#yun ic
moonxsuncelestials · 3 months
@cuteteacakes said from X
Caleb answered his phone in his usual cheerful way when he saw it was Yun calling. "What can I do for you, Yunnie-bear~?" He stopped when he heard Yun's voice. "H-hey, Yun, what's up? What do you need?? If you tell me where you are I'll be there, okay??"
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Oh thank the loving Nine Hells! "I'm..." Crap he has no idea where he is! Wait, he saw the street's sign and relayed it to his beloved. "I don't think I'm too far from the bakery-" He hissed and ran into an alley, groaning. "Fuck my heat came too early..."
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nothingwronghere · 8 months
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Ice Princess
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zishuge · 7 months
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There were so many things I wanted to tell you right away... but you weren't waiting for me at the door. I wanted to go in, to see you, and tell you in person everything that happened in the back hill. But... I can't open this door anymore. My Journey To You (2023)
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kc-art-stuff · 11 months
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drawing everyday while i still have the time 💥💥💥
MY HOCKEY PLAYER X FIGURE SKATER SHENJIN AU (inspired by @ kkfeitaos on twt) asjdlfasdfjaskdf im eating bricks theyre so cute
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yunoftheclouds · 5 months
Human World Outfit
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I like doing outfit designs a lot.
if you’re wondering why their hair isn’t entirely pink, its due to the fact that the pink hair is from Devildom magic. It doesn’t affect them in the human world :0
No, the hair isn’t based off of my irl hair.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 1 year
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happy at home - the only buckley-han's that matter in a full house😌🏡
[Image ID: four square gifs from episode 6.10
GIF 1: Maddie smiling as the power comes back on. GIF 2: Albert playing along with Jee Yun with teddy bears. GIF 3: Chim clasping his hands and smiling excitedly when Margaret meets Jee for the first time. GIF 4: Buck smiling up at Maddie as the power comes back.
/end ID]
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Ahsun Yun skating to Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for her free program at the 2022 Skate America and 2022 Ice Challenge.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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navy-s-forest · 29 days
🛼→⛸️ skating yang & yun & jamie
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razieltwelve · 11 months
Oops (Final Effect)
Her Royal Majesty Elsa I stared at Her Imperial Majesty Averia VII. A gulf of centuries separated them, yet their similarities could not be denied. However, neither of them were focused on that at this particular moment. Instead...
Averia took a deep breath and turned her head. She was still standing between Elsa’s legs. “So... my Aunt Vanille’s descendants are even more troublesome than she is. Can you all leave the room? My wife and I have something to finish. Or rather, my wife has yet to finish.”
The Dia-Farron fled the room, and Averia VII was not far behind them.
Maybe those rumours about the unquenchable thirst of her ancestor were true...
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sonofshin · 1 year
“No one on this damn planet actually loves me.”
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moonxsuncelestials · 10 months
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"Someone saw my dragon's form hmmm? Do I need to steal my Princess away from his stream fans? Or shall I do it live~?"
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randombones · 7 months
tianyu thursday!
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yun fei (prince shi), ice fantasy
(yes I know last week he appeared on tuesday but I fucked up my days alright)
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mmriesoftvat · 5 months
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@nagareboshiko: she covers his ears "don't worry about it, you've heard nothing"
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"I guarantee I've heard it all before. What's surprising me is that people are calling Childe that."
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
"CHONGYUN!" The high pitched cry of a young girl pierces the air as Rei rushes towards the exorcist, throwing her arms around his waist. Tiny fingers cling to his clothing as she trembles and a series of distraught sobs pour forth from her lips as she struggles to pull her words together. It's several moments before she manages to speak clearly, but even then, Rei is unable to keep her voice steady as she looks up at Chongyun with wide, terrified eyes.
"I k-know you're r-really sad right n-now, b-but-- b-but something's wrong with R-Raven!" Just saying the words nearly has her choking, a fresh deluge of tears spilling down the curves of her cheeks. "H-He's-- He s-started acting f-funny and h-holding his head, and-- a-and he tried to c-cut me with the-- th-the sword that he was w-w-working on, and th-then t-t-told me to r-r-run, s-s-so I d-did, a-and--"
She coughs from just how hard she's trying, eyes rimmed with so much red that they look painful. With another sob, she buries her face into Chongyun's side, her breaths coming in sharp, quick gasps thanks to her panic, "P-Please, y-y-you-- y-y-you g-gotta s-sav-ve h-him! P-Please, C-C-C-Ch--"
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Truthfully, Chongyun's been glad for the space. Raven and even Rei leaving him alone for most of the day had been nice, especially considering Chongyun doesn't have the emotional strength to keep playing host.
They'd spent most of the day in a daze, absently walking to the remains of their house, only to turn around and walk back to the harbor. It was a repeat circle throughout the day, with Chongyun completely unsure of what to do with themself at this point. The grief is hard to shake off, and the confusion would've led to anger had Raven kept trying to snap Chongyun out of it and redirect their attention elsewhere.
