twilight-lavender · 29 days
"Hello Mr. Lover !"
Mingyu x Reader ❀
Summary: Y/N is a staff member who has quietly developed a crush on Mingyu, the idol she works with. As they go about their daily tasks, they both steal glances and share unspoken moments. The twist? Mingyu has a crush on Y/N too.
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Part 1 | Part 2
The sun was high in the sky, casting a gentle warmth over the city as Y/N waited by her living room window. She had chosen her outfit with care—a soft dress that caught the light and made her feel like a morning sunbeam. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, each passing minute stretching longer as she awaited Mingyu’s arrival.
Then, the sound of a car horn broke the stillness of the neighborhood. It was Mingyu, punctual to the minute, a testament to his thoughtfulness. Y/N’s pulse quickened as she stepped out, her eyes catching sight of him emerging from the driver’s side, moving purposefully toward her.
Mingyu’s intention was clear—to treat her with the same chivalry he had shown earlier. Yet, Y/N’s mind raced with the thought of curious neighbors peeking through their curtains, gossiping about the handsome idol and the staff member.
Y/N: (with a soft, reassuring tone) “Mingyu, people might see. I can open the door myself.”
Her words were a delicate plea, carried away by the morning breeze. Mingyu paused, his hand hovering over the door handle, and then he stepped back with an understanding smile.
Mingyu: (his voice warm and admiring) “You look absolutely stunning today, Y/N.”
The compliment, simple yet sincere, sent a wave of warmth through Y/N’s being. She felt seen, appreciated, and for a moment, the bustling world outside ceased to exist.
Y/N: (her smile reflecting her inner joy) “Thank you, Mingyu. You too look great ”
They shared a smile, a silent promise of the moments to come. As they settled into the car, the air was charged with unspoken words and shared glances—their hearts on the verge of revealing feelings that danced just beneath the surface.
Mingyu leaned in slightly, his movement deliberate yet gentle, causing Y/N’s breath to hitch. She closed her eyes, a natural response to the closeness, her cheeks flushing with a shy rosiness.
Mingyu: (with a light-hearted tone) “Your seatbelt, Y/N.”
Her eyes snapped open, a mix of surprise and embarrassment dancing in them. She had been so caught up in the moment that she had forgotten such a simple thing.
Y/N: (stammering slightly) “Huh? Oh, yes, of course, the seatbelt
She reached for the seatbelt, her fingers brushing against Mingyu’s for a fleeting second, sending a delightful shiver down her spine. Securing the seatbelt, she turned her gaze outside, allowing herself a moment to recover from the fluttering in her chest.
Mingyu couldn’t help but smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. He found her fluster endearing, a sign of the genuine emotions that lay beneath her composed exterior.
As the car glided through the morning streets, the silence was not awkward but comforting—a shared space where words were unnecessary. They were two hearts, entwined in the delicate dance of a new connection, content in the sweet tension of the unknown.
The car journey ended as smoothly as it had begun, with Mingyu navigating the streets with an ease that spoke of familiarity. They pulled up to the restaurant, its facade elegant and inviting. Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise; the place was renowned, yet it stood silent, devoid of the usual chatter and clinking of cutlery.
Y/N: (with a puzzled look) “Are you sure this is the popular restaurant you mentioned? It looks
Mingyu: (nodding confidently) “Yes, this is the place. They serve some of the best dishes in town.”
Y/N: (peering through the windows) “But there’s no one here. It’s completely empty.”
Mingyu: (with a mischievous glint in his eye) “Ah, about that—I booked the entire restaurant.”
Y/N: (her eyes wide with astonishment) “You booked the whole place? Seriously?”
Mingyu: (smiling warmly) “Yes, I thought it would be nice for us to have lunch without any distractions. Just the two of us.”
Y/N stood there, flattered and touched by the gesture, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The realization that Mingyu had gone to such lengths for their lunch together made her heart flutter with a joy she couldn’t quite name.
Y/N: (her voice soft, almost a whisper) “Oh, Mingyu
 that’s incredibly thoughtful of you.”
As they entered the restaurant, the silence enveloped them like a secret shared between close friends. The tables were set with precision, the lighting casting a warm glow over the room. It was as if the world outside had faded away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of serene intimacy.
Mingyu led Y/N to a table by the window, the view outside framing their private dining experience. The care he took in ensuring her comfort, the way he pulled out her chair and waited until she was seated, spoke volumes of his consideration for her. Once they were both comfortably seated, the quiet clinking of fine cutlery and the soft rustling of the menu pages filled the air. Mingyu glanced up from his menu, his gaze meeting Y/N’s.
Mingyu: “What would you like to eat?”
Y/N pondered for a moment, her eyes scanning the array of exquisite dishes listed before her.
Y/N: “I’m open to anything. Whatever you suggest, I’m sure it’ll be delightful.”
Mingyu: (nodding in approval) “Cool! Then let’s go for something special.”
He signaled the waiter and, with a confident tone, ordered the famous Korean seafood that the restaurant was known for. The anticipation of the meal added another layer of excitement to their already enchanting afternoon. As they sat in the quiet elegance of the restaurant, awaiting their meal, Mingyu’s eyes twinkled with mirth.
Mingyu: (giggling) “Do you remember the first time we met?”
Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks, the memory still fresh enough to stir a mix of emotions.
Y/N: (covering her face with her hands) “Please, let’s not revisit that. I’m still mortified.”
But Mingyu couldn’t contain his laughter, the recollection too amusing to let pass.
It was Y/N’s first day on the job, and she had been tasked with organizing the wardrobe for the team. The room was a maze of clothes and towering boxes, a challenge that Y/N faced alone.
Suddenly, the lights flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness.
Y/N: (her voice a mix of confusion and concern) “What’s happening
In a swift motion, she pulled out her phone and switched on the flashlight. The beam cut through the gloom, and she heard footsteps approaching. Spinning around, she found herself face-to-face with a man clad in black, his cap casting shadows over his features.
Startled by the sudden encounter, Y/N stumbled backward, her foot catching on a loose garment. She reached out in a panic, her hand connecting with the figure before her, and both tumbled into a large box as the lights flickered back to life.
The scene was like something out of a movie—Y/N found herself atop Mingyu, their positions intimate and unexpected.
Mingyu: (wincing) “Ouch
Y/N: (her voice trembling) “Who are you?”
Before they could untangle themselves, the stylist burst into the room, concern etched on her face.
Stylist: “Are you guys okay? Mingyu, are you hurt?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as she whispered, realization dawning.
Y/N: (barely audible) “Mingyu?”
Mingyu: (with a reassuring smile) “Yeah, it’s me.”
They scrambled to their feet, a flurry of apologies tumbling from Y/N’s lips.
Y/N: (rushing her words) “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
Mingyu cut her off, his laughter softening the embarrassment of the moment.
Mingyu: (teasingly) “You thought I was a thief, didn’t you?”
Y/N: (her face a portrait of apology) “I’m sorry
 Are you hurt?”
Mingyu: (shaking his head, still smiling) “No, I’m fine, really.”
Y/N: (her voice laced with regret) “I’m really, really sorry. And I’m sorry for not recognizing you.”
Mingyu’s smile widened, his eyes gentle.
Mingyu: (chuckling) “Chill, it’s okay. I’m completely fine.” Back in the present, Y/N couldn’t help but join in Mingyu’s laughter, the initial embarrassment giving way to the warmth of shared memories.
Y/N: (with a playful roll of her eyes) “Mingyu, will you ever stop? Alright, as an apology for that embarrassing first encounter, let me cover today’s meal.”
Mingyu’s laughter subsided into a warm smile, his eyes locking with Y/N’s in a moment of silent understanding.
Mingyu: “Hmm, nope. Today, it’s all on me. But, if you really want to, you can treat me some other time
” (His voice trailed off, hinting at a desire for future outings together.)
Y/N’s heart fluttered at the suggestion, a smile spreading across her face.
Y/N: “Of course, why not? It’s a deal! How about next weekend?”
Mingyu: (his smile broadening) “That sounds perfect to me.”
As their food arrived, Mingyu, ever the gentleman, assisted Y/N with her plate, his actions gentle and considerate. Each small gesture added another layer to the tapestry of their budding romance, weaving a story of affection and care that was only just beginning.
As the final course of their meal approached, Mingyu signaled the waiter with a discreet nod. Moments later, a bowl of ice cream arrived, its cool swirls promising a sweet end to their lunch.
Y/N: (her eyes lighting up) “Aww, ice cream
Mingyu: (with a knowing smile) “Yes, it’s specially for you.”
Y/N looked at him, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
Y/N: “But how did you know I like ice cream?”
Mingyu: (leaning back with a playful grin) “I know everything
There was a twinkle in his eye that made Y/N laugh, the sound mingling with the soft music of the restaurant.
Mingyu: (after a pause) “Do you have to head home now, or do you have other plans?”
Y/N: “No, I don’t really have anything else planned for today.”
Mingyu’s hesitation was almost imperceptible as he ventured his next suggestion.
Mingyu: “How about going to a movie? Actually, it’s my friend’s film that got released yesterday, and I’ve heard it’s good. It might be a bit boring to watch it alone
 Would you join me?”
Y/N was taken aback by the invitation, a pleasant surprise that brought a soft smile to her face.
Y/N: “Oh
 Okay, sure.”
Mingyu’s heart soared with silent joy, but he maintained a composed exterior. He didn’t want to reveal the extent of his happiness just yet, preferring to let their relationship unfold at a gentle pace.
Mingyu: (calmly) “Great! It’s a plan, then.”
As they enjoyed their ice cream, the conversation flowed effortlessly
In cinema hall As they stepped into the cinema, Y/N’s eyes widened in disbelief. The vast hall was silent, every seat empty, the screen waiting to light up just for them.
Y/N: (with a hint of playful accusation) “Don’t tell me you rented out this entire cinema hall too?”
Mingyu looked at her, a sheepish yet proud smile on his face.
Mingyu: “Uhmm, yeah, I did
 I thought it would be more comfortable this way. So, where should we sit?”
Y/N: (laughing softly) “It’s empty, we can sit anywhere. But the center is always the best spot, right?”
Mingyu: “Let’s do that.”
They found their seats in the heart of the cinema, the perfect vantage point for the movie. As the lights dimmed and the opening credits began to roll, a shared sense of excitement settled between them.
Partway through the film, Mingyu noticed Y/N’s shoulders hunching slightly, a small shiver visible despite her best efforts to conceal it. Without a word, he slipped off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
Mingyu: (whispering) “Here, take this. You look like you could use some warmth.”
Y/N turned to him, her eyes soft with gratitude.
Y/N: (whispering back) “Thank you, Mingyu. That’s really sweet of you.”
The jacket was warm, carrying the faint scent of Mingyu’s cologne. It felt like a gentle embrace, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of closeness to him, a connection that seemed to grow stronger in the quiet darkness of the cinema.
As the movie played on, they found themselves laughing together at the funny scenes, jumping at the same moments of surprise, and sharing quick glances that spoke louder than words. It was a simple afternoon, but for Y/N and Mingyu, it felt like the beginning of something truly special.
The movie had ended, leaving behind a trail of emotions as Mingyu and Y/N made their way back home. The soft glow of the dashboard illuminated Y/N’s peaceful face, her breaths even and calm in sleep. Mingyu couldn’t help but admire her, the quiet moments allowing him to appreciate her presence fully.
As they neared Y/N’s house, Mingyu noticed the gentle rise and fall of her chest, a testament to her deep slumber. Not wanting to disturb her rest, he made a decision. With a slight turn of the steering wheel, he took an extra loop around the block, granting her a few more minutes of tranquility.
Eventually, the car came to a stop near her home, and Y/N stirred awake, blinking away the remnants of her dreams.
Y/N: (groggily) “Oh, we’re already here
She turned to Mingyu, her eyes reflecting the soft streetlights.
Y/N: “Thank you for today, Mingyu. It was
 it was wonderful.”
Mingyu offered her a gentle smile, his voice low and comforting.
Mingyu: “I’m glad you enjoyed it. And remember, you still owe me that treat.”
With a soft chuckle, Y/N nodded, the promise of another day together lingering between them.
Y/N: “I won’t forget. Goodnight, Mingyu.” She stepped out of the car, the night air cool against her skin, but the warmth of Mingyu’s jacket still lingered, a comforting embrace.
Mingyu: (softly, as she walked away) “Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.”
As he drove away, the memory of her laughter, the softness of her voice, and the promise of tomorrow filled him with a sense of anticipation. The night held their secrets, their unspoken feelings, and the hope of what was yet to unfold.
Exhausted yet exhilarated, Y/N collapsed onto her bed, the day’s events replaying in her mind like a favorite song on repeat. She reached for her phone and dialed Aara,( Fun fact she is big k-pop fan specially seventeen)
Y/N: (with a dramatic sigh) “Aara, I’m doomed!”
Aara: (her voice laced with concern) “What happened? Are you okay?”
Y/N: “I’m more than doomed. I’m utterly, completely doomed.”
Aara: “You’re freaking me out. Just spill it already!”
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart racing as she confessed.
Y/N: “I think
 no, I know I like Mingyu.”
Aara: (laughing) “Who doesn’t like him? He’s amazing!”
Y/N: (her voice rising in frustration) “No, you don’t understand. I like Mingyu. Like, really like him!”
To be continued......... !
PS :: Mingyu’s intentions were clear; he wanted to create a comfortable space for Y/N, a place where she could be herself without the pressures that often accompany the word ‘date.’ So, he chose to call it a lunch, a casual gathering between two people enjoying each other’s company.
Yet, within that simplicity, he wove moments that made her feel cherished. From the thoughtful choice of restaurant to the private cinema experience, each gesture was a delicate thread in the tapestry of their growing connection. He was patient, allowing their relationship to unfold naturally, giving Y/N the time to recognize the depth of her own feelings.
Author Note
Hello everyone,
Part 2 is here! I hope you all like it. Please share your thoughts with me – your feedback matters a lot!
Enjoy reading!
113 notes · View notes
twilight-lavender · 1 month
"Hello Mr. Lover !"
Mingyu x Reader ❀
Summary: Y/N is a staff member who has quietly developed a crush on Mingyu, the idol she works with. As they go about their daily tasks, they both steal glances and share unspoken moments. The twist? Mingyu has a crush on Y/N too.
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Part 1 | Part 2
The sun was high in the sky, casting a gentle warmth over the city as Y/N waited by her living room window. She had chosen her outfit with care—a soft dress that caught the light and made her feel like a morning sunbeam. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, each passing minute stretching longer as she awaited Mingyu’s arrival.
Then, the sound of a car horn broke the stillness of the neighborhood. It was Mingyu, punctual to the minute, a testament to his thoughtfulness. Y/N’s pulse quickened as she stepped out, her eyes catching sight of him emerging from the driver’s side, moving purposefully toward her.
Mingyu’s intention was clear—to treat her with the same chivalry he had shown earlier. Yet, Y/N’s mind raced with the thought of curious neighbors peeking through their curtains, gossiping about the handsome idol and the staff member.
Y/N: (with a soft, reassuring tone) “Mingyu, people might see. I can open the door myself.”
Her words were a delicate plea, carried away by the morning breeze. Mingyu paused, his hand hovering over the door handle, and then he stepped back with an understanding smile.
Mingyu: (his voice warm and admiring) “You look absolutely stunning today, Y/N.”
The compliment, simple yet sincere, sent a wave of warmth through Y/N’s being. She felt seen, appreciated, and for a moment, the bustling world outside ceased to exist.
