theroguegambler24 · 6 months
We need to remember that in the eyes of a small child, every action or inaction taken by an adult is important in their development and can leave a HUGE impression upon their psyches. Most of all, it make us into the villain of their stories, since they don't understand that a little discipline is also a form of caring and love (given in the right doses) --- we just have to remind ourselves that our actions towards them have a big impact and they'll remember it for the rest of their lives. We are not perfect individuals, but we can try to be better than the day before.
A lot of people around me are having kids and every day it becomes more apparent that hitting your children to punish them is insane because literally everything can be a horrible punishment in their eyes if you frame it as such.
Like, one family makes their toddler sit on the stairs for three minutes when he hits his brother or whatever. The stairs are well lit and he can see his family the whole time, he’s just not allowed to get up and leave the stairs or the timer starts over. He fucking hates it just because it’s framed as a punishment.
Another family use a baseball cap. It’s just a plain blue cap with nothing on it. When their toddler needs discipline he gets a timeout on a chair and has to put the cap on. When they’re out and about he just has to wear the cap but it gets the same reaction. Nobody around them can tell he’s being punished because it’s in no way an embarrassing cap, but HE knows and just the threat of having to wear it is enough.
And there isn’t the same contempt afterwards I’ve seen with kids whose parents hit them. One time the kid swung a stick at my dog, his mother immediately made him sit on the stairs, he screamed but stayed put, then he came over to my dog and gently said “Sorry Ellie” and went back to playing like nothing happened, but this time without swinging sticks at the nearby animals.
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theroguegambler24 · 1 year
Love is I'm the air
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cozy nook
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theroguegambler24 · 1 year
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theroguegambler24 · 1 year
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𝘧𝘰𝘨𝘨𝘺 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘴
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦
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theroguegambler24 · 1 year
Perfect date for summer, late spring or fall season!!
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moon landscape
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Hey there, hope all is well! I am curious what your first impression of my personality is, solely based on my chart. :)
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Yeah, not a problem!
First of all, I would say that you got probably a LOT of apps in your phone! Having such a HUGE stellium in the 11th house makes you extremely likely to be on the internet or using different kinds of technology that would allow you to communicate (Gemini) with different types of people, from all over the world!
I think, for you, the world is really your oyster! ☺️
However, you can be SUPER intense once one gets past the superficial and aloof interaction you start out with. Specially with pluto (lord of the underworld) making its home in your 5th house!.
All those apps, gadgets &tech that allows you to reach far and wide can cause you to be a bit unavailable & unreached to lovers who might be more possessive or outright jealous of your interactions with SO many people!
Having pluto in the 5th also makes you a person who is sexy and magnetic, yet this also attracts individuals and situations that border on the obsessive, compulsive and can even be scary! 😨
The good thing is that once you get past the games, the manipulation, the obssessiveness, your love life transforms and blossoms into something beautiful that you've created (children, projects, friendships).
The extreme amount of pluto contacts to almost all your inner planets makes you EXTREMELY likely &poster child for plutonic relationships, because you STILL need to test your power against those of those of others, because subconsciously you are setting yourself a challenge, in order to master that which either frightens you about yourself or you deny (Neptune) as having such a thing would mean you are NOT as objective as you THOUGHT you were, as KNOWLEDGEABLE as you thought you were or as WISE as you believe yourself to be (pluto in Sagittarius) OR.... you struggle to reconcile those 2 parts of yourself as one; that of ardent, passionate, jealous lover vs. The objective, rational, friendly & global you want yourself to be the majority of the time.
Venus in Gemini -> great flirt! Excellent communicator and perhaps...just perhaps youthful voice.
Mars in Gemini -> this has is pros & cons; on the one hand, it makes you an INCREADBLE wordsmith, a excellent verbal fighter, yet at the same time this makes one prone to fickleness, ambivalence and cheating (hate to say it, but is true.) Sharp tongue.
Another thing is that the prevalent degrees in your chart is 22! The degree of kill or be killed because is associated with Capricorn. Your Sun, IC & MC are in that degree! So you can be incredibly DETERMINED to get the public recognition you feel & think you deserve, in order to pull & protect your roots/family! And those being ARIES-LIBRA...girl you already know HOW to compromise & keep the peace (of mind) that you need in order to be balanced within yourself. Meanwhile, you will have to be determined to be bold and take risks that no one else would if you want to succeed in making the career that you want.
Moon-Venus-Mars- Saturn conjunction : all good things comes to those who wait and WORK for the rewards that saturn will bring you! Saturn is putting a hold on your self-esteem and sexuality, making you doubt you attractiveness and ability to charm/seduce with your words alone! 😉
You don't need to fear it, this doubt will start to dissipate the more you work on your insecurities, set appropriate boundaries (everyone naturally gravitate towards you, and some are...undesirables) By the time you are either on your Saturn return (30) you will feel this effect the most prominent.
Have courage, have faith (sagittarius), use your considerable determination but above all, love yourself.
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Can I sned u my birth chart for u to interpret a specific part?
Yes, just be specific as to which part it is and try to screen case the 3 charts (western, sidereal & draconic) if you want to be super detailed; If you want the current situation however, just do the western.
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
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hey! any thoughts on my chart? thankss
First of all, thank you for asking.
Second, what would YOU like to know in particular?
Because from the chart, I could say this invidual is extremely charming when around others (not to mention beautiful), specially in social interactions that would require one-on-one conversations.
