#yes yes. dread master raptus
astralflows · 1 year
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cute yard pictures (+ dread master raptus the chocobo)
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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Dread Master Raptus: You walk in darkness, spreading fear by whispers. You learned the power of Lord Jadus, who sees much that we see.
Dread Master Raptus: You are not Sith, but you may join us, serve us as Kephess did. We will feast upon your mortal dreams, and our union will be strong again.
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Eight: If I were to say yes-- if I were to take part in your "union"-- how would we begin?
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Dread Master Brontes: You must first be degraded. You must be humbled and humiliated, stripped of all but fear.
Oricon, my beloved.
Eight's actually having a really good time here: due to his connection with Jadus, he feels right at home, and his Lord protects him from the Dread Masters a lot better than Lord Hargrev can. It's the kind of mission he'd volunteer for to see what secrets he can mine for Jadus and himself, and so far he's going around thinking, is this what your grand vision for the Empire was, Jadus?
Ironically this is also the second time he's been asked to form a union with a Dark Lord(s) of Fear, but I can't imagine Jadus is too happy about his counterparts trying to join with his own Hand in the exact same way. In fact, I imagine he's quietly furious-- no one may partake of his Hand but him, and the Dread Masters display their supreme arrogance in both being aware of his mark on Eight and directly asking to take it for themselves. He's clearly been gone too long if his rivals think they can reap what he has sown.
And Brontes, Eight's already gone through that.
I imagine Jadus' power rumbling through Oricon, and for a split second, the Dread Masters lose their composure.
Then, he speaks.
By my command: destroy them, so I may absorb their power. I will show them the true definition of depravity, and what it means to challenge me. I am Jadus. I am eternal. I am fear.
Go with my blessing. They will not have you.
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
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I got struck with an idea that wouldn’t leave my head and I barfed out some Eleison/Brontes... stuff. Sort-of continuation of this post that a few of you enjoyed (where the Masters discussed their situation after Styrak’s death).
Anyway, to make up for having written Eleison/Brontes fluff, this is a casual reminder that Brontes is a villain.
Eleison follows Brontes to the well-equipped laboratory she shares with the other Masters. Crossing the open space of the main lab, she glances at the remnants of recent experiments as they pass long tables, shelves, and cages—Bestia’s latest corruptions (or pieces of them, anyway), half-assembled contraptions from the latest tinkering sessions of either Raptus or Tyrans, notes on sheafs of loose flimsi in Styrak’s wild scrawl, which one of them may have tried to interpret or which may just have become a permanent fixture. Brontes leads Eleison to a door with bioscan locks, removing her gloves and her mask to submit herself to be read by the scanners. The door opens with a soft hiss of air.
Ushering Eleison into the room, Brontes closes the door behind them, the latch clicking faintly. Eleison waits while her eyes adjust to the room, lit by several fires burning in braziers. A stone table stands in the middle of the room, and on it rests a sleek, nondescript black case, pulsing with an energy Eleison remembers. 
Setting her mask and gloves on the table, Brontes slides her fingers along the front edge of the case, pressing a hidden catch, and the lid opens, revealing the Seeds of Rage—larger than the last time Eleison saw them. Nestled in the case with them, like tiny insect chrysalises, there are maybe 20 new Seeds, faintly glowing.
“You recognize these?”
“Of course,” Eleison moves forward, peering into the case.
“You did well bringing the Seeds back to us. Who knows what Acina would have done with them. Look how well they’ve grown—and they’ve even propagated again. Soon they’ll be ready.”
Picking up one of the smaller Seeds, Brontes holds it in her palm. She steps close to Eleison, brushing a stray hair from the Loremaster’s face.
“You are about to be offered an opportunity, Madam Librarian. Not many are given the choice to serve us. There is a place for you in the Dread Guard, if you want it. But in order to serve us, you must be changed.”
“Changed how?” Eleison studies Brontes’s face in the dim orange light of the braziers. The firelight flickers against her amber eyes.
“It is not your path to know true terror the way that we know it, but you can still become more than what you are. With this, you will be connected to us—to me. You will learn to let pain and fear and rage complete you.”
“What, exactly am I being offered, Master Brontes?”
“A test of your limitations. We have suffered many losses. Our union has a wound that still bleeds from the death of Styrak. Some of our strongest Commanders—Ciphas, Heirad, Kel’sara—have been taken from us. We need to fortify our ranks for what is coming.” Brontes lifts Eleison’s chin. “Our Commanders are usually selected after they are first broken by trials of Fear. But you can resist Fear. Consume Rage instead—or have it consume you. Either way, you will become one of the most fearsome Commanders the Dread Guard has ever known.”
“What happens if I say no?”
“If you say no, then there is a shuttle that can take you back to your library as you like. You may document what comes from there.”