Y/N: (her smile reflecting her inner joy) “Thank you, Mingyu. You too look great ”
They shared a smile, a silent promise of the moments to come. As they settled into the car, the air was charged with unspoken words and shared glances—their hearts on the verge of revealing feelings that danced just beneath the surface.
Mingyu leaned in slightly, his movement deliberate yet gentle, causing Y/N’s breath to hitch. She closed her eyes, a natural response to the closeness, her cheeks flushing with a shy rosiness.
Mingyu: (with a light-hearted tone) “Your seatbelt, Y/N.”
Her eyes snapped open, a mix of surprise and embarrassment dancing in them. She had been so caught up in the moment that she had forgotten such a simple thing.
Y/N: (stammering slightly) “Huh? Oh, yes, of course, the seatbelt
She reached for the seatbelt, her fingers brushing against Mingyu’s for a fleeting second, sending a delightful shiver down her spine. Securing the seatbelt, she turned her gaze outside, allowing herself a moment to recover from the fluttering in her chest.
Mingyu couldn’t help but smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. He found her fluster endearing, a sign of the genuine emotions that lay beneath her composed exterior.
As the car glided through the morning streets, the silence was not awkward but comforting—a shared space where words were unnecessary. They were two hearts, entwined in the delicate dance of a new connection, content in the sweet tension of the unknown.
The car journey ended as smoothly as it had begun, with Mingyu navigating the streets with an ease that spoke of familiarity. They pulled up to the restaurant, its facade elegant and inviting. Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise; the place was renowned, yet it stood silent, devoid of the usual chatter and clinking of cutlery.
Y/N: (with a puzzled look) “Are you sure this is the popular restaurant you mentioned? It looks
Mingyu: (nodding confidently) “Yes, this is the place. They serve some of the best dishes in town.”
Y/N: (peering through the windows) “But there’s no one here. It’s completely empty.”
Mingyu: (with a mischievous glint in his eye) “Ah, about that—I booked the entire restaurant.”
Y/N: (her eyes wide with astonishment) “You booked the whole place? Seriously?”
Mingyu: (smiling warmly) “Yes, I thought it would be nice for us to have lunch without any distractions. Just the two of us.”
Y/N stood there, flattered and touched by the gesture, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The realization that Mingyu had gone to such lengths for their lunch together made her heart flutter with a joy she couldn’t quite name.
Y/N: (her voice soft, almost a whisper) “Oh, Mingyu
 that’s incredibly thoughtful of you.”
As they entered the restaurant, the silence enveloped them like a secret shared between close friends. The tables were set with precision, the lighting casting a warm glow over the room. It was as if the world outside had faded away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of serene intimacy.
Mingyu led Y/N to a table by the window, the view outside framing their private dining experience. The care he took in ensuring her comfort, the way he pulled out her chair and waited until she was seated, spoke volumes of his consideration for her. Once they were both comfortably seated, the quiet clinking of fine cutlery and the soft rustling of the menu pages filled the air. Mingyu glanced up from his menu, his gaze meeting Y/N’s.
Mingyu: “What would you like to eat?”
Y/N pondered for a moment, her eyes scanning the array of exquisite dishes listed before her.
Y/N: “I’m open to anything. Whatever you suggest, I’m sure it’ll be delightful.”
Mingyu: (nodding in approval) “Cool! Then let’s go for something special.”
He signaled the waiter and, with a confident tone, ordered the famous Korean seafood that the restaurant was known for. The anticipation of the meal added another layer of excitement to their already enchanting afternoon. As they sat in the quiet elegance of the restaurant, awaiting their meal, Mingyu’s eyes twinkled with mirth.
Mingyu: (giggling) “Do you remember the first time we met?”
Y/N felt a blush creep up her cheeks, the memory still fresh enough to stir a mix of emotions.
Y/N: (covering her face with her hands) “Please, let’s not revisit that. I’m still mortified.”
But Mingyu couldn’t contain his laughter, the recollection too amusing to let pass.
It was Y/N’s first day on the job, and she had been tasked with organizing the wardrobe for the team. The room was a maze of clothes and towering boxes, a challenge that Y/N faced alone.
Suddenly, the lights flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness.
Y/N: (her voice a mix of confusion and concern) “What’s happening
In a swift motion, she pulled out her phone and switched on the flashlight. The beam cut through the gloom, and she heard footsteps approaching. Spinning around, she found herself face-to-face with a man clad in black, his cap casting shadows over his features.
Startled by the sudden encounter, Y/N stumbled backward, her foot catching on a loose garment. She reached out in a panic, her hand connecting with the figure before her, and both tumbled into a large box as the lights flickered back to life.
The scene was like something out of a movie—Y/N found herself atop Mingyu, their positions intimate and unexpected.
Mingyu: (wincing) “Ouch
Y/N: (her voice trembling) “Who are you?”
Before they could untangle themselves, the stylist burst into the room, concern etched on her face.
Stylist: “Are you guys okay? Mingyu, are you hurt?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as she whispered, realization dawning.
Y/N: (barely audible) “Mingyu?”
Mingyu: (with a reassuring smile) “Yeah, it’s me.”
They scrambled to their feet, a flurry of apologies tumbling from Y/N’s lips.
Y/N: (rushing her words) “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
Mingyu cut her off, his laughter softening the embarrassment of the moment.
Mingyu: (teasingly) “You thought I was a thief, didn’t you?”
Y/N: (her face a portrait of apology) “I’m sorry
 Are you hurt?”
Mingyu: (shaking his head, still smiling) “No, I’m fine, really.”
Y/N: (her voice laced with regret) “I’m really, really sorry. And I’m sorry for not recognizing you.”
Mingyu’s smile widened, his eyes gentle.
Mingyu: (chuckling) “Chill, it’s okay. I’m completely fine.” Back in the present, Y/N couldn’t help but join in Mingyu’s laughter, the initial embarrassment giving way to the warmth of shared memories.
Y/N: (with a playful roll of her eyes) “Mingyu, will you ever stop? Alright, as an apology for that embarrassing first encounter, let me cover today’s meal.”
Mingyu’s laughter subsided into a warm smile, his eyes locking with Y/N’s in a moment of silent understanding.
Mingyu: “Hmm, nope. Today, it’s all on me. But, if you really want to, you can treat me some other time
” (His voice trailed off, hinting at a desire for future outings together.)
Y/N’s heart fluttered at the suggestion, a smile spreading across her face.
Y/N: “Of course, why not? It’s a deal! How about next weekend?”
Mingyu: (his smile broadening) “That sounds perfect to me.”
As their food arrived, Mingyu, ever the gentleman, assisted Y/N with her plate, his actions gentle and considerate. Each small gesture added another layer to the tapestry of their budding romance, weaving a story of affection and care that was only just beginning.
As the final course of their meal approached, Mingyu signaled the waiter with a discreet nod. Moments later, a bowl of ice cream arrived, its cool swirls promising a sweet end to their lunch.
Y/N: (her eyes lighting up) “Aww, ice cream
Mingyu: (with a knowing smile) “Yes, it’s specially for you.”
Y/N looked at him, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
Y/N: “But how did you know I like ice cream?”
Mingyu: (leaning back with a playful grin) “I know everything
There was a twinkle in his eye that made Y/N laugh, the sound mingling with the soft music of the restaurant.
Mingyu: (after a pause) “Do you have to head home now, or do you have other plans?”
Y/N: “No, I don’t really have anything else planned for today.”
Mingyu’s hesitation was almost imperceptible as he ventured his next suggestion.
Mingyu: “How about going to a movie? Actually, it’s my friend’s film that got released yesterday, and I’ve heard it’s good. It might be a bit boring to watch it alone
 Would you join me?”
Y/N was taken aback by the invitation, a pleasant surprise that brought a soft smile to her face.
Y/N: “Oh
 Okay, sure.”
Mingyu’s heart soared with silent joy, but he maintained a composed exterior. He didn’t want to reveal the extent of his happiness just yet, preferring to let their relationship unfold at a gentle pace.
Mingyu: (calmly) “Great! It’s a plan, then.”
As they enjoyed their ice cream, the conversation flowed effortlessly
In cinema hall As they stepped into the cinema, Y/N’s eyes widened in disbelief. The vast hall was silent, every seat empty, the screen waiting to light up just for them.
Y/N: (with a hint of playful accusation) “Don’t tell me you rented out this entire cinema hall too?”
Mingyu looked at her, a sheepish yet proud smile on his face.
Mingyu: “Uhmm, yeah, I did
 I thought it would be more comfortable this way. So, where should we sit?”
Y/N: (laughing softly) “It’s empty, we can sit anywhere. But the center is always the best spot, right?”
Mingyu: “Let’s do that.”
They found their seats in the heart of the cinema, the perfect vantage point for the movie. As the lights dimmed and the opening credits began to roll, a shared sense of excitement settled between them.
Partway through the film, Mingyu noticed Y/N’s shoulders hunching slightly, a small shiver visible despite her best efforts to conceal it. Without a word, he slipped off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
Mingyu: (whispering) “Here, take this. You look like you could use some warmth.”
Y/N turned to him, her eyes soft with gratitude.
Y/N: (whispering back) “Thank you, Mingyu. That’s really sweet of you.”
The jacket was warm, carrying the faint scent of Mingyu’s cologne. It felt like a gentle embrace, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of closeness to him, a connection that seemed to grow stronger in the quiet darkness of the cinema.
As the movie played on, they found themselves laughing together at the funny scenes, jumping at the same moments of surprise, and sharing quick glances that spoke louder than words. It was a simple afternoon, but for Y/N and Mingyu, it felt like the beginning of something truly special.
The movie had ended, leaving behind a trail of emotions as Mingyu and Y/N made their way back home. The soft glow of the dashboard illuminated Y/N’s peaceful face, her breaths even and calm in sleep. Mingyu couldn’t help but admire her, the quiet moments allowing him to appreciate her presence fully.
As they neared Y/N’s house, Mingyu noticed the gentle rise and fall of her chest, a testament to her deep slumber. Not wanting to disturb her rest, he made a decision. With a slight turn of the steering wheel, he took an extra loop around the block, granting her a few more minutes of tranquility.
Eventually, the car came to a stop near her home, and Y/N stirred awake, blinking away the remnants of her dreams.
Y/N: (groggily) “Oh, we’re already here
She turned to Mingyu, her eyes reflecting the soft streetlights.
Y/N: “Thank you for today, Mingyu. It was
 it was wonderful.”
Mingyu offered her a gentle smile, his voice low and comforting.
Mingyu: “I’m glad you enjoyed it. And remember, you still owe me that treat.”
With a soft chuckle, Y/N nodded, the promise of another day together lingering between them.
Y/N: “I won’t forget. Goodnight, Mingyu.” She stepped out of the car, the night air cool against her skin, but the warmth of Mingyu’s jacket still lingered, a comforting embrace.
Mingyu: (softly, as she walked away) “Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.”
As he drove away, the memory of her laughter, the softness of her voice, and the promise of tomorrow filled him with a sense of anticipation. The night held their secrets, their unspoken feelings, and the hope of what was yet to unfold.
Exhausted yet exhilarated, Y/N collapsed onto her bed, the day’s events replaying in her mind like a favorite song on repeat. She reached for her phone and dialed Aara,( Fun fact she is big k-pop fan specially seventeen)
Y/N: (with a dramatic sigh) “Aara, I’m doomed!”
Aara: (her voice laced with concern) “What happened? Are you okay?”
Y/N: “I’m more than doomed. I’m utterly, completely doomed.”
Aara: “You’re freaking me out. Just spill it already!”
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart racing as she confessed.
Y/N: “I think
 no, I know I like Mingyu.”
Aara: (laughing) “Who doesn’t like him? He’s amazing!”
Y/N: (her voice rising in frustration) “No, you don’t understand. I like Mingyu. Like, really like him!”
To be continued......... !
PS :: Mingyu’s intentions were clear; he wanted to create a comfortable space for Y/N, a place where she could be herself without the pressures that often accompany the word ‘date.’ So, he chose to call it a lunch, a casual gathering between two people enjoying each other’s company.
Yet, within that simplicity, he wove moments that made her feel cherished. From the thoughtful choice of restaurant to the private cinema experience, each gesture was a delicate thread in the tapestry of their growing connection. He was patient, allowing their relationship to unfold naturally, giving Y/N the time to recognize the depth of her own feelings.
Author Note
Hello everyone,
Part 2 is here! I hope you all like it. Please share your thoughts with me – your feedback matters a lot!
Enjoy reading!
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twilight-lavender · 1 month
"Hello Mr. Lover !"
Mingyu x Reader ❀
Summary: Y/N is a staff member who has quietly developed a crush on Mingyu, the idol she works with. As they go about their daily tasks, they both steal glances and share unspoken moments. The twist? Mingyu has a crush on Y/N too.
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The spring breeze gently wafted through the open door, carrying with it the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. Y/N, a diligent staff member for Seventeen, found herself alone for a brief respite amidst the hectic schedule. The scenery outside was a painter’s dream, a canvas awash with the soft pastels of spring. Trees adorned in their floral finery swayed softly, as if they were swaying to the rhythm of a Seventeen ballad.
Inside, Y/N stood near the video equipment, her eyes momentarily lifted from the screens and lights to gaze upon the natural splendor. It was a rare moment of tranquility in the whirlwind of her day-to-day responsibilities. With a soft smile, she pulled out her phone, seeking a brief escape. Her thumb scrolled through the endless feed until a particular video caught her attention—a compilation of cats doing the most adorably absurd antics. A giggle escaped her lips, a sound as light and carefree as the petals that danced on the wind outside.
The air was still, charged with an unspoken anticipation. Y/N’s laughter had barely faded when she felt a presence behind her, a shadow looming over the light of the spring day. It was Mingyu, his tall frame eclipsing the sunlight as he leaned against the window, arms encircling her in a protective embrace.
His voice, a soft whisper that tickled her ear, broke the silence. “It’s cute,” he said, his breath warm against her skin. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, surprise etching her features as she turned to face him. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of them, too close, too real.
The digital watch on Y/N’s wrist came to life, its beeping a testament to her racing heart—a melody to which only Mingyu was privy. He smiled, a knowing look in his eyes. So, you love cats?” Mingyu’s voice was gentle, a soft rumble that resonated with Y/N’s quickened pulse.
“Yes, I love them. I even have two,” Y/N managed to reply, her voice a mix of excitement and nervousness.
“Wow,” Mingyu’s response was simple, but it held a world of wonder. Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper, “Let me show you the picture
” She retrieved her phone, her fingers swiping to her gallery where the cherished images of her feline friends resided.
Mingyu’s curiosity drew him closer, his lean frame bending towards Y/N’s. As he did, their shoulders brushed against each other, a touch as fleeting as the sakura petals that fell outside. It was an innocent contact, but it sent a wave of warmth through Y/N’s body, her heart fluttering like the wings of a captured bird. In the quiet room, the air was thick with unspoken words as Y/N and Mingyu locked eyes, each gaze holding a world of silent conversations. The moment stretched on, a delicate balance between what was said and what was felt.
Suddenly, the spell was broken by the arrival of DK, his voice slicing through the tension like a gentle breeze. “Brother, everyone is waiting for you. The shoot will resume in 10 minutes,” he announced, oblivious to the charged atmosphere he had just interrupted.
Mingyu nodded, the spell of the moment dissipating as reality beckoned. “Okay, coming,” he replied, his voice steady but his eyes lingering on Y/N for a fraction longer than necessary. Before he turned to leave, Mingyu reached out, his hand gently patting Y/N’s head in a gesture that was both comforting and familiar. “Let’s meet later,” he said, a promise hanging in the air between them.
