tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
gonna pause this until some inspiration hits for this. I may just revamp it and see if I can make something shake with it
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
This muthafucka really got the nerve to be mad that she’s acting different when he’s the cause in her change 🤦🏽‍♀️ thank god you chose my bae Lee to be a chocolate distraction cuz I was really boutta chew this punkass nigga out. He better get ready to warm that bench.
Lmao 😂 not warm the bench and he’s the epitome of fuck boy
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Chapter Two-One:Losing My Balance
Chapter Inspiration Trey Songz Hatin Love
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David Brewster I'd just gotten done with having a rough practice, and I was currently sitting in my coaches office waiting on him to chew my ass out. If I would have known that I would be this thrown off from breaking up with Zee, I wouldn't have done it. I never realized how much she helped me. Hearing his office door close and his feet shuffling over the floor, I huffed out a breath. "David what the hell is going on with you? How do you expect to have NBA teams looking at you, when your practicing bad, and having terrible games?" I ran a hand down my face, "honestly ever since I broke things off with Zeela, nothing has been going right." 
"What did you do?" I bit down on my bottom lip, coached loved Zeela, and it wasn't because of her high IQ in basketball. Her personality just draws you in if you're given a chance to get to know her, plus she stayed on my ass. "Coach I'm getting ready to enter in a new chapter of my life, I can't have nobody holding me back." He chuckled as he shook his head. "Now you know I don't do bullshit, you thought about all of the woman that would be throwing themselves at you, and you took the cowards way out." I opened my mouth to speak, but he raised his hand stopping me from further sticking my foot into my mouth. "I don't know how much damage you've done, but you better fix it, before I bench yo ass, dismissed." Without saying anything, I stood to my feet. There was no use in trying to plead my case once coach Smith demands something, those demands better be met. Shuffling out of his office, I proceeded to the showers, I was gonna take a quick one, and see if I could catch Zeela before she left off of campus. I wanted to let her know that even though I didn't want to be with her anymore, doesn't mean she has to stop supporting me, or continue to avoid me. I've let her throw her little tantrum long enough. "What did coach want?" My homie Camron asked. "Talk about me being off lately." "Nigga I told you to go kiss and make up with Zee, you was stupid as fuck for breaking up with her anyway." I waved him off, as I stripped, and shuffled into the shower. Cutting the water on, I immediately stood under it, I wasn't going to have time to take an ice bath, so this cold shower was just going to have to do for now. Closing my eyes I thought of ways to start off this conversation that I'm going to try and have with Zeela. This shit wasn't going to be easy, she's very prideful, and if she feels like you've trampled on that pride, hell will be given out. Washing my body off, I then cut the water, and wrapped a towel around me. Sauntering over to my locker, I pulled out my clothes, and prepared to get dressed. "What you about to get into?" Cam asked me. I simply shrugged my shoulders, deciding not to tell him my plans of talking to Zeela, I didn't need the extra commentary on what he thought I should do, or say. "Lets go hit up the diner then, a nigga starving." "Aight, i'll meet you there." I told once I was done dressing, he simply hummed as his response, as we both exit out of the locker room, and out of the gym. Once outside we dapped each other up, before going our separate ways. Checking the time on my phone, I seen I had about twenty minutes before she was out of her last class of the day. I sped walked across the campus, praying I made it on time. Seeing her little Honda Civic still parked in the student parking lot. I pushed my duffel bag further up on my shoulder, as I made my way over to her car. Placing my duffel at my feet, I propped myself upon the hood of her car, and patiently waited for her. My orbs bounced all over the campus, as I took to people watching. Hearing her soft laughter on the opposite side of where I was looking. My head rolled into that direction, a frown etched itself into my features as I noticed her and three other people headed over to her car. One being some dark skinned nigga. In all of the five years I've known her, Zeela didn't have any friends outside of myself and her sister. So who the fuck was this nigga? Sliding off of her car, I met her half way, grabbing her bag from her. "Waddup mama?" I spoke as I kissed her cheek. I watched as she looked perplexed before frowning. I wasn't worried about her making a scene, if it was one thing that Zee hated besides having attention on her, was having people in her business. She kept quiet, as did the other three people who were walking with her, reaching her car, she hit the lock button on the key fob, and I placed her bag in the back. "Um Zee we'll just meet you there?" One of the unknown girls stated.
