thedanniannie · 21 hours
Need I remind everyone that yes although Itachi likes dango, IT'S NOT HIS FAVORITE FOOD!
You know what it is?? YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS???
Mfs favorite food is cabbage.
(That and rice balls.)
Like it's cute to write him as having a sweet tooth, but imagine writing a domestic fluff fic where the reader is cooking for him after a long day and reader is cutting up cabbage and itachi looks over and is just like "oh fuck yeah you better put that fucking cabbage in that food my hot beautiful chef, fuck it up baby hell yeah"
Just thought I'd let y'all know
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thedanniannie · 1 day
For all my fellow goth itachi fans...
Depeche Mode. Enjoy the Silence.
It sounds like his dub voice.
Ur welcome.
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thedanniannie · 2 days
Maybe I do need to finally get into writing Itachi smut bc some are playing sweet home Alabama a little too loud around here
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thedanniannie · 2 days
Can you do headcanons when itachi falls in love please? :)
‧₊˚ ┊fandom ... naruto. ㅤㅤ‧₊˚ ft. ... itachi x gn!reader. ‧₊˚ ┊genre ... headcanon. ㅤㅤ‧₊˚ content ... fluff. ㅤㅤ‧₊˚ word count ... 300. ‧₊˚ ┊cole's note ... here you go, lovely. hope u like it ♡
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naturally and genuinely.
itachi never looked for love. throughout his life, he had priorities that made him focus on the wider world beyond the complexities of love. however, when you came so naturally into itachi's life, comforting his tumultuous heart and calming his turbulent mind, itachi couldn't help but feel. it didn't take long for you to take over the uchiha's thoughts, controlling all the emotions that coursed through his heart — it was natural for itachi to love you, it was as if you were an extension of his existence. entire days were spent admiring your existence, celebrating every moment spent with you, forever retaining in his heart all the words and laughter that escaped so deliciously from your mouth.
you were mesmerizing, a celestial spell that held itachi's full attention. it was impossible to run away from you, your essence, your soul — but itachi didn't want to run away. itachi insisted on being with you, spending nights admiring how the moon light enhanced your beauty, spending days venerating how the sun illuminated your soul. itachi believed in you; he believed that the stars drew constellations from your stories, he believed that the gods shaped your souls from the same celestial dust, he believed that you existed only to love each other. and he allowed himself to love, for he knew that, with fate on his side, he would never be betrayed.
“i still have to thank the universe for putting me by your side. your presence in my life calmed all the restlessness that existed in me. it's as if your love was healing for me, it's as if you yourself were magic in my life. i feel that there has never been anything in me more natural, more genuine, than loving you.”
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ㅤㅤ‧₊˚ feedback is appreciated ♡
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thedanniannie · 3 days
Y'all really aren't going to get to work and finally write some more sapphic fem itachi fics, huh?
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thedanniannie · 4 days
I know many people, once including myself, have collectively agreed that Itachi is absolutely not a club person. Very much doesn't fit his vibe. But what many of y'all FAILED TO CONSIDER is that goth clubs exist... and I went to my first one and omg, it's honestly the only kind of club I could actually see Itachi going to. And even still he only goes once in a blue moon. But the music, the spooky lurky vibe, the way you can just sway and vibe, I can actually see Itachi in it a little bit. Okay, he's probably not dancing, unless maybe he's a teeny bit wine drunk and if he's attending with someone who lures him to dance. But he fits the dark mysterious vibe of the club so well, so I will confidently argue that yes Itachi is a club guy... just a goth club guy.
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thedanniannie · 1 month
I think the Uchiha Clan would be the place in the village with the good clubs. Like, common girls it's Friday night, let's get our mini skirts on and hop on over to the Uchiha clubs! And duh you go to flirt and get some free drinks, ofc I would want it to be an Uchiha bc they're hot as hell. I'm bending over and twerking on them dude, and I don't even need to be drunk yet. Chat, who wants to tag along to go to the Uchiha clubs with me lol
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thedanniannie · 1 month
Okay y'all, I don't wanna speak TOO SOON............but there's a chance I'm going on a date with someone who gives MAJOR Itachi vibes, like we're planning to go to a café and literally just talk LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Crossing my fingies that they don't murder the clan 🤞
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thedanniannie · 1 month
Rip Itachi you woulda loved history videos on YouTube
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thedanniannie · 2 months
No, I haven't been writing about Itachi as frequently. Why you ask? I have homework. Homework that quite frankly is the bane of my neurodivergent existence. I can't take the homework, it's dick is too big. My homework's dick is so fucking ginormous, and it intimates me, leaves me shaking and quaking in fear.
