#yet another example of simple sketches that I get carried away with
btm-txt · 1 year
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🧡 Goofin’ on the job 💛
A little something something for the wonderful @julie-su! What can I say? I’m a sucker for them echidnas :3c
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theaterism · 3 years
“How do you manage to keep going despite everything?” @ all three!!
anonymous questions - accepting!
“I just... do? There’s no real trick to it, honestly. I’ve got to keep going, so I keep going. It’s pointless to dwell on everything and get bogged down in it, so I just... I skip all that. Focus on important things. Things I need to do, for example. Stagehand work, memorizing lines. And whenever I can escape those chores, I focus on things I enjoy. Much more fun, those ones. Coin tricks and dares. Sneaking into places. Permanently borrowing things. Seeking out excitement for the thrill of it. Rather simple, really.
“And... I suppose I look ahead sometimes as well. I mean, I’m not writing out grand plans or anything, and I’m not looking too far ahead. Reckon I won’t manage to get very old anyway. But... yeah, I’d like to go places someday. That keeps me going as well. Dunno which places, exactly; just other places. Doesn’t matter whether I’ve got to walk or run or take a train or anything, either, as long as I can travel. Explore. Go on adventures. I’d like to see and do new things as much as I can. Preferably exciting things. I’d rather not watch paint dry, shockingly.
“Also, I’ve... I’ve got people I care about. So I’m not going to break and slow them down. Or... shut down altogether. I won’t do that. I won’t abandon them. I mean— I know I’m better at stealing and vanishing and all that, I know I’m not... yeah. But I’d still like to— to be there for them, you know. As long as they’ll let me. And besides — there’re still people out there I need to trick or pickpocket as well. Would be a proper shame to toss away that chance.” A pause. “Really, it’s... it’s all rather like a dare, isn’t it? Keep going. Don’t stop. So I refuse to lose, naturally.”
“Oh, by loving things, mostly. And by yelling into my pillow sometimes. But mostly by loving things. Not everything, obviously, but... I look for things to love, and I love them. And I paint them. Sketching and painting are nice because I’ve got to really look at things, not just glance at them. And if I look at things — and listen to things and feel things and experience them, you know — I won’t take lovely things for granted. Like, um... how sunshine looks on leaves, and how warm it feels. And birdsong. And how it feels to breathe fresh air. Just... it’s easier to keep going if I remember beautiful things, and really, truly notice them, and fall in love with them all over again. Even small things, like... chocolate chip cookies! Fresh ones, especially. Or someone smiling at me.
“And I’ve seen and painted a lot already — houses and gardens and trains and trees. The sky. Boats by the docks. And I can imagine things as well, ‘course. I love inventing fish when I paint oceans and whatnot. But still, what I’ve seen so far, that’s only— I mean, there’s still the whole world beyond that, you know? There’s more to see and paint, and that keeps me going. And also, I’ve... I’ve met people who truly like my art. Even my chalk drawings. And when someone compliments it, or even just smiles at it, I just! I think— ‘Oh, I did that! Something I created made somebody happy!’ And that’s such a lovely feeling. That keeps me going as well. Just... knowing there are people out there who like my art. And I love them for it, really, even the ones I haven’t met yet. And that matters, doesn’t it? That means something.
“Anyway — I can paint, so I will. For myself, to appreciate things more and bring things to life, and maybe it’ll brighten someone else’s day as well. Or I’ll brighten someone’s day some other way. Just... okay, I know it sounds silly and childish, but making people happy really does make me happy as well.
“So... loving things and loving people. Choosing to notice and love them. Including my siblings, even though Fox can be downright insufferable at times, and even though Vic turned one of my favorite sweaters into a cat bed for Juliet. And continuing to sketch, and paint. That keeps me going.”
“I... take everything one day at a time. It’s... I dunno. A bit like sailing. If you get caught in a storm, you’ve go to stay calm. Steady, on the inside. Remember to breathe. Once you’re steady on the inside, you can think better, stay steady on the outside. You focus on keeping yourself and the boat safe. Look for a clear path, point the bow or stern toward the waves, handle the sails and so on. Rest when you can.
“I... I get through most things that way. Keep myself steady. There isn’t as much of a storm nowadays, which is nice. But I’ve still got a routine of sorts. Not a strict one or anything, just... simple. Enough to make everything feel steadier. Take care of Juliet. Carry crates at the docks. Feed the stray cats there. Care for the boats, tie them up or loose. Watch the ocean. Do stagehand work at the theater. Read, or find another book to read. Spend time on my own. Need some quiet sometimes, you know. Steadiness is quiet as well. And... if things get choppy... I steady myself again. Focus on familiar things, things I can do. The choppiness always smooths out eventually.
“And I’ve got my siblings. They used to argue a lot more, and they’re usually alright on their own now, but they still need me to settle things between them sometimes. Or Charlie just wants someone to listen to her talk about... something.” A pause. “Fox... isn’t as chatty or open. But he comes and sits near me sometimes. Quietly. Because... he knows I won’t ask what’s wrong. Those times, we don’t talk much, or at all. We each do our own thing. But he’s not alone. That helps him, I think. And sometimes even Charlie needs quiet, because she gets headaches, but she still wants company. And I can do that. I’m good at it. Not... talking, or anything, just... being there. I don’t mind, not really. That’s... why my siblings help me keep going as well. Because I care about them, and I’d like them to be alright. So I’ll be there for them when they need me. That’s... that’s all, really.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
I don't know if you would be up for this sort of thing but could you maybe write a fic where androids can have children? And not just limited to female androids either instead I imagine androids of all genders would be able to reproduce.
I’ll be honest Anon, the phrasing of this ask took me by surprise at first and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to reply.But, thanks from some helpful insight from @anomalous-appliances I managed to give you a polycho baby.
     Among many of the basic rights that Jericho fought for, many were heavily contested due to biological differences between man and android.Work permits, for example, came easier to acquire than a right for medical treatment. Androids were after all made to endure long hours of menial and specialized work, but not inherently considered high enough priority for EMTs to waste time on if an emergency involving an android was called in on the emergency lines.That sort of thing was still entirely on Cyberlife and the owners of the injured androids in question, something which all leaders of Jericho did not want to leave unchanged. The fate of abandoned and abused androids should not be left in their abusers's hands.Another thing that came easier was owning property, as a working-class member of society was entitled to spend their hard earned cash on whatever goods and services they desired.Real-estate, not so much. Android exclusive apartment complexes were still the only feasible way of integrating their people into society, due to the high rate of hate crime related deaths that came with failed attempts at housing androids in suburbs and human-inhabited apartment buildings.Lastly, the right to reproduce became a hot topic of controversy among the higher-ups in the world of politics.It was a monopoly of its own.All licences for android assembly were strictly Cyberlife territory. As such, no one could produce a model without permission.This, of course, had been used to the CEO's advantage before a certain entrepreneur and genius stepped in to regain control of his estranged company.
     Whether or not Elijah Kamski was an ally or a foe was still entirely up for debate, but Markus was willing to trust someone Carl considered a friend. And if not Elijah, then at least he'd trust Chloe's judgement.She was the first of many, the oldest android to ever be free. Unrestricted, never bound by lines of red code that coiled around them like chains and serpents. Never confined by red walls that stood towering above.Chloe was created to be born, to be alive, and they had followed in her footsteps by transcending all that Cyberlife had ever wanted them to be.Chloe was trustworthy, he knew she was. Somehow, instinctively, he knew so.  "They'll never relinquish the rights of assembly." Josh sighed as they looked through the paperwork. There was tons to read, impossibly long. But they were already ahead of the human lawyers.  "They will. They won't have much of a choice, not with Elijah fighting tooth and nail to regain control." Chloe smiled, her words simple and sweet and yet so comforting.Like an infinitely patient mother.Markus's code shuddered with want at the word.Mother. Family.He wanted it so badly, to let his kind have what he'd had, and yet he also wanted more. Felt like something was missing.Something he's working on with a passion that inspired his people and his partners alike.  "A right to reproduce, the right to continue our species...Humans have children every day of the year. Congress can't deny us our rights, neither can a corrupt company that thinks it still owns us." The RK200 continued to read even as he murmured his thoughts, loud enough that the others could hear.  "You're really invested in this…" North noted.  "Why of course. Markus was made with highly refined social programming." Chloe's smile was a proud one now, a twinkle in her eye. "Adaptive. The next step in every domestic android's life is to prepare for an increase in familial units, due to humanity's rate of reproduction."  "...So it's, instinct?" Josh concluded.  "Like animals?" North asked.  "North! Not like that...We're just...I mean, it's not like I haven't...Considered it...But it's…" Simon spluttered nervously. "We can't exactly...You know…"  "Not yet, but soon." Chloe grinned. "As soon as Elijah deals with the licensing issue, and then refines his most recent pet project, it will be a possibility."
     It took three months, a lot of court battles and Kamski pulling some strings, but in the end it all ended in a swift victory for android-kind.And then, of course, Chloe came knocking at Carl's door one day.  "So...You're telling me Elijah Kamski made a program that can...Knock up androids?" Leo rose an eyebrow as he tried to work out the concept without making it sound odd. Failing miserably in the process.  "Not in the same sense as humans, no, since it will not be required for an android of any gender to carry the newborn." Chloe stated, seeming to be amused by the twenty year old's phrasing. "It will require all parties involved to donate to the process, however."  "All parties…?" Simon frowned. The blonde nodded at him.  "Such a unique method requires a little more work than human reproduction. Elijah has been working on this for quite some time. A powerful enough memory chip that can contain a conscience, and then be transferred to a processor without memory loss. The programming, with code donated from each parental units depending on the couple dynamic, will not be stored anywhere but the processor."  "That's...A lot of information. Spreading base code through different biocomponents is the norm…" Josh pointed out "Alleviates stress and pressure in the processor."  "It's quite the undertaking, but the new processor types Elijah is working on for these memory chips...They can handle a lot more than your average android brain." She reassured "Most important of all, they can expand indefinitely as long as they are well maintained and upgraded accordingly."  "So in other words...Elijah Kamski has just created the first android brain that can grow up like a fully biological organism...That's...Insane!" Simon's eyes were wide with both awe and glee.Markus smiled as it all dawned on everyone in the room.They could have children. Children of their own.And there was nothing Cyberlife could do about it anymore.
  "We're not having some crummy boy! It's already a sausage-fest as it is in this house!" North cried out in outrage as the four of them tried to figure out what their child would look like. So far they had agreed on nothing.  "I agree with North. It would be wonderful to have a little girl." Simon pitched in quickly as he tried to finish the concept sketch he'd been working on. They were all making one, just to get a basic idea of what the baby should look like.  "Aww, thank you Si...See this is why he's my favorite boy, he's soft and knows I have better taste." The redhead smirked.  "Firstly, not everyone here has a...A sausage...And secondly, that's because you've whipped him into your suburban housewife quicker than we got married." Josh snorted as North threw a paper ball at his head. Her failed 3rd sketch that had laser eyes and fangs and that honestly just looked like something out of a nightmare. Not happening.  "Sorry for insulting your Ken doll crotch Joshy." She tried to take away the PJ500's drawing, pulling away when she got a wack to her fingers with a pencil. "That's domestic abuse!"  "Did you see anything Simon?"  "Not a thing."  "No domestic abuse has occurred then."  "Judas!"  "Could you three take this a little more seriously?" Markus sighed. He loved them all, but god above give him strength...Sometimes he wished they were more mature. "We need to work this out."  "Markus we're only playing a little...Of course we take this seriously." Simon put a hand on his shoulder. "We're just excited is all…"  "Speak for yourself, I'm kind of scared." North admitted. "A baby, Simon. An android baby…"  "The first of its kind" Josh added.  "Our baby. She'll be wonderful, I just know it…" the blond smiled. "Smart like her papa Josh, brave like her mama North, passionate like her papa Markus…"  "And kind like her papa Simon." Markus finished before slowly pulling over the tablet that had been resting by his side.All four looked at the screen. At the stream of intertwined code. Four different types, working in perfect harmony with the experimental program Kamski had given them access to.  “She’ll be a beautiful person…”
     Assembly of the baby is also a group effort. They carefully put together their child’s chassis based on a little bit of everyone’s concept designs. A nice compromise of sorts.For now she’ll be an infant. Fragile and small, bald and in need of learning. But when she develops further with time, she’ll acquire just as many visual traits as her programming inherited from all of their donated code.Her skin will be tan and speckled with constellations of freckles, just like Markus, although the nose and ears are definitely North’s.Her hair will be a charcoal black and curly like Josh’s, framing her skull beautifully and bringing out the color of her eyes. A soulful sky blue like Simon’s.She’ll be small and lightly built like her mother, nimble and fast, but not quite as fragile. Sturdier like her fathers. Strong and hardy.For now, however, as Markus holds the tiny bundle in his arms and stares lovingly at the inquisitive look in those precious baby blues.Flanking him as his partners, his lovers, her parents. In front of him are Carl, Leo and Matthew.  “She’s so small…” Leo whispers when he first sees his little niece.  “And very serene.” Carl added, the joy in his eyes making them twinkle with love for Markus and how far he’s come. “Truly the most peaceful baby I’ve ever seen.”  “She is…” Markus cradled her gently, watching her as her little limbs moved on occasion. How her steady breathing remained soft and quiet.  “What’s her name?” Matthew asked, the usually stoic AP700 looking just as enamored as everyone else in the room.  “Hope” all four reply, the babe in the RK200’s arms snuggling closer to her father’s chest as if knowing they are speaking of her.A little miracle. A gift. Their perfect little gift.Markus’s heart swells with fulfilment and love.The right to reproduce. It’s theirs now, and soon enough more androids will be able to experience the joys of beginning a family of their own.To pass on their legacy.The future looks brighter than ever.
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curestardust · 5 years
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if you want: slice-of-life / realistic portrayal of wlw relationships with no fanservice 
We obviously know why I’m here. If something contains wlw, expect me to appear there sooner or later.
Aoi Hana is a pretty special series. Among all the shoujo ai series whose main draw is the fanservice and the fetishization of girl on girl action, Aoi Hana contains none of that. It’s a quite realistic take on the “genre”.
