dreamingofbucky · 1 year
chapter one
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summary: moving to a new neighborhood in Nueva York meant new places to see and new people to meet. Miguel O'Hara is an enigma. and after having a failed date attempt with him, you find out he's your coworker. but he's not the same man you've been pining over the last few weeks. He's much more cruel and something's not right.
warnings: uhhh dick!miguel? lol red flags but reader's blind and just thinks of him between her thighs despite his cocky attitude ayoo.
wordcount: 2.3k
author's note: mainly intro to series sorry if it's boring 😭 i can't wait to amp up the tension in the next chapter!
tag list: @yehet-moi-ohorat @127aliciia
series masterlist
It all happened so abruptly. 
Moving to a new part of Nueva York wasn’t something you expected. Getting a new job meant a higher salary, which meant you could afford a little better than most with what you’ve been able to save up and then what you’d be earning. But even ‘better’ wasn’t great. 
You unpacked your bags into your one bedroom apartment that seemed bigger and better maintained on the photos online. It didn’t pass you by the way the door in the bathroom jiggles a little out of the door hinges as if one more slam will make the whole damn thing fall down. 
And you didn’t have the energy to deal with the damn outlet in the kitchen that would reset any device connected to it every two hours. You definitely weren’t going to put your coffee pot there. You liked to wake up to a freshly brewed pot with an automatic timer. 
The apartment next door sat vacant since you moved in. You enjoyed it quite a bit, remembering how your last set of neighbors were up all hours of the night either blasting music, fucking, or arguing. You enjoyed the peace and quiet a little too much. 
Quite frankly, you’ve become comfortable with the silence pertaining to Unit 209. 
Despite that, things have been moving along swiftly and pleasantly in your life. You even bumped into someone three weeks ago walking down the street and it wasn’t just someone. He was sweet and kind, laughing at the mistake of you switching phones by accident after the collision. Thinking his phone was yours until you realized your phone didn’t have the cutest princess as the one on the lock screen. He fumbled for a little, with his stance and his words, as you both switched phones to the appropriate owners. He said it was his daughter on the screen. 
His name was Miguel O’Hara, he’d said. You told him yours and his eyes lit up like he’s never heard a name quite like yours before. And it sounded like rich honey coming off his lips when he repeated it. This just made your cheeks burn and flutters swarm all over your body. 
Next thing you knew, you bumped into him in all parts of your new town. The grocery store, the park where you like to run, and even the flower shop. He swore he knew nothing about flowers and was just trying to get some for his daughter for some school project. You’d laughed and helped him pick out the best kinds. 
All of these chance encounters that really led to nothing were starting to bug you until that one day he finally asked for your number. It took him a while to finally do so, but you were thankful that the universe somehow made it its mission to collide your pathways to constantly see him. 
You texted here and there, not much different to your dismay from the collisions in town that made you think he wanted more. You didn’t even know much else about the man besides he had a daughter and he liked that steakhouse a few blocks from your place. 
You hoped to change that soon, and that’s when it seemed like the universe was on your side. 
He asked you out for dinner at that steakhouse.
And then stood you up. 
You wanted to believe that there was good in people. Even the most honest ones. But there seemed to always be an anomaly that infected everyone. 
You had your flaws and your omissions. You had your quirks that only you’d ever witness within the walls of your apartment. And you had your utter disappointment in people that lied and dragged you along. Like him. 
Miguel O’Hara. 
You waited for one hour in that damn steakhouse before you gave up, asked for a check and then went home. You thought he’d at least pick you up from your place, finally get to see your new place. Funny now, he’s the least of who you’d like entering it. 
That humiliating night only fed your anger more until it was time to start your new job. You took the following weekend to relax, take a bath in that glorious tub that might have some scratches and chipping, but it was divine. You didn’t have a tub in your old place. 
Monday morning came abruptly and you were excited for new things. New job, new you as you liked to joke. 
Slipping on your favorite flower dress and golden necklace for good luck and you were out of the door, heading to the campus that would hold your new job title. Alchemax was bigger than you remembered from your interview and tour and your division was in the skyscraper on a tippy top floor. There seemed to be endless halls to lose yourself in. Even your department was large. To the point where if there was a project that needed to be completed, they had to break you guys off into groups to get multiple done at once. 
But you liked your job. You liked being able to focus on what you studied your ass off for years at school. It wasn’t everyday that people in your city could say the same. With the effects of the Rapture that took over the city ages ago, crime and violence had only heightened. You leaned heavily on those action packed superhero films sometimes wondering if Nueva York would ever get better. 
You knew superheroes weren’t real. They didn’t exist. But you still hoped that there was something better coming for your city. You loved it, really. But you also hated it. 
“Here’s your project packet with your team members listed,” a loud voice boomed behind you. It was your supervisor and he looked annoyed. 
It was your fourth day, so you slapped on a smile and nodded, grabbing the packet. You’d only met the few coworkers that milled about your office space, but there was a whole floor to get to know. You buried yourself in your work, with it just being your first week, so you didn’t really socialize even when it came to lunchtime. You liked to take your lunch outside anyway to watch the birds in the sky or dream about a life where there wasn’t always crime afoot. 
You sighed and plopped the packet on your desk and flipped to the first page where your team member’s names would be listed. Your eyes scanned the first line and your eyes bugged out. 
Miguel O’Hara. 
This must be some cruel joke, right? 
You haven’t heard from this man in a week and here he is. In plain black letters on your desk. You didn’t miss the way your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks burned. 
His was the only name next to yours. It’d just be you two. You took a deep breath and mentally prepared yourself. The packet thankfully showed which office area he works under, so you stood up and made your way to it. The packet was clutched tightly between your arms and hugged your chest. Your purple dress today flowed a little around your thighs. You liked wearing dresses to work, despite some of the looks you’d get. 
You even heard one coworker joke that this wasn’t some kind of Victoria’s Secret runway which just didn’t make sense. Every outfit you chose fit the guidelines that were given to you upon your first day. You didn’t like the way slacks molded to your body. You felt much more comfortable with a flowy dress and heels. 
Your steps echoed down the hall until you took a right and were met with a few other workers muttering at their screen, their phones, or each other. You scanned the faces until you saw the one you needed all the way in the back. He was staring at his screen, hunched over with his wide shoulders. You couldn’t see his face just yet, but you already knew how he looked. 
Handsome as ever. You’d never forget a face like that. It only bummed you out more that things didn’t progress and the date ultimately ended with you cursing him forever. You had a twinge of guilt that maybe something happened with his daughter that made him not show. But he would’ve texted or called, right? 
You shook your head, not wanting to think about the failed attempt to get to know the man and marched your way over to his area. He doesn’t turn around or look up when you make your final step. Your hip is aligned with his shoulder and you clear your throat. 
He finally turns to look, not amused in the slightest. Not even an indication that he recognized you or blew you off. Two can play at that game. 
What was once an idea to play off the horrible date and start off fresh by introducing yourself and striking conversation and even making a joke that you didn’t realize he worked at Alchemax, you bit your tongue. 
His eyes glance a little at your dress and your waist, but then flickers back to your face.
Your breath hitches in the slightest at his remarkable beauty. Fuck, you forgot how good he looked up close. His brown eyes narrowed a bit, watching you silently. You swallowed, but it seemed like there was cotton stuck in your mouth. 
“We’ve got that project to work on,” you finally mutter, tapping your heeled toe on the ground. 
“What project?” He replied with a bitter tone. He turns back to look at his computer and your impatience flares. 
“The one that we were assigned to,” you huff. To prove a point, you slam the packet down on his table and he pushes his chair back. You hold your breath as you watch his features change. From confused to annoyed, to outright cold. 
You want to say something, anything. Even possibly bring up the fact that he still hasn’t apologized or made up an excuse for the missed date. And that he’s acting like a complete ass right now, not even acknowledging you! 
Your anxious habits come back to life as your toe continues to tap. A scowl forms on his face. He runs thick fingers through his wavy brown hair. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t imagine your own hands running through those strands. Either when you kissed him or you had him in between your thighs. But those were just dreams that never came to fruition because of this asshole. 
You bet his hair was soft too. 
You shake your head, attempting to pull yourself out of your own misery. 
“I was transferred to this department last minute,” he finally says. “Not supposed to be in any of these ‘group projects’. I’ve got other things to do. Not being tied to anyone.” 
