#you guys just don't get it πŸ™„πŸ™„
elainiisms Β· 7 months
no you don't understand, attempted murder IS the most romantic expression of love
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opera-ghost Β· 2 months
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it's immensely funny to me how andrew lloyd webber read this passage from the book and was like yeah the journey down to the phantom's lair is this really breathtaking magical gondola ride where christine is just captivated by the strange and fantastical beauty of it all (see below)
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when in the novel they're both like in a rowboat in the dark with christine scared out of her mind and confused as hell while erik is paddling like he's out for an extreme day of fishing and just staring christine down for the entire duration of the journey without blinking once . like mind you his eyes quite literally GLOW in the DARK and he's just fucking staring into her soul and silently rowing and probably not even breathing like
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fromtheseventhhell Β· 2 months
"It's normal for siblings to fight" Okay well it's not normal to be extremely classist and look down on your sister for being non-conforming. Or to go to the woman who ordered the death of your pet to tell her about your father's plans, when he specifically warned you against doing so, because you want to marry the boy you saw attack your sister and her friend (contributing partially to said father's death and your sister being unable to escape on the ship he chartered). Or to think of your sibling as unsatisfactory in comparison to another when you believe her to be dead. I notice that none of the "Sansa and Arya are going to reunite and instantly have no issues" crowd ever acknowledge any of this, which makes it seem like they don't actually believe what they say about their relationship being normal and easily reconciled. People wanting them to have no issues simply because they're siblings is another example of how fandom likes to flatten complex characters and relationships. They get reduced to being bickering siblings when their conflict runs deeper than that. If the author is telling you that they have "deep issues" to work out [X], I don't understand being so adamant about ignoring said issues. I also get the sense it's about ignoring the capacity for a certain character to be flawed, but that isn't going to change the fact that her "slip of the tongue" is very likely to be revealed and a source of further conflict πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
#arya stark#sansa stark#house stark#asoiaf#also if it's so normal for siblings to fight then why are you guys losing your minds over us theorizing they won't get along??#the amount of condescending /that's just how siblings act/ takes I see πŸ™„#sorry I guess? that we read the book and don't just delete parts of the story because we find it convenient?#it's not even like takes about them being enemies is widespread the most I see is that they aren't instantly bffs when they reunite 😭#some people theorize they'll never be close but guess what? that's a completely fair and valid assumption based on their relationship!#personally I think they'll have a sweet reunion before the issues they have inevitably surface again because while they've been through#a lot they haven't fundamentally changed as people or the values they hold#and I think that's going to be very interesting to read about!#I can't figure out why people always take the most boring bland route for how things will play out#mostly because people seem to be unable to swallow the concept that Sansa is a flawed character who isn't perfectly sweet all the time#and the fact that their conflict is instigated by Sansa's classism#which is funny cause in the grand scheme of things her being mean to Arya is such a mild thing that opens the door to a ton of growth#never seen anybody but stansas equating her being a bully to her sister to her being evil/a villain#all we do is point out that it exists in the story...people in this fandom have no concept of nuance I stg 😭#anyways they're both complex characters and their conflict is interesting and I hope we get to see how it plays out#cause it's definitely going to be better then that trash d&d came up with πŸ™πŸΎ
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blujaydoodles Β· 28 days
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followup to this crossover doodle that I've been thinking about since the first one, lol. tfw the person whose house you accidentally broke into turned out to be so chill that you almost forgot she's got other party members you're still gonna have to explain yourself to :Ic
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superbellsubways Β· 29 days
anyways. the LoS pmtok you will always be famous
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reanimatedgh0ul Β· 2 months
my fenton family + vlad height hcs be upon ye
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theflyingfeeling Β· 12 days
I think today I will cry about BC not making tour vlogs anymore πŸ˜”
