#yes Alec is kinda stalking Magnus a lot
lurafita · 3 months
If I ever were to write a Malec AU inspired by the Leverage series
If you are not familiar with the Leverage series, here a very short synopsis: former high profile criminals form a team of vigilantes and use their unique skills to help the people that have been screwed over by the system.
Alec, in my head, is a cross between his canon personality, and his TWI personality. Meaning he may come across as ooc in specific instances. He would also be crushing on Magnus from the get go (as in, he has been crushing on him for a while before they see him in the room with Valentine) Okay, so basically the scene I have in mind is the crew watching the life stream of Valentine’s consultation with his court appointed lawyer. The scene starts with whoever is watching the stream, let’s say Izzy, seeing Magnus enter the room and calling over the others.
Izzy: “Oh no. Guys! We have a problem!”
Jace: “What’s wrong?”
Alec: “... That’s Magnus!”
possible other crew member: “Who’s Magnus and why is he a problem?”
Izzy: “Magnus Bane is one of the best lawyers in this country.”
Jace: “And also the guy that Alec here has been crushing on for like a decade.”
Alec: “It hasn’t been a decade, shut up!”
Izzy: “And as today is the day that Valentine was scheduled to meet with his attorney, it seems that Magnus Bane is the legal representative in question.”
possible other crew member: “So this Bane guy is in league with the scumbag?”
Alec: “No. Magnus would never do this to me and the kids.”
Jace: “He doesn’t even know you exist. And what kids?”
Alec: “The ones we will be adopting once I get up the nerve to ask him out!”
Izzy: “I’m sorry big brother, but if it turns out that Magnus is in Morgenstern’s pocket, I cannot give you my blessing to pursue a relationship with him.”
Alec: “Hey, we don’t have all the information yet. Let’s just see what happens.”
focus on the video
Magnus: “Mr. Morgenstern. My name is Magnus Bane, and Judge Dieudonnè has appointed me personally with your case. But I’m pretty sure that you know that already.”
- Alec: “See? I knew Magnus couldn’t be in league with someone like Valentine. Stupid judge.” -
Valentine: “And why would you think that?”
Magnus: “Mostly because I no longer practice criminal law, so I shouldn’t have been in the rotation for court appointed legal defense to begin with.”
Valentine: “Hm. How curious. Well, I’m sure the judge just wanted to make certain that the best defense is available to a law abiding citizen. And if the rumors are to be believed, you are the best.”
- possible other crew member: “So wait. If this Bane guy wasn’t supposed to be a possible pick for Morgenstern’s defense, does that mean that the judge is in cahoots with Morgenstern?”
Jace: “Who even says cahoots anymore? That is a good question, though.” -
Magnus: “It seems we have a different understanding of the term ‘law abiding’. The list of charges against you and your organization is as long as it is disturbing. And frankly, I believe that you are guilty of each and every atrocity you are charged with.”
Valentine: “I thought you lawyer types believed in ‘innocent until proven guilty’. Almost all the evidence against me is circumstantial.”
- Izzy: “Yes, which is why we cannot afford for Valentine to have as good a lawyer as Magnus fucking Bane!”
Alec: “Maybe we can discredit the judge? Get Magnus released from his appointment?” -
Magnus: “Call it a gut feeling. Anyway, while I couldn’t outright deny Judge Dieudonnè’s request, I am allowed to decline the assignment after an official meet with the client. I have now officially met you, and I’m afraid to say that I don’t feel comfortable with defending you. Have a good day, Mr. Morgenstern.”
- Jace: “Alright, bullet dodged. Congrats Alec. Looks like your man is one of the good ones.”
Alec: “Do you think I should ask him out in that little cafe he likes to go to on wednesdays? I could buy him his favorite drink to start us off with, but I don’t want to come across as stalkery.”
possible other crew member: “Yeah, you knowing that he has a favorite cafe he visits every wednesday isn’t stalkery at all.” -
Valentine: “Should you really treat me like that, if you truly believe that all those heinous allegations against me are true? Shouldn’t you be worried about possible repercussions, in that case?”
- Alec: “Did he just threaten my future husband? Okay, that’s it! I’m getting into this prison and then I will break every bone in his body!” -
Magnus: “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Mr. Morgenstern. I grew up as the only son of one of the richest, most influential, and morally bankrupt men in this state. I have been threatened with ‘possible repercussions’ my entire life, and I have endured and survived quite a few of them as well. You are a pathetic, hideous excuse for a human being, and for all the lives you have ruined, I sincerely hope that you will rot and slowly die in the most awful prison they can find for scum like you. As long as that is a viable outcome of your incarceration, I don’t care what you do to me.”
- possible other crew member: “Damn. Okay, that was hot. Not gonna lie.”
Alec: “It will be a spring wedding. He loves halloween. If I propose to him then, we will have enough time to plan everything so that the spring flowers will be in full bloom by the time of the actual event.” -
Valentine: “You know what? I actually believe you.”