And with that, he lifts his hand and waves you off. That fucker waves you off. Like you’re his butler or something waiting for his command to go. 
It takes everything in you to not slap that smug look off his face. To not make a scene. But it’s your first week and you’re already finding coziness in your new apartment you wouldn’t be able to afford without this job. That was something you couldn’t give up. Also not the best choice to drain almost all your savings on that damn security deposit and rent payment. 
This prick was not going to ruin that for you. 
“I’ll do the work then, and you can do whatever the hell it is that you do.” 
His head snaps to look at you and his lips twitch. Without warning, he rises. And that’s when you forget how tall the man is. But it seems like he’d gotten taller since the last time you saw him in person. You think it was the flower shop or the park when you’d last seen Miguel O’Hara. He also looked more muscular. Arms protruding a little more in his button down and his shoulders seemed to have little more meat to them. He’s even got some faint scars on his neck. 
Did you ever notice those before?
You were definitely losing it. 
He peers down at you like you’re some child being lectured for stealing candy out of the cupboard. His hands go to his waist and he leans, hovering over you. It feels almost predatory like. You swallow again. 
“You do that,” he finally says. 
That’s it. That’s all he says. 
“I can’t believe you,” the words tumble out of your mouth without warning. You bite your lip, hoping no one else heard that. You don’t want to have to start rivalries with coworkers during your first week. But this man enrages you. 
“Believe it,” he spits before taking a side step. You watch as he shakes his head and walks out of the office area. You don’t know where the hell he’s going. 
You glance over at his desk and see that he’s got some things set up around the space. A card with a watercolor rose petal over it. Possibly something his daughter got for him for his birthday or something. A picture of his daughter sits by the computer monitor and made your heart lurch in your chest. 
And then something else that caught your eye. You look around the area to only see busy workers paying you no mind before you extend your hand and pull it out from under a manual guide. 
It’s a tiny piece of paper, in the same shape as a business card. There was some chicken scratch on it, but when you peer closer to read you gasp. 
Dinner at 7 at the Steakhouse. Don’t forget flowers for her.  Wear your best suit. It matches her eyes.
It was all there. The date you were supposed to have with Miguel. 
Why did he still have the reminder card on his desk if he completely forgot about it?
And why did he act like he didn’t know you at all? 
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I have another really silly tickle prompt about Harry and his Dads i just love their dynamic so much it’s something like
“Choose, it’s either me or him!”
(Awww! This was such a cute idea! ❤️🥹 I like the idea of Harry slowly building a relationship with the three Peters as well as Norman and Otto ❤️ It's really precious ❤️😁 I promise I'll be getting to the other fic requests soon ❤️ A lot of different things just have my attention at the moment ❤️:') Otherwise, enjoy! ❤️😁)
"Choose, it's either me or him!"
"Wha-?" Harry's brows furrowed together. "For what?"
Otto grinned. "For who it will be."
The younger Osborn looked between the two scientists. "Be what?"
"Your Dad of course."
Harry groaned as he dropped his face into his hands. "This again."
"What do you mean this again?" Norman's voice moved closer to his son. "It's a simple question with a simple answer."
Metal patted his back. "After all, we already know who he chose last time."
Harry shook his head. "You two ahare rihidiculohous."
From behind him, Norman Osborn gasped. "Ridiculous!"
Otto clicked his tongue. "And here we thought you loved us."
Harry turned to glare at the two. However, he couldn't keep up the sour face for long. "Ihi doho love you both. Equally."
"No no no." Otto shook his head and could no longer hold back his grin. "That just won't do."
"Why not!"
With the biggest grin on his face, Norman leaned against the table next to his son. "Because thehere cahan only be ohone."
Harry held up his hands. "Wehell that's between you twoho. Ihi'm not choosing."
The older Osborn shook his head. "But that's not how this works."
Meanwhile, one of Otto's actuators lifted Harry up into the air by his collar. "We can't choose between ourselves."
"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Harry's eyes widened as he was pulled over to Otto. "What are you dohoing!"
The older scientist wrapped his arms around the younger Osborn. "The idea we choose ihis complehetelyhy preposterous!"
"That's why you have to choose," Norman added.
Harry groaned. "Whyhy ahare you making me choose? Whyhy not ask Peter!"
"Buhut yohou're here." One of Otto's hands spidered along Harry's side. "So whyhy nohot have you chohoose?"
"All you gotta doho ihis chohoose," Norman teased.
"Buhut Ihi cahant!"
As Norman added in his own tickles, Otto chuckled. "Cahant? Ohor won't?"
"Ah! Bohoth? Ihi dohont knohow!"
"Thehen Ihi thihink we should settle this wihith aha compehetition," Norman added as he wiggled his fingers up his son's ribs. "Aha ticklehel competition."
"Ihi think thahat's a great idea Normahan," Otto spidered down to Harry's hips. "Dohont yohou agree Harryhy?"
"To stop ihit." Norman continued attacking his son's ribs. "Yohou juhust have to choose ohone of uhus."
Otto chuckled. "Which ohone?"
"Obviously mehe."
"Noho mehe."
Both stopped the tickles as they continued arguing back and forth. Meanwhile, Harry took the opportunity to slide downwards in Otto's hug. When the older scientist realized, he tried to readjust his hold, but the younger Osborn still managed to slip away.
Both Otto and Norman followed after him, and soon, the three became a heap on the floor.
"Don't huhrt yoursehelves," Harry teased.
Norman dug into the younger man's armpit. "Why yohou lihittlehel!"
As Harry squirmed, Otto chuckled. "Hehe tahakes after yohou."
Norman paused his tickles. "You think soho?"
"Ihi knohow soho."
"Ihi would have thohought ihit was you he wahad taking ahafteher."
Harry caught his breath. "Y-yohou guhuys ahare ridiculous."
Otto ruffled the younger man's hair. "But yohou lohove us bohoth?"
"Yeheah. Ihi guehess Ihi do."
"Wait a minute, guess?" Normam asked.
Harry playfully groaned. "Whahat nohow?"
"Earlier yohou wehere definite."
"Ihi aham! Ihi do lohove you bohoth!"
"Hmm, shohould wehe believe hihim?" Norman asked Otto.
Otto gave his friend a smirk. "Maybe nohot juhust yehet."
Harry's eyes widened. "What!"
"Ihi thihink wehe need aha bihit more convincing."
"Oho crahap!"
That's when the hands descended and Harry was once again thrown into laughter.
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lunarsun12 · 1 month
San Revenge
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After San turtle went missing by Yeosang and Yunho (please see The WooSan Problem in the Masterlist for a recap) He is acting strangely sweet to the rest of the family and matured. He even rejected Wooyoung cuddles and that is unheard of!
Yeosang isn’t buying the sweet act from San. He knew too well from experiences dealing with Wooyoung. That those two won’t quiet down easily without a fight.
Has San really matured and moved on? Or there is motives behind is sweet action?
Back at Ateez Chat
Today 3:00 am
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Okay, ever since San turtle went missing and never returned. He strangely matured…
Yunho🐶: Let me rephrase that, San started to hang out with the rest of us and not only Wooyoung
Mingi🦄: He is so sweet! He made food for me and I didn’t get food poisoning!!
Yeosang🍗: He is up to something…there is no way. He acts all nice of what me and yunho has done
Yunho🐶: Don’t you mean, what you have done??
Yeosang🍗: It was your idea to steal the turtle after my Jimin card idea. We in this together
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I knew it was Yeosang! I haven’t had San hug and it has been a day. He said it is too immature
The next morning…
Today 12:00
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: SO IS SAN!
Mingi🦄: Maybe they went out
Jongho🍎: No Yeosang never leaves his phone and Yunho will never give me hug before his leaves! Somone must have kidnapped them
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Don’t look at me! I have no clue this time
An hour later…
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: I found Yeosang and Yunho. I never see them so shaken up as if San gonna murder them. They said San is planning something big
Seonghwa🌸: Huh? San has been with me all this time. How can he plot something when he is with me the whole time
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Okay this is scary, if those two believe San is up to something. And is not Mingi, it means it bad
Mingi🦄: I like San, he bought me chocolates. He is way better then Yunhooo
San🗻: I’m okay Toby being gone, no need to be scared well for Yeosang at least
San🗻: As I love Yeosangie! He is my bestie along with my Wooyoungie
Yeosang🍗: I’m off the hook?
