#yellowjackets season 3 predictions
podcastingjamaican · 1 year
Yellowjackets Season 2 FINALE REACTION
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belluzinhaa · 1 month
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me when I'm not first pick for queen of the cannibals
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2008hondacivic · 1 year
the wilderness said it’s MY turn as the antler queen
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I wonder if they go back to the plane for shelter in season three 
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nerd-at-sea5 · 18 days
yellowjackets season 3 predictions/theories?
- we find out who pit girl is (and it isn’t mari??)
- the jv’s get last names
- lottie gets out of the psych ward. my moneys on either van breaking her out or some unexplainable wilderness thing
- along with that either van’s cancer is cured due to nat’s sacrifice, or she’s the season finale big death
- lisa and callie get more involved with the wilderness against lottie and shauna’s wishes (also jeff does bc ofc he does)
- someone brutally murders pedo cop. idgaf who (shauna) but someone should kill that man
- lottienat moments during the time in the wilderness and maybe more parallels w taivan?
- hoping we get more precrash scenes
- lottie has a jackieshauna type situation w hallucinating teen!nat while in the psych ward (bounds points if laura lee is also there)
- i don’t think we’re going to get much more jackie scenes but a dude can hope
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angelcakestarlet · 4 months
gold rush
van palmer x reader : the yellowjackets catch onto van's crush on their one of their teams cheerleaders
"van!", the whistle catches vans attention across the moist green field. "did you not see the ball coming straight for your god damn head?" coach martinez questions the dazed ginger. "focus come on!" coach blows the whistle to reset before she even gets the chance to get up. van might not be the tallest girl on the team, but she was the perfect pick for goalie. when the ball came towards that net she was a fiery cannon launching to protect the box. after their last game, 0-3, and an undefeated season, people started saying the game was rigged due to the yellowjackets goalie being psychic. while van was no psychic, she had a knack for predicting what her opponent would do next. according to her she "just goes with her gut". however, lately her 'gut' seems a little distracted.
each second van's eyes were not on the girls pursuing the net, they were on the girl's soccer team cheerleaders. particularly, you. van couldn't help simply 'observing' the way your skirt hiked up your soft thighs as you demonstrated your moves to the squad. or the way your ponytail sat high on your head and the sweat slipped down your neck... and that's how she ended up on the floor, soccer ball to the head with a sorry laura lee cowering over her. coach martinez yelling had caught your attention as you peered across the field to spot the redhead laying exasperated in her goalie box. you would be lying if you said you hadn't noticed her initially when you first began cheering for the team. her quick hands and strong calves from all the laps coach made them run around the field before practice. you were always the confident type, not shy when it came to boys, your team mates, and getting what you want. but van had a struck a different chord in you, one you were all too familiar with after watching bound with jennifer tilly and gina gershon in theaters that october. while your van halen and backstreet boys posters covered the fore front of your pink room, corky posters were plastered all over your closet. but corky was a character in a movie, you'd never gotten that feeling at the pit of your stomach from a girl in real life, right? well there was that time in eight grade when you and your friend practiced kissing for the winter formal. but that was one time; until now. that feeling in your stomach kicked in every time you got a look at the goalie and it ticked you off. the one time you wanted to put your cherry lip gloss adorned smile to work your nerves got the best of you. it was nearly winter break now and you had only spoken to van in passing during practice and games. your cheeks stung red recalling the night they won states, "maybe you're our lucky charm out there" she had rushed towards you still pumping adrenaline from the win, you cracked a smile in response before she corrected herself, "you and the rest of the girls of course".