Magnus: “Goodbye then.”
Valentine: “Can you say the same about Ragnor Fell? Or Raphael Santiago? How about Catarina Loss? Or her cute little daughter. What was her name again? Right. Madzie.”
- Jace: “Did he just…?”
Izzy: “Threaten Magnus’ loved ones? Yeah, he did.”
Alec: “I’m going to fucking kill him!” -
Magnus: “How did you-”
Valentine: “I bet you are already running through your options on how to keep your little found family safe. Bring additional blackmail charges against me? - Now that would only make me more angry, wouldn’t it? Get your friend into police protection? - If only you could be sure that I don’t have people under my thumb in the police. Fly them out of the country? - But do you really know how far my organization and allies reach? And would the threat against them be over with as soon as I face my sentence? What’s it gonna be, Magnus. Your friends, or my freedom?”
- Izzy: “Fuck.”
Jace: “Okay, we need to get on top of this like yesterday.”
Alec: “Contact the other teams. We need round the clock protection for Magnus and his family. We have to find and take down Valentine’s allies and underlings, in and out of law enforcement. And we need to do it before Valentine’s trial starts and Magnus is forced to represent him.”
possible other crew member: “Guess that first date you have been planning is gonna be sooner than you thought.” -
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alma-berry · 5 years
Let’s talk about The First Heir
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I got a lot of asks about the matter, so while I don’t have a concrete theory, sometimes summarizing what we do know helps.
One of you asked for a list of people who knows about Kit’s heritage, and I actually think that’s a pretty good place to start with!
Knows for sure:
Jem & Tessa, duh
Barnabas Hale
Probably knows:
Alec - not because of Magnus, actually... he was there when Jem and Tessa heard it from the faerie in The Land I Lost
So was Lily Chen
Jace - we know they will have a familial relationship, and it’s pretty weird to keep him out if Alec already knows.
If Jace knows, and Alec knows, Clary will know.
Hypatia Vex “That’s a lie,” he said. “My father is Johnny Rook.” “And your mother?” said the deep voice of Shade, behind them. A crowd had gathered behind him, too; they couldn’t run that way. “I don’t know,” said Kit, between his teeth. To his surprise, Hypatia raised her eyebrows, as if she knew something he didn’t. (Lord of Shadows)
Mother Hawthorn - We can debate on whether or not she actually followed the line up until Kit, but she knows the gist
The prime suspect to spill the beans is Barnabas, right? He hates Kit in particular. Warlocks have patience, so I’m inclined to believe he will wait up until the best moment, where the truth will be most harmful.
Hypatia is a mystery… we know she doesn’t like shadowhunters (a subject on which COG will probably elaborate) but she’s an ambitious woman who basically wants what’s best for her people. She’ll align herself with Shadowhunters if it’s necessary, but will she also betray them if it is?
Mother Hawthorn is no friend to Shadowhunters and we remember too well how cruel she can be. She cared about Auraline, but not about her decadents. In the very end, where will she align herself?
Lily made me worried for a while because of the Janus favor thing, here’s a theory about it. But I read somewhere that Cassie said Lily probably blocked it out of her memory from lack giving a shit.
I honestly believe none of the rest will tell - not to their families and not to their friends. Emma and Julian probably know everything - they did see Kit using his magic, and we know that they went to visit the Carstairs in Devon. But for the sake of this issue, I don’t think Ty, Dru, or any of the Blackthorns will learn about Kit’s ancestry from Jules or Emma. It would be problematic if Emma would have told Christina, because of her relationship with Kieran, and even though we know both Emma and Christina could keep a secret, I don’t think Emma would risk it - it’s not her secret to tell.
Will Ty figure it out before all hell brakes lose?
One of the more burning questions are - did Ty see Kit making the horses disappear? He was on a tree, yes.. but he hit one of the riders with his slingshot - which means he was looking.
In GOTSM, Ty is still hurt. He won’t talk about Kit, and he won’t talk to Kit. When Livvy asked him to write him, he didn't say "I don't want to".. he said, "He won't answer". Which means he's still sure Kit is mad at him, and him staying away is respecting Kit's decision. But Ty is the sort of person that can channel his emotions into actions, into goals, like with Livvy’s death. I find it hard to believe he would refrain from such a mystery for long. At some point, he will probably channel his pain into a relentless chase after the truth. He needs rules, he needs a plan, and he needs a purpose.
Ty is definitely a proud person… that, and the fact that discussing his detachment from Kit would result in questions he doesn’t want to answer - probably means he won’t go asking Emma and Julian about Kit. So who will he ask?
The obvious answer is Ragnor, of course. He sees him all the time at school, he already knows about Livvy, and he’s an extremely old and powerful warlock. But, he won’t ever tell. He’s far too loyal to his friends, and he stands to gain from claiming he’s the one that tricked the riders ;)
The second obvious option is Barnabas. Ty was the one who noticed Hale’s weird remark (“We tolerated you because the Shadowhunters hadn’t found you yet. But now they have and it’s a hop, skip, and a jump until you find out who you really are—” “What’s that supposed to mean?” said Ty.) But will it do him any good to ask? As we know, he hates Blackthorns… and if he knew Ty was searching for that information, he could use it against him.
