#yuri six-cants tag
m0r1bund · 4 months
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shoulda never let you go (everybody knows, everybody knows) three years and baby, don’tcha know, it’s time to let it go
My piece for the Commander of Your Heart zine. This was such a blast to be a part of, getting to see everyone’s pieces develop over the last few months and learning about their relationships with their Commanders… I only started playing Guild Wars 2 in ~May of last year, and yet the community has been so warm and welcoming to this newbie. Thank you for bringing me aboard, it was a pleasure and an honor!
As for this piece… I originally wanted to do something saccharine-sweet for Valentine’s Day, but Heart of Thorns won in the end. It’s been living rent-free in my brain since @snoodls and I finished it last year. I’ve been acting accordingly normal e.g. constructing elaborate Trahearne AUs and putting Commander Yuri Six-Cants into situations, which is outside the scope of this description, but if you want you can see it all here.
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1ore · 7 months
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giuuuiiggghhhn. Firstborn Dagonet. Dags. Hair and coat modeled vaguely after genus Castilleja.
we’ve been sending blighted Trahearne on the run from the authorities on a journey of self-discovery, which has been causing problems for most people in general, but particularly for Siren’s Landing. Trahearne makes a covert/reluctant return to Orr during an effort to clean up Balthazar and Kralkatorrik’s mess, and absolutely gooses it in front of everyone. now they know Mordremoth is still alive and still skulking around in the body of The Disgraced Pact Marshal Trahearne and that he’s also here, for some reason.
But more importantly he gooses it in front of his brother, who just kind of gets to live with the knowledge that he’s still alive, now.
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I love reading your replies and brainrot tags! It motivates me a lot and I will keep drawing for this! Thank you so much 😭 baby!Bradley will be such a cutie! He likes baby!Jake but doesn't want to admit it gshags, I keep wondering who can be Bond then my friend said Hondo and omg inagine a big doggo, so huggable 🌷 icemav chemistry remains the same hahaha with Mav and his horrible cooking and Ice being a perfect husbando 🌷 both love their little family! (Also imagine Cyclone in a tennis battle with Mav and witnesses him cut a tennis ball into pieces lol)
NGHNSFHJGFAHJf oh my GODDD hondo as bond is so cute wtf 🥺i am LIVING for this, he does have such huggable energy and he and mav would still have that friendship that transcends human and dog communication…
NOT CYCLONE AS FIONA THOUGH you are such an evil genius for that, i can’t get the mental image of cyclone in an ugly wig and tennis dress out of my head now 💀 god help me
#also i just realized when i was ranting in your tags that i mixed up who is on the westalian side and who would be on the ostanian side LOL#anyway i cant possibly imagine who would be yuri in this case 💀 nobody likes mav enough to be that insane over him except ice LMFAO#maybe goose could be like. a non-incest version of yuri. maybe you could combine the blackbells with yuri to make the bradshaws#goose could be mav’s extremely overbearing best friend/older brother who is constantly checking in on the family#to make sure that ice is measuring up as the perfect husband for mav bc he has extremely high standards for mav’s partners#and carole is his equally effusive wife who is constantly up in ice’s business because they’re family which means no secrets between them#and she’s a funky gossip who wants to know every intimate disgusting detail of their private lives as a married couple#only the best for mav ofc 💅#and bradley oh my god BRADLEY WOULD BE THE REAL YURI THOUGH#HE’S SIX YEARS OLD BUT SEES ICE AS COMPETITION FOR HIS FAVORITE UNCLE MAV’S ATTENTION#AND WILL NOT GIVE UP UNTIL ICE IS GONE#SO ICE HAS TO WIN HIM OVER BUT HE CAN’T#and then bradley and jake could go to school together#so now on top of operation strix and befriending the enemy for world peace jake has to befriend bradley to keep him off ice’s back 💀#and bradley doesnt like jake at first either LMAOO#thats all the brainworms i have right now but honestly switching it up and putting the bradshaws in yuri’s place would be so hilarious#hope you enjoy my thoughts 💐#ask#reply#miichiyochin#miichiyochin-sideblog
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dearanemone · 3 years
i was tagged by loml @veretianstarburst <3
name: mariana nickname(s): mari starsign: cancer gender: female height: 1.60 sexual orientation: bisexual color: gold current time: 7:14pm current location: @ studio flat average hours of sleep: i have chronic insomnia. if i take my medication then i’ll sleep 8-9 hours. If i don’t, or when i have bad episodes, 3-4 hours to none at all. lucky number(s): 22 last thing i googled: 'desenamorado’ in english. (funfact, the word doesn’t exist and it is instead translated as ‘out of love’ but it’s NOT what i wanted ugh) number of blankets i sleep with: 3+ favorite fictional characters: Laurent of Vere from Captive Prince, Noah Czerny from The Raven Cycle, Andrew Minyard from All For The Game, Willem Ragnarsson from A Little Life, Boris Pavlikovsky from The Goldfinch, The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy, Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows, Catherine Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights, Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri!!! On Ice, Lisa, Nine and Twelve from Zankyou no Terror, Vanitas and Ventus from Kingdom Hearts, etc etc etc.
