the100oneshots · 6 years
Solider!Bellamy Blake
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Warnings: war but not a lot of sadness and no death either
so bellamy enlisted to be in the army lets say right of the bat, like as soon as octavia turned 18 and could take care of herself with lincoln (reminder: modern day kinda feel here)
he had been taking army training whilst octavia was still with him, but like as soon as she was good he was outta there
and he honestly loved it 
yeah he didn’t see octavia for long periods of time and he missed events like his mums anniversary of her death so he couldn’t be with his sister, but he knew that saving these people who couldn’t save themselves was what he was destined to do
he’d be in his third year in the army when he met you
you’d be staying with your grandmother after she was diagnosed with cancer to look after her and bellamy was coming home from a six month mission
you ran into each other at the supermarket i imagine it to be like real cute
you’d be both looking for the type of ice cream you liked and shock horror it was the same one and he’d come from one end of the freezer isle and you’d come from the other
and as you were looking you’d bump into each other completely not paying attention and you’d both be a blushing mess omggg
lets be real y’all would exchange numbers and go to the movies and have cute little dinner dates
octavia would adore you hands down
and as much as he was proud of being a solider he was pretty vague about it like you’d ask about his job and he’d just say he’s in the defence force as a minor job so you assumed he was like a computer tech or smth lmao
he was scared to lose you once you found out he would leave for long periods of time
but boi he would be in deep shit this time
you guys would be hanging out at octavia’s house because that’s where he lives when he’s home right which isn’t for long too, and he’d probably be in the shower right and there’a a knock at the door
curiosity killed the cat y’all !!
you’d answer and be surprised you saw a man in uniform and he’d hand you a letter asking for you to give it to Private Blake
you were really shocked, to see he actually fought rather than have some ‘minor job’
low-key caused a fight lets be real
‘babe, who was at the door?’
‘a guy in uniform’ you would say so bluntly and he’d go quiet
‘you lied to me!’
‘no i didn’t’
‘then why didn’t you tell me you were a solider then?’
‘because i didn’t want you to leave’
 he would be real sad not angry but you would be furious just the thought that he betrayed you
he didn’t really but heat in the moment you thought so
‘well, mission failed’
and he would be crushed omg and cry himself to sleep and so would you
you would feel so bad omg
keep kicking yourself and your friends would be supportive but know you also were really judge and didn’t let him explain himself
so you decided a few days later 5 that’s almost a week that you would go over to talk to him
but omg when you went over to his house you’d be walking towards and see him and octavia hugging and lincoln was packing some stuff into the car and you’d process that he was leaving and it shocked you tbh
and octavia would see you and nudge bell and you guys would lock eyes and omg angst !!
octavia would hug her brother one more time and leave y’all to it 
it’d be that cheesy moment like when both of you say ‘i'm sorry’ at the same time and give each other a cheesy smile omgggg
and he’d tell you he’d be gone for 4 months minimum and there’s an awkward silence until you kiss him and hold his face so close and he wraps his arms around your waist and !! it’s !! such !! a !! beautiful !! moment !!
‘don’t die, okay? for me?’
you say it so quietly and he just nods
‘you don’t have to wait for me’
‘i know, i want to’
but he comes back and it’s real cute your reunion like he surprises you like in those youtube videos
you’d go over to octavia’s house for lunch and she’d set bellamy’s seat and you’d sigh a little until bAM
he’d sit in it and say something stupid like ‘oh smells so good O’ and you’d be frozen for a second 
he’d legit take a bite and look up at you under his messy hair and give you a smirk 
you’d jump into his arms and he’d just hold you and it’d be beautiful !!!!!!!!
fast forward a while
he proposed !!
it would be like so simple because he’d figured his life was real chaotic to begin with ya feel
so like he’d just keep it at home and he’d make dinner and you’d drink wine and it’s be so sweet and boom just pop the question
then y’all got married in a beautiful ceremony like
he’s a real private person so a very small wedding which is all you want and a cute honeymoon
and kids !! so many kids !!
he almost misses the first one but makes it just in time for your last push and he gains a slap on the head from both you and his sister
a baby boyyyyyyyyyy
and then you would’ve had two girls after that aw ur little family
and you guys would’ve bought your own house with a lot of dogs because you again would be lonely whenever he was away
and he’d send over letters throughout your whole relationship and you’d keep them in a box under your bed and you bring them out every now and then when you miss him
and sometimes you tell your kids about them
okay so bellamy would’ve gotten a letter saying he’d have to go on the longest trip he’d ever have to do which was 2 and a half years and this one was really hard for you but he’d been promoted to sergeant and it was really important so you’d want to be supportive but it was so hard for you
and you got through it with video chats and letters and your kids would miss him terribly and so would you and there would be many sleepless nights and nights where you would cry in bed and sometimes with your kids
but it’d be worth it
he was coming home right and you’d arranged to meet at the airport and it’d be soppy and cute and you were so waiting for it
so back to bellamy being a private person, he hides the pictures he has of you and the kids because he believes in being professional right and on the nights off when him and his team go for drinks it’s not really a conversation since all the single men (which inmost of them) just get drunk
so omg he’s coming home on the plane right which is a private plane for all the soldiers 
and on the plane all the privates are all bonding again like how they’re gonna miss the friendship and stuff
and nOW they start to gain an interest into his private life and it amuses bellamy and they’re still prying and start discussing their theories
‘i rekon he’s got like 4 mistresses on the go and when he leaves he says some mysterious james bond monologue and back flips into the danger’
‘nah man, surely he still lives with his mum at home and when he’s home he cares for her and i can imagine him having small talk with all the ladies at the book club they host at his house’
‘surely he lives in a bachelor pad with all his mates from high school and they throw killer parties’
and as the theories are spilling everyone’s laughing even bellamy because he can’t help but think how wrong they are even though they’re in a tone of friendship they still have no idea
then he gets to the airport and he knows you’ll be running late because it’s in your nature to be last minute like let me remind you of waiting 5 days when y’all first started dating
so he’s just standing by his case watching everyone come and hug their families or watching them go to meet them at ulterior destinations and stuff 
and as much as they respect him they all see him with a smile on his face just like hanging around
‘sarge if you don’t mind, we’d like to wait with you’
and he’s like low-key not shocked and all of them nod and stand around waiting
and he’s all like ‘please, go with your families, they’ve waited long enough, mine will come soon’
but they all refuse and wait with him and it’s so close
and this is the cheesy part y’all
ya little boy would run up to the group of people and scream out ‘daddy ??’ and wouldn’t be able to see him 
but bellamy would’ve heard him and his ears would’ve perked up and a smile would come to his face as he realised you were here
your little boy would run up to him and could you imagine bellamy’s face just light up even more and omg he’d drop to the floor and it’d bE SO CUTE
lmao imagine all his privates being so shell shocked because they never expected a child
and then your daughter would run behind and jump into his other free arm
still shocked privates lmaooooo
and then you come in and his heart just like leaps out and he’s so in love with you !!!!!
and he takes your other little girl from you and she hugs him so tight it’d be so cute
still like really shocked privates
i could so imagine him getting ready to leave and everyone he works with is kinda just like trying to explain it to themselves that he’s a family man it’d be so funny
and you’d come home and you guys would’ve spent the whole weekend decorating the house with balloons and streamers and a sign that says welcome home daddy
and his heart would be full of so much love it’d be so cute omg
and you’d throw a party obi so everyone jumped out to surprise him 
he’d be talking to all your friends and octavia etc.
but he just looks over to you talking to lincoln and he just wants to be with you because he’s missed you so much
and once everyone has gone and you’ve put the kids to bed you start to clean up and he comes up behind you and just hugs you and starts to kiss up your neck
and you’re just so happy to have him back
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the100oneshots · 6 years
Shifting Position - Bellamy Blake Imagine
A/N: changed the request a little bit hope you don’t mind xx
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Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 847 
Warnings: slight ptsd, sad, and idk awkwardness bc that’s just how I imagine the situation to low-key be idk.
You were (almost) yourself again. After months of surgeries and rehabilitation, you finally had the strength to be capable on your own and for this reason, you all went out to celebrate. You and your new found friends. Abby gave you all the night off and you were beyond grateful. Although for you in particular there was no alcohol involved, that didn’t stop everyone else in the gang from getting completely wasted in your honour.
“I think I’m going to head back to my quarters, call it a night.” Bellamy tried to be audible as possible over the loud music and drunk teenagers. “Mind if I come with you? Honestly don’t want to be here when Clarke’s puking her guts out when she wakes up in the morning.” You laughed, and he had realised a long time ago that he could never say no to you.
On your way to his, both you and Bellamy talked about what antics the rest of the gang had done intoxicated and it was hilarious. Even reliving them made you laugh just as much as the when it happened, perhaps even more.
“I’m pooped.” You sigh, falling onto his bead. He turned around and you could tell something switched in him. He went stiff, grew tense and his jaw clenched. “Bell? Wha-”
“Don’t lay like that.” He said, all emotion drained from both his face and voice. It was forced and awkward you become worried, feeling almost nauseous. “Don’t lay like what?” You almost laughed, eyebrows furrowed together completely confused as to what the hell he was talking about.
“Like that.” He commanded, still with a strong voice. “Bellamy what’s wrong? It’s a sleeping position? What are you ‘forbidding’ me to lay like that? I doesn’t understand.” You were now becoming defensive, the happy friendship being questioned. But if only you knew the real suffering he faced whenever he saw you.
You were the one he had grown to love. He had not believed he should be capable of love nor did he believe he deserved it. But you came into his life and completely changed it. He viewed things differently, he felt things differently, all because of you. And seeing you now, in the same position he saw you in that warm afternoon, almost broke him.
You were trapped with Kane and Abby under the mountain of rubble, and if it wasn’t for Octavia, you never would’ve made it out alive. It was reckless and it was stupid and it almost ended your life. He had found you, in the rubble that scattered around Ton DC. You were surrounded by people but they were not paying attention to you, looking for other survivors. The chaos of the disaster had thrown you against the hard ground, leaving you for dead and if he hadn’t seen you out of the corner of his eye, he wouldn’t have seen you.
He rushed to your aid and begged for you to stay. You were laying tilted on your back, eyes closed, pulse weak but alive. Left hand bent near your head and right arm leaning on your stomach. It took a while for him to take in your state but as soon as his mind was up and running you were in his arms as he ran back to the jeep, ready to take you back home.
And as much as you thought that the claustrophobic feeling would never leave, it got better, almost to the point where you could carry on with normal. But you never knew how much of a toll it took on him.
The silence made you realise, it also made your heart break. Your body gravitated towards him and your hand lightly cupped his cheek. “Bell, I’m right in front of you. I’m right here, and I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
“It’s just seeing you like that.” He bowed his head in sorrow, deathly terrified he’d see you like that again. “I’m remembering-” he stopped himself as his voice broke, much like your heart. “I’m right here.” You reassured him.
“I have nightmares about it.” He confessed. “What if I didn’t see you?” He finally met your gaze, and you could see his glassy eyes. “I never would’ve been able to live with myself. And that fight, I don’t understand why you don’t hate me.” You shushed him as he lay his head in the crook of your neck. You’d never seen him this vulnerable, it upset you more than you knew. You didn’t even consider how traumatic it may have been for him.
You bring him back to eye level, so you really can look him in the eye. “Bellamy Blake, there is no bone in my body that could ever hate you, ever. A few may dislike at certain times, but I could never hate you. I love you. And I have a feeling I always will. We can work together okay? We never have to remember that day ever again, okay?”
He nods in response, and somehow, you feel like you can accomplish anything, together.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
33 Ways to Say I Love You - Bellamy Blake Imagine
A/N: use of two gifs is to show like how long y’all have been cute together aw how cute.
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Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 3.2k (yikes)
Warnings: implications of smut and a whole lot of loveeeeeee
1/2. One of the first times on the Ark when you both were ‘hanging out’. It was getting pretty crazy in the party and you were surprised the guard hadn’t been called to shut it down. There were too many hormonal teenage boys for your liking and your knight in shining armour had seen you struggling to move through the sweaty bodies. Offering a hand, you thanked him and took it as he guided you into the hallway. “Thanks Bellamy.” You laughed at both of your attempts to retreat. “You plan on going back in there?” He asked, stalling time to talk to the girl he really liked. The shy girl who he was seated next to on their first day of higher ed. “Not in particularly, parties aren’t really my thing.” You shied away, ready to run back to your apartment before you made a fool of your self. “I can walk you home.” He rushed out and almost kicked himself at how desperate he sounded until you smiled at him. “Are you sure? You wouldn’t rather be having fun in there with everyone?” You asked, completely gobslmaked that he would even consider the action. “Completely sure.” He gave you a genuine smile.