As Mingyu followed DK out of the room, Y/N was left with the warmth of his touch still lingering on her scalp, a silent vow that they would indeed meet again. The beeping of her watch had ceased, but her heart continued to echo the sentiment of that simple touch, a reminder of the fleeting connection they shared. Y/N stood motionless for a moment, her fingertips pressed against her cheeks which still tingled from Mingyu’s touch. Her mind raced with questions, her heart aflutter with emotions she couldn’t quite name. “What’s happening to me?” she whispered to herself, the words barely audible. The thought of harboring feelings for Mingyu sent a jolt through her, a mix of fear and excitement. “Do I like Mingyu? No, no, I can’t
” " Do i ???? No, Y/n don't think about it now " hushhhhh
With a determined shake of her head, Y/N pushed those thoughts aside. She couldn’t afford to let her personal feelings interfere with her professionalism. Taking a deep breath, she turned on her heels and made her way back to the shooting area, her steps steady but her heart still unsteady. Mingyu stood with the other members, his gaze occasionally drifting towards Y/N, who was busy with her duties. The set was alive with activity, but his attention was anchored elsewhere.
Jeonghan, with a sly grin, leaned in close to Mingyu, his voice a conspiratorial whisper. “So, that’s the girl you have a crush on?”
Mingyu’s eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and amusement, a silent chuckle in his throat. He gave a small nod, his eyes never leaving Y/N. “Yeah, that’s her,” that' the girl i like "
(shooting continue....!)
*Around 7 pm*
The set was quieting down as the members of Seventeen began their journey home. Mingyu’s eyes caught Y/N in a moment of struggle, her arms laden with a cumbersome box.
Mingyu: (with a warm smile) “Here, let me help you with that.”
Y/N: (attempting to maintain her composure) “Oh, I can manage, really.”
But Mingyu was already by her side, easing the weight from her grasp and placing the box carefully in its rightful spot.
Y/N: (her heart touched by his kindness) “Thank you, Mingyu. That was very thoughtful.”
Mingyu: (shaking his head lightly) “No worries. Are you not leaving yet?”
Y/N: “I will, shortly.”
Mingyu: (glancing out at the darkening sky) “It’s late. I could drop you off, if you’d like?”
Y/N: (a bit startled) “Huh? Oh, no, I was going to take the bus.” Mingyu: (with a gentle insistence) “Please, let me drive you. It’s no trouble at all.”
After a brief hesitation, Y/N’s eyes met Mingyu’s, and she found herself nodding in agreement, her heart fluttering with unspoken feelings.
Y/N: “Alright, that would be really nice of you.”
Mingyu’s heart raced a little faster as he opened the car door for Y/N, his actions smoother than he felt inside. Y/N’s cheeks warmed at the gesture, her heart doing a little dance as she settled into the passenger seat.
As they drove, Y/N couldn’t help but steal glances at Mingyu. The city lights played across his features, casting him in a soft, ethereal glow that made her heart skip. She wondered if he could hear the loud thumping of her heart.
The silence in the car was a comfortable blanket, wrapping around them until Mingyu’s voice cut through, gentle and tentative.
Mingyu: “Today was quite the day, huh?”
Y/N: (nodding) “Yes, but it’s a relief that we finished everything. And now, the weekend.”
Mingyu: “Any plans?”
Y/N: (with a light laugh) “Eat, sleep, and repeat. What about you?”
Their laughter mingled, a sweet symphony in the confined space of the car.
Mingyu: (scratching his head, a shy smile on his lips) “Well, um
 I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch with me tomorrow?”
Y/N: (her heart fluttering) “Me?”
Mingyu: (with a teasing glint in his eyes) “Unless you see someone else here?”
Y/N hesitated, her mind racing with the possibilities this lunch could mean.
Y/N: “Okay, cool.”
Mingyu: “I’ll pick you up at 11 then?”
Y/N: “Sounds good. Oh, and take the next right here
Mingyu: “Alright.”
They arrived at Y/N’s place sooner than she wished.
Y/N: “This is me. Thank you, Mingyu, for everything.”
As she stepped out, their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, both hearts pounding with the promise of tomorrow.
Mingyu: “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
Y/N: (barely above a whisper) “Tomorrow.”
(to be continued....... ! )
Part 2
Author Note
"Hello dear readers,
I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. I'm thrilled to be sharing a new story with you, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed crafting it. Life can get busy, but I promise to update whenever I can find a spare moment. Your support means the world to me, and I'm sending all my love your way.Thank you for joining me on this journey.
Warm regards,"
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twilight-lavender · 1 month
I hate you not ♡
Choi Seungchol × f. reader
|Arranged marriage/ forced marriage |
Genre: Angst,fluff,sort of enemies to lovers.
Summary:Married against their will, seungcheol and y/n end up hating each other.
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Part 1 | Part 2
After your shower, you wear your sweatshirt and shorts and go out towards the dining table where he's waiting for you. He was standing there leaning back on the counter. He comes forward when he sees you,giving you a little smile. He comes forward to pull the chair for you..you stop in your track looking at his smile cause this is the first time he's smiling at you.
"You're scaring me seungcheol." You say with eyes wide and round.
"Huh? Why? Because I pulled the chair for you?" He asks raising his eyebrows.
"That too but because you just smiled" you say looking & blinking up at him, eyes still round in surprise.
He narrows his eyes at you,"You are not gonna stop teasing me, are you?" He asks you notice his ears turning Red.
"I was dead serious, i got chills. You've never smiled at me ,last time I saw you smile was at the wedding,when you were forcefully smiling at the guests" You say finally sitting down.
He moves to arrange the dishes infront of you serving you, "Well yeah ..but I'm a human, I do smile ...I don't mean to scare you but you'll see it more often from now on " He says smiling again.
"Did you add anything in the food ?" You're half teasing him now but you're also half serious. You watch his eyes go comically wide "Oh my god, nooo ..why would you-" He shakes his head ,grabbing the chopsticks taking the food from each bowls and tasting it "see-" "nothings in there you can eat it." He says sitting down on his chair infront of you. You're trying to stifle your smile "okay okay sorry"
Well technically it isn't your fault. It's a very reasonable doubt. First he smiled at you, now he's giving you food to eat.
The idea of him being nice to you was too far fetched but him wanting to get rid of you, may be murder you, seems kind of right. Because let's be honest, he has always looked like he has a stick up his ass and whenever he talked it was venom. So your doubt is kind of reasonable.
There's spaghetti, spicy noodles, rice and chicken.
"What food do you like? "He asks you, trying to be casual "I wasn't sure so I just- got this" He says gesturing towards the food.
"This is fine I like rice in my meals , I like chicken too, seafood too, what about you ?" You ask back, glancing at him while eating the spaghetti.
"I like pretty much everything I love food..meat, rice, ramyeon everything.."
He says chewing on his food.
He initiates most of the conversations, it was quite awkward because you were not used to this.
"I always wanted to ask this but..did you have any girlfriend when our marriage was fixed? " You ask wiping your mouth with the napkin, looking at him for the answer.
"No I didn't..though I did think about bringing a fake one so I could break our marriage.."his lips twitch .."but I knew it wouldn't work, my father knows too much about me." He says shaking his head to the side.
"Ohh..I thought you had one that's why you hated me so much."
"Again I don't hate you..I never did,it's just I, i was angry i still am but I've got it now you shouldn't be the one on the receiving end of it ..i wasn't in the right mindset since our marriage was decided. You would know, you didn't like me too you were angry just as much, we almost didn't talk in the first month of our marriage..we avoided each other like plague" He chuckles.
"Well yeah I was in bad state too..it took so much for me to actually build some courage or even hope to actually talk to you , I didn't think you'd react so badly" You chuckle.."I just thought I'm trying so you'd open up to me too. But you were an asshole about it." You shrug.
"Okay say that as many times as you want until you feel better." He says in all seriousness nodding at you
"Daily..for two months atleast..i think I'll feel so much better" You say nodding back at him.
He closes his eyes with a sigh and opens them again "okay you can totally do that. I'm ok with it"
"Great then! Good night." You say getting up from the chair.
"Uhm ya good night ..sleep well." He says awkwardly smiling at you.
It's been a month since seungcheol is being nice to you. You're not as doubtful of him now. You've seen him, observed him enough to know that may be he really has changed, he really is showing his real side to you now, he has started to open up to you and he is making you feel comfortable around him now. You eat breakfast and dinner together these days ..sometimes he even texts you to ask if he could come and pick you up from the work. You wouldn't say you became friends totally but you're getting there with baby steps.
That weird look you saw in his eyes is still there when he smiles at you awfully softly when you say something funny or when you talk in general. You haven't been able to figure out what it is but you will confront him about it. The butterflies you feel whenever he gives you that smile are another topic you haven't been able to understand..don't you despise him? Why does he have those stupidly attractive and adorable dimples? why would you like his smile? You're weird seriously.
It's his brother's anniversary party today and you are supposed to go together. As a couple.
"Y/n" He knocks at your door "Are you ready?"
"Yeah coming just 2 minutes!!" You shout from inside.
When you come out and he sees you, his breath gets stuck..heart skips a beat or two and he's just standing there looking at you. You were fixing your hair, when you look up at him, he's just standing there like a statue his ears are somewhat red. And you would be lying if you say you didn't blush looking at him standing there all handsome and just staring at you. You never denied it, you know you've got a fine as hell husband.
"Let's go?" You ask him taking him out of his trance.
"Uh? Yes let's go." He says smiling you walk behind him towards the door when he turns around and says "You look good."
"Thank you, you're looking good yourself." You say While avoiding his eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice your natural blush along with the make up.
"Thank you." He says smiling.
You're wearing a sparkly glitter off shoulder gown with a slit on the one side of thigh. Hair long and deep berry coloured lips. Seungcheol is wearing a white button down with black pants.
He opens the car door for you and closes it after you sit.
Few minutes pass,you are on your way. Seungcheol is sitting beside you,you're in his fancy car, and Ofcourse he has his own chauffeur.
Seungcheol sighs glancing at you"I didn't want to go. My parents will be there." He says with a frown.
"It's ok we can come back early may be" you say giving him a reassuring smile.
"Yeah" He nods.
"Also stick closer to me even if you don't want it. So many people will be there, the photos might even get out in the press. I already don't like this." You blow out a breath shaking your head.
"Who said I don't want to stick closer to you ?" He asks raising his eyebrows at you.
"You do?" You ask.
"Aren't you my friend? I'd rather stay with you than have to talk with them." He shrugs.
"When did I agree to be your friend? I clearly remember me saying I'll think about it."
"I- ok then." He says nodding and looking out of the window. He's clearly sulking. His hands crossed over his chest, a pout on his face.
You let out a surprised chuckle,"Wait are you really sulking right now?" You ask trying to look at him.
He huffs,"No I'm not."
"Yeah? Say that while looking at me" You poke his shoulder with your index finger and he shrugs it off. He's still looking out of the window.
"Ok ok I was kidding. We are friends, you've proved it by now." You say smiling and he turns to you.
He narrows his eyes at you,"Thank you. You're so mean."
You raise your eyebrows at him"More than you?"
"No" He says in a small voice "but it was in past. I haven't been mean to you since the last month,have I?"
"No you haven't and I hope you continue that cheol."
His head snaps towards you at the speed of light, "cheol? Wait did you call me cheol?" He asks eyes big and a happy smile on his face.
You get flustered for a second, you didn't realise you said that ..so you say "decide one thing do you or do you not want me to be your friend? Friends call each other by nicknames"
"No no I want you to call me that ,you just took me by surprise." He quickly explains.
You get out of the car and he holds out his hand for you. You look up at him,he smiles softly at you. You fight off the blooming blush on your cheeks and take his hand. He holds you so gently. His hand is so warm,it makes you adjust your hand properly in his and hold it by your fingers. He smiles at you again. Helps you on the stairs.
You go inside the venue and notice there really are so many people.
"Let's just go and wish hyung and wish wife first then we can go early." He says in your ear. You nod at him, the blush won't leave your face.
"Hey hyung -Noona Happy Anniversary to you both." Seungcheol says smiling at them and hugging his brother. His brother gets so happy seeing seungcheol, that too he brought you with him. You also wish them.Seungcheol nudges you to hold the gift he has been holding in his hand,so you both could give it to them.
He again holds your hand. Guiding you towards an area where you could sit. Just then his old friends call him, they talk to him..you whisper in his ear,"I'll go sit there or else my heels would kill me" You say pointing at the drink and snacks counter where surpringly are very few people. "Ok stay there I'll be there in 5 minutes" He says nodding. stroking your hand with his thumb before letting it go. You go and sit there and order a mocktail. Cheol wants to go to you, he keeps glancing at you but his friends won't stop talking. Just when he was glancing at you he notices a man standing few feets away from you staring at you, cheol follows his eyes going to your exposed leg and instantly feels his blood boil. He clenched his jaw, excusing himself from his friends. He goes straight to you blocking you from the man's view. Putting one of his hand on the counter and the other behind you on your chair,he's standing so close to you.
"Sorry I took so long didn't I? They won't stop talking" He says looking down at you.
You knew it was him,you smelled his cologne as soon as he was behind you. So you don't get startled. You look up at him when he talks to you. You notice him standing so close to you and raise your eyebrows at him. "Well it's ok"
He ignores your silent question and keeps looking at you, "what are you drinking?" He asks.
"Oh ..just a mocktail, I'm lightweight I can't handle alcohol" You give him a toothy grin looking up at him. And god he finds you adorably adorableeee. How can you be so fine and cute at the same time. He has this urge to pinch your cheeks, so he does,very lightly. Chuckling showing his own teeth on full display. Looking at you with that weird look again. "That's ok, I know a few more you'd like ..wait." Then he shifts his attention from you to the bartender, telling him a few names.
As much as you liked him standing next to you, "Aren't you going to sit down?" You ask him tilting your head.
"Oh yeah" He says pulling a chair close towards you and sits down.
You enjoy the drinks he ordered for you complementing him that it really is good. He smiles at you that stupidly attractive dimple smile.
"You want to get out of here?" He speaks in your ear so you could hear him over the music.
"Home?" You ask him with furrowed eyebrows. He shakes his head smiling at you "you'll know let's go" He says getting up. You get up and nearly trip. He instantly grips you by your elbow. "Hey careful.. you ok?" He asks worried. You notice the hook of your heel is undone,he follows your gaze and instantly gets on his knees to fix it for you. Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. And the butterflies? They are tickling your tummy so bad and may be they are sitting on your cheeks too.
You didnt expect him to do that "Cheol you don't need to-" he cuts you off,getting up.
"It's ok, let's go" He smiles taking your hand in his again. God you're blushing and you notice a few people looking at you two.
Seungcheol sees his parents approaching and speeds up instantly. You sigh when you're out in the open air. "Till when you're not going to talk to them. Your mom looked so sad, you should atleast talk to her."
"I don't know y/n ..They need to understand I'm not a robot who's supposed to follow their orders. I've feelings too."
"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you"
"You didn't"
He takes you to a place where it's so peaceful, you can hear the crickets chirping, you hear the water flowing and the best part is the night sky filled with infinite stars. "Woah" you look up in awe. swirling yourself to capture the whole sky in your eyes.
"You like it?"
"Like? Cheol I love it" You say laughing and he thinks the stars you're holding in your eyes right now are even more precious and beautiful than the actual ones.
"I'm glad you love it".. "You're about to love it even more." He says giving you a mischievous smile.
You look at him confused your brows furrowed. He goes to the car taking a white bag from it and bringing it to you.
"When did you even get this?" You look at him eyes wide when he takes out the yummiest looking fried chicken and burgers. "I told hanbin to buy it" He says gesturing towards the car where the said chauffeur hanbin is.