favorite musical artist(s): you have to be fucking kidding me. i have 7 hours long playlists, i cant answer this dream job: book editor, translator, musician random fact: I love ducks. i’ve lived in 4 different countries for the past 4 years. do you have any other blogs?: not at the moment. i used to have multiple active blogs in several sites, but deleted all of them back in 2012 along with my original tumblr. when did your blog reach its peak?: last year i guess what made you decide to get tumblr?: the first time i joined because i wanted to find cute aesthetically pleasing pictures (lolol) then i stayed because of fandom, then deleted because of fandom, then came back after four years mostly because i, once again, wanted to find cute aesthetically pleasing pictures AND stuff related to books. why did you choose your url?: because of this.
I’ll tag @kazarina-writings and whoever wants to do it<333
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alipiee · 7 years
Oversharing 2.0
Tagged by @katyaton , thank you! :D <3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (yeah idk that many to tag so)
Tagging: @binktop-nikiforovv @loveprez @revampired @fallsintograce @malevolent-magician @atruehero @fandomsbehold @missartemisholmes (+ that anon who keeps telling me they love me and then leaving, idk who you are but i love you too) and anyone else who wants to do it!! I never know who to tag ahhh 
Oversharing under the cut so I don’t ruin your dashboard O:)
Drink: water bc I’m basic
Phone call: my brother like a week ago, I don’t really call people
Text message: my best friend
Song you listened to:You Only Live Once (I finally forced my friend to watch yoi today, god bless)
Time you cried: n/a I’m crying constantly lmao
Dated someone twice: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone haha so no
Been cheated on: thankfully not
Lost someone special: yes
Been depressed: I’ve had days/weeks when I lose all motivation and feel extremely low, but no, I don’t think I’ve ever technically been depressed 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: hahahah yes it was wild, I put four shots of vodka in half a cup of pepsi max (I underestimated how strong it was) - but that’s another story for another time bc its so long 
Made new friends: yeah, I’ve met many lovely people through yoi and I’m so grateful :D 
Fallen out of love: kind of? I don’t know if it was definitely love but when my relationship failed it broke my heart 
Laughed until you cried: yes!! :D
Found out someone was talking about you: yeah haha i just avoided them bc I hate confrontations 
Met someone who changed you: yes, my friend I met online (the one who six hours ahead is based off haha) helped me a lot and we mutually help each other through everything and he made my life much better
Found out who your friends are: yep
Kissed someone from your facebook list: never been kissed, so nope 
Kissed a stranger: ^
Drank hard liquor: yes and it didn’t end well, although it made for some great stories for my friends to keep telling me about so theres that at least 
Lost glasses/contact lenses: I lose them 24/7; I’ve lost them rn. I think when I was about ten I didn’t know where they were for like a good few years but I can see fine w/o them so it’s all good
Turned someone down: never had to 
Sex on the first date: no 
Broken someone’s heart: no
Had your heart broken: yes
Been arrested: no
Cried when someone died: yeah 
Fallen for a friend: kind of?