"Okay Kelly, if I'm not there in fifteen minutes call me, I can't play around I need to pass this class." Zee replied to the chick whose name I now knew. "Girl we are not letting you fail this class, especially since this is your last semester with us." "Yeah what Kels said, besides got to make sure the both of you know the material so I can cheat right." The nigga stated, earning a chuckle from Kelly, and a girlish giggle from Zee. My frown was placed back onto my face. "Bye Ike." Zee told them after a short pause in their conversation. My patience was growing thin. Once they walked off, I took the time to look Zee over, my frown immediately turning into a smirk once I seen that she'd paired my basket ball pull over with my name and number on the back, with her wide legged light blue denim jeans. And if I had to bet any money on it I knew that my jersey was underneath. "How you still repping your man, but won't come to none of his games or practices." I teased. She rolled her eyes hard, "what do you want David?" she asked in a dry tone. Deciding to not beat around the bush, i just came out with it, "i been off my game literally, i need my number one fan, slash coach by my side." I don't know what I'd said that was funny but she was dying of laughter, I'm talking hunched over, tears rolling down her eyes. My thick eyebrows furrowed upon my head, as I waited on her to gain control of her laughter. "Whew you funny." She stated once she controlled it some what, she was still chuckling. "I'm serious Zee, coach said he's gonna bench me if I don't get it together, he asked me what was wrong, and I let him know that it was because I'd made the dumb decision of breaking up with you." I told her hoping to gain some cool points. "I'm glad you’re realizing that I helped you more than you thought I did, but as Kelly said this is my last semester her before I transfer, and I have to keep my grades up, I don't need the distractions that you and basketball will bring, my future is to important to me for that." She stepped around me with a shake of her head, and before I could stop myself, I'd reached out and grabbed on to her arm lightly. "C'mon mama just one game." I damn near begged, "don't, don't become that dude, that dude that begs." With that she slipped from my grasp, and entered into her car, her head still shaking as she once again began to chortle. I stood there stuck in my spot, the Zeela I'd just talked too wasn't the Zeela I've been knowing for the past five years. As I watched her car leave the parking lot, I couldn't help but want my Zeela back. Picking up my duffel bag, I slung it on to my shoulder, stuffing my hands into my pockets, I began walking to my apartment, going over the conversation that I'd just shared with the love of my life. Everything about her seemed different, and truthfully I wasn't liking any of it, not to mention the fact that she'd used my words against me. The way she talked to me, her body language screamed that she was really hating me. I never wanted her to hate me, because I never said that I didn't love her. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I called up Cam to let him know that I'd be there to meet him in a few, and also that I needed some damn advice, if I knew loving somebody was going to be this damn hard, I wouldn't have fallen, and she shouldn't have let me fall. "Damn!"
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Cuz you left her pregnant with your child and I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna be there for her or that baby so why would I wish you well? She did because she’s a sweet girl and she obviously still loves you but I don’t think you deserve that 🤷🏽‍♀️
Dave:Man that girl ain’t pregnant. And if she really was I would be there for her and my seed. But she’s not. I’ve seen her around campus and her body looks the same
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Low of her? Nah that’s low of you for not keeping it a buck about why you were breaking up with her. She gave up her dream for you and was 10 toes down and you tossed her to the side like she was a fling. Therefore it’s fuck you and I hope you don’t get drafted 😊
David:Everybody’s gonna have their opinion on how i should have handle our breakup, or what i should or shouldn’t have done. But it’s really none of yall fucking business. And why wish bad luck on me. You not a fan of me cool. But keep it kicking. As far as her giving up her dream for me. I didn’t ask her to do that.
Zeela:*cackles* I see your getting your practice in with lying. And no you may not have asked me to give it up, but don’t act like it wasn’t implied, and you didn’t stop me either
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Fuuuuuck that nigga David. She’s not distracting him from ball he’s keeping her from all the pussy that’s probably be thrown at him smh ungrateful ass nigga
He definitely chose the cowards way out. Instead of being real by saying, that he knew he was going to have pussy thrown at him  left and right, and he wanted to partake in that.
Dave:Why it has to be fuck me. Shorty real live was being a distraction. Do you know how hard it is to be a student athlete and have a girlfriend on top of that. And i never pegged shorty to be one of those woman whose so desperate she’ll cry wolf. That was low of her.
Zeela:Boy mutherfuck you. I’on have to pin no baby on you nor no other nigga. You’ll see my nigga. 
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Chapter One:Painfully Reality/Scared Determination
Chapter Inspiration: Isyss Single For The Rest Of My Life
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Zeela Armond
I'd just gotten off from working my shift at the hotel, and all i wanted was food, a hot bath, and the bed. But I'd promised my sister that we would talk, and i owe her that. Our relationship has suffered tremendously, and it was all my fault. I'd drop the ball when it came to us, and our relationship, and going through everything that I've been through with Dave, has me taking steps back, and taking the blame for my actions in the relationships that matter the most.
