dykebeckett · 3 months
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society if “minecraft youtube” still meant like. mod showcases and the shadow of israphel
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illumwriting · 5 months
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Secret Santa for @the-home-of-innovation <3 Their Ridge with a blackrock-era Ravs! Companion ficlet below the cut.
Preview: "Ridgedog!" Ravs' voice fills the bar from wall to window and makes Ridgedog feel like he's a piece falling into a gorgeous puzzle. There's the tap of glass to wood, the enticing rattle of ice that lures Ridge into his seat, his coat spread out behind him.
Ridge didn't visit Blackrock often. Mostly because it's main two inhabitants had a strained history with him. Today, though, he touches down in front of his favorite reason to descend into the world. Checks himself over once, not because he has to, but because he wants to look impeccable for his unaware host.
Well, not at all unaware. He likes to fancy the bartender a mere mortal per the man's self styling, but Ridge had taken one look at him and seen through to his illager heritage and the innate ties to the foundation of a world that came with it. Ridge pictures him now, wiping off the bar countertop, pulling down Ridge's favorite whiskey from the high shelf already. It was, perhaps, nice to be expected. Still, when he pushes open the weighty wooden double door with the flourish they deserve, Ravs still acts surprised. Looks up from the stroke of his cloth over bartop and flashes his teeth in a delighted grin that every patron is treated to.
"Ridgedog!" Ravs' voice fills the bar from wall to window and makes Ridgedog feel like he's a piece falling into a gorgeous puzzle. There's the tap of glass to wood, the enticing rattle of ice that lures Ridge into his seat, his coat spread out behind him.
"Ravs." Ridgedog returns the sentiment, the curl of his own smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. They silently appraise each other as Ravs neatly pours and nudges the glass closer to Ridge, who takes it in hand and drains half of it, not quickly, but with intention. It's honey dark and almost divine. Ridge can taste every moment Ravs spent crafting it. The care put into it from creation to now is almost overwhelmingly sweet, but Ravs tempers it with his being, oaky sturdiness and firm warmth that takes a moment to seep in.
Ridge sets the glass down with a heavy satisfaction. There's a half-expectant look on Ravs' face. Ridge teases him, takes a moment of silence more and licks his lips in thought. Ravs is patient, not even a raised eyebrow- unwilling to influence his patron's opinion. "It's….." Ridge takes a more measured sip, lets it loll on his tongue for a moment longer. "very you."
Ravs' laugh is rich as the whiskey. "Which part?"
It's not something Ravs actually expects Ridge to be able describe back to him. The flirting is thick in the implications that Ravs lets linger between them as he produces the bottle for Ridge's inspection and their fingers idle together.
Ridge hums, and there's a flash of his teeth as he smiles more fully. "You've been aging this for a while."
"You don't turn up often." A gentle dig, but there's only fondness behind it. Ridge acquiesces, returns the bottle with slight hesitation and settles his hand back around his glass guiltily.
"The time makes it better though." Ravs winks at him, and is rewarded with the lightest dusting of pink under Ridge's freckles.
The ice broken, they take to chatting- Ridge likes to talk with his hands and Ravs likes to keep his busy.
Ridge is not a one bottle drinker, and Ravs knows this, makes his stock for Ridge in batches. By the third bottle, Ridge has let himself get comfortable.
"No ice this time." Ridge says, and Ravs gets a clean glass, pouring into it behind the bar. He glances up as he does, and takes pause. Ridge is bathed in the sunlight. It filters through into the dark wood of the bar through the windows on the wall and doors, and tries to takes it's natural course along the floor. But Ridge has snatched it up, and it clings to him instead. Ravs smile must quirk, because Ridge's flush from drinking and conversating deepens and he grins at Ravs.
"What is it?" There's a little tilt to Ridge's head, innocently inquisitive in an honest way.
"You're…" Ravs puts his elbow on the bar, the drink an afterthought now to both of them. He draws his gaze up Ridge's form, lingering, and enjoys the way that Ridge's smile is loose, easy, and turns a little sheepish as Ridge realizes that he must being doing something uniquely supernatural. From this angle, Ridge seems to be the source of the light itself, the gathered rays a soft halo around him. "radiant."
Ridge can only grin stupidly at Ravs, and the glow brightens, making everything else in the building pale in comparison to him.