I did a little reading about faerie magic and warlock magic.. and I actually disagree with one of the anon’s assumptions. I don’t think Kit’s magic “screams” faerie... But when it comes to him seeing through glamour - that’s a clue alright. The Codex specifically says that fairies are considered the masters of glamour magic. It’s not an easy connection to make, but Ty is, as we know - more than capable of getting there.
Ty didn’t know that Kit’s mother was the lost Herondale. Now he has her necklace, which means he knows both of Kit’s parents had shadowhunter blood… but apparently not only. That’s a lead - one parent is a Herondale, one’s origin is unknown. One of them, at least, had more than Shadowhunter blood.
Honestly? I don’t know if Ty will come up with something significant before TWP… because we won’t be there to read about it ;) but I’m almost certain he will try.
Who, how and why?
The two we know for a fact that are looking at Kit’s existence are The Seelie Queen and Janus.
The main problem, when it comes to the queen, is the fact that Kit is a Shadowhunter. If it was any other way, I don’t think she would have seen him as such a potential threat… not that she knows who and what he is at the moment. Julian thought she’s not into harming Shadowhunters just for the sake of it, but the end of TDA suggests differently - she wanted the parabatai bonds to be severed so she can weaken the Nephilim. Kit, being the descendant of the first heir and a Shadowhunter is like a spit in the face of everything she and The Unseelie King tried to accomplish with their union - all of that power could be harnessed by the wrong hands.
When it comes to Janus - I am more than sure that the fact that Kit looks like Jace will not be in his favor. I said it a while back - Janus will probably look at Kit and see the past he had, and the future that was stolen from him. The similarity between them will probably be even more pronounced in TWP - and it would be like looking at a broken, twisted mirror. By the time TWP comes, Janus will be even more ruthless - because now he has someone to love. Not just the memory of loving Clary, or even the distance stalking and occasional smooching in some alley. Its Ash - he’s everything to him. He put all of the shattered pieces of his heart in Ash’s hands, and that would clean away every remnant of guilt or empathy that was left in him.
I’m kinda scared just from thinking about it.
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humansunshineao3 · 6 years
Fighting the Good Fight [Ch. 3]
Alec Lightwood just wants to run his Institute in peace.
This is the story that could’ve unfolded if Jace didn’t exist.
Rating: General Audiences (may change later)
Pairings: Magnus/Alec, Clary/Izzy
Tags: Jace doesn’t exist, transgender alec lightwood, retelling of the TV show.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I might update the summary because it’s TRASH lmao
#recastjace #firedom
Oh also, Alec is transgender in this fic, but he’s already out, so if you’re looking for angsty coming out fic, you’re looking in the wrong place!
Previous Chapter
Episode 3: Dead Man’s Party
They had to leave the bloody van there, all three of them miserable and silent on the long walk back to the institute. Alec spent the time trying to piece together what exactly Valentine could have to gain by placing his incompetent daughter in Shadowhunter ranks and bringing in a clueless mundane, and tentatively concluded that Valentine was smarter than that.
Clary wasn’t a threat to them. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, and she was quite obviously close to breaking point just from losing her mundane best friend.
“There’s one thing I don’t understand,” Clary seethed as they walked into the institute, arms folded tightly.
Izzy swallowed hard, glancing at Alec before answering. “What’s that?”
“How you can be better than what you call mundanes.”
“We can take runes to enhance our…”
“Well your runes sure came in handy when protecting Simon!” Clary shrieked, whirling around to glare at him. “Isn’t that your job, Alec? Protecting mundanes?!”
Alec put his hands on his hips. “I screwed up,” he confessed. “I took my eyes off him for a second, to see if you and Izzy were alright, and he was gone.”
“It wasn’t Alec’s fault,” Izzy said quietly, “the vampires would have just hurt Alec to get to him. Camille is a real snake. When she decides she wants something, she’ll kill anyone who stands in her way.”
“Who the hell is Camille?!” Clary demanded, and Alec raised an eyebrow at his sister, the same question in his expression.
Izzy bit her lip. “She’s in charge of the vampires of New York. I’ve… Met her a few times. Meliorn is close with her.”
“Close,” Alec echoed, puffing out his cheeks. “Are you crazy? You realise that one little bite from her and you could be…”
“I don’t care about Camille!” Clary snapped, striding across to the map of New York. “We need to get Simon back. Where do the vampires live?”
Alec snorted, shaking his head. “Listen, we can’t just go marching into the Hotel Du Mort like a bunch of hot-heads, we could break the Accords.”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about the accords!”
“Clary, the Accords are the only thing preventing a war with the downworlders,” Izzy told her, reaching out to touch her shoulder soothingly.