The sun is setting now, and Chongyun's sitting just outside the city gates, staring up toward Dragonspine. From this point, the mountain looks very small, and Chongyun's thoughts are wondering how small he can make himself if it was possible to mess with size in some way. He's snapped out of his thoughts when Rei's terrified voice cuts through, causing Chongyun to turn to face her. Part of him wants to snap at her, to tell her to go back to Raven and leave him be, but the words die in his throat when the situation becomes evident.
Rei would not be sobbing, or running for him, if Raven was fine. And her words send a chill down Chongyun's spine. 'Something's wrong with Raven.' Immediately, Chongyun's getting back to his feet, reaching for his claymore. It's the one material object he's got left, and he's not about to let it go for anything.
Without thinking, Chongyun's gathering Rei into their arms, ignoring the stabbing pain in their chest. This aches. Chongyun can't push that ache away this time, because this is worry, not grief. "Where is Raven right now?" From disuse, Chongyun's voice is rough sounding, but they clear their throat. "Take me right to him, okay?" Another thought occurs to him. If Raven is lashing out and attacking Rei, then something far more sinister is going on. Chongyun CAN'T risk Rei getting hurt; it would destroy Raven.
Chongyun can't lose her either.
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"After you take me to him, I want you to run to Xiangling's restaurant and hide in the back with her, okay? Don't come out until I come get you and say it's okay."
There's no more room to grieve, no more room to worry. Whatever's going on, Chongyun is not going to let it destroy what little family he's got left.
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Continuation of Ice Dad stuff
Eventually the sauna cooled down just enough for Bing-Yun to break the chains. When he thought of her and the danger she may be in, the ice filled him, then encrusted him, then spread. 
By the time he stumbled out, the entire room was covered. 
Father was waiting. 
Bing-Yun fell to his knees in front of him, desperately trying to keep himself conscious. 
“You have done your part, Vortex. We will watch over the boy now.”
“Yes, Sub-Zero.” Bing-Yun didn’t care about the boy. His life has already been planned. He worried about her. 
“You will never see that woman again. If you are ever caught leaving the grounds to see her, the grandmaster will show no leniency and I will do as he commands.” 
“Yes, Sub-Zero.”
Bing-Yun saw Father’s boots turn and walk away. He was not allowed to see her. He would never feel her warmth, her soft parts, her porcelain skin, it was all fading before him. Gone, gone, gone. 
“Father. Please.” His baritone voice cracked as he felt heat behind his eyes and his vision blurred. “I… I…”
He didn’t know what to do with these overwhelming feelings, this feeling of emptiness, like his insides had rotted. He didn’t care that he was showing this to Father. He’d rather die than continue feeling this way. 
The boots returned. Bing-Yun braced himself for whatever physical discipline was coming. But instead, Father’s hand was heavy on his shoulder. 
“You were careless. You must be more careful… my son.” 
Then, far too soon, the hand was gone and Father’s boots were leaving again. 
You must be more careful… my son.
My son. 
And careful, he was. 
But to be careful meant that he needed to be cold again. He never snuck out, only left to go on missions. That meant that he needed to be quicker. More effective. Ruthless. 
His objective to finish missions as quickly as possible meant gaining more control over his cryomancy, more meditation for his emotional instability. That meant that he needed to stay away from her. For weeks. For months. For years. 
He knew that she noticed the difference the second she put her hand on his chest. But she never said anything. She was only happy to see him again. 
Bi-Han was getting older and she was also making comments that he was abnormally cold to the touch. Bing-Yun thought he would have more time. The boy was only four, but he was strong. Cold. Vicious to other people. At this rate, the grandmaster would be ordering him to retrieve the boy soon. When she asked him to sit and told him that she had wonderful news, he noticed that one of the pillows on her bed was frozen solid. It was Bi-Han. He had had a nightmare and she gave him a new pillow until she could thaw his. 
“Get out of here.”
“What?” She asked. 
“Take the boy. Go. Leave the country. You have relatives in America, correct? Go to them.”
“Bing-Yun, what’s wrong? Are we in trouble? Are we in danger?”
We. The unit they could never be. Tightness in his chest. Sharp tingling in his body. 
He stood, pulling his hand from her. The absence of her warmth only intensified the urge to unleash the ice. “If you don’t leave, I will kill you.”
Threatening people usually made them comply without question. Bing-Yun was confused when she didn’t respond. He then felt the most empty worthlessness when she began to cry. 
January 12th, 2022 12:59am         
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the-seduction-anon · 7 months
☎️ For Yun because he's the one that likely likes to tease Anthony~
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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RINGTONE:  Should I Stay or Should I Go? - The Clash
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Wanna go for round two, Silver? I feel like pinning you down again.
LAST TEXT SENT: Dude, Stop!!!
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