened after filming and there were families coming little by little to fill up the place. So you sent a text to Jongho to confirm the met-up location, the bottom of the first hill or “oh, the one for children” like one of the workers said to you after giving you the right directions. Yeah, that wasn’t embarrassing at all.
You took your time to appreciate the view, not worried that he was taking a bit to answer you. All the photos did not make the place justice. It was truly bigger than you imagined and further away, you could see the highest hill of the total 3 of them. The untouched white and fluffy snow glistened trailing the recent cleaned path to the hills, restaurant, and parking lot.
You were well on your way when your phone buzzed on your padding coat.
‘The hyungs asked me to join them on the highest hill, let’s meet at the bottom there’
The cute bear emoji right after the text was a little suspicious. Jongho would rather die before sending you anything other than his dry texts, but maybe he thought he could distract you with a curve ball, so you did not mind it.
Of course, you were a little upset, because now you had to take a whole turn and walk further away than you planned to, and maybe he knew that.
Another buzz.
‘I’ll do anything you want to’.
It was too late for Jongho to say Wooyoung was the one who sent that, you already saw it.
‘Then carry me all the way up to the hill’.
It was a fast reply. ‘Deal’.
That was when you knew it was someone else, but that’s not your problem, right?
Jongho did carry you, he was a man of his and apparently everyone else’s words, but he did while complaining the entire time. Not about you though, no, he carried you like you weighted less than snowflakes, it was about that little bastard Jeong Woo-
You thought he was going to roll Wooyoung down the hill at some point, because he kept going around Jongho to provoke even further.
It was safe to say, you could never be bored with those two together and your stomach hurt after laughing so much.
So, it was finally your turn. There were enough space for two people, one for both of you and another for Wooyoung and Seonghwa, the loser on rock, paper, scissors that had to carry the sleds.
You felt that familiar nervousness when you sat. Then you felt Jongho behind you, his hands holding you tighter against him, so you let yourself relax.
Up there, right on the edge, you could see everything. You wanted to say something cliché that would make Jongho cringe for days or maybe take a picture to remember the day by, but suddenly you were moving, and your vision blurred as the scenery passed by faster and faster.
Both of you were screaming, and the wind hit you hard, it was the only two things you knew for sure. You blinked the tears away as you tried to focus on the path in front of you, it was easy to stay on the sled since it was a straight line, no trees, no big rocks, no nothing.
“Turn a bit to the left”, Jongho screamed.
“Huh?”, you screamed back, looking back at him.
“Left”, he said it as loud as he could.
That you did, only then you saw the snowdrift.
For a moment you thought you lost your balance, but you felt a push on your right shoulder, and you held tight onto his left arm.
You did not have time to scream as you hit the snow on your back and Jongho fell on top of you, his torso covering yours as the boys laughed at the scene that happened right in front of them.
“Fancy to see you here”, you said as you tried to hold back your laughter.
“아 시… (oh fuc…)”, he hid his face on your neck, or trying to hide his blush or too embarrassed by you to face you. That was always your best revenge against him, and once again, it was perfect.
Your laugh was unstoppable at that point and so was his.
You do not know how much time you actually stayed there, but the moment he moved to get up, you only made the effort to give him your hand.
The sled was too far down, so there was an only way down, and you were not walking it.
Jongho only sighed as he took you into his arms, carrying you on his back and also the sled, when you finally got there.
“This is my price always now every time you are mean to me”.
“Am I being mean to you?”, he asked, and you nodded, pouting, putting a lot of effort on your aegyo. “How about a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate? Now, am I not mean?”
“Hum, I’ll think about it after the hot chocolate”.
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taglist: @h3arteyes4mingi
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acreattaviacco · 5 months
My MLQC Experience Log#1
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Welcome to my somewhat reaction, I just want to gush about this game. I didn't know anything about this game but I like the art and premise so yeah!
I am not gonna get attached to these characters real quick no I am not
First time doing this let's go
First things first, hello our cute MC❤️
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I must admit I did not expect we would run a company let alone our parents died???? But glad to know we have a backstory for ourselves
Another thing that surprised me was that they did voice acting in English!
Unfortunately, we didn't meet Victor in person but the first one we did meet was KIRO!...Oh no....I'm in trouble
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Sir you smell like sunshine and that innocent smile is making me melt
You are literally shinning aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh🔅
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Don't do this Kiro (Childhood) friends-to-lovers trope is my weakness so don't add more fuel to the fire but sure I can give the prize card inside the potato chips. He's so extroverted!! But he's so sweet 💕
After our separate ways, we try going back to our company and-
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Hello there Victor sudden entrance but thanks for saving me. (Wait what do you mean I am an Evol?) Sadly it was short but now it's Gavin!!!
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Wait!! Gavin!!...you just left
Okay new plan for the last episode of Miracle Finder instead of Kiro it's Lucien the Professor but
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Not only that he was really good at being cheeky and a tease I might have gone red from that conversation alone! Can you blame me? The man slowly whispered in our ear and hahahahahahaha😳
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Luckily He agreed to be on the show and I like this side of him as well
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aaaaawww 10/10 Domestic life Husband material
After finishing the last episode some good news!
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I didn't mention this earlier but the side characters have sprites, some even have voices which is really nice
Now we report the good news to our boss, negotiate and-
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Can we trick him with puppy eyes? Oh he's a cat person sadge : (
Okay, seriously both Lucien and Victor's voices are so soothing to hear can you record an audiobook for us? no wait I would sleep through it
Though this is funny
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I really like Victor, he's the right amount of tsundere that I like it's cute. Sadly he had the last laugh
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We are going through places so fast and this is chapter 2 But we get to meet Gavin now!
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You faced Victor you'll be fine...wait he works as a cop?
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But at the same time aaawww Gavin what happened? What blood-soaked letter? I need to know more!!! (Also that scar, he doesn't hide it)
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Hahahahahahaha I'm sorry why are you a lot cuter now? The fact we go to the same school and even after all these years? Shoot weren't we here on assignment?
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After that investigation, there is this
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It's sweet only to realize it's a tracker(Actually don't mind this, no I am not delulu) But hey the sentiment is there!
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Now to report to Victor! But if he was my boss in real life I swear to you unless he makes moves first I would just be talking business and nothing else
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I know we are in the entertainment industry but man our life is dramatic
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Dammit why do you have to be our boss, still would romance you though, and 0 to 100 real quick
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You call us from time to time and I wonder why Victor is so uh..."soft" to us. Don't stop though keep calling and texting even how much you deny it 💗
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After that Business deal, we went out and dun dun dun trouble
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Hooray! The sweet release of death! /j (Seriously I am joking but a lot of people want us dead)
Luckily Gavin (and Lucien's advice) saves the day!
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I know the main story is linear but I still feel spoiled by all these CGs it feels unreal
Also did not expect I would fall for Gavin this hard, look at that warm smile!!! :D
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It's nice to know we are still wearing our tracker, no I still don't mind this (Okay maybe I am a little delulu but let me have this)
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I will gush on you later my sweet Kiro for now I will add you to the list of my bundle of sunshine characters I love and adore(It's a small list but I adore them aahhhhh)
Chapter two is done!