San🗻: Yes of course! It wasn’t your idea anyways ^_^
Yeosang🍗: See ya! Appa and Yunho I’m in the safe zone
Yunho🐶: What about us staying united?
Yeosang🍗: What about me? Not getting killed by the de- I mean San
Yunho🐶: Your plan won’t work! You won’t get to me!!
San🗻: You took Toby away from me, I will take Mingi away from you. Say goodbye to yungi
Yunho🐶: Wait a second you doing all this to Mingi? To make him betray me…
San🗻: Yehet! Even wooyoung doesn’t know
Yunho🐶: Wow, I may underestimated you
Mingi🦄: Wait what…? You using me to make Yunho mad…
San🗻: Why is he here??
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: You in the group chat remember…this why I do all the thinking and you do the plan
Jongho🍎: This is hilarious, Mingi was just telling me. San being nice to him is making him uncomfortable
Mingi🦄: I would never leave my Yunho! He is my bestie unlike someone who rejected me
San🗻: Wooyoung threatened me to do that..That not fair!! Toby was my comfort what I am supposed to do. When I feel stressed..
Jongho🍎: Use Mingi as a punching bag?
Yunho🐶: Me and Yeosang will give cuddles for a month until you feel better
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Make that three!
San🗻: ^-^
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: How about you help me produce some music, you can help with the singing part?
Yeosang🍗: Appa always the genius
San🗻: I will take Appa music and as Yunho offer
Yeosang🍗: Why does Yunho have to mention me! I am innocent!!
Jongho🍎: APPA LET ME COME AS WELL! I have improved a lot!!
San🗻: Yah, Jongho back off he asked me first 😡
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 8 months
Day 5: “I’m Not Ticklish”
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Felix
𝖑𝖊𝖗: Seungmin
𝖙𝖜: paintbrushes 
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Tears slipped down his face as Felix watched the crowd with widened eyes. The concert was a big success, all tickets sold out within the week. 
The fans were singing along to Youtiful, a song made specifically for them. 
Seungmin noticed the tears in the older’s eyes and a wave of worry washed over him. He walked up behind the boy and wrapped his arms around his waist. 
However, he must have brushed up against a sensitive spot, because Lixie wriggled in his arms with a few giggles. 
‘He’s ticklish?’ Seungmin thought as he held Felix tighter in his arms to avoid the sensitive feeling along Lixie’s sides. He would definitely be using this information later. 
After the performance was better, the fact that Felix was ticklish still roamed in Seungmin’s mind, putting the puppy in a major ler mood. He needed to find the older.
He found the soon-to-be victim in the dorms, still sniffling from his earlier cry. 
Seungmin sat next to the boy before suddenly straddling him back up on the bed. 
“Wh-What are you d-doing Seungmin?” Felix stuttered, unable to see the younger due to the position he was in, hands held back by the puppy. 
Seungmin didn’t answer, instead ducked his arms down to scribble his finger lightly over Lixie’s back. Felix squirmed underneath the puppy as he begged.
“Stop Seungmin. I’m not tickLISH!” Felix broke off his sentence with a squeal when Minnie pressed his fingers into his sides, massaging circles slowly into the sensitive skin.
“Whatever you’re d-doing, it's not going t-to work!” Felix’s whole body trembled and shook as he bit his lip to hold in his giggles. 
Yet again, Seungmin didn’t respond, only moving upwards and tickling Lixie’s rib cage next. 
Felix’s whole face burned red as he let out a few muffled giggles, thrashing around as he tried to free his arms from beneath his torso.
“S-Seungmin do not! SEUNGMIHIHIHIN!” Felix snapped through his laughter as the puppy’s fingers dove into his armpits, scribbling lightly and massaging as Felix screamed through his uncontrollable laughter. 
“What was that about not being ticklish?” Seungmin finally spoke in a teasing tone, laughing along with Felix as the older squealed and thrashed. 
Seungmin finally decided to move to the lower body, but only after a few more tickles to the elder’s sides.
Minnie squeezed at the backs of Felix’s thighs and knees, loving the crinkly noise Lixie made when he breathed in while laughing.
When Seungmin managed to headlock Felix’s feet and pulled his toes back, he was almost immediately thrown off as the older started screaming, kicking and begging for ‘anywhere but there.’
“What’s wrong hyung? Scared?” Seungmin commented, grinning when Felix continued screaming, however with a blushing face this time. 
When Minnie managed to grab a paintbrush before scribbling it torturously under Felix’s toes, the older let out a high-pitched squeal, body going weak at the feeling of bristles on one of the most sensitive parts of his body. 
“You sure you’re still not ticklish, hyung?~” Seungmin cooed as he grinned at the hard cackles bouncing off the walls of the room. 
Felix desperately howled with laughter as his fists pounded into the mattress, kicking his legs out when Minnie targeted the arches of his feet instead. 
“OKAY! OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHIM VEHEHERY TIHIHICKLISH! PLEHEHEASE! NOAHAHA!” Felix couldn’t handle the harsh tickling any longer, and his head fell back with the loudest scream.
Seungmin decided to give the poor boy a break, tears staining the older’s face as he panted. 
“Ahare youhu dohone yehet?!” Felix gasped for air as the puppy sat up on the older’s waist, still relentless. 
“Nope. One more spot. With the brush. Please?” Seungmin asked, putting on his best innocent smile.
Felix couldn’t resist the look of pure happiness in the younger’s eyes, and he caved.
“Fine. But ONLY one spot. Got it?” 
“And you have to hold your own arms up.” Seungmin challenged.
“Wha-NO! You know I can’t do that!” Felix gasped out in disbelief. “Well, if you don’t do it, I'm going for more spots!” Seungmin threatened. 
“F-Fine then.” Felix pulled his arms up, and gripped the headboard of the bed so tightly that his knuckles turned white. 
When the puppy yanked Lixie’s shirt to his lowest rib, the older sucked in his stomach, preparing himself for the torturous sensations yet to come. 
Seungmin suddenly dipped the pointy paintbrush into Felix’s belly button, swirling around. 
This produced the desired effect, as the feeling quickly drove the older bananas.
“AGH! STAHAHAP!” Felix was thrown into hysterics immediately as he bucked his hips up, and his arms almost snapped down to protect his poor button. 
“Nuh-uh hyung. Keep those arms up. Or else.” Seungmin warned, never stopping as the paintbrush swirled skillfully on the sensitive outer edge of Felix’s belly button. 
“NOHOHOHO AHAHAHA!” The edge tickling drove Lixie insane, and when he couldn’t hold his arms up, he snapped them down to his stomach and grasped at Seungmin’s wrists, desperate laughter still pouring out of him. 
“Whoops. You put your arms down!” Seungmin laughed as his hand snuck under Felix’s shirt and scribbled the pointy tip of the brush over his armpits. 
“AGHHHHHHHHHH!” Was the only thing that left Felix’s mouth, high-pitched and crackly. His laughter silenced afterwards, hair disheveled and the widest smile on his face. 
“NOAHHHHHHH!!!” Felix was done. 
“Okay oookayyy. We’re done. It’s ok. It’s over.” Seungmin reassured the older, letting up and holding a glass of water out to the boy.
 Felix promptly fell asleep after sipping his water, and Seungmin snuggled into the blankets with him, ler mood completely satisfied.
Maybe from now on, Felix won’t lie about his sensitivity. I mean, that is what got him there into the biggest wrecking session in the first place.
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i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
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nataliewritez · 1 year
Mushi-Madness || BSD Tk Fic
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Summary: Mushitarou finds out that his beloved reader is ticklish.
A/N: Hello!! This fic was created after sharing some idea's (and teasing huhu) with my friend's @stopiteatpopcorn and @ticklish-n-stuff go check them out!!
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There on the ground sat you and your lover, Mushitaro. The two of you just recently started dating, but that didn't stop Mushitaro from trying to learn more about you, especially if it mesnt he had to lay hands on you. He was rather affectionate - and of course funny, so the two of you got along rather smoothly.
However, the moment he decided to offer you a massage for your 'hard work'? That's when you wished to have denied his generous offer.
"Darling, you look rather tired as of lately, if I may be so inclined.. perhaps I could offer you a massage?" He said, puppy dog eye's practically begging you not to refuse. And who would dare to refuse such a generous offer from their own lover? Not you, that's who.