“Look, I told Simon not to go to the van, he should have had at least a modicum of common sense…” Alec pointed out.
Izzy glared at him. “Alec, not now.”
“I am going to the Hotel Du… Whatever. You can stay here with your common sense. I’m going to save my friend.”
Alec grasped Clary’s arm as she tried to walk past him. “Do you have a death wish? You’re going to walk into a nest of vampires with no weapons and no plan? Really?”
“Do you have a better idea?” She asked coldly. Alec pursed his lips, and looked from Izzy, to Clary, and back again.
“Actually, yes. We can’t allow Camille to keep Simon, he already knows too much about the downworld and I cannot afford to have a mundane death on my record. So yes, we are going to get your little mundie pal back.” Alec tilted his head to the side, willing away the tension in his neck, “but we’re doing it my way. Quietly, with no collateral damage.”
Clary deflated a little. “Simon charmed you a little bit, didn’t he?”
Alec snorted, but didn’t bother to deny it. Simon was… Kind. Stupid, but kind. Besides, he really couldn’t afford a mundane fatality on an already unsanctioned mission.
“He is soft inside, secretly,” Izzy smiled, a little more relaxed now that Clary and Alec were on the same page. “So, big brother, what do you have in mind?”
“How pussy-whipped is Meliorn, on a scale of one to ten?” Alec asked innocently, though his eyes glinted with mischief. Izzy grinned wickedly back at him.
Clary decided to stay with Alec while Izzy went to see Meliorn. She hadn’t had time to figure out what exactly bothered her about the thought of the raven-haired shadowhunter pressing up against some fairy guy (Alec had used the word Seelie but Clary preferred to think of him as a boyish Tinkerbell). She just knew that she’d definitely prefer spending time with Alec, which was a feat in itself. The elder shadowhunter hadn’t exactly been pleasant to her thus far, but he was cute and Clary could smell the touch-starved on him a mile away.
He’d been buzzing anxiously around the institute, trying, in his own words, not to act suspiciously and failing spectacularly. He was checking weapons, glancing at the clock every few seconds, and Clary tentatively put a hand on his back. The stiff armour of his binder made his shirt shift strangely under her hand.
“Alec, is it smart to wear that into battle?” Clary asked quietly, once she’d checked that no-one could overhear them.
The swords were all blunt, and Alec made a mental note to give the first year interns a bollocking when he got back. It was their job to make sure all the weapons were prepped. He almost didn’t hear Clary speaking to him, only snapping out of his inner monologue about Clave policy surrounding weapon upkeep when she stepped a little closer, invading his personal space.
“What?” He demanded, putting his hand on her shoulder and gently pushing her back a step.
Clary gave him a disapproving look. “You shouldn’t be wearing your binder to exercise; even I know that much.”
“Are you, a random cis girl, really telling me, a trans dude who’s been wearing binders since he was seventeen, what is and isn’t safe use of a binder?” He hissed, folding his arms across his chest.
Of course, she was right, but that wasn’t the point.
“I’m just looking out for you, Alec.” Clary sighed, putting her hands on her hips. “I’m not like you, I can’t pretend not to give a shit about other people.”
Alec grumbled a little, something about not pretending, or not wanting attention, or something. He wasn’t sure what he was trying to get at, honestly, he was just surprised by the tenacity of the two mundanes who’d come barrelling into his life. It was rare that someone called him out on his bullshit; only Izzy usually cared enough to see through it in the first place. So rather than apologise and risk further exposure at the hands of the redheaded mundane-shadowhunter, he spluttered and scoffed until she smiled at him.
“Promise you’ll change into something more comfortable before we go and meet up with Izzy? We’re going to need you in the Hotel. Can’t have you passing out halfway through staking a vampire, can we?” She coaxed.
“I was going to, anyway,” he muttered, though they both knew it was a lie.
He stalked off to his room to change, shoulders somewhere near his ears. He wasn’t like his sister; he didn’t enjoy attention. Izzy wore beautiful clothes, walked down the institute like she wanted everyone to look at her. He couldn’t have been more different from his parabatai, preferring to stay in the shadows, engage on the periphery. It was a lot easier to make out who was trustworthy from a distance.
A traitorous part of him was beginning to think that Clary was trustworthy. She was an idiot, hot-headed, stubborn, and clueless, but…
She worried about him, even though he’d been a grade A asshole to her ever since she’d arrived.
It was kinda nice.
“You going out on a mission?” Alec stopped short when he heard Hodge’s voice behind him, and turned around, tangling his hands together behind his back.
“Uhhh… Yes. Nothing too bad, just a…”
“You’re terrible at lying to me, Alec,” Hodge snorted, holding up a hand. “Don’t bother. I don’t wanna know.”
Alec huffed out a laugh, and bit the inside of his cheek. “Thanks, Hodge.” He took a step back, but the older man reached out to grab his arm.
“Wait. Just… Be careful, alright? Going against the Clave can be dangerous. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Who said I’m going against the Clave?” Alec felt his face flush, the hair on the back of his arms standing on end.
