#yes. spelled exactly like that
sysig · 1 year
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Laptop, now available for 500 pet-tickets (Patreon)
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hyah-lian · 5 months
"Bite down on this!" Sky shouted, knocking his fist into the teeth of a Yiga soldier who was holding down Warriors.
Sky's one arm slipped off the table with the motion, toppling him over as he cracked a dozing Time across the jaw.
Time took it on the chin like an absolute champion and the two of them clattered to the floor of the inn, neither with eyes yet fully opened.
The pair laid in an awkward lump, stunned and blinking away sleep and stars.
"Doing wha' now?" Time blinked heavily as he prodded and massaged the sore spot.
"Oh- OH!" Sky stumbled back, motion stuttered by a huge yawn, "Ti-ime, what?"
"What?" Time echoed back.
"Bite down on this~" Legend snorted from behind Sky, "UP you get, time for you both to go to bed, I think."
"Shit, he didn't break any teeth did he?"
Wars was hoisting a still bleary-eyed Time up to standing. A few of the others who were still awake were stifling laughter into their arms or hands over the outburst.
Time gave a bloodied grimace he tried to play off as a grin. It felt like all his teeth were still in place, but Goddesses was it sore.
"Oh Gods, did I?" Sky yawned again before continuing, "Wh- I don't even remember what happened..."
"You and me both," Time scrubbed at his face. "Water under the bridge, and time for heroes under the blankets, get going."
He waved off everyone from the table to the inn's stairs. Some groans and mumbled half-sentences from the drowzier heroes being half-carried off to bed.
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pzyii · 7 months
(for @foolforbuffy || further explanation about this post)
So first things first, Willow ressurected Buffy which ended up leading to Warren trying to kill Buffy, and with that Tara died. This doesn't mean Taras death is Willows fault, it just kinda happened, like Tara would've survived if they had decided to go out for icecream, they were both just really unlucky.
When Buffy was shot things weren't looking that good for her. Like she may have slayer healing but she was shot in the chest. Slayer healing probably only really kept her alive for as long as she did so she didn't die imediatly like Tara.
Because Tara died, Willow absorbed all the books and went dark. Now more powerful than ever, she saved Buffys life, since we've espablished Buffys life was actually in serious danger.
Meaning if that bullet had missed Tara, Buffy might've died instead. And Willow would've lost one of them either way. But since Buffys ressurection ultimatly caused Taras death, Taras death also then ultimatly caused Buffys survival.
Its a life for a life.
And Willow accidentally ended up chosing Buffys life over Taras that day when she ressurected her.
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t4t-chargestep · 1 month
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can I interest u in some really bizarre millie bizaar propaganda?
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or maybe some abt your friendly neighbor?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
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athalantan · 22 days
I love reading about all of Mystra's Chosen who, for the ones that have backstories, were magical prodigies, showing talent for the Art at a young age.
Then there's El who had trauma and an extensive criminal record.
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
Another Game To Add To The List
So -- you guys all know that I like video games. I mean, I post on a pretty regular basis about the antics my Sims in my latest Sims 4 save file are getting up to. And you all know that I love to put my favorite characters in my favorite video games if I'm able to -- or even if I'm not. My current Sim family is my Valicer OT3; my Fallout 4 protagonist is Victor Van Dort (or as close as I can get with FO4's character creator and artstyle), and my Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines Malkavian Fledgling is Alice Liddell (I may not be able to actually reflect that with her appearance in the game, but I can sure as hell write about her adventures doing all the quests!) I have a vested interest in this sort of thing.