3. It had been a long day, and you know you were about to fall asleep at your post any minute. You were so tired you didn’t even hear Bellamy walk in, Raven following close behind him. “Babe, come on you need to get some rest.” He sat beside you, moving the lone strand of hair out of your face, causing you to lean in to his touch. “I need to finish this.” You mumbled looking at the technology infront of you for the second before it was taken away. “Hey! Bell!” You attempted to raise your voice but almost fell over in the process as well as attempting to grab it from him. “Come here. Let me fix it.” He said as you walked over to where he had ran off. He placed the tech on the table, lifting you bridal style to take you back to your room. “Raven! Fix it please!”
4. That first morning. You had just moved into a shared apartment with Bellamy, your boyfriend as he moseyed up the courage to ask you out. Your eyes fluttered open, and you glanced over to the warm body lying peacefully next to you. A smile made it’s way onto your face as you snuggled into his body even more. You woke up again to an empty space. Furrowing your eyebrows you began to fully wake up and there you saw Bellamy putting on his janitor uniform he hated so much. “Morning handsome.”You smiled and his eyes locked with yours in the mirror. “Morning beautiful.” He whispered as he jumped next to you and gave you a longing kiss. “When will you be home?” You smiled, still ecstatic about the living arrangements. “Shift finishes around 3, and then I’m all yours.” He smiled planting another kiss on your lips repeatedly. “Well, have a good day at work my love then you’ll have to come home and really make the apartment feel like home.” You winked.
5/6. The instance when Bellamy was roaming the woods for tomorrow nights dinner for the camp, and he stumbled across a beautiful purples flower. He stopped, and he smiled to himself. He plucked it from the ground and made his way back to the camp knowing he wouldn’t be able to focus on the nonexistent animals. Strolling into camp the only thing he was looking for was you, and as he saw you sitting on your bed looking through some papers Clarke had probably given you, he couldn’t help but smile. “Hey,” He caught your attention as your head snapped up. “Hey Bell.” You beamed, happy he came back in one piece. “Got you something.” He waltzed over, presenting you with the flower. “I want you to have this.” Your face expressed the emotion of pure admiration as the flower was the only thing that was in your sight. “Bell, that’s so sweet, you didn’t have to do this.” You smiled, glad he did it anyways. “It reminded me of you.” You thought it was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen, but Bellamy debated that in his mind.
7. “I dreamt about you last night.” He casually said whilst you both were laying in bed. Your eyebrows furrowed together as you sat up on your side to look at him. “About me?” You looked at him quizzically, intrigued. “Yeah.” He said not looking away from the map that had been drawn up around camp. “You’re just gonna leave me hanging?” You joked lightly punching him in the arm causing him to chuckle and look at you. “I thought you should know but I don’t know, subject was,” He paused before finishing with an, “odd.” You were still confused, “Odd?” “All card on the table?” He put down the map and turned to mirror your position, both chests facing each other, a head resting on the stretched out arm, except his hand held your face in a comforting manner. “We had a family, a perfect life.” There was a silence the enveloped the both of you. It wasn’t awkward but both of you felt content with the other. 
8. Winter was well and truely approaching and the 100 could feel it. With every day there was less food, less clothing and people were ready to turn savage. As much as you’d like to curl up in bed in what seemed like the only protection the ground had was your blanket, you were needed and everyday felt like you couldn’t function properly. Raven noticed it first, and knowing you and Bellamy had been not on speaking terms lately was conflicted whether to tell him. But she caved only wanting the best for you. It was well into the night but you were determined to finish fixing the radio and the bullets before you could even think about sleep. You were shivering and had a killer headache until once again your knight and shining armour was there to protect you. “Take my jacket, it’s cold.” He didn’t ask but instead placed his puffer jacket that has had it’s fair share of wear and tear on your shoulders, and surprising to both of you he sat down next to you. 
9/10/11/12. He had missed check in time. 2 hours he had said. He was to be back at camp within the next 2 hours and here you were, pacing inside the gates of Camp Jaha, praying that he wasn’t dead in that godforsaken mountain. And although your prayers had been answered, when the radio made some weird noise and his voice finally rang through your tears, crystal clear although it was grainy as. It was what seemed like hours but only a few short minutes until Clarke motioned for you to talk, but when you came froward you were silent. Unsure of what to say or do, so much so you almost broke down in tears. It was silent until he muttered the short sentence, “Sorry I’m late.” You felt a tear drip onto your arm and took a deep breather as you wiped it way. “I noticed.” You laughed lightly, him going in with. “Don’t die on me Blake.” You let out a soft sob, before his answer. “I promise, I won’t. Cross my heart and hope (not) to die."
13/14. He escaped like a thief in the night, stargazing to get his mind off the terrible tragedies. So many people in that mountain that didn’t deserve what they got, but he helped pull the trigger and he had to deal with the consequences. The reoccurring nightmare played in his head, taunting him and nothing had been able to help him cope with the loss, it was as if every painful thing he’d ever experienced in his life had come crashing down around him and he was falling down into the pit of despair. It was relatively quiet in Arcadia, no one really awake and if they were they were inside. So he was surprised when he heard footsteps walking his way. Sitting down next to him on the grass, no words were exchanged by the two of you.Slumping a blanket over you to keep warm, you placed another on his lap so it could keep him from dying of hyperthermia. “You want to talk about it?” You ask not looking at him but rather into the open nature. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He sighed looking towards his knees. “It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” You reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his arm as he leaned hi head on your shoulder whilst you stoked his hair.
15/16/17. “Abby has us under so much pressure, I don’t know if we can get dinner tonight because as much as I miss you and love you I really need to help Raven.” You sighed, playing with his hands, refusing to make eye contact. “Hey, it’s okay, I can wait. I understand, don’t you worry about me.” He was gentle with his movements, pining back a lose stand of hair that fell out of place. Sh smiled at the gesture at his understanding and comforting nature. “I feel like I never see you anymore.” You pouted, looking up to him. “Maybe, but I know I’ll always end the day with you, and that’s what’s important. I’ll still be here when you’re ready.” He smiled, radiating so much love.
18. You had been craving nice meal now for what felt like years. But you knew that with limited supplies it was going to be hard to do so. And it was understandable, there was people who needed to eat food before you did, but what you would do for even just a meal with a little bit of flavour rather than a bland ration pack. “How you doing?” Bellamy approached as you looked for a wrench hidden somewhere in the mess that was the tech tent. “Working, I’m always doing something Bell, you should know that by now.” You sassily replied and a smile just gre upon his face. What wasn’t nice however, was the meat on a stick that he was enjoying right in front of your eyes. “That looks nice.” You nonchalantly said whilst you tried to suppress your stomach growls. “Doesn’t it?” He cocked a smirk knowing you were wanting it more than he probably did. “You want some?” He asked handing it to you. You declined, knowing he had to eat more so than you, “Nah, it’s okay. I don’t want to take your dinner.” “Well lucky for you, I brought over two.” He smirked as a smile came to your face, as you and Bellamy had a cute little dinner date, well, that’s what he called it.
19/20. You’re head was spinning, there was so much going on and so much new information you were desperately trying to cling on to any hope for a solution. But it was no use. Your head hurt for 3 reasons. 1. the massive headache you gave yourself from crying over a non-existent solution for a future. 2. the constant running through your hair causing the throbbing pain. and 3. you’re inability to accept the demise your world was to succumb to. You were stressed to say the least and on many occasions, including this one, it bought you to tears. “Baby, don’t cry.” Bellamy’s voice was quiet, and it did not fill the room, but rather just the communication between the two of you. “We’re going to die Bell, and for once in my life I can’t stop it.” You wept as he cradled your head into his shoulder, lovingly rubbing your back kissing your hair. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
21/22. “I can’t believe you’re not going to cuddle me because I’m a little under the weather.” The brown eyed boy pouted. “There is enough room for both of us.” He winked, which was interrupted by Clarke’s loud voice and he banging on the apartment door that you had been given in Arcadia, “Bellamy!” A low groan came from your boyfriend of 3 years laying next to you. He was exhausted and you convinced yourself he was coming down with a fever. “I’ll get it love.” You kissed his forehead and stood up to talk to the blonde. “Bellamy’s not feeling well, what’s up?” You were greeted with nothing but a cold stare. “He needs to give in the hunting and guard roster that he should have done last week to Kane.” She sounded annoyed and you could tell she was just as tired as Bellamy was. “I’ll make sure he gets it to Kane by lunchtime Clarke, leave it with me.” She nodded and left the two of you alone. “What did she want?” Bellamy croaked, trying his best to sit up. “Had you finished the rosters babe?” His eyes closed in defeat as he slumped back onto the mattress. “I completely forgot.” He sighed. “Kane needs it by lun-” You were interrupted by a coughing fit from the disheveled boy in bed. “The one week I’m sick are you serious.” He groans before attempting to get out of bed before you stopped him. “Absolutely not, you are not getting out of this bed.” You looked at him sternly. “Babe you heard Clarke, she’s already angry and Kane needs it as soon as possible!” He tried to argue and be strong but his immune system was screaming at him to back down. “Well, I’ll do it for you.”
23/24/25/26/27. “You can tell me anything, love.” He cooed, stroking lines up and down the side of your face in a loving manner. “I just-” You sighed, not sure if you wanted to let this cat out of the bag. You were embarrassed, you and Bellamy had been together for just over 6 months and still your insecurities had gotten the better of you. “Take a deep breath.” He prompted in an effort to calm you down. After a few more breathes, you felt relatively comfortable to tell him, although there was a pit of anxiety at the bottom of your stomach. “Look at you Bell. You’re so handsome and no-one compares to you, and here I am. I look like a charity case and I don’t want to drag you down any longer.” You couldn’t face him. Your eyes looking everywhere but his. It was silent for a moment or two and you were terrified you had just ruined everything. “(Y/N),” He began, wanting to ensure that the sincerity in his voice could be heard. “I think you’re beautiful, and no one is going to convince me otherwise. I want to be with you, and I’m going to try with everything I can to make sure you know that. Not for me, for you. I am nothing compared to you, and I want you to be happy.”
28/29/30. After a hard day, you were relieved when Clarke asked if you wanted to join her, Octavia, Raven and Harper for a drink. It felt like you girls hadn’t caught up all together for what felt like forever. And the night was very much what you needed to destress after a long week. You all gossiping and just being over all silly was what you had missed the most and when Bellamy walked over, he could see the happiness in your features, how you glowed and radiated happiness. “Ladies, you seem like you’re having fun.” He smiled looking to his friends, sister and love. “Bell, hey, you got off work early?” You looked up with a smile. “Yeah, the boys wanted to go for a drink so Kane let us off early. Thought I’d come find you first.” He leaned down to peck your lips as the others made gagging noises. “Came to ask for permission, ey Blake?” Raven teased causing a laugh from Octavia. “Something like that.” He laughed with them. “You didn’t have to ask.” You spoke, looking back to him and seeing nothing but love in his eyes. “I know, I wanted to.” The whole love fest was cut off by Octavia, again fake gagging, causing the power couple to roll their eyes simultaneously. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” He was just talking to you now, the others going back to a conversation. “I mean you could, if you wanted to, stay over, maybe, tonight, if you felt like it?” You stuttered, a bit embarrassed that you were embarrassed to ask. “Yeah, I’ll come over in about an hour and half.” He beamed, excited to just spend the night with you, even if it wasn’t very intimate, being with you made him happy even if you were just both reading a book. “Look forward to it. Have fun.” You smiled as he gave you a quick kiss and left you to your girl’s night.
31/32/33. What did he say before you left camp on your quest for medicinal herbs? “Be careful, baby, can’t go losing you now.” And even with his warning, you still managed to injure yourself, enough that you couldn’t walk “Bellamy, it’s so cold. The rain made it slippery and I”m hurt. I’m sorry. Please help.” You cried, hoping he there was listening and praying you wouldn’t die of hyperthermia tonight. “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.” His voice made you feel calm, but you snapped out of it once you realised the danger you were potentially in. It took a while but there was a blinding light that shon on your propped figure against a log, and you didn’t think you felt as relieved as you ever had seeing your boyfriend. A cry of relief left your lips as you passed out. You woke up to a wet cloth dabbing your face. Bellamy’s beautiful eyes were gazing at you, filled with worry but also relief. He saw you were awake and a small smile made it;s way onto his face, but before you cold apologised he beat you to it. “You don’t have to say anything. Don’t apologise or promise to do better next time because it’s not your fault, the important thing is your safe now and that’s all that matter.”
