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Well it *feels* like a Sunday. I'm worrying a lot about being ready for the start of #COBB 2024, but banged out some words by the pool today. Penny and Shep's wedding features in chapter one so enjoy a Bunce-esque First Dance (no, of course she won't be taking his name)
Led Zeppelin’s Thank You starts to play and the lights have already dimmed. Shep takes Penny's arm and they move over to the dance floor. Penny confided to Simon that when they had practised, she had continually stepped on his toes and pulled him in the wrong direction. Leading, but all over the place. Eventually she spelled their feet to match move for move using get into the groove despite Shep’s protests. I try not to think about this being a metaphor for their impending life together. Shep pulls Penny into his arms and they start to move with more coordination than I’ve ever seen previously. I choose to ignore that and focus on how Shep is staring into her eyes. Beaming. This probably is the best day of his life.
Obviously stole paid homage to Penny & Led Zep from Rebel Rebel.
Thank you for the tags and general help / encouragement: @blackberrysummerblog, @supercutedinosaurs, @iamamythologicalcreature, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @louvsona
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Enjoy these beautiful boys; these are some of my favourite pictures of this pair.
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You ever think about how Baz told his aunt that he was going out dancing when he and Simon were actually going hunting for vampires?
Well, I think he deserves a fun night out with Simon for his birthday, don’t you?
Happy Birthday to my favorite vampire and his amazing creator, @rainbowrowell. Let there be partying. ❤️ 🎂
(Process tiktok under the cut!)
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#looking forward to this #big fan of reaching up to kiss 💋
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I couldn’t see him properly in the garden. I couldn’t see if he really wanted it. I kept holding myself away from him, kept making him reach up for my mouth just to make sure. Just to check he hadn’t changed his mind about it.
Hiding Out in the Open by @cutestkilla
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#on the floor
#apparently I like jaws and throats
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“Come here, Snow.”
A spiritual part 2 to this
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Thanks for the tags, @forabeatofadrum, @bookish-bogwitch, and @artsyunderstudy! I can’t believe it’s Sunday already. I’ve had such a bonkers couple of weeks at work. Did you know it was possible to fully live in a minivan? With another person? And two pit bulls? AND TWENTY-TWO CATS?!?!?! Well, I found out that it is, although the less I think about that life, the better. In short, my team received 22 cats in one day from animal control, and thankfully they’re all gems. Unlike most cats who are stressed by a shelter environment, these think they’ve found paradise because they now have room to move. Sigh.
Anyway, I did do a bit of writing. Here’s an excerpt from my COBB, Baz pov:
I wrinkle my nose at the clay chunks making their way under the cuffs of my cardigan. I’m going to have to revise my formula notes on the pore purifying clay mask, it seems.
Ebb shakes her head as I wash my hands and tie up the trash bag. “I liked the mask’s scent, Basil,” she assures me, ignoring Fiona’s scoffing in the background. “Under the milk, I mean. Cedar, I think, and…something citrusy?”
She has a good nose, which I wouldn’t have expected given how much time Ebb spends with the goats. Nevertheless, she’s picked out the notes beneath the unfortunately soured milk. “Cedar and bergamot,” I admit, smiling at Ebb as she gives a pleased nod. “I’m partial to it myself.”
And a bit more from Field Trap, under the cut for mild spice:
I slide my hand into the crease of his thigh. It’s warm, intimate, and the motion drags a gutteral moan from Simon’s throat. He destroys every single one of my senses. Touch, sight, smell, sound…I dare to lick a stripe along his jaw: taste. Simon tastes like he smells, of salted butter and something indescribably delicious. I draw back, panting. He makes me feral, and it’s unnerving. I don’t want to hurt him.