"I mean, if you don't mind!" You said with a gentle smile, as the man sitting beside you made a cheshire grin, yet you shrugged it off. As he got you down on his bed, sitting confortably on your lower back, he crackled his knuckles, ready to begin.
And that's how you got into this situation, biting back a smile as his smooth hands gently rubbed up and down your side's, creating smooth circles over your side's, his smile grew into a wide grin as he noticed how you jolted and gasped at his touch.
"Oh? So you're ticklish but you never thought about telling me about this? I thought we were partner's.." *He acted upset, pouting as he then started to purposely tickle you now, nails just barely grazing above your hip's and gliding up and down your side's in a repetitive cycle, keeping you on edge. "C'mon boo, just let it out, I don't want that pretty little face of your's to explode now, hm?~" He whispered into your ear.
You could only whine in response, suppressing the giggly eruption that threatened to spill out your throat, as he laughed in response, now squeezing and prodding at your hips in vigor. "Come on now, don't keep me waiting, you know how much I hate waiting!" He said, now laughing more as you finally crackled, hands attempting to pry him off to no avail, he was simply too strong, not too mention how much tickling drained your own strength.
"Oh what a pretty smile you have, oh, what a nice laugh you have aswell! You know, I'd love to hear more~" He looked at you with lovesick eye's, as he rested his chin again your shoulder, a teasing yet loving smile glued to his face.
With that, you then threw your own head back with gleeful delight, as his once prodding hands made their way towards your tummy, clawing gently at the sensitive flesh as you flailed and spluttered out helpless remarks, making him only laugh at you more.
"Oh my, does that tickle? Oh sorry, I didn't seem to have noticed, silly ol' me!" He chortled, as he kneaded at your stomach, making you stay hysterical. "M-Muhushi! Wahait! Yohour crahazy! G-Gone mad!" You remarked, yelping slightly as he accidentally poked a digit into your belly button, elicting a loud shriek from you.
Mushitaro had stopped, the two of you stared at eachother at a state of shock, before he grinned at you with pure mischief. "Oh boy! I certainly have! Mushi-madness is what I've got, nehehe~ Unfortunately for you, you'll be laughing madness!" He spoke in a teasing tone, making your cheeks flush, before you grinned back. "Y-Yehet I'm not the one who gets fluhustered tickling their own love, hm?~" You teased back, a wide smirk taking over you, giggling as you saw his face tint a gentle shade of red, before you threw your head back once more, with new rage filling him as he dug a single finger in your navel.
"Let's see how long you'll last, hm?" He remarked, leaving you too your ticklish demise, as you began to go breathless, he then stopped, pulling you into his lap and rubbing your back, careful not to tickle you any further.
"Sorry if I went too far, honey." He mumbled, face flushing as he turned his head away, yet you grasped his chin gently and turned it to look into your very own eye's, kissing his forehead, as he almost malfunctioned. "You're so adorable when you mean your apologies, Mushi~" You cooed, making him puff his cheeks as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. "Screw you.." He said.
"You think they noticed we were here?" Poe asked, looking as Rampo had recorded the entire scene, ready to send it too Dazai, "Not at all."
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mingissunglasses · 2 months
Wanteez Ep.1 Reaction
So, I watched the first episode of Wanteez and just thought I would write about my reactions to it. (I have no friends that like kpop that I can gush to so indulge me haha) Plus I've wanted to do more of my own posting instead of just reblogging so we'll see where this goes.
I think Hongjoon had the best entrance. His was so funny it had me laughing so much.
His break dancing was already funny enough because he literally stopped his walking and what he was supposed to be doing to do it.
And then when he gets surprised by the other students and just takes off running.
And then he does a full U-turn just before running into the entrance. The man was out of breath. And then he blamed it on the zombie movie he watched recently.
Yunho's entrance was so nice. The way he was singing You Are My Sunshine.
And then when the students start running, he's just laughing the whole time.
The sudden stop when they just calmly walk in haha
I feel like that's just his personality. He seems like a happy and calm person.
Wooyoung is so friendly. He just instantly acts like he's friends with everyone. Like he hasn't seen them in a couple years and is trying to catch up.
Like I feel like I would want to be friends with him. His outgoing personality would balance out my shy one. haha
San is another one who, just like Yunho, seems to go with the flow and is happy most of the time.
The way he just followed the students and kept asking what was happening.
Mingi was adorable practicing his introduction. Basically, giving himself a pep talk.
And then when the other students come running around, he just ignores it at first and tries to introduce himself. (his little wave like aww babe)
And then when he makes it to the entrance, he's just making things up.
Jongho is the youngest but he seems like an old man. Like why is he walking like that? xD
and then he tries to ignore the guy walking up like same.
Seonghwa just comes in full confidence.
He's like I'm gonna have to rule the school, aren't I? like he's bothered but he literally just placed that role onto himself.
And then the invisible watch he checks. lol
and then he's shoving the other students out of the way. haha
and then Wooyoung trying to back up the homeroom teacher.
Them describing Yeosang's laughter as hehet makes me think of Sehun's yehet.
Of course, Wooyoung would be the one to talk to the chickens haha
Yeosang doing the pose he does during their performance. Honestly iconic. Before he goes into skipping and they start playing the baby music over top it xD
The way he also tries to avoid the guy walking up only a lot more adamantly actually turning around.
The salute he does to the homeroom teacher.
The rest of Ateez telling him to buy them hamburgers since he's class president.
Additional thoughts:
Hongjoon starting off the class photo laughing.
Yunho giving the teacher bunny ears.
Yeosang still giving the pose he does during their performance for the picture.
The one guy in the far-right corner of the picture is just so excited and I'm so excited for him.
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pajarinwrites · 8 months
EXO recs
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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OT9 / Multi
an adventurer's guide to romance ✨ @guardians-of-exo & @softly-savage-mint-yoongi i'm not giving up hope that they'll still post Jongin, Jongdae, and Baekhyun TT, fantasy!au, i haven't read all of them yet but yixing and yeol are so good i refuse to believe any of the others could disappoint
EXO Mall ✨ @yehet-me-up i don't know why everyone and their mother does EXO series, but i am definitely not complaining, junmyeon's was adorable, xiumin's is brilliant, i'm sure the others are just as great
EXO as Rich Kids @spacequokka EXO has more group series than every other group combined, every time i find a good fic it's part of a series like what? so far i've read jongdae's it's super cute
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don't call it a love song (EXO mall series) ✨ @yehet-me-up 16.8k deserves it's own mention bc music nerd minseok?? rocker minseok?? bookstore owner!reader??? it's like this thing was written specifically for me, i ate this shit up it was so cute, their interactions were so cute, probably my favourite idiots2lovers ff, the snow scene, the singing scene, the dancing scene, the everything scene, minseok being a simp regularly, there is no fault in this ff, i'm gonna stop now i could keep going god help me
burning bridges @kwanisms 1.5k this hurt me, it's angst, it's not exactly happy, the synopsis tells you as much but every time i still read it and think maybe, maybe...