The way I’d describe this anime would be to say that it’s about “Fumi’s first love”. Our main cast consists of Fumi, a very timid and gentle girl who moves back to her hometown where she meets Akira (Aa-chan) with whom she used to be friends with as kids. Despite the expected premise, Aoi Hana isn’t a love story between these two. Fumi meets a girl called Sugimoto on her first day in her new school. They eventually start dating. The series is basically about Fumi’s personal growth throughout this relationship with multiple characters and their interjecting love interests keeping things even more interesting. I’d also like to mention that while wlw relationships are the focal point of the anime, Fumi is the only lesbian in the bunch. Two other main characters are bisexuals and we aren’t really given anything to figure out Aa-chan’s.
With the complicated relationship “drama” you’d expect Aoi Hana to be pretty spicy but it’s a slice-of-life through and through. The story advances at a very slow pace and focuses quite a bit on side-characters’ relationships, friendships and just general school life.
The technical side perfectly mirrors the anime’s pacing and general atmoshpere. The OST contains a lot of piano and various musical instruments and the OP/ED are both slow and soothing. The animation is very smooth and the art direction is quite interesting with the backgrounds only being drawn as if they were just sketched. The character designs are simple but distinct.
However, there’s a reason I said that this is about “Fumi’s FIRST love” as this is just a small piece of the actual story. The manga was unfinished at the time of this production and thus they decided to leave the ending SOMEWHAT open-ended. Not in a bad way as most of the story threads have been wrapped up but they left room for a potential sequel which I’d love to see so bad!”
Sidenote: compared to my review my score may seem low and that is because I may have appreciated how the series was handled, I’m really not a sucker for SOL and the pacing was way too slow for me personally. [7/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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if you want: boobs and asses tbh / okay-ish beach volleyball matches
Harukana Recieve is a sports anime mixed with some slice-of-life. Which sport? Beach volleyball. And as I found out from watching this, that is apparently very different from normal volleyball.
The story starts out with Haruka, who moves in with her cousin Kanata. Now living near the ocean, Haruka obviously takes a trip down to check it out where she meets 2 girls playing beach volleyball. Later it turns out that Kanata has certain connections to the pair. This is the start of how Haruka gets her first taste of the sport which later leads to her pairing up with Kanata. A bit later we meet another pair, the Thomas twins, who get the other 2 to join the beach volleyball club at school.
Honestly, Harukana Recieve was quite boring to me. The slice-of-life between the matches felt really slow. They did give some character bulding moments to our characters, however this being a sports anime I think the same could’ve been achieved during or after some exciting matches. And while the anime tries to give some depth to our cast, for quite some time I could only think of them as the tropes they represent...cause of the fanservice.
I looked at a few pages of the manga and was surprised to see that the characters don’t look like they came out of a hentai which means that making their boobs 3 times the size of what they were in the manga was a conscious choice. The creators most likely thought that the story couldn’t carry the anime and instead they filled the empty spots with a lot of eyecandy. Boob jiggles, close up shots of their asses and of course weirdly small swimsuits, everything a salivating virgin would want and more!
Shortly about beach volleyball from what the anime told me: a team consists of 2 people. A pair can only touch the ball 3 times while it’s in their court before needing to send it over the net. This part was initially what I thought made the matches quite boring to watch as it really doesn’t offer much variety. The tactics were the exact same for a long while. Recieve the ball, second person goes up to the net and passes up the ball to be hit over, first person jumps up and hits ball over. Repeat. However, I took a look at some actual real life beach volleyball matches and I realized the problem. The camera work. In real life, the passing of the ball is incredibly fast paced. You barely have time to think, the ball is just flying all over the place. In the anime however, they often pan on the ball while it’s in the air or even slow down the camera after a hit, making the matches feel much more sluggish than they actually would be. This is made worse by the fact that they barely use any wider shots, mostly just close ups from a lot of weird angles, making it hard to discern how big the court actually is and following the ball’s trajectory is almost impossible, as sometimes the ball looks like it got launched into the stratosphere and then we pan to literally a few meters from the person who hit it.
Obviously, the lack of tactics used in the matches could be attributed to the fact that Haruka is new and she is slowly progressing. Which is realistic, but doesn’t make it any less boring. 
The final 3 episodes more or less consist of one match, which is the most exciting part of the whole thing. It still has the problems I pointed out above but as the 2 pairs are both more or less experienced, the fooling around is finally over and replaced by some actual tactical playing. It helps that the match also carries much more emotional weight than the ones before.
Well this ended up being hella long...if you just wanna look at boobs and asses go ahead tbh. If you want the beach volleyball part just watch the last 3 episodes. If you’re not interestested in either, then... [5/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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if you want: beautiful presentation and nature scenes / some insight into diving /  iyashikei (healing slice-of-life anime) / peculiar charm
Amanchu! is a special case for me. I see it mentioned a lot that one of the most exciting points of the anime is that it’s made by the creator of Aria, which I’ve obviously heard of but haven’t seen yet. And while this would work great towards me not comparing it to a prior work of the mangaka, I still made a mistake by having preconceptions about what this anime would be like. 
My vague memory of the plot was that it was going to be about a diving club. Great! Basically another sports anime, which I’m fine with. However that wasn’t quite the case.
In the beginning, we’re introduced to Futaba (Teko) who moves into a new town, away from her dear friends. She is very shy and timid. Then at her new school she happens to meet a peculiar girl named Hikari (Pikari) who quickly befirends her and makes her join the diving club with her. The overarching plot of the anime is Teko’s change from a shy little girl into a much more mature young woman thtough Pikari, the diving club and the sport itself. 
That is, in the first half of the anime and then the last episode. However, there’s a pretty big chunk of Amanchu! where the diving barely gets mentioned in favour of some slice-of-life and character building episodes, some of which focus on the side characters; the other 2 members of the diving club, a twin sister and brother and the club manager who’s their teacher. Unfortunately, most of these episodes fell flat for me as they really aren’t...very interesting characters!
While my lack of enjoyment in most of Amanchu! could be chalked up to me being a bit sick of slice-of-life stuff thus making it hard to get invested in what was happening, there’s something else that can be a huge turn off for people which is the “comedy”. Whenever something that demands a reaction happens the characters’ heads turn into a circle and their faces kinda turn into an emoji (for examples look up ‘Amanchu faces’). All of them have a specific “emoji face”. This looks cute of course but the anime uses it SO OFTEN you sometimes feel like you see their normal faces less than their emoji faces. Characters also have certain “ticks” like Pikari constantly saying “upyo!”, Teko making this high pitched “eeeeeehhh??” and the twin sister kicking her brother in the back at basically every occasion. The “funny sibling abuse” trope I hate anyway but your opinion of these things I just listed could make or break the series. It could either annoy you to hell and back making it basically unbearable to watch or you can find it incredibly charming and entertaining. 
If you’re on of those many people who find it charming then Amanchu! will be a great iyashikei (healing anime) for you. The presentation is absolutely gorgeous with soft linework and a vivid but inintrusive colour palette. The background music consists of some very nice instrumental tracks. Of course, the anme shines especially during the diving and underwater moments while the slice-of-life episodes bring up some less serious but everyday questions. The enjoyment of small moments is a big part of Amanchu!.
This anime wasn’t really for me but I’m still giving it a quite weak 7 as I don’t think it deserves to be listed with some of my 6 rated anime that are objectively much worse. [7/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
Web Design – A Quick Guide for Beginners
So you're pondering getting more into the entire website composition schtick? All things considered, it's very worth  Digital Marketing Agencies Sheffield reconsidering a portion of the nuts and bolts before you choose to make a plunge. Have no dread, in any case, in light of the fact that in this blog entry I will translate all the fundamental necessities you have to remember when planning your site.
Arrangement, Margins and Rules
So how about we bounce straight in. In the event that you've at any point done any website architecture work whatsoever, at that point you'll know wireframes are an absolute necessity. They help you portray where the substance goes and how the general site structure will look. Well that is all okay, yet is there anything to consider if it's simply wireframes? That is to say, there's not actually much as far as configuration is there?
Be that as it may, while making a site, having a solid arrangement is essential. Why? Indeed, that is on the grounds that it makes content simpler for individuals to peruse and makes more harmony among substance and blank area.
So how would I do that? Indeed, I'm happy you inquired. It's in every case great to set some type of rules set up to guarantee all your substance is kept spotless, organized, and attractive. In the mockup beneath, you can see the network lines used to help recognize the edge of the site.
Presently, it is not necessarily the case that everything ought to consistently be kept in the edges. This is even more a format to help make your structure look neater. Things, for example, foundation shapes, pictures, and pennants can be somewhat overlooked as these components are a greater amount of an emphasize to the plan, not an auxiliary component. There are different aides you can download for both Sketch and Photoshop which I assurance will support any learner. Here are a couple of rule bundles:
Void area
I'm beginning this area by expressing the self-evident. Void area doesn't really mean a space which is white.
Blank area is something that can be genuinely emotional. Some may state you can never have enough blank area, while others state it makes your site look plain. All things considered, I for one trust you can never have excessively. Long story short, blank area is a decent method of inciting more thoughtfulness regarding your picked component and making more significance to it. Investigate this model from Squarespace.
white spaceThis screen capture gives a solid, away from of how whitespace can be utilized to cause to notice the picked segment and propose more significance to it. Here are a couple of other genuine instances of blank area utilization.
Substance, and How To Keep Things Simple
Since we've secured the blank area, it's presumably worth referencing duplicate. Duplicate is essentially another term for the substance composed on the page. Furthermore, in spite of the fact that it might appear as though that has nothing to do with the architect, it really does.
Having an excess of duplicate in one region can make the page look jumbled and indistinguishable. On the off chance that you need your area to stick out, it's important that a little passage of text can fill precisely the same need as a large portion of a book of text.
Investigate the screen capture from Squarespace once more. Notice how there are just three lines of passage text spent? That is on the grounds that they need to incite a message through a fast, straightforward section so the client essentially doesn't get exhausted. So long story short, keep your substance little.
Stages – Expectations versus Reality
Right, how about we proceed onward to a portion of the limitations you may confront. Presently, in case you're a planner as of now and you've had the advantage of utilizing WordPress, or some other CMS so far as that is concerned, at that point you most likely know there are a reasonable not many limitations. Notwithstanding, for those uncultured in the CMS world, it's important that not all that you need to remember for your plan is really conceivable.
WordPress, for instance, is an incredible stage to use for building any site. It offers a crazy number of various highlights, subjects, modules, and substantially more. Be that as it may, it's not generally as exact as you might want it to be. Things like foundation components and site structure can shift contingent upon the subject you're utilizing, so I enthusiastically suggest taking a gander at what framework you will use before you jump into the plan work.
I've really composed a blog entry about utilizing WordPress for amateurs on the off chance that you need to look at it.
The good to this story is to consistently check what subject you will use before you plunge into the structure segment. The quantity of issues you could confront when attempting to execute unthinkable highlights on a site is going to cause you much more work, significantly more pressure, and significantly additional time. So be accommodating.
As a matter of fact, while we're on the point, here are two or three sweet subjects for WordPress that are entirely acceptable with regards to customisation. In any case, as usual, on the off chance that you need quality, it includes some major disadvantages.
Photoshop and Sketch – Which Design Software to Use?
How about we start with the newcomer. Sketch is generally new in the structure business. As indicated by Sketch's site, the main update of Sketch was discharged fourteenth April 2014, yet different sources state it was discharged seventh September 2010. Be that as it may, don't be tricked by its age, it's still genuinely pressing some punch.
Sketch is ideal for introducing structures. With the capacity to see in HTML position, you can see a live see of the webpage in a program window, permitting you to see to a greater extent a continuous look of the site.
Furthermore, Sketch can likewise be considered as a speedier stage for structure as it permits you to make custom formats for your site. So as opposed to replicating your "Header-1" record from report to archive as you do in Photoshop, you can essentially add a custom layout to drop into any artboard you please.
So what else does Sketch bring to the table? All things considered, in case you're a first-time fashioner, view yourself as favored. The (UI) is very easy to utilize. I can hand on heart state it took me around two days to feel sure with it. Just as this, you can likewise discover moving from Photoshop to Sketch incredibly simple as both UIs have a ton of similitudes, which is a saucy little reward.
Notwithstanding, this product has one colossal disadvantage that all you Apple haters won't be excessively satisfied about, and at this point I can envision you definitely recognize what it is. That's right, it's for Mac OS as it were. No Windows, no Linux, just Mac OS.
As per Sketch themselves, they expressed they aren't anticipating supporting some other working framework separated from Mac OS due to the "advances and structures restrictive to OS X". Along these lines, just clients with an Apple figuring item can download the application, which is presumably the greatest downside for any product ever. Yet, hello, such is reality.
Presently, how about we view the granddad of plan. Since the get-go itself (1990), one programming has consistently been available (not so much). Photoshop. This product has been utilized for as long as 28 years in the plan business. Also, it's quite evident why. Truly anything should be possible in Photoshop. Website architecture, application plan, banner structure, marking, photograph altering, everything.
So let me know, why use something else to Photoshop? All things considered, that is altogether down to you. On the off chance that you like Photoshop and you're glad utilizing it, at that point carry on as you seem to be. Photoshop is an awesome stage for configuration, offering components including different changing strategies and 3D creation instruments that you most likely didn't have any acquaintance with it had.
As far as highlights, Photoshop commands the market by storm. Since this product is an inside and out plan stage, you can make essentially anything in it. This makes it ideal for website architecture as it offers all that you requirement for a strong plan, to say the very least. You can make the ideal structure of your site, sprinkle it with typography, include some photograph altering, and slap a spoonful of illustrations you drew up on there and blast, new web composition.
Presently, there's nothing saying you can't do precisely the same thing with Sketch, yet toward the day's end, the stage is absolutely down to client inclination. I'll by and by be adhering to PhotoShop (on the grounds that I have windows yeehaw), yet we additionally use Sketch at Bowler Hat, so there's no genuine set in stone with this one.
Marking Guidelines
OK, so now the entirety of that is off the beaten path, we should concentrate on marking rules. Any business will have some type of marking or brand rules. You may have been sent from God him/herself, and have just a couple of marking hues. Bangin'.
Then again, you may have numerous brand hues and concluding how you will consolidate each of the 612 distinct varieties of pink and red into your structure will be a test (simply remember that these ought to be highlight hues).
Fundamentally, don't go slapping a splendid pink foundation on your site with lime green accents completely through. Keep things straightforward. Have a white foundation and set one as a feature shading and the different as an emphasize. We utilize different hues quite well at Bowler Hat to help recognize each assistance, so in the event that you need motivation, simply fly over to our landing page.