I've been trying to come up with mental scenarios to help me finally do this gd homework, specifically scenarios that involve my lord, savior, and lawfully wedded wife, Itachi Uchiha. My running storyline is he watches me do my homework, and if I get distracted he locks me up in his mind palace like I'm Kakashi, pokes me a little bit in my vitals and I fucking die. Or...he could just like, be sitting next to me in the library, that's also an option.
Regardless, I apologize to my fine members of my carefully curated kingdom, my kingdom of Itachi lovers. I know there's like, ten of us but REGARDLESS...we are in the dark ages, the plague may be upon us. Unfortunately we do not have doctors as far as I know of, so we must all persevere, with Itachi Uchiha in our hearts. I shall continue my scripture slowly, as I have been keeping note of ideas for future texts. But I must overcome this infection of needing to do my homework first and foremost...
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thedanniannie · 2 months
EVERYTIME I listen to Hozier, I'm sorry but I can't help but think that the vibes of his love songs are the vibes of being in a relationship with Itachi AND IT'S MAKING ME ALL BASHFUL AND GIDDY TO THINK ABOUT IT
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thedanniannie · 2 months
FINALLY! I've been meaning to continue this for the past three weeks (my apologies if this is something you have been waiting for).
We are going to delve into the text from pages 25-29. This section narrates the initial attack of the Nine Tails, from the perspective of our main Uchiha family. The focus of my analysis, as I am typically more interested in analyzing character, will be looking into Fugaku as a father, Mikoto as a mother, and Itachi's trauma and subconscious.
Okay let's get into Fugaku's character. I know, I can basically imagine the groaning from the screen, as I have never seen anyone mention any interest in this Uchiha. But as I come to realize from just this small text, in getting to know Fugaku I came to know more about Itachi. Their similarities are actually quite interesting, these fictional genetics go hard.
From page 25 to the first half of 27, we see at this point that Fugaku is a ninja loyal to his government and he prioritizes his job at hand over anything else. When the Nine Tails begins its rampage, Fugaku commands that a unit of Uchihas be sent to the scene after himself, as he decides to advance to the tailed beast on his own accord despite the fact that equally qualified members of the Police Force (recall the Uchiha are in charge of the police force, I'm including this in case a reader does not know) are about gobsmacked with fear at the sight of the beast and verbalize their hesitation with Fugaku's confidence. There is none of that hesitance with Fugaku. Granted, Fugaku was known as a fierce contributor to the previous war, but if his fellow police men, who are quoted as "the best and brightest of the Uchiha clan," are shuttering in this moment, then it is right to conclude that Fugaku has developed this sense of duty that supersedes a fellow high ranked ninja. This duty goes before his own life, before his own family. Jumping ahead to the end of this section about Fugaku, he still thinks about those closest to him. He is worried about his sons, his newborn and his toddler who are vulnerable at the house as this attack progresses. But what moves him more, is his duty as a ninja. Now I need to backtrack to the middle of the section to highlight another important element of Itachi's father. Recall the recent statement about Fugaku's quick decision to head to the main scene of the attack. What I forgot to mention earlier is that Fugaku does this because he knows that the power of the sharingan can tame the beast, thus ceasing this crisis at hand. The officials of Konoha also know this, so what happens? There are orders for the police, aka the Uchiha, to stay at the borders away from the source of this attack. This may seem strange to compare to at the moment but imagine this is Naruto who received this order. I can only imagine rationalizations akin to, "WHAT? I NEED TO PROTECT THIS VILLAGE! I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY SAY, I'M GOING IN!" Maybe this is an inappropriate comparison because Naruto and Fugaku come from completely different generations. But what I am trying to illustrate is the difference of duty for protecting the village versus duty to follow order, because although Fugaku knows that the sharingan can save the village, he angrily follows the orders of the government. I think why is having meta knowledge that he desires to be Hokage, and there is reasonable suspicion that an Uchiha breaking orders will not look good for him. It seems he cares to follow his duties as a ninja fiercely, yet precisely, for the advancement of his position as Hokage.