“And if I say yes?” Eleison grips Brontes’s hand, closing both of their fingers gently over the young Seed.
“Do you fear me, Madam Librarian?”
“I do.”
“Do you trust me?”
“I shouldn’t, but I do.”
“Eleison Kirnah, you have been chosen as a Commander of the Dread Guard. Do you accept the trial to become Changed?”
“I do.”
Brontes gently runs her thumb over Eleison’s lower lip. “Open your mouth.”
Eleison relaxes her jaw, letting her mouth fall open slightly, and closes her eyes. Prying her hand from Eleison’s fingers, Brontes places the Seed on her tongue, and with gentle pressure against her chin, closes Eleison’s lips around it.
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badsithnocookie · 3 years
Reverse unpopular opinion: the Dread Masters, Jace Malcom, and the Agent story.
the dread masters
i love the Masters as villains because they are one of the few places in swtor where bioware make no attempt to paste in a Sad Backstory. they’re just bad people who became substantially and significantly worse over time. there’s also plenty of hypocrisy empire side wrt the empire’s tolerance and even praise of them up until they decide to skip town and do their own thing, at which point they suddenly cannot be suffered to live. we love to see it.
i also really enjoy their boss fights. facing the Designated Love Interest as styrak, the role checks in raptus, prophecy breaking in calphayus, etc. they’re fun.
jace malcom
i know i’ve said similar things about satele but the same applies to jace: he was not a bad/absent/deadbeat father, because he was never given a chance to be a father - that decision was made for him and without his even being aware it was to be made. everything we’ve seen of him (pre iokath, at any rate) with theron shows him to be someone who wants to do right by his son and make up for the time lost. a better dad than 90% of dads in swtor. we stan
the agent story
i think one of the things i love the most about the agent story is how connected it is with the rest of the game - both the planetary stories and the class stories. yes, even the tire fire that is the jk story. it doesn’t just hang together well with itself but it attempts to glue the rest of the stories together to form a coherent whole (even the tire fire that is the jk story), to fill in the details and questions teased elsewhere (what was nok drayen’s real game? why are there even the twi’leks on tython anyway? why other than the usual reasons fash regimes are suicidal is the empire acting so stupid on corellia? etc). it helps that i adore chessmaster villains and jadus, while a despicable human being, is up there (at least as far as bioware chessmasters go, anyway)
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jarael · 4 years
"Master Ursulina, what are your thoughts on the intel that the Dread Masters are planning a strike on multiple planets?"
The Barsen'thor smoothed out her robes. "If the Sith are reporting on their own elders, it is enough to believe that the report is true. Rest assured, the Republic will fight back against them."
"Major Medora, you helped take down Styrak on Darvannis. Is Havoc Squad ready for the other five?"
"Of course we are," assured the Mirialan with a bob and crooked grin. "But it can't be done without the support of the rest of the Republic's military."
"My daughter, Master D'leah, and her crew, along with Captain Chudo and her crew, have already pledged to proceed to Oricon." Ursulina closed her deep brown eyes and drew a deep breath before addressing the media again. "This will be our top priority until the Masters are defeated."
"But the war with the Empire--"
"That has to be put on the back burner," Lehusa interrupted. "If we ignore this for too long, the wampa in the room will destroy everything."
"Are you saying that--"
"What she's saying," Ursulina cut in, with an unusually blunt tone, "is that should the Dread Masters actually assault the entire galaxy, everything will fall apart. Billions will suffer unnecessarily and our Republic will be in shambles. I suggest you look at the bigger picture, or at the very least, clean out your ears."
The Barsen'thor bowed to the media then made her exit, Lehusa trailing her. The young soldier tapped her shoulder. "Master, are you okay? You seem tense."
She couldn't tell Lehusa. It was a complicated, delicate matter. "I'm fine, Major. But these aren't your ordinary Sith. We have an incredible task ahead of us."
Dromund Kaas
Xenli turned off the teleholo, then stretched. She sensed that her apprentice was confused. "Jaesa, is something on your mind?"
"There's something unusual in the Barsen'thor's mannerisms, my lord. She's very stressed out and even a little hurt. She is usually serene and gentle when I've watched her talk."
Aayes raised her hand before speaking. "I know why. Master Ursulina is the daughter of Brontes and Styrak."
Xenli fell out of her chair. Vette choked on her beer and Jaesa gaped. "I'm sorry, Aayes but she's...what?"
"I learned a lot when I infiltrated Oricon. The Dread Guards said that there was a plan to kidnap Ursulina and bring her to the Masters."
Vette picked at a hang nail. "But how did...you know...isn't their stuff old by now?"
"Dark side alchemy leads to many things that can be considered...unnatural. However, it does appear that she was created the old fashioned way. And such longevity in a Force user is highly unusual."
