thetempleoftheone · 2 days
The Void is not black, it is crystalline in its purest clarity. Depth and distance create the illusion of darkness. But extension in space-time does not exist beyond the interface of perception. Acausal, the Void is without beginning or end. It is all possibility and the ultimate source of all things. It is pure consciousness without object.
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thetempleoftheone · 6 months
Being Is A Relational Spectrum
Each of us is an aggregate of approximately 37.2 trillion cells that has taken approximately 13.82 billion years to come into existence.
We evolved from a brilliant eruption of energy into an expanding cosmic void. We are manifestations of this energy’s complexity, expressions of the infinite configured minutely in microcosmic array.
We are the energy and matter of the universe: we have been and will be trillions of things. And yet, always, we are that which we were and will be: all that is.
You are the conscious universe made flesh in a dream of self. We are the living, dreaming universe, and participate in its creation; our agency, and our perceptions, combine with chaos, and pattern, to form the golden knot which binds us, one to another, and all to totality.
Being is a relational spectrum and a closed whole: there are no individuals, only aggregates bonded by essential life processes within greater and more complex aggregates that emerge and disappear within a torus of void and energy: spiraling entwined in constant transubstantiation, all things come to be and pass away in accord with the rhythm of the One.
There are endless worlds and countless dreams within the spiraling whole, all singular in source and name, each of them flowers blooming in the dark limbs of Eternity, all of us seeds sewn in the glittering garden of the Night.
©️ JM Tiffany
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thetempleoftheone · 6 months
The Body & Lust
The body is neutral; it is neither good nor evil.
It has features that are appealing because of millions of years of evolution.
These features are meant to attract a mate and perpetuate the species.
Because of this, we experience lust.
But the body is not to blame for lust. Lust, as an organic impulse, is the product of an ancient chain of causation arising within the deep seriality of terrestrial time.
Lust is simply an energy, an aspect of human life meant to perpetuate the species. It is neither good nor evil, it merely is.
When people suffer over lust, they either cling to it because they desire pleasure, or they resist it because they see it as evil or unclean.
When lust presents itself, if we greet it with clarity and mindfulness, we can see that lust is just lust.
It has no power to control us and because it is not evil, we cannot be polluted by the experience of it.
If we descend into the energy of lust and give it dominion, we suffer from endless dissatisfaction in search of more pleasure.
And when we ignorantly run from lust out of disgust or fear we deny the reality of our being and establish harsh moral dualities without any basis.
It is when we greet the energy of lust calmly and mindfully, without judgment or attachment, that it ultimately passes through and away from us. © JM Tiffany
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thetempleoftheone · 7 months
Do not become lawyers and complicate yourselves with empty creeds! Live simply, forgive quickly, and do what is right for its own sake.
Know this! Whoever transgresses another, transgresses The One. Therefore, make each other whole, and give compassion freely.
To serve The One, give love and compassion in all directions without discrimination.
The healing power of Love unites all things, yet it is for Love’s sake that all appears divided.
Love and compassion feed the wholeness of totality, and acts of kindness and service create harmony: these things best serve The One.
Look closely for the interconnectedness of things. Observe Totality without judgment, and honor the ineffable Mystery of Its completeness in silence. Do away with cruel prohibitions. The world doesn't need commandments, it needs awareness. Increase your own by being present in the moment and in your heart.
Witness how all things flow. Pay attention to the fluidity and impermanence of all forms. As you would a river, let The One be The One. Breathe deeply, softly, and calmly witness Its unfolding, within, and without you. There, you may find It, for it resides at the center of all things. © JM Tiffany
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thetempleoftheone · 7 months
There is but One Mind and it dreams dreams of dreaming dreams. This living mind imagines individual life functions that imagine themselves as separate from the wholeness of its totality: each node knows only what small delusions it was given to fulfill its purpose in service to the whole. Each perceived being is a division of unity, not a unit of individuality. All things, knowing or unknowing, good or evil, serve the One. Free will is an illusion. There is only the One: trust in the oneness.
©️ JM Tiffany
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thetempleoftheone · 7 months
That which can be named is not The One. No image may contain It, nor word describe It. It cannot be grasped in thought nor in form, yet everywhere it is found. The One is neither a book, a collection of scrolls, nor even the knowledge of every age. The One is not the idolatry of laws, creeds, cultures, or countries. The one whose name can be spoken is not The One. All that may be said of The One is false, yet The One’s truth is undiminished. Though The One evades perception, It is everywhere found. None may comprehend The One, and none may reveal It but Itself. The One demands no worship: all that does is not The One. The One does not require the mediation of clergy: it has no priests, only poets. By Its nature, The One bonds together and makes whole: It is the essence of Unity, and Love is its highest expression.
©️ JM Tiffany
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