I'm sorry I spoke for so long about Fugaku, but truly, I see so much of Itachi in him. I know he's his son but like, HE'S SO HIS SON. I had an earlier headcanon (which is headcanon just a fan term for hypothesis/theory? Yes...) that Itachi seems more like Fugaku and Sasuke more like Mikoto. Which maybe Sasuke would have taken more of his mother's traits if he wasn't severely traumatized by soon to come events. But the headstrong, dedication to duty and following some rule, even at the disregard for the quality of their own life and for the lives of family, that is something Itachi and Fugaku both show to value.
OKAY LET'S TALK ABOUT THE MILF YAY! This part will unfortunately be shorter. I truly wish we could have more information about her life and character, but alas. Mikoto is very unlike Fugaku in her emotions to family. She doesn't ignore her family at the start of the Nine Tails attack, she instead runs right back to her children. And this is not because she is not a competent ninja, Mikoto is a jonin. She's a high ranked ninja, but she values her family over that. Now one critique that I have is along with getting to know more about her in the stories, I wish we could see more of her physicality and fierceness AS WELL as her being a dedicated mother. It feels like maybe we saw a compromise of one over the other in this section. This thought comes from the fact that as Mikoto embraces her boys, Itachi notices that there was a large boulder that was launched from the Nine Tails flying right in line behind her, and was the one to jump into action and destroy the boulder. Realistically, Mikoto would have noticed this. To be a jonin she'd have to be training for a very long time, and her training would have to be very dedicated. I refuse to believe that even in the midst of heightened emotions from seeing her boys, I think there's a chance that she could have known. But this is Itachi's story, and the creative decision to have Itachi notice it over his mother does cement in our imaginations just how advanced of a child warrior Itachi is.
Okay, I need to get into ITACHI (the character you're probably here for) before this cafe that I'm writing in closes. I have decided to analyze Itachi this time by unpacking two quotes that stood out to me in the reading. The first: "Even a child could effortlessly destroy boulders, as long as they simply kept up their ninja training." In my first go through, it simply read as a justification for how this literal five year old could leap into the air and destroy a boulder bare hand. But there's also a giant orange fox attacking Konoha, so I don't think as a reader I'm surprised by destroying boulders with bare hands. My curiosity now is, how the hell is it normal for a child to be able to do this. Clearly it is no normal, because if it was, jonin-level Mikoto would not have been so shocked by it. Is this non-chalant attitude to Itachi's physicality just a normalization of the quality of life that exists for children in Konoha? That any child should just be able to perform these insane feats at the face of danger? That these children are not actually protected contrary to what the founders of Konoha desired? This has to at least be partly true, because Itachi has done it. But another interpretation, which is one I personally find much more compelling, is that this quote is Itachi's point of view to his training. Maybe he is thinking, "of course I could do this, anyone can do it if they just kept trying." This is interesting when you pair it with the literal war flashback he has moments after destroying the boulder. He normalizes this insane feat, that in actuality no child would normally have a need to learn, and what follows is him suppressing the panic he is experiencing from witnessing war, telling his mother that there is nothing wrong with him. This is an interesting portrayal of a traumatized child, how he has to normalize astronomical situations not only so that he can survive, but so he can hopefully rise above it. How he has to understate his premature survivalism in order to achieve his astronomical goals.
And then we get to this quote: "He ran desperately." This is a literal quote, he is running away desperately from the Nine Tails. But I can't help to think of it metaphorically. That he is running desperate to escape war. That he is running desperate for control over a world that seems to be nothing but chaos and bloodshed. That he is running desperate for strength. Maybe behind this stoic, intelligent, and reserved character we see in this series, there is nothing but a desperate child running from his trauma with war. The fact that he is a literal child in this scene confirms that for me to some extent...
I'm sorry this was so long, I just needed to word vomit. I would say I will make future analyses more Itachi-centric, but I can not promise that.
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thedanniannie · 2 months
I maladaptively daydream that Itachi goes to school with me, this isn't news to anyone. But I've started to imagine what his outfits look like on a daily basis. As an artist, I realized how fucking insane (but interesting) it would be to see if I can fill up en entire sketchbook of his little outfits up until I finally graduate.
Also my drawing/sketches are REALLY rough bc I haven't been practicing like I used to.