People would tend to see and project a LOT unto this individual due to how charming and chameleon like this person is, specially because you tend to be VERY intuitive and you run the risk of lowering down your guard when around people whom you WANT to please or make them feel PROUD of being near or with you.
The emphasis of the 7th house clues me in how extremely important RELATING (in general) is for you, and your preference towards compromise (up to a point) that you do in relationships of all kinds. The bonds that you stablish with people can be very much a source of pride for you, because you seek LOYALTY (and honestly speaking, who doesn't?)
But you CAN fall for people who through projecting their OWN impressions upon you, leave you with not much room to move, specially in a romantic relationship. It seems you LOVE to feel in-LOVE and you can love with your entire heart, but also beware that they or you might not be putting the blinders on the eyes please! (Sun/Venus vs. Neptune)
Yet you are emotionally more grounded, even a bit aloof; preferring to show your emotions & support to your friends and about causes that are near and dear to your heart. The way to your heart is slow and steady, with actions more than words. In time, you tend to reveal your emotional nature to those who matter to you and it seems you HOPE for things that would bring structure to society as well as for the community in which we live but this is all blocked due to the responsibility you feel (Saturn in cancer) towards your family, towards little children or the creative projects you undertake in secret (8th degree) in your home or in a place that FEELS (cancer) like home to you.
You might suffer if not from depression, then from creative blocks or a block/repression of emotions. Due to how much pressure you put on yourself! Specially When you feel you get stuck and can't reach your hopes & dreams; that is when feelings can get blocked, repressed or even denied. Not to worry though! This gets better with time, just seek to shift your focus on smaller goals that will allow you to quantify your progress and it will make your moon happy!
There is SOO much to unpack with you!
Pluto in the 10th --> have people acted intimidated by you? Or have you gotten into a lot of power struggles with authority figures, specially teachers, gurus, religious people or men in general?
HUGE 1st &7th house --> "to be or not to be, that is the question". Me vs. Others; the "I TRY to be nice to others but they keep PISSING me off, so i act unpredictable or leave" (stellium in both houses!)
Mars in the 1st in pisces-> "I fight the tears that suddenly come to my eyes due to how frustrated and angry I feel and lash out." Fiesty & emotional. Angry at how dispassionate and misunderstood you feel. Lack of compassion and understanding as, well as lack of appreciation for your artistic/romantic gestures are a sure way to get you going.
ARIES -LIBRA intercepted-> this is again a reiterating theme of the 1st-7th house emphasis! How do YOU deal with your emotions when others frustrate you and make you mad? Do you know WHEN to compromise or even HOW? (This is not a critique, just one observation) WHAT are you really willing to fight for and what can be let go off in order to keep the peace?
Are you afraid of losing your autonomy if you compromise? Impulsive yet bold behavior vs. Logical & indecive thinking.
The thing is, this ALL happening in the 2nd/8th house of values & valuable! Values reflect your morality and consciousness, your internal compass; while what one may find valuable is money, sex and anything external (the things we get from others)
Mercury in Virgo ○-○ Mars in Piscis-> Mercury in its ruling sign vs. Mars in its fall/detriment. Ah! Here we have the classic "I say things that I don't mean when angry". Incredibly sharp tongue and intellect, quick reflexes that can be just a tad on the clumsy side (is pisces which is ruled by jupiter after all!) And the war between the rational & practical vs. Spiritual & impractical; perfection & subservience vs. Forgiveness & sublimation.
Golden rectangle! Mercury-Mars-Moon-Saturn-> this points to a blessings once you DO work on your communication style and apply consistent effort in getting your emotions be heard and expressed through the written or physically expressed form! Acts of service, or small dedicated & consistent acts show how much you care and feel for that particular person & what you hope to achieve.
& much more! This is only the beginning & if you went to the challenge I threw out there in my previous post, you will see there is 2 more layers (charts) to unpack!
I hope this was helpful (in some way) and to remember that although the poet (you!) Have the sharp quill ready, it doesn't mean you don't need to apply yourself to the task at hand, just don't expect absolute perfection on your first rough drafts! Take comfort that inspiration will come, just slowly, in time, with a bit of effort and consistency.
Best of luck!
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Congratulations to the author!! Please check out her stuff!
Pretty Girl Summer
🦄Random note but check where your Venus falls in your Venus persona chart.🦄
🍥It can show a lot more about the places in which you meet people that you actually end up in relationships with.
🍥It can show how people truly see your Venus sign (even the sun sign most people think you are if you a Venus dom).
🍥The house in which your Venus falls in natal wise shows the things that happen in your relationships, the house it falls in persona chart wise can show the beginning and end of your relationships.
🍥Having a water Venus in both your Persona and Natal chart shows you really do need an emotional connection before (even more than sexual) any type of relationship.
🍥Having a Earth Venus (natal) and a Fire Venus (persona) can hint at needing something that is grounded, but not stagnant. You need the stability to start and the continuous changes to maintain it.
🍥The natal house of your Venus may show more about the type of men in your life (can be attraction wise, family, friends, men in general) that you are drawn to. Your persona can show the type of women (... Same thing) you are drawn to.
🍥Fun fact whatever house holds your Persona Venus is actually the type of beauty (and way you seek balance) you are. The sign shows how you go about pursuing it.
🍥If your Natal Venus squares your Persona one, it can indicate issues with how you see your self.
🍥If there is opposition, there is an issue with how you perceive your relationships (and balance) and how others see it.