#yes i'm still bitter about the live performance video they posted yesterday#it seemed more like something made for promotion and marketing rather than for fans to relive the moment#or for fans who couldn’t attend to experience it as if they were there#the frame wouldn’t span on one moment for longer than 1.5 seconds which made it kinda messy#and you didn't really get a good picture of what the show was actually like#they didn't show how awkwardly long it took for the curtain to be gathered and carried away 🀭#instead they showed moshpits THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN DURING THOSE SONGS πŸ™„#and the content you see on their band account on tiktok/ig is no different#good for promotion i guess. uninteresting for their existing fans πŸ₯±#i get that editing vlogs is extra work (for joonas) and that some of them may not want there to be a camera on their face all the time#and that *siiiiiiiiiiigh* ''youtube is dead'' πŸ™„#but i don't think i would have fallen for this band half as bad as i did if it wasn't for the umk/esc vlogs and the content from summer '21#followed by more tour vlogs from their other tours#nowadays it's only fast-paced tiktoks and promotion and joel's SUPER FUNNY filters πŸ™‚#i would give up them all for 5-minutes of vlog-like content from the EU tour 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#whose dick do i need to suck for this huh?#joel is it yours (as the band's social media guy)?? i will do it in the back alley of your local sushi buffet#just tell me when and i'll be there but make sure your cock's already out and hard i haven't got all day
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coquelicoq Β· 1 year
my ideal makorrasami imagines are always like
asami comes home to her girlfriend and boyfriend after a long day of being a genius engineer and fortune 500 ceo
she picks up bolin on the way because it's mako's birthday so they're having a little get-together
they head to the pool because that's usually where korra can be found when the weather is super warm, and obviously mako will be there too keeping her company
she and bolin hear raised voices as they approach. omg the girlfriend and boyfriend are fightinggggg
it's a very sophisticated argument. they're just saying, over and over, "nuh-uh!" "uh-huh!" "NUH-UH!" "YEAH-HUH!"
asami and bolin round the corner to see korra and mako glaring at each other, cheeks flushed, eyes glassy, absolutely drunk off their gourd
asami's just like "pregaming, are we? i hope you left some alcohol for the rest of us" and raises one devastating eyebrow
korra and mako turn to her and their faces light up immediately. "asami!! you're here!!!"
(the eyebrow does nothing to dampen their enthusiasm, which is fine, because they're very endearing drunks and she is very much enjoying this)
then they turn back to each other and are like "SHE'LL agree with me. THEN you'll see. i'm right and you're wrong. you're the wrongest forever and ever. no YOU are" etc. etc.
this of course quickly devolves into good ol rough and tumble rasslin
bolin's like "ooh ooh ooh! what are we talking about? i love being part of conversations! i want to have an opinion!!!"
by which point korra has mako in a headlock and they turn in tandem to look at asami (bolin's input is not required) and very earnestly ask her who the best kisser is
they're looking at her so expectantly and korra has forgotten about the headlock so now they're just hugging as they wait with baited breath for asami's verdict
and asami's like oh well uh guys i can't really...that's not...apples oranges et cetera, you're both extremely good kissers, really top notch, full marks for everyone, i uh always love any sort of kissing that we get to do, um, together,
just digging herself into this awkward hole, right. because no one expects that question
mako's mouth drops open. "woah," he says
"yeah," says korra
as one, their heads swivel toward each other
"the BEST kisser...is ASAMI!!!!!" they say in unison
they stare into each other's eyes for a beat
suddenly their mouths are colliding as they LAUNCH themselves toward each other and begin making out frantically and with great fervor
occasionally coming up for air to say such things as "you're so smart" "no YOU" "no ASAMI is" "asami's the smartest" "i love asami" "she's the best ever for always" amidst the most embarrassingly sloppy kissing known to man
bolin's like "soooo. just to make sure i'm getting this straight"
asami: uh-huh
bolin: the reason korra and my brother are kissing in front of us so enthusiastically...
asami: yeah
bolin: ...is because they are in SUCH complete agreement...
asami: right
bolin: ...that YOU are good at kissing?
asami: that appears to be the case, yes
asami can hear bolin facepalm somewhere off to the side, but she only has eyes for the ridiculously adorable and uncoordinated makeout session taking place in front of her
cousin tu's voice comes from the direction of the house. "oh dude they're done arguing? right on"
bolin: how long have they been arguing?
tu: idk, like half an hour? for a while they were just arm-wrestling but korra let mako win because it's his birthday, and he got all cranky about it
bolin: uh-huh. so how did they get from that...to this?
tu: well obviously then korra said it doesn't matter if she's the best arm-wrestler because mako's the best kisser
bolin: wait
tu: and mako was all, "no YOU'RE the best kisser" and korra went "no YOU are"
bolin: so you mean to tell me...
