thoughfalse · 1 year
You guys need to know that imagination is the real reality and you HAVE to fully trust it
I know its hard to dismiss the 3d especially when it's all up in your face but deal with it however way you need to and when that's done, go back into your desired state, into your imagination, coz whatever is happening in your 3d is not in your 4d
I would cry my heart out and sob when things got hard but in the end I retreated to imagination
all you need to do is believe you have it in the 4d and know that it will come to pass and you're good to go
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thoughfalse · 1 year
In the law of assumption, you don’t need to lift a damn finger. You don’t have to get up and go out to do shit you don’t want to do. You don’t have to force anything to happen. All you’re doing is interfering with your manifestations. Instead of trying to make it happen, you just have to LET it happen.
Everything that you want will go to you exactly how you want it to. Hell, in Joseph Murphey’s book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” there was a woman who would just affirm for 5 minutes a day for a spouse. She didn’t do anything; she didn’t actively go out and go on dates and seek for a lover. She just went on with her day, stayed at home as she affirmed. One day when she went out to buy something, she randomly met a man whom she ended up being with— the person she AFFIRMED for. The person she MANIFESTED.
The same thing can and will happen to you too! You can do absolutely fucking nothing and you’ll just randomly get your shit. Let your manifestations happen to you. Stop trying to change anything because nothing will come out of it. You have to accept your desires and let it be yours— affirming or not, whatever works for you. One word and you’re already in the state of having! You just have to DECIDE.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
“Your imagination is unlimited in what it can accomplish. If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.”
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thoughfalse · 1 year
Collection of Aphrodite Apprentice Posts
Hey loves! Aphrodite apprentice has unfortunately deactivated her blog. Her posts were very helpful to the community so I thought I would collate a master-list of her posts! Hope this is helpful  All post credits goes to aphroditeapprentice.
“Wait it’s that simple? Like feeling is not even emotion, it’s just acceptance?”
“i just want it to happen now”
Try to BE instead of have in order to manifest .
Surrender(yield) to a new state.
“I am NOT satisfied with “having it” in my imagination.”
Something that works great for me, especially if you are in a undesirable State
Your only “job” is to fulfill yourself
3d isn’t something separate from me
“I AM”
“How can one start preparing for the new year manifestation wise?”
Do want you want instead of “have to do” 
“I can’t seem to let myself feel the wish fulfilled, I am scared that if I allow myself to accept my desire(s) in my imagination I won’t want it in the 3d anymore”
“how can i deal with the 3d”
“What does Edward art and Neville mean by fulfilment?”
When i identify with my inner man, is it just like “yeah i have what i want in my imagination, so i don’t have to worry” and then go on with my day? thats it?” 
My goal is to not live in desire. For anything.
“How do I change my physical appearance without obsessing over the 3d?”
“How to actually get into a state?”
“How do you accept something as true?”
Doing what I want in imagination
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thoughfalse · 1 year
your lack of discipline in staying in the state of wish fulfilment is the only reason that you are not getting what you desire. let your old state of being die; wear this new state of being and become disciplined. it will become your dominant state in no time.
if you imagine it, it is already yours. there are no ifs and buts. it is yours. actions will happen effortlessly; you don’t have to think about what actions to take. all you have to do is give yourself what you want to experience right now internally.
— youtube link
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thoughfalse · 1 year
define: states 🫶
also known as: how to manifest using states!