You eat it while sitting on the bench.
You giggle looking at him "what?" He asks cheeks filled with the burger he's eating.
"You look like a four year old baby eating. Look you've got sauce and crumbs all over your lips." You say still giggling.
"Just say I look cute and go." He says narrowing his eyes at you. And he really does look so cute you almost coo.
"And you're no one to talk you've got sauce on your lips too" He says grabbing a tissue and wiping it gently on the side of your lips. You pause eating. Why's he doing this to you?? first he held your hands, then he fixed your heels, he brought you at such a beautiful place and now this. And how can you forget he brought his jacket from the car because he noticed you getting cold, the butterflies, the heartbeats everything has been a mess for you. And him? He seems so casual about it like it's the most normal thing to do, making you feel like you're only overthinking.
You reach home, and your thoughts won't let you be in peace so you hold his sleeves from behind stopping him. He turns towards you,"hmm?" His thoughts were filled with you too, thinking how you'd now go in your room and he can't be close to you, how tomorrow is too long to see you again.
You can't pull him towards you so you step towards him, tightening your hold on his sleeves. "I've questions for you." You say looking him in the eye. And his eyes go a little wide but he's quick to mask it. "Okay..go ahead."
"Why do you look at me like that?"
"You have been looking at me like that alot these days..are you hiding something from me? " You ask him further.
In one swift motion he removes your hand from his sleeves and envelops it in his own.
"Do you still not trust me?"
"I'm not saying that, I'm asking why are you looking at me like that ..the way look at me it changed..you have been acting so weird since last month and i didnt actually buy it completely when you said you started acting nice to me because i didnt eat dinner and breakfast ..i mean come on that doesnt make that much sense ..look at you holding my hand right now, and do you want me to say every little thing you did today?"
"Will you say anything or am I just crazy?"
You notice his cheeks turning Red.
"You're gonna make me say it, Aren't you?" He whispers.
"Make you say what?" Your own voice not above a whisper as he's looking at you like that
He steps closer to you, hand still holding yours. "Promise me you won't get angry at me or won't forget this past month we spent together?." He says worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
You have not seen him this nervous before."Depends on what you're going to say cheol ..but ok I'll try..what is it" You ask tilting your head at him, for some reason you're nervous too. You liked this past month so much,you don't want to ruin your progress.
"I-" He takes a long breath with closed eyes and then again matches your gaze. "What if I told you I actually like you?"
Your heart starts speeding at his words, "That's something I never thought would be an option ..but do you?" You ask tentatively, your eyebrows furrowed.
"I do" He says tightening his hold on your hand. "I like you y/n."
You keep looking up at him, opening and closing your mouth again not knowing what to say, your brain is covered by fog suddenly.
"Please say something..I'm kind of dying here" He says holding your hand as if you'll go away from him any second.
"Since when?" You ask
"From last two months, since I admitted it to myself. But i think i started to like you even before that,unknowingly. " He tells you, his eyes vulnerable.
" Are you right now saying that was you liking me? Really? I don't understand two months back you were far from liking me" You look at him confused.
His cheeks get warmer again with the embarrassment,"I know I'm sorry that was me being an idiot you know me by now..i- I purposely tried to push you away because I didn't want to give my parents the satisfaction that I did end up liking the girl they chose for me against my will." He says squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment.
"Huh" You huff in disbelief.."Are you saying you made me suffer, let me think of myself as a fool , just because you were in denial and you didn't want to like me?? You idiottt" You say trying to free your hand from his hold and hitting his chest with the other one. "You idiot of a man you idiot" You say hitting him again and again.
"I know..I know I'm sorry ..I'm sorry,just one last time I swear I won't give you any reason to complain again, just one last time ..I'm not an idiot anymore I swear, I'd rather hurt myself than hurt you again ." He doesn't leave your hand(you stop trying after few attempts) and let's you hit him as much as you want, until you stop and your hand drops by your side.
You look up at him with your own vulnerable eyes, they're glossy and seungcheol curses himself all over again.
Your eyes going from his one eye to another and then you're lurching forward to hug him.. You bury yourself in his neck/shoulder, hands looping around his waist, clutching his shirt in a tight hold. You close your eyes, trying to calm yourself and just dissolve in his arms. On the other hand he thinks his heart stopped beating for a second when you hugged him because he didn't expect that, he thought you'll be mad at him again. But soon he holds you to himself again pulling you closer. Burying his face in your hair, taking a deep breath,finally letting out a sigh. He feels like he'll cry any second. He has never felt such intense emotions for anyone before. You do something to him which he can't quite explain. "I'm sorry." He says in a quite whisper,as if it'll break your bubble if he even let's out a loud breath.
You notice the crack in his voice and say,"shut up ..I hate you." Your own voice a whisper too as you breath in his scent,clutching the fiber of his shirt even more tightly.
"Mhm It's ok..I'll take that too" He says smiling to himself. Pressing his lips on your hair,kissing there a few times.
It's like both of you don't want let each other go because you just keep standing there hugging each other.
You think it's been 10 minutes.
"I like this but my feet are starting to hurt." You mumble in his shoulder. He opens his eyes to look down at you, you pull back to look at him too.
"Oh ..you're still wearing your heels." He says looking down, you both are blushing, your cheeks tell it all.
"Sit here" He says, guiding you to the couch with your hand.
He gets down on his knees for the second time today. Carefully taking your leg on his knee and undoing the hooks of your heels one by one..his soft light touch sends goosebumps on your skin. "Oh..you're whipped for me ..Mr. Choi, who would've thought" You say with a teasing smile. Inside you're a blushing mess but you won't leave a chance to tease him.
"And if I am?" He says raising one of his eyebrow and he's smirking Ofcourse. Oh you're gone..cause there is no reason to find this so hot as you're finding it right now. And that brat doesn't stop at that, he squeezes your ankle in his hand pulling it towards himself. You shiver at his touch, and try to fight off the blush on your cheeks but fail so badly, so you just look away from him, avoiding his eyes. He smirks even more then let's out a chuckle.
He removes the other heel too. "You won't answer me?" He asks Standing up. "No" You reply. He chuckles again saying "ok tomato." "Wha-?What kind of a nickname is that?" You say looking up at him with a huff. "Because you look like one right now" He says poking your cheek with his index finger. Dimples blooming fully on his cheeks. "Yeah? Should've looked at yourself a few minutes ago" You say huffing, standing up. Brushing past him,he instantly catches your hand, "let me walk you to your room you're limping ..are you sure you're ok? Does it hurt bad?" He asks looking down at you worriedly. "It's ok it'll go away..just the side effect of wearing pretty heels." You say pouting at your feet.
"I can totally massage them ..or pick you up if you want." He says. You turn to him narrowing your eyes at him. "Just saying" He shrugs trying to stifle his smile. When you turn again going to turn the nob of your door. He pulls you a little making you look at him. "Are you going to come out again after changing? We could talk.." He says nibbling his lip. He just doesn't want to let you go. "Talk about what?" You ask softly, raising your brows at him. "Just..anything" He shrugs. "Ok I'll see." You say ..he let's you go with a sigh then whispering an "ok".
And you're no different you don't want to go as well. So you turn around calling him, "Seungcheol" This time you're the one catching his hand. "Hmm?" He turns around and you go forward, pulling his hand keeping it on your waist and holding both of his cheeks in your hands.. you stand up on your toes and press your lips on his. His eyes go wide, but he's quick to hold you. After a second of glitching he quickly holds your jaw with other hand and turns his head to the side to kiss you better. He walks you backward slowly,pressing you on the door. Your noses bumping with each other. He's kissing you so gently yet so intensely and you're trying to return it as much as possible. You pull back to catch your breaths.
"Guess you're whipped for me too Huh?" He says exhaling above your lips, wiping his thumb over your lower lip.."And if I am?" You say with a smirk repeating what he had said. You watch his eyes go from wide and round to dark and dangerous in a second before he groans and presses his lips on yours again, more harshly this time. "Mhm" You let out and press yourself further in his arms looping your hands in his neck, and his hair pulling and caressing the hair on his nape.
"A-are you- trying to kill me baby?" He asks in between the kiss,pulling back so you could hear him. "Shit - don't- call me that" You say between the sharp exhales to catch your breath. "Youh-you don't like it? " he asks furrowing his eyebrows, removing the hair strands from your face with his fingers and putting them behind your ear.
"Nah..I like it too much.. that's the problem." You say your eyes going from his eyes to his lips. He smiles, again those damn dimples. He chuckles and presses his lips on yours gently, you feel it tickle your lips. "Thank you for telling me that ..baby" He says,talking over your lips. You feel his smile growing. And looking at him that happy and smiley, you laugh too..pressing your giggles to his lips. "I'm not letting you go now..it's all your fault" He says pulling you to himself again kissing you properly.
A/N: so here's the part 2 ..sorry for being late but look it's so long and my hands just kept going 😭😭 they still want me to write more ..if you want that too then reblog/ comment. AND HOW IS IT PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME.❀
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twilight-lavender · 2 months
Updated! ❀
"Fateful Seoul Night: Coincidentally Meeting My Idol "
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As the sun sets in Seoul, the city lights up. Neon signs brighten the streets, and people fill markets with lively conversations. Skyscrapers stand tall, blending with traditional hanbok-wearing locals. The Han River mirrors the colorful cityscape, adding a touch of calm to the bustling scene.
Y/n walked into the restaurant, stomach growling with hunger. The aroma of various dishes filled the air, enticing her senses. She found a cozy spot, eagerly anticipating a satisfying meal to curb her appetite.She placed her order with a hungry anticipation, the menu revealing a tempting array of choices. As she waited, the ambiance of the restaurant enveloped her, with the clinking of dishes and soft chatter creating a comfortable backdrop. Time seemed to slow as she eagerly anticipated the arrival of her meal.
Glancing to the side, Y/n noticed someone seated at the neighboring table. Their eyes briefly met, and a subtle exchange of smiles acknowledged the shared experience of anticipating a delicious meal.
Y/n couldn't help but notice the person's charming features and found herself stealing a few more glances, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. The shared moment of culinary anticipation seemed to add a delightful touch to the dining experience.
With a friendly greeting, he broke the silence, saying "hi" with a warm smile.
Y/n reciprocated, feeling a pleasant connection over the simple exchange."Hey," Y/n replied, returning the greeting with a friendly tone. The shared acknowledgment between them added a touch of warmth to the atmosphere.
Y/n couldn't help but share, "You know, you kinda look like my favorite idol, Scoups." She smiled, noting the resemblance and sparking a conversation about shared interests.
"Thanks! I've heard that a few times," he replied with a modest smile, creating a lighthearted moment between them.
As Y/n finished her delicious meal, she signaled the waiter for the bill. To her surprise, the waiter returned with a smile, informing her that the bill had already been paid. Perplexed, she inquired, "Paid? By whom?""The gentleman at the table next to yours took care of it," the waiter explained.Looking towards the now-empty neighboring table, Y/n felt a mixture of surprise and gratitude. Eager to express her thanks, she hastily stood up, scanning the restaurant for the mysterious benefactor.
However, he had already left, leaving behind a lingering sense of kindness in the air.Feeling a warm glow in her chest, Y/n couldn't help but smile. Although she couldn't thank him in person, the unexpected gesture had turned a simple meal into a memorable and heartwarming experience.
Next Day
After work Y/n decided to take a leisurely stroll towards the Han River. The city's vibrant lights reflected on the water, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Finding a quiet spot along the riverbank, she settled in, enjoying the gentle breeze and the calming sounds of the water.As she gazed at the city skyline, Y/n couldn't help but reflect on the events of the Yesterday's evening—the delicious meal, the unexpected act of kindness, and the shared moments with a stranger. The Han River became a backdrop to her thoughts, providing a tranquil space to savor the beauty of the Seoul night.
Y/n sat by the Han River, the city lights reflecting on the water, when a notification from her favorite idol, Scoups, illuminated her phone screen. Intrigued, she opened the Post, and her eyes widened as she read his words:
"I met a Carat Yesterday; I heard that i look like Scoups."
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A sudden realization struck Y/n. The pieces fell into place, and a gasp escaped her lips. The charming person at the neighboring table in the restaurant, the one she thought resembled Scoups, was, in fact, the idol himself.A mix of disbelief and excitement washed over Y/n. The shared smiles, the friendly greeting, and the mysterious act of kindness—all now made sense. She couldn't help but smile in amazement, feeling a connection that went beyond the realm of a typical fan encounter. The Han River seemed to shimmer with an added glow as Y/n absorbed the surreal realization of sharing a moment with her favorite.
"If you were to unexpectedly encounter your favorite idol in a scenario like Y/n did , how would you react and what would you do in that memorable moment?"
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twilight-lavender · 2 months
"When we were getting married"
one shot
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The hall was a canvas painted with the most exquisite flowers from around the world. Roses, peonies, and hydrangeas cascaded down the walls like waterfalls of petals, their scent a sweet symphony to the senses. The fairy lights, now like a constellation of stars, twinkled above, casting a celestial glow on the guests who were whispering in awe.
Sheer curtains, the color of the softest dawn, billowed gently, dancing to the silent music of the evening breeze. They framed the panoramic windows which unveiled a scene so serene, it could only be the work of nature's finest artist. The rolling hills, cloaked in emerald, dipped gracefully into the tranquil lake, its surface a mirror reflecting the ballet of the skies.
The guests, adorned in their finery, took their seats on chairs entwined with ribbons of ivy and blooms, their eyes reflecting the golden hour that bathed the world in a warm, amber light. The air was alive with anticipation, every heart beating in harmony with the quiet rustle of the leaves outside.
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Taehyung stands resolute at the altar, his hands clasped in front of him, betraying a hint of nervous energy. The tailored beige suit he wears is a testament to his impeccable style, fitting him like a second skin. The white shirt underneath is pristine, its top button secured, giving him an air of formal elegance.
The soft strains of a violin fill the room, wrapping the guests in a blanket of tender emotion. Taehyung's eyes, usually a gateway to his playful soul, now reflect a depth of feeling, a mixture of excitement and the weight of the moment. His gaze is unwavering, fixed on the entrance, where any second now, Y/N will appear.
As the members of BTS stand by his side, they can't help but notice the subtle shift in their friend's demeanor. Jin: "Who would've thought? Our Tae, all grown up and stealing hearts." Suga: "Just don't trip on your way to forever, okay?" J-Hope: "Remember to breathe, Tae. In and out, just like we practiced." RM: "He's only the second most nervous person here. The first? The guy who has to follow this act." Jimin: "If you get cold feet, I'm ready to step in. Just kidding, you got this!" Jungkook: "Hyung, your hands are shaking. Need me to hold them for you?"
Taehyung, amidst the laughter and light-hearted jabs, feels a warmth in his chest, a mix of gratitude and the slightest hint of anxiety.
Taehyung: (with a soft smile) "Keep it up, guys. Your turn will come soon enough."
As he waits, a gentle smile plays on his lips, and his eyes well up with love. Every passing moment seems to be an eternity, yet he embraces the anticipation with a sense of joy. Friends and family observe Taehyung, recognizing the depth of emotion etched on his face as he eagerly awaits the moment when Y/N will step into his life forever.
The moment the doors open, a collective breath is drawn, and time seems to stand still. Y/N steps into the threshold, and the room hushes in reverence. She is the embodiment of a dream, a vision that transcends the mere beauty of the physical world.
Her gown, a masterpiece of design, flows around her like a river of moonlight. The fabric, a symphony of lace and silk,is adorned with intricate patterns that tell a story of timeless elegance. Each step she takes sends ripples through the air, the waterfall of fabric cascading behind her in a trail of pure grace.