Kissed on the first date: no
List three favourite colours: pale blue, lilac, pale pink
How many facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 
Do you have any pets: nope, but I really want a dog! :(
Do you want to change your name: Nah, I mean I don’t particularly like being called Alexandra, but I love the nicknames so it’s not too bad, like when someone calls me Al i cry??? how cute is Al??? and allie??? even just alex??? like wow there’s so many possibilities ty @ god
What time did you wake up: well I woke up at like 6 and checked my notifications (bc why not amarite?) but then went back to sleep till like 9 haha
What were you watching at midnight last night: yoi, bc I’m still trying to figure out how competitions work for my fic rip 
Name something you cant wait for: yoi movie!!!
When was the last time you saw your mum: like ten minutes ago?
What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: to stop procrastinating for like two minutes smh
What are you listening to right now: cars driving past in the streets and the fan of my (mum’s) ancient laptop trying to stop itself from overheating 
Have you ever talked to a person called Tom: idk? probably, but not recently
Something that is getting on your nerves right now: my procrastination to write the next chapter of my fic, like jeez it’s been weeks and I still haven’t written the outline 
Most visited site: AO3 by a mile (Tumblr doesn’t count bc I’m on mobile 99% of the time)
Mole: one on my left cheek, and smaller ones all over my body (or are they freckles? I still dont know)
Mark/s: I seem to have like small deep cuts from when I was little, but no recollection of how I got them? probably when I fought with my siblings 24/7 oops. Also I chipped my tooth when I slipped at the swimming baths when I was like eleven and it’s still there if that counts?
Childhood dream: to be a teacher (wow how basic Alex jeez)
Do you have a crush on someone: no
What do you like about yourself: literally nothing lmao *finger guns* (I guess I try to be as kind as possible to people and make them feel better if they need it?)
Piercings: just my ears
Blood type: no idea
Nickname: Alex, Al, Ali, Allie
Relationship status: single
Zodiac: virgo
Pronouns: she/her
Favourite tv show(s): well it used to be Sherlock, but then series four happened and well,,,,,,,,so Yuri on Ice, The US Office and Community
Tattoo: none
Right or left handed: right
Surgery: none
Hair dyed a different colour: my sister dyed it when I was like 12?? It was like a lighter shade of brown but turned out to be ginger oops
Sport: I used to swim for years but quit when I was like 7 bc they tried to move me up to the next group when I wasn’t ready and I panicked (good job Alex, what a 10/10 way of handling that situation) 
Vacation: I just got back from Paris and it was the best holiday I’ve ever been on! :D
Current and all-time best friend name: Emma 
Eye colour: blue 
Favourite movie: idk?? I love Tangled and Anastasia, but also stuff like Airplane! ahhhh
Hugs or kisses: hugs, especially if you’re close to them bc it’s just like?? I love you so much??
Lips or eyes: eyes, they’re so pretty and complex, like woahh have you ever stared at eye they’re so cool
Shorter or taller: idc
Nice arms or stomach: stomach? idk who we’re talking about bc honestly if you have a body that works who cares 
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Yourself: hahahahaha that’ll be the day 
Miracles: no idea, I’m conflicted
Love at first sight: not really, but it’s cute if it’s true 
Santa Claus: not for the last like seven years
If you made it this far, you deserve a blanket bc wow my life is really not v interesting at all but ty if you read it
and feel free to do it and use me as the ‘tagged by’ art even if I didn’t tag you, bc I literally had 0 idea who to tag ahhh <3
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tinikois · 7 years
Tagged by @videogamesandcartoons​
RULES: TAG NINE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single FAVORITE COLOR(S): lighter green colors LIPSTICK OR LIP BALM: lip balm LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: exist - pollï LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: Paprika TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Viktor Nikiforov, Todoroki Shouto, Jesper Fahey TOP 3 SHIPS: Viktuuri (Yuri on Ice), Jesper/Wylan (Six of Crows), Akko/Andrew (Little Witch Academia) BOOKS I’M CURRENTLY READING: Gemina
ah im kinda doing this at 12:30am so i cant think of anyone i wanna tag right now so,, plus i dont want to bother anyone
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itsjesperfahey · 7 years
i was tagged by @wylanvanxck in this ‘proud nerds network tag game’ so thank you!!! i actually really love these tag games so continue to tag me in them!