So -- when my friend @gaydragonwizards got me into Baldur's Gate 3, leading me to purchase the game for my birthday using the Steam gift cards my parents had gotten me, I immediately thought, "Okay, so -- Alice has VTMB, and Victor has FO4...but a certain newbie roller coaster OC does not have a game yet. And this one DOES allow you to do a custom character..." Which led to me deciding that Smiler was going to be my "Tav" in BG3! I haven't gotten very far in the game yet (I had to do an early restart to add in a mod patch that the creator was VERY SURE shouldn't be put in an existing playthrough because it fucks with XP and leveling a bit, and then recent hotfixes possibly breaking quest items made me too nervous to play for a bit), but I have gotten my Smiler set up, made it past the Nautiloid segment, and have started exploring the wilderness around the ravaged beach! Here's some shots of Smiler in the game:
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Smiler's look from the character creation/level up screen! They're a half-elf with Body #2 and Head #5 because that was the combo that actually looked the most like my Smiler Sim -- have a comparison shot:
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It's not a PERFECT match, but nothing was going to be -- it's pretty close, though! The hairstyle is of particular note because that is in fact one of the very first mods I picked up for this game: Alt Lae’zel Hair For Tav! None of the in-game hairstyles had the right sort of "bangs" that my Sim!Smiler sports, so I was REALLY happy to spot this on Nexus Mods to give my Tav!Smiler the right look, at least from the front. :) (And, hilariously, the mod was in fact uploaded ON MY BIRTHDAY, so I'm counting it as an inadvertent birthday present.)
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Smiler's arrival on the Ravaged Beach, having just woken up from their little fall out of the Nautiloid! As you can probably guess by the outfit, I started them out as a Bard. That was the class that seemed to make the most sense for them, both from a "the roller coaster in Alton Towers is often associated with upbeat music and dancing, especially after the original Festival of Thrills and The Smiler Takeover, and bards DO get access to a good number of mind control spells" and from a "my personal take on Smiler is that they are super charismatic and want to make as many people happy as possible, and the Bard's high Charisma start combined with the Entertainer background suits that perfectly." XD However, they're not JUST a Bard these days -- thanks to the further power of mods, upon their first level-up, they became a Bard/Artificer! :D I picked that class because it has a whole sub-class dedicated to Alchemy, and one of my headcanons for my Smiler is that chemistry/alchemy (depending on the universe) is their thing. Plus it just looks like a super-cool class and mod. (And yes, I do have 5e Spells and Unlock Level Curve to enhance things further, with the appropriate patches (including ULC's patch to smooth out the weird XP valley while leveling up -- learning about THAT was what prompted me to restart so I could install it). Oh, and the exclamation mark is from Camp Event Notifications -- it's telling me that Smiler should Long Rest soon to get one of the special camp events.)
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Smiler hanging out in the Wilderness camp! I came here for the first time after picking up Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale, and was amazed at just how PRETTY the camp is. I mean, look at that waterfall over by the ruin that houses the Magic Mirror! :D Seriously, this game is gorgeous -- I've spent a decent amount of time just wandering around with the camera, admiring the scenery. XD Anyway, as you can see, Smiler picked up some new clothes -- the main outfit is some basic leather armor, dyed with the dye available in the Traveler's chest (I first dyed their starting jerkin, but hated the resultant color scheme -- I'm not wild about the red arms on this set, but at least the yellow pants and black chestpiece feel right!), while the cape and their new lute are from the Digital Deluxe content -- the "Cape Of The Red Prince" and the "Lute of the Merryweather Bard." (Hey, I got this for my birthday, I wasn't not going to get the Digital Deluxe content!) I had them give the lute a little try in-camp -- the upbeat Bard song DEFINITELY suits them. XD
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And finally, Smiler with their current companions, ready to head to the nearby chapel on the beach -- Shadowheart (in some new, slightly better Sturdy Armor), Gale (in his robe and wizard hat), and Astarion (sporting more DD content, the "Bicorne of the Sea Beast" and the "Needle of the Outlaw Rogue" (the dagger on his hip)). They are indeed a motley group. XD Hopefully Smiler's 17 Charisma will allow them to talk their way out of most binds!