A delicate veil rests upon her hair, a gossamer web of finery that catches the light, creating a halo around her. It trails behind her, a whisper of tradition and the promise of the future, all woven into its ethereal threads.
The venue's lights, soft and warm, seem to find their purpose in accentuating the radiant smile that graces Y/N's face. It's a smile that speaks of love and hope, a beacon that shines brighter than any jewel. Her eyes, alight with happiness, scan the room until they find Taehyung's, and in that gaze, a silent vow is made, more powerful than any words could ever be.
As she glides down the aisle, every step is a note in the melody of the wedding march, her presence a chorus of beauty and joy. The guests are captivated, lost in the moment that will be etched in their memories forever, a tale of love that they will recount for years to come.
As Y/N makes her entrance, a hush falls over the crowd, but for Taehyung, the world narrows down to the vision of her walking towards him. His heart, a steady drumbeat in his chest, seems to sync with each step she takes. The emotions welling up inside him are a tempest, a whirlwind of love, awe, and a touch of vulnerability.
Taehyung's eyes, always a window to his soul, shimmer with unshed tears, the joy of the moment crystallizing in their depths. He watches her, this woman who has become his everything, and feels the gravity of their journey together, the paths they've walked to reach this singular point in time.
"Y/N," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the music, "you are the most beautiful dream I never want to wake up from."
The corners of his eyes glisten, the tears held back by sheer will, not out of fear of showing emotion, but from the overwhelming desire to keep his gaze clear, to not miss a single detail of her approach.
Jimin, standing beside him, leans in and murmurs, "She's breathtaking, isn't she?"
Taehyung nods, his throat tight with emotion. "She's the melody to every song I've ever wanted to sing," he replies, his voice thick.
And as Y/N draws closer, the space between them charged with the electricity of their love, Taehyung reaches out a hand, a silent invitation to join him in the dance of their lives.
"Come, let's write our forever," he says, the promise in his eyes more eloquent than any vow spoken aloud.
Y/N takes his hand, her smile a mirror of his own heart, and in that touch, they speak a language only they understand, a language of hearts entwined, of souls united under the banner of love.
In the midst of the enchanting setting, Taehyung and Y/N stood facing each other, surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights and the sweet scent of flowers. The air was filled with anticipation as they prepared to exchange vows, expressing their deepest feelings for one another.
Taehyung's Vow:
"Y/N," Taehyung's voice resonated with a depth of emotion that the very walls of the hall seemed to absorb and echo back. "The day you entered my life, the universe shifted, painting my world in vibrant hues of love and joy. Now, as we stand here, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, I offer you my solemn vow."
He took a gentle breath, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. "I vow to cherish you, to hold your heart with the tenderest care, and to support you in every endeavor. You are my confidant, the keeper of my secrets, my partner in every burst of laughter that fills our days, and my comfort in the quiet moments of reflection."
His hand reached for hers, a physical manifestation of his words. "With you, life is an endless canvas, each day a stroke of color in the masterpiece we are creating together. I promise to walk beside you on this adventure, to build a tapestry of memories so beautiful, so vivid, that even time itself will pause to admire its splendor."
"As we embark on this journey, hand in hand, heart in heart, I look forward to the lifetime ahead of us, a lifetime of discovering new horizons and cherishing each precious moment. With you, Y/N, every day is a gift, and I am eternally grateful for the love we share." Y/N, her eyes shining with emotion, responded, Y/N's Vow:
"Taehyung," Y/N began, her voice a soft echo in the grandeur of the hall, her eyes glistening like stars in the twilight of their special day. "You are the melody that has given rhythm to the song of my heart. As we stand here, enveloped in the beauty of this moment, I pledge to be by your side through every season that life brings our way."
Her hands found his, a tangible promise in their gentle clasp. "I vow to be your steadfast companion in every burst of joy, your unwavering comfort in the face of challenges, and your devoted partner in the creation of a future rich with love."
A smile, radiant and full of hope, spread across her face. "With you, Taehyung, I have discovered the true essence of home. It is not a place, but a journey with you, a journey where we will grow together, learn together, and evolve as one."
"Today, as we stand on the threshold of forever, I look forward with eager anticipation to a lifetime of shared dreams, a lifetime where each day is a new chapter in our endless story of love." As they exchanged these heartfelt promises, the room seemed to hold its breath, embracing the profound connection between Taehyung and Y/N. The vows were not just words; they were a testament to the depth of their love, resonating with everyone present in the ethereal atmosphere. The soft music played like a gentle melody, underscoring the beauty of this moment where two souls pledged their love and commitment to each other amidst the cascading flowers, fairy lights, and the warmth of their shared dreams.
The world seemed to hold its breath as Taehyung leaned in, the distance between him and Y/N diminishing with each heartbeat. The room, wrapped in a gentle hush, was thick with anticipation, every eye fixed on the couple, every heart sharing in the silent crescendo of the moment.
Their eyes closed, and as they inched closer, drawn by the invisible force of their love, the air around them seemed to shimmer with the promise of their union. The guests leaned forward, captivated by the intimacy of the moment, the very essence of romance hanging delicately in the balance.
And then, just as their lips were a mere whisper apart, a jarring blare of alarms sliced through the serenity, a stark, discordant note that shattered the dreamlike veil. The room erupted into a chaos of sound, the spell of the ceremony broken as heads turned in confusion.
Taehyung's eyes snapped open, his expression a mix of concern and surprise. The tender moment lost, replaced by a rush of adrenaline as he instinctively reached out to protect Y/N, drawing her close.
"What's happening?" Y/N's voice trembled, her words barely audible over the cacophony of alarms.
"We'll find out, just stay close," Taehyung assured her, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that now clouded the once perfect day.
As the reality of the situation set in, the guests rose from their seats, a murmur of concern spreading through the crowd. The fairy tale scene had taken an unexpected turn, and now, all awaited the unfolding of events with bated breath.
In an instant, the serenity shattered, the sound of alarms slicing through the dream like a knife through silk. Taehyung and Y/N, their moment of unity interrupted, turned in shock as the idyllic world around them began to crumble.
The alarms grew louder, more insistent, a stark reminder that reality was calling. The guests, once statuesque in their admiration, now moved in a blur, their forms dissolving into the ether of Y/N's mind.
With a start, Y/N's eyes snapped open, the tranquility of her room a stark contrast to the chaos of her dream. The wedding, the vows, the kiss that almost was—all of it had been a figment of her vivid imagination. The alarms, now identified as the mundane beeping of her alarm clock, continued their relentless call.
For a moment, Y/N lay still, her heart still racing from the dream's intensity. The images, so clear and so beautiful, lingered in her mind's eye, a tapestry of what could be. A smile, small but genuine, curved her lips as she pondered the whimsical nature of her subconscious.
And there, in the quiet of her room, Y/N allowed herself one last fleeting thought of the dream. Taehyung, her heart's chosen companion in a world spun from the threads of dreams, remained a sweet echo in the silence of the morning.
As she silenced the alarm, the smile remained, a secret shared between her and the breaking dawn. The dream was over, but the day was new—a blank page on which to write her own story, perhaps one day as enchanting as the dream itself.
Author’s Note:
Hello Readers,
I wanted to share a little story with you, one that came to me in a dream. It was so vivid and beautiful that I felt the need to write it down and Keep as memory.
I apologize if at any point the story doesn’t quite capture the magic I experienced. Dreams have a way of being grander and more vivid than any reality we can construct. But if you find even a fraction of the joy in reading it that I found in dreaming it, then I consider my mission accomplished.
Thank you for taking the time to delve into this narrative, for walking with me through the landscapes of my mind, and for allowing me to share something so personal. Your engagement with my words is the greatest gift a writer could ask for.
Thank you!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
She fell first ,he fell harder ~
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Woonwo x Reader
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
Master list
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Woonwo x Reader ❀
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
"Fateful Seoul Nights: Coincidentally Meeting My Idol "
Scoups x Reader
Part 1
Part 2
102 notes · View notes
twilight-lavender · 3 months
Master list
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Woonwo x Reader ❀
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
"Fateful Seoul Nights: Coincidentally Meeting My Idol "
Scoups x Reader
"When we were Getting married"
One shot
If you like do reblogged 😊
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Last part
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Jeonghan : “Wonwoo, explain to me.”
Y/n stepped forward, her voice tinged with urgency. “Wait, let me explain
But Jeonghan was resolute, his gaze fixed on Wonwoo. “I asked Wonwoo, Y/n
 let him say. You go inside.”
Wonwoo’s hand gently pressed against Y/n’s back, guiding her. “Y/n, go inside. I’ll talk to him, don’t worry
Y/n’s eyes were wide, a flicker of fear passing through them. “Don’t tell me you two will fight or something.”
Wonwoo shook his head, a reassuring smile on his lips. “We won’t. You don’t worry. It’s just man talk; we’ll sort it out,” he said, urging her towards the house.
Once Y/n had reluctantly disappeared inside, Jeonghan’s voice dropped several degrees. “Wow, seriously?” he said, the coldness in his tone unmistakable.
Wonwoo took a deep breath, ready to face whatever came next. “Let me explain
Jeonghan cut him off, his words sharp as shards of glass. “Yeah, so that day the girl was Y/n
” His hand shot out, landing a punch on Wonwoo’s face. “Tell me what you did.”
Wonwoo winced but stood his ground. “Hit me as much as you want, but listen to me.”
Jeonghan’s eyes narrowed, his disappointment palpable. “Really, among all, I never thought you would be the one to stab me in the back.” Under the watchful gaze of Jeonghan, Wonwoo found the courage to speak his heart, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions.
Wonwoo: “Jeonghan, I need you to understand. Y/n isn’t just someone I casually care about. She’s become the most important part of my life. I respect her, not just for the love she gives me but for the incredible person she is—strong, kind, and inspiring.”
He paused, gathering his thoughts, his next words coming from the deepest part of his soul.
Wonwoo: “I love her more than I’ve ever loved anything in this world. She’s the first thought in my mind when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep. Being with her has made me a better man, and I can’t imagine a future without her by my side. I promise you, as much as you love your sister, I love her just as fiercely, and I will spend my life ensuring she feels cherished and valued.”
Jeonghan listened, the initial shock fading from his features, replaced by a dawning understanding. Wonwoo’s confession, raw and honest, resonated with him, and he knew that the love Wonwoo spoke of was true and deep.
Jeonghan: “You better mean every word, because she means the world to us.”
Wonwoo: “I do, with all my heart.”
With a nod, Jeonghan accepted Wonwoo’s vow, the two men understanding that above all, Y/n’s happiness was their shared priority. Wonwoo touched his face, saying . “You punch really hard.”
Jeonghan’s response was stern, but the brotherly concern was back in his voice. “It’s better you know if you ever hurt my sister, I’ll break you into pieces.”
Wonwoo nodded, understanding the weight of his words. “I know, I know,” he said, pulling Jeonghan into a forceful hug. “Thank you, hyung.”
As they parted, Wonwoo asked, “Are you heading back to the dorm? Let’s go together.”
Inside the house, Y/n paced, her mind racing with worry. She reached for her phone and dialed Wonwoo’s number. As the call connected, Jeonghan glanced at Wonwoo, a smirk on his face. “Guess it’s Y/n. Look how impatient she is.”
Wonwoo couldn’t help but smile. “But isn’t she cute?”
Jeonghan rolled his eyes as the call went on loudspeaker.
Y/n: “Wonwoo, are you okay? Did Jeonghan say something to you? Did you guys fight?”
Wonwoo: “Calm down, we’re good, don’t worry! I’ll tell you everything tomorrow. We’re heading back to the dorm. You rest well, okay?”
Y/n: “Are you sure?”
Wonwoo: “Yes, good night.”
With the call ended, Y/n sat back, a silent prayer in her heart that all would indeed be okay.
The next morning, the air was thick with anticipation as everyone gathered for practice. The usual chatter filled the room until someone noticed the scar on Wonwoo’s face.
Hoshi: “Hey, what happened to your face, Wonwoo?” Mingyu: “Yeah, did you get into a fight or something?”
Before Wonwoo could reply, Jeonghan’s voice cut through the murmurs.
Jeonghan: “I hit him yesterday.”
The room fell silent, all eyes darting between Jeonghan and Wonwoo. At that moment, Y/N walked in, overhearing the last part of the conversation.
Y/N: “Seriously, Jeonghan? Did you really hit him?” Y/N approached Wonwoo, concern etched on their face, gently touching the scar. “Are you okay?”
Wonwoo managed a small smile under Y/N’s gentle touch.
Wonwoo: “Yeah, I’m fine. I
Y/N turned to Jeonghan, their tone a mix of disbelief and amusement.
Y/N: “Jeonghan, are you a kid or something? Picking fights?”
The members exchanged confused glances, still in the dark about the whole situation.
Y/N: “Doesn’t it hurt, Wonwoo?”
Wonwoo: “I am fine
” He gently held Y/N’s hand, drawing everyone’s attention before making an announcement. “Everyone, we are dating.”
The room erupted into a cacophony of shock and surprise. S.Coups: His eyes wide, he let out a low whistle. “Wow, you two kept that quiet!”
Joshua: His mouth fell open, then he chuckled. “I did not see that coming. Congrats!” Jun: Clapping his hands, he grinned. “This is amazing news! We need to celebrate!” Dino: He bounced on his heels, excitement evident. “You guys are dating? That’s awesome!” Wonwoo: Already in the spotlight, he just smiled, squeezing Y/N’s hand. Woozi: He nodded, a small smile on his face. “Happy for you both..” DK: His laughter filled the room. “This is the best plot twist in our group’s history!” Mingyu: He acted as uf he is surprised. “You played it cool, Wonwoo. Really cool.” The8: With a playful tilt of his head. “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of Y/N now, huh?”
The practice room was filled with the Seventeen members’ laughter and playful jabs as they all started to tease Wonwoo and Y/N.
S.Coups: “So, when’s the wedding?”
Hoshi: “I bet I can guess who made the first move.” Wonwoo: “Guys, come on
” Woozi: “Let’s start planning the bachelor party!” DK: “Who knew quiet Wonwoo had such a romantic side?” Mingyu: “This is going to be the group’s best love story.” The8: “I want to choreograph the first dance!” Seungkwan: “I’m already preparing my speech for the reception.” Vernon: “Can I DJ at the party?” Dino: “I’ll make sure to capture all the moments on video!”
Amidst the teasing, Y/N’s face turned a shade of red, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in their expression. They looked at Wonwoo, who was trying to hide his smile behind a hand.
Y/N: “Okay, you all, stop now
 I need to complete my work. Bye
” Y/N waved off the playful comments, trying to escape the room filled with teasing friends.
As Y/N made their way out, the members’ laughter followed, echoing off the walls, a testament to the close-knit bond they all shared. Wonwoo watched Y/N leave, his eyes softening, a silent promise of a conversation away from the friendly chaos of Seventeen’s brotherhood.
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As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow through the windows, Y/N arrived at Wonwoo’s apartment. The door swung open to reveal Wonwoo, his smile as inviting as the cozy space behind him. Without a word, he pulled Y/N into a warm hug, a silent greeting that spoke volumes.
“Come in, make yourself comfortable,” Wonwoo murmured, leading her into the living room.
Her eyes immediately found Coco, the cat, lounging on the sofa. “Oh, I missed you, Coco. How are you, cutie?” she cooed, lavishing the cat with strokes and affectionate words.