Xenli still scratched her head. Ursulina WAS a very powerful Jedi, and a good, righteous one at that. But to be descended from two of the most powerful Sith to have ever existed and to be a good person? Yet Xenli herself managed to avoid the usual cruelty and power grabbing of the Sith for years, and Jaesa helped her stay on the right path as much as Xenli taught her what she knew. Perhaps some things weren't always obvious.
Aayes rose. "I take it we're leaving for Oricon first thing in the morning?"
"Yes," Xenli affirmed.
"I am going to call Adira then get some sleep."
The two half sisters chatted for a long time. Finally, Adira asked a huge question. "Are you okay after Oricon?"
"I'm fine. I've trained for this for years." Aayes excelled in infiltrating where non Sith would be liable to fail, either due to mental stress or their general lack of Force sensitivity, or where it would be more beneficial to Intelligence and the Empire to send a stronger candidate. "Cipher Nine is finally recovered from her more recent missions and may be joining us."
"Full offense but Intelligence fucked her up." Adira thought the quiet Togruta a foil to her own loud personality and wasn't surprised that the laid-back Aayes befriended the Cipher Agent.
"I agree, Adira. But the Masters would have trusted me over a non Sith alien, and they did."
"Oh no. They're going to be pissed if they see you on their property again."
"Let them fight me. Tyrans won't."
"Why not?"
The silence was loud. Aayes tried to hide her snickering.
It finally dawned on the smuggler. "Sis, did you..."
"Did I what?"
"The thing. THE thing."
"...there are many ways to gain a man's trust, Adira."
Adira bust out laughing, rolling on the floor for five minutes before Akaavi very loudly and bluntly reminded her that it was very late at night and that warriors needed sleep.
"All right. I should head to bed. Be careful, Aayes. I love you. Sleep well."
"Good night, Adira. I love you too."
Raptus looked over Oricon from his room. He cackled. "It has begun!"
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erichan-legacy · 6 years
Eriha’s basic healing tips
Long, long post I wrote for my guild’s forum. I thought in sharing it here, because why not?
Keep in mind this is not a healing guide, but a compilation of tips I’ve been gathering for myself since I started raiding, and I just wanted to share them with you all. Feel free to agree/disagree, or give your own tips if you want.
Also, keep in mind my examples are only meant to SM, as I have no idea of HM/NiM. Also, these tips are PvE only (and specifically, for 8man ops).
Lastly, pls forgive me if there’s any mistake, English is not my mother language. Now, said that, here are my little tips:
1. My first tip is one I fail a lot as well, and its nothing else than do not stress. Unless you are solo-healing something not that easy (or the co-healer only stands pretty, if you know what I mean :D ) and/or your teammates don’t stack for AoE healing, there’s nothing to worry about. There’s usually two healers for a reason, if you can’t top someone, your co-healer will do it.
2. Which takes us to point 2, and its trust in your co-healer. Granted, that’s always not possible when you are pugging and you have no idea of what you are going to see, but that’s not usually the case. That means you don’t need to top everyone, especially if they are on the other team (see point 6 about teams).
3. Another point is know your class AND your co-healer’s. Get to know your strongest abilities, as well as your co-healer’s (especially if he/she is playing another class), and know how more useful both of you will be while fulfilling your role. Are you a sorc and your co-healer is an op? Well, forgetting for a sec everything each one can do, profit to bubble people while he/she keeps everyone on top with Kolto Waves. And that’s only an example.
[Also, along with the knowing your class thing, get to know your procs and profit them to do more healing. For example, Emergency Scan procs Healing Scan.]
4. Along with point 3 there’s the 4th: utilities. Take your time to play with the skill points, see which ones end up working better for you and which ones you don’t need at all as a healer. There is not a better set of utilities, every healer has their own, play with them and decide for yourself. Even so, use common sense, for example using Tempest Mastery as a Corruption Sorcerer is a complete waste of points, since you are not usually going to do damage.
5. Not only you need to know the classes but also, you need to know the fights. Is not helpful at all if you spam an AoE the moment HK-47 throws grenades and no one gets that periodic healing; nor is helpful having your DPSs stack together while burning Cpt. Horic down, only for you doing single target healing all the time. Know when you need to move on Brontes, what are Raptus’ trials, or why you can take a nap do a bit of damage in the 1st half of TfB Kephess.
6. Now here comes the 6th point: ops teams. Yes, you all are a team, and everyone is important, but remember each healer has a priority subteam and the team can split into two. How? Basically by frames, following something like this:
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Tanks always go at the top (being the main one –or the only one if the other is DwT– on the left), healers at the bottom and the DPSs go to mid. Some players have seen me asking “fix frames pls” (or asking for LT to fix it myself) sometimes and this is what I meant.
