rogerrcoyle · 1 year
yet again
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Forced Comfort
Because who doesn't like a little bit of intimate whumper vibes?
[Prompt Masterpost]
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Whumpee wrapped up in a blanket. The soft fabric hides the fact that their hands are still bound behind their back.
Gentle fingers brushing the hair from Whumpee’s face - carefully peeling it back through the sheen of sweat that’s left.
“Shhh…you’re okay. I’m not gonna hurt you anymore..”
Kissing tears from the corners of Whumpee’s eyes.
Whumper keeping Whumpee sedated between sessions to 'help them cope'.
“Hold still- hold still or I’ll start again.”
Pinning a squirming Whumpee in an embrace. Grip tightening the more they struggle. 
Whumpee being so tired. So so so very tired. They can’t help but lean into the gentle touch. 
Whumper ignoring every shiver and twitch that accompanies the gentle pets they give their broken toy.
“Nnnnono-sst…d-on’ t ouchme-!”
Whumpee thrashing to the point of hyperventilation as Whumper wraps them up in blankets. The panic in their eyes ever so slowly fading as they realize they’re not being hurt anymore.
Whumpee desperately not trying to lean into it or accept the comfort. They don’t want it from them - don’t want to melt into the hands that ripped screams from them just a few minute before. But they need something. And Whumper knows it.
“Look at you. Pathetic little thing~”
Shoving Whumpee into a bath to trigger some kind of calming response. Whumpee just thinks they’re going to be drowned. …….maybe they will be. Just a little bit.
Whumper combing a hand through Whumpee’s hair - soft and rhythmic and sweet - as they carve into Whumpee.
“Shhh..just focus on me. Don’t look at  it- just look at me. Listen to my voice. You’re doing so good, little one.”
Kisses peppering over Whumpee’s cheeks, lips, forehead, brows, jaw, etc as their face puckers up, trying to twist away. 
A hug that looks gentle until you notice Whumper’s hand fisted in Whumpee’s hair. Keeping them exactly in place.
“Don’ don t t-ouch me- STOP-”
Drugging Whumpee to ‘help with the nerves’. Watching their panicked sobs slowly peter out into nothing as they stare miserably at their captor. 
“Make the most of this. We start again in the morning.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35 @scribbelle)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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whumpshaped · 9 months
for the conditioned whumpee bingo:
„break a rule“ with sil (if you want to) :)
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bingo card here
silence masterlist
tw pet whump, lashing out
"What are you going to do about it? Huh?"
"Sil, it's not–"
"Are you going to punish me?" The pet was in a combative mood, clearly, and Rayan had no idea how to deal with it. "I broke your stupid little rule, now what? Are you going to hit me? Are you going to get a cane and beat me?"
"Because I'm telling you right now, your rules mean nothing to me. You're not my owner, you never will be, and I won't act like you are just because you 'took me in' when I was freezing to death. You should've left me outside if that's what you were hoping for."
Rayan just gave up after a while. He couldn't get a single word in, and he decided to just stop trying. Sil was perfectly capable of riling itself up, it didn't need any help with that.
Once it was sufficiently out of breath, he carefully tried again. "I'm not mad at you, Sil."
The pet looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course you are. Don't even try to hide it. I broke a rule, you must be–"
"It wasn't a rule. The only rule I have is that you must keep quiet, and that's for your own safety. Anything else I ask of you is just that: a request."
It looked entirely dumbfounded. It opened and closed its mouth a couple times, not saying a word. Its frown deepened. "I don't get it."
"I don't know how else to explain it, really. It's like... whenever you ask me not to go into the bedroom, that's a request. It's not a rule, you know? And when I ask you not to eat a certain food item from the fridge, that's also just a request. You can decide to honour it or not. In this case, um... you didn't. But it's fine. It wasn't a rule, and I'm not mad at you."
"A pet and a person 'asking' something is not the same thing."
"It's not. Not in most cases. But it is in this scenario, when I'm honestly telling you– wait, if you thought it was a rule and you thought it'd make me punish you, why did you do it?"
Sil bit the inside of its cheek, suddenly very quiet. A blush crept up its neck, slowly spreading across its cheeks.
"You don't have to answer," Rayan said softly. "But... if it was an attempt to get me to hurt you, because... I don't know. Because you wanted a reason to hate me or something, then... I don't think you have to have a reason for that. I mean, you can just hate me without getting yourself hurt. I don't want you to get hurt. And I'd never intentionally do that."