After all its just my parents, my sister, and myself. We are literally all we have, and I know i haven't shown them the love and respect they deserve. I knew I had enough time to change clothes, and cook, since my sister had almost a four hour drive from St. John's up here to Richmond. As i moved about the spacious hotel room, i mad a mental note to get a card to thank the hotel's manager Mr. Jerry for not only giving me a job, but up grading my room, he didn't have to do any of that.
And I was starting a new chapter in my life, so i wanted people to know that I'd appreciate the little things. As I moved about the little kitchen, I grabbed all the seasoning I would need, and began to season the ground meat I'd taken out earlier. Once I was done with that, I grabbed a small pot, and placed it on the stove. Cutting the burner on medium, I then slid over to the refrigerator, and pulled out the Velveeta cheese, closing the frig I placed the cheese on the counter, then put the seasoned meat into the pot so that I could start browning it.
Before I could move on to the next step, there was some hard rapping placed on the door. Wiping my hands on the hand towel, I shuffled over to the door, and snatched it opened. The small smile I was wearing on my face, immediately fell, as I stared at not only my sister but also my parents. Instinctively I stepped back, placing a protective hand over my stomach. "Hi," I said unsure, as they stepped inside. "My baby." Mother cooed, all ready on the verge of tears, as she pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around her, and I swear I didn't realize how much I missed, and needed my mother.
"Tell me whats going on, no matter what it is, it won't change how much I love you, nor will it stop me for being there for you." She told me as she broke our embrace, and with those few words, she'd managed to open the flood gates. I pulled her back into me, all I wanted right now was to cry on her shoulder, and be rocked in her arms. "Baby girl dry those eyes, and come and talk to us." My father spoke. I nodded my head at the whispered words of love, an encouragement my mother was speaking to me.
I stepped out of her embrace, and wiped my eyes, as we all shuffled over to the little living room. I took a deep sigh, before telling them the lame way that David had broken up with me. "And I'm pregnant." I stated. "Well what are your plans?" My dad asked, I took another deep breath before I spoke, "I'm gonna finish out this semester, then transfer to St. Johns." "What are you doing about money, besides what we put in your account every month?" My mother asked. "I work here at the hotel, and Mr. Jerry already said that he'll let me do a hardship transfer." "You know you are the reason why i'm not dating." My sister blurted out.
"What do you mean Zeena?" I asked her perplexed, i wasn't even mad that she'd just blurted that out. It's a habit that we picked up from our father. Zavier was a lot of things, however he didn't handle stress nor stressful situations well, and would blurt out the first thing that came to his mind, and unfortunately my sister and I inherited that trait.
"There's this boy that likes me, but I can't bring myself to date him, he plays ball and I watched how you lost yourself in Dave and I just can't take that chance." I sighed, I never intended to have my actions, have a negative effect on my sister. "Zee I don't handle change well, and when Katrina happened I lost so many friends, was placed in a new environment, first i used you, mommy, and daddy, as my crutch. Then when Dave came along he was just someone else that I used as a crutch. He understood me the same way you all did, he played ball just like I did. Instead of talking about how going through Katrina made me feel, I just clung to the people I had around me."
"And now I'm paying for it, I'm scared as hell that not only am I going to be someones mother, but that I'm also about to be a single parent, in college. Yeah I was down, and sad. Hell I still find myself crying from time to time, but a month in a half has gone by, and I've had plenty of time to think and reflect, I'm determined to make it. I have no choice but to make it, in six months I'm going to be holding my little bundle of joy. Never be afraid to live your life because of things you see other people go through, besides we are alike but we are so different. You wouldn't allow your self to get lost in a relationship." I spoke as honestly as I could.
"Baby girl hearing you speak, and the tone you used, I know you're going to be ok. It'll be hard, it won't be easy at all. But with our love and support you'll make it. I know you will I have faith in you." My father told me then smiled. "You damn right you're going to make it, hell if we have to move up here we will, we have your back all the way." My mother added as she squeezed my leg. "Don't even look towards me you know no matter what i have your back, your my only sister, carrying my only niece or nephew." Zeena said after a short pregnant pause.
