#your son is the sun
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RIP my dude got his ass burnt for sure
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fansids · 1 month
Reverse Prince Au
And because I keep forgetting to make an official post about it, I combined the False Prince Au with the Reverse Au to make the Reverse Prince Au.
Qi Xiaotian:
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This comic is still canon to the au. Macaque gets pissed one night and shadow punches a probably magical plum tree. Qi Xiaotian is born and Macaque keeps him for his own reasons. MK is not Princess Iron Fan's adopted son and more of her adopted nephew that Mac drops off randomly. Macaque is an inconsistent parent mentor and sort of comes and goes as he pleases in Mk's life because reasons, which does not affect Mk at all what are you talking about he's a perfectly fine and mentally balanced person ha ha haaa.
Red Son
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Red Son is the apprentice of the Monkey King, except instead of Heaven dumping him on SWK post JTTW, he comes of his own volition. This obviously causes tension between him and his family. I am still deciding if he's the Red Boy from jttw, or his younger brother. Because the latter would be hilarious ngl. Anyway, Red Son wishes to make up for his past and be a hero and he...he's trying. He refuses any and all direct help from SWK.
Long Xiaojiao
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Long Xiaojiao is the only child of the Long family and the direct descendant of Ao Lie. By day she's a completely perfect, diligent, hard-working daughter. By night she street races (less than legally), which is how she meets Red Son. Slowly, they become friends.
Everything starts when MK sort-of-accidentally-purposefully releases the Demon Bull King. Red Son does not react well to this random ass kid (he does not know he's a monkie) casually lifting Sun Wukong's staff like it's nothing, and reacts even less well to his father being released. But he refuses help from his uncle and SWK initially doesn't see MK as enough of a threat to push it. Long Xiaojiao joins Red Son on the fun when he lets her (and when he doesn't cause he can't tell her what to do and that's what besties are for). Que silly shenanigans until Macaque appears.
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introspectivememories · 5 months
my ideal ending for tim, if you even can call it that, is he does the vigilante thing for like another decade, until he's like minimum 27? maximum 30-ish. and then walks into the batcave one day and just straight up tells the whole family that he's retiring. cue jason and dami going "you can retire???". and then he and bear move across the country so he can teach superhero school in socal and bear can do emt work and tim's happy cause he can finally put down roots without having to constantly leave bear and all the sunlight does wonders for bear's complexion. as much he loved superheroing, nothing beats waking up to the sound of the ocean and bear humming in the kitchen as he makes breakfast. nothing beats, waking up to bear's sleeping face as the sunlight streams in through the window. and yeah, tim's not gonna lie, he does miss swinging over rooftops and helping people but doesn't helping old lady himiko from down the street pick oranges count as helping people? doesn't teaching the next generation of heroes count as helping people? doesn't watching bear come out of the ocean in his wetsuit, still holding his surfboard, dripping, shaking his hair to get out the excess water, as the sunlight casts a halo around him, count as helping people??? it helps him!!
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Jesper: Your son didnt eat all his sandwich today
Wylan: Our son, and thats fine just throw it out
Jesper: … Bit harsh just for not eating his sandwich
Wylan: What
Jesper: What
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sorveteir · 2 years
steals your child y/n
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vigarioamelia · 3 months
seeing fanart of messmer and gwyndolin together is making me so sad for some reason like yes please take these two snake bois™ who were ostracized from their families for being connected to something seen as inappropriate or wrong and let them BOND
imagine each of their snakes have their own names and they just!!!! introduce their little snakes and it's just a great time for both of them!!! healing era!!!
(it's 2024 and i still can't believe gwyndolin still doesn't have One moment of peace)
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mndvx · 1 year
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SON OF SUN AND KNIGHT OF NIGHT (2016) directed by Zack Snyder | written by Chris Terrio & David S. Goyer ››› Laurence Fishburne as Perry White ››› Henry Cavill as Clark Kent / Superman
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faelingdraws · 1 year
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and what are you doing?
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enakane · 2 months
Hi, I figured you'd have an interesting take on this, as the #1 The Emporer fucker (affectionate) on my dash. I've always seen Ansur's attempted murder of the Emp being less "you're a horrifying monster who I must kill before you turn on us, even if it kills me to do so" and more "the man I knew would never want to live as a mindflayer, the man I knew would be horrified at what he's become, the man I knew would rather die" but he didnt consider that the man he knew was dead the moment he turned into a mindflayer, as it's (I think) canon that mindflayers feel and think differently than other races, so the 'man he knew' had been fundamentally changed in such a way as to become unrecognizable in his thought process, and thus, would no longer agree with his past-self. So while I don't think what Ansur did was right, I don't think he's the out-and-out villian some people paint him as, just someone so blinded by grief and fear and sadness, that he doesnt realize how changed Emp was. And then when you show up, the Emp at your back and an elder brain on the rise, I think Ansur is blinded by rage, and grief, and betrayal. He thinks all his worst fears about Emp have come true, and that you're, at best, a pawn in Emp's game, and at worst, a thrall, so that's why he attacks. Havent played that section in a while, so I might be talking out of my ass, but that's my take based on what I remember. Thoughts? (Sorry this is so long, I am a Verbose Bitch.)