"Apparently," it muttered.
"I care about you a lot. I really do. That's– that's actually why I asked you not to eat that. It was close to expiring, I was worried you'd get sick from it."
Sil's eyes widened in fear. "You poisoned me?"
"What? No! If anything, you poisoned yourself–"
"You didn't tell me! You just told me not to eat it! Am I going to get sick again? Am I going to be all feverish and dumb like when you brought me here? I can't do that again!"
Rayan let out a heavy sigh, chuckling in disbelief. Oh, man. He really couldn't say or do a single thing without it leading to an argument, not when Sil was determined to argue with him.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain @oddsconvert @pinkraindropsfell @project-xiii @whumplr-reader @a-crumb-of-whump @cyborg0109 @dizzyteasroses @the-scrapegoat @whumpinthepot @dustypinetree @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @dokidokisadness @pumpkin-spice-whump
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Interactive Pet Whump Part 8
So… about uploading in a day or so… I guess my definition of a day or so is like a week. Sorry~ Btw I’m running a little low on ideas for this series so if anyone has any ideas or anything, please let me know! Also thanks so much for everyone’s patience. I really appreciate everyone’s support and love for Ethan.
Taglist: @clairelsonao3, @goronska, @dokidokisadness, @darkthingshappen, @whumpsday, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @we-were-so-beautiful, @itsleighlove
YOU CHOSE: Getting to know Ethan
(You wake in the morning fairly early. Your house was pretty well prepared for a pet, but decide to do a house check for any potential obstacles for Ethan. After putting away a few glass cups and an old vase, you deem your house to be safer.)
(Your cleaning does unfortunately wake Ethan. You apologize for waking him)
I-It’s alright. I-I was already awake…
(You mentally remind yourself to try and be quieter in the future. It seems like Ethan is a light sleeper.)
(Moving on, you invite Ethan to a tour of your home. It’s not too big so you hope that he will have an easy time getting around. Ethan follows you around the house, using his hands to follow the walls. He’s pretty quiet throughout so you ask him if he’s alright.)
I’m… I’m alright.
(He seems tired so you decide to get some breakfast. You realize that you don’t really know anything about Ethan. A favorite food seems like a good start so you ask him)
A…A f-favorite food? Um…I’m not… I’m not picky… I’m happy to eat any thing…
(You internally sigh. It will certainly take some time to get him to be more comfortable and out of his shell, but you decide to pick out a few of your favorite foods and let him try them. He seemed to really enjoy the cookie, so you are sure to put out some chocolate for him.)
(It takes a little coaxing but he seems to really enjoy the snacks, especially sweets.)
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kim-poce · 1 year
For Full House, from one pet to another
"How could you?"
Full House - Excuse of a Lapdog
Ryan is Little One.
CW: pet whump.
"How could you?" Pink shouted, "T-take it back!"
"It's true though!" Ryan shouted back, gritting his teeth, "You keep acting as if you are better than anyone else because you want to act like a pet because Master doesn't need to force you into anything. You are just a selfish excuse of a lapdog!"
"R-Ryan," Beige tried, he didn't like where things were going. "You went t-to far."
"See, Pink?" Ryan gestured to the domestic pet, "He isn't saying I'm wrong."
Pink's eyes flowed with fresh tears, he didn't want to cry, he didn't want to end that here just because he can't control his own petty tears like a child. "A-at lease, at least I'm good enough of a lapdog not to be sold as a disposable punchbag!"
The room fell silent as everyone's eyes widened, Pink flinched at his own words, not believing they left his own mouth, he was about to apologize when he felt the familiar pain of a punch straight on his face, his head was jerked sideways and his mouth filled with blood.
Ryan didn't mind rubbing his hurting fist before running back to his room, to under his bed, where is it safe. Where he is alone.
@cupcakes-and-pain, @whump-blog, @wolfeyedwitch, @octopus-reactivated, @sufferfictionalcharacters, @rat-father, @badluck990, @onlybadendings, @inpainandsuffering, @mazeish, @neuro-whump, @freefallingup13, @sideblogformindtrash, @extemporary-username, @jadeocean46910, @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight, @melancholy-in-the-morning, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @neverthelass, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpfessional, @sinning-shipping-trash, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @scp-1296, @dont-touch-my-soup, @damienxozmoze, @nicolepascaline, @rose-pinkie, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @dyingisbadforyourhealth, @theadorelocksly, @aswallowimprisoned, @bluewhumpcrew, @fuzzybucketz, @hollowgast1, @boonasaurusrex, @nidoskull
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hold-him-down · 2 years
🥰 - Post-nightmare cuddles
For Leo my love
Post Nightmare Cuddles
Notes: Takes place somewhere late in their first year. All fluff, no TW.
this is a response to this ask thing. 
