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Please unfollow Sue Z
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“This is the Chicago Emerg-Emergency Broadcast Sy-System.” 
The message blares loudly over all the TVs and radios in Chicago, Illinois. The air is quiet as people listen intently, figuring it must just be a glitch in the system. 
“Please b-be advised that this – this is not a warning.” 
By now, the automated voice sounds like pure static and the warning of a complete snow out is beyond your ears’ reach. The news flickers onto the TV as a city-wide announcement advises all occupants to evacuate or seek out shelter. You acknowledge the amount of snowfall the city had seen in the past 24 hours and instantly, the frenzy sets in to stay warm and safe. Do you evacuate to your family’s home? Maybe a friend outside of the city? But traffic would be terrible. Or do you hide out in your house and stock up on as much food and water as you possibly can? It definitely would be a risky chance to take. 
Already the city had seen close to 10 inches of snow. And that’s when it happens. 
The screams of innocent children flood your ears and swears of older men burn the air as the lights flicker on and off at the diner you currently are sitting in. The jukebox in the corner, formerly belting out lazy holiday carols, quickly cuts with a demonic end. With a deep sigh, you look outside and see even the street lights fighting to stay alive. 
The city of Chicago comes to a quiet halt as the lights lose their fight and flicker off for the last time. Only 5 major snowstorms had plagued the town and this would definitely find itself among the list. You step outside, feel how much heavier the snowflakes have grown in the past hour, and take note of how ghostly the streets now feel as the cars become buried under heavy, white fluff. 
Buckle down Chicago! This event will begin on December 13th and ends on December 20th. 
All threads will be halted during this time to allow the event threads to be the focus. You will be allowed to continue your threads after the 20th for the event but please do not create anything new unless it’s for the event. 
All roads are completely snowed out which means no transportation besides walking. 
All electricity is out unless residents own a generator. 
People have been spotted at local ponds ice-skating, having snowball fights with each other in the streets, and not letting the storm get them down.
Despite the joyful mood still lingering, the crime rate has spiked due to emergency personnel not being able to arrive in a timely fashion to the scene and resources becoming more and more scarce. 
During the event, our rule regarding gif chats is suspended and gif chats will be allowed. 
Please tag all threads regarding the event with #ivorysnowout  
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Please unfollow Kate and Tay. 
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Jas is requesting female pack members for the Canadian pack. They are werewolves of any age. Suggested face claims are Tess Thompson, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Rosario Dawson, Kat McNamara, or Naomi Scott. Jas says “These characters are all original to the pack and have been with the pack for long periods of tie. They will have a deep understanding and strong relationship with all in the pack. FC’s and titles can be changed.“ She would like to be contacted.  
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SJ who will be playing Roman Ainsley
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Tower Residents and visitors: As of late last night, unexpected maintenance has begun taking place in the Center Garden so please be advised to keep away from it until further notice. Thank you.
Council Members:
What really happened: They stood in the courtyard, in the dead of night, the figure lay at their feet. Unmoving and lifeless. His blood ceased to flow, though perhaps that was because his veins appeared to have been split open. Each section, each tack of vein bloomed open dry and empty of the life force that typically flowed from the human. The grass below them, deep shades of black in the moonless sky squished and squelched as they moved, the scent of copper filling their noses.
None of the council members knew where to look first, but their eyes were easily drawn away from the raw openings on the skin to the charcoal black holes that should have housed the eyes. Gaping chasms looked back at them, the face a picture of horror, right down the silver blade that slid from the underside of the poor human's chin to the roof of his mouth, where the sharp point had lodged. It pinned a piece of paper to the top of his mouth and the eldest of the council bent forward to pry the knife from the man's mouth and open the piece of paper.
The sound of paper opening was deafening in the silence of the night. Not a creature breathed as the words were read allowed. "So long as we remain hidden, there will never be peace. We will never know true safety. The shadows are for those ashamed of themselves. In the shadows, I shall hide no more. You have not heard the last of me." The promise of more to come hung thick in the air, the council shifting uncomfortably in the shock of the situation.
What they know:
A human’s body was found by Phaedra Montgomery and reported to the Council
The garden has been cordoned off from the rest of the residents while an investigation is underway
The official story is that it’s nothing more than routine maintenance.(Though rumors will fly about the true cause of the closure)
Patrols around the tower are going to increase due to the panic over the murder.
The Renegades are becoming dangerous.
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