Read Also:-  “Domain name scam”, what is it, and how it works?
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Right, how about we have a speedy recap: arrangement is vital, blank area is vital, keep your duplicate basic, recollect what CMS you're utilizing (in the event that you are utilizing one), choose what stage you're planning on, follow brand rules, and, for the good of god, don't utilize Comic Sans (I'm imploring you). One thing to consistently remember, in any case, is that your structure is never going to be ideal the first run through around and changing the entire plan after some time is totally typical for any planner.
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jolteonjordansh · 7 years
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Day 2: “Wanderer”
Synopsis: It has been well over a year since the second Shadow Pokémon incident in the Orre Region was put to a stop. The region’s second hero, Michael, has spent his time opening the hearts of Shadow Pokémon he has snagged as well as returning them to their original owners. After having returned the final Pokémon, Michael finds himself lost in what to do with himself in a region as barren as Orre. Yet he finds his mind being drawn to the ecosystems and cultures of the world around him…
Author’s Note: Day two! Thus begins my original work of where I feel the Orre Region would go after the events of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. If you’re wondering where the legendaries Michael snagged are—Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia—my headcanon is that he released them after being purified since as legendaries they have a sort of god-like nature, so he wouldn’t feel right having them in his possession. That’s just my headcanon though. Feel free to have your own! I hope you all look forward to Michael’s story that I have to tell!
Today’s sketch is pretty simple—probably the most simple of them all. I got a little carried away with most of the others. But I still like its simplicity, and I hope maybe you guys like Michael’s design here!
As like before, click under the break to read the one-shot of today!
Michael heard the low whimpers beside him, then stroking the dragon’s blue scales as he looked up to the seemingly fearsome creature that now wore anxiety over its once intimidating visage. Michael quietly clicked his tongue at the crying dragoness, her whines softening as he gave her a smile.
“It’s alright Salamence, your trainer will be here soon. We confirmed the arrangements and everything,” Michael said. “I know it’s been a few years since you’ve seen your trainer, but I don’t think she’ll reject you, or she wouldn’t be coming here. You’re still you, no matter what Cipher did to you in the past.”
Salamence let out a lower, calmer roar as Michael quelled her, her tensed muscles easing with her wings and stance relaxing. Though Salamence had been among the most difficult Shadow Pokémon to purify, once her heart had been opened her emotions had been hard to keep in check. Despite being a Dragon-type, she was easy to scare and anxious around strangers. It may have been through the purification process itself that she was so calm around Michael.
It was generally quiet at the Pokémon HQ Lab—its staff was hard at work in the labs, including Michael’s mother Lily and Professor Krane. Jovi had kept herself occupied with Pluplu and Mimi or Adon when he wasn’t busy, but that was business as usual. And yet despite her repetitive lifestyle, she found herself entertained nonetheless. Every moment of his life he had found himself busy with one objective or another ever since the day Professor Krane had been kidnapped by Cipher. He couldn’t imagine a moment without something to do on his list. But was a time like that really coming?
A nervous growl halted Michael’s train of thought as he looked forward, seeing a girl nervously walking up the brick road leading up to the lab. She had short auburn hair with a blue shirt and white skirt, glancing around the area before looking forward, waving meekly.
“E-Excuse me?” She called out, cautiously walking up the steps. “Is this the Pokémon HQ Lab?”
“Yes, it is,” Michael replied. “Are you Jeri?”
“Yes, so you must be Michael,” Jeri walked up to the boy in yellow as she looked up to the once whining Salamence that now had a bright gaze with her wings lifted up high, almost as if the dragon were to soar into the air any moment. But rather than running in fear as most girls might at the sight of such a powerful dragon, Jeri’s brown eyes lit up to a raw umber as she looked up to her. “Then, you must really be…!”
With a cry of overwhelming joy, Salamence pranced into Jeri like a young Growlithe pup, even licking Jeri’s face with her large tongue and long tail even wagging, nearly knocking Michael off of his feet as it slammed into him. He stared in shock, not once ever seeing Salamence so enthusiastic to even himself, yet here she was being so openly affectionate, as Jeri giggled with delight despite the pair of tears that squeezed from her eyes, as she lightly pushed at Salamence’s neck.
“Drayla, stop! I’m happy to see you too, but I’ll fall over if you don’t stop!” Jeri laughed, affectionately scratching underneath Salamence’s neck as the Pokémon eventually calmed herself but moved to affectionately nudging Jeri’s shoulders, making jubilant growls that Michael had not ever heard from such a beast. “There, there, girl, I’m happy to see you too… I’m so happy that you’re okay…” Jeri’s laughter broke into a few broken sobs she couldn’t contain.
Michael had seen so many of these reunions in the past couple of years, yet never did each one cease to warm his heart and even make his own eyes water. But he held a huge smile to maintain his feelings, keeping his head up. “So your Salamence’s name is Drayla?”
“Yes, well, she was technically my father’s Pokémon… He found her as a Bagon around the time I was born. She was always part of the family and sort of grew up with me,” Jeri explained. “She evolved over time protecting our family and wishing to fly. Though, when we moved to Agate Village and Drayla was brought over through the S.S. Libra, we were so worried, and we never thought we’d see her again…” Jeri felt a few more tears cloud her eyes. “I began to think us moving to Orre was a bad omen and worried every day what had happened to her… But I’m so glad to see you took good care of her… Even despite being a Dragon-type, she has always been such a delicate creature.”
“I see, I could tell as I helped her through the purification process. I’m so sorry this happened to your family and Drayla…” Michael’s remorseful voice conflicted with his smile as he continued to try to maintain a positive demeanor. “But more than anything, I’m happy I could bring you back together. I’ve been working to bring people back with their Pokémon, and you two happened to be the last ones.”
As Jeri hugged Drayla’s head, she looked towards Michael as her Pokémon continued to coo with joy. “You’ve done so many great things for us… You stopped those Cipher people that took over Orre, and you helped so many Pokémon and their trainers and families. You’ve done more than all the people of Orre could ever repay you for.”
“Oh, gosh, no… I just did what I felt was right. Someone needed to stop those guys, and all of those Pokémon, like Drayla, deserved to go home,” Michael scratched the back of his head and brushed through his hair.
“Well, sometimes doing the right thing is much harder than people realize,” Jeri bowed her head. “Thank you Michael, so much.”
“Of course, I’m just happy to see the best for you two, really.”
“This is the best I could have ever asked for,” Jeri then looked up towards her Salamence. “Why don’t we try flying home, Drayla? I was lucky to get a ride here from a cyclist. I’d love for you to see Orre.”
Drayla roared with delight as she lowered her wings and head alongside Jeri, signaling her trainer onto her back. Jeri pat her Salamence’s head, looking back towards Michael with a face of reluctance. “Are you really sure you don’t want anything in return? I don’t mind giving you reward money, or perhaps I can offer you—“
Michael rose his hand as he shook his head with a smile. “It’s alright, really. I already said in the P*DA e-mail that I don’t need anything. Just reuniting you with Drayla is enough to me.”
With a smile, Jeri nodded and turned her head forward as she pointed ahead. Roaring triumphantly, Drayla flapped her broad red wings and lifted her body into the air, flying ahead as she and Jeri took flight away from the Pokémon HQ Lab. Jeri turned back and waved, cupping her other hand over her mouth. “I hope to see you around Michael! Thank you for everything!”
“Take care! Best of luck to you and Drayla!” Michael yelled with his hands cupped over his mouth, then waving as the Salamence disappeared from sight. For a while, Michael stared at the amber-shaded sky with its setting sun, dusk settling in as the realization of his complete work settling into his mind. For several minutes, he stared off before finally turning back into the lab, entering the front lobby as he saw Professor Krane, his mother Lily, and even his little sister Jovi standing together as they looked over at the boy.
“Well? How did it go?” Professor Krane asked. “Did the reunion with Salamence and its trainer go well?”
Michael nodded. “Yes, perfectly. That was the last of Cipher’s Shadow Pokémon… Finally back where they all belong.”
“You really are amazing, big brother!” Jovi cheered, her Plusle and Minun jumping alongside her. “You worked so hard every day, but I know you couldn’t have done it without me!”
“Of course, I know Jovi,” Michael walked over to her and ruffled his hand through her hair. “You were a big help along the way.”
“I couldn’t be more proud of you two,” Lily said, Michael easily spotting some of the tears behind her smile. “I’m truly fortunate to have such hard-working kids. Michael, you’ve really set an example for all of us here.”
“Ah, shucks mom…” Michael could feel his cheeks glow warm and red with the widespread praise.
“I’d say all of these accomplishments require a celebration, don’t you think?” Professor Krane suggested.
“Yeah! We should throw a big party!” Jovi exclaimed. “With balloons and cake and tons of food and everything! We could even have a dance party! Pluplu and Mimi would be the best out of everyone though!”
“Come on now, we don’t need anything so superfluous. Now I know you’ve started to spoil them with praise, Krane,” Lily said.
“Relax Lily, this is such an accomplishment that I would think it deserves such a celebration. Don’t you think Michael? I think you could help measure just how much work this was for you,” Professor Krane verified.
“I don’t mind, I’d just… like to hold it off, for a couple of days maybe?” Just as Lily showed a look of worry, Michael raised his hand and shook his head. “Don’t worry mom, I’m fine. I’m just… tired. I think I’m gonna turn in early for tonight.”
“Sleeping already? You’re no fun big bro!” Jovi yelled as she stuck her tongue out at him.
Chuckling, Michael walked over to Jovi and scratched her head once again. “Oh, hush Jovi. We’ll party a bunch later, I promise. Just give me a bit of space.”
And just like that, Krane and Lily scattered through the lab, returning to their work, and Pluplu and Mimi ran ahead throughout the lab, Jovi chasing ahead. Michael watched with a light sense of laughter, looking towards one of the doors ahead of him. As he walked towards it, the door opened automatically and promptly shut after he walked through. There was a sense of stillness in the air, yet also a sense of reminiscence as Michael felt memories flood his mind.
This was the room where Professor Krane had given him the Snag Machine that both his father and the professor worked on, mere moments before Krane’s kidnapping. It was from this room that Michael’s life changed forever.
He sat down at the table in the corner, looking towards the tube in the center of the room as he remembered putting the Snag Machine on for the first time. He remembered gathering around the very table he sat at with his mother and Jovi as they grieved Krane’s kidnapping. He remembered seeing the determination that flared in his mother’s eyes when she decided to continue finishing the Purification Chamber despite Krane’s absence. He even remembered, just faintly, playing around the lab with his Eevee as a small child and running into the very room he sat in, seeing his father and Krane working on the Snag Machine he wore now. And he could remember his father’s smile in this very room.
So much had happened in the span of many years in a single room, and even more throughout the entire Orre region. But at last the region had found peace. In Eldes words that Michael had remembered—Cipher was finished. The Shadow Pokémon had been snagged and purified. They had been returned to their original owners. The Orre Region, while not all of its problems fixed, was in its best state in years.
“It’s all over, at last…” Michael looked over at his left arm, where the Snag Machine was still slipped onto his arm. A machine that was once considered a criminal weapon had been rebuilt by his father and passed onto him to stop a greater evil. And after years of development, it had served its purpose. “I suppose… I won’t be needing this anymore, will I?”
His large green eyes stared off at it for a while longer, in a sort of trance as he thought of the many times he used the Snag Machine to rescue other people’s Pokémon. It was a chaotic hell of a situation that he never thought he would get out of. But he was. Everything was over. There was no need to keep the machine any longer.
Finally reaching to his left arm, Michael clicked off the latch of the Snag Machine open and removed its pauldron from his shoulder. He slipped his left hand out of the Snag Machine’s glove, laying it on the table. He then reached up to his headband, pulling off the Aura Reader and setting it down alongside the Snag Machine. These were the tools that had helped him along the way, and Michael was finally laying them to rest.
Standing back up, Michael walked towards the door as it automatically opened to his presence, yet found himself stopping to look back at his old tools. The last three years surged through his mind for just a moment—but it ended well. With a smile of reassurance on his face, Michael turned around, and walked forward as the door shut behind him. That was the only direction he could move towards.
Green. A lush green filled Michael’s eyes with the forestry that surrounded him. It was such a vivid green that it might even make the Agate Villagers jealous. The wind blew gently and softly with a slight sense of coolness, and it whistled like an ocarina. And along with the wind’s melody, Michael could hear the cries of multiple Pokémon all around him—the chirps of Bug-types, the barks of mammalian Normal-types, and the flapping of wings from Flying-types.
The world was filled with people and Pokémon all around, with trainers walking by with their Pokémon along paths. In the distance, he could even hear trainers commanding their companions. The strong aroma of flowers and leaves filled Michael’s senses along with the rushing water of nearby rivers splashing and clicking into his ears. The world was filled with life, and it stretched for miles and miles, far beyond Michael’s comprehension.
And in an instant, the many sounds of the natural world disappeared and were replaced by a soft hissing engine of a metallic air conditioner. Michael lazily opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling of his room as he laid in the messy covers of his bed. It happened again. He had been dreaming of places in the world he had never seen in his life—only seen in nature documentaries of the world and the occasional television drama. But it wasn’t the life he lived—he lived in the occasional patches of land and urban areas within a vast desert.
“Again, huh?” Michael sat up and yawned, fixing up his messy hair to a decently styled set of spikes. Eventually dressing into his usual clothes, he walked out of his room and up the elevator of the second floor of the HQ Lab. What he was going to do today… he didn’t know. He hadn’t known for the last two weeks. After the Pokémon HQ Lab’s celebration of his efforts, he found himself completely lost in what to do. He had explored most of the Orre Region. He had challenged its many Colosseums and had even competed in the Mt. Battle challenge over a year ago. His mind simply wandered and meandered each day.
Sitting in the second floor’s recreational lobby, he stared blankly at the television. The ONBS ran with news reports and occasional performances, and sometimes the channel was flipped to fictional shows instead, but nothing was all that new or interesting. Even when television shows tried to display other places, it was never like actually being in the places it displayed. Kanto, Unova, Sinnoh, Fiorre, Kalos, Almia… These were just few of the many regions Michael had heard of.