This is today's outfit:
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thedanniannie · 2 months
My friend made me this shirt, idk why I haven't shared it on this platform. Anyways, I love my wife 💖💖
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thedanniannie · 2 months
I'm no longer embarrassed over obsessing over Itachi Uchiha. I am autistic; this is more than just a silly obsession, this is how my brain just functions. This character is my special interest, my DSM-approved hyperfixation.
I used to be embarrassed for my special interests. I thought I needed to outgrow them. I sold off anything that I collected, or buried it in the attic. I wish I was never scared of myself, so now I choose not to be.
I never want to lessen myself because I have a special interest, and now I don't starve myself of it. I used to try ignoring it. But in the end, I just ended up sad, and I look back to wish that I never cared what people thought of me. It's scary to be yourself in the moment--trust me, that's why I've been so anxious lately. But if you try to fit in a mold that never cared to include you in the first place, it'll just be more upsetting.
Outside of my friend group and online spaces, which I'm so happy to have, I know the world hates my autistic brain and body. I've experienced that hate first hand. But I'll be damned if I let their hate kill my sparkle. If I let their voices tell me once again that I need to pawn off my personality to the nearest Goodwill. Or that it deserves to be forcefully shut up.
Because if someone is gonna get all weird just because I'm autistic and that I really like a fictional character, then that's a them problem. "Sounds like an iss-you (issue), not an iss-me," is what I like to say. If you can't handle this autistic ass, how about you hop off of it?
Anyway, yeah don't be ashamed of your special interests. So be it that it's not literally hurting anyone, then just vibe with it yo. And shout out to mf Itachi Uchiha dude, happy to have you in my brain 24/7.
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thedanniannie · 2 months
Itachi's Reaction to You Showing Him "Boyfriend Crashes Car and F@#$%& Dies ASMR"
This is a spin off of the frying pan hc.
Also I've been in a writing slump bc I've been so anxious lately, but I think writing about Itachi will help.
> It's y'alls day off, and you're silently spending the day together. Itachi is reading all the articles he would bookmark during the work week, and you're scrolling through your secret archive of brain rot social media posts.
> You were curled up on the couch, nearly hidden by a blanket, keeping relatively quiet as to not disturb Itachi. But a video came up and you couldn't help but let the laughter slip.
> The snorting and your feet lightly kicking from the reaction of the video made Itachi break his focus and turn his attention to you. "Is everything alright," he asks.
> You pop your head from the blanket cave, looking up to him. "Wanna see what I found?" Theres a cheeky little smile on your face.
> Oh no, it's another video. He's concerned now. His concern is even more evident when you tell him it's another asmr video.
> You scooch closer to him as he sits on the couch cushion next to where you were sitting, resting your head onto his arm.
> The title shocks him but he's not surprised. "Boyfriend Crashes Car and F@#$%& Dies ASMR" is unfortunately right up your alley.
> The experience is the same as before, he watches quizzically with his eyebrows pinched together while you giggle your ass off barely able to keep the phone still.
> In all honesty Itachi loves when you show him these silly little clips. It's not much to his taste, but watching you giggle and enjoy your time with something so goofy was endearing to him.
> When the video ends, he lets you catch your breath before getting back up to continue his reading.
> "That was...interesting..." Itachi says before fully getting off the couch. He leans over to give you a soft peck on the top of your forehead. "Thank you for showing me..."
> You turn your head around to him before he can fully take his seat. You plead, "when are you going to show me something of yours?"
> You can see a small smile creep up on his lips, not even making eye contact with you. "Maybe when I'm done reading I will share..." he mumbles as he opens up his article again.
I kinda realized as I was writing that my hc layout could just be a one shot fanfic if you take out the bullet points... anyway
Also you better stretch those brain muscles bc you know Itachi's choice in reading will make you feel like you're in a 200 series graduate program, you might be lost the whole way through.
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thedanniannie · 2 months
oo... ooo ooo... ooo oooO OOO AAAHH AAAHHH AAAAHH AHHHH
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🖤 Itachi Uchiha 🖤
what a treat it was to paint him
~ tagging everyone who left a nice comment on the WIP if I missed anyone I’m sorryyy ~
@theheirofthesharingan @ventriclealchemy @honeykngdom @cockashi-hatake @gomiworm
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