✥ ✥ ✥ 
Leo’s t-shirt is drenched by the time Luke wakes enough to process what’s happening. He rolls to his side, careful not to move too quickly.
Leo’s shoulders are tight; his body jerks abruptly, a sound that’s a blend of a cry and a soft plea escapes him as he grips tightly into the fabric of his pillowcase.
“Okay,” Luke whispers, the tips of his fingers finding Leo’s spine. He keeps his touch light, watching carefully as Leo’s body reacts. Leo pulls away sharply before accepting the touch. He’s still asleep. The whispered pleas turn to a more steady, soft crying.
“It’s okay, buddy.” Luke flattens his palm against Leo’s back, grimacing as he feels the tremors rip through him. He doesn’t allow his imagination to fill in the reason for Leo's nightmares anymore. Instead, he lets his hand move slowly, making small circles, gradually applying a little more pressure, waiting for the tension to let up.
Sometimes, Leo stays asleep. That’s the end goal, always. If Leo wakes, he usually can't fall back asleep. His eyes will be red when they eventually get out of bed, he’ll move sluggishly around the apartment and smile lazily and break Luke’s heart, over and over. If he stays asleep, at least he’ll be rested.
Endless minutes pass, and the soft crying lightens. The whole-body tremors stop. They turn to occasional, light shaking that Luke can only see in Leo’s fingers, clutching tightly at his pillow. He doesn’t stop rubbing his back, but he moves a little bit closer.
When Leo’s body stills completely, Luke relaxes, letting his weight fall a little heavier into his pillow. Well, into Leo’s pillow, he guesses.
He releases a slow breath, puts his arm over Leo’s stomach, and pulls himself a few inches closer. It's needlessly reckless, he thinks. But Leo relaxes into his arms, his breathing evening out, his pounding heart slowing, and even though it's reckless, it's worth it. He's getting used to this, slowly. To platonic affection. To offering Leo physical comfort, in spite of how nervous it makes him.
“Hey,” Leo whispers, pulling him out of that specific type of reverie that he tries to avoid as much as he can get away with. He watches as Leo peels each of his fingers free of their death-grip on the pillow.
Luke smiles, squeezing him a little bit. “You doing alright?” he asks softly. All traces of uncertainty are gone, and it's just him and Leo, and Leo is calm, and Leo is relaxed, and it's okay.
“Was it a bad one?” Leo’s hand wraps around Luke’s arm as he presses himself closer.
“Yeah,” Luke replies. “Not great. Do you want to talk about it?”
Even though he can’t see Leo well, he can feel him shake his head.
“Okay,” he says. “Do you need some water? It’s still early. I think we should try to sleep a little more.”
Leo nods. “I’m okay,” he whispers.
Without a word, Luke tightens his grip on him just a little bit more. Within minutes, Leo's out, every bit of the previous tension completely dissipated. Luke can’t help but press his lips into Leo’s hair as he lets his own eyes close. It's not long before he slides back into a light sleep.
 @peachy-panic, @whump-cravings @afabulousmrtake @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @pumpkin-spice-whump @distinctlywhumpthing @thecyrulik @highwaywhump @batfacedliar-yetagain @finder-of-rings @dont-touch-my-soup @skyhawkwolf @suspicious-whumping-egg @also-finder-of-rings @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @prodigal-zoe @melancholy-in-the-morning @urban-dark @nicolepascaline @quietly-by-myself @seasaltandcopper @angstyaches @i-msonotcreative @mylifeisonthebookshelf @anonintrovert @whump-world @bite-down-on-this 
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the-little-whumper · 2 years
[This is a fictional character's whump blog, run by @kim-poce. From the series Full House]
I don't talk much so let's keep it simple;
Name: R or Ray.
Age: Not a minor.
Favorite tropes: I'm still finding out, so I'll update it later. Send sugestions so I can look them up.
Squicks: Food.
Asks: Open and welcomed, but I got memory issues so there is it.
Obs: I block really really easily.
More: I'm not a person, but I can write fictional people suffering so I guess it's enough, if you want to ask why I'm not a person: don't. Not whump related but I can play violin and harpa.