Now, you may be thinking at this point, "Well, this is going to spark another AU, isn't it?" And you would be -- partially correct. Allow me to explain by excerpting part of my and Squid's conversation while they were recommending mods to me and I was telling them about my plans to do Tav!Smiler:
Squid: ((though -- there is one thing that has popped into my head. with playing Smiler, obviously you can't have any of your Valicer stuff going on in BG3 by default. and do you really want to give yourself ANOTHER AU by playing as them again :P )) Me: ((Oh, that's not really a worry -- the Valicer in the Dark crew already fucking claimed the game as a potential AU ))
YUP. Much like how my brain insisted that the Alice in my Fallout of Darkness stuff be a variant of my Malkavian!Alice from Londerland Bloodlines, thanks to me getting into BG3 at the same time as my obsession with Valicer In The Dark ramped up, the AU in my head is now the VITD trio going through the game. And while it's only a partially-formed pile of shitposts as of yet, that idea PROBABLY deserves its own post...
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Thing I want to draw when i have the time and hand mobility:
a short comic of Adonis and Ione at the grocery store. Ione is carrying the basket which seems to mostly have meat candy and booze in it.
Adonis picks something up off the shelf.
I: Oh wait. Check to make sure it's not sugar free, i can't have a lot of types of artificial sweeteners.
A: How do I check?
I: It's usually written on the box? Look for something that says 'sugar free' or 'artificially sweetened.'
Adonis holds the box up and examines it closely before looking back up at her.
A: I can't read.
I: Ah.
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cainware · 2 years
Brother Birds
In which Tim is feeling down and its up to Jason to help lift his spirits during patrol.
"Sometimes it just... feels like everyone forgot I exist." Tim admitted, staring out over Gotham's skyline.
His mask felt tight on his face, and if it weren't for how exhausted he felt, he might reach up and remove it. But as it were, his limbs felt heavy, as if the tiredness that never seemed to end had sunk deep into his bones. Instead, he dropped his head down, resting his forehead against his scrunched up knees.
"I can relate." Tim snorted, turning his head to the side to focus on the man next to him. Jason was leaning against the roof access hatch, a brick wall juxtaposed against glass as a thin line of smoke twirled up into the night from the end of his cigarette. "The feeling of being replaced just kinda dulls out after a while, doesn't it? You start wondering if you ever meant that much to begin with. Makes you stop feeling angry, and then you just get tired."
"I feel like that's targeted." Tim commented, watching as Jason cracked a smile. He shook his head, helmet hooked under his arm as he pulled the cigarette from his lips.
"Never. Past that, remember?" Jason stated, stubbing out the cigarette and placing the burnt out butt in one of his empty utility pockets. Tim couldn't help but laugh. "What?"
"You try so hard to look like an asshole, but you still don't litter. Think Bruce can say that?" Tim asked, watching as Jason came to sit down beside him, long legs dangling over the edge of the rooftop towards the ground below. Waves crashed against the docks a ways below them, and Tim let his attention shift to that.
"Nope. Bruce used to leave metal shells from smoke bombs everywhere, and if it wasn't that, it was batarangs. Don't even get me started on all the rubble." Jason joked, and Tim felt some of the heaviness in his bones lessen. He managed to lift his head, eyes forward as he looked out into Gotham's waters. "Tim, nobody forgot you exist."
"Sure feels like it." Tim sighed, but the warmth of a hand clasping his shoulder seemed to halt the growing pit in his stomach. For a moment, Tim felt like someone actually saw him. That he wasn't just another fired Robin, that maybe nobody had meant to leave him out for the waves to swallow up.
"I know. And I also know that no matter what I tell you, the only person that's gonna change your mind is you." Jason explained, squeezing Tim's shoulder as he spoke. "But you know as well as I do that this family is about as good at considering others as Catwoman is at not stealing something. I don't think Dick meant to hurt you when he made Damian his Robin, Timbers."
"I know, I know." Tim said, lifting his hands to rub at his face, fingers wiping the sweat from beneath the domino mask. "But it still hurts."
"It's always going to hurt, Tim. You got thrust out of your identity and now you're left fumbling to find your own, detached from what you're used to. I get it." Jason removed his hand from Tim's shoulder, and Tim realized how important that touch had been in holding him upright as the exhaustion threatened to settle back in. "But I think you're doing a good job. The whole "Red Robin" identity kinda suits you, y'know? Especially the feather cape."