Your first priority is the tank (or DwT) on your team, then yourself, then your DPSs. Both tanks need cleansing? Do not hesitate, you cleanse the one on your side, and if you follow point 2 and trust your co-healer, you will see how he cleanses his side. Same goes with healing.
Also, you need to split? You don’t even need to ask how. EC tanks? Okie, team left on Firebrand, team right on Stormcaller. Calphy 2nd vision? Each side of the frames to each side (in our guild however we take usually healer and tank/dwt, sometimes 1 of the dps too but not usually; however that’s not the usual thing, especially pugging. Just split) 
7. And following one of the examples on the last point here’s another very basic one but that a lot of people forgets: cleanse. What is a cleanse, you say? Get out and re-think what you just said. Now, these are the healing cleansing skills, remember them well:
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Remember as well that operatives (both healers and dps) can cleanse themselves with Evasion, which is more helpful when there’s the need to cleanse a lot, since they can just skip themselves in the Tank –> Yourself –> DPS cleansing order. Note that Snipers also have Evasion, but they cannot cleanse themselves. Also, put the skill in a place you will remember well and have easy access to (for example, I have them in CTRL+C).
Remember to trust in your co-healer and prioritize your side. Karagga’s Gravity Well on your side? Cleanse it. Is on the other side of the frames? Let your co-healer cleanse it.
[Or just do what I do: cleanse my side and keep an eye to the other side. If co-healer does nothing…well, you know, do it yourself. But give him time to see what he does.]
8. Little piece of advice: screw those who say healing is the easiest role. No role is easiest than the others, this is a team, and everyone matters. If you fail, team fails. Simple.
9. Also, if you are using StarParse and your only intention is to be better than your co-healer, well, then get out of here. Never use StarParse or any other parsing program to compare yourself to others. That will make things worse. Who should you compare your HPS/EHPS to? With yourself and only yourself. Post them to Parsely, and check if you performed better than the last time you healed the same fight on the same character. I personally don’t care if co-healer does it better than me, or if I do it better than him/her. As long as we get the job done, it doesn’t matter. Fighting to be the best of the two helps no one, you can end up forgetting your tank for example, or start spamming AoEs when there is no need.
10. Another tip, and this one is sorc only, do not bubble other sorcs! And specially if both healers are sorcerers, do not bubble neither your co-healer, nor their side of the frames. In that case, just keep an eye on what he/she does and if you see that he/she doesn’t bubble, then do it yourself. Also, if there’s any DPS sorc, keep an eye on them during the fight, they are sometimes that focused on burning bosses down that they tend to forget to bubble themselves, in that case do not hesitate and throw them a bubble. Of course that’s not always the case, but in my own experience I can’t count how many DPS sorcs I’ve seen that forget to bubble themselves in the middle of the fight.
[Actually, same goes if both healers are mercs and their Kolto Shells (put them only on your side, let him/her do it on his/her side), or operatives and their Kolto Probes.]
If you keep an eye on me when on sorc, you will see I tend to start spamming bubbles pre-fight only on my side of the frames (if none of them is sorc too and if the other healer did not spam bubbles on everyone), then jump to other side and end up bubbling everyone if co-healer is not doing it. Of course, that’s only when the other healer, like in the frames example, is a sorc.
11. Another tip is play with your UI. There is no a better healing UI, the only one better is the one that helps you the most. There are players who have a specific UI depending on their role, in my case I just play with a slight modification of one of the default ones (advanced, I think it is), but others will probably work better with something completely different. Try changing yours and see how it goes.
12. Another tip, and a very important one as a healer, is use keybinds. Believe me, you will go faster if you only click with your mouse on the frames and then press 1, 2, 3 (or whatever your skills are). I recommend having your healing skills on the left side, and then others on the right, for example, this is my main quickbar as a sorc:
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Other useful skills are in other keys, for example Consuming Darkness (bound to E), Force Barrier (bound to CTRL+S), Cloud Mind (bound to Mouse Button 3), or like I said before, Expunge on CTRL+C.
13. And last but not least of my basic tips is: have fun! Some folks say healing is boring, and I will say healing is the best role ever! In any case, just sit and relax, and have fun keeping people on top!
I hope you guys liked this post! See ya around on the Darth Malgus server! o/ I play many chars impside on the Cult of the Dread Masters guild, but I can usually be found puggin or doing guildruns with my healers Eríha, Yastana or Vestelia. Have more healers, but those three are the ones I pug with.
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sennenpharaoh · 5 years
rwhalzili replied to your post “rwhalzili replied to your post “Wants to play SWTOR to hype herself...”
I used to adore that game but got sick of playing money to do any of the endgame stuff ;v; I have like 14 characters ( one for each class and then multiple Inquistors and Warriors--Empire all the way ). But like man, I love the Dread Masters--used to rp Raptus
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OMG Where have you been all my life~?