🍥If you happen to be a Venus Dom its highly likely that your Venus Persona chart has: Venus in your first house;Libra or Taurus as your rising; and/or Pisces Venus.
🍥If your Persona Venus happens to be the same sign (and/or natural house ruler) of your rising you might be entitled to pretty privilege- jk it might mean you are naturally seen as very beautiful.
🍥Persona Pisces Venus might always look like the beauty standard. Very similar to a natal Pisces Venus, you'll find these folks always looking like what people perceive beauty to be. The difference between natal and persona is the natal holds on to current standards with a mix of whatever was the most recent standard, while persona is the upcoming standard with the current one.
🍥Persona Scorpio Venus might be seen as more elusive than a natal. It holds the energy of whatever the natal Venus is and heavy hidden Scorpio traits.
🍥The sign your persona Venus is in can hint to how your voice is perceived. (Soft, loud, balanced, stern etc)
🍥If you are focused on self care (mainly beauty and appearance wise, or just general self care) use the themes of your persona Venus more.
🍥Persona Venus should also be used in synastry/ composite. If the signs are compatible then the relationship might work out better, if not it might not.
🦄Your natal Venus might not get along with a sign but your Persona might. The reverse can also be said.
🍥Your mom might have their Lilith in your persona Venus sign.
(I said I was going to take a break... Just to be bombarded with a bunch of thoughts because of this damn Gemini season. Can't wait for Cancer so I can finally sleep right again 🥴)
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button 🧸)
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
I'm open to anyone who has questions. I will leave the questions asks open for anyone who wants to know how their Sidereal, Tropical (Western) and Draco fits in!
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Do you dare?
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Interesting facts...
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Witchy Moon*:・゚✧
A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!
The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Beautifully written --regardless of which pile you end up picking. I hope whomever sees it, gets moved by the sincerity and simplicity of the message. MANY Thanks to the author of the original post for taking the time to write such a post.
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FUTURE SPOUSE: Channeled Love Message III
This can also be applied to long-term partner, next partner, whoever really as long as it’s not your family member. Read this as if you guys have already met and they are saying this, like, retrospectively. Warning: some words/sentences may not make that much sense. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t; the message may be for someone else, or there may be no message for you in this reading.
Disclaimer: Here | Instagram: Here
Think about your person and focus on the topic. Choose a number/picture that you feel the most drawn to or that you can’t stop looking at. Trust your intuition. May the message resonate. Let me know which pile you choose!
Like my readings? Tip here!
Keep reading
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Many condolences and prayers to Ukrainian people! This is a VERY serious and scary moment at a GLOBAL level and the financial as well as the stability of the world has taken a SERIOUS hit!
The Russian rubble fell almost completely in the markets!
The gas ⛽️ prices will be through the roof in America! And that is ONLY the beginning of other goods that WILL go up!
Many Asian stocks have fallen!
Russia stopped trading since MIDNIGHT! when they started the invasion.
The UN made an UNSUCCESSFUL and LATE plea to Russia, just like the President of Ukraine did to Putin.
NATO and OTAN can't do much to help as they have their hands tied! Putin successfully checked mated them all!
If this escalates and other nations get involved it will be the beginning of a World War, but if NOTHING is done Ukraine will be swallowed by Russia.
PEOPLE!!! this is serious!! Leave your Fandoms and your future spouse readings to the side and start communicating with people from Belarus, Ukraine and the other surrounding countries! We need to be informed because this could shift and shape our reality for the next couple of years!
I'm making this plea in behalf of humanity's sake, not for personal gain, this can be and will be devastating for many people, both on the East and West side of the world.
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Art of the HIGHEST quality!! Amazing art! May the artist keep inspiring us with such beautiful drawings!
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The artist gives light and paints the art so that we understand another hidden reality. Artist Nikita Busyak.
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Getting called out in a matter of fact is at least a pill one is able to swallow without choking on it 🤪.
📜 Your Toxic Traits — an intuitive reading
This reading reveals your possible toxic traits, where they stem from, how to move forward from them and includes channeled advice from your Higher Self. Please take only what resonates 💙
Warning: This pac can be rough for some because while it is a heavy topic, traits are also pointed out in a straightforward, matter-of-fact manner. If you are easily offended or sensitive, this pac might not be for you.
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Sky 1 — Unearth
Cards drawn: The Tower (reversed), Queen of Swords, Virgo/Demeter (reversed)
Before the shuffle I picked up on a fiery, direct but impulsive energy. Your cards flipped out the same way. Your toxic trait is leaping into things without thought. It's not that you don't see the potential risks, it's just that you decide to ignore them because of impulsiveness to carry on with what you want to do. You rely on luck a bit too much. A daredevil. Turning a deaf ear to others' advice. This trait needs to be realised and moved forward from because it will not do you good. You either have already suffered the consequences of your lack of thought or will face the consequence of your impulsiveness in the near future. The Tower card also comes with a warning: beware of what seems too good to be true. If your intuition is telling you that something is fishy, listen to it and don't leap headfirst into fishy ponds.
Next, another of your toxic trait could be abuse of power or overfixation on ego. Some of you might have issues with authority. You want to be seen as the rightful leader, the popular person. People's praises and attention make you feel good. Due to this you might place your self worth on others' thoughts about you. This trait can be a motivating force that leads you to higher places but it also makes you egoistical and if given the chance to, might abuse your power. If your worth depends on other people, then you're not the high and mighty monarch like you think you are.