Hodge sighed, and gave him a searching look. “When I joined… You know. I wanted to do the right thing; I wanted to help people because the Clave was letting downworlders get away with terrible things. I had good intentions. I see those same intentions in you. The Clave is not the place for people with heart, Alec.”
“Everyone knows I don’t have a heart,” Alec snorted, squirming out of Hodge’s reach.
“Bullshit,” Hodge said quietly. “Just… Be careful, okay? Don’t trust Clary. Don’t trust anyone but your parabatai.”
Alec lifted his chin, looking anywhere but at Hodge’s penetrating gaze. “I don’t,” he announced, before turning on his heel and hurriedly retreating to his room.
“Did you get the info?” Alec asked, fingers toying with the bottom of his quiver as he fell into step besides Izzy. She purred, and fixed her lipstick in her phone screen. “Alright, alright, I get it, Meliorn is good in bed, I should get a Seelie fuck-buddy, everyone is very jealous of you, what did you find out?”
“I hope you’ve got something, because this place looks pretty formidable…” Clary looked uncharacteristically pensive as she looked up at the concrete block that was the Hotel Du Mort.
“Downworlders are slaves to their impulses, I bet he sung like a canary.” Alec snorted.
Izzy elbowed him in the ribs. “You can’t just assume all downworlders are the same, big brother. You’ve met precisely three.”
“And those three were all slaves to their impulses. Come on, Meliorn would do literally anything for a glimpse of your nipple.”
“Okay, I get it. Alec’s bitter because no downworlder ever paid attention to him,” Clary rolled her eyes. “How do we get in?”
Alec’s mouth fell open in an ‘o’ shape, and Izzy snickered, putting her arms around Clary’s shoulders and squeezing her tightly. “Is it too soon to say I love you, Clary Fray?”
“I’ll feel better about flirting when I get Simon back,” Clary said pointedly, though she leaned in a little to Izzy’s embrace. “So what have you got?”
“Right, so… Meliorn’s going to meet us there. He just had to make an excuse to leave the Seelie Realm and then he’ll be at the Hotel.”
“Meliorn is going to help us?” Alec asked skeptically.
Izzy’s smile was as bright as an August day. “I did a favour for him, he’s doing a favour for me.”
Clary and Alec looked at each other.
“He’s going to distract the guards while we sneak in the back entrance. It’ll be easy to sneak through the corridors with a couple of runes.” Izzy shrugged. “He said that Camille has a bunch of fledgling grunts in there; all the magic and rune resistant vampires have their own covens.”
Alec hummed, patting her on the shoulder. “Good job, Iz. That’s perfect.”
“So you need to draw more of those tattoos on me?” Clary asked, toying with the stele that Izzy had given her the day before.
“Runes, sweetie,” Izzy smiled, “they’re called runes.”
“And if you ask me they’re completely overrated,” Meliorn sighed, stepping out of the shadows in front of them. Izzy flashed him a grin, and Clary licked her lips. So he wasn’t a boyish tinkerbell.
“Just to be transparent, here,” Alec said, stepping in front of Izzy before she could throw herself at the Seelie. “What exactly did Izzy promise you in return for this favour?”
Meliorn inclined his head to the side innocently. “Are you sure you want to know, darling?”
“I meant aside from whatever quirky se act you wanted,” Alec sighed, giving his sister a long-suffering look. Meliorn laughed.
“If you’re asking whether she promised the mortal cup to us, she did not. Seelies have no use for the Mortal Cup; there are no demons in our realm. And as far as we’re concerned, the world has enough shadowhunters.”
Alec raised an eyebrow.
“He’s happy to help, Alec. No-one wants the vampires gaining power less than the Seelie Queen does.” Izzy pointed out, eyeing the way Clary was looking at her watch. “Come on, we have a mundane to rescue.”
Meliorn wandered over to the front entrance of the Du Mort in the nonchalant way that he did everything except love-making, while the three shadowhunters stood in the shadows applying a plethora of runes to Clary’s arms and stomach. Alec was impressed at how little the redhead flinched, and soon enough they were ready, leaping up the building with their freshly applied runes.
When they reached the top, the sun broke over the horizon, and Alec smiled. Perfectly timed. It didn’t take much to break open the doors and sneak down into the hotel, the eldest shadowhunter shooting two approaching vampires in the leg with silver-tipped arrows and incapacitating them effortlessly. Izzy patted him on the shoulder, and took the lead.
“Let’s hope that Meliorn’s distracting enough to keep Camille busy,” Clary muttered, brandishing an angel blade ineptly. Alec quickly corrected her grip, gave her an encouraging smile, and followed Izzy.
“Simon will probably be in the middle of the hotel, in the most secure room. Camille’s chambers. I’ve been there once, I think it’s on the fourth floor.” Izzy breathed, her back pressed against a corner.