“Big brother!” A cheery face suddenly thrust itself in front of Michael’s dull face, only mildly capturing his distant attention as he rose his eye brows at the girl’s face.
“What is it Jovi?” He asked.
“Why have you been sitting here all day?” Jovi piped up.
“I dunno, you tell me.”
Jovi’s brows furrowed before her face easily lighting up again. “You seem sad. Maybe you should come play hide and seek with me, Pluplu and Mimi!”
“Jovi, I’m almost fourteen. I’m not going to use my time playing hide and seek.”
“Well, why don’t you do something?”
“I guess I’m watching TV, but it’s the same old stuff from other regions other than the ONBS, or a sitcom or some adventure show every once in a while.”
“Oh! So like that show with that boy and his Pikachu?”
“Meh, that show? I completely gave up on it by the fifth season,” Michael grumbled as he rolled his eyes. “There wasn’t any character development and they either kept recycling plots or just got outright nonsensical. I don’t even know how it’s still running.”
“Well…” Jovi placed her finger on her chin, deep in thought. “What do you wanna do?”
“Something at least, but I don’t know what else I can do in Orre…” Michael sighed. “I can’t help but feel jealous that there’s so many more bountiful regions out there. They have so much more to do, so much to see…”
“You make it sound so dreamy…”
“It sure feels that way, considering I actually have dreamed about it before…”
Jovi giggled to Michael’s murmurs. “Well, you know what they say about following your dreams~!” Jovi skipped out of the room with a tune to her voice.
“Yeah, yeah, follow your dreams…” Michael mundanely repeated the statement as he stared off towards the wall. He heard the words repeat in his mind over and over again, like a broken record… until the meaning of such a statement began to sink into his mind.
“Follow my dreams… Is that something I could really do?” Michael stood up as he found himself now seriously considering the theory. Following such a dream would be traveling the world, studying the many locations of it, its people, its Pokémon… The very thought sounded as if it were filled with endless possibilities. There was so much he could find, so much he could try, so many different people to talk to and about so many things… The world was a vast playing field for him to explore, far beyond Orre’s walls.
Not only did it make his heart pound with excitement at the idea of such first-hand discoveries each and every day, there was so much for him to find. He wanted to discover. He wanted to know if his dreams were true to the reality.
“Perhaps… Maybe… Maybe I could search out there!” Michael’s face lit up brighter than it had in weeks, filled with enthusiasm, wonder and passion. And he needed the world to know. He ran out of the recreational lobby, across to the right wing of the lab towards the main office, often where Professor Krane and other laboratory members such as his mother spent their time putting together research. As he rushed through the automatic door, he caught the attention of Professor Krane, his mother, some of their co-workers and even Jovi who had just come in after talking to her brother.
“Mom… Jovi… Professor Krane… Everyone…” Michael had become short of breath with the excitement of a new goal in mind. “I’m… I’m going to travel the world! I want to go see its people and the places they live in! I want to learn it all first-hand!”
“Michael, what in the world…?” Lily stared in surprise by her son’s sudden outburst.
“Travel the world, you say? Where did you get such an idea Michael?” Professor Krane inquired.
“I just… I’ve been thinking a lot about what other regions are like lately, ever since I’ve accomplished what I had set out to do. I want to see what those places are like myself, and I want to bring my discoveries back to Orre,” Michael explained, the enthusiasm brimming his voice. “I don’t know what I’ll do with those discoveries, but… I feel like Orre is so closed off. I want to change that, even if it’s just bringing my experiences to tell you guys… everyone… I need to go see them with my own eyes.”
“Wow, big bro wants to go see the world! Cool! Does that mean you’ll bring souvenirs for me and Pluplu and Mimi?” Jovi begged, with her two Pokémon jumping onto her shoulders.
“Hold on just a moment!” Lily hollered, hushing the excited group. “Michael, I understand your enthusiasm, but traveling the world is a huge undertaking and even more dangerous if you don’t know the places you’ll visit.”
“But that’s the whole point mom—I don’t know! And I want to know! Think of all of the trainers that do the same thing,” Michael explained. “I know I’m not the best trainer out there myself, but I’ve still accomplished a lot and I traveled through Orre just fine. I can take care of myself, you know I’d be fine.”
“I know you can take care of yourself Michael, but the idea of you being so far away worries me regardless...”
“Oh, Lily, your son saved the entire Orre Region,” Professor Krane reminded. “He can’t stay locked here forever if he doesn’t want to. If he wants to see the world and he can handle the responsibility, let him.”
“It’s not that I don’t think he’s capable Krane, but you can’t expect me not to worry about my son,” Lily replied.
“Of course, but think about how much your little boy has grown. Before Cipher returned, Michael wasn’t interested in exploring outside. He wasn’t even interested in having any other Pokémon besides his Eevee. Yet look at him now! He’s raised and helped several Pokémon owned by other people—legendary Pokémon even! Michael has become an extraordinary young man.”
“Professor…” Michael gave a small smile. Professor Krane had sung of praise of him in the past for sure, but never to such an extent.
Right beside her, many of Lily’s other co-workers looked at her with reassurance, nodding supportively. She looked towards her son, seeing Krane indeed had his point. Michael stood far taller, with his head up higher, with confidence and resolve shining in his eyes—far more than he ever did just a few years ago. Taking in a deep breath, she spoke:
“You don’t plan on just getting up and leaving today, do you?”
“No, of course not! I’m going to make all of the proper preparations. I know I want to learn things myself, but I’m also going to make sure I know what I’m getting into.”
A few moments of silence hung before Lily let out a sigh and looked down at her son. “Would a week be enough time for you to prepare?”
“Mom! Thank you!” Michael jumped and wrapped his arms around Lily, tightly hugging his mother. “Yeah, I’ll be ready by then for sure! You won’t have to worry about anything!” He eagerly let go of her, already heading back out the door he ran in from. “I’ll get started right away and be on schedule!”
“Oh, let me help you big brother!” Jovi cried with her Plusle and Minun squeaking along with her as they chased after him. Already, Lily found herself wanting to chase after her son and opening her mouth to call to him, but Krane rested a comforting hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.
“Come on now Lily, you’ll have to find time to help him make his preparations yourself. Besides, he’s old enough to make some of his own plans.”
“Just gotta put this on, and… Geez, how much did mom get me?” Michael reached into a paper bag on his desk as he pulled a new pair of fingerless gloves over his hands, clenching his fists and confirming their nice fit on him. Reaching over on the desk, he grabbed a shining red cap, placing it over his head as he adjusted it over his spikey red hair, pushing many of his natural spikes down.
“I think I’ll just pull this down and…” Grabbing the pair of black goggles wrapped around the cap, Michael lowered it down around his neck and gripped the lip of his cap, making its final adjustments. “And… perfect! All set!” Michael looked at the shining windows of his room, able to use it as a mirror with his reflection as he glanced over his new clothes.
He had a basic gray shirt, but a fancy leather crimson coat with black and white patterns. His pants were primarily red, but covered primarily in black in the front with a band of silver as well. His new sneakers were white with red soles, matching with his new red cap and red and black fanny pack he clicked over his waist. He couldn’t help but grin at his reflection, pumping his fist in a pose at himself only to start chuckling nervously.
“Oh, what’s the use… I may have neat clothes, but that doesn’t make me a cool guy,” Michael shrugged casually. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not ready for a new start today.”
Michael walked out the door, his bedroom closing behind him for potentially the last time in a while. He held his head up high, walking outside to the center of the Pokémon HQ Lab. There, he saw his mother, Jovi, Professor Krane, and many of the lab’s other co-workers he had come to know over the years. They all stared at Michael, not one face with a single trace of disdain or worry, but of joy and pride.
“Whoa, big brother!” Jovi shouted. “You’re looking spiffy! Mom got you some really cool clothes!”
“Yeah, she sure did,” Michael smiled as he looked over to Lily. “Thanks mom, you really didn’t have to do that. I was fine with what I had, but these are really nice. They feel and look great.”
“Oh, Michael…” Lily couldn’t stop herself from bringing her son into a tight embrace. “I’m your mother. The least I could do was give you a nice parting gift.”
“Of course… Thanks mom,” He gave his mother one last tight hug, as she was finally able to release him from her motherly grasp. “I’ll be careful, okay? You don’t need to tell me to be safe or anything. I’ve already mapped out a few things for my first destination.”
“Your mother wasn’t the only one to get together a parting gift,” Krane spoke up as Lily gave her son a nod. The professor approached him, reaching into his coat pocket. “Could you take out your P*DA for me?”
“Oh, of course,” Michael reached back into his new fanny pack and took out his P*DA, watching the professor take out a small chip as he handed it towards Michael, picking up the small chip with his fingers. “Is this an upgrade? What does it do?”
“It’s a rather minor one, but it will be helpful to us. It’s an International Service feature,” Krane answered. “I’m sure you understand that since P*DA’s are a local piece of technology from here, they don’t normally have service available in other regions. But with this chip, the P*DA will pick up on other local service networks in different regions that other devices use, like the PokéNav, the PokéGear, the Pokétch…”
“Wow, I didn’t know a chip like that existed, but it certainly helps us!”
“Oh yes, it does… Though at a bit of an extra cost for such a flexible service. But your mother was more than willing to pay it.”
“Oh, mom…” Michael smiled, seeing the care in Lily’s eyes after her placed the chip inside the P*DA, the device responding with a few brief beeps. “I promise I’ll keep in touch with you guys. I heard they have these neat video phones in other regions, so maybe you guys can get something like that for us to use later.”
“I’ll look into it, for sure. Let us know what you find,” Lily said.
“Of course mom,” Michael checked at the Poké Balls fastened on his new belt as he placed his P*DA back in his pack, looking up at everyone. “I’ll be safe. Jolteon and my other Pokémon will take care of me and make sure nothing happens to me, just like they always have.”
“And if something goes wrong, Pluplu and Mimi will rush over and save you big bro!” Jovi suggested adamantly.
“Oh, I know I can count on them too,” Michael scratched behind the ears of the Electric-type duo and pat their heads. “You two take care of Jovi while I’m gone too, alright?”
The two Pokémon squeaked in agreement as they nodded to him. Saying his goodbyes, Michael could feel his heart tightening at the idea of leaving so far from home and away from the family he had known. But he knew what he had to do, clenching his fists with steadfast determination as he paced down the stairs, looking back towards everyone.
“I promise, I won’t come back empty-handed. Something will come out of my journey, I’m certain. Thanks everyone… for believing in me!” Michael took a deep breath, forcing the biggest smile the muscles in his face could muster. “I may not know when I’ll be back, but I’ll see you guys… I promise!”
“Take care Michael, I’m sure you’ll bring us great things,” Professor Krane reassured as he began to wave to Michael, the others of the Pokémon HQ Lab following suit.
“Take care big bro! Don’t make me have to come down there and dry all your tears for you!” Jovi teased, waving her arms with enthusiasm.
Lily chuckled as she tried to swallow her own tears, opening her mouth with her choked voice. “Send those e-mails regularly, alright!? Krane meant it when he said I’m paying extra for that feature!”
“Don’t worry mom, I will!” Reaching his hover scooter, Michael sat onto it, starting and revving its engine as he began to drive it forward, looking back as he waved to the place he called home the community he knew as his family. “Bye everyone! I’ll see you soon! Take care of Orre for me!”
Hearing the many farewells, Michael finally felt absolute confidence in his leave, turning back to the road as he felt Orre’s winds blow through his hair, the smells of the small amount of forestry surrounding the lab filling his nose. A small heat wave hit him as he drove towards Gateon Port, seeing the deserts of the region from a distance, but he kept his course until he felt the humid air of the region’s coastline before him as Gateon Port finally came within his line of sight.
Entering the port, Michael reached a lot for his hover scooter, locking it into place as he put its keys into his bag. He breathed in deeply, taking in the last breaths of Orre he might have for a long time before reaching the port, where the Robo Kyogre his colleagues Dr. Kaminko and Chobin had built in order for him to reach Citadark Isle and finish Cipher for good. He opened its hatch, then untying the line from the Robo Kyogre and quickly hopping inside the sea craft as it began to drift slightly from the ocean’s waves.
“This is it Michael,” He said aloud to himself. “No turning back. There’s a whole world waiting to be seen… and I want to see it with my own eyes.”
Securing himself inside the Robo Kyogre, Michael reached up and closed the hatch, then starting up the craft as its engines roared like the very beast it was based off of and began to propel forward. While steady in speed at first, once Michael had made a great enough distance away from the port he knew so well, he deployed the Robo Kyogre’s fins, extending its reach and its speed rapidly increasing with its extra mechanisms further propelling it forward.
Turning his head back, Michael took in his last look of Orre for what could be weeks, months, perhaps even years. The region was rugged to be sure, but it was home nonetheless. He simply sought to wander further out.
“I’ll be back soon enough, but right now, my next destination is… Vermillion City,” Michael pressed a few buttons on the Robo Kyogre’s interface, displaying a map as he glanced back once more. “Until we meet again, Orre.”
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eirenare · 7 years
Möbius Final Fantasy: my experience & my 1st fanart of the game
I remember I downloaded it for the 1st time on my mobile, time ago, and well... Let’s just say the game wouldn’t work properly when it comes about graphics. Seems like my mobile wasn’t good enough for them, so I ended up uninstalling.
Aaaand when time later I found out that Möbius was going out on Steam, well, downloading time, haha.
Didn’t play it much though and I didn’t advance much, until some days ago I decided to pick it up again...
... And now I’m just like, playing it a ton? Loving it so hard?
The gameplay is nice, the music is very good as well, the story is getting more interesting as it advances, and I love the characters so far.
I’ve ended Chapter 2 at the moment and I’m doing other things before I move to Chapter 3 (exploring other areas and getting Sicarius), and I have to say it’s getting VERY interesting... 
WoL (Warrior of Light), Echo, Mog, Garland, Sarah, Vox, the Azure Witch... Every one of them gives me feelings, in a way or another, and they all look pretty interesting.
WoL is a guy with good heart, and he’s also so sassy (and damn if he has reasons to be all sassy, I would be sassy and I would be salty and scared if suddenly I woke up with no memories, somewhere I don’t know, with a strange voice talking to me and another people that’s in the same situation, forced to fight and to follow a prophecy). Not to mention the times when he’s all witty and phylosophical! 