1) what is your name? aleah
2) how old are you? 16
3) what kind of blog do you run? i have 5 lol, my main is a one direction blog and the others are voltron, steve universe, a video game blog and a book blog (this one)
4) what is your biggest nerdy obsession? video !!!! games !!!!! im the biggest gamer EVER lol like wow (i want to design a video game and go into that industry !)
5) who is your favorite character of all time? jfc this is a hard question but probably jesper (my url !)
6) what is your favorite book of all time? tbh........six of crows rip
7) what is your favorite magical creature? dragons !
8) what made up object do you wish was real? does pokemon count? if not then the wands from wizards of waverly place
9) where do you wish you went to school? pacific coast academy (aka zoey 101 lol)
10) name your favorite ships. wesper, kanej, klance (voltron), larry (1d), niam (1d), viktor & yuri (yoi), felix & marzia (youtube), malec (shadowhunters, EXCEPT I DONT WATCH THE SHOW AT ALL IVE JUST SEEN GIFS AND CLIPS BC OF MY FRIEND WHO WATCHES THE SHOW @MARIAN )
11) which character do you want to marry? JESPER FAHEY
12) what is your favorite song? um i dont really have one but atm its probably shape of you by ed sheeran
13) name three facts nobody knows about you. (this applies to tumblr people not my friends irl) again, im a HUGE ASS GAMER LIKE YOU CANNOT FATHOM HOW MUCH OF A HARDCORE GAMER I AM. hmmmmm, i can wiggle my ears. and also i HATE bananas and cantalope and apple sauce and cheesecake :)
14) list your least favorite books. why are they your least favorite? ‘hush hush’ and ‘city of bones’ were just,,, SOOOO BAD UGH. they were just HORRID i couldnt finish either of them. poorly written and cheesy plotlines, seriously guys dont read them.
15) what characters are your role models? inej ghafa and jesper fahey for proving POCs can be just as badass and amazing and strong and intelligent as white ppl, steven universe for showing me everyone and everything deserves love and a second chance (unless they prove otherwise), pidge from voltron for showing teenage girls can be as smart and strong and useful as men, the list goes on and on really
16) favorite video game? i cant believe youre actually making me choose.... im gonna do top 3 which is skyrim, overwatch, and dragon age inquisition (but liKE ALSO THE WITCHER 3 AND BIOSHOCK INFINITE AND DRAGON AGE ORIGINS AND DISHONORED 2 AND WATCHDOGS 2 AND POKEMON FUCK-)
17) are you proud to be a nerd? why? yes because i get happiness from the things i love and why should i feel bad about that??? girls dont have to love ‘feminine’ things, they can love electronics and technology too !!
18) tag 10 people. i have like 5 people to tag and ive already tagged them today and i dont wanna be annoying :((( so i dont really have anyone to tag. however if you see this and want to do it, say i tagged you and do it!
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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Swerving on getting fridged by becoming a water spirit that haunts the shit out of Orr. I cannot figure out how to draw this man’s face for the life of me send help.
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1ore · 1 month
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icebrood saga is going great
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m0r1bund · 11 months
I don’t have the mental wherewithal to make this nice, but I gave me guild wars art its own space on my website, and also added some new art. Im on 8 layers of blighted au that even I don’t understand
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have a Looke… If You Dare
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1ore · 2 months
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rotating blighted trahearne in my brain so that i can do basically anything but what I'm supposed to be doing.
one of the funny consequences of doing story missions on Yuri Six-Cants is that Trahearne is relegated to b-plot nonsense. The last one was Knight of the Thorn. now it's been the Season 4 Skyscale stuff.
as we know, everything that ever happens to blighted Trahearne in-game is canon, so my justification for this is that Mordy has been reading about Tyrian psychology to better understand the minds of heterotrophs. He is... hmmmmmm... a better mastermind at the macro scale than he is at the interpersonal scale. For him, this is like trying to have a dialogue with your body's individual cells. Anyway, he's learned about the concept of "self-parenting" and is taking it a little too literally.