34. He knew, he knew you were the one his mother had been telling him about. How one day, he’s going to see you in a totally different light, he’s going to be completely taken back by your love and beauty and everything will come to light. He’ll realise he’s in love and his life will change forever. And boy, oh boy it did. He needed to tell you, he was itching to tell you, and what better way then completely unplanned and spontaneous. You were at viewing platform 11, looking down to earth. His life may have turned to absolute crap but he no longer felt like he was destine for anything because you were the pure light in his eyes and in his life. “I love you.” He whispered, and upon hearing this, you turned around to face the man you love, a bright smile on your face. You didn’t know the hardships that were to come and the ones you would face together or alone. But you knew you wanted a life with him, and this was the very step needed to be taken to continue it. So with a full and honest heart, you repeated the very same words back.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
There - Monty Green Imagine
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Reader x Monty Green
Words: 680 words
Warnings: dont ?? think ?? any ??
The room was dark and the fear continued to bubble up at the back of your throat. The anticipation was driving you insane and the isolate slowly killing you. You were supposed to be safe, after everything that happened you just wanted to be safe.
Thinking back on it, you’ve never thought that you’d been safe ever in your life. It was a rare occasion, but you didn’t assume it’d been that long. You’d never thought about it, but restricted in this cage thinking was the only thing you could do besides crying out for help.
A scream erupted and pierced the silence that engulfed the room. It couldn’t be heard, you’d been held prisoner for the second time your life and you hated it. You had one visitor, and the lonely young girl was not much fun.
Maya, you think was her name and overtime she came in she never saw you, you don’t even think she knew you were in there. She had a thing with Jasper you think. Jasper. You missed him, you missed your friend. Monty, you missed him even more. You left it too late to tell him. You over thought it and ran from the problem and now you were left alone.
The clamber of the steel door awoke you from your thoughts, you were week from the last blood transfusion and you were scared they’d realise that the blood wouldn’t last them much longer, and they’d probably have to go fort he bone marrow to further sustain. 
“Hey! Let go of me!” A new voice yelled. A voice you hadn’t heard in what felt like in forever. Your eyes widened as you saw humbling dragged into the room. 
“Monty?” Your voice cracked, probably as a result of not speaking for what felt like a life time. 
His eyes widened and his neck snapped up to look at you. You looked broken, you could barely hold your head up from the weight. You were weak, even speaking to Monty you were slurring. He noticed the your eyes constantly fluttering open in an effort to stay awake.
“What are you doing to her? (Y/N)!” He was resisting, but he stood no chance against the three guards in hazmat suits. Though his efforts, he couldn’t shake them resulting in being placed in a cage like you.
When locking him in, he knew there was no way out from inside and instead moved all his energy into consoling you. “(Y/N), are you okay? How do you feel? What did they do?” He reached from your hand through the bars, but couldn’t reach. “They went for the bone marrow.”
You said in a quite voice, continuing to slur. “(Y/N) you can’t sleep, please stay awake.” He begged as you rested your head against the bars closest to him. “I’m fine to sleep, I need the rest. They’ll come back in the morning.”
And truth be told they did come back. The doctor was willing to stick a drill in you for the 4th time and you had given up even though you were terrified of what was about to happen.
“No!” The banging on the cage alerted the other men and they dropped you on the table with a thud to deal with an energetic Monty. “Leave her alone! Take me instead! Please.” He begged. 
The doctor shrugged and instructed the men to do so muttering an “It’s his death wish.” And it was with all his strength that he fought his way through, not caring wether they made it out alive or not. 
It was in this moment that President Wallace walked in on the scene and Monty rushed towards you. He began stroking your hair, and you felt safer than you had been for the past few days. You let out a sigh of relief as your nuzzled into his touch and the tears began rolling down your face.
“Shh, shh. You’re okay. I’m not letting anything happen to you ever again, okay?” He coos as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Royal!Bellamy Blake
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blake royal family omg how cute ya got queen aurora on the throne and then bell and octavia being all genetically beautiful standing next to her
and omg bellamy being dressed up and looking soooooooooo goooooooooood imagineeeeeeee
omg first i just wanna note that how badass but beautiful octavia be as a princess omgggggggg
so like bellamy is that classic first born who is in line to rule but must be married to show his kingdom that he’s like worthy or something like that
and he’d have countless fights about getting married or not with his mother and royal advisor kane (lmao imagine)
and he and octavia would be super close and like in the middle of the night he’d sneak into her room to like have a sibling bonding chat omg i love
“i’m not ready to rule. i feel like i will marry when i meet the right person. it will be for love.”
“well you’re not meeting them fast enough bell”
sooooooo, behind her child’s back aurora organises with your father for you to marry bellamy
omg when he finds out he is highkey furious
“you can’t rule my life! this isn’t my decision!”
“it’s best for the kingdom and that should come before everything and if it doesn’t then you are not fit to rule!”
he would be soooooo salty
when you arrive he would reluctantly come out greet you and look you weren’t too pleased about the whole thing but you at least put on a brave face
and omg the dinner would be filled with so much dramaaaaaaaaaa
“so bellamy, it’s fantastic that you’re ready for the role of king and marriage is just the first step”
“well an arranged marriage was not the way i would’ve liked to go about it” omg that quirk of the eyebrow though
it would all go quiet and many people just ate their dinner without looking up and omg octavia would feel so bad for you
omg aurora trying to break the ice
“so y/n, it’s lovely having you here for the next few days. we have a fantastic agenda and i think you’ll really love it here” 
and you just nodded and thanked her being real polite but you just kinda wanted to retreat back to your room because you felt a little uncomfortable knowing that you weren’t wanted
the first few days were a lil rough bc you lowkey felt alone
octavia was real sweet though knowing her brother was being too hard on you and so she was your temporary friend
after another awkward dinner you were just kinda roaming around the blake castle looking through all the rooms in your pjs
you look up to the massive portrait on the wall of the three and you can see how close they are 
and as you’re admiring the painting you don’t hear the footsteps walk past you and omg 
so lets make this clear; bellamy doesn’t like the idea of you here because he wants to marry for love and he feels like he can’t do that if it’s arranged so he’s not rude to you but he’s not exactly inviting.
when he sees you roaming the halls he’s a bit confused and initiates a conversation and so you haven’t talked much so you’re like really nervous and stutter a lot and bellamy sees your genuine and a smile comes to his face omg cute
and until you get tired you talk in the guest room where you’re staying and being respectful !! bellamy makes sure you’re comfortable and he’s legit done a full 180˚ 
he’s still not convinced that the arranged marriage is the way to go
omg so the royal agenda would have you taking all these little day trips to what the kingdom like has to offer sounds like a sale pitch tbh
and you were really loving your time here and with bellamy and omg the villagers were having a field day with a new princess coming to town
imagine bellamy being super gentlemanly and like opening doors for you and he’d have that whole ladies first kinda ideals and be real cute
but aw when aurora brings up the marriage again at the other dinner you being quiet as per usual bellamy just goes off and there’s yelling between him and his mother 
poor you sitting at the table just being super awkward until you’re escorted out aw
damn there’s so much fighting by my boi
you then have like such a deep and meaningful with bellamy on your bellamy when he comes to check if you’re okay
“why do you want to be in an arranged marriage?”
“i don’t”
“then why are you here”
hero!y/n though you explained how you took your sisters place because you knew she was in love with a servent girl and knew she would’ve driven bellamy insane bc obvi wouldn’t love him
and he looked at you with such admiration my boiiiiiiiii is fallinnnnnnnnn in loooooooooooooove
and omg my boi would feel completely different about the whole arranged marriage thing now bc even though he hates the idea he’s starting to love you
look at you dropping the bombshell lmao
“i know you don’t want to marry me, and i do miss my home so i’d like to leave in the morning”
and he’d be lowkey heartbroken bc he thought like maybeeeeee there was something but ya know he did neglect you for the first while
and you alsooooooo thought their could’ve been something but you didn’t know if he felt the same way
omg just a classic case of miscommunication y’all why do favs do this
anywho so sad!bellamy let’s you go home
but he writes to you aw
and y’all write each and every day
like he has a time slot for when he reads your letters and writes to you
aw my boi smitten
the realisation just kinda like hits him one day and he’s like oh shit, im in love
couLD YOU IMAGINE him running to his mothers quaters and just like
“i wish to marry mother !!”
aurora low-key spits out her tea no joke
and so they go to your village and your happy to see him again and he confesses his love and like he says it with a smile on his face and then like realises “oh shit she might not feel the same way” lol
but you do so it’s okay and haPPILY EVER AFTER YALL
that wedding would be so lit
and then kids
and a happy family to rule the throne
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Unexpected Turn - Bellamy Blake Imagine
A/N: hopefully I did the request justice but it’s kind of a prolonged version I think.
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Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 1,994
Warnings: like 2 swear words i think, a little bit of smut but like only a tinsey bit I'm talking not much after a make out tbh
“At least I’m trying to do everything I can to keep everyone safe! What have you done? Ey? Sat on your ass all day complaining!” He spat as his face turned red and his eyes bulging. His hair is ruffled more than expected due to the constant running through with his fingers. He didn’t want to argue, but ever since you two met you’d clashed in every way possible.
The tension in the bunker was thick and could be cut with a knife. He blamed you, for getting you both stuck in the bunker during the thunderstorm. It was in no way shape or form safe, for either of you to return back to camp. Every tree looking the same, every path being smudged and vision blurred by the rainfall. 
“I complain because all you and your ‘boys’ do is make a mess of the place and help ruin any chance we have of survival. Just because you act so high and mighty doesn’t make you entitled to advocating what is best for these kids.” His face was hard and his mouth in a flat line. Both of your chests were heaving and eyes never tearing from the others line of sight.
“You decided the moment you saw me you weren’t even going give it a chance. You really want one of these kids in charge? They’re teenagers.” He rebutted and although you knew what you said next would hurt, in the meat of the moment, you blurted it out.
“Don’t act as though you care about any of them. All you came down here for was Octavia and look where that got you.” It was silent and you knew you hit a nerve. You were shocked, and more so disappointed in yourself for mentioning family, being fully aware that you were in no position to go that far.
You knew he had grown to care about these kids. Sure he had come down for Octavia but he had gained something much more. Many of the delinquents looked to Bellamy for guidance. With a rocky start though, he did know everyone and made sure everyone was comfortable. His ongoing battle with Octavia was no where near your business and definitely a weakness for him, one you used to your advantage.
Your mouth opened as if you were to say something, but you kept closing it unable to say anything remotely audible. Bellamy just nodded his head, you could his eyes were glassy and you were regretting everything that had come out of your mouth. “Bellamy, I-”
“Forget it.” You could hear him try to suppress his sigh. “We’re in for a long night, find somewhere comfortable.” He wiped his nose on his jacket as he walked into another part of the bunker you took refuge in. 
You sat staring out the small window that you managed to uncover in the wreckage of what this bunker was. Looking outside you saw the wild winds and wet greenery of the dreary landscape. It was silent, only breathing could be heard and when anything bashed against the outside metal.
“It reminds me of the ark a little bit, don’t you think?” You said, then turning your head to see Bellamy and waiting for a response. He had his back and head resting on the wall, his legs perched as his knees were held up by his foot. His line of sight looked up to the door you’d both enters through, drenched. He was itching to get out. 
His eyes switched to you for a mere few seconds before slowly glancing back to the door. You pouted a little looking back outside, continued with a sigh. To be fair, you probably deserved it.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out, arms tense and eyes scrunched up. It wasn’t that it was painful for you to say sorry, you needed to. It was the reaction from Bellamy you were dreading. Your apology just swirled into the silence that laced throughout the atmosphere. It didn’t go unnoticed, but the silence didn’t leave.
“I didn’t mean it.” You continued again, although it seemed pushy, it was sincere. “Drop it (Y/N).” He sighed, running his hands over his face. “No I won’t drop it.” You got to your feet and settled next to him. He hadn’t moved for what had been like hours.