— — —
Full House taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain, @whump-blog, @wolfeyedwitch, @octopus-reactivated, @sufferfictionalcharacters, @rat-father, @badluck990, @onlybadendings, @inpainandsuffering, @mazeish, @neuro-whump, @freefallingup13, @sideblogformindtrash, @extemporary-username, @jadeocean46910, @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight, @melancholy-in-the-morning, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @neverthelass, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpfessional, @sinning-shipping-trash, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @scp-1296, @dont-touch-my-soup, @damienxozmoze, @nicolepascaline, @rose-pinkie, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @dyingisbadforyourhealth, @theadorelocksly, @aswallowimprisoned, @bluewhumpcrew, @fuzzybucketz
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painsandconfusion · 10 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Prompts and starters A collaboration with @wormwriting
[Prompt Masterpost]
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“How much did you hear?”
Whumpee crouched and trying to stay quiet until they can slip away. Then the cool barrel of a gun pressing against the back of their head. Bonus for ~click~
“You know what happens now, right?”
Whumpee stumbling home, breath ragged and body in shock still. They stare at the liquor bottle - and without thinking, uncap it and start downing as much fire as they can stand. They don’t want to remember what they just saw. For everyone’s sake. 
Whumper shoving a bottle against Whumpee’s chest. “You’re going to want to forget that. I’ll check back in tomorrow to make sure you did.” 
Walked into the wrong bar at the wrong time - now they’re a vampire’s lunch.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re the one who fucked up everything. Now I need to clean up your mess.”
The shaky hand Whumpee presses to their mouth to try to stifle their echoing breaths. Eyes squeezed shut so hard that they might press the memory of what they saw out of their mind.
“How’s about you and me go for a little walk, hm?”
“Sorry kid - boss said no loose ends.”
Whumpee stepping around the corner to see people and blood and heads slowly turning toward them. Seeing them seeing what just happened. Seeing the blood. Seeing them seeing the blood. Whumpee slooooooowwwwwly steps back, eyes stricken with horror-
“Can’t talk without a tongue, right?”
Whumpee driving in the middle of nowhere - how were they supposed to know it would be fifty miles to the nearest gas station? At least they can cal-......they don’t have signal either…
Whumpee flinching at each echoing footstep, tucking further back into their hiding spot. “I know you’re theeeeerrreeeee~ Come out come ouuuut~”
“You know this isn’t personal, right?”
And escaped whumpee bumping into Whumper completely randomly years later. The  s t a r e. Aaaaaaand run-
“What are you so scared for? I don’t gotta kill you~”
“Wh-y me?” “You were the easiest to grab.”
Stepping into a bear trap. 
Whumpee getting mistaken for a target. Tortured in their place while pleading all the while that they got the wrong mark. Of course, no one believes them.
“Know what you are? A liability.”
The random guy the villain shoots in a bar just to make a point. 
“Don’t. Move.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
(a few of these arent working so if wibbly-wobbly-whump or hold-back-on-the-comfort changed their blogs please lmk <3
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tidalwhump · 1 year
The Kidusu, Part Nine - Silverweed pt.2
Previous , Masterlist
Taglist: @whump-in-the-moonlight , @batfacedliar-yetagain , @abitefullofwhump , @the-sinning-muse , @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
Author's Note: Sorry it's been so long, I went through a writing dry spell there for awhile, but I've had this chapter and part of chapter ten on the shelf since August. Enjoy <3
Warnings: Seizures, starvation, dehydration, needles, non consensual drugging, captivity, nonhuman whumpee, fantasy drugs.
Once he stopped seizing, Elias was there at the door to his cell, unlocking it when Kiyu fainted from dehydration, slumping to the ground unceremoniously. Elias entered the cell and walked towards the unmoving body of Kiyu, a needle in hand. Grabbing the creature’s arm, Elias turned it so the soft side was facing upwards and looked at the skin for a vein. Then, he tried to put the needle in, only for it to not break the skin. He tried again in a different place, but again it wouldn’t break through.
Frustrated, Elias raised the needle high and stabbed it as forcefully as he could into the skin of Kiyu’s neck, injecting the contents into his body and pulling the needle away. He put a bandaid over the spot where he put the needle in, rubbing his thumb over it with care.
Running his fingers through Kiyu’s hair gently, Elias looked to the creature’s face, soft with gentle sleep, the human admired it, running his fingers through the blue-green hair that was matted with the creature’s blood.