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the meet cute (EXO mall series) @yehet-me-up 4.5k also deserves it's own mention, dilf!junmyeon??? how does writer know all of my favourite things in the world?? TT the antique store thing suits our leader so well, why is he so attractice? and his sungmin is super cute argh, i have beef with this ff because why is it so short TTTTT
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you work too hard @cxsmicmyeon 0.7k just some domestic fluff with workaholic yixing, i'm projecting so hard onto this fic omg
extraordinary ✨ (an adventurer's guide to romance) @softly-savage-mint-yoongi & @guardians-of-exo 10k apothecary!yixing, yixing with glasses(!!!!!!), he's so sweet in this, they're both so cute, it's one of my favourites of the series so it deserves a special mention here
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inquiring minds @papermatisse 2.7k professor!baekhyun, i don't know what is up with exo-ls but y'all always find my most absolute favourite au versions for the boys like fr what's going on, anyway, this was soo freaking good! i read a professor one about woozi (svt) that was trying to do what this ff did but...., and now i get to read the concept executed perfectly, i'm screaming ugh
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disclaimer: these are obviously works of fiction and they take place in non-canon universes. we all wish jongdae and his family only the best, duh. if you're uncomfortable with reading ff about him, skip ahead. me, personally, i'd like to keep a little delulu corner in my daydreams available for him <3
CEO!Jongdae ( EXO as Rich Kids series) @spacequokka 0.5k it's so short TT but it's super sweet, the last line really got me, too
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kissed barely awake @irregular-idol-imagines 0.6k this confused me but it was so cute and fluffy that i didn't really care tbh
the doctor will see you now @kwanisms 4.5k this was kinda unhingend, in the best way possible, that's a high compliment in this context, incubus!yeol? i didn't think i'd like that premise but i did, i loved the slight horror aspects, the ending?? and how it linked back to the beginning? borderline genius, chapeau
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spellbound ✨ @whimsical-ness 6.7k ahhh this is soooo good, their dynamic is so nice, kyungsoo is such a freakin' cutie i cannot, and the other member cameos are so fitting ugh i love this so much
but you're warm... @kwanisms 0.5k ew this is so cute, i love cuddly, clingy kyeongsoo TT
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movie night @galaxybam2 0.8k reading this taught me things about myself i'd have preferred not to know. enjoy, sluts (affectionately)
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spellbound @navellera 6k this doesn't feel like 6k, it was over in the blink of an eye, one of the only sehun ff i've read so far that i could actually stand, most of them (that i've looked at so far) have really weird writing in that the author puts weird sentences in a row that feel disconnected and irrelevant to one another sometimes, this one didn't have that, also, i've been looking for some hogwarts!exo and this really scratched that itch
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leafywhowritez · 10 months
Switch: Masachika. Kumeno Sanemi Shinazugawa
It was a normal day of both wind breathers, they trained with each other by fighting with the wooden sticks.
“Ahhhhh! Wait, slow down!” Sanemi screamed while Masachika bumped into him.
“Sorry Sanemi! Are you okay?” Masachika realized Sanemi’s eyes were covered with tears. “There there, don’t cry Sanemi I will help you,”
Yeah totally “help you”
“Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmph” Wahahait! Masachika! Don’t STARHAhaHAT yEHET!” Sanemi tried to not laugh when his sensitivity grew while Masachika pressed on his friend’s belly.
“Hmmmmm, why not? You’re not gonna do anything about it so..”
“YOUhoUhOu AHASKed FOR IT!” Sanemi howled and randomly rolled with his pinned situation and prodded on Masachika’s sides.
“Waiahahaht! Saneheehemi DONHON’T!” Masachika laughter increased when Sanemi moved onto his armpits
“OHOh MMY GOHOD! SANEHEHEMI! WAHATCH OUHOUT!” Masachika threw a kick with both legs, while Sanemi grabbed his ankles with his free hand.
“You dare to kick me? Well I guess I’m already holding another one of your very ticklish spots, so I’ll just continue,” Sanemi replied with the kick while removing his friend’s sandals while he panicked.
“I’M SORRHY SANEHEHEMI! HAVE MERCY! PLEAHEHASE!” Masachika begged his friend who was poking his socked soles.
“Hmmm fine, but let me do one last thing,” Sanemi removed the part of the stocking, but instead Masachika came up and grabbed his sides.
“I don’t want more, but you do!”
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leegemma · 10 months
May I request Lee!Hanbin and Ler!Hao with prompts 63 69 93 & 99 ?
Thank you for your request! I hope you like what I did with it!
63 - “are you lying to me? i think you might be lying to me.”
69 - “i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.”
93 - “you’re too cute.”
99 -“you almost never swear! this must be a lot for you!”
As a new leader, Hanbin was still trying to get used to the role. He was trying to figure our his responsibilities and how to help his team the best. The first priority for him, was to make sure the members knew they could talk to to him about anything and everything, and so he made sure to tell them that once a day at least.
As the members knew how much it meant to him, they would all come to him whenever they had any problems or worries. But they were also getting concerned about Hanbin, seeing how terribly stressed and tired he was but never admitted to it.
Jiwoong would try to make him talk once in a while, and Matthew would always come up to reassure him that it's okay for him to get nervous too, Taerae would often come and offer some help with vocals. whenever any of them tried though, Hanbin would smile and thank them, and then tell them to go rest.
So it was a bit of a tricky situation. One member especially though, was beginning to get extremely worried for their leader, that member being Zhang Hao. Ever since boys planet the two had a beautiful friendship, and being older and all, Hao still felt responsible for Hanbin's health.
And so one night, when the group finished practice and were all heading back to the dorms, Hao decided to stay back with Hanbin who said he still felt like he needed extra practice time. Just like always.
"Are you sure you want to stay, hyung? You're probably hungry and tired." Hanbin let his arm rest on Hao's shoulder as the other members were walking out of the studio.
"And you're not?" Hao chuckled.
"I'm the leader. I want to be prepared so that I don't make mistakes when teaching you." Hanbin shook his head
Hao sighed in disapproval but didn't argue any further, not wanting to push yet. He just decided to go along and keep practicing for a while.
That was until he heard Hanbin's stomach grumbling constantly in the middle of dancing. Hao walked over and turned the music off, turning to look at the younger with a pout. "Yah, when was the last time you ate?"
Hanbin shook his head again. "Doesn't matter, need to keep going."
"What? Of course it matters! When was the last time you ate?" Hao asked again.
Hanbin sighed and shrugged, understanding that Hao was not going to let it go. "Just around an hour ago when we took a break."
"No. I stayed in with you last break.“ Hao squinted his eyes. "are you lying to me? i think you might be lying to me.”
"I'm not lying!" Hanbin automatically started to back up as Hao kept walking towards him slowly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" Hao teased, chuckling when Hanbin looked back scared when his back met with the wall.
"Like you're gonna do something- hyuhuhng!" Hanbin squealed when Hao finally reached him and latched onto his side.
"Dows this count as something?" The older laughed, trying to send in pokes all over while Hanbin was doing his best to block his arms.
"Simply because I can. Plus, I have a feeling if I tell you to go home now you're gonna argue with me, so this is me convincing you." Hao shrugged.
"Ihihi cahhant gogo yehet, ihihim nohohot dohone practicing!"
"See? I can pretty much predict the future at this point." Hao smiled.
"PLEHASE! ihihi cahahant" Hanbin's knees gave out and he fell to the floor, Hao catching him and laying him gently on his back and then straddling his waist, digging into his tummy next.
"Ah, I can practically feel your belly asking for food right now~" Hao teased, wiggling his fingers all over the other's midsection next.
"NOHOHOHO!" Hanbin protested for nothing.
"You're so ticklish! I'm gonna have to do this more often." Hao announced with a smirk. "Awww you're blushing!"
“i don’t think i’ve ever seen your face so red.” Hao chose to ignore Hanbin's last comment.
"Don't be rude." Hao wiggled his fingers into Hanbin's neck, cooing when the younger brought up his shoulders and started giggling cutely. “you’re too cute.”
"HYUNG PLEAHASE" Hanbin's next tactic was begging.
"Are you ready to leave now?" Hao asked.
"IHIHM SHOHHORRY, IHIH CAN'T" Hanbin squealed.
"Don't say I didn't give you a choice." Hao shrugged and brought his fingers to Hanbin's hips, shaking them in deeply. Laughing along when Hanbin screamed in horror only to start cackling hysterically a second later.
"Wow!" Hao was amazed at the strong reaction. “you almost never swear! this must be a lot for you!”
"IT ISSSS!!" Hanbin's cheeks turned even pinker when he let out a cute snore.
"You know what to say to make it stop..." Hao gestured to him.
And just like that, the tickling was over. Leaving a panting Hanbin on the floor to try and catch his breath while Hao was petting his back comfortly after getting off of him.
"There, there..." Hao helped him up back on his feet, laughing as the younger boy was struggling to not stumble back to the floor for the first few seconds.
"Hyung..." Hanbin looked at Hao, his eyes almost sparkling.
"Thank you, it was fun. " Hanbin admitted, the blush returning to his face.
Even though a bit shocked, Hao was quick to answer back. "Any time."
