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Incel Love: 1 (inspired by real conversations I’ve had with sad broken people)
Short series about a radfem and a mgtow type who fall in love and become normal
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MGTOW bashing
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Like all of tumblr, aparently: we 💜 love ✡️jews✡️ and we would 👊 punch nazis and we reblog five 5️⃣ different haukkah 🕎 posts a year we are like so progresive 💁✨️
Also all of tumblr, aparently: death to all jews 🚫✡️ if you're a jewish person who lives in IsNotRaEl then you're an evil 👺 bad jew and you deserve to be raped and murdered ☠️☠️ what? You fled to israel because we were murdering you by the millions??? Well you should have all died lol ☠️☠️ happy hanukkah btw 🕎
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 30 days
The same people that say “kill all TERFs” “TERFs deserve to die” are usually the same exact people to turn around and say “just because Palestine is a transphobic nation doesn’t mean the people deserve to die”
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
Generation PCM
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
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Imagine being this big of a pick me but none of the MRA Incel Manosphere bottom feeders that you play to will pick you
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
With all due respect, you don’t know wtf you’re taking about . Even a lot of right leaning YouTubers dislike Andrew Tate.
Based centrist youtuber: haha andrew tate top g is so cringe right haha anyways these feminists blue haired pronouns people are soooooo crazy. Mens mental health is so important. Lets react to this compilation of karens getting peppersprayed by cops.
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
I’m in love with my long distance friend 
My dad told me about how one of his *old* friends has a mixed race Asian son who has a lot in common with me. 
So I decided to look for him on Snapchat and say hi. I was like “hey our dads are friends”. (Let’s him call Max because  I’m in no mood to create a fake ass name and I’m anonymous so it doesn’t matter anyways.) 
We became friends pretty quick and within a few days, I offered him my number so we could text.
A week later, we started FaceTiming. It got to the point where we text nearly every day and FaceTime a few times a week. We’ve been friends for a month already. I wasn’t initially attracted to him (although I did wonder what it would be like if we ever had a relationship) 
In three weeks, it went from curiosity and wanting to get to know him better to falling for him hard. 
I told him that I liked him as more than a friend and he said he does too and thinks I’m cute. But judging from his behavior, he wants to take things slow. 
Even though we are similar in a lot of ways,(being socially awkward but affiable, similar political beliefs, zero romantic experience, etc.) we are in some ways different, in some ways even opposite. 
I’m really extra and I overthink. He is more low maintenance and wants to go with the flow. 
He does like me back but isn’t ready for relationship and is busy with work and is going through alot. The fact we live 1,200 miles away doesn’t help. 
It pains me that neither of us have the time or money to see each other. I have fallen for a lot of guys but this guy, I’ve had a connection with. For the first time, I feel a possibility of a relationship in the future. I don’t know if I will be able to find another guy who will be as suitable for me.
I just hope to god if we one day meet in person, we can hold hugs and hug. Heck, maybe even kiss. Who knows? 
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 2 months
Social Justice Bedroom Warriors
Social Justice Warriors need to stay out of people’s intimate lives, unless they’re personally invited in, because they’re starting to sound a bit like incels.  
Recently, a member of one of my childfree on-line forums posed a question regarding dating and mental health, being unsure whether it was acceptable for her to bow out of a potential relationship because the gentleman in question suffered from depression and anxiety. While most people, including those with one or both of those health issues, were quick to reassure her that she never has to date anyone she doesn’t want to, and she owes no one an explanation, others were less supportive. One entire sub-thread of this mess ended up dedicated to the notion that, if she did not date this man, she was an “ableist cunt.” That’s not how this works. THAT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS. This also isn’t the first time I’ve seen this argument made.
As a population, we’ve gotten pretty good at reminding straight, white, men (and black men, on occasion) that women do not owe them anything. We don’t owe them our time, our phone number, a date, or sex. We do not owe them anything simply because they were born with a dick and took a fancy to us. It’s becoming increasingly clear, however, that the only people who don’t appear to be owed sex or relationships are straight, white, men. 