Also yes I hate that you have to pay moneys for endgame
Now if someone can kick me in the ass to build an Assassin and no I will not do Shadow bc Consular voices are horrible
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mandorways · 7 years
The Foundation of Fear
 (I’ve been thinking about writing about the Dread Masters for a while now, so thanks to @animperialmarch for creating a perfect opportunity. AO3)
The shadows in the Dark Temple seemed alive, creeping around her, clinging to her skin, their indistinct whispering sending chills down her spine. She could feel a soft hum of the stone floor under her feet, the unmistakable sign that at least one of the Phobis devices was active. Well, that, and a slippery sensation somewhere just beyond her grasp, clawing relentlessly at her mental barriers, urging to cover, to flee, to disappear among the shadows. She smiled, her steps not faltering even for a moment. Bestia knew fear and thrived on its power: it followed her everywhere she went, and it was her who commanded it, not other way around.
Ignoring a sudden blood-curdling scream, reverberating in the corridors, Bestia entered the Phobis chamber, steeling her mind against the direct onslaught of pure, crippling terror.
Some poor acolyte’s body laid on the floor, still twitching, her dead eyes open wide, a small trickle of blood in the corner of pale lips vivid red against the woman’s ashen skin.
“I think she bit her tongue off.” Brontes didn’t bother looking up from the research station, reaching up for a datapad held up by some sort of metal claw attached to the stone floor. There was more of them, all around the chamber, hanging off the walls and ceiling, waiting motionlessly for their mistress’ commands. “I wonder if...” she started, but then just shook her head, turning to the Phobis device. It was surrounded by four claws, which unfolded gracefully, and then joined together activating a forcefield, creating a dome crackling with white energy. Brontes didn’t move, engrossed in the readings flashing on the datapad.
Bestia felt her fists clenching in anger. Oh, how she longed to lash out, make the other Lord crawl at her feet, teach her some respect. She never took lightly to being ignored, but, unfortunately, she was also painfully aware that Brontes was essential to... their new cause. There was no one else quite like her, but the same could be said about the rest of them, and wasn’t it infuriating? For the Sith, a rivalry resulting in bloodbath was like breathing, so this new... cooperation felt unnatural.
“Magnificent, isn’t it?” Brontes’ silky voice cut into her musings. She still wasn’t looking at Bestia, her gaze focused on the device, sitting dark, cold and silent inside the forcefield, yet still pulsating lazily, relentlessly pushing on its boundaries. “And yet I can’t not hate it a little, because I know I won’t be able to master and harness its power properly just by myself. Sooner or later it will claim me, take my mind and turn it against me. It’s so beautiful. However... to suddenly find myself forced into becoming merely a part of something greater is... unnerving, to say the least.”
“Yes, it is.” Bestia shrugged, and came to stand at the other Lord’s side. “But the Emperor brought us here together. We should trust his will.”
“Oh, I know, I know.” Brontes waved her hand impatiently. “Raptus told me all about it. I swear, this man could talk for hours. I’m certain Tyrans agreed to join us just to quiet him.”
“Tyrans is more than that.”
“Yes. We all are.”
To say that Bestia never hesitated would be an overstatement, but she was used to acting swiftly and with force. Brontes was meticulous, always analysing and calculating, her mind was able to make leaps and connections none of them could ever dream of. If she wasn’t sure about the devices... well, if that was the case it was too late, anyway. The choice was made, by them or for them, it was never entirely clear when one acted under the Emperor’s direct orders, and all that was left now was carrying it through.
“If you’re having doubts, this is no time or place for them. Not anymore.” Bestia said coldly.
“Only Jedi do not doubt, and that’s because they don’t think.” Brontes answered mockingly. “But don’t worry, I don’t plan on backing down. This, “she pointed at the Phobis device,” surpasses everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Calphayus looks at them and sees our future victories, sees greatness, and you don’t have to be a prophet like him to understand that they hold the potential for so much more. I want to know it, I want to have it all, but...”
“You will.” Bestia interrupted her imperiously. “We will. This is just a beginning.”
“Yes...” Brontes looked ahead, her eyes empty. “But what will be the end?”
Bestia sighed. There was no point in arguing any further.
“Come” she commanded.” Give Styrak your notes, make him do some work, you’ve been here for too long. It’s starting to affect you.”
Brontes hummed and cocked her head, still looking thoughtful.
“Perhaps. Well, at least if we all go mad, the entire galaxy will follow.”
Bestia smiled at that, there was a dangerous glint in her eyes.
“Of course. The galaxy will fall before us. One way or another.”
