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Happy Holidays!
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Alex Hirsch using the voter fraud line to call in as Gravity Falls characters might just be the funniest 💀💀
[original tweets]
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Happy Halloween Everyone!
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Fantasy creature design prompts
Land creature adapted for flight—don’t just slap wings on an animal and call it a day, think about how the creature’s physiology would change!
Creature adapted to caves/total darkness (no eyes, sensory whiskers, etc)
Imagine that the only creatures with magic in your world are invertebrates. What are some of these creatures? (Bonus points if you don’t use cephalopods, insects or arachnids!)
Deer with Weird Antlers—but what are those weird antlers for? And exactly how weird can antlers get?
An amphibious creature, as comfortable on land as it is in water, with gills, lungs, or both.
A creature that doesn’t belong in a tree, adapted for an arboreal lifestyle.
A large animal, but VERY VERY SMALL. Bonus points if you don’t go for the obvious ones like elephants or whales.
Just, the wildest and most nonsensical possible theory for what Bigfoot actually is.
Symbiotic relationships! What would a symbiotic relationship between a large hoofed mammal and a species of algae be like? A feline and a type of fungus? A rodent and a plant?
A creature that, like an angler fish, becomes fused to its mate.
A creature that is fully aquatic, adapted to live somewhere that isn’t water.
In your setting there is a scummy, nasty pond. What is a good reason not to dip your toes in there?
A creature that is just as dumb as a post. These things are notoriously stupid. What adaptations do they have for survival that allowed them to give up on developing cleverness?
A creature that hides in plain sight. What would a creature adapted to hide a magical mushroom forest look like? A Demon Hellscape? What about in a Fantasy Wal-Mart?
Giant arthropod that’s not a spider, centipede or scorpion.
Domesticated Arthropods that are friendly! What are they used for? Can fuzzy moth fiber be spun into wool?
What sorts of pests or parasites would plague a dragon?
What sorts of predators would a dragon have to worry about?
Creature that relies on senses other than sight, hearing, or smell. What are these senses, and how does it use them?
Bioluminescence! But why is it bioluminescent?
A Varmint. Like a raccoon or opossum, this creature is a pest and it gets into your garbage and it’s SO ANNOYING and there are so many of them!
Eusocial creatures that build large nests or hives, but that aren’t insects. Bonus points if their social order doesn’t revolve around a “Queen.”
A creature that spends much of its life standing very, very still. Why does it do this, and how is it adapted for that kind of lifestyle?
A creature that’s just ENORMOUS. Like HUGELARGE GIGANTIC. Why is it so big?
Imagine a world where humans obtain magic through some kind of parasite. What is it, what what effects does it have? How does it benefit from this relationship?
Imagine a creature whose prey is, specifically, humans. What kinds of adaptations would if have for this?
Creatures that do not reproduce sexually. What do they do instead?
A creature that is commonly ridden. But, what made this creature a better candidate for domestication than any other creatures?
A creature that, like the Creepers in Minecraft, explodes. Why would a creature do this?
A creature that, like a hagfish, can produce massive quantities of slime. What kind of creature is it, and what is the slime for?
A creature that, like a web-spinning spider or ant lion, constructs some sort of trap or snare for its prey. What sort of creature is it, and what sort of trap do they set?
A creature that, like a peacock or bird of paradise, has some incredibly elaborate display structures to attract mates. What are they?
A creature that is very, very, VERY poisonous. What is it? What about its appearance warns predators that it’s not a good option for a meal?
A creature emblematic of courage, like a lion, or of nobility, like an eagle. What qualities would a creature that a ruler or conquerer would like to be compared to have?
A creature where if you’re compared to it, it’s definitely an insult or even a swear word. Why does it have this reputation?
A creature that is nearly as intelligent or as intelligent as a human, but that isn’t “good” or “evil” in a sense that we would understand.
Social creatures where the females are larger or more dominant than the males.
A creature that seems that it would be INCREDIBLY difficult to domesticate, but domesticated. Explain how and why.
Three breeds of the same creature: one used for plowing and pulling heavy things, one used for swift transportation, and one used in war.
Three breeds of the same creature: one used for pit fighting, one used for herding, and one used for hunting.
A domesticated creature that is not being used to ride, pull things, guard things, produce food or fiber, hunt or retrieve, as companions, or any other common reason for domestication—why are they useful or needed?
A creature that, like a cuckoo bird, leaves its young to be cared for by parents of other species. What species does it target, and how?
An extremophile—a creature that is adapted to incredibly harsh and hostile conditions, such as polar ice caps, hydrothermal vents, or active volcanoes. How does it live there?
A creature with a non-standard number of limbs. Explain this adaptation.
Imagine that after human extinction, a different species evolves to fill our niche, developing great intelligence and tool use. What species is it, and how does it adapt?
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Family Mormyridae, the aptly-named elephant fishes, are pretty fuckin’ cool. Not only do some of them look like that, but they also possess electric organs in their caudal peduncle which are used for not only prey detection, but also navigation and communication. They’ve also got a high;y developed central nervous system and a keen sense of hearing. With small eyes and thick skin, these nocturnal foragers use their long, proboscis-like snouts to forage in muddy lakes and rivers in Africa.
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