On multiple occasions during the course of my adult life, I have been called a “racist” by a black man who wanted my phone number and to whom I did not want to give it. Sometimes I didn’t want to give it to him because it was obvious he wasn’t my type. Sometimes I was just disinterested. Sometimes I was taken. In all instances, my rejection was not met merely with annoyance, but with a charge of “racism.” As though their blackness entitled them to my time, even if their maleness left me disinterested. As though a failure to be interested on my part could only be attributed to an aversion to brown skin, rather than an aversion to them, as an individual. I never thought much of these instances because I have, in fact, dated men of color before. As a child, my first Hollywood crush was on a black man. As an adult, about the only human I would consider leaving my wife for is a black woman (I jest. I would never leave my wife. But if I did it would be for Jessica Williams). My disinterest in these men was not because I am incapable of attraction to black bodies. I just wasn’t interested in those men; a fact they were quite offended by and quite willing to project over.  
Shortly after coming off of active duty, I got called “fat phobic” for the first time. It wouldn’t be the last time and, despite the general definition of oppressive hatred, at no time has this name been lobbed at me because I’ve been treating those who are overweight as though they are “less than.” I’m not scared of fat people. I don’t hate fat people. In fact, unless you are an overweight person with whom I am personally acquainted, I probably have effectively zero feeling about you or your excess weight. If you’re a fat person with whom I’m personally acquainted, my feelings towards you will have little to do with your weight and significantly more to do with your personality and your work ethic. You do you, boo, just don’t be a mean person or a shitty coworker along the way. That said, I acknowledge a lack of physical attraction on my part when it comes to overweight people. Part of it is that I’m just not attracted to the body type. Part of it is that I am an insanely active person, and I do make certain assumptions about other people’s lives and activity levels based upon their body types. I am going to assume that someone who is 150 pounds overweight is not going to be compatible with who I am as a person. My unwillingness to date people who fit this criteria, my disinterest in having sex with a body type that does not appeal to me, is apparently rooted in a deep and unacknowledged phobia of fat people. I got told by multiple women that unless I’m willing to force an attraction to fat people, I am fat phobic. How I treat these people out of the sheets is completely irrelevant. 
A little research showed that fatphobia was hardly the only politically correct pile of shite making its way into bedrooms. White people who won’t date outside their race are, with some level of regularity, told they’re racist. Refusing to date someone from another country, culture, or religious sect is now deemed xenophobic. Even refusing to date someone who had children or wildly different political views than your own was, somehow, deemed inappropriate. Even as society has been trying to drill into people’s heads that no one, NO ONE, is owed a relationship, that same society is doing an excellent job of telling us that we’re not allowed to say “no” to certain people. Saying “no” to marginalized or “othered” individuals is no longer a simple declination of sex, and is now an act of discrimination. Their marginalization, apparently, entitles them to both my time and my body. 
Through it all, sexism is a charge that has largely gone underutilized amongst most groups. Gay men are never called sexist for refusing to fuck women, and straight people are never called sexist or homophobic for not being queer. Lesbians, however, haven’t been granted this same dignity. (As usual, bisexuality is ignored. For once, the bi’s of the world are pleased about this). Probably because the idea that sexual pleasure can exist outside the scope of a penis is, for many, wildly inconceivable.     
For as long as lesbianism has been a thing, people with penises attempting to convince lesbians that said lesbians do, in fact, enjoy dicks have been a thing. For most of history, those people have been humans presenting as straight men, who apparently can’t conceive of a woman not wanting any dick at all, let alone their dick. In more recent years however, a vocal cohort of trans women, many pre-operative and still possessing intact penises, have taken to outing lesbians who refuse to date them as “transphobic.” As though one’s bedroom is an arena in which our efforts at establishing equality for all can be adequately assessed. 