That's about it I haven't even touched the dates and events heck there are so many I just wanted to focus on the main story, for now, I need to figure out the game mechanics and grind to level up my cards
I should have looked at a tutorial first but now I will!!
@jozhenji , @celiciaa must taggy tag you :D
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Episode 10 - Sub vs Dub Comparison
I’m a bit late on this comparison, since there was so much to talk about in Episode 12! But, I have an hour or so before I’m going to head over to my friends’ place and help them with some inventory, so let’s dive into this!
This is a bit of downer episode, so let’s start with a part of the sub and dub that is a bit funny:
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In the sub, Kazuki says to Rei: “There’s nothing worse than having someone else mess around in your kitchen!” Rei’s response in the sub is: “That’s the issue?”
In the dub, Kazuki says to Rei: “What would you know about the indignity of some stranger messing around in your kitchen!?” Dub Rei’s response is: “Actually...”
Because, you know, Kazuki was basically a stranger at one point who used Rei’s kitchen, and is still using Rei’s kitchen, lol.
In the dub, they make it absolutely clear that Misaki’s cancer spread to her throat. 
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The dub translation also makes no mention of Misaki going back to her parents, instead the translation it goes with is, “I’m moving back home to get what’s left of my life together.”
The Japanese uses 自家 (jika), which means “one’s own house.” In Episode 11, when Rei talks about returning to his father and the Suwa Manor, he uses the term 内 (uchi), which means “one’s home, one’s family.” But, Misaki’s phrase is specifically talking about one’s own house, so it is a bit different. It also makes whether Miri actually has grandparents or not a bit more ambiguous. I would say it would make more sense that she probably doesn’t. 
One dub translation I don’t care much for is how they changed Misaki’s line from: “If you consider yourselves her parents as well,” to “If you truly care for her,” in the Japanese, she specifically calls them 親 (oya) or parents, so I don’t like how the dub kinda took that away from Kazuki and Rei here. 
Though, perhaps it can be viewed from the perspective of Episode 10 Kazuki and Rei are still, not necessarily pretending, but there is that element of “fostering” still, right. It isn’t “the real deal - 100%” until the end of Episode 11 when they choose to leave the underworld behind. Because, in a way, Kazuki and Rei kind of chose to remain in the underworld in this moment, even though they could have told Misaki, “We’ll be leaving that world behind,” etc. 
But, of course, they weren’t emotionally ready or there at that point yet in their development. And Miri still had other, seemingly safer, options at that time.
Two cute comedic bits that I feel land better in the dub:
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When they arrive at Marino City, in the sub, Miri says, “Hey, Hey! Tell me what it is!” In the dub, she says, “We’re really here! Where are we?”  lol It was delivered so well and is very on-point for something a kid would say.
Also, also! 
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When Kazuki is like, “Let’s rock this place!” in the sub, both Rei and Miri put their hands up in the air give an sound of affirmation, which gets translated into “Yeah!” In the dub, they have Kazuki ask, “Who’s ready to have some fun? I am!” 
Miri and Rei respond with, “Meee.” It’s just really cute and funny to hear Rei’s VA deliver that “Meee.” He drags it out and everything, lol.
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They kept the meanie to weenie translation in the dub, which makes perfect sense.
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Sub: You think we took her mother’s happiness?
Dub: Are we taking away her mother’s last shot at happiness?
The sub frames the taking away of happiness as something Kazuki and Rei did, by taking in Miri when her mother was at her lowest point. Meanwhile, the dub is framing it as Kazuki and Rei taking away her mother’s happiness now, after she has shown a desire to change and has started working on getting her life together. That’s a very different thing. Though, the dubs use of last shot, is very dark humor or harsher in hindsight (I think that’s what the trope is called). 
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Inside the Ferris wheel, Rei asks Miri, “It’s not scary?” while the dub has him ask, “You having fun?” This change was very deliberate and due to the way that a question like “It’s not scary?” would be answered in Japanese vs. English. 
In Japanese, Miri nodded her head “Yes,” to confirm that it was not scary. But in English, we would nod our head no, to confirm that it is, in fact, not scary. In the sub, they have Miri answer no, but the animation has her nod her head yes. This kind of mismatch is okay enough to have in subtitles, but when it is actually spoken, it would look extremely off. So they had to rework the question completely to make Miri’s answer fit Rei’s question.
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Instead of having Rei finish Kazuki’s line when it came to seeing things through to the end, specifically, “Don’t get involved if you can’t see it through...” The dub has Kazuki say the whole spiel, and Rei say back in response, “How are you still saying that crap at this point?” I feel that line is much more in-line with the energy that Rei brings to his conversation with Kazuki in Episode 11, though him finishing Kazuki’s sentence is more accurate to the actual Japanese, iirc. This could have been a situation where they needed Kazuki to say everyting in order for lip flaps and timing to work out right though.
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Lastly, we have Kazuki’s “Normal happiness,” line. In the dub, they make it a bit clearer by having him say, “Still time for her to have a normal life.” In the sub, they just have Kazuki say “normal happiness,” and with him going on to talk about things like “getting into fights and singing songs,” etc. the implication is he is talking about Miri having a normal happiness, not them. But, in English, we tend to speak more specifically, so they made it clearer in this part that Kazuki was specifically talking about how there was still time for Miri to have a normal life, which means “normal happiness.”
Okay, wow! I finished this post right on time, lol. I gotta head out now. But feel free to add your own thoughts to this as well! :D
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voltrixz · 1 year
 Why YOU should go vote for Montana/Shocker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Once again, this is the first time I have managed to get Shocker into a competition which once again is a crime in itself 
And like before you guys might be familiar with Shocker or Montana (even if they are a bit less known then villains like Electro or Doc Ock) (especially for Montana)
You see in TSSM, Montana is Shocker, not Herman as he’s known in the comics. Montana and Herman are different people in the comics but here Montana is essentially Herman but cooler and more skilled.
Montana is your usual merc hired by the big bad guy (or the big man as they call him) that runs a lot of the crime in NY. In episode one he’s hired to defeat spiderman along with his partners and they’re known as the enforcers 
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(The enforcers as seen in ep 1) (From left to right: Fancy Dan, Ox and of course Montana) 
and well they’re defeated of course but Montana never gets capture and manages to run off
So when does Montana get that funny pineapple patterned suit? Well in ep 4, Market Forces, Montana is seen stealing that exact funny pineapple patterned suit and handing it over to his boss before about to go on his merry way and putting on his cowboy hat again before being stopped and told to wear the suit and stop spiderman as he still owes them (visibily pissed off at being told to not wear his hat (which is silly to me) (LET HIM WEAR HIS COWBOY HAT!!!!)but grins when being told about his new assignment)  
and so peter is led over to where shocker is by flint and alex (2 criminals who will become major villains later) 
and well shocker does what he does best, FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!