“I hurt you and I’m sorry.” You apologised again, not being able to sit still until he accepted it. “It was in the heat of the moment and I can’t take it back but I wish I could. I really do. You’re a great leader and it was stupid of me to pick a fight with you in a matter that doesn’t involve me at all. I’m so very so-”
This time he didn’t interrupt with a shout, nor did he walk out. But through your apology he wouldn’t stop looking at you and he knew your sincerity when you attempted to apologise the first time. 
It was an interruption that neither of you really saw coming. Yet, Bellamy’s fingers held your cheek as your body buckled under the affection and the pressure of his lips on yours. 
Your instincts took over and your arms went to wrap around his neck as you pulled him closer. It was slow and it was something you never had really thought of before. But as it was happening you didn’t want it to end. 
Yet as you moved closer to him, he pulled away. It was silent for a moment, and you could tell your cheeks were probably flushed but you didn’t care because in front of you was something you never realised you wanted, but now needed.
“What?” You chuckled a little as Bellamy wouldn’t stop looking at you. “You talk too much.” He smirked as you just let out a small laugh, your head falling to his shoulder. It was a bit weird and a bit unnatural, but comforting in a strange way. 
“Why’d you kiss me?” You asked, sitting upright waiting for an answer. A new wave of vulnerability made the exchange more personal. There was no denying that there was always some tension between you and Bellamy. You had always written it off as a hook up at most, but sitting in front of him now, there was potential for something more.
His eyes were different, his expression softer and you were seeing him in such  new light. Any opinions of him you had previously had been thrown out the window and it was as if you were looking at him now with fresh eyes.
“To shut you up of course.” He shrugged off with a smirk. “Oh yeah? Then why haven’t you done that before when I’ve screamed at you in the middle of camp? Ey?” You questioned him when a mischievous smirk and a playful glare. “What? You want me to make out with you in the middle of camp?” He raised and eyebrow leading you to laugh.
“Didn’t think you’d make out with me anyways.” You admitted, looking down at your hands as you began to pull back, but Bellamy caught them making you look up to him. It was silent again, causing your stomach to turn in knots, nervous somehow of the outcome. “We should probably get going.” You said breaking from his touch and grabbing your pack. 
“The storm’s over, the camp need supplies, they need you, uh, yeah so.” You scratched your head and cleared your throat, trying to be as less awkward as you could.
“Okay.” Bellamy nodded, gesturing for you to lead the way. 
You felt like you had made a fool out of yourself. Ever since that night Bellamy and you had barely even had a conversation. If it involved the camp obviously Clarke would drag you into it to see if Bellamy’s plan had holes, but you didn’t even bother. Your reply was practically a ‘yeah, great,’ and you walked out of the drop ship. 
Bellamy had noticed the awkwardness in it too. Every time he approached you you ended the conversation with short replies and left. You’d been kicking yourself over it for the longest time too.
You didn’t expect the night to play out like this though. Surprisingly, you hadn’t seen Bellamy all day and thought that maybe today would be good considering it wasn’t filled with dodging the ‘king.’ All those hopes fell when you walked into your tent to see the tall figure in the middle of the room.
“Bellamy?” You quizzed, very confused. “Hey.” he said turning to you, his hands in his pockets. “What are you doing here?” Your eyebrows were furrowed, you feet seemingly rooted in your stance.
“I don’t actually know, if I’m being honest.” He shrugged, but his hidden smirk told you otherwise. “Alright, well, figure it out or leave because I’m tired.” You sighed running your fingers through your hair.
“I wanna talk about the night in the bunker.” He said only seconds after you moved to take off your jacket. It caused you to freeze. “What about it?” You gulped continuing to remove your shoes.
“You just have seemed off since we came back. You went funny after it.” He mentioned ever so calmly. “Funny?” You asked a little shocked. “Well yeah, maybe because we just had a screaming match and in an attempt to apologise you just decided it was good time to make out. Who wouldn’t go funny?”
“You kissed back though.” He pointed out, his tongue only slightly peaking out of his mouth resting on his bottom lip. Your blush crept only slightly onto your cheeks as you turned back to face him. He was right in front of you, and you knew you were in for it.
“Your point?” You stared blankly at him trying desperately to mask the flips that were in your stomach. “Means you wanted it as much as I did.” He smirked as his arm began wrapping around your waist, lightly squeezing.
“How badly did you want it Bellamy?” You whispered, the proximity between you two almost non-existent. “As much as I want it to happen again.” There was a pause. 
It felt like time had stood still and in the entirety of what this new world was, it was only the two of you. Silly based on the fact that you hadn’t even thought of Bellamy in that way romantically until a few days ago.
But again, this time when you both met halfway, it was different to the first time - more passionate - but the same desire was there. 
You hands again wrapped around his neck and what surprised you the most was the cheeky ass grab he snuck in causing his tongue to sneak in, definitely not unnoticed. You walked backwards until he had you propped up against the water canister. His hands roaming up and down your torso, his body trapped into between your legs.
A bang was made as your legs dangled off the water canister but it still didn’t have the ability to break the two of you apart. What did though, was Clarke yelling through the fabric of the tent. “(Y/N)? Are you alright? Can I come in?”
“No!” You yelled as you scrunched up your face eyes closed. Bellamy let out a small laugh into your neck as he began kissing parts of that area. “I’m changing, what’s up?” You yelled out in response, trying your hardest not to moan under Bellamy’s touch.
“I heard the bang?” She almost posed as a question. “Oh that. I-I just dropped my bag on the water canister. Nothing else.” You tried to reason whilst fighting the urge to succumb to Bellamy’s touch.
“Oh, okay.” She yelled back, not convinced. “Yeah, sorry about that. Night Clarke!” You didn’t even wait for a response hoping she’d just leave as you lifted Bellamy’s face back to be level with your own reattaching your lips to his.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Beginning - John Murphy Imagine
A/N: kind of strayed from the prompt and not as angst but I hope y’all enjoy!
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prompt list can be found here !!
Reader x John Murphy
Words: 1,502 
Warnings: not exactly nsfw but mentions of smut related stuff more than once, swearing
Prompt: “Are you crying?”
“You know, if you really wanted to be carried by me you could’ve just asked?” His smirk that covered his face said it all. He didn’t even have to speak for you to know a sly comment was going to be blurted out of his pretty mouth. Ever since the beginning, there’s been something there between you and Murphy.
“The tough (Y/N), left to fend for herself because of a sore ankle. How devastating.” His smirk was still prevalent. Even though you were being piggy backed by him and you couldn’t see his facial features, you could imagine it.
“Give me a break Murphy, I don’t need your shit.” You huffed, ready to be silent softly leaning your cheek on his the back of his shoulder. Although there was a lot of sexual tension between you and Murphy, both of you just covered it with sarcasm and taking the piss out of each other. But as of right now, you were tired, hurt and completely done with his shit.
And he noticed. Normally you’d go back and forth until you got back to camp, but when you put the to and fro to an abrupt stop, he was confused. And naturally, Murphy would’ve proceeded to taunt you, but he felt like your sudden quietness meant something.
He wasn’t really doing much at Camp Jaha when you asked to sneak out of camp. The likelihood of an attack by the grounders was very high and survival rate low, you both headed out to escape the new society just for a little bit. But unbeknownst to him, you had a hidden agenda.
Fast track to the present where you felled into a trench and you rolled your ankle and now Murphy being your mode of transport. It fell silent the walk back, not that Murphy minded carrying you, but he knew you weren’t telling him something and it kind of bothered him. You were friends, probably the closest thing he’s had to a best friend ever and although he’s done some pretty bad things, you never saw him for his mistakes. He seemed to thing he’d grown attached to you. And he respected your privacy an understood you guys don’t share everything, he didn’t want you to feel down.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He thought it would lighten the mood. He was never good with words but he knew he should probably say something. “I’m sorry I dragged you out here.”
“I wasn’t doing anything else.” He shrugged manou=vering his way through the leaves na dirt. “Besides, seeing you fall on your ass made it completely worth it, if I’m being honest.”
“Which isn’t always the case.” You laughed at him. “What did you really want to run from?” his question took you aback slightly. Sure Murphy and you were friends. You kinda fooled around a bit when you both felt like it, but you don’t think you’ve ever really had a meaningful conversation before.
“At the drop ship, I didn’t have to do anything. Sure I’d help out every now and then and work as much as we all did to try and survive, but now, the past has come back to haunt me. Everyone wants me to contribute. ‘(Y/N) the star medic who lost her potential by getting herself arrested. The corrupted mind who we look towards to help rebuild our community.’ I’d rather pass.” You huffed. You wiped away the tears that fell. You thought back to your life before you were arrested. You believed that in order to be a good person you had to be a good student and a good doctor, and when you realised you couldn’t be either you saw your life fall apart before your eyes. A bit melodramatic but it happened and it’s how you need up here. 
“Are you crying?” He asked, feeling a few drops of wetness sink in to his t-shirt. It was a simple phrase to - again - try and take the piss out of you and life your spirits. You scoffed and whacked the back of his head. “Ow!” He winced loudly in an attempt to get you to smile.
“Star medic did you say? I highly doubt it.” He smirked yet again, as you rolled your eye in response it kind of worsened your headache. “Didn’t know you were a medic.” He said out loud, a bit shocked but not entirely surprised. “Didn’t think I’d meet a guy who would last longer than me, guess we were both surprised.”
“I don’t know if that was a compliment or not.” He chuckled as you tried to hide your smirk. “We’re almost there.” He sighed as he began the journey up the rough hill side.
When you were in the gates, someone of authority directed Murphy straight to med bay, as if he wasn’t going to go there in the first place. “Well, because you ran off on me,” One of the young but older than the both of them girls started lecturing, “and all these people from another station came, just put something cold on it and wait in the back room with a few of the kids.” She scoffed and walked away.
“Don’t think I’ll be able to find something as cold as that glare sweetheart, sorry.” He murmured just loud enough for the two of you to hear it and it used a stifled laugh ti escape your hand that covered your mouth.
“Stay here.” Murphy told you as he placed you on the ledge you were using as a seat. “I’ll go steal something for you.” 
“My hero.” You smiled at him as he shook his head and headed off.
Whilst scavenging for a make-shift ice pack he tried to think of something else, anything else. You wouldn’t leave his mind. Well duh, the ice pack is for her dickhead. He thought to himself, but he knew he was hiding it. He was falling in love. Shit.
Because of this realisation, Murphy was taking longer than what you would thought it would take. “Where’d you run off too?” Finn walked in to sit next to you. “No where important.” You replied, resting your head on his shoulder. By this point you were exhausted. 
“And you just drag Murphy everywhere these days, right?” He raised his eyebrows. Although he is not Murphy’s biggest fan, he knows how much you like him even if you won’t admit it.
“What? Were you gonna run off with me?” You laughed but Finn’s expression never faltered. “What?” You asked skeptically. “You sure he’s not gonna hurt you?” 
“How and why would he hurt me, Finn? We’re not a couple so he can’t anyways.” You looked away to the others in the room. “Friends can break your heart just as much (Y/N). If that’s your excuse for not trying something with him, you’re only fooling yourself.”
By the time Murphy had successfully come back with a somewhat ice pack you were waiting patiently, dwelling over Finn’s words. “Took me forever but I found something.” He said holding up the object to the ceiling. Your expression didn’t change and it caused him to question you.
“What’s up?” He asked as he kneeled down and you winced as the coldness came in contact your skin. You kept opening your mouth and closing it, not exactly sure how to phrase the question. 
“Would you call us friends?” You said finally after some silence. “Friends who know each other, exceptionally well, if you ask me.” He said smiled smugly and you hit him over the head again. “I’m trying to be serious Murphy.” Your expression still didn’t change as he looked up to you. “Okay, yeah. Friends.” He shrugged as he looked back down to tend to your ankle.
“Do you ever think we’ll be more?” The question came out quiet but you know he heard it. He didn’t know how to respond. It’d only been a few minutes ago that he realised there was feelings there and now you’d acknowledged it too? 
“Do you think we’ll ever be more?” He rephrased causing a blush to raise to your cheeks. “Yeah.” You said calmly. It was silent for a little bit and you were worried that you had ruined things.
“Well, consider it done. I mean, you did cry in front of me and I consider that to be confirmer to be honest.” He said which again resulted in you hitting him, but there was a smile on both of your faces for this one. “My hero.” You rolled your eyes and the smile on his face mirrored yours.