Your Higher Self's Message:
“Seriously? Look inward. You're messing up your chances of winning if you keep pretending that you did nothing wrong. It's time to face the music. Admit your mistakes and you'll be free from the self judgement that pretends as if you're anything but the incorruptible genius you believe yourself to be. Why is your ego fragile? Perhaps because you never learned to distinguish the voice of reason from the sensitive ego. Admitting your mistakes lets you see more, lets you truly heal from what has happened. Let's not continue the cycle no more, let's forge a path of understanding so that we learn from our mistakes. The world is your oyster, but only if you really believe in your power and not the false pride that you tricked yourself into. You're capable of greatness, the past has proven that, but your insistence on past patterns also serves to prove that you don't really know yourself any better, inside you're just as fragile.”
Sky 2 — Belong
Cards drawn: The Hierophant, Nine of Pentacles, Pisces/Aphrodite
Your toxic trait is over-dependence. Going along with the crowd. Codependency. Seeking others' approval despite yourself capable of making decisions for yourself. Seeking direction from others. You might place your self worth on someone else. Anxious when it comes to making decisions. These traits affect your relationships negatively and might cause you to be disconnected from your true self and not seeing the value of relationships because the focus is on getting approval from the other person (be it friends, partners, etc) rather than focusing on the quality of the connection. Emotional fragility, being wishy-washy.
What you see is what is painted in by emotions, now to move forward from these toxic traits you are asked to realise the fact that you and you alone hold the key to your future. You are in power despite your tendencies to hand the power to others. You are not the meek lamb like you see yourself to be, but you are indeed misguided by thinking that other people can give you the direction and acceptance that you denied yourself first.
The Presence that watches over you (be it God, Universe, Higher Self or any higher power you believe in) beckons you to open your eyes to what is really happening around you, and your part in contributing to it.
Your Higher Self's Message:
“Peel back your eyes. We are not alone in this world. I wish to tell you that you have my every support. What is a person if they have not done wrong? We need not blame.” Your Higher Self has such a sweet loving energy, they regard you as a sibling! They are very soft-spoken. They send you love and would like to express that they are patiently watching over you in each step you go. They do not wish to pressure you, they're just happy that despite what you've been going through, you are learning and picking yourself up after every fall. “That is what I love about you.” They want to send you hugs and forehead kisses ❤️
Sky 3 — Pathways, Mirrors and Smokescreens
Cards drawn: Page of Wands, Four of Pentacles (reversed), Aries/Mars (reversed)
Your toxic trait is believing yourself to be an ideal than how you really are like. Seeking approval as support for a fabricated sense of identity. Deep down you know how you are like but you enjoy the idea of being portrayed or thought of as your ideal self. Vanity. Admiration for certain traits that you see as perfect, and wishing to be regarded by others as possessing these traits due to own lack of acceptance. Might reject reality.
Might be materialistic and see material gains as a direct link to worth. This is also what you might judge others on. Wanting to be accepted into the popular/prestigious group. Boastful. Feel the need to continuously display material success in order to satisfy the inner need for acceptance, but you must realise that this lack of acceptance stems from you not accepting yourself. Remove that crown of jewels for once, and ask yourself if stripped of this crown do you still love yourself? Because acceptance should be fundamental, not based upon any value or gains. Self love is needed to see past the crown, because you are already wearing the crown. You don't need to be rich or be accepted into any clubs to be a respected. You are worthy of love, respect and acceptance just by being yourself. Your true self shines brighter than any prestige, and it's time to reclaim your power.
Say no to those who judge you based on what you have. See past them. Know who your real friends are. True friends love you for your personality, for your presence, for your true self. Fake friends don't. Find your tribe of people who see you and value you for the right reasons.
Your Higher Self's Message:
“You're quite hard-headed huh? Well, it's good that you are turning back now. Remember though we see ourselves crystal clear. Even if you are not right now there is always time for you. Some things are meant to be taken step by step. Don't force what doesn't resonate, dear. Let me guide the path.”
Sky 4 — Stage & Scrolls
Cards drawn: Page of Cups (reversed), Five of Cups, Taurus/Venus
Underperforming. At the face of a challenging task you are procrastinating and only giving half of your attention/effort. Like the first group you tend to rely on luck. You are witty, yes, and you're quite smart, that's the reason you sometimes choose to take shortcuts or believe that you need only to put in minimal effort to get a higher than average result. Sometimes it looks like you're treating serious tasks like a game. Deep down you know you could do better but you don't always feel motivated enough to chase after excellence. You wish this and you wish that, but wishing won't bring you any closer to what you need.
Despite being a happy-go-lucky you are pessimistic in other regards, like when you're dealing with emotions and life events. You stare at the ground pondering if it will ever flower, due to this you might keep yourself pondering and become stuck in one place. It's not that you don't want to move forward, it's that you wear this veil of pessimism, questioning constantly if you should let it go. You seem to have inner conflict about your emotions, whether you should let it out in the open and allow yourself to feel them, allow yourself and people you trust some vulnerability, or whether you should act tough and mask it all up. Because it's uncomfortable to show emotions. I hear “empty”, well somebody once said that if your mind is empty then you're ready for anything. Despite your situation though your surrounding energy is very positive. Your spiritual friends trust you, they want to offer their reassurance and they want to tell you that they love you. I see angelic beings around you laughing merrily and sending you love 💕
Your Higher Self's Message:
“I trust you to make the right decisions. You have always been wise and strong. Know that you have my unwavering trust, okay? *hugs* Everything will turn out fine, okay?”