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Previously, it seemed like Trahearne and Mordremoth were becoming mentally "integrated" to the point of indistinguishable from one another... Or maybe Mordy was retreating from the conscious sphere and into the subconscious instead. Despite being better brain-roommates than they were six years ago, Trahearne is still not terribly enthusiastic about the idea of harboring a Dragon, and he keeps Mordy (or what he thinks of as Mordy) on a tight leash. Maybe it's easier for the Dragon to get what he wants if Trahearne thinks it's all his idea, or maybe the divisions between them are completely artificial, and what "Trahearne" conceives of as "Mordy" is just whatever thought/feeling he happens to dislike in the moment.
This whole Kralky business has driven a rift between them, though. The sparknotes version is this:
During Commander Six-Cants' ill-fated mission to kill and eat god defeat Balthazar, Mordy and Trahearne's interests align enough that the divisions between them dissolve. Yuri's death kind of seals the deal, because any uncertainty that Trahearne has about whether Mordremoth actually gives a shit vanishes when they involuntarily turn into a big dragon and have a dragon tantrum about his death.   (Incidentally, this is when Trahearne is the least opposed to the idea of trying to use his weird dragon powers for good, and also the most well put-together he's been in years. Involuntary dragon tantrum is humbling, but weirdly affirming. Since this happens in Elona, where nobody really knows who he is, he's not sinking under the weight of anyone's failed expectations but his own. Elona also has precedent for two (2) whole dragons that are sympathetic to Tyrian life, so this is like "yeah this might as well be happening" for the people around him. It Could Be Worse!)  
Things start to fall apart after Balthazar's death, when Kralky enters the picture. There is cognitive dissonance between what Mordremoth thinks of Kralkatorrik vs. Trahearne thinks of Kralkatorrik, which they can't reconcile.   Mordremoth feels empathy (or the closest thing a Dragon can feel to empathy) for his brother, who--like him--was betrayed by his own creations. And like him, there is a possibility that Kralky is about to experience the same incomprehensible sense of smallness that Mordy experienced at the hands of the Pact. Or death. Probably death!   Meanwhile, Trahearne has learned nothing from the past six years and wants to throttle that stupid purple lizard, because Kralkatorrik branded Commander Atropos. this is a whole thing we can't get into right now, but she's going to be ffffffffffine. probably  
This leaves them as two distinct minds again. Mordremoth pulls away to try to reach out to his brother, while Trahearne returns to his old marching orders. They are briefly reunited after Aurene's death (dragon tantrum.........2!) but this falls apart after the Pact's final campaign against Kralky.  
Which brings us back to Season 4 Skyscale b-plot: Mordy and Trahearne are baffled that things seemed to be going relatively well, and then fell apart in such confusing ways. Mordy doesn't get why it's such a big deal that there is a division between them again (didn't you hate the idea of assimilation?) and Trahearne is still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions (his own and Mordy's) that colored every interaction with Kralky.
Mordremoth's concern for his brother dredges up Trahearne's unresolved guilt about being estranged from the Pale Tree, the other Firstborn, and the Sylvari at large. Recognizing this, Mordy is like. Ohhhhhhh. I see. My errant root saddled you with impossible expectations. I know how to fix this. <- about to make it worse
The Dragon's bumbling efforts to unpack Trahearne's baggage are rebuffed until, I think, Mordy accrues enough energy to manifest on his own, physically apart from Trahearne. He might be a useless little dough creature at first, but in Trahearne's mind, this is a complete disaster and he has to contain it. Things really start to fall apart when Mordy takes more elaborate shapes in response, under the mistaken assumption that Trahearne's engagement in this means it's "working."