"You're a bitch." Tim said, finding some reserve of energy to reach out and swat at Jason, who easily leaned out of reach, laughing as his lips curled up into a smile, scars scrunching in the process. "But... you know, you're right."
"Wow, what a surprise! I'm actually right about something. It's almost like I know what I'm talking about, isn't it?" Jason teased, expression softening as he reached out and nudged Tim's shoulder. "You'll be alright, kid. But if you tell anyone I was nice to you, I'll kill you."
"I almost believe that." Tim stated, snorting as he watched Jason tug the helmet back over his head. "Back to work?" Tim's eyes followed where Jason looked, watching as a familiar delivery vehicle pulled into the docks, an advertisement for refrigeration plastered across the side.
"Back to work. C'mon, birdbrain. Maybe kicking the shit out of Cobblepot will make you feel better."
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lizardthelizard · 2 years
(Do not worry, the ask sent across just fine <3 thank you so much)
Fanfic ask game
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
Obvious fic will be obvious to anyone reading along but for a general summary that will make zero sense to everyone else:
After finally getting away from one horrible little island, the group crash land at a second, equally horrible little island. Someone gets impaled. Several arguments break out between various characters. There’s a Twist. Willy Wonka is here, probably. I love pairings involving divorcees that have never been married, apparently. There are so many homeless, orphaned children. Everyone is still stuck on a boat. No one is getting laid, but they fucking wish they were.
👻 Have you written holiday-themed fics? If yes, which is your fave? If not, what’s one holiday you’d want to write for, and which character(s) would the fic be for?
you know damn well which fic AU I might bring up here
...... Christmas hallmark movie divorce AU...(my beloved)
For anyone that happens to be reading this that doesn’t know about the existence of this AU and would like to know more, here’s the basic premise:
Pinocchio & Lampwick (aka...........August & Romeo.) have been married and recently divorced, for reasons (relating partly to Geppetto’s/Marco’s death & also the Blue Fairy sticking her oar in, (amongst other things)). Lampwick’s sister dies and Lampwick is the one that ends up adopting her toddler, Renata. But...it’s not easy, and Pinocchio (who Renata is already familiar with and is very fond of) offers to babysit her once (1 time) and then that turns into 2 times and 3 times and eventually it becomes a regular thing.
Lampwick works as a bartender, alongside Lizard. Pinocchio is a freelance writer. Robin is also here with Roland and is SO tired of hearing Lampwick bitch (affectionately) about Pinocchio. Captain Nemo is a counselor. Also, it’s Christmas Time, I guess. 🎄
However, if I were to ever write a fic that had nothing to do with any of this (an AU that may or may not receive a single paragraph’s worth of actual writing) I’d definitely go for a halloween fic. Right now, I’m literally only physically capable of writing OUAT fanfic and Once is just the perfect show for a goofy little halloween fic.
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
oh but!!!!!!!!!!!! there are so many!! This will sound super corny, I’m sure but.....literally every comment I’ve gotten has made my day. My fic is too niche to garner any large following but the readers that I do have are just... !!!!!! 💕 I’m so incredibly grateful. (jojo & bee, since you might both see this, thank you both so much 😭🥺💕💕💕)
The honest answer is @naivesilver your double comment on ‘mess is mine’ is still something I go back and re-read sometimes and it makes me go !!!!! 💗💗💗 every single time. I treasure it a lot.
📚 What grammar mistakes do you always make?
urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all sorts, probably. I know that sometimes I miss out words and then my brain fills in the blank space and so THAT can be a mess sometimes. It doesn’t matter how many times I proof read my fic, there WILL be mistakes. But..............oh well.
Also, less in my final writing and more in my first drafts/general writing without auto-correct, I tend to misspell words with double letters in (case and point, I literally JUST NOW wrote ‘misspell’ as ‘mispell’.) My brain just goes “No, that’s too many letters” and then nothing looks right, even if it IS spelled correctly, and I have no idea what’s going on, help.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I know it's small fry but I'm interested in how autocorrect is changing spelling styles especially for fanfic/self-published works. For instance I notice more often than not mixed-up homophones and I don't exactly hold a work personally responsible for it - honestly I counted more errors in recent professionally published works than I necessarily have on some fanfic I've read recently - it does interest me because I wonder if orthographical differences between homophones will be phased (this is an amazing pun) out.