And that’s all for me this week. *flops* I hope everyone has a great week ahead! No pressure tags: @nausikaaa, @thewholelemon, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @iamamythologicalcreature @rimeswithpurple @roomwithanopenfire @cutestkilla @aristocratic-otter @monbons @raenestee @facewithoutheart @beastmonstertitan @supercutedinosaurs @larkral @tender-ministrations @letraspal @stardustasincocaine @aceumbrellaheroes @ivelovedhimthroughworse @arthurkko @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @papierhaikuphoto @cows4247 @confused-bi-queer @asocialpessimist @youarenevertooold @prettygoododds @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @j-nipper-95 @mostlymaudlin @hushed-chorus @thehoneyedhufflepuff @onepintobean @valeffelees @shrekgogurt @imagineacoolusername @hertragedyconnoisseur @sailorblossoms @alexalexinii @alleycat0306 @ionlydrinkhotwater
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Keeping Neverland
Sometime after my fourth Neverland dream, I started to draw sketches. Whatever I could remember from my dreams. Everything I could remember. Drawing became preservation and sanctuary. Once captured onto paper, I’m able to return to Neverland whenever I want, simply by flipping through my sketches. It isn’t the same, but it’s something. Something tangible, in a way my dreams are not.
Excerpt from Lost Boys, Chapter 2, by @mooncello
(I can't believe it's taken me a month to post the art from chapter 2 of this beautiful, beautiful fic, but here it is at last! Of course, it's been viewable inside the story this whole time so if you haven't seen it yet... well. Ahem. XD)
Keep reading below the cut for some extra info on what went into this particular illustration!
One of the things that got my attention from the get-go - not just as a reader, but as an illustrator - was Baz's artistic side within his story. He develops his talent for visual art almost out of necessity; he has no other way to record his adventures in Neverland, and thus preserve them in something less flimsy than his memory.
And, in particular, I was drawn to how Heath writes his artistic journey. In Chapter 2, he states, via the narrative, that he began working in graphite, but by the age of 15, charcoal was his preferred medium. (It's written far more eloquently than that, but I don't want to spoil your reading experience...)
It was (is) very important to me that I do my best to illustrate that side of Baz's artistic journey as best I can. And thus, the illustration from Chapter 1 is very much a pencil drawing, with sketchy elements, and in Chapter 2, I've used (digital) charcoal. (I did use actual charcoal for a couple of the sketches that surround him on the bed, though.)
I'll do my best to stay with Baz as he explores new artistic mediums, and we'll both push ourselves to be the artists we need to be to somehow (somehow!) help Baz find (and keep) the boy of his dreams. XD
(Seriously though, if you haven't checked out Lost Boys yet, you're missing out!)
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#of course you turn around Basilton! #love this inner monologue
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Hi all! Thank you @rimeswithpurple, @cutestkilla, @thewholelemon, and @forabeatofadrum for the recent tags! I can’t believe it’s already this late in the year. It’s not Sunday yet, but I’m working tomorrow so I’m just going ahead and posting early so I can feel like I did something. I know tomorrow can be a hard day for some, but here’s wishing a very Happy Mother’s Day to those of you to whom it applies, and a peaceful day to those for whom it’s a little more difficult ❤️
I’ve been relatively busy with my writing this week (GASP) so I have a couple of things to share. First, some Baz POV from the second chapter of The Field Trap—things are looking up at last:
Eight snakes and a dragon. I knew he would be wet when he came blustering in—it’s why I unpacked his rucksack and laid his spare clothes out by the lit stove—but I still wasn’t prepared for the sight of Simon Snow’s ridiculously thin t-shirt and uniform pants cleaving to his body as though they’d become part of his skin. His chest is heaving, his curls are dripping in his eyes, and he’s holding aloft a brace of four large rabbits that he’s already cleaned.
Honey, I’m home, he’d said, and I know it was a joke, but if I wasn’t dead before, I certainly am now.
“Wipe your feet before you come in any farther,” I say shortly. “Dry clothes are by the fire.” I turn my back and hear him laying down the rabbits and his bow and arrows. Two loud thumps signal his shoes coming off, and then there’s the slushy sound of wet cloth rubbing against itself as Simon makes his way over to the fire.