Alec could feel a stress headache coming on just at the thought of that, and elected to ignore the thought of Izzy and Meliorn giving Camille a late night visit. “Alright, lead the way, Iz.”
As they rounded the corner, Alec caught sight of Simon, priming an arrow in a second as he realised that the vampire who’d taken him had him by the throat. A beautiful old dagger was pressed to the thin skin of Simon’s throat, and Alec pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes.
“Alec, don’t.” Clary growled, grabbing his arm. “You could hit Simon.”
At any other time, Alec would have insisted that actually, he knew what he was doing with a bow, but the vampire didn’t seem to want to wait, twitching nervously where he stood behind Simon.
“Stop right there or the mundane dies!” He commanded, and Clary took a step back, pulling Izzy and Alec with her. “Back up! Come on, move!”
The vampire herded them back towards the roof, hissing threateningly everytime Alec’s hand made a move towards his quiver, the dagger digging a little harder into the mundane’s throat. Eventually, they ended up back where they’d started, at the top of the hotel. “We’re not leaving without Simon!” Clary insisted.
“Go, now! Clary, don’t!” Simon begged, tears shining in his eyes.
“I am not leaving you!” Clary shot back, but then Simon was staggering towards them, and the vampire dived behind the corner.
“Take him! Get out!” The vampire hissed. “Don’t come back!”
Simon whirled around, meeting the vampire’s eyes even as he was dragged backwards by Alec. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
“You mean nothing,” the vampire spat, “this is about Valentine and the chaos he can bring. Isabelle Lightwood,” he looked away from Simon, to Izzy, who was herding Clary out the door, “remember who your friends are.”
Izzy couldn’t help the shiver that went down her spine, and hurried after her brother and the others.
“Oh my God, Simon, you’re free! We did it!” Clary squeaked, throwing her arms around his neck.
Alec sighed, and ran his hands through his hair, resisting the urge to fist pump. The mundane was retrieved, with no collateral damage. No vampires killed, no Mortal Cup lost, everyone was happy.
The Clave never had to know.
He wasn’t really paying attention to Clary fussing over Simon, their exclamations and platonic declarations of love background noise as he revelled in the victory they’d just claimed.
“At least now I know Clary isn’t in love with Simon,” Izzy whispered to him, sidling up to him. “She just friend-zoned the shit out of him.”
“Bummer,” Alec snorted, “he’s a good guy. For a mundie.”
“Awwww, do you have a crush?” Izzy cooed, poking him in the ribs. Alec hissed, and slapped her hand away.
“Stop that. No. He’s not my type.”
Izzy pouted at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Then who is your type, big brother?”
Alec turned his face up at the sun, closing his eyes. The warmth felt better than he’d expected after the cold darkness of the Hotel Du Mort.
“I’ll know him when I see him.”
Next Chapter
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lesbianalinex · 7 years
Why do u think Cassandra Clare's portrayal of LGBTQ+ isn't good?
Anonymous asked: Why is Casssanderia Clare characters bad representation for LGBT+ characters?
Well… this is gonna be long so, I’m warning you now! Also, this isn’t even half of the reasons why I don’t like her.
And book fans, before you come at me, read this, I will know if you haven’t.
Why Cassandra Clare’s Portrayal of LGBTQ+ Characters Is Problematic, with receipts. 
I’m gonna start simple with the way she handled Raphael being Aromantic and Asexual, technically, this isn’t even canon in the books. She posted it on Twitter. That was it. That was how much she cared. She had an entire story in The Bane Chronicles dedicated to him but still, all it got was a tweet. Which she literally confirmed was just a headcanon. [source] 
In advance, here is basically types of biphobia in general. That I won’t include here, just for the length of the post.
Alec is very biphobic. There are several slut shaming incidents towards Magnus, especially in City of Fallen Angels. A memorable moment that immediately comes to mind is when Alec finds out about Camille and Magnus’ past. I believe this is when Alec finds out about Magnus’ sexuality in Chapter 13.
“We know each other.” Magnus shrugged, very slightly, as if to say, What can you do? “Once upon a time she wasmy girlfriend.” 
[chapter break]
 “Your girlfriend?” Alec looked astonished. So did Maryse. Simon couldn’t say he was unastonished himself.“You dated a vampire? A girl vampire?” 
[another irrelivant paragraph goes here before Alec comes back to the topic]
“How many other people?” Alec asked. “Roughly.” 
Magnus shook his head. “I can’t count, and it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is how I feel about you.” 
“More than a hundred?” Alec asked. Magnus looked blank. “Two hundred?” 
“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation now,” Magnus said, to no one in particular. Simon was inclined toagree, and wished they weren’t having it in front of him. 
“Why so many?” Alec’s blue eyes were very bright in the dimness. Simon couldn’t tell if he was angry. He didn’tsound angry, just very intense, but Alec was a shut-down person, and perhaps this was as angry as he ever got.“Do you get bored with people fast?”