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and whats funnier is his first line to Spiderman is “I reckon that came as a bit of a real SHOCKER eh bug” He fuckin starts off a fight with a fuckin PUN (I love him for that)(its in his subtle himbo coding) and you want to know what else? When asked who exactly Montana is by Spiderman, Montana comes up with a villain name right on the spot and well guess what he chooses? He chooses his INITAL FUCKIN PUN (still love him for that) and well he absoutely destroys spiderman and even picks him up like a wet cat 
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either spiderman weighs like nothing or shocker is just REALLY strong 
and well Montana goes off to his bar, just to enjoy a game of 8 ball with a job well done 
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(hehe look at him, just enjoying a game of pool ^^ )
that is until well obviously spiderman isnt just gonna say down so Montana is stopped by his boss (cant believe he interrupted his game of pool, you cant do this to him) and he’s sent right back to fight Spiderman 
and well you know how it goes, he’s defeated (SPIDERMAN LITERALLY DROPS AN ENITRE BUILDING ON THIS GUY LIKE??? OK????) but yeah off to jail ig
So what happens next is basically 
- Thanks to Doc Ock and his plan to form the sinister six, he breaks out of jail and joins the sinister six by orders of his boss
- is defeated once again by Spiderman and taken to jail
- doesnt join the next formation of the sinister six sadly (crying coping tossing everything)
- however he comes back with his enforcer partners, now with his partners rocking new suits too 
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(as seen here) (they’re robbing a bank btw) (cute things to do with your boyfriends: rob a bank!)
- but yeah once again defeated by spiderman and all of them are tossed to jail
- seen in big jail breakout scene but sadly does not escape 
- and who knows maybe we could have seen Shocker rejoin the sinister six or get up to new silly things (criminal activity) with his partners but erm
Tssm got cancelled as I mentioned before in my electro post so yeah (crying dying coping sobbing kicking everything tossing everything RAGHH)
but yeah shocker is cool as hell and gives me immense gender envy 
like LOOK AT HIM!!!!
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need to be him so so bad (the gender envy he gives me is INSANE)(also has made me realize hm i may be queer aroaceflux) 
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(he has a resting bitch face and its so silly to me) (yes im just using this as an opprtiunity to show you images of him)
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sigh sigh LOVE YOU SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also he is gay and polyam coded as hell!!!!!! um something something why do you work in such a man dominated field? Do you want to be dominated by men? And also um that one thing of “detectives will always go: here’s my partner. erm ok???? 🏳️‍🌈???? but its just “mercs will always go: here’s my partner(s) like ok???🏳️‍🌈??? (not kidding he almost always refers to dan and ox as his partners and also just look at him, he is THE gay cowboy merc ever
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another-day · 3 months
hey gang, guess what time it is, for the last time in season 3....
spoilers for episode 19 of inanimate insanity invitational!!!!!!!!!!!
oh. my. gosh.
this was such a beautiful episode, most things felt resolved and it was just SO GOOD
if you didn't see my previous posts, i was up at 2am to watch this episode due to timezones, and it was so so worth it. let's begin!!!!!
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oh the character development is amazing, this versus how lost he was at the beginning of season two is just so interesting and amazing to see. i'm so so proud.
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full honesty, i have a lot of trouble emotion-wise, and hearing this kinda caught me off guard because, as much as i'd like to ignore it, springy's never been anything more than a villain to me.
it helped me realise that, yeah, springy is another character like everyone else, and they have feelings, and they have capacity for goodness. it really got me thinking, especially since this line really had me relating to them. but ah well, onwards!!!!
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seeing cabby get pissed was really funny, but also she's turning the broken insult walkie talkie presented to mephone in the last episode. it was very very cool, a reclamation of power really.
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can you tell i like cabby
also this was such a pivotal moment for her, and as someone who apologises for literally anything people deem wrong, this was incredibly inspirational and soooo cool to see.
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the poor guy, he's been nothing but berated this whole episode
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the way i literally almost screamed at two in the morning i was shivering and shaking throughout the entire episode and this was like my sould left my body HE'S BACK and oohhhhohohohoo GUYS GUYS GUYS
this was such a beautiful scene; a robot who sacrificed himself for a happy ending for so many others encouraging another robot whom was the living result of his sacrifice to embrace the life he has. THEY DRIVE ME MAD DO YOU SEE?????????
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NAME DROP!!!! also i think this is the first time he's acknowledged cobs in reference to his own actions, he's coming to terms with his memories and experiences, and realising he can learn from them GOODNESS do you see what i am saying BOTH THIS AND MEPHONE 4S's SPEECH ARE ENCOURAGING HIM TO LOOK PAST HIS MISTAKES, AND NOT DWELL ON THE PAST
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does this mean mephone's finally gonna treat toilet like an actual person, WHO FREAKING KNOWS!!!!! but i really hope he does i really do
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guuuuyyyyss stop i'm going to cryyyyy LOOK AT THEIR LITTLE MESSED UP MARRIAGE PLEASEEEEE
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i had to squeal so quietly when i saw this BUT YAAAAY MY LOVELY LITTLE CABBY WON!!!!!!! i was so happy she absolutely deserved this and its so symbolic that test tube's vote ended up being the deciding factor and AGH i'm so happy!!!!!
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they're so silly and so supportive of one another, and the fact that even with balloon considering himself a more self assured person and more independent, nickel's still willing to stick by his side to cheer him up!!!
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guys them look at them
"Or of..." HER OR OF HER FREAKING OUT GUYS this guy's so silly and i'm so glad they're getting along again <3333
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their sweet little family i love them dearly
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communication is key !! this was very cute and i'm so glad they're getting along again
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THE TEETH DETAIL they're literally spoiling me dude
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GUYS THEY MADE YURI REAL i love them so so so so much
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because of course she'd put her prize towards a knowledge bank for everyone, cabby's such a gem you guys i love her so much
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i'm so glad they're getting along now, they're such a silly pair!!!
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i literally almost cried when i saw this, mephone 4's reconstructing all these things that made him feel like he was useless to push himself forward, and its so beautiful to see, i'm probably gonna print this out and put it on my wall because its so meaningful and just UGH
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the heroic pose, the self assured smile, ready for anything
this was a beautiful way to cap off the season because there he goes !! its so exciting!!!!
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he's gonna need it girl lets hope the season 2 finalists didn't go insane
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WAAAAAAAAAAH they used the the track "don't leave me until i find my way back to you" and the way i almost sobbed my little heart out that was such a beautiful homage and track and GOODNESS!!!!!!
overall this was a great episode. though i feel some dynamics, such as mephone 4 with 4s, and silver spoon with candle weren;t explored nearly as much as i would've liked, they crew really did an amazing job on this episode.
thank you so much for all your hard work inanimate insanity crew, and i'm so excited to see the rest of season two and how it'll play out!!!
till then, i'll see you next time ooooonnn episode in review!!!!
(bada bada duuuuum!!!)