And for the first time, you kissed with actual meaning. He stood up from the kneeling position and rested his hands on your cheek as a bunch of younger kids made gross sounds. It wasn’t the beginning of a booty call or a late night fling. But instead the beginning of something, wonderful, or was it scandalous? Who cares.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Single Dad!AU - Bellamy Blake
warnings: single parents, custody stuff and legal stiff, some curse words, abandonment, police involvement
a lot of dot points omg i’m sorry
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in a modern situation i recon bellamy would’ve been out one night like celebrating lets say monty’s birthday
he go a little bit too drunk and ended up in someone else’s bed the next morning
so with his prompt leave he would’ve thought that was that and moved on with his life right
like a fair few years later when bellamy has his life pretty much sorted, he has a decent job, he’s got himself a pretty good car, a pretty good apartment that he shares with lets say murphy and rocks up to work and working away at his detective desk when he gets a phone call
it’s from an unknown number he answers thinking it’s a wrong number call bc most people call his work number if they need him urgently
and he gets the shock of his life when there’s a quiet little voice on the end of the phone; “is this bellamy blake?”
and his eyebrows furrow and he’s like ‘uh, yeah, how can I help you?”
“so i’m at the police station and i need you to come pick me up”
and he sits there for like a few seconds and is like “who is this?”
“long story, can you please come?”
turns out the young girl was literally downstairs at his precinct and he comes down to collect her and is really confused as to why a 15 year old girl asked for him 
and when he sees her sitting on a chair in the corner of the precinct he has furrowed eyebrows and he just kinda sits opposite her and y’all have a little stare off lol
“i’m bellamy, but somehow you already knew that”
he’d try his best to lighten the mood with a dad joke and you’d crack a smile that’d make him grin
“my name is cassie”
“are you in trouble or something?”
“my mother took off with simon her asshole boyfriend and left me at home, i don’t know where she’s going or when she’s going to be back but she told me to open this bak whenever i was in trouble and she wasn’t here and it had you’re name on it and dates back to 9 months before i was born, so i came here and here you are.”
he was so confused the poor guy and before he could reply omg the teenager so calmly blurts out something like “pretty sure this makes me your kid i think”
and he takes a minute and it’s so silent
“my kid?” he says as his eyebrows are raised and the face cassie makes is kind of like just nod and purses her lips 
so he takes her to the hospital to get a DNA test just incase and like both of them are up for it bc the mum was very unreliable
surprise !! bellamy has a kid
so he gains like temporary guardianship or smth like that and takes her to his apartment and realises she needs a place to stay and school books and this is all so much for him omg
murphy gets home sees a kid on he ouch and is like “hey what’s up” so casually and then he walks to his room and reALISES what he just saw and walks back to the living room and she’s still watching tv omg
murphy get’s sorted and in the coming weeks cassie settles in and really feels like home
here comes the romaaaaaance
so like bellamy just has to come to cassie’s band recital because she’s really into that and bellamy would obi be a new but 100% supportive dad and gladly takes the night of work
and he sits down in his assigned seat and next to him there you are
and like bellamy obvi is single still and is like thinking something unintentionally douchy like should come to these things more often
surprise !! you’re the one to initiate conversation with something like
“who are you here to see?”
and you’re looking at him expecting an answer and he kind of casually, “cassie she plays piano” with a proud smile
and you look at him with furrowed eyes like, “you’re not her mum’s boyfriend are you?” with real judgey eyes bc cassie has told you act her mother and her how she lives
“no, god no” he laughs and you smile and he like admires it for a second and realises he should probably continue
and your reaction when he tells you he’s her father is a surprised face and huge grin, “so you’re the crime fighting super dad who lives with a permanently drunk mate from high school ??”
his reaction though omg he’s like “uhhhhh ....”
wiht a smile on your face you introduce yourself as cassie’s old middle school teacher in like her favourite subjects and he immediately recognises you from all of cassie’s stories 
and y’all make small talk and have like such good chemistry oh my
after the show you’re still talking outside when cassie comes running over and she jumps into bellmay’s arms and you just internally aw at the hug
and then she hugs you and you congratulate her with the flowers you got her and they offer to go out for ice cream but you decline and bellamy’s face sinks a lil
and a few days go by and cassie can teeeeeeeell that he’s got the hots for u and she’s doing the raising of the eyebrows and the winking teasing her dad
the staff at the police station too are giving him shit for it too but like teasingly way rather than actual ya feel
and cassie and murphy are organising a way for y’all to speak again bc it’d be weird for him to pop up after the first meeting and ask
so guess who just ‘desperately’ wants to try this new italian place on the other side of town bc ‘apparently’ it has the best garlic bread
but omg bellamy walks in to pick up the take away and guess who’s standing in line in front of him; you
and y’all do small talk and you’re thinking ‘gosh just ask him out !!’
and he’s thinking like the same thing 
and omg could u just imagine both of y’all blurting out “are you free on friday?” and you giggling and him chucking and you both then agree at the same time and mORE LAUGHTER
and boom his daughter he didn’t even know he had set him up with the love of his life
relationship!bellamy would be so happy
he’s walk into work with a smile everyday and would be teased so badly because of it but guess who wouldn’t care !!
late night phone calls would be a must
literally cassie would come home after band to y’all snuggling on the couch watching a movie
and he’d be asleep and you’d gesture for her to be quiet and cassie would lOVE IT
ice cream dates !!
pizza dates !!
movie dates !!
dates feat. cassie !!
just one big happy family and then murphy
lol murphy’s like nah boi i’m out
and coincidentally you and murphy literally just swapped apartments
it was getting so serious legit 
everyone was just so happy it was all sweet
but wait, we’re missing the drama, right ??
(psa: be in mind i haveno idea how custody or court cases work)
so guess who comes back with a broken heart bc simon broke up with her and left her for some blonde bombshell
and !! she !! wants !! her !! kid !! back !!
legit she shows up to the precinct to report a missing child and is whisked into bellamy’s desk
they’re legit going through her description and his heart is breaking bc it reminds her of cassie
and then he realises he never got given a name bc she was a blubbering mess and then it clicks for her
and then she gets a bunch of legal stuff to go down which bellamy is like lowkey familiar with bc of his job but it is a completely seperate field so he’s failing with all her knowledge bc she’s been playing the system for that long
and cassie is picked up from school by you who has to take her to the station and she knows something’s up
when she sees her mother sitting there she stops short and you legit almost trips over her omg
and the mother runs up and hugs her as you glare bc you know the shit that she’s put cassie through
so cassie is then forced to go back to her mother\
and it breaks your heart to 1 - see cassie go through all that bullshit again with her mother and be unhappy and 2 - see bellamy so upset that his daughter is being taken away from him and she’s kicking and screaming for her father but he can’t do anything but cry because it’s his job even though he desperately wants to
and she hates it with her mother
bellamy legit tries everything to get her back and cassie wants to go back
and theres a whole lot of chaos and it’s literally crazy
and you’re consoling your boyfriend as he cries every night bc now something is missing without his daughter
a lot of forehead kisses and head kisses as he cries into your shoulder
with !! him !! every !! step !! of !! the !! way !!
then omg could u imagine bellamy getting a call from cassie and he lowkey can’t answer it but does anyway and something’s wrong at home so he gets cassie to ring 911 and his team is sent out to the house
the mum is like unconscious from god know what and cassie runs to bellamy when the police take her mother away
custody of cassie and her legally changing her last name to blake omg
waiting outside the court or like the police station (idk tbh i’m going off movies and shit) anxiously for them to come out
hand in hand with smiles on their faces and you know it went well
being happy for the both of them
bellamy picking you up and swirling you around
everyone being happy
just so much happiness
bellamy was just content with his life everything was falling into place
all was good and he had his girls :))))))
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Surprise - Bob Morley Imagine
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Bob Morley x Reder
Word Count: 967
Warning: a few swear words i think aaaaaand fluff
She was nervous. The girl decked out in Lexa cosplay was so happy to be able to talk to two people she watched on her tv and now in front of her eyes live. But she couldn’t hide her nervousness as the microphone shook. “What’s the best part of acting?” She was able to fumble out and a small appeared on your face.
“Chris, stay right where you are.” You spoke in your microphone to the organiser as you let your seat and approached the girl with the microphone. Bobby watched from afar, smiling at how much he adored you. Unbeknownst to you, he was in the audience watching you with a heart full of love. 
You hugged the girl asking the question and a smile erupted on your face, Marie joining you from her seat on the panel too. “This is my favourite part of acting!” You spoke into the microphone as the crowd began clapping and cheering for the two of you.
As you were ushered back to your seats you picked up your microphone and actually answered the question.
“You guys are the best part of my job, for sure. Like okay, the acting part is fun, and being apart of the 100 cast and being able to spend time with the cast is a bonus. But you guys at conventions like this are just amazing. I remember coming here as a fan and now I’m a guest it’s such a surreal experience. It’s beautiful, truely beautiful.”
“Yeah I totally agree with (Y/N) being able to portray a character and their story is incredible, but knowing you can do it to make people like you guys feel the same things we do is just amazing.” Marie added as you two were beaming.
Bobby had organised the whole thing, he would be the last question, a surprise for sure. You looked happy doing what you loved and it just made him happy. He laughed at a question about the two of you and your answer. “What was it like for (Y/C/N) being in a relationship with Bellamy, and then you being in a relationship with Bobby off cameras?” Another fan asked as both you and Marie laughed.
“A bit weird, I mean. Don’t get me wrong Bobby is very much a romantic but sometimes I get a bit confused between what he’s done and what Bellamy’s done for (Y/C/N). Like the other day I was on the phone to him because he’s in LA right now and I was describing a situation I saw on the train where this girl said to her boyfriend something like take a seat your leg hurts, and I was like to him ‘do you remember when I told you to stay off your leg because you hurt it but you didn’t listen to me,’ and had like a real told you so tone, and he pauses for a while and is like, ‘do you mean at the beginning of season 3 when Bellamy has a bad leg?’ and I cracked up laughing it was actually hilarious.”
You began laughing along with Marie and the audience about the story. Marie also weighed in on the question, “And yeah on set when they’re doing a scene sometimes I don’t see the tech and I just yell out to them gross get a room and Jason glares at me because their actually doing a scene and I’m like oh shit sorry.” The audience laughed along with Marie’s story as did you. Bobby couldn’t have been luckier to have you as his girlfriend, and if things went right in the next few minutes, you’d be his fiancé.
“Okay one last question ladies, over on your far right.” Chris said as he smiled at Bobby as he stood up. The glare of the lights made it hard for you to see, and by shielding them you finally saw your lovely boyfriend standing in with the boyfriend. “Hey babe what’s up?” He said with a cheeky grin on his face. 
Your hand covered your mouth as a laugh escaped. Marie laughed too as she saw Bobby standing there. “You just heard me embarrass myself how fun.” You laughed into the microphone as the whole audience laughed with you including Bobby. 
“I have a question for (Y/N), sorry Marie don’t think you’d like this one if I asked you.” He said as Marie smirked, fully knowing what was about to go down. She got her phone out to begin recording what would be looked back on for the rest of your life.
“Okay so Chris is on a timer so I’m just gonna cut out the cute adorable stuff and go straight into the question, yeah?” He said shaking much like the other fan before, walking from his seat to the middle of the aisle in the audience. “What ever you want Bobby.” You laughed still completely unaware of what he was about to do.
He just went for it. He knew this was one of your favourite places to be. He knew how much he loved you so even with nerves he just blurted it out like he had done so many times before in the mirror. 
“Will you marry me?”
It all went quiet until only a singular word could be heard. “Yeah.” 
Both your hearts fluttered as you both beamed. You jumped from your seat and ran to him as he spun you around. The crowd erupted in congratulations as you shared a kiss in front of everyone.
“I love you.” He smiled, holding your cheek still in the palm of his hand as you want into it. “I love you more.”