Wonwoo settled beside her, his gaze softening as he watched the tender scene unfold. He reached out, gently squeezing her cheeks. “So cute,” he said, his voice a low hum, pulling her closer into his arms.
She leaned into the embrace, a blush coloring her cheeks. “This feels nice,” she whispered, the comfort of Wonwoo’s presence wrapping around her like a warm blanket.
Curiosity flickered in her eyes as she turned to face Wonwoo. “Now, tell me how you convinced Jeonghan,” she urged, eager for the story behind the mystery.
Wonwoo chuckled, a finger playfully tapping her nose. “Uhmmmm, it’s a secret,” he teased, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
She pouted, a playful threat on her lips. “Don’t tell, and I’ll ask Jeonghan about it, huh?”
The threat only drew Wonwoo closer, his arms tightening around her. “Let’s have dinner,” he suggested, deftly changing the subject. After dinner, Y/N and Wonwoo settled into the soft cushions of the couch, the room dimly lit by the flickering images on the TV screen.
Y/N: “So, should we just watch a movie?” Wonwoo: “Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?” Y/N: “Then let’s watch a horror movie.” Wonwoo: “Are you sure? You know you get scared easily.” Y/N: “Pretty sure. It’ll be fun!”
As the haunting soundtrack of the horror movie filled the room, Y/N clutched a pillow tightly, her eyes wide with anticipation. Wonwoo watched her reactions, a protective instinct kicking in. He reached out, pulling her into his arms, offering comfort as the suspense on screen built up.
Wonwoo: “You’re safe here with me.”
Y/N nestled closer to him, her heart racing not just from the movie but also from the warmth of his embrace. As the tension in the film escalated, her grip on the pillow tightened, and Wonwoo responded by cuddling her closer, his presence a reassuring shield against the on-screen terror.
When the movie ended, the credits rolling over a silent house, Y/N was still trembling slightly. Wonwoo turned to her, concern etched on his features.
Wonwoo: “What happened? You’re shaking.” Y/N: “I’m a little scared,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Wonwoo: “But weren’t you the one who insisted on watching a horror movie?” Y/N: “Yeah, but
 it was scarier than I thought it would be.”
Wonwoo smiled, a plan forming in his mind to ease her fears.
Wonwoo: “Should I help you get distracted?” Y/N: “Huh?”
Without another word, Wonwoo gently placed his hand on her face, leaning in to kiss her softly. The world seemed to stand still in that moment, all fear forgotten.
Wonwoo: “Are you still scared now?” Y/N: Her cheeks flushed with a rosy blush, she shook her head. “Maybe not.”
They both smiled, looking into each other’s eyes, the connection between them palpable. Wonwoo stood up, his movements gentle in the quiet of the room.
Wonwoo: “Take a rest now. You sleep here; I’ll be sleeping in another room. If you need anything, just tell me.”
He tucked her in, the blanket drawn up to her chin with a care that spoke louder than words. Y/N watched him, a soft ‘uhmmmm’ escaping her lips as he turned to leave. But as he reached the door, she reached out, her hand catching his.
Y/N: “It’s okay if you sleep here.”
Wonwoo paused, his silhouette framed by the doorway. “Will it be okay?” he asked, his voice a whisper in the darkness.
She nodded, her eyes steady on his. “It will.”
He returned to her side, lying down beside her with a careful distance. Yet the space between them was charged with a silent question.
Wonwoo: “Can I hug you?”
Y/N’s shyness was a tangible thing, but she managed a small nod. “You can.”
And so he did. He hugged her, and the world seemed to narrow down to the space where they touched. She murmured into the quiet, “It’s so warm
Wonwoo’s arms tightened around her, a silent promise in the strength of his hold. “Good night,” he whispered.
And in that embrace, they found a peaceful end to the day, the outside world a distant memory as they drifted into sleep. . The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the peaceful scene. Wonwoo was already awake, his eyes lingering on Y/N's sleeping form, a soft smile gracing his lips.
Wonwoo: "You're even more beautiful in the morning light," he whispered, careful not to wake her.
But as if sensing his gaze, Y/N stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet his.
Wonwoo: "Good morning, princess," he greeted her, his voice low and filled with affection.
Y/N's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink at the endearment, a shy smile appearing on her lips.
Y/N: "What's the time?" Wonwoo: "It's 7 o'clock only. Sleep more," he said, his fingers gently playing with her hair.
He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.
Wonwoo: "I'm going for practice. I've already ordered breakfast for you. Have it, okay?"
Y/N hummed a sleepy acknowledgment, her eyes closing once more as she snuggled deeper into the blankets, comforted by his care . Wonwoo watched her for a moment longer before quietly leaving the room, the warmth of the morning embracing him as he set out for the day's commitments. The morning was just beginning to stretch its limbs as Y/N, fresh from sleep, prepared for the day's work. The routine was familiar, comforting in its regularity, until the shrill ring of the phone shattered the calm.
Vernon: "Y/N, Jeonghan is fighting with Wonwoo again. Come here; we are at the concert venue."
The urgency in Vernon's voice brooked no argument. Y/N's heart raced, thoughts of work forgotten. She grabbed her essentials and dashed out, the need to resolve the conflict between her friends propelling her forward.
As she reached the venue, the expected chaos was conspicuously absent. Instead, there stood a man in a black suit, his back to her, amidst an oasis of tranquility. The scene was set, not for discord, but for something far more significant. As Y/N stepped closer, the concert venue unfolded before her like a scene from a fairy tale. It was a breathtaking panorama of romance and beauty. The air was perfumed with the delicate fragrance of thousands of flowers, each bloom carefully selected to create an atmosphere of enchantment. Roses, lilies, and orchids cascaded in elegant arrangements, their petals soft and inviting.
Balloons in soft pastels of pink, lavender, and white bobbed gently in the air, tethered to the ground by silken ribbons. They framed the space, leading the eye to a stunning archway adorned with more flowers and twinkling fairy lights, which cast a warm, inviting glow over the entire scene.
The floor was a tapestry of petals, laid out in intricate patterns, guiding Y/N's path forward. At the center of this floral wonderland stood Wonwoo, a figure of poise and grace, the bouquet in his hands a vibrant contrast to the dark hue of his suit.
The venue, usually a place of bustling activity, was now a silent testament to a moment of pure, heartfelt sincerity. It was clear that every detail had been meticulously planned, each element a piece of a larger declaration of love, waiting to be unveiled. Wonwoo stood there, the bouquet in his hands a silent messenger of his feelings. Y/N’s eyes, already glistening with tears, reflected the myriad of emotions that danced within her heart.
Wonwoo: Gently brushing away her tears. Wonwoo knelt down gracefully in front of Y/N, the soft light of the venue casting an ethereal glow around him. He took her hand gently, his touch warm and reassuring.
Y/N: “What are you doing?”
Wonwoo: With a tender smile, he looked up into her eyes, his own shining with a mixture of nerves and excitement. “Y/N, I’m doing something that feels more right than anything I’ve ever done. I’m asking you, officially, to be my girlfriend.”
He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words hang in the air before continuing with a voice full of emotion. Wonwoo: “Y/N, there are a million ways to say it, in every language, in every melody, but none of them can fully capture the depth of what I feel for you. From the moment you walked into my life, everything changed. You are the dream I never knew I had, the wish upon a star that came true. I love you with every beat of my heart, with every breath I take. Please, will you be my girlfriend and let me love you every day, for the rest of our lives?” With tears streaming down her cheeks, Y/N nodded, her voice a whisper among the chorus of emotions, “Yes.” Wonwoo’s arms enveloped her in a hug, a sanctuary in the midst of her joyful tears.
Suddenly, the hidden members emerged onto the stage, poppers blasting in the air, showering them with a colorful rain of confetti. Their cheers filled the venue, a symphony of happiness for their friends.
Members: “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” they chanted in unison, their voices a playful nudge.
Amidst the laughter and cheers, Y/N and Wonwoo shared a kiss, a seal on their promise, a perfect end to a beautiful beginning.
The end ~
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**Author's Note:**Hello, my lovely readers!Embarking on this journey of writing my first fanfiction has been nothing short of extraordinary. The waves of support and enthusiasm from each of you have truly overwhelmed me, and for that, I am immensely grateful.As a novice in the vast sea of storytelling, I'm sure there have been a few stumbles along the way. If you've come across any mistakes, I ask for your understanding and to kindly overlook them.A heartfelt shoutout to my best friend, whose unwavering inspiration has been the wind beneath my wings throughout this creative endeavor. Your belief in me has been my guiding star.To all of you who have spent time in the world I've crafted, who've walked alongside these characters and lived through their stories—thank you. Your engagement and feedback have been the greatest encouragement. You are, indeed, the best!With love and appreciation,
Thank you!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
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Wonwoo was momentarily stunned into silence, the weight of his members' knowing gazes heavy upon him. Clearing his throat, he found his voice, albeit softer than usual. "Look, guys," he began, his plea earnest, "let's keep this a secret for a while. I promised Y/n to respect her decision. Please, help me out this time."
The members exchanged glances, an unspoken agreement passing between them. One by one, they nodded, their loyalty unwavering. "We've got your back," DK affirmed, "We'll keep it under wraps until the right time. No need to rush things and cause a mess."
Seeking to lighten the mood, Mingyu leaned back in his seat, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. "Y/n's a cute girl, but tell us, Wonwoo, who made the first move when you guys started dating?"
Wonwoo's cheeks flushed a shade pinker, but he met Mingyu's gaze with a smile. "I guess I'm the one who fell much harder. It's like I've always liked her, but I was blind to my own heart. I'm the lucky one, to have found someone who makes every moment feel like a favorite song on repeat," he confessed, his words a tender melody to the ears of his friends.
DK let out a low whistle, his eyes wide with surprise. "I never knew Wonwoo hyung could be this romantic," he said, a note of admiration in his voice.
Hoshi clapped Wonwoo on the back, his grin infectious. "Our Wonwoo is the best, isn't he? A true poet at heart," he declared, the pride in his voice unmistakable.
Laughter and light-hearted teasing filled the car, a chorus of brotherhood that echoed long into the night.
Wonwoo returned to his apartment, a rare day off on the horizon. He reached for his phone, his fingers tapping out a message to Y/n.
Wonwoo: Hey, how was your day? Are you free tomorrow? Let’s go on a date.
Y/n: Cool! Finally, we’ll have our time.
Wonwoo: Yes! I’ll pick you up at 9 am.
Y/n: Okay! But where are we going?
Wonwoo: It’s a surprise!
Y/n: Now I’m even more excited. The excitement was a tangible thing, a flutter in her chest that kept sleep at bay. She rose from her bed, pacing the room as she contemplated the perfect outfit for the occasion. Her wardrobe doors swung open, revealing rows of clothes, each piece holding memories and possibilities.
In a burst of inspiration, she reached for her phone again, this time to call her best friend Aera. The face that greeted her on the screen was sleepy but soon brightened with excitement.
Y/n: Babes, help me with the dress. What should I wear for our first date?
Aera: Wow, so you finally made it! When did it happen?
Y/n: I’ll tell you the whole story when we meet. Now, help me with this.
One by one, Y/n held up dresses to the camera, each one a contender for the day that would soon dawn. Aera’s discerning eye was invaluable, her suggestions punctuated with laughter and encouragement.
Finally, they settled on the perfect dress, one that struck the delicate balance between comfort and style, a piece that made Y/n’s heart sing.
Y/n: That’s perfect, I love it too. Thank you! What would I do without you?
Aera: Okay, okay, enough buttering! All the best for your date.
Y/n: Yes!
The call ended, and Y/n laid out the chosen dress, her heart still racing with anticipation. She tried to imagine the day ahead, the places Wonwoo might take her, the conversations they would share. It was all too much, too wonderful, and with a smile lingering on her lips, she finally surrendered to sleep, her dreams a canvas for tomorrow’s promises.
Next morning Wonwoo was already outside, his eyes scanning for Y/n. As she stepped out, the morning light caught in her hair, turning it into a halo around her face. She was a vision of loveliness, her outfit chosen with care—a soft pastel dress that swayed with each step, complemented by a pair of comfortable yet stylish shoes, perfect for a day of adventure.
“Sorry I’m a bit late,” Y/n apologized, her cheeks tinged with pink.
“It’s okay! But you look so pretty,” Wonwoo said, his eyes crinkling with a smile that reached his soul. He reached into the back seat and brought out a neatly packed breakfast. “This is for you, have it,” he said, patting her head with the gentlest of smiles.
“Thank you! You’re the sweetest
 Now tell me, where are we going?” Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued as she accepted the breakfast.
“Wait until we arrive
” Wonwoo teased, a playful note in his voice.
As they drove, Wonwoo shared that Mingyu, Hoshi, and DK had discovered their secret, but he assured her that he had handled the situation. Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her.
“Sorry, Wonwoo, but I promise I’ll look for the right time and tell them about us. I just don’t want to make things awkward between us,” Y/n said, her voice earnest.
“I understand,” Wonwoo replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly while expertly steering the car with the other.
“We’re about to reach,” he announced after a while.
“I guess I know where we are going,” Y/n said, a knowing smile on her lips.
They arrived at their destination—an amusement park! Y/n’s eyes lit up with delight.
“How did you know I always wanted to come here with my boyfriend?” she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
“I think watching too much drama helped,” Wonwoo admitted, touching his hair shyly.
“Awww! Let’s go inside,” Y/n beamed, her excitement palpable.
As they entered the gates, Y/n’s eyes darted around the crowd. “What if people recognize you? This can’t be good,” she fretted.
“No one will, chill! Wearing a mask will help,” Wonwoo reassured her, his confidence soothing her nerves.
“But it would be even better if you disguised as a girl, don’t you think? Like in those dramas,” Y/n teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Yeah, sure, maybe next time,” Wonwoo laughed, the sound warm and genuine.
They found themselves in a hairband store, surrounded by an array of charming accessories. “Let’s take this couple’s hairband with the cute teddy on it,” Y/n suggested, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Anything you say,” Wonwoo agreed, his heart full.
Y/n instructed him to lean down, and she placed the hairband on him with the utmost care. “See, you look so cute,” she cooed.
Wonwoo, in turn, helped her wear one. “Uhmmmm, you look even cuter,” he said, his voice soft with affection. The amusement park was alive with the sounds of laughter and the sweet scent of cotton candy in the air. Wonwoo and Y/n found themselves amidst the magic, their hands intertwined as they navigated through the vibrant throngs of people.
They approached the merry-go-round, its lights twinkling like stars in the daylight. Wonwoo helped Y/n onto a painted steed, a gallant knight to her graceful queen. As the music began, a lilting melody, they rode in circles, but to them, it felt like a dance just for two.
Wonwoo: “This feels like a scene from a movie, doesn’t it?”
Y/n: “Yes, a perfect moment frozen in time.”
Their laughter mingled with the carousel’s tune, a perfect harmony to the rhythm of their joy.
After the ride, they wandered, hand in hand, to the ice cream stand. Wonwoo chose chocolate, Y/n butterscotch, and they sat on a nearby bench, sharing bites and stories. The ice cream was sweet, but the looks they shared were sweeter.
Y/n: “I think your chocolate ice cream looks better than mine.”
Wonwoo: “Here, try it,” he said, offering her a spoonful. “Everything tastes better when I’m with you.”
As the day progressed, they captured memories with selfies, their faces close, smiles wide. Each click of the camera was a snapshot of happiness, a keepsake for days to come.
Wonwoo: “We’ll look back at these pictures years from now and remember how perfect today was.”
Y/n: “Let’s make every picture count then,” she said, pulling him close for another photo.