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sleepykoi · 8 months
Rating Total Drama ships part one
This is all my opinion and not meant to target anyone! please dont start going on in the comments how “i dont like this ship” or “*insert ship* is better” thanks :)
Duncney (Duncan x Courtney) 8/10
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“Now what?!” “…Wanna make out?”)) the ogs!!!!!! these 2 were so cute in the first season but they got derailed HARD, Gotta be one of the most assassinated ships I’ve ever seen (even outside of td). Action was fine but TDWT was where it went downhill hard. The whole Duncan-Gwen-Courtney situation is so stupid, so they lose points for seasons 2 and 3, but viewing season 1 alone they’re solid
Gwent (Gwen and Trent) 6/10
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“You’re gonna kill yourself you know.” “…Im not giving up on you!)) Another ship that got derailed pretty brutally in season 2 (Trent as a character just got done nasty that season in general) Trent himself at least in my opinion was honestly pretty forgettable, but the ship was cute while it lasted. (Darn you Heather!)
Aleheather (Alejandro x Heather) 9/10
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“Awww, looks like someone misses her Hunny-bunny!”)) These 2 were honestly so funny to me, seeing them bicker throughout TDWT always got a giggle outta me and honestly they’re perfect for each other lmfao. All Stars sucked but at least we got canon Aleheather
Lyler (Lindsay x Tyler) 10/10
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“Oh Tyler, Tyler, Tyler back you came!”)) These two were ADORABLE and i really wish they had more screentime together, especially in world tour. idrk what else to say so uh yeah they’re pretty solid (also i love how Lindsay is easily able to pick up Tyler like its nothing)
Ozzy (Owen x Izzy) 5/10
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“Oh Izzy, why’d I ever let you go?”)) These 2 are honestly so weird, like i feel i could never tell if these 2 were together or not in each episode 💀. But they did have their pretty funny moments, so overall im kinda neutral about them lmfao
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Written for Sailor Moon LGTBQ+ Week.
Day 6: Pet Names.
Ami is confused by what Makoto has been calling her.
“Hey Ames, you want anything while I’m in here?” Makoto called to Ami from her kitchen, having stepped away from their study session briefly to check on a pie she had in the oven.
Ami blushed lightly, before shouting back, “No, Mako, I’m fine.” Trying to focus back on her studies.
‘Ames’. It was what Mako had taken to calling her since they started dating. This had perplexed the blunette, was it meant to be a shortening of her name? It seemed to be, but… her name didn’t have a hard ‘A’ sound the way ‘Ames’ did.
Mako returned to the room, pie in her oven-mitted hands, “Alright, move the books over, we’re taking a pie break.” She said with a smile.
“Of course we are.” Ami said, moving the books off of Mako’s coffee table so she could set the pie down.
“Hey! C’mon now, I’ve been doing good! Don’t I deserve a bit of pie?” Mako said, looking at Ami with big puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, fine, fine! We can take a pie break.” Ami said with a smile.
Mako threw her arms around the smaller girl and planted a kiss on her cheek, “I knew you couldn’t resist me, Ames.” She said with a smile, before going back to the kitchen to grab plates, a knife and silverware for the pie, leaving Ami alone on the couch, blushing.
When Mako returned with what she needed, Ami finally asked the question which had been on her mind, “Why do you call me that?”
“Hm? What, ‘Ames’?” The brunette asked, looking up at her from cutting the pie.
“Uh… because it’s cute? Why? Do you not like me calling you that?” The green-eyed girl asked, looking a little sad.
“No no no! Nothing like that! I was just curious where it came from.” Ami quickly explained, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.
“Oh, well, remember that time when that foreign exchange student mispronounced your name as ‘Amy’ and we all gave you crap for it for, like, a week?”
“Yes, of course, how could I ever forget how funny you all found a basic error in pronunciation?” Ami said, clearly unamused.
“Well, after we started dating, I remembered that and… I dunno, one thing led to another, and I just liked the way ‘Ames’ sounded.” Mako said, handing Ami a piece of pie.
“I see… why was that what you were thinking of after we started dating though?” Ami asked, confused how the two were connected.
“Oh, well, um…” Mako began, her face quickly turning red, “... well obviously everyone else already calls you by your name and well I… I just wanted something that was special for me.”
“O-oh, I see…” Ami said, also blushing, “So… like a pet name?”
“Yeah… I guess like a pet name.” Mako said with a smile, taking the first bite of her piece of pie.
“Aw, Mako… that’s so sweet.” Ami said, causing the auburn-haired girl to blush even more, “I feel bad though, everyone already calls you by the shortened version of your name so I can’t claim that for myself.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out, after all…” Mako said, wiping a stray bit of pie off of Ami’s face with her thumb, “... you are my little genius, right Ames?”
Ami turned beet red, but didn’t look away from her, “Y’know… I really love it when you call me that.”
Okay so... I can explain.
So, I’m not the biggest fan of the original dub, truth be told I don’t think I’ve seen more than one full episode of it. That being said... I have always had a soft spot for Mako calling Ami ‘Ames’, which originated in that dub. Obviously, the problem being that nickname only really works if her name is ‘Amy’ and not ‘Ami’ but y’know...
Look, if it wasn’t already clear, this fic was very self-indulgent.
But yeah, that was day six! This will be my last contribution to this event as I will not be doing a post for the free day, but I had so much fun participating, as well as seeing what other people made!
If you enjoyed my posts for this event, please consider checking out my other work, as well as leaving a comment, reblog, like, etc. on this one.
And until next time, take care everyone!
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yellowlaboratory · 1 year
Hi!! What are your season 3 thoughts?? And most importantly, what are your Jiara related season 3 thoughts? :D
alksjdfhlaskdfj i have. so many thoughts. i've never ever written something short so uhhhhh.....stick with me, lmao.
first, non-jiara thoughts:
cleope was SO cute!!! i wanted to wait for the writing to convince me on them as a ship because I really wanted something more than "these two aren't with any one so lets put them together" for cleo and pope and I've been completely convinced. They both bring out a different side to each other and the way Pope opens his family and his home to her is just alkdjfhlksajdfhlkajsdhf it's unbearably sweet. i love her interactions with the heywards and i love how instantly she fits in. the scene when he leaves her in his room and she does a tiny dance and then falls back on his bed and says "thanks, pope"..... yeah i think i was cosigning on that ship as soon as I saw that asdklfjhaskdfl. and the scene in 3x06 where she stops him from shooting rafe and he cries in her arms.... oh my god. it single handedly saved that episode for me. AND THEIR KISS???? oh my god.
i also LOVED Cleo's friendship with JJ. When they are on a mission together, they are right there with each other. and, speaking of friendships, I loved that we got more JJ & John B, best friends since third grade content. the fact that they physically started fighting... idk, I think it just made them feel even more like brothers to me.