“Nope, not possible.” He murmured into your hair as you stood there in complete euphoria.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Lost Without You - Bellamy Blake
A/N: okay so this is like my first headcannon so pls don't judge that hard i really did try but enjoy xx
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you were trapped in mount weather and tried to escape with clarke but you both lost each other in the woods when you jumped in the lake
you had been hiding in the woods for the past few nights from both the grounders and mountain men looking for you
you had seen scouting missions cross your path and it wasn’t until you saw monroe in one of the missions that you had made yourself known with the guard
someone had carried you back and bc you were totally exhausted and too weak and monroe ran ahead and got theme to open the gate
and aw poor bell would wonder why the gates opening again bc the grounders treat had gotten so big lately and so he struts over
and seeing your poor tired body in someone else’s arms would’ve brokEN HIM
he would be cRUSHED and then he would’ve come to the realisation and bounced into action 
he’d rush for abby and literally drag her to medical
he would never leave ur side 
like sleep on the ground bc the chair was so uncomfortable 
octavia would come in for support bc she knows her brother and he was always there for her so she’d know she had to be there for him
‘we all need some rest bell, maybe you should just at least take a nap’
‘i lost her once and i won’t lose her again, not now, not ever’
and O would just nod and understand bc you have had such an impact on bell’s life and she’s prayin u wake up
the siblings would sit together on the floor just waiting for u wake up and they’d have such good time (but like as much they could waiting for u)
u wouldn’t be out for too long but enough to give everyone a scare
and no one would tell him what was happening bc like as soon as they heard one cough everyone would be surrounding you and shoved the two siblings out of the way so they would result to sitting on the floor (yet again)
and when he finally got to see you, he’d face would be so hopeful and you’d send him a small smile and aw that reunion would bf so cute
and then the world would not give him a break like he'd be called for scouting missions or meetings w clarke like the works and he’d just come home overnight and long want to see u so much but strict bed rest for u
buT ONE DAY omg
he’d just come back from a meeting and he’d been so busy being worked to his grave tbh
and u finally had been able to stand up on your own and walk and it would be so cute
you’d have the biggest smile on you face omggggggg
and like your eyes would meet and he’f do that little short breath scoff thingy bc he can’t believe what he’s seeing 
and y’all meet in the middle and you practically jump on him and he hugs you so tight and its so cute
and u never wanna let go and neither does he but like when he goes to loosen his grip but you don’t and he lets out a small chuckle bc you missed him as much as he missed you
and like it’d be a happy ending as much as it could be in your circumstances
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the100oneshots · 7 years
A Second Chance - Bellamy Blake Imagine
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Pairing: Reader x Bellamy Blake
Word Count: 1,862 words
Warnings: minor swearing
Bellamy Blake had always been a good person in your eyes. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he could be a bit of an asshole some of the time. But you knew he had a kind heart, and you knew he cared for everyone no matter how hard he tried to mask it.
Yet, ever since that day, you’d ignored Bellamy. Only really replying with a few short words if he ever tried to talk to you. He’d try to find you, thinking you were still, well, friendly. But you always made yourself busy.
It was the week before all the drama had unfolded. That was when your confrontation with Aurora occurred. Before Octavia was found and Aurora was floated. You’d considered telling Bellamy, but after everything, you decided against it.
And now on Earth in Camp Jaha, he was everywhere. You still had the feeling that whatever was going on between you two for the short period time you were hanging out, could still work. However he was constantly plagued by people, you didn’t see him alone once.
And you never noticed it, but he always saw you. He always saw the small smile that never left your face, he always saw you talking to the children, and who he presumed were your friends. He never got the chance to ask why you two stopped hanging out, and eventually stopped talking. He missed it, he missed you.
Octavia had seen those longing looks, from both you and him. She knew Bellamy wouldn’t really tell her anything, so she tried you first. 
“Raven.” She approached the mechanic. She spread her arms a little bit out so they both could be use to support her against the table. “Octavia, what can I do for you?” She asked, looking up from her work station. “That girl over there, who is she?” She turned around and pointed towards you, her body now leaning against the bench.
“That’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She’s a few years older than you, a year younger than Bellamy. Why do you ask?” She said as she continued on with her work. “Her and Bell keep looking over to each other when the other one isn’t looking, I’m curious.” She admitted.
“Have you asked Bellamy?” Raven looked up, but her gaze stayed up right, towards you. “Like he would tell me anything.” She rolled her eyes, Raven agreeing. “Well ask her.” She suggested and Octavia looked back at her and thought about it.
You had moved to the mess hall. Your friends messing around with a guitar, singing a bit. And if it wasn’t them creating bits and pieces of music it was them complaining about the lack of privacy, or some stupid conspiracy theory they’d thought up just because they were bored. You were to the side, just peacefully reading a book, but still taking in every word they said.
She wasn’t going to lie to herself, she was a little scared going up to a group a few years older than her, but she did it anyway.
“(Y/N)?” She approached. The whole group turned towards her, it went quite. “Uh, yeah. How can I help you?” You spoke up, to say you were a little taken aback was a bit of an understatement. 
“I’m Octavia, do you mind if I talk to you for a minute.” She said still calm. You were surprised, and then realised who she was, and nodded. “Of course.” You placed a makeshift bookmark in your book and stood up, stepping out of the connected table and chair walking away with her.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s noticed this, but my brother and you keep stealing glances of each other, and I’m just curious.” She came out full steam ahead, and it was another thing you took by surprise.
You were’t the best with confrontation, and you were definitely getting a dose of it lately. “Oh, that.” You awkwardly looked down at your hands. “Look it’s nothing to worry about, if it really bothers you- I mean I didn’t mean for to be creepy, looking back it probably looked really creepy, but it wasn’t my intention.” Babbling was a talent of yours.
“Wait a minute.”
“Octavia, get behind the door.” Aurora commanded. She didn’t think there were any surprise inspections, and it didn’t exactly sound like a brute guard knock. When she opened the door to only a dainty brunette she relaxed. “Oh, good evening Mrs Blake.” You smiled.
“(Y/N)? what do you want?” She asked with a tight jaw, she was never fond of your family. The way they abused every right they had, and even ones they thought they had. Your family wasn’t ark royalty, but in the stations, your parents, no matter the cost, did everything they could to climb the pretend social ladder. However, what Aurora didn’t know was that even though they did whatever they could to get up in the world of the ark, they always left you behind, to fend for yourself.
“I was wondering if Bellamy was in?” An innocent question. Aurora clicked, it had been you Bellamy had been spending all his free time with. No wonder he was always late, or taking later guard shifts for when she was home so he could go hang out with you. 
“No, he’s not.” She replied almost in an disapproving matter. “And, I’m going to be honest with you (Y/N). Don’t come past here again.” She spoke seriously. 
You were speechless, it wasn’t something you expected to come out of her mouth. But she was protecting her family, and apparently you weren’t the influence her son needed.
“You’re going to leave my son alone, he’s got better and more important things to do and doesn’t need to be distracted, especially not by you.” Aurora stood firmly in her door frame. 
“Uh, yeah.” You nodded. You felt like a babbling idiot. “Enjoy the rest of your night Mrs Blake.” You stammered before walking away. Embarrassed, in this moment would’ve been an understatement. You hurried back to your shared apartment before anyone could even see you.
You thought that maybe Bellamy would’ve been that constant happiness in your life, but now, maybe not.
“(Y/N)! You’re back!” Dom, your flat mate spoke, desperately trying to clean the place up before you got home. “And the flat isn’t clean. Are we playing that game again where we say how things are around us?” You sassed and he had a sheepish look on his face. “Well I only tried so hard because you said there was a possibility of you and your boy toy coming home.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” You begun to trail off. “That’s not exactly happening - ever - anymore.”
“But Bellamy is so good looking.” He dramatically draped himself sadly across his bed, causing you to laugh. “Was Bellamy for me or for you Dom?” You laugh.
“I would be more than happy to take your sloppy seconds. Especially if those sloppy seconds were Bellamy Blake.” He batted his eyelids dramatically.
Meanwhile, Aurora had closed the door and summoned for Octavia to come out. “Why’d you tell her to stay away mum?” She asked, as Aurora went back to braiding her hair. “Bellamy doesn’t need a girl like her in his life. I’m doing what’s best for him.”
“You came past the apartment that one time.” She connected the dots. “Yeah,” you nodded. “The one time, because it was made very clear that I wasn’t welcome at your apartment.” You went back to playing with your fingers. 
“She was only doing what she thought was best for Bellamy.” She defended her mother. “Oh no, I’m not- I’m not saying that it was nor wrong or right what she did. She’s-” you paused for a moment, “she was his mother, your mother. I had no intention of disobeying her.” You tried to get your point across.
There was a silence between the two of you. A bit awkward but not until you interrupted it. “However, I do sometimes wonder what may have happened if I did disobey her.”
“He used to tell me what you guys did when you hung out. When he told me about the ark, you’d always be in there some where.” Octavia chuckled and she saw how your eyes lit up, the corners of your mouth twitched ever so slightly. 
“You never told him, did you?” She asked you. 
“I know what it’s like to have shitty parents, or have your parents do a shitty thing. Your mum wasn’t like that. And even if I did, I wouldn’t have had the time. I wouldn’t want to tell him when your mother couldn’t defend herself. No one should have their memory of their parent tainted like that.” You admitted. She felt like she knew you more, she felt like you sincerely cherished and still do, what ever you a Bellamy had.
“I have an idea.” Her face lit up, and she grabbed hold of your hand. Your eyes widened as she begun running and dragging you down the hall. “Octavia, what are you doing?” You seemed to yell above the chaos.
“Bellamy!” Octavia yelled as she saw her brother talking to Clarke. You both came to an abrupt stop, you puffed and trying to catch your breath. “That was not cool dude!” You continued to huff.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, confused. You looked up, gave a short wave as if you were putting your hand up for attendance and went back to huffing. 
“Can I borrow you for a second Clarke? Thanks!” She said and dragged Clarke away. So it was just you two. “You okay?” He asked a bit surprised. “Your sister, made me keep up with her, practically dragging me all the way from the mess hall.” You said standing up and still puffing. 
Bellamy was trying to suppress a laugh as he saw your poor figure. “How did she even run that fast, or am I just that unfit?” You asked, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Thanks for your sympathy Bellamy, we all can’t have the athletic build of you.” You chuckled with him, motioning to his torso, up and down. 
“What were you doing with my sister?” He asked, still a smile on his face from his laughing. 
“She’s the one who approached me. She just wanted to talk.” You said, finally regaining a steady breathing pace. “About what?”
“Oh well you see, uh well, it’s just that, um-” You closed your mouth before you could say anything else. “Interesting choice of topic you two choose to talk about.” He commented, causing a small laugh to escape your mouth.
“So, uh, I was wondering something actually.” He began, and you nodded of him to continue. He scratched his neck nervously before continuing. “Uh, are you free tonight? For a drink maybe?” 
Before you could answer Clarke came back. “Bellamy, we need to go now, the inquisitions over.”
“Mess hall, after rations. Don’t be late Blake.” You began walking back in the opposite direction. Whether the truth came out or not, you were willing to give it another try.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
(Grand)Mother Knows Best - Bellamy Blake Imagine
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Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 974
Warnings: don’t reckon
Prompt: “What if he says no?”
“You should get some rest.” A voice bellowed from behind you. You didn’t bother to even turn around for your work. “I’ll rest soon, I’m almost done.” Your head spun as his hand was placed gently on your shoulder and a smile sprung to your face. “Bellamy, stop worrying. I’m fine.” You smiled as he nodded sitting down next to you.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He whispered as the smile on your face never faltered. “Have you found your family yet?” He asked, knowing how much you missed them. “Not my parents. My grandmother is coming in soon to help me with this thing. She knows a lot more about whatever this is than I do.” You spoke as you didn’t lookup to answer him. You missed the way he was looking at you, but she didn’t.
“Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes.” Both you and Bellamy’s heads spun around to see the new voice. “Come gimmie some love kiddo.” A smile erupted on your face as you ran to embrace your grandmother, leaving Bellamy a bit confused.
“Nice to see you’re still alive Bellamy.” She smirked at the Blake seeing him and her granddaughter so close. “Had to stay alive for another lovely chat Diane, considering I ditched the last one.” He playfully replied as he bough the older lady into a hug as well, leaving (Y/N) a bit confused.
“Don’t try and be heroic again, not a good look on you.” She sarcastically stated as she patted his back and sending him a smile before walking over to the table. You gave Bellamy a look of confusion and he just winked as he walked back towards the door. “Have fun ladies!” That’s what his parting words were.
It’d been pestering your mind for the past hour and your grandmother noticed. “Spit it out (Y/N).” Her voice broke the silence, but her concentration never wavered. “How do you know Bellamy?”
“Octavia is doing well, kicking along well don’t worry.” She reassured the older blake twin as he sent her a thankful smile. “Thank you, for checking up on her when you go to visit the sky box. You know I appreciate it.”