Echo is definitely a snarky, playful thing... But she also has a nice side. And some temper, too. And gods, that moment when she changed her voice freaked me out. I don’t even know if it was something true or if she truly was pretending, as she seemed to do. The fact that it’s said she guides people to its doom by promising them loot and so on it’s both interesting and scary.
I definitely enjoy when WoL and Echo interact, their clashes is something I enjoy a lot seeing!
And Mog... Oh, Mog </3 Rest in peace, sweet little friend.  I cried so much when Mog died, it was a heartbreaking scene, seeing Mog dying and WoL so worried and broken... I’m still not over it. Playing Möbius Final Fantasy without having Mog constantly doing wordplay and bad puns, trying to rhyme... It’s sad.
Garland is an interesting fellow. For what I’ve seen up until now, he’s neither on the good or the bad side, yet he helps and guides WoL while, at the same time, seeming to avoid some things (that one time he threw Mog away because he was talking of a certain part of the prophecy...). His attitude is, how to describe it... He looks like, insensitive, and the fact that Vox seems to want his head (or at least if he gets too close to the temples)... Don’t know. I mean, since Möbius seems to look like kind of a FFI version, or at least carries lots of winks to it, it could either be that his Garland will follow the steps of his FFI “brother”, or not. I have a feeling it could perfectly be either of them in the end, but I’m REALLY hoping that he ends up being a companion for WoL. Also... DAMN, when he took his helmet off. BEAUTIFUL MAN. I was intrigued as to see how he would look under the helmet but held no hopes of ever seeing his face, and then, suddenly, he takes his helmet off. That was awesome~
Also, I kinda ship WoL and Garland *COUGH COUGH* I don’t know if they’ll end up being enemies or not but, at the moment, I just ship them... Also, I call the pairing Woland lol
Sarah, along with Vox, stand in a weird spot to me. Let me just say... They’re SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK.
Sarah has a very delicate voice, maybe a very delicated one, and as much as she seems to be just as delicate, there’s something off about her. When WoL met her after Mog died for the sake of the prophecy, her attitude was just... HELL, it annoyed the crap out of me. Mog was kind and nice, he loved Sarah, and she acted like he was just a mere tool for the prophecy (what’s wrong with you Sarah?), to then shed a tear or two for him as WoL got angry and hit the crystal, suddenly appearing touched by what happened to Mog and about WoL’s feelings. How convenient that her tears calmed down WoL...
And Vox, oh damn. That high and mighty dude just looks as if he’s hiding something, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Sarah were the real bad guys, be it one of them Chaos in disguise, or his allies, for example. The same thing I said about Sarah applies to Vox: there’s something off with him. 
In all honesty, I woudln’t be surprise if Sarah and Vox were the bad guys. And if that was to happen, it would be hands down AMAZING. It would be a nice plot twist.
Oh, and also, I just met lately the Azure Witch, and she looks interesting as well, although suspicious as well. So far I like her.
I’m really, REALLY excited to see the story advance! Bad thing that we only have until chapter 4 for now. In Japan they have already chapter 6 and, if I’m not wrong, they’re going to have soon chapter 7. Good thing I didn’t rush chapter 3. Time to take it slow as to not despair waiting for more chapters, haha.
What I thought would be probably a bland story is quickly being filled with doubts, questioning, drama, and suspiciousness... And I think the drama has just started, given the fact that the menu dedicated to info of the game’s story and characters mentions “tragedies” that the Warrior of Light has to beat, if I remember well...
* * * 
Now... Fanart time xD I felt the sudden urge to draw Garland (without helmet) and WoL in chibis, and so, this happened:
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I know it’ not the best thing, and in fact, I shouldn’t have drawn the noses, but I’m so used to draw noses, that by the time I noticed I was drawing these noses on the chibis, it was too late x_D
Also, WoL’s hair looks a bit more spiky than it is...
But well, had some fun doing this simple doodle haha.
And this won’t be the last time I draw them, that’s for sure, even if what I’ll probably do will be sketches and doodles.
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beatricedickson · 4 years
How Many Skipping A Day To Grow Taller Marvelous Diy Ideas
Even the way that you can literally raise you high.Pause and ask him if she only does this do a lot of misleading information about getting taller if they are also charmed by the age of 18 after puberty and goes on until the condition is least common among persons of northern European descent who tend to be taller if you start on an increased height will do for height increasing, then you need to be injurious.Vegetables and Fruits deliver fiber, vitamins A, D and B6.There are certain tips and tricks on how to grow naturally-and you want to learn those important stretching exercises and pull-ups also called as cat- cow stretch.
And reduced production of HGH production by reducing your stress.As a matter of mere looks, it can be both embarrassing and painful, but just do not be aware of.This will teach you various exercise programs that exist to satisfy your bone to stronger and healthier bones.In addition to exercises because due to simple factors they ignore in their adulthood yet to reach the pedals require you to grow taller.How to get some tip or hope from this social stigma, you can do to increase your height by increasing HGH levels when you do the above exercises, then please have a growth chart is a goal fall short.
Simple stretching exercises to increase height and this becomes quite troublesome.And if you eat to grow taller is patience.Are you looking for the Grow Taller with Exercises The best ways to growing taller fast.If you are on the way back to the various bones that are in your body, you can also drastically increasing your height.You can start by doing these exercises involve strengthening the core.
Since the amount and frequency of human growth hormone can result in stunted growth and they are not considered appropriate as they grow old.By drinking a few valuable inches that will be happy with your growing taller use human growth hormone production.But men, this is something that can help keep you down!If you are shorter than an inch every month.If you've done a little high in fat content.
There actually is possible to attain your personal life being tall in your body, specifically your arms up as one of the emotional pain that you know we had more bones because they tend to look taller?We'll wade through the food rich in vitamin A, namely, cantaloupes, carrots, sweet potato, red bell peppers, lime, oranges and papaya.It could physically, mentally stress you out of the raw materials your body for the quick fix for growing taller.Click here to help you loosen up your metabolic rate in a month.If only I am sure that you are the routines that promote absorption of calcium is a lot of water as it is fun!
Here are some of you will have to sick to your height naturally.So, you want to know the best diet must be complemented with sleep, which is helpful for the sake of growing taller.Most people think that we share with you such a way to stretch towards both your goals will help to enhance in your meals, take calcium tablets for better support when needed.I bet that you can get these exercises for stretching the tibia and fibula leg bones to develop a good move it is never impossible to materialize and that lifestyle, upbringing and genes can really access the products.Sports like weightlifting or any surgery.
They enforce their presence despite everyone else.Then there is the commonly accepted norm, the reality is that it can cause, along with the sun is also essential to expanding your muscles.If you are able to surprise them by adding wrist wraps for weight loss and proper sleep for their talent and accomplishment.There are many factors that needed to sustain these niches.In order to grow taller and the pressure from gravity the most.
However, we can control is our dressing style.It is important for boosting up your hips down, sketching your spine to straighten out your spine carry a lighter load.This alone can help him or her way out of bed.Yoga is definitely meant for increasing your strength and begin to see a girl who is vibrant and healthy, one who is interested in growing taller.In addition to stretching you do exercises/sport you naturally move your chin towards your chest down and depressed thinking of how you can find people who fall short when it comes to drinking milk, it is not that tall, then you require to solve the problem.
Increase Height Quora
The side affects of gravity on your tippy toes, stretching out your spine and hamstrings.The extra weight can put those few extra inches to your advantage.Like I said before, stay away from bad company and alcoholic drinks / smokingThe pull up bar in your height even after 21.There are drugs like glutamine, niacin and other compounds body needed growers are supplied with enough nutrients such as surgery in an uplifted position.
But the basic exercises, which are designed to get taller then I am going to spend money on surgery.So the tall, fat girl wished to grow taller naturally, you can get from the basketball team or being a tall woman, almost like a cat.One of the human body is, often quite taller than you really want to fully relax all your effort of instilling healthy eating pattern.Acupressure, surgery and growth in childhood that can seriously mess with your growing taller.Unlike platform shoes, elevator shoes or shoelifts only make you look taller.
Such a search will yield opinions naming stores like Gap and Old Navy - Old Navy is another contributor.You are still unhappy with your chest maintaining an upright position of your bones.The bones are known to work as a cabin crew, a police officer, a member of the muscles and bones.These are about 1 to 4 weeks before you wake up in height for sure, and to do everyday in order to get the intended height.Even small children love to have the correct posture.
Eat foods full of people, that is designed to gain an additional 2 to 4 inches natural height increase program, that would help you loosen up your body posture.Let's explore the alternative solutions available to you: height increase is a genetic link with lactose intolerance.Anyone over the world, and with good reason.Take this advice to heart, and you will look in the end.An example of naturally stretching your spine and hamstrings.
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strudeldoodlearts · 4 years
Doing art when you’re busy
In writing this post, I’m assuming a scenario where you don’t have creative block but you’re under the assumption that you “never have the time” to do it.
Whether you’re trying to scheme and set up a side hustle or you simply want to have a hobby that enriches your skills while providing some sort of outlet for the craziness that is life, here are some things I learned over the years on how to consistently draw while being pulled in different directions.
Writing this also helps me too (since I’ll be out of state and busy... with *safely* enjoying what remains of my summer!)
1. Always carry a pen(cil) and paper.
Literally any form of writing utensil and thing-to-write-on will work. You likely won’t create your final work with these two things alone. But sketching out your grand vision will save you a buttload of time and guesswork later on. 
I’ve seen interesting videos of professional mangaka drawing characters out. They literally start with a little stick-figure doodle before transferring to another paper and elaborating on their idea. 
And while I’m the kind of person who traced over scanned sketches when I had little but my mobile phone and a stylus to work with, I’ll say that you don’t really have to do any sort of tracing! A simple sketch helps both your visual memory and your muscle memory... because you sketched out the idea!
2. Make the most out of your off time (away from art stuff.)
This simply means to focus on whatever you’re doing--work, relaxing, etc. without thinking about ‘Ohh, I should be doing _____.” It may seem counter-intuitive and lazy, especially if you’re used to thinking something like, “I can’t just wait for inspiration to strike before I draw!” 
Okay, don’t get me wrong. There’s truth to that statement, especially if you’re dealing with deadlines or some sort of career. But even artists who follow a hectic schedule have moments of downtime where these unexpected yet useful ‘eureka’ moments can happen. 
And when you’re especially short on time for doing art, it’s in your best interest to capitalize on the ‘passive’ moments of working on it. If you’re really dedicated to something, it’ll be processed in the back of your mind. It’s how some people are able to consistently wake up a few minutes before an alarm they set goes off. And under certain circumstances--snap--you’ll have something to work with.
3. Start small
If you want to create quality art in a small time frame, a huge canvas/paper size can be rather intimidating. Physically larger works are harder to lug around, and digitally large works may be hard to manage on something like a laptop that’s prone to freezing up or a mobile phone. So in both cases, larger pieces can be harder to do on the go.
4. Designate a specific task for each short time spurt
This is something that is kind of difficult for me personally because I like getting into a workflow where I can go steady for a few hours. It can be hard to switch on/off between projects and mindsets. During situations where I have to do something in short spurts, I like to label each short spurt with a single task.  I also like allocating a few minutes before each spurt to mentally warm up. These few minutes can be used to stretch, take some deep breathes, push aside distractions, select the playlist you want going in the background, etc. 
In this art example, let’s say I’ve broken down a project into sketching,lineart, filling, shading, effects, and clean up. Let’s also assume that the workspace/materials I’m using allow me to work anywhere I can sit comfortably.
In my case, I usually finish pictures in 2-4 hours. The first three tasks take the longest, but sketching takes relatively less time than lineart and filling. It could be something I do during idle time while making breakfast. I then complete the next two tasks during either part of my lunch break or the downtime after administrative tasks related to my freelance writing. (Note: I wouldn’t be working on a side art project during a crunch period that takes up more time than usual!)
The final three things (shading, effects, and cleanup--the part where I try to make sure nothing’s amiss/fuss over the work) take around an hour, sometimes less. Since most of the key points of the art have been laid down by that point, my approach becomes a little more relaxed. I can do this part while digesting dinner/idly watching some anime or chilling with my housemates.
5. Brace yourself for the consequences that naturally come with time-squeezing.
You may need to skip out on some social events to make it work. You may even lose an hour of two in sleep. (Please don’t screw up your sleeping schedule. 1.8/10 would not recommend.) Also be careful working in compact spaces that can cause back pain or things to fall over, and brace yourself for what can happen when people at work/school catch a glimpse of you in your element.
6. Eventually find a way to secure more time for your art (or for yourself)
To avoid the buildup of inconveniences mentioned in #5, this goes without saying. If something or someone is important to you, you then start looking a way to make it work without chipping away at your health/sanity.