tu: and i got bored after like, five minutes of that so i went back inside
bolin: ...all this time they were fighting because they each think the OTHER person is better at kissing?
tu: well, yeah. i mean if you ask me they both seem to be pretty bad at kissing lol. but whatever, it's not my problem. no offense, asami!
bolin: they're probably better at kissing when they're sober. i mean, this is just embarrassing. right, asami? please tell me this is not what you're working with on a daily basis. asami? hello? asami?
but asami isn't listening. she's gazing at korra and mako with the goofiest smile on her face. her pupils have turned into heart shapes. without conscious decision on her part she clasps her hands and presses them sappily to her bosom
tu: dude, maybe we should, like, give them a minute
bolin: is this even safe? what if they bite each other's lips off?
tu: korra's a healer, right? like, i'm not worried about it
asami doesn't notice them leave. she's so full of love for these two ridiculous idiots that it's spilling out of her in the form of literal tears. she's crying from how much she loves them
this continues until korra and mako in their clumsy enthusiasm actually fall into the pool. korra bends the water away from mako before he can drown and then immediately tries to punch it for endangering him. asami runs over to get them out and they both see that she's been crying. this is followed by a five-minute sequence of mako frantically petting her hair while she tries to convince korra to put away the fire-dagger, no one has been mean to her, everything is all right, korra, no wait, don't go into the avatar state, you're going to suck the cake into the element vortex -
mako thinks it's very unfair that the day after his birthday, he's the only one who wakes up with a hangover. apparently the avatar, who's been up since the buttcrack of dawn merrily inventing the new field of batterbending to replace the cake she and her past lives destroyed, is above such concerns. asami kisses his nose with great affection and, it must be said, terrible morning breath. "how about this," she says. "on my birthday, korra and i will get drunk and attempt to eat each other's faces and you can babysit. sound good?"
yes, that sounds good, he thinks. after all, taking turns has served them pretty well so far.
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running-in-the-dark Β· 5 months
oh, I see. it's one of those nights.
#going insane going insane going insane#too many men in my head and they're all the same guy but not but#uhgghh I need to stop looking at him but I can't and he's so beautiful and I'm so unbelievably stupid#no thoughts in my head just him#and him and him#the three of them#stupid idiot guys with their same stupid pretty face and uggh I hate them#and by hate I mean want oh my god I want them so bad I'm losing my mind#other people are beautiful too! why can't I be normal about this?? why does this need to happen#just. be like. oh hey he's hot I'd fuck him. and move on. like a normal person#nooo it's got to be literal months of me getting increasingly stupid until there's nothing left of my brain because it's all been replaced#by tiny versions of him#it's literally FINE.#people are attracted to people literally all the fukcing time why can't I be normal about this oh my god this is so humiliating#BUT I can't keep it in my mind or my head will explode and for some reason that would be bad. apparently.#AND why can't I just think he's hot??? WHY does it have to become my entire personality?? what do I like? oh him of course. no like what are#my hobbies? oh looking at him and painting him and thinking about him. NO besides that - umm there IS nothing besides that actually?? I've#never had an interest in my life and I don't even know what you mean πŸ™„ I sit here and think about a man (now it's three of them but#whatever)#what else would there be πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ ridiculous.#ugh why can't I just be really fully completely ace? this is so unnecessary I don't want it it's horrible 😫#except it's not its the best it's fucking incredible because I think about his face and it's like I'm seeing everything and it all makes#sense finally and why would anything else ever matter again#oh my GOD dude if I could hear myself right now. I'd be so embarrassed. but I can't because there's just a billion tiny eliots and alexes#and jacobs in my head and that's all there is#man maybe I should start doing drugs or start drinking again#okay whatever *goes back to watching the librarians and giggling like a maniac every time I see him*#ugh he's wearing a cute jacket and I need to hug him so bad oh my god it's killing meee. soft soft soft. must touch. ugggh
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fandomsarefamily1966 Β· 1 year
I'm honestly tempted to reread Little Women just so I can highlight all the ways that Beth isn't the cardboard saint everyone thinks she is. Who's with me?