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OOC Meme
A . age : 21 B . birthplace : Colorado, USA C . current time :  8:27PM D . drink you had last : Coca Cola E . easiest person to talk to : besides my sister/mother, probably my gf F . favorite song : Ummm. . . . I can’t just choose one. The one I mostly speak of to people is the song I use as the title for my main blog “Welcome to my Nightmare” G . grossest memory : having to clean up after my dog when she had an accident H . horror yes or horror no : dude, I love horror--that’s my fucking jam: horror movie, horror game I love it I . in love ? : yup~ got a lovely gf that I adore J . jealous of people : I try not to, but it sometimes happens K . killed someone : I mean umm. . . . once, and it wasn’t exactly someone L . love at first sight or should i walk by again ? : love at first sight doesn’t exist--though love is just a chemical reaction in the brain M . middle name : Grace N . number of siblings : two: older sister and older brother O . one wish : to not have such a fucked up life and be able to reach my goals without all the other shit mixed in there that makes things so much harder P . person you called last : my house, to let my mother know I was on my way back Q . question you’re always asked : “Do you wash your face at all?” Because people are inconsiderate assholes about the fact my face breaks out due to horrible hormones. That and “are you okay?” R . reason to smile : not to be cheesy but my friends and especially my gf, cute little animals, getting gifts, people that are kind to me S . song you sang last : heh Villain by Theory of a Deadman T . top 3 fictional characters : OH FUCK ummm. . . . . . Reaper/Gabriel Reyes, Hanzo Shimada and Dread Master Raptus U . underwear color: purple V . vacation : Up in the mountains by where I live--fucking beautiful, otherwise probably Paris or one of those places that has beautiful waters or gardens. W . when’s your birthday : December 22nd X . x-rays : wrist and arm, once due to volleyball that smashed down my thumb, another when my dog tripped me and slammed my hand into the furniture, and the most recent one when I slipped and fell on ice onto concrete  Y . your favorite food : grilled chicken parmigiana  Z . zodiac sign : capricorn 
Tagged by @vincitveritas (for some reason it won’t let me @ you D:)      Tagging you if you want to do. yes you, the one reading this.
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jarael · 4 years
(Inspired by the fact that I did a very smooth TFB raid with Xenli last night.  Also, her mother Ixarte killed her husband[Xenli’s dad] in self defense because he was a horrible person.  This is in between Belsavis and Voss, which is why Quinn is still on the crew.)
"What is it, Quinn?"
The lieutenant was used to Xenli not looking at him when he approached her. At least she was more interesting than Baras. "Your presence has been requested, my lord."
"By whom?"
"The Dread Masters."
At first, the young Red Sith was unperturbed. But she sensed her adoptive sister, Aayes, and her mother Ixarte tense up. "Mother, what's wrong?"
"If the Masters have sent a messenger, tell them that Xenli will be visiting as soon as possible." Ixarte turned back to her daughter, trembling ever so slightly. "Xenli, my dear, you do not have a choice but to attend. They probably want to meet the new Wrath, make sure you won't run off on the Emperor. You do not have a choice. The Dread Masters are very old, very wise, and very, very clever."
"Not clever enough to avoid capture by the Jedi," Xenli snarked, eliciting a snort from Vette.
"My daughter, you have no idea what, exactly, the Masters are. They are not your average Sith. You have to be on your best behavior, or you will pay dearly for it. Now go."
They were on their own ship, and the moment Xenli boarded, she felt something terribly off. The dark side was no stranger to her, of course. All Sith we're used to it by the time they could talk. But something was very wrong with the Dread Masters.
"My lords?" No answer? She could run...
"You are the one who calls herself the Wrath?" It was a male voice, deep and unfamiliar.
"The Hand visited me and told me that I am, yes."
Xenli felt like the walls were closing in. Were they? Her skin was crawling and she sweat.
A figure in ornate robes and a gold mask approached her. He was a couple of inches taller than her and gave off a regal, charismatic feeling. But the charisma was fake, a front to lure victims in.
Xenli knelt respectfully. "My lord--"
The man grabbed her by the chin and forced her back up. The mask obscured his face completely, but she could feel him studying her.
And then the fear sunk in.
He was reading her, studying her. She felt like she was caught off guard, naked to the galaxy. She blinked, and it was her father staring before her. The man had died before she was born, yet he stood before her, with the chest wound Ixarte inflicted upon him.
She shrieked and pushed the Master away. She turned, and it was Jaesa, bleeding out with a Sith standing over her. "I'm sorry, my lord," she whispered, "I failed us."
"No!" Xenli reached for her, and her apprentice disappeared. She ran.
She ran, and ran, until she tripped. Her heart was racing, and her palms were slick. She vomited from the very pit of her stomach until bile came out. I need to get out, or I'm going to die.
And then her surroundings were normal. There were six figures surrounding her, all in the same robes and golden masks.
The one who had addressed her knelt down beside her. "Lord Xenli, I am Dread Master Raptus. We wanted to meet the new Wratb and see what she was about. Do you know what just happened?"
Xenli shook her head. "I saw things. Things that didn't make sense. Horrible things."