now, you lightly jogged (not wanting to look too concerned) towards her and laura lee. "hey, are you ok? i could hear the ball thump against your head from all the way over there." she leaned up, making eye contact with you and chuckling, "are you calling me a hard head?" her teammates looked back at you two as they reset to their positions. "it was me, i really didn't mean to vanessa honestly!" laura lee apologized frantically. "it's alright laura lee, just go back before coach kicks both our asses". you offer van a hand to help her up, "thanks" she huffs out. at the first attempt of standing she wobbles and makes her way back to the ground, "shit i'm dizzy". "alright look l/n, take her to the nurse please. jackie pose as goalie for now." coach directs his attention to two of you as he notices van's state. you widen your eyes at his request as that feeling kicks in again causing your stomach to churn. you hesitantly agree and help van up once more with her arm propped up on your shoulder. "fuck i hate the nurse, misty quigley is always in there with her." you giggle, "i'm guessing misty is the last thing you want to see right now." "when does anyone want to see misty quigley?" you nod in agreement, every encounter with misty is never something you look forward to. "i can take you to the locker room, i have some pain medicine and water in there if you just want to lay down for a second. without the presence of misty quigley of course." "why thank you, that sounds lovely" she says drowsily accompanied by that silly accent she puts on.
you practically drag van to the locker room and sit her down on the bench by your locker. "i think staring at your locker will only make my headache worse" van snickers referring to your locker decorated in bright pink paint and a big hair bow front and center. "hey, don't make fun of my locker. remember who just saved your life!" you pout at her. "sorry, sorry how could i forget. after all you are the teams lucky charm." she proclaims dramatically. "well is my squad the lucky charm or is it just me, cause if i remember correctly..." van lays down against the bench chuckling, "well you're the only one i pay any attention to at least". you pause while rummaging through your locker for some ibuprofen, turning to face the girl. she looks back at you, "what? hey, are you blushing or did you just get a little heavy handed with the powder today?" you bring your hands to your cheeks and feel the warmth against your skin. "i think you have a concussion van." you dismiss her flirty comments and hand her two ibuprofen and an unopened water bottle. "what makes you say that?" her fingers brushing against yours as she takes the pills, you roll your eyes at her sudden boldness. "you rarely speak to me and now you're saying that you pay attention to me?" the silence in the locker room stiff as you hear her swallow. "what can i say, i find it hard to talk to pretty girls." you stifle a giggle "woah you're totally blushing now, you can't deny it man". you turn to face her a smile plastered on your seemingly flushed face. "this is how you thank me for nursing you back to health?" you raise your eyebrows, "well what do you have in mind miss cheer captain?" she sits up leaning on her arms settled behind her. "stop getting hit in the head so that we make it to nationals." "it's kind of hard not to when you're out there in this little skirt," she takes the end of your pleated skirt between her fingers "what else am i supposed to look at?". if your stomach was churning before, it's like a battalion of butterflies at war in there now. "are you hitting on me, palmer?" you look up at her through your lashes. "would that be so terrible?" her face suddenly (nearly) serious. before you can answer, the door to the locker room swings open, all the girls piling in, sweaty and with dirt covered knees. "so what's the diagnosis, y/n, is she doomed?" nat's voice comes creeping around the corner. you get up quickly, shutting your locker and flattening your skirt. "definitely." van's eyes follow you as you leave. when the door shuts behind you, nat and lottie erupt in laughter. "does she know she is the reason for your little concussion?" they come up behind van, teasing her. "i'm injured, leave me alone!" the goalie rests her head against your pink locker and groans as her team mates share a round of "ooo''s amongst themselves.
thank u for reading :> i think van is super underrated and needs more fics, i love her!!! hope u enjoyed!
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ang3l4lina · 5 months
honestly my whole prediction for season 3 of yellowjackets and the rest of the show is just that everyone is gonna die. I might just be talking out my arse but like hear me out. Callie, Jeff, Simone, and Walter are all probably apart of ‘it’ now. (it being whatever is the wilderness yk)
Some have started committing acts that are unlike them such as Jeff blackmailing all the girls and Walter literally murdering someone. (ik Walter’s is kinda predictable but he was a citizen detective so idk)
Callie literally holding Lottie and the others at gunpoint because they tried to go after Shauna, but then again who could blame her id do the same lol.
Simone literally seeing poor Biscuit beheaded, she saw what Taissa is capable of doing.