The sun began to dip, casting a golden glow over the park. They found themselves at the top of the Ferris wheel, the world below them a miniature wonderland. The moment was ripe with romance, the kind that fills the pages of novels and the scenes of films.
As the Ferris wheel reached its zenith, Y/n turned to Wonwoo, her eyes reflecting the twinkling lights below. “You know,” she began, a playful seriousness in her tone, “there’s a myth that if you kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, your love grows stronger and lasts forever.”
Wonwoo looked into her eyes, the soft glow of the sunset bathing them in a gentle light. “Is that so?” he replied, his voice a whisper that only she could hear. “Then I suppose we have to test that myth, don’t we?”
Y/n nodded, her heart beating so fast. As their lips met, the world seemed to stand still, the noise of the amusement park fading into a hushed silence. It was a kiss that spoke of promises and whispered dreams, a seal over their feelings, binding them in the sweetest of spells.
Wonwoo: “If that myth is true, then our love is now unbreakable.”
Y/n: “I think it was already strong, but now
 it’s invincible.”
They shared a smile, their connection deepening with the shared secret of the kiss.
The evening had crept upon them, painting the sky in shades of twilight as Wonwoo and Y/n reluctantly decided it was time to leave. The drive home was quiet, a comfortable silence filled with the unspoken wish that the day could stretch on indefinitely.
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They reached Y/n’s home, the car’s engine coming to a gentle halt. Outside, under the soft glow of the streetlights, they stood close, the air around them charged with the day’s shared joy. Y/n: “I wish this day would never end,” she murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.
Wonwoo: “I wish that too,” he replied, his arms tightening around her.
In the comfort of their hug, the world around them seemed to stand still—until a familiar voice cut through the moment like a knife.
Jeonghan: “What’s going on here?” he asked, his tone serious, giving them the deadliest of scares. Y/n and Wonwoo sprang apart, their hearts racing from the surprise. Jeonghan stood there, an eyebrow raised in question, the seriousness of his tone belied by the twinkle of amusement in his eyes.
To be continued.......... !
A/n : i hope you guys will like it ! Do drop your feedback â˜ș It inspires me to write better! Thank you ❀
Next part update
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Part 6
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"Oh !......that is of coco to avoid suspicion he answered .........as Mingyu waved the rubber band in the air with a smirk. "Coco? Really, Wonwoo? Since when do cats fancy such stylish hairbands?" he questioned, his tone light but probing.
Wonwoo reached out, trying to reclaim the hairband while deflecting Mingyu's suspicions. "Just give it back
 It's really Coco's," he insisted, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.
Hoshi leaned in, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I get what you're implying, Mingyu," he said, joining in the gentle ribbing.
Wonwoo, feeling the heat of their gaze, tried to brush it off. "What are you two talking about? It's just a hairband for Coco," he said, attempting to sound nonchalant.
Mingyu and Hoshi exchanged knowing looks, their smiles suggesting they weren't quite convinced. "Yeah, sure," Mingyu replied, his laughter echoing in the room.
Hoshi nodded in agreement, adding, "It seems like Wonwoo has some secrets he's not sharing."
Despite the relentless teasing, Wonwoo managed to steer the conversation away, and they all settled down for a hearty lunch, the earlier banter fading into the background.
As the day turned to evening, Wonwoo found a quiet corner to call Y/n. His voice softened as he spoke, "I guess i am already missing you 
 more than I thought I would."
Y/n's response was equally tender, "but it's just hours we got seperated but yeah i miss you too ." Smiling and blushing on another side.
They delved into a conversation as cozy as a warm blanket, sharing their likes and dislikes, their words weaving a tapestry of their growing affection for each other. The distance between them felt smaller with each shared laugh and whispered confession. The week had been a whirlwind of missed connections, with Wonwoo's packed schedule leaving little room for face-to-face meetings. Calls and texts were their lifelines, brief moments that bridged the gap between them. 

 The week had been a blur of fleeting moments, with Wonwoo's demanding schedule leaving little room for him and Y/n to meet. Their connection hung by the slender thread of hurried texts and brief calls, each message a lifeline across the chasm of their busy lives.
On the set of 'Going Seventeen,' the air was abuzz with the usual energy of a shoot. It was during a much-needed break that Y/n made her entrance, her arrival punctuated by a jubilant "Tadaaaaa!" as she brandished her ID card for all to see.
The members turned, surprise etching their faces. "Wow, what's this?" they echoed, their curiosity piqued.
With a mixture of pride and excitement, Y/n explained how a chance encounter with Manager Kim had led to an unexpected opportunity. He had asked if she could lend her assistance, and without a moment's hesitation, she had agreed. It was a twist of fate, a new role that had seamlessly woven her into the fabric of their world.
Congratulations poured in from all sides, a chorus of well-wishes that filled the room with warmth. Amidst the celebration, Y/n and Wonwoo shared a fleeting glance, a secret smile that spoke volumes. "Congratulations," Wonwoo said, his voice low but sincere, a subtle acknowledgment of their shared joy.
Gratitude flowed from Y/n as she thanked everyone, her heart swelling with the acceptance and support of the group.
As the shoot came to a close, the decision was unanimous—a celebratory dinner was in order. Y/n, now part of the team, was naturally included.
The restaurant buzzed with the energy of SEVENTEEN's camaraderie, a place where laughter and conversation flowed as freely as the evening breeze. Y/n stood at the crossroads of decision, two empty seats beckoning her—one beside Dino, the other by Wonwoo. Her heart tugged her towards Wonwoo, and with a silent prayer that her choice wouldn't stir the waters of suspicion, she took the seat beside him, their smiles a secret handshake.
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As the members dived into their meals, Y/n and Wonwoo conversed in the silent language of shared glances, a dialogue that needed no words. Their connection was a quiet current beneath the surface of the group's joviality.
Mingyu, ever the instigator of fun, decided to stir the pot. "Remember the rubber band mystery?" he began, casting a playful glance at Wonwoo. The table's attention swiveled to him, a collective curiosity piqued.
Y/n's heart leaped to her throat, and she choked on her food, coughing as the spice seared her senses.
"Are you okay?" S.Coups asked, concern knitting his brows.
Y/n nodded, her voice a raspy whisper, "Yeah, it's just
 it's spicy."
Mingyu, undeterred, wove the tale of the hairband, his story a tapestry of teasing and speculation. Y/n fought to keep her composure, her mind racing for an escape from the spotlight.
The members, sensing an opportunity for playful interrogation, turned to Wonwoo. "Who's the girl, Wonwoo? You can tell us," Vernon encouraged, a grin spreading across his face.
Jeonghan chimed in, his voice teasing, "Is she an idol? An actress? Come on, spill the beans!"
It was then that Hoshi, with a detective's eye, noticed the similarity between Y/n's rubber band and the one in question. "Ohhh, ohh," he exclaimed, a knowing look passing between him and Mingyu.
The8, curious about the sudden shift in mood, inquired, "What's up with you guys?"
Mingyu and Hoshi, still smiling, kept their discovery to themselves. "It's nothing, it's nothing
As the evening wound down and the group prepared to leave, Mingyu invited Wonwoo to join him in his car. With DK and Hoshi already inside, Hoshi leaned in, his voice low, "Listen, DK, whatever we're about to discuss, it stays a secret."
DK's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "What is it? Tell me!"
Wonwoo, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, echoed, "Tell me too."
Hoshi's smile was enigmatic. "It's about you, Wonwoo."
Mingyu, barely containing his amusement, added, "We know who that girl is."
DK's anticipation was palpable. "Oh man, you know who it is? Tell us, Mingyu!"
Wonwoo, a mix of annoyance and nerves, protested, "Will you guys stop? There's no girl."
But Hoshi was undeterred. "There is
 We all know her."
Mingyu delivered the revelation with a grin. "We know, hyung. It's Y/n."
DK's shock was almost comical, his hand covering his mouth as he turned to Wonwoo, who sat in stunned silence, the truth finally out in the open.
A/n : i am just newbie in this field kindly ignore mistakes ! Hope i didn't make you bore !
And yes ! Thank you so much for all your response as little things do matters to me !
Have a nice day ahead!
Part 7 updated!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
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Y/n felt a surge of surprise and excitement as Wonwoo took her hand gently. She looked up at him and saw his eyes sparkling with affection. He smiled and said, "I guess I'm falling for you more and more every time I get to know you better. Y/n, I like you. I really do."
Y/n felt her heart melt and her cheeks flush. She couldn't believe that he felt the same. She said, "Wonwoo, I
 I like you too."
Wonwoo's smile widened and he pulled her into a warm hug. Y/n " it's feels like a dream" He kissed her forehead tenderly and whispered in her ear, "You're not dreaming, this is real. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt her respond eagerly and wrapped his arms around her waist. He deepened the kiss and felt a wave of passion wash over him. He pulled back slightly and asked, "Do you believe me now?"
Y/n nodded and hid her face in his chest. She felt his heartbeat and his arms around her. She felt safe and happy in his embrace. She said, "Yes, I do. I believe you, Wonwoo."
Wonwoo chuckled and kissed her hair. He said, "Good. Because I'm not letting you go"
He looked at her again and saw her blushing. He said, "Should I make you believe me again?"
Y/n shook her head and said, "No, I'm convinced.
He asked, "Does your head still hurt?"
Y/n shook her head and said, "No, it's much better now. Thanks to you."
Wonwoo stroked her hair and said, "I'm glad. If you want, you can rest here for a while. I'll go for practice and come back soon. Let's have lunch together, okay?"
Y/n looked up at him and said, "Uhmm, will it be okay? I don't want to bother you."
Wonwoo kissed her forehead and said, "You're not bothering me at all.. You can rest here and play with Coco until I come back. He'll keep you company."
Y/n smiled and said, "Okay. Thank you, Wonwoo. You're so sweet."
Wonwoo kissed her hair and said, "I'll be back soon. Have a good rest,
He got up and left for practice, leaving Y/n with his cat Coco. Y/n played with Coco for a while, but soon she felt sleepy. She lay down on the couch and closed her eyes.
After two hours, Wonwoo came back and saw Y/n sleeping on the couch. He smiled and said to himself, "How can someone look this cute while sleeping?"
He lifted her gently and carried her to his room. He laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. He kissed her cheek and whispered, "Sweet dreams, my angel."
He left the room and went to the kitchen to make lunch for them. He decided to cook her favorite dish, kimchi fried rice. He hummed a song as he chopped the vegetables and fried the rice.
Y/n woke up and smelled something delicious. She got up and went outside the room. She saw Wonwoo in the kitchen, wearing an apron and stirring a pan. He looked so handsome and charming that she couldn't take her eyes off him.
Wonwoo turned around and saw her. He smiled and said, "Did you wake up?"
Y/n nodded and said, "Yes, and I'm feeling much better. What are you cooking?"
Wonwoo said, "I'm making kimchi fried rice for you. It's almost ready. Sit comfortably, I'll serve you soon."
Y/n said, "You can cook too? You're amazing, Wonwoo."
Wonwoo blushed and said, "It's nothing. I learned from being with members . I wanted to do something nice for you."
Y/n said, "Let me help you. I can set the table or something."
Wonwoo said, "No, it's okay. You just take a rest. ."
Y/n said, "I'm much better now, trust me. Let me help you. Please."
Wonwoo said, "Okay, okay. Wait a minute. Let me get you an apron."
He opened a drawer and took out a baby pink apron with a heart on it. He said, "Here, let me help you wear it."
He wrapped the apron around her and tied it behind her back. He leaned in and kissed her neck. He said, "You look adorable in this apron."
Y/n blushed and said, "Thank you, Wonwoo. You're too kind."
They smiled and laughed, creating a romantic atmosphere. They finished cooking and served the food on the table. They sat down and ate together, enjoying each other's company. Y/n praised Wonwoo's cooking skills and he thanked her for her compliments.
Y/n's phone buzzed and she checked it. It was a message from her brother Jeonghan. He asked, "Did you reach? How are you feeling?"
Y/n replied to him, "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll call you later."
Wonwoo asked her, "Who was it?"
Y/n said, "It was Jeonghan. He was checking on me."
Wonwoo said, "Oh, I see. He's a good brother. He cares about you a lot."
Y/n said, "Yeah, he does. He's the best."
She looked at Wonwoo and said, "Wonwoo, can we keep our relationship secret for the time being? Let's not tell the members yet."
Wonwoo nodded and said, "Of course. I understand. It's your choice. I respect your decision." Let's wait for right time "
As they savored their lunch, Wonwoo's phone suddenly rang. It was Hoshi on the other end. "Are you at home?" he asked.
"Yes," Wonwoo replied, a bit puzzled by the abrupt call.
"Great, Mingyu and I are coming over for a drink," Hoshi declared, and before Wonwoo could utter another word, the line went dead.
"What happened?" Y/n inquired, sensing the change in atmosphere.
"Hoshi and Mingyu are coming over for a drink," Wonwoo explained, his voice laced with a hint of concern.
Panic flickered across Y/n's face. "Oh no, I have to leave before they arrive," she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Wonwoo reached out, his touch reassuring. "It's okay, calm down," he soothed.
But Y/n was resolute. "No, what if they see us together? I'm going."
"Let me drop you off then," Wonwoo offered, already moving towards the door.
"There's no need, I can manage," Y/n insisted, her decision firm.
"I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I'll text you once I reach," Y/n said, her words rushed and filled with panic.
"Go safely, and let me know once you reach," Wonwoo said, his voice calm but his eyes reflecting her urgency.
They embraced, a tight hug that conveyed more than words could. Reluctantly, they said their goodbyes.
After Y/n's departure, Wonwoo returned to his chores, washing the dishes as he mulled over the day's events. It wasn't long before Hoshi and Mingyu arrived.
Wonwoo greeted them warmly and invited them to join him for lunch. Mingyu, however, was visibly exhausted from practice and declined. "I think I'll take a nap for a while," he said, heading towards the bedroom to lie down.
The moment Mingyu reclined on the bed, he felt something poking his back. Curious, he reached behind and pulled out a rubber band adorned with a cute strawberry clip. Confusion washed over him, followed by a dawning suspicion.
With a knowing smile playing on his lips, Mingyu returned to where Wonwoo was tidying up. "Tell me, who was the girl?" he asked, his smile widening as he held up the rubber band with strawberry clip as evidence.
(to be continued)
A/n : sorry for being late ! 😅 Hope you guys like it !
Part 6 update!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Part 4
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The morning sun cast a golden glow on the curtains, making Y/N squint her eyes. She groaned and rolled over, feeling a pounding in her head. She had no idea how she ended up in Jeonghan's room, or how much she drank last night. All she knew was that she had a terrible hangover.She dragged herself out of the bed and stumbled to the door, hoping to sneak out unnoticed. But as soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by the sight and smell of a hearty breakfast. Half of the members were sitting around the table, chatting and laughing, while the other half were getting ready for practice.
"Good morning, Y/N!" they chorused, smiling at her.
Y/N forced a smile and waved at them, feeling awkward and embarrassed. She wondered if they knew what happened last night, or if they thought she was a mess.
She made her way to the kitchen, where Wonwoo was pouring himself a cup of coffee. He noticed her and handed her a glass of honey water.
His voice was soft and kind, "Here, drink this. It'll help with your hangover."
Y/N took the glass and nodded gratefully, feeling a warmth in her chest. She sipped the honey water, feeling its soothing effect on her throat and stomach. She looked at Wonwoo and saw a gentle concern in his eyes. He was always so considerate and thoughtful.
"Thanks, Wonwoo. " she said, smiling weakly.He smiled back and said, "No problem, Y/N. I'm glad you're feeling better."