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fluxedbuds · 2 years
i love piper as a concept so much. theyve never seen a plot in their entire life. they have two roommates they bite every day, an army of rats, and a huge pink hair bow. none of these things are related. one of the roommates is a shark. gender
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magsinthe · 2 years
i’m yogsposting on main cause i can do what i want but
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how he do that. lalnable. how you. hey. how you do that.
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anxiously-awaiting · 3 years
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im hilarious 
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rtgame · 2 years
i should start yogsposting with my friends that was fun 
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dykebeckett · 2 months
truly I believe that the best example of saying no effectively in improv is the yogpod fridge tax bit it’s so iconic to me.
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illumwriting · 1 year
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illumwriting · 1 year
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illumwriting · 1 year
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screencap drawover!!!! video reffed below the cut. please imagine ridge and any of the cast (or ur ocs) you desire
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illumwriting · 9 months
t minus 2 fuckin minutes until it begins again
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illumwriting · 2 years
red poppies ((won't grow down here))
drabble yogtober october 1st: beginning
parvis/ridgedog, a dash of strife to start, blood magic, alternate starts, based off canon, hints at proper parvdog <3 sfw! 853 words.
It's an inspiring thing, to know the youth were still interested in the old ways. Ridgedog smiled to himself as Parvis chattered on to Strife, the pair oblivious to Ridgedog floating in spectator mode as they passed beneath his boots.
He tails them through the woods, eavesdropping.
It's an inspiring thing, to know the youth were still interested in the old ways. Ridgedog smiled to himself as Parvis chattered on to Strife, the pair oblivious to Ridgedog floating in spectator mode as they passed beneath his boots.
He tails them through the woods, eavesdropping. "So why's can’t I do it?"
"Because, Parvis." Strife sounds so irritated, the -I said so- not worth wasting more breath on.
"C'mon! You haven't given me a single good reason." Parvis' feet work a neat dance around the ground so that he is in front of Strife, walking backwards now. His right hand clasps his left wrist behind his back, and he is bent at the waist to reduce his height and make it so that he can look up at Strife, peer up beneath the guy's sunglasses.
"I have given you -several-. One of them being that it is /dangerous/, much like your current actions." Strife keeps moving forward, steps to the left, and turns slightly to avoid the tumbling body of Parvis that is sent sprawling out with a yelp as the ground rises behind him and his heel catches.
Ridgedog giggles.
The scene below him carries on, Parvis making quick excuses for his clumsiness and distracting from the original topic of their talk. Strife entertaining him and similarly directing the conversation away from the thing that Parvis had been asking for- ---------------------------------------------------------------
"Well, here's your place, Parvis. Are you sure you don't want to rent a bed at Strife Solutions? It's much safer."
"Awww, you're all worried about lil ole me. Naw. Thanks for the offer though, Strifey. See you next week!"
With Strife taken to the air and almost out of sight, Parvis turns to enter his own base- and yells, arms flailing up in front of him, one leg coming off the ground and drawing in.
"Fuck, dude!" Parvis snaps at Ridge, who has appeared out of thin air and is floating so that his knees are at Parvis' eye level.
"Hahaha- hey, Parv!" Ridge is grinning, arms crossed in front of him. "Do you have a minute? I have something I'd like to show you." ----------------------------------------------------------------------
A snap of Ridge's fingers later, they are in a cobblestone basement somewhere. The room is lit with the dull glow of redstone torches and in the center of it sits the very thing Parvis had been hounding Strife about.
"Woah! Is that the real thing?" Parvis never waits for any sort of permission, and he's already on the steps of the blood altar, scuffing his sneakers carelessly across runes.
"As real as you or me." Ridgedog is still flying, but touches down next to Parvis as the young man reaches the top of the altar and peers into the well of it. "Would you like this one?"
"Would I ever!" Hands skim across the edge, his head cocks and he pouts. "But-"
"Ohh, but Strife! But it's dangerous! But he said so!" Ridgedog mocks Parvis' voice, delights in how easily readable and open Parvis is with his expressions that flick from indignant to questioning and the furrowing of his eyebrows together. "Don't worry about it, my friend," A smoothing over of all concerns, and Ridge lays an arm and hand across Parvis's back and onto his shoulder. "I have everything you need."
Parvis's mouth opens. Closes. His fingertips are still lingering on the cool stone, and he swears he sees the deep, blacks shaded emptiness of the well in front of him wink. "Ok. Yeah. Let's do it!" After all, Ridge was the world's admin and had been here longer. He knew better, right?