Or if similarly somewhat archaic rules in academic publication (e.g. 'comprises' not 'comprising of') will be phased out as well. The thing that interests me is that a lot of these types of errors are not picked up by spellcheckers or autocorrect etc., they are highly contextual (though sometimes Word does check for grammar it is not always right and I've never seen it correct the example just given, or for instance correct to a less-used subjunctive form in English e.g. 'if he were' instead of 'if he was').
All language evolves, that's inevitable, but it is interesting to see changes that are happening because of new reasons.
What I also wonder is if we will hit a point at where say 'faze' is considered incorrect, or if it will simply be an accepted archaic form.
In the reverse sense, more prescriptive forms of accepted writing styles (e.g. in literature) mean that experimental language is much less accepted (I'm not including avant garde poetry here) and the expected vocabulary of a published book (for instance) is expected to be more constrained as well generally speaking. So there's an interesting relationship here between 'correctness' or perceived correctness from machine algorithms and creativity.
I guess the question is, is there anything of value lost? It's sort of inevitable. To me there is certainly aesthetic texture, which is highly personal and not a matter of elitism, and at the end of the day the thing that interests me the most is the personal artistic journey - so this is more of an area of personal interest.
Though from a more practical side of things, I think it's probably dangerous in terms of teaching and cultivating literacy to become entirely reliant on machine correction.
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the-breloominati · 2 years
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#this has been bugging me for days now but it turns out my dad’s been listening to russ*a today#which I mean. it checks out cause of what he’s been saying#but it’s so fucking frustrating I swear to god#*searching google* how to explain to someone that their main source of info on ukra*ne shouldn’t be russ*an state propaganda#like fuck dude idk have you ever considered that maybe the country invading another country would want to#perpetuate a narrative that justifies the invasion#doesn’t fucking help that my dad seems to take almost every opportunity to be all ‘b*den bad put*n good’#and what makes it worse is that my mom and I can’t say anything overly contradictory without risking starting something#(that something being getting yelled at about how we’re wrong and he’s right without being able to get a word in cause he won’t stfu)#I’m just tired dude#like one evening he was talking to my mom about politics and said something that suggested he might vote red#and I was like ‘you’re not going to be voting red in november are you’ and he was like ‘yes actually’ and so I made the mistake of engaging#and eventually we got on the topic of ukra*ne (because of course) and he’s blaming the invasion on fucking zelinsky#(idk how to spell his name exactly sorry >.>)#and like. how fucking deep do you have to be to come to that conclusion#so I tried to explain to him that putin’s literally the one who decided to invade in the first place (UNPROVOKED)#and he wouldn’t fucking listen#like I’m sorry to anyone who reads for burdening you with it or whatever but i’m just really fucking frustrated#god and don’t even get me fucking started on his shitty takes about gender and all the rest of the shit going on rn in the us#god man and in that discussion I mentioned earlier he brought of george fl*yd and ahmaud (?) arb*ry for some fucking reason#and still wants to vote red despite them being the same party that will blame those two (and several others) for their deaths#i’m frustrated and tired man
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purrble-archive · 2 years
sorry deeply sorryu for rock show posting on here but that scene in the movie where amethist had tried transforming into rose to see if that would jog pearhl's memory was SO FUCKING off putting like . idk., idk how to explain it just. chills okay., and then the fusion etween steve and his dad happens and it FUCKS it all up
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theburiedgay · 1 month
I was annoyed at first when I realized my character would be cursed to be a tiny creature for the last 2 sessions of the campaign, but her paladin bf is being so nice to her and it's actually so cute I can't even be mad. You know what, she could even live happily ever after like that... it's actually beautiful...their love is so wholesome....