Honestly this sounded better in my head when i tried going to bed last night, but my main prediction is that Shauna is going to loose Jeff and Callie as she lost Jackie and Wilderness Baby. Misty is going to loose Walter as she lost Kristen, or maybe she already did with Natalie. Because she did technically kill Natalie by accident, and she also killed Kristen by accident.
I didn’t really think much about the other girls but yeah, just pure waffle lmao but thanks for reading my rant xx
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buffyrouge · 18 days
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r-osehips · 1 year
Yellowjackets season 2 predictions
(as of 3/18/23, just under a week before s2 begins)
it's ritual cannibalism not survival cannibalism (I feel like we're all on the same page with this one)
Lottie's cult incorporates saints/martyrs, the first two of whom are Laura Lee and Jackie
hunting is part of the ritual, perhaps inspired by the shrooms-fueled hunting of Travis last season
Jackie's necklace is used to mark whoever is chosen as the next sacrifice to hunt
Shauna joins the cult in large part because worshipping Jackie is the only thing that feels big enough to remotely match the level of guilt she feels for her death (also remember "I liked the saints. they were all so tragic.")
Nat and Travis are the only two who never, ever join the cult. hence the s1 convo where the others recall how they never would have made it without Nat; hence Travis and Nat's codependent closeness.
the coach has gotta die pretty early on in this season right?
Taissa is the one who eventually gets them rescued, probably by trying another hike out that is more successful than the wolf-attacked one in s1. this theory based entirely on the overheard line in her campaign ad where she says she wants to "lead New Jersey out of the woods." this might happen in a later season tho.
idk what's gonna happen with Shauna's baby but if it does get eaten she isn't one of the ones who eats it, because Jeff was v accepting of whatever he read in her diaries and I think that would be beyond the pale even for our favorite himbo wife guy.
adult Nat has a torrid affair with adult Lottie. this is not actually a theory but I'm putting it here anyway. #manifesting
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pulsingvoid · 1 day
yellowjackets season 3 prediction
misty to shauna: im you but crazier [kills herself to be with natalie in the afterlife]
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
S3 hopes or predictions?? mostly for the teens
thanks for asking and thanks for waiting while I re-watched to answer! i'll keep the list short and sweet without (much) explanation because I'd love to expand on some of these later while we fill the time between seasons.
1. A Tai-for-president with Shauna-for-VP antler queen campaign. I think we'll see dissension over Nat's leadership in light of the cabin burning, but also Shauna clearly wants it and Tai has already been "nominated" by Van. Just like in girlhood the power dynamics stay shaky. Queen for a Day etc etc
2. Shauna is going to sleep with Travis. Travis knows Jackie in an intimate way Shauna never can. Shauna knows Javi in an intimate way Travis never can. The flesh is gone they can't consume any more of the person they love and the person they killed. I think they're going to get carnal about it.
3. Someone will refuse the draw (also, how do they still have the cards after the cabin burns? My guess is that's what Van stayed back to save after getting Tai out... or maybe they don't burn oOoOo)
4. Callie will (accidentally?) kill Jeff re: Shauna's "if you cum inside me I will raise the baby out of spite to become a killing machine and hunt you down." It wasn't on purpose but I think she might have succeeded anyway. Callie on her Mommy issues shit but also on some Shauna killing Jackie shit, another way to bind them inextricably.
1. I would be over the moon to see Akilah wear the pink converse from the Pilot. I don't believe anyone has yet?! I feel like it's a detail they're saving, and I hope it's being saved for Akilah so we can see her wear them and know she makes it to pitgirl/rescue
2. Personally I'd love to see a few new background characters introduced! I think Yellowjackets has historically done a great job developing background characters into focal characters (Mari this season, maybe Gen next?) and I don't mind to play the "yeah they've totally been here all along" game because, well, they have! 18 girls at the burial etc etc.