Trahearne ends up going down that old "I am alone and I am a failure and I can't even be the prison of an Elder Dragon correctly" spiral. The only thing more mortifying than having a psychic breakdown in front of the Dragon (who is also you) is having a psychic breakdown in front of the Dragon (who is also comforting you.)
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something something this nugget of Pale Tree dialogue:
Now do you see? The Pale Tree's voice was faint and distant, but it snapped Ceara back to viewing the tree from a distance. If you are not one with what you were born to be, you are lost. Worse, you are dangerous.
if you can't find unconditional love at the Grove, homemade is fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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[image description below the cut because it's Big]
Tubby baby Ximone is @soulfullofold's Charr character, Trahearne is Trahearne. “xyz will now die for you” is a reference to the ever-iconic Hiimdaisy Persona comic.
I have two competing thoughts about swerving on Trahearne getting fridged. One of them is self-actualized water spirit who is haunting the shit out of Orr, and the other one is blighted vessel that killed and ate mordyboy while he was locked in his psychic prison, but nobody else knows that, least of all Trahearne, so everyone just wants him dead.
though I guess maybe these could become the same thing somehow.
…I just think he’s neat.
[Image: a sketchpage of altogether too many shitty little Guild Wars 2 doodles. From left to right, top to bottom, roughly:
One Trahearne hoisting up the inordinately huge Caladbolg / Caladcholg, and looking ominous.
The Lastborn, comically minimized and running away from Trahearne with his Big Sword ™.
The Lastborn brooding and hugging his knees, with his sharp blades of yucca hair standing on end. He says ‘No talk me I’m angy.’ The next doodle shows a much softer-eyed and mellow Lastborn saying ‘No longer angy. I want to be loved now.’
Yuri shaking hands with Trahearne. A narration box says ‘You became friends.’ Nothing changes in the next panel, not even their expressions, but a deathly pallor falls over everything. The box says ‘You will now die for each other.’
A minimized Yuri sitting next to a minimized Lastborn. The Lastborn crouches on the ground, reduced to a yucca puffball with little mitts for hands. He looks up at Yuri through big, catlike eyes. In the next doodle, he bonks his head and whole body into Yuri’s shoulder.
Two drawings of Ximone as a fierce little cub. She looks appropriately ferocious in the first doodle, arcing her back and prowling around on all fours…. Though she’s about as threatening as a pudgy puma kit. In the next doodle, she’s shocked up onto her hindlegs by an equally surprised kid Yuri. He rolls on his back to avoid her sharp claws.
A shitty little Mordremoth getting confronted by Yuri and Trahearne. Mordremoth points at Trahearne and says ‘I WANT THAT TWINK OBLITERATED.’ Yuri and Trahearne exchange glances, and he slams his claws down and roars ‘NO!!!’
The Lastborn sitting in the great palm of the Pale Tree’s hand and desperately pleading some sort of case, as he typically finds himself doing around her and her company. She’s big mclargehuge and intimidating because I said so.
One blighted Trahearne, touching the thick scars on his arm. Much of his face and body is scarred as well, the whorls, lines, and ragged edges tracing his ill-fated death throes with the dragon.
The Lastborn delicately changing some linen bandages on blighted Trahearne’s face. They’re saturated with blood; He seems to have re-opened earlier wounds. He is uncharacteristically angry with the Lastborn’s efforts to attend to him, and asks ‘Why are you doing this?’ The Lastborn recoils, slightly. He sheepishly answers ‘All things have a right to grow.’ Trahearne strains, raising his bandaged arm to stop the Lastborn from working any further. He says ‘Don’t—Don’t quote him at me. This is different and you know it.’
Yuri and Trahearne taking a combination bath-nap in a body of water, somewhere. Yuri makes a good improvised pillow, it seems.]
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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category 6 ray of sunlight event. 0 survivors.
Ximone belongs to @soulfullofold
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1ore · 9 months
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playing Path of Fire now. Yuri is having his edgy moment. Flirting with the inverse function of Blighted Trahearne AU, which is Yuri succumbing to his anger and hurt in killing Balthazar, and filling the void left behind as spirit of despair. spirit of revenge? spirit of unfinished business? spirit of the dispossessed? spirit of the vacuous emptiness left behind by war.