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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Digimon T.C.G (Trading Card Game) {Revival} ~ Tentomon Line {+Motimon aka Mochimon; Pabumon aka Babumon} {+bonus Koromon + Botamon appearances!}
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altruisticalastor · 4 months
↳˗ˏˋAlastor x Readerˊˎ˗ ↴
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☒ Summary: Alastor didn't like sharing your charm with the others. Which often led him to get needy. Craving extra special attention from his darling girl, which you happily supplied.
☒ Warnings: fem!reader, she/her pronouns, established relationship, heavy breeding kink, praise kink, soft!alastor, creampies, dirty talk, fingering, light biting, nipple play (reader recieving), begging, making out
☒ Word Count: 1,564
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Your peers swore you had cast a spell upon Alastor. He was wrapped around your little finger, and you lost count of how many times demons who stayed at the hotel would come up to you and ask if you owned his soul. 
You may not have owned his soul, but you certainly owned his heart.
After the initial shock wore off, your counterparts left it be. Angel would joke often about how Alastor was "pussy whipped". But that was as far as the teasing went. Everyone else knew not to step on The Radio Demon's toes. 
It wasn't hard for your peers to catch on; to why exactly Alastor loved you so dearly. You were an absolute sweetheart, caring and compassionate in every way. You always offered a hand to any of your counterparts who required assistance, and your actions proved that you were constantly thinking of ways to make everyone feel valued. 
Alastor rather despised having to share your charm with others. Which often led to long nights of your lover being clingy and needy for you. Much like tonight. 
You were flat on your back atop the plush duvet. Alastor surrounded you with his frame, slender arms enclosing near your head. Your lover placed soft kisses across your face. Humming one of his favorite tunes in the process. "Absolutely breathtaking, my doe," Alastor whispered, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. 
A chill ran down your spine at the feeling of your lover's bare body pressing against yours. His cold flesh was a nice contrast to the warmth you emitted. You let out a soft whine as Alastor's erection grazed your lower tummy, making you needier than ever for him. Which was The Radio Demon's goal all along. It was only fair to make you feel just as desperate for him as he was for you. 
"Do you know how much I cherish you, my dear?" Alastor cooed, nipping at your neck. Leaving pretty marks in his wake. His sharp teeth grazing along your pulse point caused your breath to hitch. Your lover trailed lower, still pressing his body close to yours. 
"Yes," You sighed, burying your hands into his fluffy tufts of hair as Alastor's lips wrapped around one of your nipples. His hands began to wander. One slipped between your legs, gathering your slick with his deft digits. His other hand trailed to your other breast, tweaking your neglected nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
"Good girl..." Alastor released your nipple with a loud pop before darting his tongue out to circle around your areola. A cry of his name slipped past your parted lips as Alastor's ring finger eased its way into your pussy. Your grip on his hair tightened as you held him closely to your chest, pulling a deep groan from your lover's lips. 
"Feels so good, Al," You babbled, raising your hips to meet the slow cadence of his finger plunging deep inside you. Alastor's lips shifted to your other breast, giving it the same treatment. Only this time, his sharp teeth skimmed along your sensitive nipple. A sultry moan ripped through you from the sensation, urging Alastor on to add a second finger inside your inviting heat. 
Alastor slowly rutted his hips against the plush duvet, letting out groans against your marked-up flesh. "Please, my love... need you inside," You whined desperately, pulling his face up to have him meet your gaze. A string of saliva connected Alastor's lips to your hardened nipple. His cock twitched at the look of desperation you gave him. You scored your bottom lip with your teeth, eyebrows knitted with emphasis; eyes half-lidded. 
"How could I say no when you ask so graciously, hm? I intend to give my little doe everything she needs." Alastor's smile widened as he pulled his fingers out of your dripping heat. He didn't waste a beat wrapping his slick-coated fingers around the base of his cock. A whine escaped you as your lover ran the head of his flushed length between your folds.  
"Hmm, you're so wet for me, darling. Do I really work you up that much?" Alastor quipped, allowing the tip of his cock to push past the tight ring of your pussy. You nodded your head in agreement, pushing your hips closer to his; but to no avail. Alastor's hands came to hold your waist, keeping you in place. "Use your words, my dear."