They give you a bright smile and if you are wanting to cry right now they would like to kiss your tears away in a motherly, affectionate way.
“You have nothing to be scared of. You're born strong, you fight back. What is the world? If I tell you you can, you absolutely can. Slay.” *blows you a kiss*
Sky 5 — Autumn Leaflets
Cards drawn: Ace of Cups, King of Swords, Virgo/Demeter
Your toxic trait is not daring to step out of your comfort zone, pretending that you're happy with the small things you have when actually you have much greater aspirations. It's good to be grateful for what you have but I'm hearing that you can achieve greater things if you commit yourself to chase after your dreams. Things have been in stagnancy for a while now. Stepping out of your comfort zone will switch things up for you.
You're a champion. You're talented. You have what it takes so don't listen to that discouraging voice in your mind telling you that what you want is not for you. It's quite the opposite. If you put in effort, you'll reap what you sow.
You might also be slow in action, like thinking too much instead of start doing it, moping around but not progressing, not doing what you're supposed to do or doing it too slowly. This has caused past opportunities to slip by and might cause the same in the future if you don't make a change.
You might not have a good relationship with your father. In fact some of you have had horrible experiences in your childhood relating to your father that makes you feel that you have to be on high alert with other people in case they get aggressive. For some of you this manifests as anxiety, and might cause you to shy away from people. This is certainly not your fault and if this is accurate for you I'm so sorry that you've had experiences like this. The Swords card would like to tell you that the past cannot be changed, it's good to have your defenses up but keep in mind that there are people who carry positive intentions for you and keeping your walls up at all times would not help the relationship. There is a certain degree of vulnerability that is important for a connection to reach true depth, and that is one of the lessons you have in this lifetime — to learn to trust the right people.
Your Higher Self's Message:
“I know the past was not easy. We've gone through that and we still have a lot to go. Be strong. Fight for what you believe is right. I'll always be on the other side cheering for you. We are the bestest friends, and despite the glass wall you put up separating yourself, we are One. I'll always come through for you.”
Your Higher Self tends to speak in dreams and symbolism. They advice you to read up on symbols or syncronities you see often.
“Some nugget of truth!” They winked.
Sky 6 — Choose What Grows
Cards drawn: Eight of Swords, Page of Swords (reversed), Capricorn/Cronus
Your toxic trait is self-limiting, stubborn, closing yourself off from opportunities and people who can actually help you. You pursue what you want even though facts tell you that it might not be what's meant for you. You keep pushing hoping that one day it will happen. Other people try to give you advice, but you don't listen unless they agree with you. This is incredibly self-limiting because you're closing your eyes from what is really good for you.
You can also be defensive when being met with judgement or people who question you and your choices. There's imbalance in your life, where it might feel everything is a mess and not orderly, not how you wanted it to be. There is impatience too for things to work out perfectly but without looking into the main reason why they went wrong.
Your Higher Self's Message:
“Prioritize what's important and prepare for what's next. Things are not always going to be that way. Be patient as it unfolds. There's something you're not noticing that's happening right in front of you. Do you see the patterns? It may be subtle but so is change. Sometimes what you need may not be what you want for now, but shift your perspective. Are you chasing after what you need, or are you patiently watering a plant that will not grow?”
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theroguegambler24 · 2 years
Truer words couldn't have been written, with a lot of sincerity and as honestly as it is possible without experiencing all the placements written in the article. The author is INCREDIBLY spot on in many of her observations and this only proves her/his talent. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it!!
Lilith sign placements (Black Moon Lilith)
Lilith is a slippery little she-demon. In Jewish folklore she’s the first wife of Adam, the first woman to co-exist with man. As opposed to Eve, Lilith was not made from Adam’s rib but was “molded from the same clay” so to speak, and supposedly this would make her more of an equal in terms of character substance. She’s not depicted as a “good woman” who is obeying and dutiful – she’s an independent fiery spirit that would sacrifice a lot in order for her to be able to live out her powerful sexual-instinctual nature. She’s a destructive force and a liberator of dark femininity (which doesn’t necessarily mean “bad or inferior femininity”). She’s obsessively free and untamed – which hints to a deep-seated fear of being contained and prevented from having the things that she craves. There’s irrationality and compulsion to the Lilith figure, she a creature of the night – in other words she’s an unconscious force. The Lilith in out charts is not consciously expressed; she works below the threshold of consciousness.  
The sign Lilith filters through will dictate what archetypal energy is compulsively and “primitively/irrationally” expressed. Despite Lilith being a dark creature, she is not evil in my opinion. She’s a force of nature, an expression of instinctual independence, which is sometimes needed to go against cold and rigid masculine judgment. Since Lilith is a minor point in the chart, it will only be significantly impactful if it conjuncts any of the angles or any personal planets. But… it will show up in some way in everyone’s life (this of course, includes men). Look out for it!