Leaning down over the creature, Elias reached down and scooped up the creature in his arms, an arm under his legs and an arm under his back, and carried the unconscious creature out of his cell. They travelled down the hallway towards the infirmary, entering the room to an awaiting medic.
Elias carefully laid Kiyu down on the table, brushing his matted hair away from his face before he turned to the medic.
“Fix him.” Was all he said to the medic.
He was conscious for a moment, and then he slowly opened those heavy grey eyes, and the bright world gradually came into focus. The first thing he noticed was that he was tired. So, so tired. He wanted to curl up on his forest floor, in the deep green moss, and gently fall back asleep to the sound of a light rain on treetops and leaves, never making it to the forest floor.
Then he remembered.
The pain, sharp, severe. He grimaced, turning his head to the side. Then he remembered the care, the sleep, the attempts at escape, and there was a hurt in his soul, deep, a pain he couldn’t cover, an endless pit, at the bottom of which sat his heart. He felt close to something, an edge, hanging his feet off, sliding closer, leaping, jumping, falling. Gone.
A feeling he couldn’t quite place, but that felt wrong. Another wrongness in his heart, this time different. This time, something about it felt right. Right and wrong all at the same time. His mind told him no, this was wrong, it was bad, he was dying, it would kill him. But his body, his body told him yes, told him it was right, it was what needed to happen, he was finally how he was supposed to be, and it felt amazing.
These two warring sides took hold of every fibre of his being, and he could barely focus on the world around him with them fighting so loudly in his head. He knew he should take what his mind said more seriously, but something about what his body said enticed him, reached up above and pulled him down under the shroud of the water into the deep, beckoning him further down with a wave of its hand, surrounded by a cloud of billowing fabric ethereal and surreal. It was a being so alluring that he wanted to follow it down into the water, down, down, back into sleep, back into a feeling he couldn’t undo, a feeling that took hold of his body and cradled him gently.
There was a hand in his hair gently caressing his blue-green locks that brought him back to the room he was in, that let him see through clouded vision just what was going on. He was laying down on some sort of hard table, Elias sitting beside him on the left, a hand in his hair, gently carding through it with warm hands. There was a dull pain in his neck, and his wrist had some sort of needle in it, a tube attached leading up to a bag hanging from a metal hook on a stand.
“Good, you’re finally awake.” Elias said to him.
His voice sounded far away, it felt like Kiyu was underwater, and everything else was through a thick wall that he had to break through, but had neither the energy nor the strength to break it.
“How do you feel?” Elias asked him.
Kiyu had to think about it for a moment, how did he feel? His body felt good, aside from the pangs of hunger he felt deep in his stomach.
“I…” Kiyu paused, and Elias waited patiently, a smile on his lips. “...Hungry.”
Normally he would be opposed to talking with the human, but something had changed. He felt giddy, and accepting of his situation. All the fight had been buried somewhere deep in his bones, and all that was left was quiet acceptance of his current situation.
Elias laughed. “Hungry? That’s it?”
Kiyu thought for a moment, he felt tired, and more like himself than he had in his entire life, but he wasn’t sure how to explain that to the human in a way that would make sense.
“And, tired, I think… and hungry, too.” Kiyu told the human.
Elias nodded, reaching behind his seat to grab something, his hands coming back into view with a tall glass filled with a thick reddish pink liquid in it.
“Tired and hungry. Well, this will help with both of those, just drink and you’ll feel better.” Elias said as he held the glass out to Kiyu.
With shaky hands, Kiyu took the glass, glancing to Elias for a moment before he looked to the glass, took it in both hands and drank. He drank as much as he could, and then more until the glass was empty, then he took a big breath as he pulled away, handing the glass back to Elias.
“Better?” Elias asked.
“Yes.” Kiyu said breathlessly.
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whumpshaped · 9 months
Manner-Minded maybe w Sil?
silence masterlist
manner minded: [character] remembers their good manners while sick. 
tw pet whump, illness, dehumanisation, multiple whumpees, phobia of pills
"Not again."
Sil didn't have a snarky reply this time. It knew how this went when it was sick — it couldn't yell at Master with a sore throat, couldn't think of witty remarks with a foggy head. It had to focus all of its limited energy on pleasing him for once, because otherwise it might not get treatment at all.
"I'm sorry, Master," it said quietly, trying not to aggravate the aches in its body. It didn't mention how this was a natural progression from the stupid, tiny heater being broken, or the lack of warm clothes it had been given. Master knew that. They both knew that. And 'blaming him' would've just ended in a beating.
