#sacred teachings
thetempleoftheone · 8 months
That which can be named is not The One. No image may contain It, nor word describe It. It cannot be grasped in thought nor in form, yet everywhere it is found. The One is neither a book, a collection of scrolls, nor even the knowledge of every age. The One is not the idolatry of laws, creeds, cultures, or countries. The one whose name can be spoken is not The One. All that may be said of The One is false, yet The One’s truth is undiminished. Though The One evades perception, It is everywhere found. None may comprehend The One, and none may reveal It but Itself. The One demands no worship: all that does is not The One. The One does not require the mediation of clergy: it has no priests, only poets. By Its nature, The One bonds together and makes whole: It is the essence of Unity, and Love is its highest expression.
©️ JM Tiffany
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sluterastede · 9 months
the way that after the teaser dropped every season 2 edward babygirl teach playlist suddenly had hozier on it
and everyone is right for that bc you know the kraken would have hozier’s entire discography on repeat
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this-should-do · 2 years
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a lil redraw of this baller sfm by @gearbroth​
it just enamored me so,,,, they all look so cute <3<3
featuring close up gordon and wrong lambda big foot because thats the vibes gordon giving in this one lol
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deoidesign · 7 months
Are you slowly going insane over your OWN ocs?
No, I've been infected by brainworms the entire time. Nothing slow about it.
But honestly, no... It's not really about my characters to me. I love my characters, of course, and I love telling stories, and I hope to keep making art of my characters every day until I die.
But it's not about them! They're not REALLY what I love, what I love is people! And I hope I can leave the world with a hundred different love letters so my readers can feel how much I love them for even one day longer than I am here.
My characters are a conduit through which I can give that to people. I want nothing more than to make someone feel a little more loved, a little more seen, and a little less alone. And my characters are the best way I know how to do that.
So for that, they're incredibly important to me... But they're not for me. They're for you!
So I hope you enjoy them
and I hope you can feel that I love you through them.
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waitineedaname · 2 months
reading the novel, i love how blatantly indulgent of the juniors lan wangji is. when he was their age, he was duelling wei wuxian over broken rules and lived his life by behaving as precisely as what was expected of him, and now as an adult, he's basically letting the juniors do whatever they want as long as it isn't unsafe and generally letting the kids act like kids
which leaves wei wuxian to have to be the one playing bad cop. wei "has never followed anyone else's rules in his life" "bane of lan qiren's existence" "public enemy number one" wuxian has to be the one being like "oh my god don't burn money on someone else's doorstep, don't you know that's rude. you kids need to focus on your studies more, why isn't anyone teaching you anything useful, do i have to do everything myself around here"
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februarys-wednesday · 10 months
never understanding y'all who hate shakespeare or studying shakespeare because ONE shakespeare fucks very hard and TWO if you are in like middle school high school it is the easiest shit to study i mean the EASIEST if you don't like to read shakespeare you can go to YOUTUBE DOT COM and type in ANY OF SHAKESPEARES WORKS and you will find a FULL PRODUCTION OF IT for FREE you SHOULD follow along with your book but you don't HAVE TO because you're experiencing shakespeare in the WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED and you will ENJOY YOURSELF and you will LEARN SOMETHING and this is the ONE OPPORTUNITY YOU'LL EVER HAVE IN LIT/ENGLISH/WHATEVER TO WATCH THE "MOVIE" VERSION OF THE BOOK I CANNOT BELIEVE PEOPLE BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT HOW BORING AND DIFFICULT SHAKESPEARE IS!!!
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
It’s very obvious that the Erin’s are unwilling to actually write in the perspective of characters whose beliefs/values/customs/structure of life don’t conform to the status quo of the Clans. Or even value the different cultures/values in the same way, as evidenced by both the Sisters and the Tribe.
When we do get a perspective from the Sisters, it can’t be of someone who is immersed in the culture they grew up in and value it, no it has to be someone who views the culture as inherently wrong despite being raised in it. It makes no sense and just serves to say “wow the Clans really are so great and the pinnacle of cat society” without a hint of irony.