Lilith in Aries: There’s a compulsion for independence and doing things on one’s own. There can be an obsession with being first, being recognized as superior and more headstrong than others. If something stands in this person’s way there’s a tendency to just power through blindly without much thought of consequences. This is the person with the attitude of “I don’t care how many (physical) injuries I get I will come first”. Or “I don’t care how many people I upset I have to do my thing”. Once this person’s mind is set, there’s no stopping. A lot of hurtful, unnecessary honesty might be expected to slip out - and one pays the price of losing friendships and close bonds with people. Yet, it’s not done intentionally, it’s simply acted out compulsively. This is a placement of the single-minded warrior that can’t stand to lose, however silly or stupid the game, however casual and easy-going the situation. Everything is sacrificed to be on top, to be a leader, even that means that things get destroyed in the process. Confrontation is not feared but sought in spite of the prospect of humiliation. There’s no consequence that is not worth it to Lilith. As it relates to sexuality, Lilith in Aries is protruding, truly uncompromising in her drive. It doesn’t have to feel good; it doesn’t have to look good. It’s the conquest that matters, the thrill and excitement of moving forward. Heroism and potency is sought as if it has to be achieved despite everything else in the person’s life. If being “the best” turns out to be impossible on a large scale, it can be gained small everyday conquests. It is done relentlessly, without thinking or reflecting on the source of the behavior. Lilith is uncompromizing.
Lilith in Taurus: This is the “look what I acquired” placement or “look what I have”. The act of getting one’s hands on valuable commodity can have dark undertones. Lilith can’t be described as downright evil, but she’s desperately confident. This is the person who puts one foot in front of the other to get hold of material value at any cost. Physical pleasure can be sought at any price – it might not feel too good overall, but it has to be experienced. Spending money and earning money is done obsessively to the point of it not feeling entirely clean in en emotional sense. There’s forcefulness to the pleasure that makes it “wrong” on some level but it’s done all the same. Lilith in Taurus is the kind of placement that could sell their soul for material independence and security. There’s also a link to food and the physical body. Compulsive eating or cooking or hoarding could be a potential expression. The accumulation of value and material substance is done because of an obsession not because of genuine appreciation of the material realm. There’s always something unholy about Lilith. In Taurus, she eats the cake because she has to not because she really enjoys it; she owns the house because she can’t be without it. Not because she truly enjoys living in it. She simply needs to know that she’s capable of attracting value, of taking part in sensory and pleasurable experiences. This could easily by a “guilty pleasure” placement but without the guilt (it’s overridden). This could be a hedonist of sorts that never really stops long enough to soak everything in – one simply needs more and more. As it relates to sexuality, there’s a need to possess, to have access to sensuous experiences. This often translate into “having someone”, of being able to add a person to one’s list of “treasures”. Beauty in the form of classic curvy features or sturdy solid bodies are potentially preferred, the more  “meat” the better. Taurus is after all about the indulgence in physical life. It has to feel good physically at all costs.
Lilith in Gemini: There’s an obsession with communicating, commenting and interacting with the environment to the point of it coming off as unappealing. Writing, thinking, speaking, observing, categorizing, defining, concluding… is not something that is done out of pure joy. It is something that has to be done (similarly to throwing up when one is sick). There’s primitive excitement behind being active and sociable with this placement. People are probably put-off by the protruding excitement behind the interactions with this individual. The inquisitive nature of Gemini is backed by a deep urge for satisfaction – information is information – anything will do to stimulate the mind. Creativity could be somewhat forced, playfulness could be exaggerated and lose its charm because of underlying compulsiveness. This is the type of person who likes to know everything and navigate the environment mentally with ease, but it springs from a place of lack. The need to be mentally active and effective is not quite being fulfilled – ever. Subsequently, there’s a sneaky, mischievous factor to exchanging information with people, as if it is forbidden but one does it anyway. Communication can come off as deeply selfish and self-serving, which doesn’t stimulate other people to keep up the conversation. As it relates to sexuality with this placement, it has to be mentally exciting which implies variation and changeability. There are no predictions to be made with this placement other than a tendency to seek variety and contrasting experiences to get some kind of “kick”. Quick rapport is quite satisfying although it wears the person out - Lilith is never wholly satisfying and expects some pain to be part of the pleasure.
Lilith in Cancer: Lilith in the sign of the “maternal sign” is perhaps a bit paradoxical, but this she-demon can come in any guise. Cancer is protective, nurturing, traditional, regressive, “clannish” and family oriented. This type is someone who compulsively “mothers people” and seeks “mothering” from others, someone who seeks to bond over common memories and emotional experiences. Nostalgia can be something compulsive. There can be a deep twisted need to express sensitivity and remain receptive to other people’s emotions. The selflessness that is sometimes associated with the mother archetype becomes something that is obsessively pursued. “I can take care of you” and “you can take care of me” is done out of a primal urge to be familial, to hold on to tradition and custom. It’s not done out of genuine desire to support and protect oneself and others – it’s done to hold on to the independent will at any cost. This could cause intrusive mothering; a kind of charade of nurturing that is nothing but a stimulant of some murky desire. Other people probably feel the impure energy that is motivating the behavior and recoils on some level, but this doesn’t stop the person from continuing. Lilith must have what she wants, and when it’s in Cancer, she wants belonging and family. As it relates to sexuality, Lilith in the sign treads into territory that is considered more inappropriate than others because “mothering” is supposed to be void of sexual over/undertones. The act of caring can be very arousing to these people, addictive even. Being sheltered and protected takes on a whole other dimension of pleasure for these people. It is stimulating more than it is comforting, it is intoxicating and uncomfortable but it has to be done. 