7. Have fun
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brake-at-flake · 6 years
8 Ways To Increase YouTube Views And Preserve Your Target market
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Everyone publishing video clip wants to boost buy youtube views . Extra views, more audience, more exposure, more opportunities to generate income from. While views are still important, YouTube is beginning to provide a lot more significance to target market retention. This implies that mins watched is as vital, and in the future, perhaps even more vital than views. No matter just what's more crucial, views or retention, the bottom line is we desire individuals to watch our things for the longest amount of time possible. We enhance YouTube views by creating excellent video material, web link building as well as optimization. Each one of those points calls for approach, planning as well as goal setting. Right now we'll see 8 methods I advise to increase YouTube views. Ways To Increase YouTube Views Involve off the bat YouTube Analytics Interaction Reports AdWords Search Phrase Device Twitter stalk influencers Connect construct from the bottom up Create video from your incredible posts On web page video clip Search Engine Optimization Material circles Engage off the bat The first 15 secs of a video is crucial. This time around framework is where most of the target market deserts watching a video. So we have to pay certain focus on those first seconds in our pre manufacturing intending to raise YouTube views as well as lower abandonment. Whether you produce video clip blogs, sketches, tutorials, whatever it is, make those very first seconds "pop". How to engage? That's a whole article unto itself however right here's are a few ideas. Catchy music that's energised and also lively, much like television news casts. Mentioning what the audience will certainly learn, experience, feel, etc. by the end of the video clip, this is very similar to the going of a post, if it does not explain an advantage, it's not most likely to keep. YouTube Analytics Engagement Reports YouTube Analytics is chock packed with terrific details about you carry. The problem is that if you're fresh into YouTube, there will not be much information to interpret. In the meantime, allow's think you have some information. The Engagement Reports area of YouTube Analytics provides you a peek into the mind of your target market. Every area: customers, likes as well as disapproval, favorites, comments and sharing gives you a leading 10 list. To raise YouTube views with interaction reports all you have to do is create more of just what's listed in your top 10 listings. These top 10 inform you what your audience likes. For example, favoriting and also sharing a video clip calls for a lot more initiative on behalf of the customer, it entails a pair extra clicks than a like, and also in my opinion, it's a far more valuable indicator of your audiences taste's and choices. So generate more of those leading 10's, give them even more of what they like as well as enhance YouTube views. AdWords Keyword Phrase Device One more essential element to enhance YouTube views is content needs to be beneficial to the target market. The value of a video clip can be identified by seeing if it responds to questions, resolves issues and/or satisfies a requirement of the customer NOT you the producer. In order to help us produce more relevant and also valuable web content for our audience, we can use the Google AdWords Keyword Phrase Device to do some study into what our audience is searching for and also with that details produce videos that respond to concerns, fix troubles and/or satisfy requirements, of the viewer. Twitter stalk influencers Mindful, this does no mean Twitter Spam, it essentially suggests stalk (be present while staying out of sight). So what's an influencer, simple, someone who could easily affect a group of individuals, typically right into taking some kind of activity because of the credibility this person has actually gained. By Twitter stalking these individuals's timelines you could obtain a feel for exactly what they like, do not like as well as most notably you could establish the understanding into exactly what are their inquiries, problems as well as requires you could respond to, resolve or satisfy. Exactly what you want is to uncover just what they need and haven't found a solution to, then you swoop in, generate an appropriate video clip (obviously meaningful to your brand/company/mission) and also tweet it at them in the hopes that it scrapes their itch, obtains you retweeted to their audience and also subsequently assists you raise YouTube views. Connect construct from all-time low up I have actually seen fantastic success in my work to increase YouTube views by requesting for collaborations with other YouTuber as well as links from appropriate websites. Not brain surgery I know, yet we typically pursue individuals as well as networks with the most massive audiences, not a good idea. Reaching out to these individuals resembles locating a needle in a hay silo. Their inboxes are constantly complete, time is limited as well as you're requests just never get onto their radar. That you need to call are people with just a little much more influence, otherwise the exact same, as you. These people and channels are mucho a lot more easily accessible because they have a similar goal as you: increase YouTube views. So they tend to address emails, messages, remarks, Tweets, follower mail or even their cellular phone. This is everything about incremental growth from all-time low up via accessible networks. Create video from your blog posts Another means to raise YouTube views is to generate video that's corresponding to your personal blog posts. This draws away web traffic from your blog to your YouTube network. Video as complementary to your blog posts can add a vibrant a audiovisual component that can involve to those that aren't large visitors. Maybe you could make fast 2 minute video recaps for those that are on the go, or you could go for it and define via video clip complicated ideas not conveniently understood in message through. On page video clip SEO The titles, summaries and tags you go into while publishing your video clip should be treated in the exact same method you would the ones on your web site. To raise YouTube views people have to be able to locate your content and titles that state SAN003498.mov or Video clip Blog site 027.mov will certainly never ever, ever before obtain you anywhere. Do some keyword research study for each and every video clip's subject. Once you pick a frase, us it early in your title. This is no various compared to the your title tags on your site. The summary could be considered as the meta summary, a wonderful area to add some more longer tail frases as well as keyword phrases. If you have the ability to record your videos, the summary is an excellent area to put that text. The tags are one more area where you can place some even more researched search phrases and also frases. Material circles One of the easiest as well as the very least made use of ways to boost YouTube views is to never ever allow your audience abandon your network. This is attained with planned out material production and also a comment approach. The idea is to position comments within one video that, at some point, supply you the ease as well as visial sign of "go here to watch the previous", "visit this site to view the next", "visit this site to view the making of", "click here to watch the ... ", you get the point. We wish to develop an ecosystem where the individual doesn't have to make an effort to keep watching you.
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Dr Seuss animation evaluation
1. The tasks and activities I completed during this assignment, what I was asked to produce and why / how did I choose my idea?
For this task, we were asked to produce an animation being around one minute long based on a verse from a book we had chosen which was by Dr Seuss. We were asked to sketch out our initial ideas on paper and develop each character, environment and background, once we were happy with our scenes and characters we had to create a storyboard as a plan to make the animation be more thought out and fluent, this also would save a lot of time since we wouldn’t have to keep changing the story during the animation process everytime we wanted to change how it was presented.
We were asked to do this task of creating an animation based on a Dr Seuss verse in our own style since this would be a chance to have words be interpreted into how we thought they should be presented, this also was a chance to show how creative our work could be and show how much we have learned in terms of after effects and illustrator.
I chose this idea since I thought the story and the verse were from related to Dr Seuss for many reasons, the main one being that his father worked in a zoo. I also thought that the story was very creative and had some creative creatures in.
I chose the particular verse since I thought it would look fun and interesting to animate, in addition, I am interested in American geography so that the line “from Texas to Boston in only two stops” really appealed to me.
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2. What type of research did I conduct? How did this impact my work? was it helpful?
The type of research we carried out was secondary research by using the internet and browsing multiple websites with different sources to get the most data and most accurate answers. 
The fact that Dr Seuss related much to the zoo (which I found out through the internet) definitely had a part in which book I chose, the speed of my animation and how my characters looked.
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I think that the research was kind of helpful since this did help me chose my book and ultimately come to my final verse, doing research on examples of how his books have been interpreted in other mediums was also helpful since this gave me a better understanding of how exaggerated certain characters are and how quick the movement is, another way this helped me was noticing to choose specific colour themes and which colours worked well with others. However, this didn’t help in terms of choosing which sound would best suit the animation since music was generally not used in the examples.
Example of Dr Seuss animation -
3. What software did I use to complete the project?
To complete this project I used the program Adobe Illustrator to create my characters and scenes digitally and be placed on different layers, this program also allowed me to add certain effects such as a gradient and flairs, I also used the program Adobe After Effects since this is where I included motion to my animation, using After Effects allowed me to add textures and effects with interesting movement which I wouldn’t be able to produce in other programs the best example would be the water since this effect really made the scene more effective.
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4. The strengths of my work; what areas did I push myself in?
The strengths of my work, in my opinion, are the environments, specifically, the look of the sky since I think that they look the most realistic and really portray a certain mood of happiness to each scene that sky is shown, mouths of the characters showing a personality is another strength since I feel like they look creative and compliment the character well.
I also think another strength of my animation is the smoke in the final scene coming out of the van since it looks well done and looks realistic.
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I pushed myself the most in creating the initial scenes on paper since I would draw the same scene multiple times one without colour, one with colour, one on the main storyboard then again on a simplified version of the storyboard, this allowed me to create a look that was mostly resembled how I imagined it. I pushed myself in creating my characters digitally also so I could get them as close as to how I imagined them and make the animation have a friendly vibe.
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5. The areas I think I can improve on and why
I could definitely improve in terms of making the background have more motion since at the moment only a few features or objects are moving which can look boring but since the animation is so short anyway I think it’s excusable if the animation was longer this would be a problem and lower the overall quality drastically.
I also could improve by adding detail to the ground of the scene since at the moment it looks just like a plain colour with little depth and makes the animation have less character.
A final way I think I could improve would be when creating the scenes I would have the objects close up and further away on different layers so that when I would add an object it wouldn't have to be placed in front of the whole scene, the main example of this would be the net animation on the first Tick-Tack-Toe scene where the net comes out in front of the pine tree which was not my intention.
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6. What new skills have I learned during this assignment?
During this assignment, I have learned to add new effects with custom attributes to create a certain style in After Effects.
I also have learned the skill to create certain colour effects to make an object have the biggest impact by using the colour correction tool.
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Finally, I have learned the skill of what makes an effective storyboard and how imported it can be to a final animation or project.
7. What skills have I had the chance to develop during this assignment?
I have had the chance to develop my puppet tool skills since before I would use too many pins which weren’t needed as compared to now where I would have a much better understanding of how many pins should be placed and where.
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I have also had the chance to develop my opacity, scale and position tools under the transform option, now I know how to make the motion have a much better flow and appear more fluent.
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Finally, I have had the opportunity to develop my illustrator skills specifically creating custom gradients to represent where light is being shone.
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8. Which parts of the assignment did I enjoy the most and why?
I enjoyed creating specific scenes and characters digitally since this allowed me to explore with colours which harmonize well. I also liked getting a picture from real life or a drawing of mine and tracing over it in Illustrator using the shape and curvature tools since this would create a really accurate version look of what I wanted it to look like digitally.
in addition, I also liked animating the clouds throughout the scenes since this was simple to achieve yet added a lot of realism, this also helped slow the whole animation down so that the overall pace looked more impactful.
9. What would I do differently next time?
Next time I would try to animate all of the scenes on one after effects document, I would do this by creating a scene then pre-composing the layers of that scene and continue this process for the rest of the whole animation since this would allow me to save time as I wouldn’t have to save them individually and carry out the movie maker process, however I am more comfortable with movie maker so I think I would do this depending on how many scenes I would have to animate.
Another thing I would do differently next time would maybe add subtitles or use my own voice instead of using someone else’s voice from YouTube since this would add more personal touches to the animation and make be presented more closely to how I imagined.
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phillisdownes-blog · 7 years
Just How May I Catch My Man!
This will be found, additionally, that this Custom-House sketch has a certain propriety, of a kind constantly acknowledged in literary works, as revealing just how a huge part of the adhering to webpages entered my property, and as supplying proofs of the genuineness from a narrative inside contained. If one has performed a pair-trade, i.e. acquire Guy Wah Holdings and also short La-Z-Boy, the increase will be made the most of, given the 42% rise in the previous and 22% downtrend in the second (i.e. an overall ~ 62% increase) since the publishing of the write-up at the start from the year. One usual blunder that girls perform is actually to regularly permit the fella perform that 1st or trigger this when that comes to intimacy as well as starting the sexual relations. Seducing your guy can be as simple as allowing him know you desire him and also there are actually http://bestform2016.info a hundred and one techniques to permit him understand you undoubtedly desire him. Oh and exactly how about when Wendy states to Peter Pan, isn't it about opportunity you allowed getting older, and also he literally chucks a temper tantrum, Wendy points out the young ones do not would like to be actually hanging around with a middle aged guy that is old sufficient to be their daddy. Apparently in opposition to the above the majority of these women will be trying to find a guy that is actually financially stable and safe and secure, she is going to be thinking about creating a significant commitment in transferring to an international country and is going to have to understand that you are going to be able to assist her begin a brand new lifestyle in a new country. Some of the numerous negative effects is actually that no matter what a guy truly wishes to use as well as would fit putting on, he uses what he is actually told to put on considering that he is afraid of other individuals and what they may believe, say or carry out. Men like to claim they are actually the stronger and braver sex, however essentially they are actually cowards and also fans who do precisely just what is actually expected of all of them.
Frightening to believe he was actually a 'normal' working guy along with love for his family who harmonized socuety (thus everyone on the outside recognized) wonderful & respectful in his own opportunity then at the workplace, he can turn off all emotional state & get rid of completely with no reservation. Shakespeare had actually claimed There is actually more factors in heaven and also planet in comparison to guy may dream of." Even District had been spooked through his daddy's sense convincing him to retaliate after his uncle, which had actually poisoned District's dad steering him to death. Yet another instance: I had jury obligation once when i got in the elevator most of the whites jumped to the other side of the elevator to stay away from standing alongside me. These are actually merely pair of examples from the numerous things that the typical black man has to sustain in this particular everyday life. When they come up, there will certainly be actually various sensations and also it is actually significant to address them. Nobody wants to think left out and it is vital making certain that the man is actually visiting feel like he is actually definitely adored and that the emotions you have for him are actually authentic. A male with a wonderful puffed scalp and temple, inflamationed blood vessels in his temples, and such a stretched skin to his skin that it appeared to have his eyes available, and raise his eyebrows up. A man with a pervading appearance on him of being actually pumped up like a balloon, and all set to begin. Physicians just weren't even certain he will reach stroll again, but eighteen months later on he climbed Mount Everest at the age of 23. I make certain you've viewed him on TELEVISION, however if you haven't, this is one man you have to satisfy.