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your state is what manifests, not your thoughts.
this has become a very inflammatory sentence for some, but it shouldn't be scary. states simplify manifestation, it doesn't complicate it.
at the beginning of my loa journey, i would affirm alllll day long. while watching tv, while reading, while hanging out with my friends. and by the logic of "your dominant thoughts manifest," i should've gotten my manifestations after only a few days of that. but i didn't, because dominant thoughts aren't what manifests, it's your state that manifests.
you are not a state. you are I Am, and you enter in and out of states all day long. there is an infinite number of states, and no one experiences states the same way. so even if two people are manifesting the same thing (for example, money), the State of Being Rich will probably look different for both of them. so there's really no one specific way a state should look/feel!
because there are an infinite number of states you can occupy, right now you have the power to be rich, just as much as you have the power to be poor. it is just as easy to occupy the state of being rich as it is the state of being poor. you are both of these things, and you know that you are both of these things because you can imagine being both of these things, and everything stems from your imagination.
the state that you consistently go to, also known as your dwelling state, is the state that manifests into your 3d reality.
so, how do you get into a state?
you switch states simply by intending to. the second you want to switch states, you do. in order to maintain this new state, you can use a technique such as affirming, scripting, or visualizing.
let's talk about affirming.
affirming is a TECHNIQUE. some people argue that since affirmations are just thoughts, you can never stop affirming and should be monitoring your thoughts all day long. i do not agree with this.
your thoughts do not manifest. it's why i spent my time from summer 2020-summer 2021 affirming on a constant loop 24/7 that i was in a relationship with my [old] sp, and it never manifested. it's why when you get intrusive thoughts they don't manifest. it's why--even tho every time you go to the bathroom you check behind the shower curtain in case something's there--nothing ever is. it's also why you were able to manifest something by thinking you wanted it once.
you do not need to "create new neural pathways" or think in your favor 24/7. your negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of your desired state, and you can instantly correct this by shifting back to the state of the wish fulfilled. you don't even need to flip the thought. your thoughts have no power, unless you give them power by allowing them to let you wallow in the state of lack.
all that being said, affirmations can help you maintain your desired state. i say maintain, because getting into the state is instant, and requires no technique. however, there is such thing as affirming from lack.
what is affirming from lack? it's affirming to get what you want. it's affirming from a state of not having your desire. it's the same as thinking of your desire, instead of thinking from your desire.
a few months ago, the 10k challenge was going around. it was marketed as a fool-proof way to get your manifestation, because all you had to do was "affirm 10k times to create a new neural pathway which created an assumption." yet so many people affirmed 10k+ times and still didn't get their desire. why? because they were affirming from lack.
quality > quantity. you can affirm 10k times and not get your desire, because you weren't in your desire state. you can affirm once and get your desire, because you were in the state.
so how do you not affirm from lack?
an easy way is to pay attention to your affirmations. mindless affirming is out! this shouldn't be a scary thing to hear, because as we discussed, there's no need for you to affirm 5 million times in order to reach some imaginary quota, because your thoughts don't manifest.
affirm with purpose! create an affirmation that implies you already have your desire, and repeat it with the purpose of conjuring the feeling of knowing. the feeling of knowing may feel like calm, peace, relief, contentment, or even excitement. when Neville Goddard said "feeling is the secret," this is the feeling he was talking about, NOT emotions.
if your affirmations are making you feel anxious, this can indicate one of two things:
affirming is not the technique for you (which is OKAY!!)
you're affirming to get
"affirming to get" is a big debate as well. yes, you are manifesting your desire because you want to get it in your 3D. but in order to get it in your 3D, you must change your 4D first. so you should be using techniques such as affirming in order to change your 4D, knowing that if you change your 4D, your 3D will follow. there is no one to change but self.
if affirming is not the technique for you, there is always visualizing, scripting, vaunting, etc.
also the distraction technique, my fav way to get into the state of the wish fulfilled! hehe
to sum it up:
"it's not focusing so much on getting the objects, but becoming the one who already has it." - Edward Art
where does persisting come in?
you should still be persisting in the fact that you already have your desire. you persist by consistently shifting back to your desired state, no matter what you see in the 3D.
reacting to the 3D, like negative thoughts, is an indicator that you have slipped from your desired state.
it can be very beneficial for you to have self-soothing tactics to use in case your 3D causes you to spiral or makes you anxious. these can include eft tapping, breathing exercises, etc.