“She’s just around the corner from my granddaughter, it’s not a problem Bellamy.” Diane explained, as she does every time he thanks her. “How is she doing?” Bellamy asks, curious. Diane always talks about her granddaughter, yet never gives a name. She sounded wonderful and every time Bellamy leaves Diane’s quarters, he can’t help but his mind wandering towards the unknown granddaughter. I mean, how could his mind not wander when Diane consistently tells him that she can imagine a ‘strapping young gentleman like himself’ with her. He would soon find out.
“Janitor Bellamy Blake, cleaned my room every Tuesday and Friday." A light bulb had gone off in your head as the realisation stuck. “You were playing matchmaker with me and Bellamy Blake and we didn’t even know it? Oh my goodness.” You slapped your hand on your head. Your grandmother, still unfazed by your realisation still tinkering with a beacon. 
You, still surprised by the connection couldn’t sit still. “What’s the problem kiddo?” Diane finally looked up from the project to look at you. “You’re always right.” You sighed, resting your head in the palm of your own hand. “He likes you, you know.”
“Okay maybe not about that.” Your comment made her laugh, a smile slowly spreading by her happiness. You loved your grandmother and you would have to thank her in the future for talking you up infant of the boy you liked, but it was so complicated. 
“What are you so afraid of?” Her voice serious, full of concern for your feelings. “What if he says no?” Her stance softened and she walked towards you to greet you with a hug. As you embraced she pat your hair in a soothing gesture. The crook in her neck became your pillow as you stood for a few moments before Diane spoke.
“If he says no, then you have permission to tell me I’m wrong, and I’ll kick him. I promise.” She sent a devious smile your way and you lightly laughed back loving your family. “So you’ll ask him?” Diane said as if she was a teenager again excited for her best friend to make a move on her long time crush. 
“What are you still doing up?” Bellamy’s soothing voice gained your attention as he slid on the seat to look at you. “There’s a lot to be done.” You answered playing with your hands not looking him in the eyes. “No, there’s something else, what’s up?” He asked, placing a reassuring hand on your thigh and you lost your voice for a minute. 
Bellamy noticed the effect his hand had on you and slowly retrieved, his physical appearance seeming unfazed but he was definitely feeling giddy inside. It remained silent, and it was an awkward silence, which Bellamy wasn’t exactly used to between the two of you. When ever it was silent, it was comfortable, he admired you but this was different. 
“Was your grandmother setting us up the whole time?” You broke the silence as he let out a chuckle in response. “I think so.” Was his response and a his face lit up, his freckles seeming to dance across his cheeks.
“Was she wrong, to do that?” You asked, pretty hopeful he felt at least the same way you did. He went to reply before a voice cut him off.
“You’re welcome!” A shout could be heard walking in the hallway causing the both of you to look towards the source; your grandmother happy to see the both of you together. She left you with a wink and the two of you both had a smile on your face.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
do you have a masterlist?
It's currently in the works - Alice :)
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Here - Bellamy Blake Imagine
A/N: not considering a part 2 but if wanted I could figure something out.
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prompt list can be found here !!
Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 1,427
Warnings: mention of quite a bit of blood, sadness and i mean like crying!bellamy
Prompt: “I think I’m about to faint.”
The blood slowly flowing out of your wound made your want to throw up. The blood covered your shirt, it covered your hands as you tried to apply pressure and you were terrified you weren’t going to make it back to camp. But you knew there were scouting missions around this side of the camp and you were praying, one of them,a would notice you.
“There’s something over here!” You heard a shout and you thanked anyone who was listening. “(Y/N)! Oh my gosh.” Octavia breathed as she collapsed in front of you. “What happened?” She asked as she helped you to your feet with he help of Monroe. “Not important.” You breathed, barely audible. “Just get me to Clarke.”
As the gates open and more people saw you, they made their place out of the way. Your head was struggling to stay up and the yells for Clarke began to become static. But one thing was clear: “What the hell happened to her?” 
“Bellamy, move out of my way!” Octavia yelled at her brother, but he wasted no time in swooping you from the two girls’ arms and walking you the rest of the way, laying you on the table as Clarke climbed down the ladder from the second floor.
“Come on, keep your eyes open for me, please.” He practically begged. “Don’t let me get yelled at by Clarke, you know how mean she can be.” He tried to cheer you up, caressing your cheek. You were warm, too warm. “I’m going to tell you something you probably don’t want to hear.” You were able to choke out, and he was listening intently as he nodded. 
“I think I’m about to pass out ” You said as your eyes went droopy and your hearing gave out. You could see him and his mouth moving, predicting it as saying the word no, but your vision went black.
Seeing your eyes close made Bellamy’s heart drop. “Clarke!” He yelled in a panic as she put pressure onto the wound. “What’s wrong with her?” He  implored with her. “I don’t know.” She whispered as she looked over to Bellamy. His expression looked broken. The two people who seemed as if they knew all the answers were speechless and out of answers.
You saw it in they exchange. What? You could see how Bellamy was close to tears and you could see how Clarke’s hands shook as she thought of what to do. What you could also see was your bruised and bloodied body lying on the table.
You stumbled back in shock and jumped back as you didn’t hit the edge of the drop ship. This was all real trip and you were scared as to what it meant. Was it a state between life and death? A sort of purgatory on earth? 
It overwhelmed you, the thought of you lying helplessly and seeing the people you care about worry broke your heart. You manoeuvred your way through the parachute the blocked the dropship entrance and walked out into the camp.
The ground laced with dirt and a mixture of your blood. You looked down to your stomach and saw nothing. Your breathing was shallowed and slow, and you were terrified. 
The outer body experience was continuing to freak you out and it was questioning everything you’d ever known. But it helped. You saw the camp how it was. Not that you thought you were undervalued or unloved, because that definitely wasn’t the case. You saw the effect of your injury on the camp. 
Monty and Jasper were packing rations with the sad look and with no energy. They would unknowingly take turns into looking up to the drop ship, seeing if anyone came out to inform on your condition. 
Then there was Octavia, she was angry. She couldn’t do anything to help you and it broke her inside. She was sharpening weapons with a hard fist and a harder face. She wanted you to just walk out, to be fine. You wanted that too. You walked over to her station to see silent tears springing from her eyes and she wiped them away. 
Raven was distracting herself, much like Octavia. But she wasn’t worried about hiding her feelings from others. Octavia was more used to it but raven was a puddle of tears as she built bomb after bomb. Finn made sure she didn’t blow up the ammunition tent, but he was feeling it too. 
You were right to leave everyone as you did, because as soon as you came out of the tent, Bellamy came out of the drop ship. He was covered in your blood. He looked down to his hands to see them stained, and his head snapped to Octavia. Bellamy was on the verge of tears.
He wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve and walked straight to the comfort of a tent. “Bellamy!” Octavia yelled after him as she followed, as did you.
“Bell.” Her voice croaked, and his emotions finally took him. He dropped to his knees, as his head met them as he crouched. His tears falling on to his pants as Octavia leant down to help soothe him. It was a beautiful moment between the siblings, but you hated yourself that you were the negative cause. 
“I don’t know if she’s going to be okay.” He sobbed into his sisters shoulder. Octavia let him sit down and coincidentally the clean water was in this tent. She made sure your blood didn’t drive him as crazy as it already was. Making sure to even scrub it out from under his fingernails. 
Bellamy wished, hoped, he would be able to touch you in more ways that he already could. But he never expected he’d have to touch you in this way. It felt like the blood would never leave. It be a permanent stain he’d have to deal with.
“Bellamy.” You choked, but he obviously couldn’t hear. “I’m tryna be okay. I just don’t know how I can’t exactly do that in this state.” You joked as you looked at your hands.
“She’s gonna fight, Bell, you know she will.” Octavia attempted to reassure him, but the tears continued to fall. “I never told her.” He muttered, but you and Octavia both heard it. 
“Didn’t tell me what?” You asked, before realising he couldn’t hear you and you face palmed yourself. 
“I know.” Octavia hugged him as he cried into his shoulder. Your heart broke at the sight. 
“I never told you either.” You caught on, hoping he meant what you meant. That he felt what you felt. A few silent moments passed as your heart broke for him. Meanwhile your heart was literally breaking.
“Bellamy!” Clarke yelled out and the siblings dashed out and back to the drop ship, you following close behind. 
“Yeah I’m here.” He said walking in, to your side. “Hold her head back and tilt. Starting compressions now.” She announced, making both you and Bellamy’s eyes go wide.
Clark counted softly out loud as she started pumping at your chest. She was getting frustrated as nothing was happening and so were you. “Come on (Y/N) why is this so hard!” You yelled at yourself. “I’m trying to fight! I want to be alive! I want live!” You continued to yell.
“I want to be with him.” You slumped back as you were almost in tears. There was suddenly a blinding light, and a piercing noise. The drop ship disappeared and it was quiet.
You were surrounded by nothing. 
You felt as if you were nothing. 
That this was it.
But then you took a breath.
It sounded like the loudest thing in the room and it definitely didn’t go unnoticed. All heads shot to you. But as you breathed, you coughed, and coughed. “Get her some water!” Someone yelled and you opened your eyes. 
“Hey, hey. Don’t sit up, it’s okay.” His voice was quiet and soft, nurturing as he helped you lay back down. You let out a breath of relief, realising you were back in your body. “I managed to slow down the bleeding, but I’m going to need to cauterise the wound.” Clarke said as you looked up to her. You noticed Bellamy didn’t take his eyes off of you. You nodded, still terrified.
You reached down for Bellamy’s hand and grabbed it. His eyes darted between your shaky hand in his, and your pain-stricken eyes. He got it and nodded. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here.”
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Genuine - Bellamy Blake Imagine
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prompt list can be found here !!
Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 1,099 
Warnings: swearing
Prompt/s: “Love is the most overrated thing ever.” & “Shall we make a bet?” & “You won’t last.”
There were worst things in the world. Being stabbed by a grounder was pretty bad. Dying from the stab wound would’ve been pretty bad too. Even being tortured by the grounders was something you feared. But you felt like it was the end of the world again when you were stuck with Bellamy Blake in an bunker in the midst of acid fog.
It was silent between the two of you, except for the shallow breathing of the two of you. There was no real proper way to start a conversation so you didn’t feel the need to. Bellamy had a reputation, he was a leader. And you? You were just trying to stay out of trouble.
The rain mixed in with the acid fog made it harder to breathe whilst running, and now sitting down, to control your breathing was getting harder because of the consistent shivering.
“Here.” Bellamy spoke handing his jacket to you. “I’m fine.” You managed to say through the shivering and heavy breathing as shook your head. He lightly shook his head, and put it around you regardless.
“We’ll be in here for a while.” He spoke up looking around the bunker. It was filled with a bunch of stuff and was a reasonable size. However, it still caused anxiety to stir beneath you.
“Is this a bad time to tell you I’m a bit claustrophobic?” You chuckled as you wrapped the jacket around you a bit more. “Seriously?” He asked, acting as if he was so done with you right now. “You lived in a fucking space station your whole life!” He said still amazed at the revelation. “Well up there I had people I cared about to help me.” You raised your voice back at him.
He knew it was serious, and he knew Octavia got like this a little bit so he tried to ease the anxiety you felt with a joking comment. “Well I’m just offended.” He said a bit more dramatic then you thought the greta Bellamy Blake would be. It caused a small laugh to escape your mouth.
“What can I do to help?” He said sitting infant of you, his head leaning against the opposite wall. “Just keep talking.”
“What do you think of the wall?” He asked, expecting an honest answer. “I think it’s a good idea, in theory. It does however create boundaries and potentially backs us into a corner when an attack happens though.” He raised his eyebrow, never really thinking about that part. “Interesting.” He said, mulling it over.
“How’d you get on the drop ship?” You asked him, interned. He scoffed a little bit and ignored the question by asking you the same. “How’s you get on the drop ship?”
“I asked you first.” You sassed back as he chuckled. “I made a deal, maybe with the devil but, I had to be here for O. My sister, my responsibility.” He asked, and you could see in his eyes the determination. He was genuine and you felt as if you were just now seeing the real Bellamy Blake. “What about you, ey?” He nodded for you to answer.
You let out a small laugh. The reason was stupid looking back, but when you were in the moment you was just enraged. “I was 16 and I, uh, I punched a guard in the face, knocked him out cold.” You admitted, laughing a little as you said it.