“You laid my clothes out for me,” he says, like he’s awestruck. I bite the inside of my cheek and stare up at the ceiling, trying not to visualize what’s going on behind me as I hear his sodden clothes hitting the floor. “Baz?”
“What.” Who am I kidding, I’m very much visualizing all of it.
“You can look.” His throat sounds dry. I shake my head, eyes squeezed shut now with the effort of holding my fangs in. “Do you not want to?”
I try to think about everything I told him earlier. He’s going to end up following the Mage to the end of our world someday, and I’ll have to stand with my family. I think about my fangs, ready to burst from my gums at just a hair’s more provocation. I think about how inexperienced with all this I am, and I feel hopeless. And yet…
I turn around.
My second share is from the piece I’m doing for COBB, which I’m really happy to say that the first 5000 word chapter is completely written for. I feel strangely…competent? LOL. Here’s a bit of Dev POV:
And he did. I watched with a cold sort of horror as my cousin, always the more powerful magician of the two of us, stood on our balcony and asked the universe for a handsome man with blue eyes, golden skin dusted with stars, and curls that were neither fully blond nor brown. He would be strong, brave of heart, and make the best sour cherry scones in the world (sour cherry? That’s not even a real type of scone, I wanted to say). Instead I’d said, “That doesn’t sound impossible,” in spite of the sparkly-sounding skin. Baz had given me stink-eye as only he could and can, before adding the coup de grace: “He will have the blood-red wings of a dragon, and a tail.”
It had taken all I had not to burst into laughter at that, but my headstrong cousin was already pressing rose petals into the potion and blowing his breath onto them as he tossed them out into the night air. “Baz,” I’d admonished, but the spell was cast, his heartbroken wish already caught by the breeze and curling up, up, towards where the full moon hung heavy and silent in the sky.
Have a great week everyone! No-pressure tags: @drowninginships @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @nightimedreamersworld @arthurkko @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @iamamythologicalcreature @aristocratic-otter @tender-ministrations @valeffelees @mooncello @confused-bi-queer @beastmonstertitan @prettygoododds @youarenevertooold @raenestee @roomwithanopenfire @asocialpessimist @hushed-chorus @papierhaikuphoto @stitchy-queerista @orange-peony @brilla-brilla-estrellita @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @c0nsumemy5oul @aceumbrellaheroes @larkral @letraspal @stardustasincocaine @cows4247 @shrekgogurt @j-nipper-95 @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @wellbelesbian @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @onepintobean @theearlgreymage @imagineacoolusername @mostlymaudlin @shutup-andletme-go @sailorblossoms @hertragedyconnoisseur @yellobb @ionlydrinkhotwater @alleycat0306
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#also want to frame these!
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“It’s her sister, I think. She’s too young for Watford yet. She looks like his stepmother, dark-haired and pretty, but not like Baz and his mother—they’re drawn in bolder lines than this.”
Mordelia Grimm | Women of the Simon Snow Trilogy
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Thank you to @monbons for the tag! This post is dedicated to @thewholelemon.
CW: gratuitous beard content
Remember, Simon? I want to say. We’ve been here before. We’ve done this. You can do it again.  He seems glassy and loose from his performance, and he touches my beard.  “It looks… Did you…?”  “I went to a barbershop.”  That is an understatement. I paid an absurd amount of money to have a man in a very dapper hat address my “beard goals,” ponder the shape of my jaw, offer me a complimentary glass of whiskey, trim and perform a “complete conditioning of the beard,” wrap my face in a hot towel, and then sell me something called “beard oil,” which smells faintly of oranges. 
Let's see if Tumblr fucks up my tags today. Hello to...!
@artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @mooncello
@raenestee @nightimedreamersworld @larkral @supercutedinosaurs @rimeswithpurple
@shrekgogurt @orange-peony @alexalexinii @best--dress @facewithoutheart
@noblecorgi @ic3-que3n @hushed-chorus @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds
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Simon and Baz: Menswear through the Years.