(brb gonna get "#1 Emperor fucker" tattooed somewhere on me, truly an honor)
I totally agree that Ansur's intentions were first and foremost to enact what he thought would be Balduran's wishes! As far as he knew, he was dealing with an illithid puppeteering Balduran's body, and after failing to bring him back to the way he was (if I remember well, Ansur tried for some time to restore Balduran to his former self but failed), killing him was equivalent to putting down a zombie.
Mind flayers indeed canonically think differently from other races, plus (depending on the source), the host's mind either mostly or completely disappears once ceremorphosis is complete. There was a high chance he was dealing with a master manipulator that only pretended to remember who it used to be to be set free. Ansur was hardly evil for wanting to end Balduran's cursed existence/kill the thing pretending to be him, and Emp was hardly evil for choosing to live.
(If I start talking about how the Emperor wanting to live despite everything ties in perfectly with the game's theme of choosing to live in spite of irreversible changes + the I Want to Live song, I may never shut up, HE'S JUST LIKE US FR-)
Ansur remains as a ghost due to his unfinished business, so when he feels Emp near and speaks to you and him... The situation hasn't really changed for Ansur. Either Balduran is still an illithid or there's still an illithid pretending to be Balduran, and like you said, the chances that you're either a thrall or being manipulated are very high, so why wouldn't he try to finish the job and consider you an unfortunate collateral damage? There's no more evidence that Balduran is actually in control than there was the first time. Plus, I'd never considered that Ansur might feel the Elder Brain nearby and assume Emp is responsible; that would indeed make him feel betrayed and more willing to attack.
I definitely understand why people aren't too keen on the idea of trusting the Emperor bc mind flayers have a Reputation(tm), but how people came to hate Ansur is kind of weird imo? He's not a villain at all, his decision to kill Emp was a desperate last resort, a way to free Balduran from his torment and save the many people who were gonna get their brains eaten if he got out. I know some people dislike that he possesses Tav, but I played that scene before reading about it and it never bothered me, I mean... he's a ghost. If I'd played through bg3 without getting possessed at least once I'd be lowkey disappointed.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about my bg3 fave, I hope I'm coherent lol
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sourle · 1 year
Oops, I accidentally did a writing ask in the wrong account. My bad!!! You can ignore it!!
But if you are still open to the idea can I have a romantic MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, and Macaque (Separate if you can) with a werewolf reader (who can go by any gender) who is afraid of love?
Like they were hurt so many times by family and friends that they don’t trust love? And the lmk person wants to help them but also falls in love with them at the same time?
Hope this wasn’t confusing!! And have fun with it!!
~ 🐺 Anon
Oop sorry if this like months late, was taking off time on Tumblr writing because motivation died.
This man feels bad when he founds out you tell him and the rest of the crew with your problem. Being one to grow in a loving environment. He couldn't really understand it but tries to help.
He's there when you needed someone and listen to your problems and help you with it.
Often spending time with you after work! And most of it is just you both stargazing on the roof or from your house backyard.
He shows affections in a physical way, i guess you could say he's one to love touches from people. He often pats you on your head or behind your ear, that's if you're comfortable with it. If not then just a back pat.
Loves to hold your hand because Man! Look at those paws! And look at those adorable paw beans!
With being longer and hanging out around you often he slowly falls for you and your antics. He adores you from afar and been thinking to confess but he knows that you're still not yet ready and afraid you might reject.
One day you guys were hanging out and you confess to him, after all those time and years spending time together and MK trying to make you open up. You're finally comfortable to start loving again, he gleefully accepted it and a cuddle session was held back at his apartment:)
Being one to have some slight parents issues and relationship with them aren't that stable, she understands your problem the moment you told her. Being one to stand her ground she helped you with it and get it through with you.
She usually shows affections the same as MK but a mixed with words. She compliment you before patting your head or grabbing you hand to kiss it just to tease you. But if you're uncomfortable with physical touch, she still can compliment you and show how beautiful you are to anyone she encountered.
She spends time with you when she got nothing to do or when being bored. Usually at the Anti-gravity arcade or at sandy place to enjoy tea with him or play with the cats and help sandy takes care of them.
You being a werewolf doesn't really bother her, it might shook her the first time she saw you in your werewolf form but she just thinks it's cute afterwards and compliment you on how soft and beautiful your fur are!
The moment she realizes she has fallen for you she immediately confesses to you. At first it was a hesitant answers from you, but when you accepted it and told her that you're ready to have hope on love again thanks to her. She was really happy and celebrate by eating at Pigsy's noodle shop, going to the arcade, and to the mall and at the end of the day and cuddle session in your house!
Red son
Being one to have lack of love from his parents himself, he understands how it is to have nobody to love or depends on.
He got much to say but helped you by spending time with you, with him asking for your help with fixing his car and other stuff.
When you're having a thug time, he's there to helped you and cover for you. He shows love by physical touch so most of the time he just pats your back.
Now on you being a werewolf. He was amazed to say the least, being a demon himself having another demon as an 'aly' was great. He doesn't mind much if he hears you howls at night.