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fuwaprince Β· 11 months
#so i have bad news tht im too sad to share rn.#πŸ₯Ή it'll be ok... just... aaaa....#man am i rly hurt and then it gets worse bc my mom has no respect for me as a person#she comes over unannounced and yells performatively w/ windows rolled down#acting like she cares when she doesn't give 2 shits once eyes aren't on ber#ty for reading sorry it wasn't very happy#my chest hurts#kinda just sitting here don't know what to do#mom came over trying to shove some food in my face (that comes with an unspoken catch where she gets to abuse me and justify it#bc 'look how much i do for you!!!')#i rejected it and she kept asking invasive questions#like whos driving me amd and what my weekly schedule is and will be for the next few months#she asked if i was hanging with xyz probs so she could go drive around their house/stake it out πŸ™„#in hopes of seeing me and pulling some fucked up humiliating stunt#she kept telling me tht her withholding my legal documents and mail from me is justified???#like wtf stop trying to take away my agency i am a fully competent grown ass person#and i dont welcome her manipulation disguised as help. i hate it dude#ty guys for all the helpfulness and kindness#ty guys for not taking advantage of a desperate situation#i acknowledge the selfless sacrifice and it means so much#truly just wanting to help#no other motives...#i wish it was like that irl#i told her what she's doing is illegal and she can literally tell it to authorities#dENY ME MY RIGHTS AGAIN 🀬 GRRRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRG BARK BARK BARK BEGONE!!!!
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pyriteplates Β· 1 year
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feynavaley Β· 1 year
Today a coworker of mine said that I "look like one of those Japanese anime girls" and I still haven't figured out whether it was a positive thing in his mind or he meant it in a derogatory way. πŸ˜…
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belfryprepz Β· 2 years
I think str*nger th*ngs is at least partly responsible for the number of dudes who want a lesbian bsf /j
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stellardeer Β· 29 days
I can't stop ruminating on the post I made yesterday where I mentioned not liking the way Drake talks about women in his songs, and I keep trying to justify myself to a fake person in my head, so I'm just gonna write it all down cause I'm on my vyvanse and It's Thoughts Time.
So yesterday I talked about how I haven't been a fan of Drake for a while, even before the incident with Millie Bobby Brown when everyone stopped trusting him, because of the way that he talks to/about women in his songs.
And one could argue that there are plenty of artists who say terrible sexist/misogynistic things about women in their songs, calling them "bitches" and "hoes", using them as props, what have you. Why single out Drake? Why do I say he seems like "the next R Kelly"?
Well, refer to Exhibit A, article detailing R. Kelly's "sex cult". I believe this was the exact article that I read when I first heard about the shady shit that R Kelly was getting up to. This was published in 2017, two years before the sex trafficking charges against him in 2019, at which time the focus was on his underage victims. But the TL;DR for the article above is that R Kelly had his own little sex cult going, consisting of adult women, most of whom he met because they wanted a career in music and they trusted him as an artist and he offered to mentor them. He ends up in an intimate relationship with them, and then they end up moving into a house of his, along with other women under the same circumstances, complete with an older "den mother" type who was there essentially to teach these girls how to please and serve Mr. Kelly.
When people talk about the nasty things that R. Kelly has done, nobody ever really brings this one up. I'm not sure if it's because they just don't know about it, but I would argue that the reason they don't know is because it is not as sensationalized, because this was happening to adult women, not minors. And the women didn't necessarily complain. In fact, they'd have told you they were happy and nothing was wrong and they were being treated well and WANTED to be there, despite having given up whatever passion it was they were pursuing that led them to this life in the first place, and now existing solely as R. Kelly's plaything. These were consenting adult women, so why should anyone care? (Though, surprise surprise, some of them came forward to disclose that everything was not actually fine.) Sadly, this is just how cults work though. I advise reading more on how cults recruit people in order to understand why the consent in these situations is dubious, NXIVM is one in particular that comes to mind if you want a place to start.
Honestly, I think that if I hadn't read the article above ("Exhibit A"), I wouldn't have even been put off by anything in Drake's lyrics. It's very subtle, though. It's the way that it seems like he wants all of the women in his life to stay loyal to him. It doesn't matter if they aren't officially "together" or if he hasn't seen them in months or if he doesn't even speak to them anymore. If they're one of his girls, they should always be one of his girls, ride or die. They aren't allowed to have relationships with other men, but he can have as many relationships with as many women as he wants and they need to just be fine with it. I hear it in "Hotline Bling". I hear it in "In My Feelings". There's probably more that I'm forgetting but it's been a while since I've listened to a song of his and those are two I remember. Just so I could have some credibility I did a search on his relationships and he even admits that he prefers to date 4 or 5 women at a time. He never degrades these women with sexist language in these songs, in fact "In My Feelings" could even be read as a wholesome song, but I couldn't help but feel the ick. I might even just be reading too much into it, but I couldn't ignore how uncomfortable it made me feel so I just stopped listening to his music.