1914 - 2024
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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Sneak peak of a Snowbaz bind I just finished 😊
It’s not a pairing I typically read but holy fuck was this story just insanely beautifully written. And the art on top of it??? Stunning.
@artsyunderstudy was kind enough to allow me to bind it and I’m so happy to have it on my shelf. Thank you! 💚💚
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a good week and is enjoying the weekend—I’m at work, myself, alas. But it’s been a pretty good few days!
So, I have a good deal more than six sentences to share because I decided to split my WIP field trip into two chapters. It was getting a bit long and I’ve been making steady progress with it, so I found a breaking point and have posted the first chapter! As usual, my title and tagging skills leave much to be desired, but hopefully the fic itself is fun. The second half shouldn’t take me too long to finish now as it’s mostly written.
No pressure tags: @palimpsessed @rimeswithpurple @drowninginships @bookish-bogwitch @brilla-brilla-estrellita @captain-emrys @beastmonstertitan @c0nsumemy5oul @cutestkilla @forabeatofadrum @orange-peony @raenestee @larkral @letraspal @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @prettygoododds @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @thewholelemon @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @wellbelesbian @iamamythologicalcreature @valeffelees @ionlydrinkhotwater @aceumbrellaheroes @asocialpessimist @ic3-que3n @j-nipper-95 @ileadacharmedlife @hushed-chorus @imagineacoolusername @stardustasincocaine @facewithoutheart @arthurkko @mooncello @papierhaikuphoto @stitchy-queerista @shrekgogurt @ivelovedhimthroughworse @cows4247
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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Simon and Baz enjoying the solar eclipse. The glasses were all too big so they had to cuddle up and share 🌑
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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“I do know Lady Salisbury. She’s probably my grandmother age, but she hangs out with my mother’s set. She tells bawdy jokes and always encourages everyone to eat more cake.”
Lady Ruth Salisbury | Women of the Simon Snow trilogy
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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⚜️ The wayward heir ⚜️ Cinque (part 5)
Read previous pages on AO3
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tender-ministrations · 2 months
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Happy Sunday everyone! Thank you for the tags today @nausikaa and @youarenevertooold, and everyone who’s tagged me in the past week! There’s so much good work being done right now!
I’m still working on the next chapter of my CORB story, but I’ve begun work on my COBB collaboration and will share a few more than six sentences today—I’m not entirely sure if I’m off on the right foot. I’m hoping the whole thing will look better when I’m finished 🤞
They’ve gone racing across the lower field just now, Dev pulling Baz by the hand, crowns of wild flowers winding around their heads. That will have been Baz’s doing; Dev may have made a start on his, but he’s not got the patience to have finished it, not so that it would hold together at least. They throw themselves down on their backs in the plush green clover, Baz facing north and Dev south, heads on each other’s shoulders as they stare up at the sky. I can just make out their small faces, laughing and serious by turns as they whisper in each other’s ears. What I wouldn’t give to be that young and resilient again!
I’m happy they’re close. I’m happy that in the midst of their darkest hours, they’ve each had a hand to cling tight to. I know well enough how much they’ll need someone to depend on as they grow.
And that’s it for now! No-pressure tagging: @thewholelemon, @c0nsumemy5oul, @orange-peony, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @rimeswithpurple, @valeffelees, @artsyunderstudy, @cutestkilla, @hushed-chorus, @raenestee, @ghostpepperworld, @larkral, @letraspal, @forabeatofadrum, @prettygoododds, @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @iamamythologicalcreature, @aristocratic-otter, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @wellbelesbian, @shutup-andletme-go, @supercutedinosaurs, @j-nipper-95, @theotherhufflepuff, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @nightimedreamersworld, @asocialpessimist. @aceumbrellaheroes, @ic3-que3n, @confused-bi-queer, @imagineacoolusername, @facewithoutheart, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @ileadacharmedlife, @papierhaikuphoto, @stitchy-queerista and @carry-on-big-bang
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