You probably live with him or something sincerely he insisted on you living with him and his parents, since your company will definitely help the atmosphere around. Definitely not nother reason.
When he found out he has fallen for you, he was hesitant. Thinking you might not feel the same and reject him when he confess, so he decided to just keep it to himself.
After a year or so, it became too much and started to be obvious. Both his parents notice it and encourage him to confess to you if you are really who he loves the most and wants. You being oblivious doesn't notice.
With him asking for your help on fixing his car yet again, both you and him confesses at the same time. Now you both are pretty much a couple. He loves to pat you more often now or snuggle onto your neck, for comfort or just to give you love and affection.
Sun Wukong
Ok, this man have no idea how to help. I mean it's sun Wukong we're talking about, the man who avoided responsibility. He will definitely just shrug off your problem like a B he is.
Hear me out! You cannot tell me this dude will definitely intertwined both you and his tail when he wants attention.
He will definitely wrapped around his tail around your neck to tease.
He's one to love with words. So expect alot of flirt, compliment, and such from this man! That's just how he shows his affection!
Being the sage he is, he just a lay back monkey with nothing to do than train MK and probably organized the room that's filled with many stuff he stole during his journey.
Will spends time with you watching the sunrise and sunset from the mountain in flower fruit mountain or his cloud.
The moment he realizes he has fallen for you, he denies it at first. You're just a friend, right? You think of him just a friend to be with.. nothing else.
He keeps on trying to convince himself that he doesn't like you, he doesn't love you. But your smile and your adorable purr and beautiful smile makes his heart go `Badup Badup.'
After a few months of being silent, he finally accepts it and confessed to you. You stand there and stare at him with wide eye unmoving makes him nervous and having some second thoughts before you hugs him and admitting that you love him too.
He doesn't care you're a werewolf or not, he's glad that your his and he is yours. Glad that he kinda get you out of your comfort zone and tried to love again because of him.
Ok this man has experience things and F one. He understands why you stop having hope on finding love or anyone to trust. Making you distance with your family and locking yourself, he understands those in a degree.
He comes at your house at night once a day to comfort and talk to you. He may not be the best to gave advice but he's there to listen to your rant.
This man has been lonely his whole life after the 'incident'.. so he might be the most touch starved out of the one in this list!
So he show comfort by putting a hand on your shoulder, rubbing your back, and maybe patting you with your consent.
You both loves the night, so that's the time you both spend together the most. Hopping from rooftop to another top of a building, watching the star and moon dancing in the sky, enjoying the night breeze, and all that stuff! Maybe even having night picnic at a Mountain!
Macaque doesn't have any opinions on you being a werewolf, you're just being you and he accepts that. He just adore your ear and how they twitch once in a while.
Loves to boop your nose as a tease! Try to bite him and it'll became a tag game!
He fallen in love with you after you telling him you finally opened up and start to have faith in love again. And tell him how he helped you to escape and to see the light.
He kept the feelings well hidden and until then, when you confessed to him he didn't expected that! I mean you also good at hiding your feelings and the moment he heard you love him he was flustered and stunned.
He accepted you and hugs you before smothering you with some kisses before you both went back at your place to cuddle the rest of the night.
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demonetta7 · 3 months
The wonderful Lego Monkie Kid keycharms, stickers, and standee I bought from @sol0re on here and on X/twt just arrived early!!! I was not expecting these until the 3rd. They are of AMAZING quality and are all so cute! I implore you to please go support them, as they make amazing art + merch!
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And thank you for the extra charm + sticker!!! And for the note. I look forward to supporting and buying more from you in the future!!
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nocherryblood · 11 months
People who celebrate characters' birthdays are annoying- fuck this post- whatever whatever- and happy birthday Luke 🎉
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not-daryll · 3 months
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istopaskingmemate · 5 months
dude I just watched osp new jttw vid and omg priness iron fan or Immort Iron Fan I guess is such a girl boss at the end. standing up to her horrible ex-husband, working to better herself and succeeding not to mention having a somewhat mutually positive relationship with the monkey king. Complete girl boss. I can't believe lmk deprived us of girl boss pif. like whyyyyy
we could have an angry villain bull ex-husband and chill girlboss ex-wife that only tolerates each other presents for the sake of their son whom they love dearly but instead, they gave us a loving villain couple who are somewhat emotionally abusive to their son.
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nat-amethyst · 1 year
Plague!Will being confirmed is so fucking cool - it also pairs with what was said by Apollon himself in the Hidden Oracle. Apollo asked Kayla & Austin to curse the colossus Neronis with a plague in case he missed his shot.
All of Apollo's children can plague someone, they just choose not to or don't know they can do it. My take is that they actually don't know it's one of their powers. Since it seems to come from their dark side and they have always been described as a sunny, chill, extrovert bunch, it would make sense. Especially for Will, since he has stated clearly in tsats that he loves being a healer and that, as a counselor, he ought to keep his calm no matter the mess. Him tapping into his dark side, embracing it to protect his boyfriend ? Man, I love it.
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doodliydoos · 2 years
*kicks down trash bin* I got some doodles that I'm just going to dump on ya
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