I smiled as I stood to my feet to check on my meat. Picking my cooking spoon up, I stirred the meat around making sure it didn't stick to the pot. Pulling out two cans of Rotel, I opened them up, then poured them into the pot, then moved over to cutting the cheese up. "What you cooking?" My dad asked. "Rotel something quick." I stated. Before casting my eyes upon Zeena once she joined me. "You know we aren't done talking right." "I know." "Good you have us all weekend long, so I'ma let you spend some time with the parentals, but we are most definitely going to have our sister time." Zeena spoke with finality as if she was the older sibling. I smirked as i hummed as my response, letting her know I'd heard her.
My father cut on the late game ESPN was showing, while my mother sat curled up on the sofa with a book, Zeena fumbled with my phone, before Toni Braxton's Love Shoulda Brought You Home, flowed lowly through the speakers of my phone. "So are you really scared?" Zeena asked in between mumbling the words, and swaying her hips. I chortled lowly. "More like petrified but I know I'ma make it. I have to make it, I'm about to have a little person counting on me. Failure isn't an option." "This is the Zeela I know." Zee stated as she bumped my hip with hers. I simply smiled at her.
I never noticed how much I missed the little time, and things we did as a family. Us all together, put me in the mind frame of life before Katrina. Zeena and myself would give our mother a night off from cooking every week, and while we were in the kitchen cooking, my dad would be watching a game, or ESPN, while my mother sat next to him curled into his side reading, while Zee and myself, transformed into whatever singer we was listening to.
It's amazing how life's little curve balls could bring about change, and how heartbreak can bring about a will, a drive, determination that you never knew exited inside of you. As long as i had breath in my body I was going to make sure i succeed, and that I become the best mother in the whole entire world.
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Prologue:The Day Love Died.But Something Else Grew
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Chapter inspiration Deborah Cox It's Over Now
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Zeela Armond
I stood frozen in my spot, as i tried to comprehend what my boyfriend of five years told me. I looked intently at him, eyes stinging from the tears forming, bottom lip quivering, because i'm trying to keep those tears at bay. "I don't understand." I whispered out, as a single tear fell from my eye. "I just think right now, it's best we break up, the last thing i want to do is hurt you, but this is my sophomore season, and i'm trying to declare for the draft. I just can't have the distraction of a girlfriend." My head reared back as he spoke his words. 
If I could laugh, or chuckle i would. He'd reduced me to a distraction. I wasn't a distraction when i was making sure he got to practice on time, i wasn't a distraction when i took notes and broke things down for him, i wasn't a distraction when i was helping him pass his classes so he could continue to start, and i damn sure wasn't a distraction when i was making all his games, home and away. But now I am all of a sudden a distraction. Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth, i clutched the paper i had in my hand. 
As I stared at a man who I'd given my all too, I passed up my own basketball scholar ship so that we could attend the same college, and he stands here and tell me that I'm a distraction. I wiped my tears, but they silently kept falling, and he showed no emotion. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out, "that's not gonna make me stay, and please don't become that girl." He stated harshly, and instinctively i clutched the paper harder, shaking my head in the process. 
I no longer cared about the tears falling, all i wanted was to get my things and get the hell away from him. This wasn't the man i grew to know and to love. The man i knew wouldn't have been so harsh, or crass in his approach. Instead he decided to cut me deep with his words. I went from being a distraction, to a woman who is desperate enough to lie about being pregnant. 
"I'll get my things, and be out of your hair, and life." I mumbled, "no need, here." He pushed the black duffel bag he had in his hands, into my chest, and this time i did chuckle. He'd already had this planned, i was disposable to him. "Goodbye David, i wish you nothing but joy, success, and love." I whispered out, then turned and headed for the door. 
I had no idea where i was gonna go, i was miles and states away from any family, and i didn't really have any friends around campus. Between my work, Dave's work, and me being a full time basketball girlfriend, i didn't really have much time to be social, and it sucks, because i have no one to turn to right now. 
Pulling my car door open, i threw my bag inside, then followed behind. Once i was safely in my car, i banged my hands on the steering wheel, and proceeded to have a full breakdown. If this is what love feels like i don't want it. After my thirty minuet breakdown, i placed my keys into the ignition, and started my car. Since i had no family here, i was gonna have to settle on sleeping in a hotel. I made my way to the nearest hotel which happened to be a Holiday Inn Express.
I was gonna regret using some of the money my parents put into my account, but for now i was assed out. And i refused to ask him for anything. I didn't know how, or if i was going to make it, but i damn sure was gonna try. I had another life growing inside of me, and he/she was gonna be dependent on me. I was not going to fail, i couldn't. The love of a significant other may have died today, but love of another kind was taking place. And from here on out it was gonna be the only love i needed. 
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