"My dear, you saw your worst fears. You see, this is the special gift that us Dread Masters are capable of: we can make you feel your deepest fears. Every nightmare, every trauma...we can make our enemies feel it all."
"We have the same master. I would say we're not enemies," Xenli retorted.
Raptus chuckled. "That is what the last Wrath said, and the fool betrayed the Emperor. Now keep that in mind, Xenli. Because," and she could sense him smiling under the mask, "we now know what you fear, should the need ever arise. Now, leave."
When she got home, Xenli soaked in a hot bath and didn't speak for a long time. Aayes used some healing to help, but she knew better than to press the issue.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
With doing the Dread Seed missions and Arcanum, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Dread Masters and who they are, and how they got to be the Dread Masters, and the whole thing where they try to recruit you on Oricon. I like the little tiny bit of lore that is learned about them, and I started thinking about what it would take for any of my characters to say yes to them. I think some of them, with enough pushing from the right Master, would eventually say yes. (Nevermind that the Dread Masters are probably lying to you, and they don’t actually want you, they’re just speaking out of pain at the loss of a brother. Also keep in mind that some of my knowledge of them is just from Wookieepedia because I’ve never actually finished Dread Fortress or Dread Palace unless you count the apparent fever dream that I had where there used to be a solo version of the ops.)
Exploration of which of the six Dread Masters could convince which of my toons to join them under the cut, because this got longer and more rambling than I expected it to:
Raptus could convince Mahzarin to join them. He would know that Mahzarin isn’t Force-sensitive, but I don’t think that he would care. He is impatient and power hungry, and the whole reason that he leads the others is that he feels their power is wasted on an Empire without an Emperor. Mahzarin is driven by a need to not feel powerless, to prove that there is power and strength in her even without the Force, and Raptus would promise her great things, even if it was a lie.
Calphayus could recruit Mena, easily. He is the most human of the Masters, the most eaten by his regrets, tormented by the fact that he had a wife and he didn’t value her enough, love her enough, fear for her safety enough. He would see that same preemptive pain eating at Mena and twist it, convince her it’s better to just turn that pain into fuel for her power, show her the promise of how much more powerful she could be by connecting to them instead. And oh, a way to not hurt anymore? Mena might not be able to resist.
Styrak would get Moxie. He is a brilliant alchemist and she is an engineer, and they are both individualists. Following his own path has always been his strength, as it has been hers. She can still work for the interests of others if that’s what she really wants to do—he works for the best interests of his fellow Masters—but she can do it by her own rules. Doesn’t she want to ensure that she can always have that freedom? (Ignore for a moment that Styrak being dead is the whole reason they’re recruiting; maybe his ghost recruits her to replace him.)
Brontes would be the one to recruit Sija. A near-perfect mirror of her, she doesn’t even carry a lightsaber, because she doesn’t need one. She is the architect of her own destiny, as Sija has been, despite her past. She doesn’t need to show her strength, she has restraint, and between her technological prowess and her command of fear, she can keep anyone in line. Sija would love to know that she will always have that degree of control over her life, that it will never be taken away from her again.
Tyrans, after a hard sell, could potentially convince Raz. She hates the Sith, and she wasn’t impressed with the Dread Masters the first time she met them. But after getting a taste of her true fears and who she truly is, they know that Tyrans, the tactician, the mastermind, will have the best chance to recruit her to their cause. They both strike indirectly, and to them the fight is a game of wills and wits and tactical superiority. If she joins them, she will always have the advantage; isn’t that worth selling out to the Sith?
But wait, there’s one more Dread Master, and I’m out of Sith/Dark-side mains! No I’m not.
Bestia would recruit Zuvi. Bestia is the Master not only of dread, but of Rage. Zuvi, my Hot Mess Express, who has no sane reason to ever be anywhere near the Dread Masters, would be such an easy recruit for Bestia. For so long, Zuvi holds her anger in, letting it fester. When she finally starts letting it out, she shoots one of her traitorous mentors in the face. (Timeline fuckery is necessary, but) When her bad decisions cause a close friend to join the Order of Zildrog, she officially breaks ties with the Republic, even if her advisors won’t let her do so publicly. There has always been so much rage and deception inside of her, and guilt and fear of what will happen when someone finds out, and Bestia eats it up. We will keep you safe, we will teach you to be strong enough, you belong with us.
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vespertine-legacy · 5 years
💍📓💰⚡ for character of your choice?
💍 Does your OC have a specific item that is priceless to them but may (or may not) be completely worthless to someone else? Is there a story behind this item or is it just because they like it so much?