Lilith in Leo: This placement is truly a diva placement. There’s a compulsive need to receive attention and love for one’s self-expression, which could produce all kinds of exaggerations and overcompensations. This is a person who boasts excessively, who demands to be put on a pedestal and gets a thrill out of being arrogant and demanding. “I am the king” or “I am the queen” is the sentiment of Lilith in Leo. “I am this way and nothing can change me”. This fire sign has a lot to do with talent and a sense of specialness. This type can’t get enough self-recognition and self-affirmation, it’s an itch that needs to be scratched, a deep exhilarating lack that is continuously tapped and acted out through obsessive behavior. Anything will do to gain specialness, even if it’s considered a bad thing. For example, one could take pride in being bossy for no other reason than being bossy. All that counts is the attitude with this Lilith. A genuine sense of confidence or bravery is never accomplished – the regal stance is assumed to stimulate a desire and feed it at the same time. Being obsessed with receiving love and giving love is characteristic of Lilith in Leo. “I love you” can be the mantra, but at its root, the statement is self-serving and self-fulfilling in a way that is uncompromising. There’s nothing that the person can do wrong – or the person’s loved ones. The sexual component stems from a primitive and childlike desire to be whole and complete. Self-love is sought at any cost. Everything goes; even the less pleasant parts of the self are radically accepted. “I express myself however I want to because I’m innately lovable” doesn’t always go over well i social situations.
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Lilith in Virgo: The efficiency and practicality of physical life is Virgo’s domain. There’s already a propensity for obsession with this sign in and of itself. Coupled with Lilith, the typical negative traits of nit picking, noticing details, analyzing processes of daily existence can be something that the person must do, however destructive and unproductive it might get. Having control over one’s overall health and physical condition is something that weighs heavily in this person’s hidden corners of the psyche. There’s no compromise when it comes to managing life’s practical details. I have this placement and I have been quite controlling when it comes to my health… I tend to latch on to certain rules and routines obsessively and there’s nothing that anyone can do to stop me (it doesn’t have to be very rational). It doesn’t matter if it’s inconvenient or doesn’t feel very good – I do it for myself – for my own “sanity”, yet some would say that it probably borders more on insanity. I have to have certain routines going for me, to the point of me bulldozing other people and myself in the name of “sticking to what works for me”. I will do my workouts and I will work on my own projects because it stems from a need to grab independence out of thin air because it’s nowhere else to be found. Lilith comes from a place of being deprived and denied which explains the compulsion. The compulsive drive is desperate and primitive, it’s like an animal that hasn’t eaten for weeks and encounters a meal. It doesn’t matter at that point if it’s poisonous. This placement is sexually stimulated through being active producing concrete results – of getting something to its optimal function. There’s skill and careful deliberation behind every move. Serving life as a whole is the motivation – of perfecting the machinery. It is painful as well as pleasurable as characteristic of any addiction.
Lilith in Libra: The sign of the scales are usually portrayed as sociable, diplomatic and unbiased but it is important to remember that the scales are non-human. Radical diplomacy can be accessed with this Lilith placement – no emotional involvement – simply a mental assessment of what could be evened out in terms of opinion in order for everyone to be on the same page. Lilith in Libra doesn’t care about individuality it cares about pleasantness; fairness and balance should be achieved at all cost. This is also the sign of social value (as opposed to Taurean material value). In order to be socially valuable there’s adjustment required and Lilith takes this to an extreme. “I must be socially desirable and perfect” is the statement. “I’ll agree to anything and I’ll oppose anything that is deemed right socially”. Nothing really stands out with Lilith in Libra; in fact, the person must be nice and socially involved because this is how primitive freedom is sensed, paradoxically. The compulsion surrounds being kind and pleasant. Unfortunately, people usually sense the underlying desperation behind the efforts to be socially valuable and finds it distasteful and repulsive. Having to be and do the “right thing” all the time can become tiring but there’s no stopping. The desperation will show in the need to weight pros and cons (a typical Libran effort) against each other to be able to justify actions intellectually. There’s always a reasonable explanation for why one has to act and think the way one does. Impartiality can become a guilty pleasure that one always wants more of no matter how inappropriate it might be. It has a certain sexual component underneath it all, despite the smooth surface talk.
Lilith in Scorpio: This is an “appropriate” sign for Lilith to be in as it is in line with with her basic nature. Scorpio is the sign of emotional extremes and intensity – the darker side of human nature that harbors hidden riches and powers - and Lilith certainly is a creature that fits the bill. The sexual aspect becomes more literal in expression with this placement. The sexual act is a way of establishing power and domination – not on a physical level, but on a soul level. Lilith expressing through Scorpio wants to be in control at all costs even if that means destroying herself through her acts. She chooses pain, pain doesn’t choose her – this type can willingly endure quite unpleasant and extreme states – sometimes through crossing the line of what is deemed “appropriate”. The need to be close but still remain in control can cause this individual to manipulate, blackmail and coerce others into carrying out certain behavior. Emotional independence is sought at any prize – the person could be preoccupied with testing the limits of how far one could go in terms of corrupting one’s own soul. “How far am I willing to go in terms of destructive acts to satisfy my craving for independence?” It is probably very far - too far some would say, but the person can’t help it. The meanness that can be expressed doesn’t really stem from a place of cruelty, it stems from a need for autonomy and liberation from restriction. “I’m going to be in control” is the statement of Lilith in Scorpio. “I’m going to get my thrill out of intruding and imposing myself on people’s minds”. “I enjoy seeing that I’ve made an impact – a mark in this person’s psyche”. Knowing the depths of another’s soul can become an obsession.