Then the Millie Bobby Brown situation happened and it was like oh okay so I wasn't crazy, and now everybody else sees it too. It should be noted that nothing was ever confirmed as far as him having an inappropriate relationship with her, just that he was "texting her boy advice" and that she was reluctant to divulge details of the conversation because it was private. That alone is enough to raise red flags though, like how did you even come into contact with this 14 yo girl, what connection do you have to her? Why were you texting her privately and talking about dating? Too sus, sorry.
But I can't help but feel like, again, people only notice when it's happening with minors. I'm not sure how many people understand that "grooming" is not a synonym for "pedophilia". It's most often associated with children, especially teens, because teens are a little more savvy and may need extra steps to take advantage of, but even a fully confident grown ass adult can be groomed. Granted, the younger you are the more likely it is to work. I'm pretty sure all of the women in R. Kelly's sex cult were around 18-19 when he met them. There is no magical threshold of wisdom and maturity that you cross the second the clock strikes midnight on your 18th birthday. Predators target younger people because they know that they are more likely to be naive and to not know the signs of abuse or the signs of a cult or the signs of manipulation. But because the people involved are all technically adults, and seemingly consenting, nobody wants to assume anything nefarious is at play. It's only when they get bold and start going after younger and younger targets that it becomes a problem.
I absolutely believe that if Drake could have his own little harem of obedient women he probably would. And that, to me, is way more dangerous than someone just calling women "bitches" in a song.
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snapbackslide Β· 5 months
/negative posting/ remember when people were tweeting about how life seemed worth living again after spending time with their friends, well i somehow am feeling the opposite 🀠 do i just not have the right friends or am i broken beyond repair lolll
#actually this is gonna sound bad but#maybe.. i need friends who don't also have anxiety?#it's getting a little hard to be around people who are struggling like i am. it used to be comforting but now it's draining#no one is picking each other up.. we just empathize and move on to the next subject#and not only that but they are currently doing better than i am so all i'm getting is pity eyes and it makes me want to die#i need better balance. i need extroverted people in my circle#i have a mirroring personality so obviously being around people who are too self-conscious and don't open up will make me fold in on myself#and the fact i went for a guy similar to me knowing it wouldn't work makes me sick bc i really just wanted comfort out of him#cause i could see the friendship and also the romance and he got me and i fucking hate myself lately#the amount of time i spent crying because he ghosted me makes me wanna throw up. and smash my head against the wall#2 of my friends are in serious relationships. 1 is having her fun and casually dating. another is travelling & spending time w family#i am hung up on a guy in ottawa who was nothing more than a situationship at best#my family makes me feel less than and i have not travelled in so long. got nothing to look forward to either#can't believe i moved the sens up from 'you exist i suppose' to 'i root for you on occasion' in my tier list for him πŸ™„#but then again i spent the entirety of brunch this morning wishing i was with him instead and how i fucking miss him#and bracing myself for when my friends would ask about him and no one did. in fact no one even remembered#asked me if i was seeing anyone as if i hadn't already told them... just completely forgot everything i told them#another friend yesterday did ask abt him and i said he ghosted me and she said 'oh no' & that was the end of the conversation lol#bc kissing someone once & texting daily is nothing compared to them meeting their bfs' families. mine isn't important in comparison#they're too busy w their relationships and in fact it's probably true! it IS unimportant! bc we were nothing to begin with!#i never got to call him mine and he never expressed genuine interest in me and i can't tell anyone that#so basically this is why i'm ranting on tumblr again!#and why i made a new spam account lmao apparently it's easier to spill secrets to strangers than to get your friends to care a little more#(but again it might be the anxiety making them forget. so can i blame them. no. but this is why i need something different)#so yeah. i spent two weekend mornings with friends and i left feeling even more depressed. yay#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies#< yea no anecdotes this time. just depression
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