Mena hoards items that remind her of her mother. Probably understandably, she’s got a locket with a holoportrait of her mother, an altar to her mother in her room at her father’s Kaas City apartment, and a smaller version of the altar on her ship. At a casual glance, you might think the holoportraits are of her, and yes, Mena is vain, but not that vain. She keeps everything of her mother’s that her father ever gave her, and he worried for a while about her obsession (but honestly, that’s what you get for naming your child “memory”). It took Toovee one near-dismantlement to learn that he is not allowed to touch the altar in Mena’s quarters on the Fury, even if he thinks he’s being helpful by cleaning.
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
Mena doesn’t keep a diary per se, but she documents her life in letters to the people she loves pretty extensively. She wrote letters to Sija the entire time Sija was missing, even though she knew there was no point in hitting send on them. When, after five years, she gets a holocall from Lana to say that Sija has been found, and Lana sends coordinates, Mena taps out a quick message: “Dearest C. I’ve been told that you’re back. I haven’t been given any other details yet, but I don’t need them; I’m going to kick your ass when I see you and I’m going to hug you until you choke. I’m sending you every letter I wrote you while you’ve been gone, but didn’t send because I was scared of what it would mean if they bounced back. Now you’ll know what you’ve missed. Nu nuli j’us, ajeusona.” After selecting all and hitting send, Mena realizes she just sent nearly 400 messages and initially balks, squeaking out a quiet “fuck,” but that’s what you get for disappearing for five fucking years. Jaesa lectures her nearly the entire way to the planet Lana has given them coordinates for because you could just keep an actual diary like a normal person but Mena just looks smug.
💰 If your OC had all the money they could ask for what would they do with it? Where would they go and what would they buy? Are they the only one who benefits from this wealth?
If Raz had access to enough money and resources, she would maybe have killed the former Minister (after getting Shara’s location out of him, probably dragging his ass with to the facility and waiting until she had actually laid eyes on Shara as proof that he didn’t give her a decoy location), and then she would personally oversee Shara’s care, whatever the outcome. If it worked and Shara wanted nothing to do with her when the process was over, Raz could provide enough to get her started with whatever new life she wanted. If it worked and Shara was still her Shara, they could actually have options together. If it didn’t work? Well, that’s not necessarily a problem money can fix... Raz and Shara are really the only ones who would benefit from this, and she would know that, and she would feel guilty as fuck about it, but also, damn, don’t they deserve a chance to be happy together?
⚡ What are your OC’s phobias? Is there any reasoning behind these? How do they calm themselves down after getting scared? What are they like when they’re afraid? Is there any chance of them overcoming their fears?
Raz has two main fears. The first is that she’s a bit of a germaphobe, and it comes from her history as a field medic (her intended profession before she joined Intelligence). It doesn’t really send her into a panic anymore; she did a pretty intense trial-by-fire by letting Watcher X perform surgery on her in a filthy cell in Shadow Town without any real sterilization, and forewent anesthesia because otherwise the fear that she would never wake up would have overridden the fear of infection. She still takes a lot of precautions with things like wound care, for herself and her companions, and she feels that her fears are completely reasonable, but there are a select few that she has given permission to slap her across the face if she gets a little locked-in and over-focused on it. She can calm herself down from this fear pretty well by just being rational about it and doing things to deal with the potential consequences.
Her other fear is the one she traded to the Dread Masters on Oricon in order to get them to spare the soldiers preparing to invade their fortress. Master Raptus made the threat - for every one of the Dread forces that Raz had taken out on her way to disable their defenses, they would destroy a soldier. Master Brontes had offered the trade instead - just tell us what you fear. The Dread Masters had tried to inflict fear on Raz before on Belsavis, and while they had brought her to her knees they could not break her and she had told them through gritted teeth—though bloodied by her own bitten tongue—you’ll have to try harder than that. So she told them: “Fine, enough of this nonsense. I’ll tell you what I’m afraid of. There aren’t many people in this galaxy that I’m close to, but I’m terrified of losing them. Are you satisfied?” Their attack this time felt so different from Belsavis, this time it was pin-pointed, Raz felt blinded by it, wanted to scream but no sound would come. After what felt like an eternity, Master Bestia called for the others to stop, saying they had humiliated her enough and she would join them soon.
Much later, on Rishi, when Raz’s fear of loss starts coming true, the deal she made with the Masters comes back to her mind, and logically she knows there isn’t really a connection, and logically she knows she made the right choice on Oricon and that it was the right thing to do on Rishi, but she doesn’t know if she’s ever going to stop waking up calling out for her. And Raz is afraid that even if she comes back, she’s going to be so different and what if she doesn’t love me anymore? There’s really very little that calms this fear; she mostly just has to ride it out, and she’s really not good company when that fear has hold of her. The only way she’ll overcome the fear is to get closure.
[Note: the bit at the end of Mena’s letter is “I love you, you idiot” in Sith. Sija speaks Sith pretty well, but she can’t read it to save her life, so she’s gonna need to have Lana translate for her. ^___^]
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