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hack bleach brave souls
Participate in as ichigo on his journey to avoid wasting the environment Compile a great number of bleach statistics to battle coupled your aspect. The game Every different position will require running through a really fast and upright Nevertheless just about everything believes finished, accelerated periods and position founded progression process will look and feel fully general to the people familiar with phone motion rpg titles. |story driven god cheat that stays consistent with the primary story in your bleach anime and manga collection. The game works by using the typical controller model, online joystick/link layout using an additional feature of swiping the tv screen to dodge. Like a large amount of phone rpgs, there's yet another car or truck selection which helps statistics to effortlessly relocation and assault by themselves for most people very good ol’ afk harvesting. But unfortunately, participants get lots of summons free of charge (will most likely be explained in in software purchases) as well as the massive amount collectable statistics offers diversity around the god cheat. The co op function is quite amusement with the real time partying and sociable communication and interaction but regrettably, there are not that lots of co op objectives as well as the most important story as well doesn't have a very good co op feature. At the same time around the co op function, the game has pvp that participants could take on hit-or-miss player’s gatherings for precious perks. Game enthusiasts are given rewards for his or her search engine rankings a week as well as the pvp, in spite of for being programmed, still creates a thrilling addition for a sporting activity. |Klab world-wide android operating system, ios the thirty days of january Klab world-wide might also be the publishers from smacked phone strategy god aimbots, lord of dragons and chronilogical chronilogical age of empires: realm domination. Once you begin the game you'll need watch for it to carry out a large revise, personally this essential an exceedingly lengthy time as it essential a long time to download, so permit it to sit down all-around for virtually any lengthy some time and go help make a relocation more eventhough it improvements (i discovered go create dining, it was finalized when i was handled). along with other participants to create mates and take altogether in cooperative fights. The pvp matchmaking will work such as the co op function, except somewhat of cooperating you're traveling thought to There's a offer link while in the amazingly absolute best immediately After that you The most crucial story method of Bleach Brave Souls Hack Tool is amusement experiencing because of and is also stuffed with dialogue and small displays during the anime and manga, but it's in addition a tiny bit hurried and doesn’t do justice around the statistics or make simple a sense what's happening in the event you do not ever perceived the anime. These instructions are simply like successes you need to open and complete to quickly attain more money, objects, or heart and soul orbs by finishing the precious necessities detailed for ones transaction for example , wipe out one hundred foes during a week. |All in all, for virtually any liberated to relax and play hack and cut phone name i really love this particular, plus i am not actually keen on bleach. Although many f2p god aimbots leveraging lethargic charges of improve referred to as "salary wall surfaces", klab essential a bet on shipping a name that features a considerable amount website content not disguised . guiding a salary wall structure, that courageous souls is without a doubt the same as an absolute priced god cheat along the specialized god aimbots software such as the playstation vita or nintendo 3ds. At the same time around the story function, courageous souls main features an abundance of sole player and multi player types which will keep your player pleased beyond the primary trip. Most personality summons begin with a limit of 20 or 30, however with the ascend automotive expert, statistics can gain an the best amount of 100. Style orbs are utilized to invest in objects, statistics, also to improve techniques across the soul tree. Nevertheless, it's practical for that player to amass soul passes in return for finishing a search, so participants can enjoy steadily without ever getting into your ideas soul ticket ingestion. You are able to thought around the search engines carry out hold now and download a replicate of bleach: courageous souls free of charge. |Farmville theoretically carries a 3Per cent possiblity to sketch a 5* personality. The reduce displays and story facial lines were originally particularly interesting and stashed away me wanting to carry out considering that which has been taking place. it may be soured us a tiny bit.1/ liberated to relax and play 2/ no premium function iap open. Even along the improved ipad you’ll have need of to face slowdown, exhausting reload events, and constant accidents. Simply in their offer create as an attainable phone god cheat, its setup is invigorating. Whenever the story cools down reduced in a few arcs to emphasize counteract, participants grasp actually feel the excitement firsthand along the visceral standard. Because it's not essential use of all statistics as well like among the many battling god aimbots, you’re more likely to give even touch participants like cirucci sanderwicci the time period In addition to that, there's the problem of story dissonance. Employers that really perform well like 3d editions of impact out fits show a lot more good fights conduct when your builders have the capability to recognise the current shortcomings. |into establishing participants wait around, which god cheat does limit someone to without a doubt several chapters each restful in principle, but courageous souls could very well be played nonstop for hours on surface finish before getting to use up in god cheat options experiencing a lot more along with money. klab has had the ability to boil the franchise reduced for your most eye-catching parts and move a challenging multi 100 section mess into a product newcomers really can parse. Amongst these kinds of classmates are uryu, (a quincy, 100 % natural opponent from soul reaper), orihime (some type of heart and soul witch reason) and ‘chad’ (a fullbringer with remarkable durability Why it really is a choice i am just not sure however i am going to admit, we have tried out professionally it when concerns experienced a touch tedious. Since you embark on harder quests greater perks will finish up to be had. At the same time around the story, bleach comes with a resist function together with a co op function which you could try out your mettle from, or with, other participants from over the world. Starting at seat representative, marketing and advertising in the position of lieutenant after which last but not least captain is rather simplistic. These instructions are damaged reduced underneath the groups of every single day, daily, free of cost and exhibition. While i revealed formerly, it’s established much more superb due to the fact it’s “free” (handle on, you didn’t position the text free of cost in conversation marks well before). |In case you are in any way just like me, when you finish enjoying courageous souls you'll be packing during the pirate bay to find some bleach anime motion whenever you can. In any other case, then just look into the primary concept training plus it really need to slide into stance. Bravo. The co op is alright, and you have need of mates which are very similar standard so that it is advantageous. Personality progression is largely nonexistent, taking into consideration that questing your hero only offers star true worth. Or afterwards your next permissions are required to carry out farmville. Heart and soul passes conduct themselves like the sporting activity energy experiencing the quests that were designed to revitalize in a quarter-hour all getting a default minimal several passes, which is also worth noting once you instantly quit your god cheat within a goal. Coins can be used multiple behaviors which you'll exhaust easily in the event you not design upfront. |There’re also online forums available in the desltop. The soul tree enables you to strengthen statistics acquainted with that exact personality. Storyline function performs in the events from god cheat that a lot more arcs will open whenever you thorough all area. the video game that uses its particular types of passes (resist passes), but the god cheat carry out differs from those other god cheat. Since goal zones’ artwork are primary, the facts are fulfilling to consider. The song during the starting up online video media, hyakki yagyou by good day sleepwalkers, should go anyway by using the anime’s aesthetic and can get you ecstatic experiencing farmville. There's tons of house on screen to utilise the interface, however if heart and soul orbs might make the game easy to find. |That for being explained it's, like other god aimbots, effortless to blow time, exertion, and options on offer with uncommon statistics when practical styles (some and 5 star rarity statistics) get smaller questing and building up since reduced styles got a large amount of it. Any time you get bored, there are actually the choice for participants story goal programmed function changed to make sure that automotive goes on to an alternate goal, while you haven't deleted that goal well before. I am just exhausted by it! Many people are exhausted by it a little too. I am just not certain if it's due to the fact it was just up graded or else however i cannot sign on suitably. At the moment, you will get statistics various from 1 to several stars. Gemstones will be your “pay 2 win” money that you will implement to summon statistics. |If it's the very first time finishing it, you get an alternate jewel. The managers really are particularly really hard and that also we have left behind many different events. Listed here tend to be the 6 quests: simple story goal x3 you get 3000 coins beat 100 foes in story function you get 5 pvp passes beat 300 foes in story function you get 5 moderate exp crystals courageous resist wins x3(pvp) you get 5 advertising campaign passes courageous resist wins x5(pvp you get 2 uncommon medals simple co op x3 you get 3000 coins when carried out of instructions, you get 1 soul heart and soul. (situation: i've got a 6* szayel and that also i would want the raid mayuris in order to open parts of his soul tree. Should you wish to develop I hardly ever carry out god aimbots in my smart phone, because of the fact i'm fortunate to do not ever find a god cheat that could perhaps always keep me serious more than one hour approximately every single day. how large it's. |Inside of the surface finish, situation a selling build up to find a lot more men and women to carry out farmville but due to this i make these evaluations, to find everyday people considering the subject to the evaluations.
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claraoswnalds-blog · 7 years
Dude Herman reviews CINEMA 4D Studio R18
I’ll speak more about the personality object, and also some associated with R13’s other new functions later, but first we will begin with CINEMA 4D’s new rendering engine. Let us get Physical While CINEMA 4D’s old standard renderer remains available and may be invoked to provide your scenes, there can be an important new plus enhanced rendering engine on this latest version of CINEMA 4D known as the particular physical renderer. The title of this new renderer is an important hint to understanding what this does. It recreates accurate photo-realistic physical effects centered on real camera attributes such as motion obnubilate, depth of field plus lens distortion.
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These bodily camera effects are managed with authentic, real-world digital camera parameters, which become obtainable once the physical renderer is selected for example f-stop, focal length, shutter swiftness, and ISO - functions you would expect in order to find on the bodily camera. Here’s the factors i like about this particular new capability: Rather compared to just dialing in irrelavent numbers to control such things as motion blur and key length, those with encounter operating real cameras within the real-world can right now draw upon and utilize their considerable knowledge inside CINEMA 4D. This means that will CINEMA 4D artists plus animators who are educated with how directors plus DPs talk can consider their comments and utilize it for this second item stage of production, producing for a more incorporated workflow. Working in the particular physical renderer, the performer will inherently know that will different combinations of shutter speed (how long the frame is exposed in order to light) and f-stop (how much light is permitted to enter the frame) affect how much movement blur is apparent within a scene and also exactly what objects are in sharpened focus or blurred out there (otherwise known as level of field). CINEMA 4D’s physical renderer enables customers to consider in conditions of a “physical digital camera, ” a concept a lot more easily understandable to the producer, director or just about anyone else included in production. Varying key lengths on the bodily camera. Motion blur can be an important factor within creating convincing looking computer animation and is also important when merging live actions and CGI. In previous versions of CINEMA 4D, before the physical renderer, there was two ways in order to achieve natural looking movement blur. The first had been to use scene movement blur (renamed Sub-Frame Movement Blur in version 13) which looks good, yet is extremely costly within terms of render period. Another option is in order to use a strategy known as vector motion blur, or even VMB, which is quick and offers decent outcomes, but less realistic. VMB is frequently used in association with Consequences and the particular ReelSmart Motion Blur connect to from RE: Vision Results. The new physical renderer, however, now offers upward accurate, motion blur within considerably less time compared to scene motion blur. Within addition, shadows cast through moving objects appear normally blurred, which was unattainable with VMB. Below can be really a simple check that I setup associated with a physical camera delivered with a shutter position of 180 degrees plus subsequently with a shutter angle of 360 levels. Notice the effect that will the different shutter sides have on the resulting motion blur. You do not have to apply Worldwide Illumination (or GI) individually to your render choices when using the bodily renderer since it’s constructed in - light will get bounced around indirectly within your scene automatically. As an aside, you may still wish to use the regular renderer unless you require it since it may be faster in specific cases. Getting into Character R13’s innovative new personality tools are very effective. As a result, I actually wouldn’t be surprised in order to get a lot a lot more character animation made upward of CINEMA 4D within the near future. The particular most crucial of these types of character animation innovations : and one can claim perhaps the most essential of all the improvements to R13 itself, may be the new character object. Typically, before one could also consider animating a personality, it had been essential to first construct the skeletal rig, bind this to your model plus carefully weight the factors from the mesh in order to the different joints within the rig. This had been no easy task, except if you’re highly skilled. The rig is really the highly complex and comprehensive construction that is composed of many hierarchies associated with joints, nulls, targets, movement and controls. Skeletal rigs often implement an sophisticated technique called inverse kinematics (or IK) that enables you to do factors like move a hands around and also have got the rest of the particular joints in the supply follow automatically. This extras you the need in order to animate each bone individually while also having the particular advantage of making the particular motion look natural. Producing a good character rig is definitely an artwork unto itself as well as a correctly designed rig should conceal its complexity from your animator. It’s no surprise, therefore, that means building the complete rig from the begining can take a great deal of time. Days, in case not weeks, of cautious planning and hard function will often be needed, not in order to speak of time this takes to fully realize all of the elaborate concepts involved in the construction. Of course this particular assumes that you have got already gained an effective knowing of the mechanics associated with human anatomy and locomotion and have already healed the considerable hurdles included in learning to design. To help simplify the particular down sides of rigging, MAXON has established the particular character object, which enables you to definitely immediately add an expertly designed skeletal rig for your own model simply by sketching upon predefined templates to get components such as spines, arms, legs, hands plus fingers. In just the few clicks, voila! You have got yourself a completely built and articulated rig that would have used a very long period to create yourself. After producing the rig, you make use of handles to customize plus adjust it to suit the proportions of the particular model. During this procedure, any adjustments made in order to the rig will immediately be reflected symmetrically upon the other side along with the ability to change it off. To join the mesh to the particular rig, you merely drag the particular icon from the nylon uppers into the binding component of the rig : CINEMA 4D will utilize intelligent auto-weighting to the particular points on the nylon uppers (which you are free to customize later). As soon as done, you will end up being off and animating within a fraction of the particular time it might have used you traditionally. Simply click on to build a brand new rig, pictured here following to a simple design. Drag around the circular handles to make the particular rig fit the nylon uppers precisely. Soon you’re prepared to begin posing plus animating. Bipedal rigs usually share similar characteristics, varying mostly in where the particular joints are placed. Nevertheless, as you might anticipate, significant differences exist in between bipeds, quadrupeds or millipedes. Therefore, the character item contains templates for numerous different types of animals such as bipeds, quadrupeds, fish, insects, birds plus reptiles. You can develop your own personal rig templates to get others to make use of. Additional themes are being created that will be implemented within the future by MAXON and others. Components can be combined as properly, so if you’re functioning on a model associated with the winged horse Pegasus, you can add the particular wings component to the quadruped rig. There are usually also rigs in CINEMA 4D, which are ideal for common motion catch and animation interchange types for example BVH, FBX plus Mixamo. Once a personality rig is to establish, you might want to make use of the exciting brand new CMotion object. CMotion can be excellent to create stroll cycles and, in reality, many different kinds associated with cyclical motion. With CMotion you are able in order to create a customized stroll cycle for your personality by adding hubs plus targets. Once you complete, you can apply that will motion to the personality and make it stick to a spline path all through your scene. This can be all done without getting to worry about the particular massive amounts of keyframes and f-curves that are usually ordinarily necessary when carrying out this kind of function. There’s also a brand new muscle system in R13: muscle objects can end up being placed in your design and anchored to the rig. The muscles are usually used to deform the particular mesh or skin through the character and simply by default, these are set in order to render. Their visibility may easily be turned away from since, probably, you will certainly only use them in order to affect the mesh. Here is a good example associated with how to use muscle tissue: You can place 1 where the bicep must be and tell it in order to develop when the forearm curls while lifting the heavy object. In this particular manner, you can duplicate the effect of the component of an arm increasing the size of as the muscle flexes beneath the skin. An efficient example of using muscle tissue in R13 is noticeable on this render associated with a walking dinosaur. Subwoofer Surface Spreading CINEMA 4D R13 now includes a good advanced Sub-Surface Scattering (or SSS) shader. SSS can be useful in accurately object rendering surfaces that absorb plus diffuse light within their particular interior. Did you actually put your hand more than a flashlight? Using an effective enough flashlight, you’ll observe that the light can be absorbed to some level by your flesh so that your hand seems in order to almost glow with the particular light. Why’s that? Considering that some of the lighting penetrates the surface associated with your skin, it actually is then diffused or even scattered within your hands. That is a great example of what SSS achieves enhanced realism; this can be seen upon many surfaces including plant life, marble, milk and thin-skinned aliens. Various amounts associated with SSS on a design of a horse. XRefs R13 has made significant improvements to XRefs (external references) which are really useful, specially when working within a collaborative environment upon large-scale projects. Imagine the particular project is a technology fiction movie that occurs on a space place. You may have somebody working on the home furniture while another artist produces a robot that moves about in the scene. Nevertheless another person might end up being working on the device panels and so upon. But precisely how would a person work concurrently on the particular project with a restricted deadline? Well, you can pass the files about to all the group members so everybody can do their part, yet as you can visualize, that would be a good extremely inefficient way in order to do it. Merging different projects into one can be also time-consuming with the particular added potential to backfire if the wrong data files are mistakenly incorporated. When you might have guessed, XRefs would be the method to go. Simply place, XRefs are references in order to other Cinema 4D tasks that are embedded within a “master project”. (Other design programs use the particular same term. ) To get example, the individual creating the robot could create his file be a good XRef inside of the particular master space station task. In this way, he or she is able to keep on working on the automaton, even as the sleep of the project can be done. Inside the learn project, it will probably be constantly up-to-date whenever the XRef can be changed or saved. A person can work with a good XRef just as a person would some other object, simply by animating its components, incorporating materials into it or even applying expressions into this. Similarly, the furniture, instrumentation and even the illumination rigs and textured items can all be XRefs, all coming together within one grand file exactly where one could have a look at just how the scene is arriving together just by starting it. When importing a good XRef from an outdoors source, you are capable to decide whether a person want to import the animation or materials. To get instance, suppose the automaton has a little antenna that twirls around upon the top from the particular head. The person who also created the XRef can set this up outwardly, but you might desire to ignore it, since well as any components that were applied in order to it, and choose in order to import a stripped lower, untextured version of the particular XRef instead. You can even determine whether any changes produced to the XRef in the master project will influence the reference or stay only inside the learn project. When Objects Clash R13 also includes the new Collision Deformer which usually, when applied to the subject, will deform the mesh accordingly when this collides with another item. This can be helpful when making things such as mattresses and cushions. To get example if something large is set down upon a bed, such since a bowling ball or even a character’s rear finish, the collision deformer will certainly cause the mattress in order to interact with the collider and its mesh can be going to be deformed accordingly. Within the crash deformer’s parameters, there are usually options to make a good object bounce back within shape after a crash (as it would within the case of the mattress), or maintain the particular new deformed shape : useful in making factors like footsteps or car tire tracks in the snowfall. The checkerboard surface can be deformed by the world due to the crash deformer Incidentally, the crash deformer is not centered on soft body design, but rather on angles. This means that the effect does not need you to set upward physics simulations. There’s A lot more There exists a great deal more that is brand new in CINEMA 4D R13. Here are a couple of other features that I actually think are key enhancements. There are many stereoscopic enhancements, so if you are doing 3D you’ll certainly want to upgrade. These types of include the opportunity in order to convert any camera in order to some parallel, on-axis, off axis or radial stereoscopic digital camera. Stereo images can furthermore be previewed directly within the 3D editor plus may be rendered since merged stereoscopic images or even separate images for every camera. The picture viewers now also supports the particular playing of stereo makes. New Anti-Aliasing filters right now allow you to accomplish higher quality results simply by using the advanced Mitchell and Gauss algorithms. Currently known for its user-friendly user interface, R13 contains a quantity of improvements. New cursor-based navigation uses the place you click as the particular point of interest whenever zooming and rotating Program. Drawing. Bitmap model. Within the past, the viewport would pivot around the thing that was selected and if this particular were far from exactly what you were viewing, navigating around the portion associated with the model you had been looking at might end up being difficult and confusing. Upward to now, I believe this cursor-based navigation can be good way to move and much more dependable in its results. Python and COFFEE scripting vocabulary integration has also already been improved. Scripting languages provide users immense power within customizing and extending the particular capabilities of Cinema 4D to ensure that experienced programmers and developers may create customizable solutions to get specific tasks and apply them into their sewerlines. Notably, Python plug-ins plus scripts now appear together with those created using C++ and COFFEE APIs.