Master looked it over with thinly veiled disgust, then sighed. "Well, I'm not going to stay here and catch it from you. So I suppose you're useless again for what, another week?"
It was a rhetorical question, and Sil just curled up a little tighter on its bed, waiting for the final verdict. Would it receive medicine for faster healing, or would it be left to fight it off on its own? The vet was out of the question, this much it knew. No one qualified– no one from the outside was allowed to see the damage.
"Why are you so fucking quiet now? Why aren't you barking at me like a feral dog, huh?" He stepped closer, then remembered what he'd said a few moments prior and stepped right back. "Whatever. If I get sick within the next days, I'm fucking killing you."
Sil tried to listen, past the pounding in its head. "Yes, Master," it said weakly, hoping it was supposed to acknowledge the threat.
"If you weren't a breeding ground for bacteria, I'd keep you sick all the time. You're considerably less annoying."
With that, he turned around and left. Sil didn't know whether that meant something good or bad, whether that meant it'd receive medicine sometime later that day. If it had to guess from all the comments, Master wasn't going to send any of his good pets down there, lest they catch the plague. As if a little cold would kill them.
But then who would deliver the food?
The darkness of the basement made it easy to slip in and out of consciousness, and Sil only tried to wake up fully when it heard footsteps approaching again. It was one of the pets, with a mask on its face and a tray of pet food in its hands. Sil didn't move a muscle.
"This is for the whole day," the pet said. "No second meal. So ration it. And the medicine is for twice a day as well, so only take one now. You can take another later."
Sill nodded, wondering how it was supposed to tell when enough time had passed. "Okay."
The pet frowned, but didn't make a comment on its pitiful state. It left in a hurry, leaving Sil alone with the disgusting fucking food and– and the pills. Pills. Master had given it pills. Instead of any of the liquid solutions, Master had decided to fucking terrorise it with the very thing that had been forced down its throat so many fucking times–
It turned over in bed, pulling the tattered blanket over its head. No more pills. No more fucking pills, even if it would kill it.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain @oddsconvert @pinkraindropsfell @project-xiii @whumplr-reader @a-crumb-of-whump @cyborg0109 @dizzyteasroses @the-scrapegoat @whumpinthepot @dustypinetree @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @dokidokisadness @pumpkin-spice-whump
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quietly-by-myself · 2 years
WIJ #3: Lost
A canon drabble about Dubheasa's limb loss.
CW: limb loss, grief, internalized ableism, burns, pain, hospital setting
“Dubheasa, you need to stop being so hard on yourself.”
Dubheasa was quiet, looking out the window in her room. Ever since it became clear that she would be unable to leave her hospital bed for many more weeks, Father had secured a private room with a window for her in the infirmary. Outside, children played and laughed, worlds away from the hopeless anxiety she found herself trapped in.
What she wouldn’t give to be out there playing with them.
She turned quietly to Cusith. The burns hurt. Her eye socket hurt. Her stump hurt. Most of all, her heart hurt. The pain, the feeling that she’d failed was overwhelming.
Tears formed in her eye as she looked at him. He’d also lost a limb in the ordeal and, although his eye had been preserved, he’d lost his ear. Somehow, though part of her ear had to be cut off, she’d managed to keep what was important.
“You put your trust in me and I failed you. I’m as good as nothing now.” She fidgeted with her hand, looking to rub the two together, only to find that there was no other hand to fidget with. “You’ve been around for so long, only to have the mortal you made a pact with lose her arm and eye.”
Cusith was quiet for a while, watching Dubheasa quietly.
“Just because you’re down an arm and an eye doesn’t mean that you have no value. I’ve seen great commanders lead troops into battle in worse condition than you. Even if you couldn’t walk or talk, even if your spine had been broken by the explosion, you’d still have infinite value.” 
Cusith jumped on the bed, balancing extraordinarily well with his three legs. He padded up the length of the bed to Dubheasa’s head. Quietly, he nuzzled her unburnt cheek.
“The Dubheasa I made a pact with is still here. You’re the same person you were before, even if it doesn’t feel like it.” Eventually, Cusith curled up, resting his head on Dubheasa’s lap, attentive to her burns. “Your value is in your virtue. No amount of fire can take away your virtue.”
Dubheasa scratched Cusith a bit under the chin while he spoke. She looked down at him quietly. His fae magic had ensured that her vision was still three-dimensional, even without her eye, but she still had a significant blindspot. It was odd to see how his long nose just cut off once it fell beyond what her eye could see.