i also just really loved some of the (for lack of a better term) girlboss moments this season. there are SO many moments that i was loudly cheering for my girls. Cleo having the only brain cell like 180% of the time when Kiara is kidnapped. Kiara betraying rafe and stealing that boat (i was fully cheering ala kiara during the cliff jump scene like that is my GIRL) (also madison bailey the woman that you ARE the way she never even a little bit played into the r*ara of it all. any time Rafe looked or spoke to or was in the general vicinity of Kiara, she looked SO uncomfortable and I love that for me). and I really REALLY loved Sarah manipulating Topper lmao "you're such a giver" "it's just how i was raised" KLAJDHLAKSJDH
and, actually, I think the inculsion of topper in the heist was super funny and exactly the type of shit i want to see from him (if wheezie had been there to give him shit, it would have basically been any fic i've ever written with topper in it). when topper is being used purely for comedy, he's kind of a genius character - Austin North can deliver those bat shit Topper lines really well, and the rest of the characters (particularly Kiara) react SO well to him. he's so easy to make fun of!!! but then.... having Sarah go back to topper again was uhhhh not it. I think they should have kept the s2 or the s3 stopper storyline in, but not both. sarah going back to something that reminds her of a time when her life was easier while shit is absolutely hitting the fan and she has nothing else is like, very much in character, and that's what happened both times. the fact that they didn't show her growing through that in this season, but instead regressing..... idk, i'm excited to see a Sarah with more growth. also, canon comedic topper is dead to me forever after burning down the chateau so, i guess that's a loss on both fronts (i can't talk anymore about the chateau burning down but i have a lot of feelings about it).
i really hated big john. i'm so sorry, but looking back, John B should have left that man in the fucking bell tower. I think the amount of screentime he took is my biggest gripe of the season (i did a scrub of the show for just jiara scenes after my first watch and the amount of times i had to scroll by that man.... my god). and not only did he take up a shit ton of screentime, he kept John B away from the pogues - both physically and emotionally - for most of the season (the lack of goofy happy pogues moments is my second biggest gripe with the season). If you've read pltc, you know that I had a lot of thoughts about Big John and his relationship with the pogues but...... when he died (actually, this time), it was only dry eyes here lmao. I feel bad for John B, obviously, but everything (and i mean EVERYTHING) Big John did this season was so shitty for John B, I can only say that i think John B is better off without him.
i think the thing that has me the most conflicted is the 18 month time jump. narratively, it makes so much sense - and logistically, aging up the characters as the cast ages makes a lot of sense. i don't love that we'll miss alot of jiara and cleope but I'm coming around to the thought of it all by opening ao3 and waiting for those time jump fics to pour in. @ josh pate if season 4 opens with JJ slamming Kie against a wall as they're making out i'll forgive literally everything, i'm so easy to please.
i guess this is the perfect transition to the jiara of it all. the first few episodes literally bodied me. every interaction on Poguelandia bodied me - the way they were living their poguelandia/surf trip dream, the "just like we talked about", the angsty silent conversations they were having when they saw the plane. kiara getting kidnapped hit - I think the way JJ was so focused on getting her back was so perfect, the dock hug was actual literal perfection. I am a Hug Girl first and foremost and oh my GOD?
the first almost kiss floored me. i did not expect it. the transition from their dumbass little jokes to almost kissing.......... i'm gonna die. i literally fell off my couch. I think Pope being the one to break it up was inevitable, as was their conversation. idk how i feel about it, i know pope was always going to have opinions on jiara and i'm glad it wasn't super salty but.... i'm gonna need to rewatch it a few times i think.
episode 4 absolutely ended me. those conversations and the way Kiara knows JJ and the way JJ was imploding.... absolutely insane. the framing of that episode (like the actual cinematography not the writing lmao) was not my favorite, but the content was SO good. it was everything i wanted I was losing my mind. JJ telling Kiara she's a kook HURT. Kiara knowing that he's lashing out cause he's scared made me yodel. the talk in the chateau's yard about truces immediately followed by another almost almost kiss made me want to scream into a pillow. 10s all around.
I also love Heist Jiara. I loved seeing JJ at the carrera's house for the conversation about the cross, and the way he's a little bit like a caged animal around Mike is perfect!!! Him self destructing by stealing the money clip is just literally JJ 101. Jiara bike ride to Kilby Girl is now my entire personality!!!!!!!! also the fight about the money clip - that's not really about the money clip at all - followed immediately by JJ almost dying and Kiara being like "don't you ever do that again" is just aksldjfhkasjdfhlkjasdhlfkjasd i could YODEL.
the gate fight absolutely took me by suprise. the "i love you dude" was not what i was expecting AT ALL. JJ's buffering reaction and the way he's trying to downplay it was 10298/10. the hurt in kiara's face made me want to cry, and then John B fucking everything up feels... well, a little inevitable. I also love that even in their angstiest, jiara is still together, and in episode 8, they are sitting on the couch and kiara's playing the ukuele LIKE. they are best friends. they are so important to each other. nothing is ever going to change that. I also love love love the part where he's like "i'll tell you on the plane." idk it makes me feel buzzy.
episode 9 is a literal fucking feast. the feral jj, the way he KNOWS something is up when she doesn't show up, the way he drops everything and then ends up in kahoots with Barricuda Mike to get her back. "I kind of got a date" ????!?!?!?!??!!!!! then the whole thing about Marley the cat (josh I KNOW you are on the ao3 tag just drop me the username please) and Kiara immediately knowing it was him as soon as she heard "blond". the "me?". the KISS. the giggly happy in love couple that they are!!!!! i do wish the kiss had better lighting for my giffer friends but i know we're gonna get the brightest kiss in the world in s4 to make up for it (pates make it happen!!!). and i think my favorite scene of the entire season is them being so happy and giggly on the plane and the high five into a handhold alkdjsfhlkasjdfhlksadf.
episode 10 is obviously a drop off lmao. it sucks to leave the season on that note but we did get the "it's an adventure baby" and little background moments. I'm happy the pates didn't write themselves into a corner too much this season, and in a lot of ways I'm really glad that jiara is open ended because that means there's a lower chance of unnessecary bullshit being thrown our way really early on into s4. i would have liked a more definitive ep 10 moment but ultimately, espeically since we know we have s4, i'm not concerned in the slightest about it.
so, overall, i think there were parts of the season that felt slightly choppy (personally, I'm of the belief that they filmed a lot more than we saw), i think the first half was generally stronger than the second half, and I think i'm really, really fucking glad we have s4 confirmed so I don't have to stress about it even a little & we'll get to filming sooner. my sanity is hanging on by it's fingernails but it is in fact hanging on.
at the end of the day, i had the time of my life watching it and i had some really great people to share it with and I'll always be so unendingly grateful for that!!!!
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piracytheorist · 11 months
Ranking SxF episodes least favourite to most favourite
No, I have nothing better to do. Temperature reached 42 degrees today (Celsius. That's 107 if you're American) and it was like that most of the day so going out was out of the question. We were also let off work today so I had a little too much free time so what was left was being inspired by a random video for another show and going at it for SxF!
This is all my personal judgment heavily based on stuff I liked. You most certainly will disagree with me and that's fine! Just don't argue with me because that's just personal opinions, I'm not trying to change anyone's minds or prove anything!
I didn't want to say "worst" in the ranking because even the episode I consider the weakest, you'll find out soon which one I'm talking about, is still a great episode that I've enjoyed watching in my rewatches. Just not as much as the other episodes.