Lilith in Sagittarius: The mutable fire sign is free spirited, jovial and endlessly pursuing growth in terms of knowledge and wisdom. However, in its “less evolved” expression it is the clumsy, careless traveller who holds onto higher truth at the detriment of the immediate experience. This is an intuitive sign, and is it’s prone to hone in on the meaning rather that the actuality of an event. Lilith expressed through this sign is someone who compulsively takes the high road, that looks ahead and can’t be bothered with present matters unless they can be used as a springing board for greater opportunities. “I have to travel” could be the sentiment, but also “ I have to jump on every opportunity that presents itself no matter how small or insignificant”. Everything has purpose, everything has meaning. Lilith in Sagittarius is the compulsive explorer. There could be arrogance stemming from “sitting on knowledge” that no one else does. This is rarely the case, but the person acts like it. The certainty that stems from intuition is used in order to pursue radical freedom of movement. No one can stop this person from picking up and leaving when there’s an urge to. The fear of being limited is especially strong with this placement and the person will go very far in order to seek a sense of trust in God or the Universe. “I will have my freedom” is the call of Lilith in Sagittarius, “I will trust in life to see me through”. This could border on blind optimism, but the person can’t help it. Belief and trust is important to the point of it turning dark and impure. It’s the faith of a witch – it is a primitive urge rather than a purely spiritual inclination. God, the source of life, the abundance of opportunity and potential is sexually stimulating.
Lilith in Capricorn: Ambition and success in worldly terms are fought for subconsciously. “I’m someone who has experience of life and I know how to play my part well”. Because of a sense of having been denied status and achievement one can’t help but use anything as an excuse to patronize or come off as superior. Even if other people have more life experience and more achievements under their belts, Lilith in Capricorn will not act inferior. The person will highlight and promote personal pursuits in a way that will make them seem worthy of recognition and praise for their efforts. There can be a tendency to have to associate and get along well with authority or become an authority oneself. Duty and responsibility can be something one takes in sheer desperation of gaining some independence and autonomy. This is the person who tells everyone else about the advanced and high position one is in – it is very important to get the acknowledgment of being effective according to societal standards. However, the success comes with a price with Lilith in Capricorn because it stems from a place of deprivation and not from a place of inspiration. The success is gained through compromising one’s integrity and although it will hurt it will also feel curiously satisfying. Doing anything to get on top is the motto of this placement. This is stimulating sexually as well. Anything that indicates status is welcomed and embraced even if it is a little inappropriate and uncalled for. This is the achiever that gains reputation through compulsively getting to work – it doesn’t matter what kind as long as it sounds good when telling other people about it and putting it on the resume.
Lilith in Aquarius: As a sign, Aquarius is a blend between conventionality and unconventionality. There’s openness to new ideas and dimensions with awareness of the importance of structure as well. With Lilith here there’s an obsession with upgrading and reinventing oneself and the thought patterns that underlie one’s current life. Detachment can become a thrill; rebellion and breaking out of outdated thought patterns could become an obsession. Aquarius is a sign of independence – more specifically, independence of thought. This is someone who can’t stand to be boxed in and might reach for any idea that demonstrates that one is not a slave to anyone’s inferior thinking process. With Lilith coming through this sign, mental superiority is compulsively reached for; any mark of originality and uniqueness will do, even if it’s inappropriate or “impure”. Lilith is not one to shy away from taboos and coming through Aquarius, it is the realm of ideas that are reached for in order to satisfy the deep craving of sexual satisfaction. Some quite odd things could be pursued in the name of independence. There’s also a need to impose one’s ideas on the current structure in order for it to change for the better. Because of the dark and twisted undertones, the person might not get their wishes fulfilled despite insisting that they should. It can turn quite absurd because the person won’t take no for an answer. One’s own way of thinking is not seen an inferior to anyone else’s – or to the established societal structure at large.
Lilith in Pisces: The last sign of the zodiac is a slippery creature, or rather two little fishes swimming in opposite directions. Separation versus oneness is the duality of Pisces. Lilith in this sign is quite complex. In order to feel “at one” with the rest of existence there needs to be a sacrifice of individuality and this is something that Lilith can’t get enough of. Sacrifice of selfhood is compulsive, there’s almost a need to rub the loss of independent will in other people’s faces. “I am the universe and I bathe in the waters of creation” is the statement but it’s not done out of deep devotion or a need to be in tune with something greater – it is done out of a dark and primitive urge for independence and freedom. Attuning to something transcendent is only a byproduct or a method of asserting radical autonomy. Passivity and return to oblivion is obsessively pursued, almost to the point of not being able to enjoy it. The enjoyment and excitement lies is the surrender itself, it’s not derived from the surrender. “I just need a moment to myself”, “I’m so sensitive I’m hurt by everything”. Paradoxically, there’s also a need to carry everyone else’s emotional burdens as one’s own at the same time as needing retreat from it. The act of sacrifice is sexual – it is a double bind of pleasure and pain. It hurts to take on the problems of existence but one has to do it. Compassion and empathy swamps the individual soul but it is worth it because it’s an act of free (compulsive) will. Soaking up and dissolving can produce divine ecstasy but it’s often rushed, skewed and not so pretty in underlying motivation as to produce the height that is sought.
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theroguegambler24 · 3 years
Possible vacation? Or just next destination? Who knows! But I would like to add it to my list!!
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© René Ringnes
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