"Y-Yes! Always, Al. Just you... only this needy for you," You were already stupefied by the pleasure your lover granted you, and he barely even began. A deep chuckle escaped Alastor. The radio crackle reverberated through his chest. "I hope you are aware that the feeling is mutual, my precious little doe,"
With that, your lover pushed deeper inside you. Stretching your walls to accommodate his length. "F..Fuck, so tight. You are squeezing me so greatly, darling." Alastor hissed through gritted teeth. Your thighs came up to wrap around his waist, pulling his pelvis flush against yours. 
A gasp fled you as you felt your lover twitch from deep inside you. His full balls kissed the underside of your pussy, making your head spin. "Al, you're so big, feels s-so good..." Your hands enveloped the back of his neck, drawing his face close to yours. Alastor's lips ghosted your own as he delivered his first thrust deep inside your fluttering heat. 
"You take me so well, my darling. Your tight little hole was made for me- and me alone." Alastor whispered against your lips, finding a slow but steady rhythm. Desperate whines escaped you, and your lover drank up each and every single one. Alastor was infatuated. His crimson orbs held so much adoration for you. 
You kept your gaze fixated on him as he fucked into you sweetly. Your legs narrowed around his waist as Alastor began plunging into you with more vigor. "I'm going to breed you, my sweet little doe," Alastor huffed. One of his large palms wrapped around your hand before he dragged it down to your tummy. A sharp gasp fled you as you touched the prominent bulge your lover was causing. "Feel that, my dear? I'm in so deep. Surely you'll get pregnant when I spill my seed inside you." 
You clenched harshly around him from his crude words. The thought of Alastor knocking up caused the coil within you to unravel. "P-Please, breed me! Fill me up, make me yours for good!" You cried out, thighs trembling around your lover's waist. Your words diminished the last of Alastor's resolve. Before you knew it, his large hands hooked under the back of your thighs. Pushing them tightly to your chest.
A sharp gasp escaped you from the change of position. Alastor's cock reached even deeper from this angle, intensifying the heat in your lower tummy. "Such a good girl you are! You're so pilant, so willing... so eager for me to fuck a baby into you." His words caused your walls to flutter wildly around his length. You were on the edge of cumming all over his cock. The pleasure Alastor provided you was becoming too invigorating to bear. 
"Al, ah... I'm close! K-Kiss me, please!" You begged as his hips pistoned harshly into yours. The lewd sound of his balls slapping against the underside of your drooling pussy sent a pleasurable chill down your spine. Alastor wasted no time capturing your lips. The kiss was hot and messy, tongues intertwining with one another as the coil within you finally snapped. Your lover drank up all of your whines as your pussy pulsed and gushed around his cock. 
Alastor wasn't far behind you. His release was triggered by yours. The feeling of your hot, wet walls trying to milk him for all he was worth made him feel lightheaded. His thrusts became sloppy before his hips ultimately stilled against yours. Alastor groaned into the kiss as his cock twitched from deep within you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as the first ropes of his cum spilled into your pussy. 
There was so much, and the feeling of being bred by your lover was heavenly; ironically so. Alastor slowly broke away from the kiss as he attempted to catch his breath. His cock was still nestled deep inside you as he stared down at you lovingly. You couldn't help but smile widely at your lover, allowing your palms to capture his cheeks. Rubbing Alastor's face gently with the pads of your thumbs. 
"Alastor, that was... wow," You giggled as your lover slowly released his tight grip on your thighs, allowing your legs to lie flat against the bed. "You are truly perfect, my dear. I simply cannot get enough of you!" Alastor's praise caused your heart to flutter in your chest. He was so gentle with you and you alone. Pride surged through your soul at the notion that Alastor only had a soft spot for you.
Your train of thought was cut off by the sensation of your lover's cock hardening from deep inside you once more. A smirk crossed Alastor's features as he reveled in your look of shock. "What's with the look of awe, my darling? I told you I was going to breed you. I don't intend to leave this room until I am positive you have been thoroughly bred."
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tags; @danveration
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