There's a high chance I will change my mind after a while on this. I made the rankings quite quickly and more on instinct than anything else. But hey this is my blog I post what I want.
I chose to rank each episode by five criteria, the things I love the most about the show: 1) Humor (intentional or not), 2) Character (defining or cool moments and such) 3) Cute (mostly Anya and Bond adding to that XD) 4) Plot (how much development there is and how well the action is delivered) 5) Feels (of any kind).
So under the cut the rankings go!
#25, Least Best: 10. The Great Dodgeball Plan
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 5/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 4/10 Feels: 4/10
Yeah, I don't have much to say about this one. As far as fillers go, it's pretty good stuff, and the anime team did a good job adding new scenes to expand it so that they could fill an entire episode about it, instead of shoehorning this chapter into another episode that wouldn't be relevant. Again, it's a good episode, but one I had no problem skipping in my, like, fifth rewatch of the entire show XD
#24: 22. The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon
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Humor: 6/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 4/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 5/10
I'm not into sport-y action in fictional media, and this episode has a little too much Nightfall and almost completely no Forger family moments so it was doomed for me to be at the bottom. Don't misunderstand me, the action was good and Nightfall's ridiculousness was enjoyable. But not something I'd rewatch a ton of times. I also like that we got a little bit of political mention in this one, so plot points were added.
#23: 17. Carry Out the Griffin Plan/ Fullmetal Lady / Omelet Rice
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 3/10
I think I've made my stance on the moments of Damian bullying Anya clear, and no episode of the show has made me as uncomfortable as this one has. It's still got nice moments between Anya and Becky and I love the small glimpse into Sylvia's life and the ending with Yor and smol Yuri, but my biases don't allow this episode to go any higher.
#22: 20. Investigate the General Hospital / Decipher the Perplexing Code
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 5/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 5/10 Feels: 7/10
I'll be honest, I feel kinda sad this is so low because Anya is so adorable and such a GremlinTM in this one, but there's only so much her little back can carry. Extra feels though for Twilight worrying over Anya's stress. Again, a very well-standing episode as far as fillers go, but not one to keep me at the edge of my seat.
#21: 19. A Revenge Plot Against Desmond / Mama Becomes the Wind
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 6/10
I have to be honest. I don't really like George. He annoyed me more than anything else. Most of my enjoyment of this episode comes from the second part. Yor's part was funny and cute and even sweet, especially at the end, but as far as this ranking goes, the George plot dragged it down. Interesting addition, however, that xenophobia has run so deep in this country that George fears he'll be sold off as a slave in Westalis, so plot point up.
#20: 7. The Target's Second Son
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
The two different part of this episode, once again, make the ranking a little skewed. I actually love the second part, especially the discussion between Loid and Yor. Loid picking up Anya and whispering in the sweetest voice ever about recording Spy Wars for her makes me fucking melt. Unfortunately, it's tied to an episode with bullying and no retribution, so it's dragged down a little.
#19: 18. Uncle the Private Tutor / Daybreak
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 6/10
Yuri was fun. Daybreak was ridiculous (affectionate). Anya was cute. Twilight in action was interesting. I want to remind you that I absolutely adore this show, so this episode being number 19 on the list doesn't mean it's bad. It means it's very good but not epic like the ones on the top of the list.
#18: 23. The Unwavering Path
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 7/10
I laughed so hard at Yor decimating the tennis ball with the racket, that alone earns a high humor point. I loved the moment of Twilight supporting Carroll Campbell after he beat him at tennis, so character points added for that. Plot was interesting, at first I was annoyed that the tennis match was for nothing but then I found it interesting that it kind of paralleled Nightfall's obsession with Twilight. Feels points added for the end where Twilight goes and buys his girls' favourite snacks :D
#17: 25. First Contact
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Humor: 5/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 8/10
This one is only so low due to the limited points in humor and cute section. This was, after all, a serious episode, but you'll see down the line that there are other serious episodes that got more points in humor and cuteness. It still got 9/10 for character thanks to a great introduction on Donovan and 8/10 for plot and don't get me wrong, it's still a great episode that I like rewatching. It gets extra feels points because of Becky being best friend material and because of the "Is that why you're using force to bring other nations to their knees" moment. Hey, I never said the "feels" part didn't include angst :)
#16: 6. The Friendship Scheme
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 6/10
Unsurprisingly, the first part is more favourable to me. Yor saving Anya and Anya supporting her and loving her is adorable. We get a bit of spy stuff, we're introduced to the Handler and we love it, and Anya's punch was absolutely delicious.
#15: 8. The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 6/10
I'll mourn the day where I'll watch the ending of this episode and not laugh hysterically. It's so dramatic, especially with the music added to it, I've laughed every single time like the first time I watched it. Again, Yuri is both satisfyingly funny and with good character motivations, with a great setting of his extremism and not a condemnation of him for it. A bit of cute points added for the Yor and Yuri flashbacks.
#14: 4. The Prestigious School's Interview
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
I'll always love the ridiculousness of the Forgers bringing three sets of clothing for the interview. Character points very up especially for Loid defending Yor and almost going ballistic on Swan. Feels especially for the ending family scene, and this whumper also appreciates how the anime added the bandage around Loid's hand :)
#13: 13. Project Apple
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 7/10
Again, I feel it's unfair that such a good episode ranks almost in the middle but that's just because the competition is very high lol. A good balance of Anya being an Ulcer-Inducing GremlinTM, Bond being the bestest boi, Anya and Bond being the cutest duo as well as all the other pets at the adoption fair, great introduction to the Doggy Crisis Arc, and Bond and Anya bonding!
#12: 3. Prepare for the Interview
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
After the first two episodes were packed with plot, the third episode comes with great balance of character and dynamic moments. Especially having read the original manga chapter, I feel the director and animators did a great job adding more stuff to expand this episode. The flow was so natural I felt shocked to know almost half of the episode was anime original. With all three Forgers coming together at the end to catch the thief, and with Twilight having a realization at the end of how Yor inspired him, I love what this episode makes me feel.
#11: 15. A New Family Member
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 10/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
An excellent conclusion to the Doggy Crisis arc and welcoming of Bond in the family. That moment in the above screenshot alone is enough to make the cuteness skyrocket. Plot doesn't need to be high as it's the conclusion of the arc, but feels and humor more than make up for it. The only thing I would say about it is that it's hard for me to watch it on its own, it kinda needs to follow the impact of the previous two episodes. Which says a lot about how good the build-up and conclusion of that story was, by the way!
#10: 9. Show Off How In Love You Are
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 9/10
A lot of humor for Yuri's overdramatic reaction at the first part! Also for Anya's reactions the next morning XD This episode is very defining for Twilight's perception of Yor. He opens up to her about feeling jealous of her relationship with her brother, and the next day, from the first moment he feels hesitant and guilty over doubting her. Yor unintentionally but honestly proves how much she already cares for him and respects him and it's the beginning of her realizing how much she values being a part of the Forgers. Overall, satisfying and fulfilling despite the secrets those two keep from each other.
#9: 5. Will They Pass Or Fail?