your 3D is malleable. if you see something in your 3D that you don't like, you can change it. your 3D is simply a reflection of your dwelling state. if you don't see what you want in your 3D, let it serve as a reminder to shift your state back to your desired state. once again, you change your 4D to change your 3D. there is no one to change but self.
question: if you can affirm to get into a state, doesn't that mean your thoughts create your state and that your thoughts technically manifest?
answer: WRONG! like i've mentioned earlier in this post, you enter a state by intention. affirming can help you maintain the state, but your thoughts do not create your state. your state creates your thoughts. every state has thoughts that correspond with it, which is why can manufacture affirmations that imply you already have your desire and repeat them to conjure the feeling of knowing. it's also why negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of the state.
question: isn't that the same as someone saying "just assume?"
answer: NO! there are techniques to help you maintain the state. yes entering a state is instant, but there are techniques for you to use to stay in it.
question: are states ableist?
answer: NO!!!! this is something that people are saying on loatwt in order to villainize the people who teach states, and it's frankly disgusting. ANYONE can get into a state, even if they are neurodivergent! you are always in a state! you're in a state right now. i am neurodivergent, as are most of my friends that are states enthusiasts, and it has helped all of us to manifest our desires without driving ourselves to mental exhaustion by affirming 24/7.
question: how long do i have to stay in the wish fulfilled?
answer: it's not so much about how long you stay in the state, it's about frequency. no, not frequency as the law of attraction vibration bullshit, but how often you go back to the state. if you think about your desire 15 times a day, you should shift back into the state 15 times that day. if you think about your desire 5 times, then you should shift back into the state 5 times that day.
hopefully this helps clarify the idea of states for you, and helps you manifest your desires!! <3
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thoughfalse · 1 year
I understand states and everything but what should i do when i doubt? I’’m so confused
when in doubt, tell yourself that you’ve experienced therefore it IS DONE. what you experience in imagination is as real as your 3d, what you experience in imagination isn’t it in some fairy land that’s on its way to you. you own it here in the now, don’t use the 3D or your doubts as confirmation but the fact that you have experienced it in your imagination is the confirmation
"Should you tomorrow or in the interval between now, this night, and you do it, and the fulfillment of it, should one little doubt enter your mind, do this: just remember "But I experienced it, I experienced ownership, so I don't care if at this very moment something denies it, I experienced it!"
- Neville
don’t force yourself to get back in the state, don’t stress over the state. state < you. states are empty without you. the state needs to be ignited by you.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
if you’re having doubts about whether you can manifest out of thin air, read this.
i recently came across manifestation content on 小红书 which is a chinese social media platform and omg reading stuff in your native language does click better
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basically the first person was saying regardless of what your desire is, you’ll have to put in the effort for it to come into being and that your desire won’t manifest unless you put in ‘hard work’ and you can’t expect huge amounts of money to fall into your lap if you don’t even buy the lottery
and the person below replied, which i absolutely LOVED:
“ no, no matter what your desire is, if you just persist in it and stop wavering, you’ll get it effortlessly. the law is supposed to be fun and simple. the law is the law. i’m not saying to not do anything, what i’m saying is go about living your life and it will come to you in the most natural way possible, without force. the universe will hand your desire to you in ways you can’t even think off. ”
neville tells us to walk in the assumption that it is done, and it will come into being in ways that you would have never thought of, and that person grasped that flawlessly.
you don’t have to intentionally act a certain way for it to come into being, just live your life and it will come to you!
it truly fascinates me how there are people out there who know of neville’s work even if they don’t speak english. i know this sounds stupid lol but the advice given in that reply was so simple yet it clicked so well for me i just had to share.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
something that’s becoming increasingly more apparent to me is the fact that i need to stop trying to change the 3d and just go within. I never fully understood this, after all, aren’t we manifesting with the purpose of changing our 3d and living with our desires? it made no sense to me.