It’s just gross. And bad writing. And a bad way to view different cultures. Please they need to understand cultural relativism, like I get it’s fictional, but still. It wouldn’t be as bad if there was some sort of commentary on how the Clans are so intolerant to other ways of life but there isn’t. It’s without a hint of irony that they’re somehow superior.
^^ nail on the head
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sparklyslug · 4 months
But hear me out: maybe it ISNT immature to block someone just because they were condescending to me in reblog tags about pumping gas
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pathofregeneration · 11 months
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Gilbert Williams, The Vortex (1982)
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The Teachings of the Adepts, part II
“There is an invisible universe within the visible one, a world of causes within the world of effects. There is force within matter, and the two are one, and are dependent for their existence on a third, which is the mysterious cause of their existence. There is a world of soul within a world of matter, and the two are one, and caused by the world of spirit. And within these worlds are other worlds, visible and invisible ones. Some are known to modern science, of others she does not even know that they exist; for, as the material worlds of suns and planets and stars, the worlds of animate and inanimate beings, from man the lord of creation down to the microscopic world with its countless inhabitants, can only be seen by him who is in the possession of the powers necessary for their perception, likewise the world of the soul and the realms of the spirit can only be known to him whose inner senses are awakened to life. The things of the body are seen through the instrumentality of the body, but the things of the soul require the power of spiritual perception.
This power of spiritual perception, potentially contained in every man, but developed in few, is almost unknown to the guardians of science in our modern civilization, because learning is often separated from wisdom, and the calculating intellect seeking for worms in the dark caverns of the earth cannot see the genius that floats towards the light and it cannot realize his existence. And yet this ancient science, which the moderns ignore, is perhaps as old as the world. It was known to the ancient prophets, to the Arhats and Rishis of the East, to initiated Brahmins, Egyptians, and Greeks. Its fundamental doctrines are found in the Vedas as well as in the Bible. Upon these doctrines rest the fundaments of the religions of the world. They formed the essence of the secrets that were revealed only to the initiated in the inner temple where the ancient mysteries were taught, and whose disclosure to the vulgar was forbidden under the penalty of torture and death. They were the secrets known to the ancient sages and to the Adepts and Rosicrucians of the Middle Ages, and upon a partial understanding of their truths rests the system of modern Freemasonry.”
— Franz Hartmann, The Life of Paracelsus
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hyper-voice · 10 days
@skullkxd said: BE GAY DO CRIME!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!! KICKS OVER A TRASH CAN!!!!!!!!
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"Gotta pass our sacred teachings on to the new generation."
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appalachianmike · 15 days
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Title: Embracing Ancient Wisdom: The Enchantment of Old Growth Trees in the Appalachian Mountains
In the heart of the ancient Appalachian mountains, amidst the towering old growth trees, lies a reservoir of wisdom as old as time itself. These majestic giants, rooted in the earth for centuries, are not merely symbols of strength and endurance, but repositories of ancient wisdom passed down through generations. Inspired by Celtic pagan traditions, we uncover the profound teachings hidden within the enchanted embrace of these venerable beings.
This gouache painting of a wise old tree serves as a portal to the timeless wisdom found in the depths of the Appalachian forests. Just as the Celts revered the sacred groves as places of divine communion, so too do we honor these ancient woodlands as sanctuaries of spiritual insight and enlightenment.
In Celtic pagan tradition, trees are regarded as sacred beings, each with its own unique energy and essence. The old growth trees of the Appalachian mountains, with their gnarled branches and weathered bark, exude a palpable sense of wisdom and ancient knowing. They stand as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the passage of time and the cycles of nature.
As I share my painting, I hope we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of honoring the wisdom of the natural world. Just as the roots of the old growth trees are intertwined with the earth, so too are we connected to the web of life that sustains us all. By attuning ourselves to the rhythms of nature and seeking guidance from the ancient wisdom of the trees, we can find clarity, purpose, and direction on our spiritual journey.
In the quiet stillness of the forest, away from the distractions of the modern world, we can hear the whispers of the ancient ones—the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the creaking of branches in the wind, the murmuring of the streams and rivers. These are the voices of the old growth trees, speaking to us in the language of the earth, offering us guidance, solace, and inspiration.