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dreamingofbucky · 1 year
chapter two
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summary: you followed miguel after work, or tried to. things are happening in nueva york and someone is starting to try to be a hero. you decide to get wine drunk and accidentally fantasize about miguel.
tags/warnings: more dick!miguel sorry, sex fantasy/dream, wine drunk, degradation kink, fang kink?, slight praise kink too if you squint, masturbation (f), more mutual hatred between miguel and reader but really it's just obvious pent up attraction and sexual tension 😏
wordcount: 2.6k
author's note: thank you for all the support and likes/reblogs! It means so much to me. Also thank you for 400 followers! That's a milestone for me, ily. fyi not beta read.
tag list: @yehet-moi-ohorat @127aliciia @keepingitlokiii @soseoulol @netey6m @miggyoharaswife @thesecretwriter @natthernandez
series masterlist
You wouldn’t call yourself a stalker, per se, but it would look like it from the outside. 
Your steps followed Miguel’s broad back a couple yards away as the both of you left work. 
He never came back to his desk, or at least during the time you spent standing there after finding that damn card. There wasn’t anything else for you to do but pick up the project packet and return to your own desk and start on it. The work wasn’t too difficult, but it kept you busy for the rest of the work day. 
Once you headed down to the lobby and was ready to make your trek through the campus, that’s when you saw him. You weren’t sure if you should talk to him again, ask about the card, so you kept your distance. But you were determined to follow him. 
Why? You didn’t know exactly why. A gut feeling, you suppose. 
So there you two were, walking yards away from each other on Alchemax campus. The grass was lush green and it was a grand contrast to the grass around Nueva York. Only some parks still have fresh, vibrant green grass to enjoy looking at. Majority of the city didn’t maintain the rest well enough. 
Another perk, you guessed, to moving to a slightly better part of town. Things were better maintained. 
You attempted to keep your steps light as you noticed you were gaining up on the giant. You didn’t want to get caught, so you had to shorten your stride. Even with his large frame and height, his steps seemed to slow. You even had to step to the side and hide behind a tree when you noticed he was turning his neck to look behind him. 
Now, you were definitely a stalker if you weren’t before. 
“Deep breaths, just talk to him,” you scolded yourself. You pressed your palms flat against your dress and obeyed your own orders. You breathed in deeply before exhaling. 
As you took a step to the right and began to swivel your body away from the tree, you crashed into a wide chest. You yelp at the sudden impact before looking up and eyes widening. 
“Were you following me?” Miguel’s eyes narrowed and a scowl was plastered over his features. 
“Wha—? Me? Definitely not. Just walking home!” You laughed in the least convincing tone. You lifted a hand to brush a strand of hair that fell in front of your face. His eyes stay on you and your heart continues to hammer against your chest. 
Why are his eyes so intense? They weren’t like this before…
“You sure?” 
His tone is monotone and it makes it even harder to think of a response. Your inside fills with dread and it’s nothing like how you used to feel with him whenever you bumped into him around town. 
Just ask him about the date and then leave, you told yourself. You take a deep breath and Miguel watches you intently. 
“I-uh, I did want to ask you something,” you start. 
A brow raises and he waits. The silence between you two fills and it only makes your palms sweat, your heart race even more, and your knees get wobbly. 
“Alright, well, you see… We were supposed to meet. And I just wanted to know what happened. And if everything was okay.” 
His brown eyes stay on you and you suddenly feel like a bunny under the gaze of a vulture in the sky. His demeanor didn’t shift as he glanced his eyes down to your chest and then back up again. You swallowed. 
“I forgot,” he plainly states. 
Of course, he did. That’s why he had that card on his desk…
“But the card on your desk—”
“You went through my things?” He bares his perfect teeth and a squeak comes out of your lips out of fright. You shake your head incessantly. 
“No, of course not! Well, actually, yes but just to see that tiny little card. I swear!” You were the worst liar and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fib in front of this man. 
His eyes narrow. “You shouldn’t be touching things that aren’t yours.” 
“Back to the card, it was about our dat—”
“I’m not sure what you saw, but it wasn’t anything important.” He places his hands on his hips and you feel dejected immediately. 
Wasn’t anything important.
“Of course, my apologies. It wasn’t important,” you hissed back. If he wanted to be a jerk, then you could too. 
“Good,” he states matter of factly. 
“Good!” You yelled back, a little too eagerly. You were even pressed up on your tiptoes to bring yourself a little closer to his leaning face. There’s a slight falter in his expression, a smile perhaps, at your reaction. 
“Don’t follow me, it’s not wise.” 
“Are you picking up your daughter?” You slip out. 
“My daughter? How did you know about her?” He was starting to retreat back before he presses closer to you and there’s nothing else you can do but back up into the tree. The bark brushes against your bare shoulders and even through the fabric of the dress that covered your back. 
“You told me about her! Why are you acting like you forgot? What’s going on?” You didn’t mean to sound so desperate, but your voice betrayed you. 
“I’ve got to go,” he shakes his head. “Don’t follow me, I’m serious.” 
“Okay, fine! You know I’m glad that date didn’t happen, you’re an ass.” You roll your eyes and then widen them, not believing you just said that out loud. It wasn’t like you to do this kind of stuff, stand up for yourself to pricks. You usually just walk away and forget about it. 
This new attitude of Miguel’s just seems to push every nerve ending of yours and makes you want to push back. He was infuriating in just a single day and you couldn’t believe you’d have to deal with him the rest of the month on this project. You really did hope he’d continue the deal where you can do the majority of the work and he’d do…whatever the hell he’d be doing. 
Distance would do you both some good. 
He laughs, breaking you from your thoughts. “You don’t know when to shut up.” 
“Fuck you,” you spit, getting the courage to take a step forward and brush your chest to his. You don’t miss the way his brown eyes gleam for whatever reason before he finally takes a step back. 
“Qué maravilla. Te encantaría, ¿no?,” he drawls sarcastically. 
You’d love to wouldn’t you, is what he basically spit back. You knew enough Spanish to understand the prick at least. 
“Argh!” You scream, wanting to pull your hair out because of this ass. “I’m going home! Definitely not following you anymore!” 
Before he could cage you in anymore than he already has, you brush past him, making sure your shoulder made impact with his chest before you walk away. You turn your head back once you’re far enough and he’s still there near the damn tree.
But his eyes are stuck on you and a scowl is back at his face. 
What the fuck is this man’s problem? He must’ve fallen and hit his head. Got a concussion or something and decided to wake up and be an ass. 
Whatever it was, you didn’t want it ruining your day anymore. You huffed and turned back to head out of the campus and get home as quickly as you could. 
You’d do your best to get rid of the image of Miguel O’Hara as best as you could tomorrow. You’d do your work and then leave. Simple.  
The news wasn’t exciting. When was it ever? 
It’s Friday night and you’re indulging in your second wine bottle and some chocolates. Well, the chocolates were eaten an hour ago, so you just had the wine. But your eyes continue to glance at the TV in your living room. 
There was some kind of disturbance a few neighborhoods away and it became a huge thing last night apparently. The news is just broadcasting updates from it. You didn’t get home in time to watch what happened on the big screen last night, so you’re just getting lame recaps. 
Apparently some kind of vigilante stepped in and helped out and saved the day. There wasn’t any film footage of the person, but it was obvious it wasn’t law enforcement. 
The Nueva York PD wasn’t exactly the best. They dipped their hands in shady shit and even were paid by big crime lords to not butt their heads in their work. No wonder your city was a never-ending shit hole. It’d never get better with this kind of shit. 
But it was home. You could leave, but you wouldn’t.
You fill your wine glass one more time before laying back on the couch. Your thoughts drift to earlier today when you saw Miguel again. You swore you’d keep your distance, but just like the many weeks of you bumping into him around town, you seemed to do the same at work now. 
He was walking down the same hallway on a different floor than your prospective offices. You were about to turn a corner when his eyes lifted to yours and caught your attention. It was brief, but there was an odd occurrence. 
He bared his teeth at you when you gave him a scowl when you both passed each other. And you swore you saw something sticking out in his mouth. 
But that was stupid. Who would wear fake fangs in their mouth, especially at work. Unless he was into that kind of freaky shit. 
Safe to say, you dodged a bullet with that one. You didn’t need to busy yourself trying to get attention from a fake vampire wannabe. 
But your wine drunk brain was itching for some fun time and since you were already thinking about Miguel, that’s where it started drifting toward. You close your eyes, letting the TV tune out in the background before you think of things you shouldn’t. 
Miguel seemed so kind and soft when you first met him. But something clearly changed. There’s a tenacity to him now and it’s even more commanding and it… kind of turned you on right now just thinking about it. You’d curse yourself tomorrow morning when you sober up and remember this dirty little fantasy about the prick, but your wine drunk self was content in this. 