Here’s the thing, a lack of attraction to a particular characteristic or a disinterest in having a particular characteristic in your bed or yourself, is not a form of discrimination. Why? Because absolutely no one, no matter how disenfranchised they may be by the rest of society, is ever owed personal time, relationships, or sexual intimacy from or by anyone else. They’re just not. Lesbians don’t owe transwomen sex or relationships, and they don’t owe them an explanation for why they’re not interested in these things. They are not suffering from a case of discriminatory genital preferences, because sexual proclivities are not preferences- they are ingrained parts of our beings. 
Do you really think straight women wouldn’t make the transition to vaginas if it was as simple as changing their genital preferences? The existence of straight women is proof positive that basically everything about our sexual attractions are beyond the scope of our control. 
While we can control whether or not we act on these attractions, control over what we are attracted to is pretty fucking limited. Do you really think pedophiles enjoy being pedophiles? If you do, I’d recommend reading an interview with one. It’s pretty eye-opening, if you can get past the part where you’re reading an interview with a pedophile. And all of them make quite clear that acting on their attraction to children is within their control, but the attraction itself is not. A fact that tends to leave them shunned by society whether they act on them or not, and pretty fucking miserable for obvious reasons. The list of things I’m not attracted to is relatively long and, while the list itself is mutable because additions have been made over the years, I have never found myself attracted to something that had once previously repulsed me. 
You will not change someone’s attractions simply by couching their sexual disinterest in social justice warrior language and attempting to shame them into being attracted to you. 
All you’ll do is piss them off and lose an ally. If you don’t want to date someone who is black, white, or purple, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to date someone with a particular set of genitalia, you don’t have, no matter what their external presentation is. If you don’t want to date a particular gender, you don’t have to. You don’t have to date people with mental illness, with food restrictions, with terminal cancer, or with webbed feet. You don’t have to date fat people, skinny people, or exercise obsessed people. You don’t have to date rich people or poor people, the fashion forward or the fashion oblivious. You don’t have to let anything other than your attraction to that particular person, or lack thereof, determine whether you date another person. And if you don’t want to date anybody, at all, you don’t have to. And you never, ever, ever owe them any explanation for why you are not interested. In fact, an argument could be made that you’re better off not giving them a reason.  
Get your shamey social justice warrior bullshit out of our bedrooms. NOW. 
No one owes you anything. 
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 3 months
Found this from r/NotHowGirlsWork. This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard 🤣
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 3 months
Ngl I’m getting sick of seeing wierd ass AI art on my FB feed. I get that AI generated art is relatively new so it is gonna look wierd but still. Bots bots bots
ai generated images make me increasingly sad and tired the more i see them in more and more casual contexts. i dont know how to explain, but it just fills the world with a bunch of nothing. no matter how visually stunning the pictures might be, there's nothing behind it for me. no dedication, no emotions, no feelings, no hard work or creativity, nothing i can truly think about, admire or enjoy. i dont think thats how art is supposed to be
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 4 months
Palestine Israel discourse in a nutshell
the endless loop
person A: the violence against Israeli citizens was horrible. all the violence in the region is horrible
person B: so you justify the violence against Palestine? free Palestine!
person A: no, all violence is horrible, non of it is good. Violante against civilians is bad no matter what their nationality is. a war crime is a war crime.
person B: why do you only condemn the Palestinians? this is Israel's fault! they brought the violence upon themselves! they are evil occupiers and have been committing war crimes for 75 years! how dare you only go after the Palestinians when they are fighting for their freedom! you should condemn Israel for what they are doing to Gaza.
Person A: I did, I condemn the violence of both side.
person B: you should condemn Israel! they are committing war crimes! the Palestinians did nothing wrong! why are nobody going after Israel?!!!!
(meanwhile, the UN cannot reach a resolution to condemn the attack against Israeli citizens but have no problem condemning the total siege on Gaza. Just to clarify BOTH ARE WRONG)
do you see the problem?
I am tired. being a leftist is hard. having fucking decency is hard sometimes.
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 4 months
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They're Together Again...
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 4 months
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 4 months
The anti-racist movement went from a noble movement of honor to a medieval witch-hunt
I’ve said this before, but it’s still depressing how “some people have special bloodlines that entitle them to things other bloodlines aren’t allowed to touch” is considered an anti-racist position.
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