One thing about me you GOTTA know: I’m filling in the gaps. I’m extrapolating. I’m doing everything my damn self around here. Poking around at Yuri being Orrian-Ascalonian. Making up a whole Orrian diaspora. Making up reasons for Yuri to go after Balthazar like Junky Janker going after James Charles in Minecraft. Making up AUs and endings I haven’t even gotten to yet.
Yuri identifies with being Orrian and is compelled by the idea of healing Orr because of this, and yet has a fraught relationship with his family, the very people who taught him what that means. Holding up a mirror to that, he’s taught the generational pain that molded the diaspora’s cosmology… This idea that they can’t trust the Six Gods anymore. At best, they abandoned humanity, and at worst, they betrayed them by giving them magic, leaving them to be preyed upon by the Elder Dragons, and quitting the world while they were distracted. The sinking of Orr and Arah is their wound, and also the lens through which they see the world. Their survival as a scattered people is up to them and them alone.
Yuri might have a complicated relationship with his community, but he doesn’t need to be convinced of the Six’s incompetencies. It’s known to him as an urchin on the streets of Divinity’s Reach, and re-affirmed during his time with the Pact, at Orr, at Maguuma, during the ~3 year fallout of his fuckie wuckie with Mordremoth and Trahearne. In particular, he’s no stranger to the banality and evil of war. I think this makes a perfect storm when Balthazar appears—these experiences that otherwise guide him to be big-hearted, compassionate, and non-violent instead drive him to anger.
Rotating this in my head while the game puts that man in a situation. I think it’s fun that it parallels Trahearne’s ~unbecoming in HoT, getting so caught up in the big picture that everything spirals out of control until it reaches its sad, inevitable end. WHO is going to pull Yuri off of Balthazar’s wild ride………………….                 I’m still playing lol don’t answer that. in the mean time I imagine The Bad End.
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1ore · 1 year
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terrible news girlies. swore to never love again after they closed wildstar, but now i've been getting into guild wars 2 so that i can play it with my mom. this is Yuri Six-Cants, he is “not very bright,” but he has a heart of gold and I love him.
Bullet factoids about him before I forget bwahhh
comes from Ascalon but is normal about it
all of the fuckery that happens to him can, in one way or another, be traced back to the fact that he can’t learn to say “no” to some boy he met.
just wants to be the puckish but strangely captivating rogue that sneaks into the seraph headquarters with takeout, but this boy keeps asking him to save the world instead :( he is getting strung along so bad and he can do so much better, but he won't
best friends with Ximone (the charr) who is @soulfullofold's character and together they are ending war
my mom calls him yuri six-pants
sometimes this happens to him
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m0r1bund · 1 year
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Boo boo the fool got into Guild Wars 2 recently, so you are about to see a lot of that. It has tickled the part of my brain that enjoyed keeping a character journal in TES games, so if you remember all that, then you know exactly what’s coming.
Anyway, this is my boy Yuri Six-Cants. He is “not very bright,” but he has a heart of gold and I love him. Some schtuff about him below the cut…
all of the fuckery that happens to him can, in one way or another, be traced back to the fact that he can’t learn to say “no” to some boy he met. He’s like if a slice-of-life dating sim protagonist swapped places with someone’s ill-fated ttrpg character ):
best friends with Ximone (the charr) who is @soulfullofold 's character, and together they are Ending War
has had an embarrassing litany of crushes on men who either don’t respect him or don’t reciprocate. Seems to have finally found happiness as Trahearne’s commander 😉 but (looks at Heart of Thorns) haha. They’re in danger.
owes a blood debt to the Lastborn, a sylvari(?) pariah who dragged his dead body out of the desert one time. This is diplomatically inconvenient as everyone around him is convinced he is bad news, but ): he’s such a nice boy to Yuri
got a little fucked up in the mists rift. Came Back Wrong. Don’t Worry About It.
my mom calls him yuri six-pants
fuck it here’s an essay
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