Now, perhaps Alec is just surprised, but this last paragraph bugs me particularly, because the “do you get bored with people fast” is kinda slut shaming, it emphasises the “bisexuals sleep around” stereotype, and it’s even more problematic that Alec insists on having this conversation in the middle of the Institute, in public.
Then later in the book (chapter 15), Alec brings it up again, in public.
“Good organization,” said Magnus. “I knew the man who founded it, back in the 1800s. Woolsey Scott. Respectable old werewolf family.” 
Alec made an ugly sound in the back of his throat. “Did you sleep with him, too?” 
Magnus’s cat eyes widened. “Alexander!” 
“Well, I don’t know anything about your past, do I?” Alec demanded. “You won’t tell me anything; you just say it doesn’t matter.” 
Magnus’s face was expressionless, but there was a dark tinge of anger to his voice. “Does this mean every time I mention anyone I’ve ever met, you’re going to ask me if I had an affair with them?” 
Alec’s expression was stubborn, but Simon couldn’t help having a flash of sympathy; the hurt behind his blue eyes was clear. “Maybe.” 
“I met Napoleon once,” said Magnus. “We didn’t have an affair, though. He was shockingly prudish for a Frenchman.” 
“You met Napoleon?” Jordan, who appeared to be missing most of the conversation, looked impressed. “So it’s true what they say about warlocks, then?” 
Alec gave him a very unpleasant look. “What’s true?” 
“Alexander,” said Magnus coldly, and Clary met Simon’s eyes across the table. Hers were wide, green, and full of an expression that said Uh-oh. “You can’t be rude to everyone who talks to me.” 
Alec made a wide, sweeping gesture. “And why not? Cramping your style, am I? I mean, maybe you were hoping to flirt with werewolf boy here. He’s pretty attractive, if you like the messy-haired, broad-shouldered, chiseled-good-looks type.” 
“Hey, now,” said Jordan mildly. 
Magnus put his head in his hands. 
“Or there are plenty of pretty girls here, since apparently your taste goes both ways. Is there anything you aren’t into?” 
“Mermaids,” said Magnus into his fingers. “They always smell like seaweed.” 
“It’s not funny,” Alec said savagely, and kicking back his chair, he got up from the table and stalked off into the crowd. 
Magnus still had his head in his hands, the black spikes of his hair sticking out between his fingers. “I just don’tsee,” he said to no one in particular, “why the past has to matter.”
This ^^^ entire thing just annoys the hell out of me and goes past problematic to abusive.
Alec doesn’t trust Magnus anymore. It was fine when he thought Mangus was gay, but the minute he realises Magnus is Bisexual, he instantly thinks he’s flirting with Jordan and trying to cheat on him and it’s utterly ridiculous.
Not only does this has some pretty abusive themes in relationship terms, but the biphobia is astounding.
Just to add to it, it states that Simon sympathises with Alec, which means that CC really does defend this, she thinks that this is okay. Which it’s not.
Alec then storms off like a child leaving a very clearly hurt Magnus behind. Later they have a conversation where Magnus is trying to justify himself, but surprise surprise they’re interrupted and there is no apology.
Then, moving onto City of Lost Souls, we have this:
Clary glanced past him and asked, “Where’s Magnus?” 
“He said it would be better if he didn’t come. Apparently he and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history.” 
Isabelle raised her eyebrows. 
“Not that kind of history,” said Alec irritably. “Some kind of feud. Though,” he added, half under his breath, “the way he got around before me, I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
This was nearly an entire book later, and Alec still hasn’t realised or been properly called out on it. He’s had time to adjust but no… What bugs me most about this (despite the blatant lack of trust) is the fact that Magnus isn’t even there to defend himself. Alec is making completely unnecessary, rude, comments about his boyfriend to his sister and their friends. It does say that he and Isabelle hang back to talk, but we have no idea what she says to him.
All of that not only indicates Alec’s biphobia, but shows just some of the blatant bisexual stereotypes that surround Magnus.
Now, book Malec… this could take a while.
I’m gonna try and do this in order, but sorry if it’s a little mixed up.
Magnus isn’t comfortable being in a relationship with Alec when he’s closested, which is fair enough, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the part I have an issue with is that he basically ignores Alec completely and pushes Alec to come out, knowing that Alec lives in a very homophobic society. 
Also, I’m pretty sure Alec was only 17 at the beginning of CoB.
Alec is literally the token gay. He’s supposed to be a strong leader, and a soldier. But he has never killed a demon until he’s eighteen, which is considered very, very late, for a Shadowhunter, and for Gods sake, Simon (a mundane at the time) killed a demon first in City of Bones… it’s unrealistic.
There is no trust in their relationship, at all. Alec doesn’t trust Magnus not to cheat. Alec goes behind Magnus’ back, to his abusive ex, to try and shorten his life, whether he changed his mind or not, it was still ridiculous. On the plus side, Alec finally learnt the word “sorry”.