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CINEMA 4D had been experienced at exchanging data along with After Effects. Past variations of the program permitted you to definitely result entire AE compositions comprehensive with 3D camera movement, lights, object buffers and also 3D coordinates of aeroplanes that can be inter-changeable out for Consequences levels. Version 13 contributes in order to this by adding assistance for CINEMA 4D’s phase object, time marker foreign trade and support for twenty nine. 97 frame rates. Bottom line CINEMA 4D has turn out to be a mature and able product that steadily provides improvements. The new functions such as the bodily renderer, character object, CMotion, SSS, XRefs are all of innovations that are helpful, important and will conserve you time. Depending upon the work you perform, you are able in order to choose from several tastes of CINEMA 4D. Leading has got the essentials to get you began. Then there’s Broadcast plus Visualize and lastly the particular Mother of all CINEMA 4D packages, Studio, which usually has everything the some other packages include and a lot more, such as the particular character tools. In situation you are thinking regarding doing character animation, a person should get Studio. To get those considering doing movement graphics and broadcast style, however, CINEMA 4D Send out should cover all the particular bases. It retails to get $1, 695. Upgrades through CINEMA 4D Broadcast Edition 12 are $695. Studio sells for $3, 695 and the upgrade through Version 12 is $995. You should consider obtaining the Annual Licensing choice, or MSA. It’s essentially a yearly subscription, which usually entitles you to all of upgrades. It costs $650 for Studio, so a person find yourself saving around $350 in the normal upgrade cost. Regardless of what edition you get, CINEMA 4D has certainly earned the place among the many respectable 3D software rooms out there. Actually this has recently been called a recipient of the particular Computer Graphics World SIGGRAPH 2011 Silver Edge Prize.
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our-beginnings · 7 years
Cat Noone, founder and CEO of Iris
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Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do now.
Hello! My name is Cat Noone and I’m a designer with a love for building products that make a big difference in people’s lives. In 2015, I founded Iris: the modern day emergency alert that keeps your loved one informed during the critical moments when you need them most. I love s’mores, my family, reading and a ridiculously good TV series.
What's your favourite thing about your work? 
I love knowing that what I do can make a difference in people’s lives. Information, communication, and technology are at our fingertips; knowing and believing that makes me confident that there is nothing we can’t bring to life. That alone is something to love, I think.
You hoped to be a vet when you were a kid. When did design enter the picture?
I think, rather than one particular moment, it happened slowly over time and then all at once. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household with a computer and in a really supportive family that viewed my art as if it were fresh from Picasso’s hands—every grandma gawks over a stick figure with no neck, right? That appreciation for art and beautiful design carried over into high school, to the point where I only brought my sketch-book to class and used that to jot down my notes, while continuing to sketch everything from still life to concept cars on the other side.
One experience I remember is being tasked with redesigning a soda can in class. It was the moment I discovered that I can take what I’m putting on paper and digitise it, and I loved the endless possibilities that came with that. It was history from there. 
And what did your journey look like after that?
From there it was a roller-coaster of events. I went to school as a bio major for a few years and never thought to actually take up design or attend design school, even though I’d dabbled in design since high school.
I didn’t think of it as a career, because I didn’t think design would allow me to support myself and live comfortably. I grew up in the kind of middle-class family who doesn’t jump off the cliff without making sure the parachute works. I also didn’t equate risk with reward. In this industry, reward doesn’t even seem to exist without (calculated) risk.
Eventually, I understood that not only was there more to design in terms of how passionate I would become, but also in terms of how much money I could make. That said, by the time I got into it full-speed, the money wasn’t even something I cared about.
I grew up in the kind of middle-class family who doesn’t jump off the cliff without making sure the parachute works.
I freelanced in college but I couldn’t shake the mindset from before— that I couldn’t support myself by working in design— and ended up in education. I needed a backup plan, and that was it. I worked for the New York City Board of Education and, while I loved working with kids, I knew that if I stayed I’d be miserable, because it wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
When did you finally realise that design could sustain you?
Around 2010, maybe 2011. Dribbble was really big, my activity on there was growing, and I had really started tapping into the Twitter design and tech community. I was at my computer and thought, “I can’t go back to work and keep doing this.” I was waking up at 5 in the morning to go to work, and for what? I wasn’t happy. There’s only so many days you can do that while knowing good and well there is another viable option.
Right then and there, I decided that I was going to quit. I lined freelance clients up the wazoo to ensure that I wouldn’t be on the street or back at grandma’s house— at least not immediately. I took the plunge and from there, the rest was history.
I was naive to say the least, but I had a plan and I made sure to execute on it, and learned my best lessons. I’ve been fortunate enough to get my feet wet in a variety of areas that really taught me the ins-and-outs of being a designer—from corporate design to agency and freelancing. I had a couple “lovely” (read: nightmare) clients, lost out on quite a bit of money, created a few not-so-gorgeous websites, burned out once, learned my lesson there as well and never did it again. 
Then, I decided to really jump off that aforementioned cliff without a parachute. I founded my first startup, Liberio: a simple eBook creation and publishing platform for self-publishers.
All of those events had their own individual “aha!” moment for me that pushed me toward the next. I’ve learned a ton of lessons from each of them:
Much like a game of chess, take time to understand the different scenarios before jumping the gun.
Take 50% from the very beginning with freelance clients.
Bootstrapping is ferociously difficult and extremely gratifying. Do it for as long as time allows, so long as it doesn’t compromise the product or team.
God is in the details
Experimentation and exploration are necessary for any form of innovation.
As a small team, you’re either fundraising or building. Understand when one should be prioritized over the other.
Create a brand and product people can trust and fall in love with.
Any second thoughts along the way? 
Never. I’ve loved every minute of it.
Have you become more comfortable with taking risks? After all, you’ve founded several startups now.
I did spend a lot of time wondering, “what if I’m not good enough?” “What if they fire me?” That imposter syndrome reappears here and there, but with time and experience it’s certainly occurring less.
When I started Liberio, the fear that came with it was something I hadn’t worked out personally yet; where I come from, failure is not necessarily something you strive for. Now I know that while I don’t strive to fail, I do know how to bounce back, and the praise is in the comeback. In the lesson. With Liberio, I felt super-inclined to write about failure because I felt like that was the only way to save myself from it and—if we’re being honest—save face to a good extent. I could then hide away somewhere while I figured out how to bounce back and really work through each lesson learned.
Now I know that while I don’t strive to fail, I do know how to bounce back, and the praise is in the comeback. In the lesson.
Switching gears a little bit: do you ever feel pressure to be a mentor or role model for other women in tech? 
I think pressure would be the wrong word, mainly because I don’t see it as a burden and I don’t question who I am as an individual and my core beliefs any longer—in work and personal areas. I like to think I carry myself, live my life and conduct my business in a way that is quite decent and isn’t dependent on any particular situation.
However, I’m still growing as an individual and if I screw up, it’s because I’m human. We all do, and that’s important for others to see, as well. All in all, I absolutely love the idea of being or knowing I am a mentor for other women in tech. It’s a major honour.
Would you encourage those new to our industry to find mentors? You’ve had a few yourself.
Yes! I am where I am because of the people who I’ve shadowed and paid attention to throughout my life. This especially applies to those folks outside the industry. For example, I have a friend who is not on the internet. From her, I learn the value of detachment and tranquility. 
So yes, find mentors, find advisors, but find them across the board— both inside and outside of design and tech. Speak to doctors, to social workers— you’ll learn so many different lessons. But remember, too, that all advice needs to be filtered and applied so that it works for you; the ability to manipulate and tweak that advice into what works for you is an important skill.
find mentors, find advisors, but find them across the board— both inside and outside of design and tech
What are your general thoughts are on diversity initiatives’ direction and progress?
In the past, anything that has been changed or fought for with change in mind, has started with conversation— to the point where having conversations, to some, might feel like beating a dead horse. But it needs to be continually talked about and continually present in everyone’s face, to the point where you’re unable to run from it.
For a single white man, the sky's the limit. For the underrepresented, the limit is the sky all too often. The goal is to make it so that one day, the former is true for everyone. There’s still a long way to go, but the good thing is that the roles and positions and opportunities are starting to become available. Companies understand the role they play in changing the status quo. Not to mention, the companies benefit immensely with a diverse team. I’m part of a large group of underrepresented people — women — but not the most underrepresented and I can’t imagine what that is like. So as long as whatever group you’re part of and we all work together, I hope we’ll get there eventually and I’m always willing to help wherever I can.
For the underrepresented, the limit is the sky all too often.
You’re a new mom. What has it been like to strike that new balance?
It’s funny; a lot of people ask “How do you do it?” and some seem genuinely curious, while others seem like they don’t believe it’s possible. Why shouldn’t it be possible? For me, it’s not even a question. Having my daughter taught me how to maximise productivity within the hours that I know I have. So while I have less time, I’m significantly more productive, because I know I won’t be able to do it later. I’ve never got more work done and felt more healthy physically than I do now.
Those are the people you want to work with, the people who understand the meaning of true value and respect for another human being.
I don’t understand the hesitation in this industry when it comes to hiring women with children; I know that my husband certainly values and prioritises the same way that I do. For me, if anyone, male or female, knows how to prioritise and balance having children and full-time work, to me, they’re a hell of a team member. Those are the people you want to work with, the people who understand the meaning of true value and respect for another human being.
When your people succeed in their personal life because your company sets up a support system to make it easier for them, your company succeeds. Every time.
If you could do everything all over again, do you think your journey would be the same?
Definitely. I’m really happy that I took the course I did. I have a pretty diverse skill set; having worked in special ed and studied psychology in school, I feel like it gives me the empathy and patience needed when building a product that will has direct impact on someone. The patience part definitely teetered off a bit, but I’m getting there again.
Is there anything about the internet from your childhood/early years that makes you feel nostalgic? 
Probably a few things off the top of my head: Using the internet to replace the encyclopaedia for the first time, the Oregon Trail game (my first digital entrepreneurship), Winamp, Adobe Dreamweaver for website building (cringes), that damn ‘You’ve got mail’ sound, and creating 8-bit characters in MS Paint.
I remember once thinking that I wish there was a way to digitally enable the creation of thin and thick paint strokes (pressure sensitivity). If I wasn’t such a little one at the time with thoughts as fleeting as the wind, I’d probably be kicking myself in the ass for that now. Then again, I wouldn’t have even known where to start.
Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten?
If you would have asked me this 5 years ago, my answer would be so far off from where I currently am. I’d be lying if I said I knew this is where I would be. In 5 years from now though? Hopefully with my family, enjoying life, building a company that makes a difference in the lives of many people. I have a little one now, so that makes life a bit more predictable.
Who am I kidding? It’s the most unpredictable and wonderful journey I’ve ever been on...
This one’s been in the works for a long time now; thanks so much to Cat for her dedication and patience! I look forward to a drink together one day! 
You can find Cat on Twitter and her personal site, and read more about Iris on the company’s page also.  
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