after listening to edward art again & reading ‘at your command’ and ‘feeling is the secret’ by neville goddard, i realised that this inner man, my imagination, it truly IS the real reality. something edward art said that really stuck with me was “let your inner man experience it” (not sure that was the exact quote but along those lines).
why would i care what the 3d is showing me when i have it in my imagination right now ? why do we place such importance on the 3d and not within when we can experience our desires right now. am i after validation from others? what’s the difference between having it in my 4d as opposed to having it in my 3d?
i realised validation was the answer. i wanted my desires to be validated by people around me. i wanted others to notice the changes in my life and comment on them so i could feel successful and, well, validated. now i realise this is futile & pointless. the only validation i need is my own validation. if eiypo, then wouldn’t others opinions be me validating myself anyway? so why would i wait for that when I can have it now & feel whole and complete now? it makes no sense and I now think i understand that.
so i guess the point of this post is to tell you that you don’t need to wait for others to validate your desires or congratulate you, congratulate yourself now, compliment yourself now, after all, you have it already in imagination don’t you?
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thoughfalse · 1 year
📝THE FIRST PRINCIPLE, Neville's full lecture
Do you know what you want? I will tell you a simple way to get it: Simply catch the feeling that you have it and sustain that feeling. Persist in acknowledging the joy of fulfillment.
for he [God] who can do all these things is within you as your own wonderful I AMness, your Imagination, your consciousness. That is God.
Test God [imagination], for he will not fail you.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
so guess what? i figured out why i couldn't "see" my desires.
i have a pretty good and stable self concept, still working on it but its good. i have been persistent with my belief that i have it. i havent been worrying but lately, since i have a deadline in 6 days for my birthday, i've been thinking "ok im doing it all right where is it?"
then i realized i had the assumption that the 3D takes time to conform, that i will have to wait for everything to be built/created!
so i started affirming/complaining "omg why foes my 3D conform so fast?"
"so annoyed because my desires come so fast like i havent even thought of them completely they jsut pop up"
i did that for literally 5 days and got my desires like? got a new apartment and a rolls royce, $890,000, furniture, desired face and hair plus body. tonight im going into the void for the first time but yeah
if you STILL dont see results even when youre doing it all right, maybe you have the assumption that the 3D takes long to change
OH MY GODD?? HELLOOO ANON THIS IS FANTASTIC!! all it takes is to identify that one limiting belief and flip it around, prove it wrong and VOILA! enjoy life anon. you deserve it, beautiful <3
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thoughfalse · 1 year
I need your guidance, i am a college student. I have been in loa tumblr since 2021, and i have been dealing with this problem since then. 
you see, i am manifesting a completely new life for myself where i am not in uni anymore. But to make a state dead is to turn your attention away from it, how can i do that when i have to deal with uni everyday? how can i do that when i think of exams, homework, attending classes blah blah blah.. 
i used to be really good at studying and get extremely good grades when i did not know about the law. why? because i desired to live a different life for myself away from this home and the only logical to do so was to push myself in school. due to that, i am now in a major i absolutely hate because it was the best thing available to start a career with a steady income. 
why am i mentioning this? because since i found out about the law my grades started getting bad. I do NOT want to push myself anymore. why would i? i absolutely CANNOT stand studying anymore, why would i push myself and put hours upon hours onto something that won’t matter anymore when i manifest my dream life…? 
that was the “logical explanation” i told myself every time i got a bad grade. but the thing is.. my dream life hasn’t “manifested” yet. 
consequently, i was extremely DESPERATE back in 2022. i tried everything under the sun to manifest my dream life whether that was in summer break before uni, i tried time crunches, working on my self concept, the vo*id.. i even deleted subjects because everything was so overwhelming so i deleted them to focus on “my manifesting journey”… 
i feel like this ask is all over the place. but everything i mentioned was to better explain my situation. you may ask “if you’re manifesting your dream life and that doesn’t include being in uni why are you worried about your grades…?”  because i am afraid. what if my grades become so bad that it do irreversible damage to my GPA while i still haven’t manifested my dream life????? I CANNOT turn my attention away from uni but at the same time absolutely hate it. I cant do it. so it makes sense why i would become so desperate and focus on time so, so much. I cant let go of time.
please, i am asking you help and guide me. 
