My name is Anna. Some people call me a victim, but I like to call myself a survivor. I've started this blog to share my story.
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I’ll start from the beginning. When I was in second grade I met a boy named Cameron. We were in love. One day at recess he split my lip while playing kickball and I got sent home. He called my house late that night to make sure I was okay. Later that month, he moved away, we had our first hug, and I had my first heartbreak. I cried all night long. That was the year I realized I had a sensitive heart.
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TW: Emotional and Physical Abuse
I fell in love with him in fifth grade. He had long, flowing hair. He played football. #41. I cheered on the sidelines and made sure to watch every play that he was in. That boy had my heart, but I never told him. You may be thinking, how could an 11 year old be in love? Well, I was not a normal 11 year old. I told him I liked him 2 years later, after he had left his girlfriend. Dave and I started dating soon after. One time we went to Ozzy’s on New Year’s Eve to go roller blading. I guess he thought it would be funny to push me around like one of the guys. I think I broke my tailbone. I had to take a bunch of meds in order to go to a sleepover that night. That spring, I missed a baseball game I told him I would be at. I tried to call millions of times to tell him I couldn’t get there. I even called his mom. He called me after the game, furious. Eventually it got more physical. One day we went to a baseball picnic and he and I were fighting the entire night. Everyone was so uncomfortable. We went on a walk down a path to try to work things out and eventually he got so angry he slapped me right across my face. Thankfully the picnic was close to home and I ran. It continued to get worse. If I didn’t text him 24/7 I would have an earful. He would apologize for being mean all the time and we did have good days. He asked for nude pictures and I sent them knowing he would be mad if I didn’t. I trusted him. I don’t know why. One of the first days of 8th grade I wore shoes he didn’t like and he didn’t talk to me the whole day. That week was the first football game. That year he didn’t play for some reason. During the game he got really mad at me. He sent the pictures back to me. All he said was, “you make me mad again and it goes to everyone.” My best friend ran at him and made him delete it. Silly little me forgot to make her delete the text. That night he sent me the picture again and just threatened me over and over. I cried all night. The next morning I told my mother what had happened, my father called his mom. She’d ended up smashing his phone and it was over. 
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