So, you dived right in this fantasy. It wouldn’t hurt anyone, so why not. 
As your left hand kept the wine glass rooted on your chest, your right hand traveled to your pajama shorts. The waistband was stretchy and you had no trouble pushing your wrist down and under your panties as well. Your finger brushed ever so slightly against your sensitive bud and your hips bucked up. 
“Fuck” you mewled a little too loudly, but you didn’t care. Your string of thoughts lead you back to Miguel and how he’d touch you. 
Would he be gentle like you thought before? Or would he take charge? He basically pinned you against that damn tree yesterday, so you knew he had it in him. 
Would he whisper sweet nothings in your ear as he slammed his cock into you or would he degrade you? 
Your fingers slipped lower and your folds were drenched. Fuck, you guessed you liked that idea. If Miguel was a prick in daylight, what kind of filthy degradation would he say to you in the dark? 
Warmth pooled in your belly at the thought and a gasp left your lips as you stretched your lips before circling a finger over your entrance. You were soaking your panties already, it’d be too easy to fit two fingers in. So you did. 
You pretended it was Miguel’s. 
Such a fucking whore, taking my fingers so easily. Who else are you fucking, huh?
His voice filled your brain with your lustful thoughts and it felt like heaven. You never had a partner that would scream these obscenities at you, but you were enjoying this. Your cunt was enjoying it too, your fingers pumped in and out so easily. 
Fuck, you were going to come before you knew it. Your grip on the wine glass tightens as you continue through the fantasy. 
You pictured his dark tresses falling over your face as he leaned in before curling his fingers into you. Your fingers followed your thoughts and you moaned loudly, lifting your hips. The heel of your palm bumped into your clit and it felt oh so good. 
You pictured his fucking pretty face that you wanted to slap. Your fingers pumped even fast and your clit was being slapped so hard with your palm that you came without warning. You screamed and your left hand lost grip, the wine glass falling. 
“Fuck!” You wailed, not bothering to check the damage the wine had done to your new rug. You traveled your free hand to your chest and rubbed your breast through the tank top. With your nipples pebbled and sore, you moaned at the contact. 
See what you’re doing? Only fucking whores sound like this. You want my cock? You’re going to have to earn it, slut.
His words are loud as you continue to ride the high and even start to feel another orgasm coming. Everything tightens as you picture him adding a third finger, just as you do as well, and then increasing the pace. 
You even think of those stupid fake fangs you swore you saw on him. Would he wear them? Would he bite your neck for added sensations?
Of course you would like that, huh? Can’t even think straight with my fingers in your pussy, how would you ever survive my cock? Well, you wouldn’t. My dumb fucking whore.
“Miguel,” you whine. 
Your pussy clenches around your fingers and you’re coming violently again. Your hands are drenched and your release is dripping down your thighs and into your couch. But you can’t stop. You’re lost in this fantasy and you never want it to end. 
That’s until you hear something hit your window. You yelp, pulling your hand out of your pussy and look at your window. Your curtains were drawn open, you completely forgot. You weren’t in a sky rise by any means, but you weren’t on the first floor of your apartment building. There wasn’t another building nearby to creep into your window, so it must’ve been something else banging against the window. It had to be. 
You see though that your window is open slightly. You swore you closed it because it was forecasted to rain tonight. But there’s at least an inch open. Barely noticeable if you weren’t directly looking at it. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, sobering up already from the sex dream. You groaned even louder when you finally stood and saw the red stain on your, of course it had to be, white rug. 
You couldn’t blame anyone else but yourself, so you knelt down to pick up the wine glass and set it on the coffee table. You then went to the window to close it and looked out. The streets were dark and quiet, but it felt odd. The hairs on the back of your neck rose. You pressed your nose against the glass, attempting to find the reason for this weird feeling. You couldn’t find anything though. 
You shook your head and decided to call it a night. You had to wash your hands and clean the damn rug. 
“Fucking Miguel,” you cursed out as you made your way to the bathroom. 
It was easier to blame him, you’d decided.
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biaswreckingfics · 11 months
WIP Tag Game
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. Let people send you an ask with any titles that intrigue them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @sungbeam ❤️
Tagging (do I even know 12 people anymore?? 😭😭 I'm literally never on anymore) @dontflailmenow @naturalogre @kpoptrashlord-007 @papermatisse @vampwrrr @writeformesinpie @j-pping @mint-yooxgi @yeoldontknow @yehet-me-up
*don't feel like you have to do this. also, if anyone that isn't tagged wants to do this, I'm officially tagging you as well*
Business or Pleasure - Lee Sangyeon
7 Deadly Sins - ATEEZ
The Wild Hunt - ATEEZ
Liminal - Original piece
The One That Got Away - Unclaimed
A Shared Destiny - Unclaimed
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - TXT
Soulmate Anthology - Multiple groups
Originals - Multiple groups
Firefighter AU - Unclaimed
Street Racer/Gang AU - Unclaimed
Mutations - Unclaimed
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a holiday prompt!
Peter 1 sneaking one of his gifts early! Peter 3 catches him and tickles him! Then 2 comes home and asks what he did and when 3 tells him he's just like "of course he did"!
idk why i just see peter 1 being the one to sneak gifts early
Peeping Tom
Summary: See prompt above :)
(Yes he does 😆 And I can totally see Three knowing his youngest brother would struggle to wait so he plans ahead 😉 hope you enjoy Anon! Have a great rest of your holidays ❤️)
Peter 1 quietly crawled across the ceiling. He tried to quiet his heart to listen for his older brother. Peter 3 was the only other one home, but he was currently in his room on a phone call. This was the perfect opportunity.
Peter 1 crept closer to the Christmas tree. There was one gift in particular One wanted to see. It was a small gift partially tucked behind the Christmas tree. To everyone else, it looked like a regular box, but One had the sneaking suspicion it held the gift he really wanted. The youngest Peter carefully dropped behind the tree. He just wanted a peek to satisfy his curiosity and then he would still act surprised on Christmas day.
The youngest picked up the box and gave it a shake. It sounded right and it felt right.
The youngest Peter cheered. "Yes!"
One listened once again for Peter 3. It sounded like the older Peter had gone quiet so the youngest had limited time. He tried to hold it up to the light to see if he could catch anything through the paper. Odd, it looked like it was double wrapped. The youngest carefully slid off the wrapping paper, peeked around the tree, and then pulled the paper back.
A thick substance spilled out onto his hands. The package had been booby trapped! That's why it was wrapped so thickly!
"Oh no!"
"Figured the ink would come in handy."
One jumped and turned.
Three smirked. "For certain little brothers who like to peak."
One dropped the present and jumped up. He tried to reach the ceiling, but a web grabbed his back and pulled him back down. The youngest Peter thumped into Peter 3 then two arms wrapped around him.
"You think I'm gonna let you go after that?" Three lifted his feet off of the ground. "I don't think so."
"Three! Three Ihim sorry!"
Three sat down on the couch. "I thought you would be better than that Pete. Guess I was wrong."
One blushed. "Ihi . . I wahas just excited."
"I know." Three placed a hand on One's tummy. "But the rule is you have to wait till Christmas."
One squeaked and squirmed. "Ihim sohorry."
"Too late. Now face the consequences."
One squealed as Three dug into his stomach. "Nahahaha! Threheheee!"
"This is what you get for trying to be sneaky."
One kicked his legs and squirmed as his laughter turned to louder and more high-pitched. "Ihim sohorryhyhy!"
"Are you sorry peeked? Or sorry you got caught?"
"Uhuhum . . . Uhum . . ."
"Just what I thought." Three slid his hands under One's knees and pulled him across his lap.
Three lifted the youngest up to his face and blew a raspberry into his tummy.
"NAHAHAHA!" One snorted.
"This is what happens when you get on Santa's naughty list."
"Ihi prohomise! Ihim sohorryhy!"
"Ihi know you're sorry you got caught, but you need to face the consequences of your actions."
One then dissolved into a pile of squeaky cackles and snorts as Three alternated between raspberries and kisses all over his tummy. He knew Three was right and that he shouldn't have peeked, but he was really excited about the present he wanted.
Of course, his curiosity died considerably when Three nuzzled into his tummy and made sure his nose rubbed against One's belly button.