If it's one important advice I'd have to give, is do not ever ignore the 3D. I know it must be hard for you right now, but what you do in the 3D does not matter if u satisfy yourself within.
When Neville was in the army, he said he didn't want to be there. He wanted to manifest getting out and going home to his wife and daughter. He applied to be deployed but was denied, his superior told him if there's one person he'd like to go to war with it's him. What do you think Neville did?
He did nothing. He didn't break or accept that he was never going to make it home. He continued training and slept in a room full of other military men, In a small bed.
But in his mind he was not there, in his mind he said he was at home, with his wife and daughter. He accepted with no reasoning that he was already released and at home. He said in his mind he was in ecstasy, happy and relieved even if he knew physically he was in tbe military bc he was trained there everyday.
Soon after his superior called him to his office, and asked him if he really wanted to leave. Nevielle answered yes, and his deployment was approved. He packed his things and went home.
Do not ignore the way you feel, but do not accept ur 3D circumstances as the end. Go within you mind and stay there, to yourself u are the person u desire to be, afe u not? Who's going to say what u are and aren't in ur imagination.
The only way to satisfy yourself is within, nothing is going against u and the faster u realize that, the more power to you. To me it doesn't matter what the 3D shows, if I'm feeling good within bc that is what u desire. Your oiter reality is only a reflection of your mind and it's contents. Do not sabotage yourself and ignore the 3D and what's given to you in it, that only worsens things for u.
It's not your responsibility or business for things to show up in your reality or when. U need to learn how to be observant of your 3D rather than a reactor of it, it is possible.
I wish you the best, not only with loa but school in general. Please don't just completely ignore ur 3D and view as sth going against you or as bad, it is a gift for u to enjoy your manifestations. I hope this helps and that u don't stress yourself so much. There's time for everything.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
my rules for manifesting!
1. imagine just for the sake of experiencing them in imagination only, NOT to change or get anything in the 3D
2. always fulfil myself in imagination without conditions; DO NOT care if it’s possible or if it’s real, reality is always reflecting self
3. looking at past imaginal acts as memories; whenever a doubt arises, “…but i’ve experienced it. it has happened. it isn’t any different from any other memory i have in my mind, and those are as real as this one because i’ve experienced them. so it doesn’t matter right now if some something denies it, i’ve experienced it.”
4. states are what manifests, regardless of how i choose to change my current state — whether that be feeling the emotions (happy, grateful, relieved etc) of it, or simply the acceptance that it is done, anything that manages to change my current state of self.
5. your thoughts are raw materials, your main product is feeling the wish fulfilled, your byproduct is it appearing in the 3D — the main goal here is to just assume the wish fulfilled, and as a result it will manifest in the 3D.
6. reality is the past, imagination is the present — everything in your outer reality stems from your inner reality, so as long as you’re changing your inner world, you are doing everything right.
7. manifestation is instant, and you see this happening firsthand when you feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled — your body starts to relax; your breath eases and you smile — as your body is still a part of the 3D. so when you’re successfully fulfilling yourself within, you are actually changing reality itself, and that change happens instantly when you’ve assumed the state of fulfilment.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
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thoughfalse · 1 year
you create the fulfillment
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no conditions
to give yourself what you want in your mind is normal. to not do so, is abnormal.
imagination is unconditional. when you start asking questions such as “how” and “when” or start thinking that it’s not possible whatsoever for you to logically have what you want, you are conditioning your desires. 
"but what if it doesn't materialize?"
"how do i know i did this right?"
"when will xyz conform in the 3d?"