3. Saracusa death please 🙏🏼
4. In a completely different tune to my predictions for season two, I hope Ben lives.
Okay turns out I did not keep this short or sweet. Take them all with a grain of salt, but here's hoping! (Hoping I'm right? Hoping I'm wrong? Not sure!)
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ivebeentotheforest · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2x09 Predictions
*2x08 Spoiler Warning!!!*
TLDR: I think Shaunas going to die
Okay, so we know that one of the adult Yellowjackets will die in the season finale. Lottie believes that by letting "it" take one of them "it" will help them with their problems like in the wilderness.
Lets think about how each of their circumstances would be improved.
Tai: "It" could give her more control over or stop her sleepwalking. "It" could also help her wife live. If Tai lives it would be really interesting to see how "it" helps her political career.
Van: She could miraculously recover from her terminal cancer. She was also having some financial issues that could be helped.
Misty: Misty is a lonely person who has always struggled to fit in. This season she met Walter, a man who seems perfect for her. "It" could help her relationship with him. *don't really know how else "it" could help her.
Shauna: oof. Shauna murdered Adam and is under investigation for murder. Additionally her husband, Jeff and daughter, Callie could go down as accomplices. Misty, Natalie, and Tai could also be indicted if it gets out. "It" could help them all get away with it.
Lottie: She is having visions again and wants them to stop.
Nat: She has been wanting to know what happened to Travis. Unclear how much more she wants to know, but will likely find out more in the finale no matter who dies.
Van is the obvious choice. She's already dying and I think will offer to be the one who drinks the poison. Lottie won't let that happen as she believes "It" has to choose. Tai has too much left unexplored. I think we'll see more her political career in S3. Misty doesn't have a ton to gain from "It" considering she and Walter are already doing fine, but that relationship has been set up and is unlikely to be abandoned. Nat almost died in 2x08 until "It" chose Javi. I don't see it being her unless they do more to set that up in 2x09. Lottie is the one who is really connected with "It". I don't think "It" would take her, the one who speaks for it.
Shauna could still benefit from "It" taking her life. She wants her family to be safe. She doesn't want her mistakes to ruin their lives. If she dies all of the blame for Adams murder could be put on her. Jeff, Callie, Tai, Misty, and Nat would all be okay. Also, even though she has been basically the main character it would make sense for the focus to shift. She is no longer pregnant so will not be as focused on or prioritized by the group in the wilderness. With more focus going to other girls it makes sense that their adult counterparts would also be given more attention. What it shows from the past correlates with what is shown from the present. I think Shaunas bit has run its course. We know the show has a 5-season plan, is Shauna's adult life interesting enough to play such a big part of 3 more seasons? Also, the adult yellowjackets now know that it was Jeff who blackmailed them. I'm sure they would be willing to forgive that/not make them pay it back if Shauna is the "sacrifice".
Most likely to least likely:
Natalie- they haven't set up anything else for her adult self so that makes me worried
Misty- if its misty then I think Walter will be poking into the yellowjackets business in S3
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I caught up on Yellowjackets and I don’t have many true theories but I do have a couple:
1. I think someone is still in the wilderness.
2. I think at least 2 more people were rescued but they’re possibly both dead or possibly have changed their names and got as far from the others as possible
3. I am team “the opening pit scene is present day”
General thoughts and feelings
1. I definitely think there’s merit to the present day storyline being a hallucination and they’re still trapped, theory, but I also think that trope has become more predictable and not as good of a twist as people think
2. I know a supernatural element is very likely but I would really love for it not to be anything supernatural and just a general trauma psychosis. Or for the supernatural element to be left up to interpretation even after all is revealed
3. I think Callie is going to have a major role to play in the coming season.
4. With the cabin gone, I am very curious how the girls survive because they overall are not great survivalists. The cabin really saved them at the beginning there and I don’t know how they survived another year
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warningsine · 6 days
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monsterhospital · 1 year
all my favorite songs keep showing up in yellowjackets so ive started an official list of song predictions. save this now so you can make me your girlprophet when season 3 drops and all of these are used in the show.
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