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Humor: 10/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
This episode sold me with how unapologetically it gave no single fuck. It was ridiculous and they loved making it so and it shows. Such kind of humor is art. A relaxing episode (for us, certainly not for Loid) after the heavy packed introductory episodes and the stressful interview one, we get to sit back and enjoy Twilight becoming the butt of the joke and get his butt kicked, while Anya, Yor, and even Franky have the time of their lives. Princess Anya is adorable, especially with her badly-acted "Oh, no, save meee" and the ending scene of Loid and Anya warms my heart!
#8: 12. Penguin Park
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 10/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 9/10
PENGUINS! Enough said! I had so much love for penguins as a kid that if I was gifted a huge penguin plush I would be hysterical. Among the best fillers, it still has a solid plot and good character moments, and I absolutely adore how Anya tries to help Loid in his mission in such a way that the only reason he doesn't get suspicious is because she's too little for him to imagine ever being involved in something like this. Which adds both to the humor and the feels. Extra feels because again, this whumper appreciates an exhausted Loid :D
#7: 11. Stella
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 9/10
Anya showcasing massive amounts of bravery and kindness, and finally being recognized for it. Twilight feeling genuine pride for her. A legit intense moment of a kid almost drowning. A grand rescue! It's SO GOOD YOU GUYS!
#6 21. Nightfall / First Fit of Jealousy
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
My biases all out in the open. A subtle hint that Twilight is genuinely happy as a part of the Forgers and I become a puddle of feels. At the same time, while it's clear we should root for Yor and distrust Fiona and her methods, it's great character building for her and spot-on dynamics between the rest of the characters. Anya rubbing her face all over Yor and Bond to basically tell Fiona "begone you foul witch we are happy as we are" is perfect. Loid supporting Yor (with a heavy hint that it actually means a lot to him that Anya is happy with Yor as her mother) and then showing a hint of genuine emotion that's so strong he doesn't even realize is seeping through his smile and I AM DONE. It's the beginning of my end.
#5: 14. Disarm the Time Bomb
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Humor: 6/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 9/10 Feels: 10/10
I cannot express how much I love the "You know nothing about war" scene. It's so raw and so human and so disturbing (in a great storytelling way) that this moment alone makes me trust fully in the way Endo will handle the story in regards to war and politics later on. It's more of a character moment, mostly for Sylvia but in a subtler way about Twilight too, so it deserves a solid 10 in that regard. Plot is still heavy and action-packed, some humor and cuteness manages to sneak in, and then there's the moment of Bond having the vision of Loid dying which I kid you not, when I first watched the episode I felt like someone punched me in the gut. That alone skyrockets feels up to 10, but then there's also Anya apologizing to Yor for running off on her own and Yor hugging her tight while being realistic about the situation. Deserved spot in the top five.
#4: 16. Yor's Kitchen / The Informant's Great Romance Plan
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
Look. I tried to be as honest as possible in my rankings, and I ranked each episode separately before seeing where they ended up on the list. The fact that with absolute honesty, this episode ranks so high says a lot about how, though combining two wholly different plots, it does so many things I love about this show so good. Yor feeling accepted and genuinely happy over seeing Loid and Anya enjoy the food she made for them means so fucking much for me. That's her revelation of love for this family, and she's still got way to go before she even falls for Loid romantically. It's still a filler but it's so good for character and long overdue focus on Yor. Franky's part has sufficient humor and character on its own, and with Twilight deciding to console him at the end it's all tied up with a neat little bow.
#3: 24 The Role of a Mother and Wife / Shopping with Friends
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
I unapologetically barely acknowledge the second part of this episode because the first part hits SO HARD that the second feels like a commercial break in comparison (apologies to any who loved it. I actually find it a great part on its own, but when put next to the first part, it pales in comparison for me).
This episode ended me. I don't know if I'm biased on my rating because I recorded my reaction to watching it, and I saw myself laughing so hard and so often, as well as saw my own near-crying face in both scenes where baby Twilight was shown, that I can't help giving such high numbers on the humor and feels part. Though okay this episode wants you to feel stuff, so maybe it's just the humor part that may be a little biased. I wouldn't actually consider it the funniest episode of the season. Anyway, I don't think there's actually a lot to say regarding why I rated with the numbers I rated. It's a great episode that has a lot to say about Twilight, Yor, and their relationship and connection, and it's made with so much love by everyone, from Endo himself, to the cast and crew. I love it and I will continue to love it.
#2: 2. Secure a Wife
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Humor: 10/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 9/10
Yor's introduction is, for real, one of the best and most satisfying character introductions I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes upon. She is flawlessly presented in her full glory, with her (natural) weaknesses revealed. From her first episode you learn everything you need to know about her, and she is seamlessly inserted into the plot and the lives of the established characters so past that, you get to enjoy her being an irreplaceable part of the story. Her motivations are clear, her character agency is well established, and it's all done succinctly and efficiently within 20 minutes of screentime. It's fabulous. At the same time, the episode delivers great humor, a bit of expansion of plot and world building, as well as feels for how Twilight and Yor start connecting without even realizing it, and the hands-down best proposal scene I've seen in fictional media in my entire life.
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It's for a fake marriage and still nothing compares to it. Your otp could never.
#1: 1. Operation Strix
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 10/10
A quite honestly perfect introductory episode. In a little more than twenty minutes of screentime, it establishes all of the following:
Twilight and Anya's characters and motivations, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
The basis of the relationship between Twilight and Anya.
The plot of pretty much the entire story.
A succinct presentation of the political situation without long exposition scenes.
The mood and setting; a careful balance of found family humor and realistic anti-war stance.
At the same time, it manages a tight and self-sufficient episode plot that fits the characters' backgrounds and MOs, it delivers meaningful flashbacks, and all that while being honest about what it's trying to be, without fanfare and badassery trying to cover up leaks like flex tape. Every scene, every shot, every second has a reason and meaning. Paired with episode 2, it's genuinely a near flawless introduction to everything Spy x Family is about. It gives you all you need and prepares you for the awesomeness that follows!
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Watching ep1 again cuz I wanna know why it’s not one of my favs of the season since I love 324 so FCVKING much and I think it’s cuz kanthony like why was there so much them it made me psychically ill i just couldn’t watch their scenes bc imagine being all happy giddy like y’all didn’t ruin Edwina life and the half sister Kate smiling like she didnt just betray and backstab her own so called sister 😂 I have never seen a bigger LOSER then Kate Sharma I’m soo sorry but imagine not only fighting for yt man with ur own sister but you being a grown a88 woman in her 30s soon and Fighting your 17 year old sister over a yt man a rake that’s just nasty and sexist misogynistic like nah never ever have I seen a bigger LOSER character or female in history of media kanyhony deserved each other just for that meh reason alone both being miserable losers who don’t and didnt deserve sh*t!! also they never beating the lust sex ship allegations because why was all their scenes just them having se*x like every fcvking scene they really forcing the ship atp bc they know so many people hate it even if it’s fan favourite the amount of people who hate is large so they trying so hard to make them seem cute and lovable but it’s just coming off as forced and just nasty out of character all that se*x is very on brand for them bc they never talked just went straight to se*x it’s giving that riverdale se*x only ship! But yeah it was to much them actually ewwww way to mf much the hand holding at start was so forced Kate isnt that kinda girl!