As modern Celtic Pagans, we have much to learn from the ancient wisdom of the Appalachian forests. By immersing ourselves in nature and communing with the spirits of the land, we can tap into a wellspring of spiritual insight and transformation. Let us honor the sacred groves of the Appalachian mountains as temples of divine wisdom, and let us draw strength and inspiration from the ancient teachings of the wise old trees.
My painting of this wise old enchanted tree serves as a reminder of the profound wisdom that lies hidden within the ancient forests of the Appalachian mountains. May we heed the call of the old growth trees, and may we walk with reverence and humility upon the sacred earth, honoring the interconnectedness of all life and seeking guidance from the wisdom of the natural world.
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blueheartbookclub · 7 months
"The Initiates of the Flame: Illuminating the Path to Esoteric Wisdom"
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In "The Initiates of the Flame," Manly P. Hall takes readers on a captivating journey into the profound realms of esoteric knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. Hall's meticulous exploration of ancient mystical teachings serves as a beacon, guiding readers through the intricate tapestry of secret wisdom. With eloquence and depth, the author unravels the symbolic language of the initiates, revealing timeless truths that resonate with seekers of spiritual understanding.
Hall's narrative is a tapestry woven with threads of mystery, unveiling the sacred rites, hidden symbols, and spiritual allegories passed down through the ages. The book becomes a key unlocking the doors to higher consciousness, inviting readers to contemplate the esoteric principles that underpin the universe. As Hall delves into the teachings of the initiates, he sheds light on the transformative journey one must undertake to unlock the secrets of the flame—the eternal source of spiritual illumination.
The Initiates of the Flame is not merely a book; it is a profound meditation on the esoteric traditions that have shaped humanity's quest for spiritual enlightenment. Hall's insights are a testament to his deep understanding of the ancient mysteries, offering readers a glimpse into the hidden dimensions of existence. This work is a must-read for those who seek to unravel the mysteries of the flame and embark on a transformative journey toward higher knowledge and self-realization.
"The Initiates of the Flame," Manly P. Hall is available in Amazon in paperback 10.99$ and hardcover 18.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 167
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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shortguyswag · 5 months
current thought for a video essay: The future is atheist (but we'll still celebrate christmas?)
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sacredwilderness · 8 months
He was a god amongst us
Alan Watts- letting go
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Note Dump on 'Land, Respect, and Belonging: A Teaching on Sacred Responsibility', Hosted by Dr. Daniel Foor and the Ancestral Medicine Team
Now located here:
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
i think its extremely funny in naruto fanfiction whenever the author decides* to include a scene with hidan proselytizing, or extolling the virtues of jashinism. i love when he stops mid-rampage to try and explain his close and personal relationship with his god to his unfortunate captive audience.
*by "decides," i of course mean "they put hidan in the scene and were unable to prevent him from stealing the show"
"We have no reason to stay here. We fulfilled the client's request," Kakuzu ground out, the vein in his forehead throbbing angrily. "Stop messing around. Time is money-"
"Yeah, yeah, shut up with that horseshit. If you wanna report to Leader so bad, you can head back without me. I'm fucking teaching here, asshole! These heathen shits don't know their ass from their elbows, what kind of priest would I be if I didn't offer them moral guidance?"
Kakuzu grunted in response, then gestured to the few remaining civilian stragglers. "And what, exactly, are you attempting to teach them. They're clearly already terrified. Just get on with it so we can leave."
Hidan stared at Kakuzu incredulously. "...the fuck? What kind of shitty ass school did you go to? They don't cover fear in ethics class," he scoffed.
Kakuzu stared at Hidan, his darkened and skull-patterned skin slick with blood, and watched as he began to slowly disembowel himself. "Ethics class." He paused, letting the unspoken question hanging in the air.
Nearby, the last of the village elders continued to bleed out, his screams having long since dissolved into pained gasps.
"Yeah, ethics class!" Hidan agreed, his eyes wild. Satisfied, he yanked the kunai out, and placed the tip directly on top of his sternum, above his heart. "After all," he said, grunting with exertion, "one of the core tenets of Jashinism is empathy."
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