A lot of Malec’s relationship was queerbaiting, there was rarely any of their relationship on page, and their “big moment” which CC is so very proud of and loves taking praise for is literally a paragraph long before it goes back to the incest/hetero/love triangle drama.
Maia smiled tightly. “I’m not a Shadowhunter. Lycanthropes are considered adults at sixteen.“ 
"Well, you have to get drawn on, then,” said Isabelle. “By a Shadowhunter. So you’d better look for one." 
"But-” Maia, still looking over at Alec and Magnus, broke off and raised her eyebrows. Simon turned to see what she was looking at-and stared. 
Alec had his arms around Magnus and was kissing him, full on the mouth. Magnus, who appeared to be in a state of shock, stood frozen. Several groups of people-Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike-were staring and whispering. Glancing to the side, Simon saw the Lightwoods, their eyes wide, gaping at the display. Maryse had her hand over her mouth. 
Maia looked perplexed. “Wait a second,” she said. “Do we all have to do that, too?”
That’s literally it. Her big moment that makes her think that her token gay couple are so epic, is a sentence, told from somebody else’s perspective… Wow… it’s amazing! Give CC an award!
Sidelined. For an entire book. They just get together and they’re just happy and then they’re gone, which is totally unnecessary. And now yes, she is writing stories for a Magnus trilogy about what happened. But she’s just covering her own ass, because people told her how problematic it was. They come back from vacation and the biphobia begins…
City of Lost Souls… the biphobia continues, the lack of trust continues. But, we get Aline and Helen and I’ll come to them in a moment.
Then we have City of Heavenly Fire which is a mess and screams “sassy gay” stereotype for Alec, which was kinda cringy. But there’s this.
“Is that why you forgave me? For me, or you?” Alec said, not angry, just curious. 
“I forgave you because I love you and I hate being without you. I hate it, my cat hates it. And because Catarina convinced me I was being stupid.” 
“Mmm. I like her.”
And I presume they’re talking about forgiveness for the immortality thieving thing, which becomes very problematic. 
Because Magnus forgave him… because Catarina told him he was being stupid?? Which he wasn’t?? Alec tried to shorten his life, he tried to ensure his death. I feel like people so often brush that aside, which CC does here. Magnus never forgave Alec properly, not for the right reasons. And I just… how do you have a healthy relationship when it’s based on that.
Her version of Malec’s happy ending, is keeping Magnus immortal and Alec mortal, and giving them a mortal and immortal child. Whereas she takes away Simon’s immortality so that the white (they’re both white in the books) heterosexuals can grow old together but Malec doesn’t get that luxury. Not to mention this means Max is going to watch his brother and father grow old and die and Magnus has to deal with one of his sons, and his husband/boyfriend die. 
Now, Aline and Helen. As you might have noticed from my url, I love Aline. I love her so much, but not how CC portrayed her. So, basically, I love the fandoms version of her.
But, Heline, like Malec, is frowned on by their entire community and they’re tragically split up, and Helen is exiled, if they want to be together Aline has to leave too.
Then… that’s about it for a while. Apparently, stuff happens that we don’t see… then suddenly they’re engaged and getting married.
Their entire wedding is surrounded by negativity, as the Clave set a condition that Helen could only marry Aline if she humiliated herself at the Acadamy, lying to the students so they would fear faeries. Then I’m pretty sure they have to leave again.
Then we come to TDA, specifically LoS… now, we’re suddenly hit by a tonne of lgbt+ characters and it seems rather suspicious and not CC’s style *cough*fanservice *cough* queerbaiting *cough* CC is profiting from Malec’s relationship, and since she’s realised that she’s just thrown a tonne more characters in for the hell of it.
Lord of the Shadows Spoilers ahead
Aline Penhallow - Sexually assaulted, faced homophobia and disapproval from her parents, her girlfriend was exiled, if she wanted to be with Helen she had to leave too, marriage is overshadowed by the clave’s racism.
Helen Blackthorn - orphaned, banished as punishment for her parentage, wasn’t allowed to get married unless she was paraded around the academy so she could be mocked, feared and turn more Shadowhunters against faeries 
Diana Wrayburn -  A Trans Woman of Colour, who’s parents forced her to be a man in public, and is surrounded by tragedy when she loses her sister then her parents.
Mark Blackthorn - Was kidnapped, tortured, beaten, abused, abandoned by his people, used as a bargaining chip, faced biphobic stereotypes by his boyfriend and has faced more trauma than probably any other mortal in any of the books.
Keiran - had his title taken away, lied about Mark, putting him in danger to try and get him back, then was abducted.
Kit and Ty is nothing but queerbait at the moment.
And none of this even covers how badly she treats Isabelle and how unecessary Livvy’s death was...
To summarise it all:
CC didn’t care about Raphael’s identity.
Alec is still biphobic.
Book!Malec is very, very unhealthy and borderline abusive.
Heline were sidelined every five minutes.
CC treats her LGBT+ characters terribly.
Just because there are LGBT+ characters, doesn’t mean that it has good representation. Any questions?
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