The funny part is her princess sister WON by miles she got the nasty man sure but her sister got everything else and we love to see the love and admiration from the queen the big pretty wedding and the diamond and getting courted whole szn oh she deserves it so much
Thank god they didn’t ruin my favorite episode like they did ep1 with all that se*x they constantly was having unnecessary so bc it didn’t bring anything to the show or their characters but thankfully the skip button exists just for that reason for kanthony scenes and thankfully didn’t have to use it as much this szn like I did in s2 because I was just skipping every time they was together alone every kanthony scene without Edwina was skip ⏭️ skip skip and I loved it so much!
now just gotta skip some more but at least it’s polin snz saving me unlike s2 so I’m beyond happy actually!
Kate Sharma was really a 26y/o woman fighting her 17 year old sister for a yt man! can u say biggest loser in tv history! I’m just sad for Simone Ashley for having worst role in a show where female characters are so complex huge in personality big part of the show and her role as Kate wasnt/isn’t like you can see when she disappears no one nobody noticed and it makes zero difference in the show as whole like even with Cressida disappearing would’ve made more of difference and what happened kinda feeling and that’s sad but Kate deserves nothing so I’m regrade I’m happy bc it’s what Kate deserves!
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darkxwolf17 · 1 year
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Updated ship tier list because I don't really have anything other to post
Reasonings under cut
V x Lizzy: It's perfect. It's the best ship ever. It's amazing. I love everything about this ship. Fake besties to real besties to lovers. They tease each other all the time and they kiss and ITS AWESOME OK. I love Vizzy Pink Lemonade 4 ever.
N x Uzi: yooo it's the dynamic duo ever! They've grown on me quite a lot while in the Murder Drones fandom. They are so silly! I kinda see them as half-QPP and half-romantic, hard to explain. But they are a package deal DO NOT SEPERATE
N x Uzi x V: This one is just so silly to me! Not much to say other than its good for funny scenarios and cute headcanons
N x Thad: This one is also silly. Not much to say about it but i think they're cute
Khan x Nori: I don't particularly feel any strong emotions regarding either Khan or Nori, and we don't know much about Nori but from what we've seen yeah I like this ship!
Uzi x V: again, this one's just funny. I like it though
Lizzy x Doll: okay I'm gonna be honest (don't kill me) I don't really care for this ship. I feel like after episode 3 shipping them just is. eh idk. Lizzy canonically betrayed Doll so I'm just not the hugest fan of this ship? The only reason it's not lower is because I think the MDL server would kill me if I put it lower xd
J x V: I have nothing really to say about this ship, we just haven't seen that many interactions between them as of now
Khan x Teacher: idk why this is here I excluded most crackships that were listed on the tier list but it's here so I guess I'll just say. It's funny? That's about it
Uzi x Thad: Don't really like it, it seems too generic and I don't see the appeal. Maybe it's because I just think Thad is a boring character. Idk I just think it was a classic "high school infatuation" and Uzi has moved on. That's just me though.
N x V: I could write an essay on why I don't think this ship works but other people already have, so I'll just link this post by lilblucat because it's a far better explanation then I ever could write lol
J x N: it's... abusive. There's really nothing else that can be said.
Doll x Uzi: I'm subscribed to the popular headcanon that these two are cousins. Aside from that Idk I just don't really care for it
J x Tessa: I love them as besties but nothing more. Idk there's just a weird power dynamic of Tessa being a human and. idk this ship just weirds me out I don't like it.
Thad x V: Someone PLEASE tell me why this ship is as popular as it is. Genuinely. WHAT IS THE APPEAL SOMEONE HELP LOL
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
tight shots on food, syd, food, once again we're straight on, emphasizing the relationship there. syd's actress has very pretty eyes. not the point of the shot but worth saying!
"courage and confidence leads to decision making" oh we're stating the thesis! and guess what carmy's missing here. no surprises.
she has the air of a woman who's been stood up and decided to enjoy herself. this is not a coincidence, but it is very funny
notice she went home, changed, got freshened up? she's wearing her red on carmy's white? yeah, so did i
okay points for Carmy for texting. negative points for everything else about the message.
sydney takes chicago! i love this, she's going out to learn, going out to do a light bit of culinary espionage, and networking on behalf of The Bear. would it have been cuter and better and pretty much everything else good for her to do it with carmy? of course. but this show is called the bear. and our titular bear isn't there yet.
"make sure your hospitality and service is overwhelming" okay, front of house is gonna be important. still positive that's gonna involve richie finding his purpose.
"and make sure you have a great partner. someone you trust"
"we had a horrible business partner who stole all our money and flew off to Hawai'i"
my gosh, with the comment her dad made about trusting carmy? they're not shy that this is the primary relationship in the show, whether you see it romantically or platonically.
it's romantic. we know it. moving on
actually, not moving on.
while in this episode alone, these dialogues point to carmy, i actually think that this points to Cicero overall. he's a chaotic neutral sort of character right now, fully invested in his own good rather than in being a cheerleader or a wallet. the bear will survive or fail based on the front of house staff, the back of house cooperation, the relationship of syd and carmy, and -- most importantly, if Cicero is a force for good or bad.
"we're working together" "ahhh. been there. trust your gut." yeah this is just. text at this point. s3 is going to be a Feast.
so i'm an idiot, but hearing carmy say his name on the voicemail? he's referred to as "bear" (as are Mikey and Natalie, we've seen) because with the Chicago twang, it sounds exactly like "bear-zatto". I'm stupid, i get it, let's move on. nothing to see here.
(in my accent, that's said more like bier-zatto, and burr-zatto if i'm going for a more geography-neutral flat accent. so yes. idiot. throw tomatoes at will.)
i don't know what the venn diagram is between The Bear viewers and kdrama fans, but this montage of syd eating alone is reminiscent of a scene from S2 of the kdrama Hospital Playlist (Netflix) where a woman is similarly stood up (though at a nice restaurant with steak) and keeps changing positions at the table, laughing to herself and eating the meal and drinking both glasses of wine.
digression aside, i think Syd and Chu Minha would be friends, plus both their love interests are referred to affectionately as "bear".
marcus and fak? chaos
"looking forward." "...looking forward?" "i don't know i've never said that in my life" oh marcus. this crush is pretty cute ngl. i'm not rooting for it but it's cute
the risotto!!! baby sydney!!! i love how obvious it is just through visuals that syd's dying to make The Bear really feel like part of Chicago, to give it that feeling that richie found so important in S1. it's all coming together. i also love we can see that syd really, truly loves food. we knew it already, but to have it so lovingly focused on is wonderful. in case there was any doubt as to who the deuteragonist is in this show? this episode should clear it up
(carmy being the protagonist and carmy's anxiety richie being the tritagonist, of course. they're steering the boat)
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