“Thank you, Cusith. I just… I always had a path. Now, I’m not sure where to go.”
“That isn’t for right now.” He stopped as a wave of fiery hot pain washed over Dubheasa at a muscle spasm. She whimpered for a while, before panting as the pain went away.
“Focus on healing, Dubheasa.”
Cusith got up for a moment and went towards a bag that was sitting near the door. She hadn’t realized it was there.
“Your mentor wanted me to give you this. He came while you were asleep.”
Dubheasa opened the bag once Cusith had brought it to her.
Inside was a hand-sewn stuffed bear. It had an eyepatch, a missing arm, and a torn ear. Dubheasa smiled down a bit at the thing.
“He really thought I’d want this?”
Cusith chuckled a bit. “He said he wanted to make you laugh. Thought giving an injured warrior a stuffed bear to feel better was the funniest thing.”
Dubheasa was tearing up a bit again.
“We all care an awful lot about you, Dubheasa. Don’t doubt for a second that you’ll find a way, even if you feel lost right now.”
Dubheasa nodded quietly as she put the bear on her bedside table, looking at it with a faint, nostalgic smile on her face.
"We'll always be proud of you, no matter what."
Even in all her self-doubt, Dubheasa found that easy to believe.
Tags: @hold-him-down, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @thegreatwhodini, @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump, @nicolepascaline, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @whumpsday, @myhusbandsasemni, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @batfacedliar-yetagain
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pumpkin-spice-whump · 2 years
🛁 - A nice, relaxing bath for any of the boys!
Spa Day
“They’re bath salts,” Ashley explained. Kensington held the strange jar in his hands, examining the pink and purple crystals inside. A picture of some sort of flower was printed on, along with some words he couldn’t read. “They moisturize your skin and help you relax.”
“Salts though? You put salt in your bath?”
Ashley laughed. It wasn’t mean, though, like when Grayson and his friends laughed at Kensington. Still, he blushed. She took the jar and untwisted the lid.
“These are different from cooking salts. They’re scented with oils, see? This one’s lavender scented. That’s the thing that helps you relax. Here, smell.”
Kensington made a face at the smell. It was good, just too… concentrated. He knew what she meant, about these being different than cooking salts. They would not be good in a kitchen.
“You wanna use them?”
He blinked at her. “Me?”
She shrugged and put the lid back on. “Yeah. You seem like you could take a moment to relax. And before you say it, no it’s not ‘girly’. It’s just for fun!”
Kensington bit his lip, considering.
“I have bubble bath, too,” she said, digging in the shopping bag she brought home. “And bath bombs. You can have a little spa day for yourself. Wouldn’t that be nice? Especially since Grayson is away?”
He was gone for two more nights on some business trip, leaving Ashley in charge of the house and of Kensington. It was also the only reason she went out to spend that much on ‘bath salts’ or whatever, because he wasn’t there to get mad at her for wasting money.
Kensington cleared his throat. “Do you have one that has… less smells?”
She did not give him one with less smells. But now it was vanilla instead of lavender, which he liked a little better.
Ashley had made him stay put in the living room while she set up his ‘spa day’, which just made Kensinton blush more.
The jar of salts now sat on the edge of the bathtub, just in case he wanted to put in more, she had said. The bath water and bubbles were a soft pink color, from the bath bomb. Ashley had even left her bluetooth speaker and phone in there, playing music with piano and what he thought was violin.
The whole thing was very over-the-top and unnecessary, really. But as Kensington lowered himself into the warm water, he couldn’t help the affection and tears that overcame him.
Taglist: @batfacedliar-yetagain @haro-whumps @nicolepascaline
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kim-poce · 2 years
Childhood time with Day!
Full House - Fake Memory
Tell me if the tags worked please.
CW: pet whump, minor whump, institutionalized slavery.
D-480 wondered things from time to time, he knew well not to question  anything, but he couldn’t stop himself from wondering in silence. Even if in the all white world of the facility there are never many things to look at or think about he still had doubts.
What he wanted to know the most is what ‘fake memory’ means. He had seen pets being punished for ‘remembering false things’ often, he also had seen many pets trying to tell the trainers that they are not pets, that they are people, that they remember so, these pets are always taken away, they come back some time later without any fake memories left.
D-480 wouldn’t dare to question the trainers, but it’s odd that every different pet shares the same fake memory of being a human. Why is it always the same?