Bellamy was a little bit surprised, he knew you could fight a little, but this was two years ago, and all he could imagine was your angelic face beating people up for fun. “I was, being escorted out of Mecha station after a semi-breakdown. I’d just had my heart crushed by a stupid boy I used to love. Looking back on it now I cringe at the memory, but back then, I felt like beating the crap out of a bunch of people.” You said as he laughed.
“I can’t believe I missed it.” He smiled towards you, earning a little laugh. “Love is the most overrated thing ever.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I mean, you loved your sister enough to defy the odds and come down here, right?” You questioned and he agreed. “You got me there.” He surrendered, his hands up playfully. “Don’t act as if you’re not capable of love Bellamy, you’re human.”
“I might not be.” He challenged with a smirk on his face. “Wanna make a bet then?” You responded, a questioning glance being sent your way. “Whatchu got in mind?”
“I will do any job in the camp you want me to do, and I mean any! If you can actually develop genuine feelings for any girl in the camp, to prove, love isn’t overrated. And that Bellamy Blake can actually feel emotion of course.” You dared with a look of determination etched into your features.
He was skeptical, but he wasn’t going to back down. “Deal.” He agreed, ready to prove you wrong.
A smile replaced the look of determination as you laughed to yourself, Bellamy sending a questioning look your way. “What?”
“You won’t last.” You laughed quietly.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Help Each Other - Lexa Imagine
A/N: tried to make this one as gender neutral as possible so hope it worked !!
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prompt list can be found here !!
Reader x Lexa
Words: 709 words
Warnings: a lil swear
Prompt: “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
An explosion. Everything was dirty and black. Nothing was the same as it was 40 seconds before. That’s how long you were out for apparently. “(Y/N). Wake up godammit.” You heard a grunt which made your eyes slowly flutter open. 
“What happened?” You asked the stupid question and the commander just rolled her eyes at you. “Are all skaikru this stupid?” She asked rhetorically glancing you way with a fed up look. 
“Practically.” You shrugged and looked around the confined space. Lexa wasn’t expecting that answer. She expected you to feel bad, she had talked down at you. She didn’t expect an agreeance. As a commander she was trained to stand her ground and for her not to regard her opinion or suggestion as doubtful even if the opposition said it was so. But looking at you - her opposition - she was confused.
You were always in the meetings. Behind Bellamy, never raising your voice, nodding along or sometimes you’d even roll your eyes. She could see you were bored, but your presence comforted her. You’d intrigued her, maybe it was because you didn’t do anything to stand out, but then again you weren’t exactly given that opportunity.
“The walls aren’t gonna budge unless it’s done from the outside, we’re stuck in here.” You huffed, tired. You hadn’t had a good night sleep in what seemed like forever.
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy. How do I know you won’t try and kill me whilst we’re trapped in here?” Lexa asked, she was prodding the idea of maybe just taking you out, blaming it on the explosion. 
“How do you know they’ll even find us at all?” You proposed the question, sitting down and leaning against the wall. A pessimist you were at this point. You felt like nothing was out there waiting for you, what would it matter if you starved to death in here.
“And I wouldn’t kill you.” You looked in her direction, to see her sitting on a rock looking at the small gap of sunlight. “But, maybe you should listen to everyone. Maybe skaikru has been plotting for almost a century of how to kill grounders we didn’t even know about. Maybe I am the bad guy.” You concluded looking elsewhere, anywhere but her face. She was intimidating. The war paint, the braids, the powerful outfit, everything. It scared you but, in a good way, if it was possible. 
“I don’t think you’re the bad guy.” She spoke up walking over to sit in the empty place next to you. “I see you in the leadership meetings. You want to help.”
“I shouldn’t want to. They’ve treated me like shit my whole life, I should want them all to rot in hell.”
“But you don’t.” She looks to you, and you meet her gaze. “That’s something admirable.” She admits and a small blush rises to your cheeks as you look away. He gaze doesn’t leave your face though until a shout breaks the silence.
“Heda!” It’s heard from the gap. You both rise to see one of Lexa’s guards. “Get us out!” She booms, and you stare in awe at such a powerful person on such a cute exterior. Groans could be heard as people outside push the debris just enough for someone to squeeze through the gap. 
“Lemme boost you up, come on!” You hurried as she just looked at you. She nodded, reaching for the hand that peaked through the opening, just reaching it. Once she was through, on her feet, her guards began helping not even thinking about the other person trapped.
You sighed, left out again. You looked around for something to stand on, but there was nothing. You let out a huff, and even though there was commotion from up above, Lexa heard it. As if she had a radar for you already.
“Don’t just stand there, help her out of there!” She yelled at the fellow grounders who obliged immediately looking for something to pull you out. It took a few grounders, but you were hoisted out and rescued. You feet firmly placed on the ground, you were face to face with Lexa. 
“Definitely not the bad guy.” She said, a smirk prominent on her face.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
Too Late (Sorry) - Bellamy Blake Imagine
A/N: here’s the link to the song (it’s really good) and if you don’t wanna listen, the link to the lyrics :) also the request said playing so i assumed it was like a piano and tried to incorporate it the best I could. The bold is the lyrics kinda incorporated into the text and it just didn’t feel right taking Fox out of the gif so just imagine it’s the reader.
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Reader x Bellamy Blake
Words: 1,603
Warnings: like lowkey sadish with a happy ending
Stuck in Mount Weather was a hindrance. You didn’t know if Bellamy was alive, if he even made it out. You could just imagine his body, scorned along with the rest of the grounders. There was no word on his whereabouts, even though you begged President Wallace for a recon team.
“Our people are out there! The ark came down we can’t just stay in here. We have to leave, just like Clarke! Harper, I need to know if our people are alive. If he’s alive!” You frantically spoke in the dorm. Both you and Harper were alone and you were close to tears. 
“You love him?” She asked confused and a bit shocked.
“What? Why? Is that a bad thing?” 
You were breathless, and now your body flooded with insecurity, confused at her question. “No!” She reassured you. “I just, I never thought you, like, I don’t know. You guys would always flirt but you didn't look like you were interested into doing much more. So I just assumed you were being nice and politely friend-zoning him.”
“Oh god. Does he think that too? He does doesn’t he. He doesn’t know. I didn’t know, I only just realised.” You continued being frantic. Harper didn’t know what to do. She wanted to console you but she didn’t know if it was the best thing in your state.
“I’ve lost him.”
“Don’t think like that.” She stepped forward hugging you.
Maybe it was for the best, that you didn’t know if he was alive or not. It may help you get over him. It was weird. You and Bellamy were that cliché romance where you’d both flirt and you’d smile. You only realised now that the touches, the stares, the conversations, they all meant something. But it was too late, too late to tell him. You didn’t think it’d matter.
Before another word could be said, Jasper bursted in interrupting the conversation. Looking at you both up and down he pronounced the question, “You okay?” Not really knowing who was comforting who, so he collectively asked. You nodded, holding back the tears that were threatening to escape. “I found something (Y/N) might like.”
He gestured for both of you to follow him, both girls looked at each other questionably but followed. He walked back to the main dining room. Surrounding a big object was Monty, Miller and a few others. “So, before everything happened, you told Monty you could play the piano.” A bright smile was upon his face.
“Yeah, I did.” You said slowly, confused as to where this was going. Your oblivious nature. “Surprise!” They yelled and stood to different sides, showing a grand piano that was behind the. Your mouth grew wide, into a smile. You let out a small happy scream and ran to it. You’d missed the instrument. “I can’t believe they have one. A beautiful one at that.” You beamed, happy.
And as time went on, many of the people in Mount Weather requested songs to play and you’d happily oblige just happy to be playing again.
When it happened, it was a quiet night. Many had gone to bed early or just lunging around. Shuffling through the sheet music in the library, you came across a sad song. A song that ever since you’d realised your feelings for Bellamy, somehow helped you. Upon first discovering it, you tried it out, making you feel a little sadder, but strangely enough it was helping you move on. Not forgetting him, but remembering him and the happiness he bought you.
The piano let you remember the best parts of him. You missed his voice. His reassuring words, his inspirational speeches, everything. You hear it sometimes, when you can’t sleep. You replay conversations that we’d had, some events. You’d fallen in love with him and hadn’t even realised. Not until it was too late. You never even realised all the opportunities you’d had with him, and you being you, just blew them off, not even thinking what it could’ve meant to him. Pathetic. You’d thought you’d lost him. You were sure of it. One day you’d just totally ignore him, solely because he had no relevance in any of your tasks that day. Those days killed him, and you didn’t even know it.
You try forgetting but every time a classic comes in the main dining hall of Mount Weather, you can’t help and remember your conversation with him. How he barely had time to listen to music without Octavia being there with him, and him being a sucker for his sister, so he listened to the pop. His mother always listened to classic’s though. He found comfort in them. He was so embarrassed that it’d slipped out. He just felt so comfortable around you, he dropped his guard. He knew you didn’t feel the same but he couldn’t help it. You could never do no wrong in his eyes. He adored you, and you realised that now. You adored him just as much. The pain was still there. When ever you started playing the piano you just smiled a sad smile. Everything went back to him but you just realised too late.
You feel like you knew the signs. You saw the way he looked at you. You saw the things he did for you. You saw everything but your brain just couldn’t register your feelings in correspondence. Now you were just reminiscing over what you could’ve had. Maybe you should’ve just stayed out fighting with him. You’d be dead, it’s possible, but it’d be better than living now. It may sound like an over exaggeration, but the feelings hit you hard. You’d never meant to leave.
You never realised the way his eyes laid on you, in the loving, admiring way. And you never realised how you broke his heart, every time you didn’t notice the little extra things he’d do for you. Appreciative, always. It’s a reason he fell in love with you, but it’s as if you regarded the things he did for you the same as the things Clarke did. It was just instinct, you never meant to hurt him.
“She’s in here by the piano.” Jasper gestured for Bellamy to follow him. He hadn’t mentioned it, but Jasper knew Bellamy was desperate to see her. “She’s being playing this one song a lot. Got a feeling it’s not because she likes it, but because I’m pretty sure it’s about you.” Jasper looked back at him. His eyes were steady on Jasper’s, distressed but somewhat hopeful.
Both boy’s stopped in the doorway, Bellamy just admiring you like he did. “Wait right here, don’t move past this point or else the camera’s will see the both of you.” Jasper pointed to the corners. Bellamy nodded, and Jasper slowly made his way over to you.
You continued the sad tune, the part of the chorus hitting you hard. Bellamy listened his eyes never leaving you. ‘Sorry to my unknown lover. Sorry I could be so blind. Didn't mean to leave you. And all of the things that we had behind. And someone will love you. Someone will love you, someone will love you. But someone isn't me.’
You stopped as Jasper put his hand on your shoulder. You leaned into the comforting touch. “I need you to be careful, the camera’s are everywhere. I need you to walk just past the doorway but not go into the hallway. Someone’s waiting for you there.” He said in a low whisper. “Let’s eat!” Jasper beamed to cover the suspicious activity, just in case they were watching. You let out a fake smile, following him. 
You stopped suddenly, in the gap between the room and the hallway. Shocked would’ve been an understatement, but you latched your arms around his shoulders as your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
You let out a sob, more like a sigh. There were no tears, but a relief on your heart. Bellamy’s hands wrapped around your sides, gripping them so tight he didn’t want to let go. “You’re okay.” You practically sobbed again but a smile could be heard in your voice. 
“I had to be. You were in here, I had to get you out.” He responded as another smile began spreading on your face. You could’ve stayed like that for ever. But there was something rattling at your heart. The words needed to be set free.
“I love you.” You whispered. His heart almost exploded. He was ready to say the same words right back, but he was interrupted by you. You stood up right to say it, you felt if you didn’t you’d cave. “I didn’t mean to leave without telling you. I didn’t mean to leave everything unsaid, and I’m sorry.”
“I love you.” He repeated with a smile on his face. One growing on yours. “Okay hate to interrupt but we gotta go lets move.” Jasper walked in on the moment. It didn’t bother Bellamy because he felt like he didn’t have any control over his actions. He reached down to kiss you, a desperate kiss that expressed the worry and concern you both had for each other. But it also showed the love, the lasting love that had both kept you going.
“Come on.” Jasper said once you pushed back. You both looked at each other and nodded, Bellamy leading you out with his hand on the small of your back. His intention was that you were in the middle of the two males, safe. He’d got you back and he wasn’t losing you now.
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