A knife appears in Ridge's other hand and is passed to Parvis, who fidgets with a sense of uncertainty as he holds the handle. "Prick your finger." There's amusement in Ridge's command.
Parvis obeys, hisses in a sharp breath as it hurts more than whatever faint idea he’d had of how it might feel. The swell of blood takes it’s time in sliding down, and he gives his hand a little shake to get it to splatter off into the well.
//At least he knew where it went.// Ridge thinks, as his firm grip on Parvis' shoulder becomes the only thing holding the newly minted blood mage up straight. Parvis' dead weight is more than Ridge cares to try to keep using one arm for and he settles his other hand on the other shoulder and steps behind him. Luckily, it's only a moments before Parvis gasps back into existence.
"Wha- the-" Parvis gets out. He blinks. The room seems brighter now, the red in particular glimmering and attractive. "So that's it? I see funny shapes and then what? I don't feel any more powerful." He doesn't register that Ridge had moved, so when the man's voice comes from right next to his ear, he startles.
"You will," Ridge says. Parvis realizes now too that Ridge is warm, pressed up against Parvis- or had Parvis pressed back against him- either way, Ridge's left hand is moving down along Parvis' bare arm to grip his wrist. "This is just the beginning."
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illumwriting · 2 years
82 (for the song + associated character one)
Happy- Robert Delong:
(warning for blood, drinking, cult shit) https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/robertdelong/happy.html well first of, my dude robert delong used microsoft Sounds to make the songs on this album, so the melody is so FUN and really is a great example of electronica mixed with traditional instruments. also it has layering of vocals, which always slaps. this is SUCH a parvis/ridge song to me. parvis is an imbiber, a partier, someone who sleeps in late to the day, spends his nights awake until the run rises and then heads to bed. he seeks out ridge to annoy him, to converse, to tease, to hang out- no true reason needed. even if he knows it might not be the best time, parvis doesn't care. Parv's personality and mannerisms are naturally buzzing with energy, and his magic just makes that more intense. He comes to Ridge for blood magic, for the heat and burn that Ridge can offer him. And Ridge? Ridge IS that Sun God, the whose cycles tend to oppose Parvis's schedule, so the moments they have together are infrequent and brief in nature. Ridge uses his own powers, his own magic to change this- he can slow or stop time from the whole server to single chunks or spaces around him, keep the server clock from ticking forward, keep the sun still in the sky, even the seasons are at his fingertips in this world. Parvis gets more attention and "teaching" from him this way, and hell, sometimes it feels like Ridge pulls back time just to re-live the moment. It's just a bonus that they get more work done.
Sometimes, they find themselves on the same insomniac rythm together. Despite all this power between the two of them, both of them feel disconnected from their feelings. They are fucked up, flawed people who have killed and killed and lost themselves to magic and strife. They have a slew of problems that follows them no matter how many new worlds or new players there are. Humor covers up so much for both of them. They have physical intimacy, but it's nothing romantic, nothing but passion and heat in the moment. They will not fall for each other. Feeling that is for others in their lives, who have worked hard to coax it from them. And for Ridge, the worst of it is watching Parvis grow older, even slowed as it is. Feeling the pressure of the space around them as this world and this time closes in on him, again. Knowing that he's got all the time, but he cannot do a damn thing to keep Parvis or any of these moments still and unchanged, perfectly preserved like himself. He literally sees his life- the storylines, the sequences of events- from a third-party point of view when he uses his powers and hen it comes to relationship of this level of intimacy with his players- he doesn't know how to feel about it. Parvis struggles too, the glimpses blood magic gives him into the other side, the looming threat of suffering and destruction that breathes down his neck and tempts him. He's well aware of this, chases his carefree and chaotic life with reckless abandon. Looks back on his life with the mindset of it's just a game. He should probably be feeling something about that. But the title of this song is Happy. Ridge and Parvis get enjoyment from their time together. They are silly, comedic guys with a dark streak to their humor. They share a common interest in mischief and power. Getting their hands dirty isn't something they mind, and the hours spent working hard laced with innuendos and passes at each other are enjoyable to end in rough intimacy.
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fluxedbuds · 2 months
I Do miss yogsposting. All I have is Lomadia though we're out of everything else sorry
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
if I go back to yogsposting its gonna be 90% Lomadia and im not apologizing but i feel like it deserves a warning
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