"NAHAHAHA!" Another snort. "J-JEHERK!"
"Sahays the ohone trying to ruin ohour suhurprise."
"Ihi *hic* dihidnt sehee ihit yehet! Ihi proho*hic* prohomise!"
"Ahare you going to peek agahain?"
"Ihi swehear! Ihi wohont doho ih*hic*ihit again!"
"You'll wait until Christmas?"
Three skittered his fingers across One's tummy. "Swear to me."
One squealed. "Ihi swehear! Ihi swehehehear!"
Three stopped his tickles. "I'm going to hold you to that."
Peter 1 curled into his older brother's hold. "Ihi really aham sohorry Threhee. Ihi shouldn't hahave peheeked."
The older Peter rubbed circles into his younger brother's back. "I know you're excited Pete, but if you open them now, you won't have any to open on Christmas day."
The youngest blushed. With the way Three was holding him and the way he was being scolded, he felt exactly 5 years old. He didn't know why that age specifically, but that was how he felt.
"Nohot a kihid," he muttered.
"Yes you are," Three teased, "atleast that's what your actions tell me."
Peter 1 hid in his older brother's shoulder. Three was right, and One hated he was right.
"What's going on in here?" A new voice asked.
Peter 3 held up one of One's hands. "Someone decided to be a peeping Tom with his Christmas gifts."
"Of course he did."
"I'm sorry," One replied.
A hand ruffled his hair. "I'm guessing Three already taught you a lesson."
The youngest Peter squeaked and turtled his shoulders.
"Ihill take that ahas a yes."
Another squeak.
"You've got two more days kid, and then you can tear into them," Three added.
Peter 1 finally came out of hiding. "Fine. I'll try to be more patient."
"Atta boy," Three ruffled his hair this time.
One pushed away. "Not a dog!"
"Not a dog, not a kid, what are you then?" The taller Spiderman teased.
"Hmm . . . The name is kind of misleading."
The youngest Peter pouted and playfully pushed his brother. There was no animosity. Peter 1 knew Three was right and he shouldn't have peeked, he would just have to wait a couple more days.
No matter how hard it may be.
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tksavvy · 7 months
A Normal Day at The City of Wizards [CRK tickle fic]
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Plot: Stardust Cookie initiates a small bet with Moonlight Cookie. Spoiler alert, he loses the bet. Also, these two may or may not be ooc, sorry for that--✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨One beautiful day (or night), Moonlight Cookie and Stardust Cookie were sitting down on a couch in the clouds, relaxing, trying away from the world's challenges.
And then one of the siblings, Stardust Cookie, proposed a bet.
"I bet I can't even crack down laughing by your side. Something other than funny videos or jokes. Whoever loses will have to do what the winner wants..."
"Crack down? We're gonna see about that!"
That's when Moonlight Cookie left to look for something. She finally came back with...rather an object. A purple brush...and a...feather duster?!
Uh oh...he knew where this was going.
The younger looked in fear as his boots and transparent black socks were slowly taken off.
"Okay! Whoever manages to not laugh wins!" Moonlight Cookie says, knowing she can handle this for HOURS without breaking a sweat. Her little brother, however, can't. She isn't as sensitive as her little brother is, but there they are.
She grabbed the brush, and made direct eye contact with him, smirking. Stardust Cookie saw the brush she was holding. Her legs were holding down his foot.
He gulped. "...You do realize you're cheating, ri--AHAHAHA! NAHAHO---!!" Stardust Cookie starts squealing, squirming and begging, pleading Moonlight Cookie for mercy as Moonlight Cookie has his left foot pinned down, that exact brush moving alongside it as it twitched.
"MOHOONLIGHT COHOOKIE! PLEHEASE!! YOHOU KNOW--! I'M TOHOHOO--SEHENSITIVE THEHERE!!" he begged, unable to escape this sensation.
"YOU'VE---! YOUHOUVE YEHET TO WIN THIHIS BEHEHET!!" he exclaimed, trying to escape to take his revenge. However, this only makes Moonlight Cookie smirk, and she starts scrubbing the brush a bit faster. Stardust Cookie blushes a deep red and his laughter goes a whole entire octave higher.
"Now do I win, Star?"
"Oh, really lil' bro?" Moonlight Cookie grabs his other foot and the feather duster, and the duster frollics alongside its sides, turning his yelping into complete hysterics.
"Not until I win~"
She slows down the intensity, only to pick it up at the very last minute, targeting the worst spots.
And just after those words, after what felt like an eternity, Moonlight Cookie finally stopped, letting her brother rest at last.
"Ohohoh...dehear gohods...ehehe..."
"Now, do you want to get something so we can sleep?"
"Yes! Goodnight, sister...I'm going to the bed now..."
And so, the next day, Stardust had to buy Moonlight the plush she wanted, a small Kuromi doll. It was a normal day at the City of Wizards indeed. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Bonus! The brush Moonlight Cookie was using:
Tumblr media
The feather duster Moonlight Cookie was using:
Tumblr media
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ravixen · 1 year
// 💌 send me a kpop group and I’ll answer
[ i (used to) stan ]
favorite member / bias line: back in 2013, my bias was luhan! he briefly had the ultimate bias spot because vernon didn't debut yet. then i liked yixing and chen. now i'm a suho fan, but i have a soft spot for the others still
which member I’d fight (& why): probably sehun. i'd take out his knees for no reason other than the fact that his yehet still rings in my head
favorite song(s): their discography is SO good, but...there's honestly no skips in the XOXO album. i was obsessed with it. i'd narrow it down to black pearl and heart attack if i have to
favorite thing about the group: there's so much nostalgia with this group because i stanned them during my school days. my memories and past affection carries on
something i’d like to see from them: ...a full group comeback :')
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peridot-tears · 1 year
10 Questions
Tagged by @theleakypen yeHET.
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship status: single and NEVER GOING TO MINGLE because i'm tired.
Favorite color: black and red. this predates Wei Wuxian.
Three favorite foods: 牛尾汤,naengmyeon
Song stuck in my head: Ip Man 4, because hOlySHIEt????
Last thing I listened to: the ending song of Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington, the very racist DLC, because i just finished playing it. apparently there's a brainwashing WMD off the coast of NYC. neat.
Last thing I googled: idk something about "utah reservoir" probably.
Time: 1:02am
Dream trip: have you MET me. i've been on so many dream trips it's insANE. that being said, Peru with my best friend for a solid month.
Anything I really want: basic universal income.
Currently reading: Mohawk Warrior Society ~Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall • edited by Kahentinetha Rotiskarewake, Philippe Blouin, Matt Peterson, and Malek Rasamny
Last song: "Glad You Came" by The Wanted.
Last movie: Big Eden (2000)
Last series: Winter Begonia 鬓白不是海棠红
Sweet, savory, or spicy: spicyspicyspicy i will fight Wei Wuxian in a tongue battle and WIN.
Craving: for my body to not be sick anymore :")
Tea or coffee: tea
Currently working on: origfics. so much origfic.
Tagging: @iamwestiec, @bladedweaponsandswishycoats, @shadaras, @flamingwell and whoever else wants to do it.
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 5: Magic
A/N: I know this is probably so short but this is like one of the 5 fics I held off on because it was difficult for me to write since Idk much about the characters personalities and I had to research which kinda still didn’t help and during like Mon-Fri I probably won’t post the fic dead at 12 am due to school but I’ll still try to get them in that day ✨
“Hey Mereoleona” sally called as she walking into her room
“Do you mind if I test something on you really quickly I promise it’s nothing painful” sally asked
“Okay all you need to do is drink this and then I’ll be able to tell if it work or not” Sally explained
“What was that it tasted good”Mereoleona took a sip before chugging it.
“It was pineapple-mango anywhooo do you feel anything?”
“No not yehet”
“You giggled! YES ITS WORKING” Sally jumped up on excitement
“Wahahait whaahahat dihid you gihihive mehehe” Mereoleona began giggling
“My magical tickle potion”
“Wehehehell ihihit tihihickles” mereoleona admitted
“That’s good that’s also kinda the point”
“nahahaha whehehen dohoes ihit wehehar oHOAHAHAHAHA IHITGOHOTWOHORSE” Her knees had given up as she dropped to the floor.
“Oh well I kinda didn’t think about that haha whoops” Sally chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck.
“I don’t know how to!!” Sally whined
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