"how will this ever happen, it's not possible to do xyz."
would a god condition themselves?
"realize that you, yourself brought about this condition of waste and lack and make the decision within yourself to rise to a higher level.
the reason most of us fail to realize our desires is because we are constantly conditioning them. do not condition your desire. just accept is as it comes to you" - neville
you create the desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
you create the lack: the state of being without.
and you create the fulfillment: the achievement of something desired.
"life does not care whether you call yourself rich or poor; strong or weak. it will eternally reward you with that which you claim as true of yourself. the measurements of right and wrong belong to man alone. to life there is nothing right or wrong." - neville
so ask yourself. do you want to live in desire? in lack? or do you want to live in FULFILLMENT?
would you rather live a life of guilt, shame, and punishment? or a life of acceptance, abundance, love, happiness, and peace?
only you can decide and only you can make the change. so radically change self, and the outer world will follow.
"you are who you decide to be. make the decision to give yourself everything you've ever wanted and PERSIST. fulfill every desire no matter how "big" or "small". give yourself EVERYTHING without conditions." - a previous post
understand and ACCEPT that you can do anything in imagination. give yourself what you truly want and BE the person who has those things, BE the person who IS those things.
"i have xyz." "i am xyz." and leave it at that. accept, persist, and embody.
and stop questioning the law. some of you continue to question every tiny thing because you lack faith and consistency. you refuse to actually put the law to the test and prove it yourself. do not bring this with you in 2023. get off loablr, get off loatwt, stop overcomplicating the law and APPLY.
live today simply knowing your desires are fulfilled. see them fulfilled if you'd like but know they are. you will notice your posture lengthening. you will breath with more ease. these are EFFECTS. - edward art + this post
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to summarize:
- stop conditioning.
- you create the desire. you create the lack. and you create the fulfillment.
- fulfill every desire immediately, no matter how "big" or "small", NO questions asked. do not wonder if it is "possible" or if it is "going to work". it is and it already has.
- stop over-consuming and start applying.
- you aren't going to become the person you want to be. you already are the person you want to be. you aren't going to get all of your desires. you already have all of your desires. you are going into 2023 WITH all of your desires.
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thank you so much for all the love and asks. i hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is excited for 2023!! im going to be taking a tiny break, or at least trying to lower my time on here, for a little while to focus on the new year! ill still be reblogging and answering asks when i can but i really want to focus on myself for now:] happy new year everyone<33
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thoughfalse · 1 year
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when you are still desiring that means you are living in state of unfulfilled desire. you deny yourself. you tell yourself you don’t have it when you in fact do. recognise that and identify yourself as the person who has their wishes fulfilled. you are God. God doesn’t desire, He just gives it to Himself.
it’s exhausting to live in lack. imagine all the ease you would feel if you just gave yourself everything you’ve ever wanted. you want to feel fulfilled. if you desire something, are you going to let that desire stay a desire? why would you? just give it to yourself already.
as consciousness is the only reality, if you desire daily in consciousness then the outer world will reject you.
Live today simply knowing your desires are fulfilled. See them fulfilled if you'd like but know they are. You will notice your posture lengthening. You will breath with more ease. These are EFFECTS. - Edward Art
manifesting isn’t pretending you have it. you actually have it and you just have to accept it. having something physically is just the after effect of you allowing yourself to have it in your imagination. stop accepting the 3D as the thing that is “real”. the 3D is you, just as everything else is you. you are everything. now, knowing that, why would you want to dwell in lack? knowing that, wouldn’t you want to feel fulfilled? feel it. you own the world and that’s the only justification you need.
feel that feeling of success, accomplishment, relief. dwell in it.
If you become frightened by looking to the outside, come back within and know it is fulfilled. - Edward Art
it’s your job as God to use your imagination to achieve the feeling that your desire is fulfilled.
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thoughfalse · 1 year
me with my vaunts 🧘🏻‍♀️
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