#you’ll hopefully like this too
cherry-leclerc · 2 months
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guys WHATTT???? we actually hit 2,000 almost a week ago, but i just haven't had the time to sit down and say THANK YOU. seriously, i appreciate all of you for reading, following along, and somehow liking what i put out? this is completely bonkers, but AGH grazie mille.
for now, i am swamped in homework, group projects, and other stuff in life, but i will continue to try my best to post when i can! my goal is to grow our carlos, max, lando, daniel, and oscar masterlists; charles has had his fair share lol, so with that i will say that our celebration will be an angsty fic i have been working on TEHEEE. i hope that's good enough for now; trying to switch things up.
she has a name and she is twisted. i've never written for him and i can't promise he'll be a usual client haha, but the idea struck, i was feeling like a lil piece of shit, and i typed my heart away. so...you can't say i didn't give you all a heads up. thank you forever and always, my anons 🫶
— million dollar man ☆ toto wolff…coming april 7th
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
keep seeing posts like “if you leave me a paragraph long ao3 comment I will propose to you.” Thanks? But…no thanks. I’m aro and this is not coming across how you want it to. This is tumblr, the “fuck the heteronormative system” website, surely we can come up with a better Ultimate Expression of Love/Appreciation than marriage
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beekugou · 7 days
long time no seeeee!! i have some gifsets that i made monthsss ago in the drafts that i don’t want to just leave there so i guess i’ll start posting them little by little .^◡^.
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elliesbelle · 3 months
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okay… so… if i stop being such a perfectionist bitch ass for the next couple of hours… y’all might FINALLY get part 2 to “while i die…”
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yourqueenb · 27 days
Feeling another random burst of self confidence (probably due to lack of sleep honestly) so have a heavily made-up eye reveal I guess? 😂
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bleue-flora · 1 month
your fics have started to jumpscare me when i see them on ao3 bc now i go "wait, i aware of who this is!" get percived idiot (affectionate)
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nem0-nee · 11 months
Altair be slaying fr
I also wanna hug him but I don't wanna die so lets hug from a safe distance
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"Still want that distance? Fair enough. I suppose you won't need me when you're falling at terminal velocity!"
[ Altair takes you skydiving.png ]
SHFKBSKFS I didn't intend them to be hot, bUT HERE WE ARE?!?!
Altair has slayed and will continue slaying (literally...)
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birb-papa · 2 years
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Get ready…
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suashii · 10 months
good morning i had a strange dream that i’m going to blame on the benadryl i took last night and not my subconscious but wishing everyone the best saturday ever!
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pearlparty · 1 year
Do you think you could do a part 2 to Goodbye, Angel where a few years have gone by and Elivis finds out what the colenel said and fires him. He finds reader only to see her with twin boys but the twist is that they’re his boys and they get the happy ending he fantasised about?
Bruh the way you’ve looked directly into my brain…
As soon as I’m done with my insanely busy work schedule next week, you’ll see what I have cooking for these two. I haven’t given up on them, I promise.
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mando-abs · 1 year
Jensen Ackles can stay mad he didn’t get the part of Joel.
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mageiad · 5 months
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magsyear ‘23 lesgooooooo
included some sculpture & ceramics stuff for the first time too :)
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inkats · 10 months
I want to rewatch yuri on ice.
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tiredsadpeach · 2 years
Y’all my work place has been absolute shit to a working mother lately on top of not taking racism claims seriously and constant scare tactics instead of using mistakes as teaching moments and I’ve been wanting to quit so I put in my two weeks today because the coworker that’s been treated like shit also is quitting and it kinda gave me a push and my store manager texted me telling me my experiences are wrong and trying to make my coworker look bad 😐 said he’d forward it to upper management with his statements of proof but little does he know I’m contacting HR tomorrow with my statements of proof you’re not scaring me off
#bro said he never used scare tactics and then proceeds to use a scare tactic#also like we got a review saying someone experienced discrimination and I heard the store manager make excuses as to why the customer was#wrong and didn’t actually get discriminated against 😐#and then to make me feel dumb in the text he was like “umm that claim happened when the coworker you love was on the clock so#and I’m sitting there like. bro I HEARD you LAUGH about it. idk how she responded because she never talked to me about it I only know you#and the other two managers’ reactions and only one of y’all cared! that’s bullshit!!#and I’m sorry she has a toddler and a newborn and they keep getting sick and she’s trying to juggle taking care of them and work#she was the only employee left that had been there over a year#and y’all tell everyone she doesn’t wanna work ask why her fiancé can’t watch the kids and then say you’ll cover her shift then stand in the#back all day to make her look bad#like her fiancé has a job too her family isn’t available and the toddler rn can’t go to daycare because of a bad rash#she gives her all man and yeah she worked the day of that racism claim but so did the person who yelled at a deaf person#while it’s more likely it was the mom coworker I won’t rule out that fact that it could’ve been but she shouldn’t be treated like shit over#taking care of her kids. if there was an investigation and she was racist then she would’ve been terminated (hopefully)#but also just the amount of times I’ve gotten a ‘hey team’ text and dreaded opening it#because he always paints himself as perfect and then doesn’t give us tips to improve#it’s just don’t make this mistake again or you’re fired#and most of the time the mistakes were just that because we were never taught NOT to do that#like stacking certain discounts and taking certain returns etc etc#plus the two managers under the store manager and minus the mom coworker just constantly start drama and lie#it’s so frustrating because I never know if I should trust their word or not#and then they don’t finish their work and claim that it was someone else’s work#so that they can claim they did all their work but the other manager didn’t but then the other one says the SAME THING#I am working with adult children and a shitty elementary teacher#well not anymore because I’m not finishing my two weeks thanks to that manipulative text#idk what you expect when you text your employee saying that actually you’re wrong and I won’t let upper management think you’re right#so tempted to just text back ‘have fun finding people to cover me’#I’m just an associate so like I don’t have to be there#but teehee if you’re gonna be an asshole I will too#I’m mostly just pissed tbh especially after everyone acting like the one manager walked out and quit when she had a mental health problem
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
The problem with my body is that there are so many problems with my body
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a-very-fond-farewell · 2 months
went to the city, me. fell in love with ALL the pretty women, me. much struggle.
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