He looked down at his small hands, he is way younger than most pets in there, hence, he is more prone to fail than most of them, yet somehow he never had these ‘fake memories’.
Doesn’t matter how hard he tries, he can’t remember anything other than the white walls of the facility, the rules, the trainings, the punishments, the more he thinks about it the more he is sure the other pets are lying —as weird as it is that they all came up with the same lie—, because there is no way that the world they describe truly exist on the other side of these walls.
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain, @whump-blog, @wolfeyedwitch, @octopus-reactivated, @sufferfictionalcharacters, @rat-father , @badluck990 , @onlybadendings , @inpainandsuffering , @mazeish , @neuro-whump , @freefallingup13 , @sideblogformindtrash , @extemporary-username , @jadeocean46910 , @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight , @melancholy-in-the-morning , @mylifeisonthebookshelf , @neverthelass , @pumpkin-spice-whump , @whumpfessional , @sinning-shipping-trash , @batfacedliar-yetagain , @scp-1296 , @dont-touch-my-soup , @endlesscyclezz , @nicolepascaline , @rose-pinkie , @latenightcupsofcoffee , @dyingisbadforyourhealth, @theadorelocksly, @aswallowimprisoned , @bluewhumpcrew
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mackenlov · 4 months
You are going to come out, yet again✨
charisjoseph #YetAgain #Winning #Winner #Win #Victory #Triumphant #Triumph #seer #Prophet #Apostle #Evangelist #Teacher #Rabbi #pastordwightbucknerjr #Elders #Bishop #Men #women #Woman #WealthTransfer #MilkAndHoney #FinancialDominance #Abundance #Overflow #Widdom #GainKnowledge #Knowledge #Success #Tuschiya
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And from some faroff place perhaps the valley of possibility tucked at the foot of the mountain of expectation comes a voice heard HeyAnd once again yetagain sliding down from the mountain top after clinging to the peak of expectation I skidslip and stumble pastboulders of heartbreak over pebbles of indiscretions and affairs back on down past the tree line of awkward first dates coming to the…
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
CHAPTER 10: Angry Scars
“What the fuck have I done?”
Emery mumbled the phrase to himself over and over as he paced the course of his tent—a course he’d been pacing for hours, by now, a course he’d had to shift twice for fear of running a rut into the ground.
For half the day after Taushin had led him out of the garden that morning, Emery had been numb with bliss. At first, he’d wondered if it was the wine he’d drank, so listless he’d felt in his monumental decision. Having come down from it at this point, though, Emery could see that it had been a product of Taushin’s masterful distraction.
Taushin had nursed it for the entirety of the day, pampering Emery with the sights and wonders of his Isle. Emery was under the impression now that he’d wholly given away a weakness of his to the man, and Taushin—being the snake that he was—had immediately recognized and preyed upon it. What that weakness was, he could not be sure of, but he was angry that he’d let it draw him in. Angry and terrified.
The newest chapter of Dancing With Death is now available on any tier of the Patreon. :) Emery visits with Minx again in his chambers, regretting the decisions of the day with Taushin. For those of you on the tag list, let me know (in whichever way suits you best--DM, comments, etc.) if you'd like this to be the last tag you get for the Patreon updates, or if you'd like me to tag you every time I post a new chapter! I'll be happy to take off/put on/keep on anyone who asks. Updates on this story will be slower but hopefully this one will tide you over if you decide to join! (And of course there's always the four exclusive artworks a month you can enjoy that are almost always DWD related because everyone already on the Patreon asks for them xD)
Love you guys. <3
@boxboysandotherwhump @seasaltandcopper @whump-cravings @thats-my-type-writer @ashintheairlikesnow @luna-rein @whumptywhumpdump @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @dragonninjavampire @whumpy-writings @also-finder-of-rings @ohwhumpydays @whump-world @outofangband @whump-cravings @10000ducks-whump @whumpiary @sadomasochistic-whump @insaneinthepaingame @straight-to-the-pain @whumpwillow @gatheringofsuffering @sideblogformindtrash @newbornwhumperfly @sadistgalore @yet-another-heathen @peterrose @cupcakes-and-pain @writingbackwards @i-gently-open-the-door @bloodandbandages @ocean-blue-whump @wingedwhump @jcwriting @kiretto-laorentze @whumpawink @nicolepascaline @zoewhumps @mylifeisonthebookshelf @wolfeyedwitch @whumpfessional @batfacedliar-yetagain @whump-tr0pes @meetmeinhellcroutons @hackles-up
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