Before she could say anything else, Dino waved his hand and called out cheerfully, "Hey, Y/N, come join us for breakfast. We've got plenty to eat!" He grinned and pointed at the table, where a feast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit awaited.Y/N hesitated, not sure if she had the appetite or the energy to eat. She glanced at Wonwoo, who nodded encouragingly. She decided to give it a try and followed Dino to the table, where he pulled out a chair for her."Thanks, Dino. You're so sweet," she said, sitting down.He winked and said, "Anything for you, Y/N. You're our guest of honor."
She looked around the table and saw the other members smiling and chatting with her. They seemed genuinely happy to see her and made her feel welcome and comfortable. They offered her food and asked her how she was doing. They joked and teased her, but in a friendly and playful way. They made her laugh and forget about her hangover for a while.She was enjoying her breakfast when she felt a pair of eyes on her.
She looked up and met Jeonghan's gaze. He was sitting across from her, watching her with a curious and protective expression. He tilted his head and asked softly, "Is your head still hurting?"Y/N felt a twinge of guilt for lying. She didn't want to worry Jeonghan, but her head was throbbing like a drum. She nodded slightly and said, "Just a little."Jeonghan frowned and said, "I'm sorry, Y/N. It's my fault. I shouldn't have let you drink so much last night."Y/N shook her head and said, "No, Jeonghan. It's not your fault. I'm the one who drank too much. I should have been more careful."
She finished her breakfast and thanked the members for their hospitality. She told them that she had to go home and get some rest. They understood and wished her well. They hugged her and said goodbye, telling her to come back soon.
Jeonghan walked her to the door and said, "Hey, Y/N. Why don't you let Wonwoo drop you off? He's heading to his apartment, and it's on the way he will drop you."
Y/N's eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat. She looked at Wonwoo, who was waiting by the saying no will not help so dhe decided to go with him.
They drove in silence, but it was comfortable. Y/N leaned her head against the window, feeling Wonwoo’s warmth next to her.
He spoke softly, “Are you feeling okay? Is your head still bothering you?”
Y/N turned to him, and gave him a reassuring smile. “No, I’m fine now. Don’t worry about me.”
Wonwoo bit his lip, then said, “Can we swing by my apartment for a while? I have to feed my cat. She’s been by herself since last night.”
Y/N perked up, hearing him mention a cat. She adored cats, but she had no idea Wonwoo had one. “You have a cat? That’s awesome! I love cats!”
Wonwoo grinned, glad she was interested. “Thank you, Y/N. It won’t be too long, I swear. Just a few minutes, if that’s alright with you.”
Y/N nodded, curious to meet his cat. “Sure, I don’t mind at all.”
They got to Wonwoo’s apartment, and he unlocked the door for her. A furry cat came running to them, meowing loudly.
Y/N squealed, amazed. “Oh, she’s so pretty! What a darling! What’s her name?”
Wonwoo scooped up the cat and cuddled her. “Her name is Coco.”
Y/N touched Coco’s head, and Coco nuzzled her hand. “Awww, Coco, you’re precious!”
Wonwoo looked at Y/N with the cat, and felt a pang in his chest. She was so sweet and lovely, he couldn’t help but fall for her more.He put Coco down and went to brew some coffee. He came back with two cups and set one in front of Y/N, who was still having fun with Coco.
He cleared his throat and said, “Y/N, do you remember anything from last night?”
Y/N glanced at him, nervous. Did she do something stupid? She apologized in advance.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember much. Did I mess up?”
Wonwoo shook his head, then took a deep breath. He decided to be brave and tell her the truth. “No, it wasn’t you; it was me.”
Y/N tilted her head, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
Wonwoo looked into her eyes, “Y/N, it's okay if you don't move on. Can you just stay where you are and let me take steps towards you from now on .
”Y/N............ Huh.............?
(to be continued)
A/N : thank you for reading! Hope i didn't disappoint you 😊
Your feedback matters !
Have a nice day 😊💖
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Part 3
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After a month
*It was jeonghan birthday*
A party hall decorated with balloons, streamers, and banners. A large cake with candles is placed on a table, surrounded by gifts and snacks. Music is playing in the background, creating a lively mood. Jeonghan, the birthday boy, is wearing a white shirt and black pants, looking handsome and happy. He is chatting with his friends and members, who are all dressed in casual clothes.
Y/N, his sister, arrives at the party, wearing a beautiful dress that accentuates her beauty.Y/N walked into the party hall, feeling excited and nervous. She spotted Jeonghan, who was talking to Joshua and Mingyu. He looked so happy and handsome, she felt proud of him. She smiled and waved at him, catching his attention.
Jeonghan: (surprised) Y/N! You’re here!
Y/N: (hugging him) Happy birthday, Jeonghan! Wishing you all love and success!
Jeonghan: (hugging her back) thank you , Y/N! You look amazing!
Y/N: (blushing) Thank you, Jeonghan. You look great too!
Joshua: (smiling) Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?you look amazing!
Y/N: (smiling) Hey, Joshua. Thank you. I am good!
Mingyu: (grinning) Hey, Y/N. Long time no see. You look stunning.
Y/N: (grinning) Hey, Mingyu. Thank you. You look handsome as always.
Jeonghan: (rolling his eyes) Okay, okay. Enough with the compliments. She’s my sister, after all.
Joshua: (laughing) Don’t be jealous, Jeonghan. We’re just being friendly.
Mingyu: (laughing) Yeah, don’t worry. We won’t steal her from you.
Jeonghan: (pouting) Good. Because she’s mine.
Y/N: (giggling) Aww, Jeonghan. You’re so cute.Jeonghan: (blushing) I’m not cute. I’m cool.
Wonwoo, among the crowd, felt his world pause as his eyes locked onto Y/N. Wonwoo, however, felt like he was in a different world. His eyes were fixed on Y/N, who stood across the room, talking to Jousha and mingyu. She was wearing a red dress that , making her stand out from the crowd. She was smiling, her eyes sparkling with joy.Wonwoo felt his breath catch in his throat, as he watched her. He felt like time had stopped, and everything else had faded away. He felt like he was hearing a soft tune, playing in his ears. He felt like he was seeing a dazzling sight, filling his vision. He felt like he was falling in love, stirring his heart. He couldn’t look away from her, even if he wanted to.
As they continued to chat and joke, Y/N scanned the room, looking for Wonwoo. She hoped he was there, and she hoped he would talk to her. She had a lot to say to him, but she didn’t know how to start.She finally saw him, standing near the wall, holding a drink. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans, looking cool and handsome. He was staring at her, with a mix of admiration and curiosity. He looked like he wanted to say Something Their eyes met, and they felt a jolt of electricity. They smiled shyly, and looked away.
They stood there, in silence, until S.Coups announced the cake cutting. He called everyone to gather around the table, and they followed.
They stood next to each other, but they didn’t look at each other.
S.Coups: (holding a knife) Alright, everyone. It’s time to celebrate Jeonghan’s birthday. Let’s sing for him, and then cut the cake.
Everyone: (singing) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jeonghan, happy birthday to you!
Jeonghan: (blowing the candles) Thank you, everyone. You’re the best.
Everyone: (clapping and cheering) Yay, Jeonghan!
S.Coups: (cutting the cake) Okay, who wants a piece of cake?
Everyone: (raising their hands) Me, me, me!
S.Coups: (distributing the cake) Here you go, here you go, here you go.
Everyone: (eating the cake) Mmm, this is delicious.
S.Coups: (smirking) Of course it is. I made it myself.
Everyone: (surprised) Really?
S.Coups: (lying) Yes, really.
Everyone: (impressed) Wow, S.Coups. You’re amazing.
S.Coups: (proud) I know, I know.
As they ate the cake and enjoyed the party, they started to tease Jeonghan for being cute. They pinched his cheeks, ruffled his hair, and called him names. They took pictures and videos of him, and posted them online. They made him do aegyo, dance, and sing. They made him laugh, cry, and scream.
Jeonghan: (protesting) Hey, stop it! This is supposed to be my birthday, not my torture day!
Everyone: (laughing) Aww, Jeonghan. Don’t be mad. We’re just having fun.
Jeonghan: (pouting) Well, I’m not having fun. You’re all mean.
Everyone: (cooing) No, we’re not. We love you, Jeonghan.
Jeonghan: (sighing) Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Y/N: (hugging him) Don’t worry, Jeonghan. I love you, too.
Jeonghan: (smiling) Thanks, Y/N. You’re the best sister ever.
Y/N: (smiling) You’re welcome, Jeonghan. You’re the best brother ever.
Dino called Y/N to take a selfie with him. Dino was close with Y/N, they were like buddies. He wrapped his arms around her, and smiled at the camera. Y/N smiled back, and posed with him.Wonwoo saw them, and felt a pang of jealousy. He didn’t like seeing Dino so close to Y/N. He didn’t like seeing Y/N so happy with Dino. He didn’t like feeling this way. He wondered what he was feeling, and why he was feeling it. He wondered if he really liked her, and if he didn’t want to lose her.He tried to ignore them, and focus on the party. He joined the others in teasing Jeonghan for being cute. He laughed, joked, and chatted with them. He acted as if nothing happened, but he knew everything had changed.
*After a while*
Y/N had a few drinks, and felt a little drunk. She decided to go out to the gallery to get some fresh air. She walked out of the hall, and felt the chilly breeze. She shivered, and wrapped her arms around herself.
Wonwoo followed her, and noticed that she was feeling cold. He felt sorry for her, and wanted to help her. He took off his coat, and wrapped it around her. She was surprised, and looked up at him.
She tripped, and fell into his arms. He caught her, and held her close. He felt her warmth, and smelled her scent. He felt his heart race, and his face heat up.
She looked at him, and blinked. She was drunk, and confused. She thought it was a dream.
Y/n :“Wonwoo, you’re here.” She snuggled into his arms, “It’s warm here.”
She paused, , “Wait, but it’s not right. I have to move on.” She closed her eyes,
“I’m sorry.” She was feeling sleepy, and tired.
Woonwo looked at her, and smiled. He was sober, and clear. He knew it was real. Wonwoo stroked her hair, and “its okay Y/n You don’t have to..........” Meanwhile Y/n already had fall asleep in his arms.
To be continued!
A/n : I hope i didn't disappoint you :)
Part 4 updated!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
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The awkward silence lingered for a moment until the studio door opened, revealing the rest of the Seventeen members returning from their break. Y/N, realizing the need to break the tension, quickly stood up and greeted them with a bright smile."Hey, everyone! I missed you guys so much," she exclaimed, embracing each member one by one. The others responded with warmth, happy to see Jeonghan's sister back in Korea.Jeonghan, catching up to the group, grinned at Y/N. "You surprised us! How was your trip back?"Y/N chuckled, "It was good! I couldn't wait to see you all. Oh, and by the way, I tried playing the piano, but I think I need more practice. Wonwoo was giving me some pointers."The members looked at Wonwoo, who offered a casual nod. "Yeah, just helping out a bit. She's got potential."The atmosphere lightened as the group shifted their focus to catching up and preparing for their upcoming comeback. Y/N skillfully diverted the situation, keeping the interaction light and friendly.As the night continued, Y/N found herself engaged in conversations, sharing stories of her time abroad, and enjoying the camaraderie of Seventeen. Meanwhile, Wonwoo silently observed, still processing the unexpected moment in the studio.Little did they know, this twist in their interactions would set the stage for a series of events that would redefine their relationships within the group.
As Y/N made her way home, she felt a knot in her stomach. She couldn’t stop thinking about the studio incident. She replayed the scene in her mind, over and over again. She wondered why she had let her guard down, especially with Wonwoo, her brother’s friend. She felt a pang of guilt and regret. She knew she had crossed a line, and she didn’t know how to fix it.
She had always had a crush on him, ever since she met him through Jeonghan. He was kind, funny, and talented. He had a deep voice, a sharp mind, and a warm smile. He was everything she wanted, but nothing she could have. He was her brother’s friend, and she was his friend’s sister. She knew he didn’t see her as anything more than that. She knew she had to hide her feelings, to respect their friendship, to protect their group’s harmony. But when she saw him again, after three years, something changed. Something snapped. Something sparked.
She felt a rush of emotions, a mix of excitement, curiosity, and attraction. She felt drawn to him, like a magnet. She wanted to be near him, to talk to him, to touch him. She couldn’t resist the temptation, even when she knew it was wrong. She let herself get carried away, and she ended up in a situation she couldn’t handle. She ended up in the studio, playing the piano with him, looking into his eyes, feeling his fingers on hers, leaning closer to him, almost kissing him. She ended up falling in love with him, even more than before.
She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She knew she had to snap out of it. She knew she had to move on. She knew she had to give them some space. Ignoring Wonwoo for a while seemed like the best solution. She decided to focus on herself, on her own interests, on her own life. She avoided the studio and any situations that might bring her face-to-face with him. She hoped he would forget about her, and she hoped she would forget about him.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N tried to immerse herself in her own world. She spent quality time with her family, catching up on their lives and sharing her experiences. She pursued her personal interests, reading books, watching movies, and learning new skills. She enjoyed her own company, finding peace and happiness in solitude. She pretended to be fine, to be normal, to be over him. But deep down, she knew she wasn’t. She knew she still loved him, and she knew he still haunted her.
After a week
Y/N had come to the dome to deliver Jeonghan’s forgotten items. She had hoped to avoid Wonwoo, but fate had other plans. She had bumped into him on the rooftop, where he had gone to get some fresh air. He had greeted her with a smile, but she had sensed something was off. He had looked at her with a mix of concern and curiosity, as if he wanted to say something. She had felt nervous and guilty, remembering the studio incident. She had tried to act normal, but she knew he could see through her.
Wonwoo had been surprised to see Y/N at the dome. He had missed her, but he hadn’t heard from her in a week. He had wondered if she was avoiding him, and if so, why. He had wanted to talk to her, to clear the air, to understand what had happened in the studio. He had felt a rush of emotions, a mix of excitement, confusion, and attraction. He had tried to act casual, but he knew he couldn’t hide his feelings.
They had exchanged some small talk, but it had felt awkward and forced. They had both sensed the tension between them, but they had both been afraid to break it. They had both wanted to know the truth, but they had both been afraid to face it. They had both stood there, in silence, until Wonwoo had finally gathered his courage and spoken.
Wonwoo: Y/N, I’ve noticed things have been a bit off lately. Is everything okay?
Y/N: (hesitating) Wonwoo, I just thought it’d be best to give us some space after what happened in the studio. I didn’t want to make things awkward.
Wonwoo: (nodding) I appreciate your concern, Y/N. But I don’t want our friendship to suffer because of one moment. Can we talk about it? I value our connection, and I want to make sure you feel comfortable.
Y/N: (sighing) Okay, Wonwoo. I guess we can’t avoid this any longer. There’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve been hiding for a long time.
Wonwoo: (listening) What is it, Y/N?
Y/N: (looking down) Wonwoo, I
 I love you. I’ve loved you for the past three years, ever since I met you through Jeonghan. You’re kind, funny, and talented. You’re everything I want, but nothing I can have. You’re my brother’s friend, and I’m your friend’s sister. I know you don’t see me as anything more than that. I know you don’t feel the same way. But I can’t help it. I can’t control it. I can’t hide it.
Wonwoo: (shocked) Y/N, I
 I don’t know what to say. I had no idea you felt that way. I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you.
Y/N: (shaking her head) No, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I should have kept my feelings to myself. I should have respected our friendship. I should have protected our group’s harmony. But I was selfish. I was foolish. I was reckless. I let myself get carried away, and I ended up in a situation I couldn’t handle. I ended up in the studio, playing the piano with you, looking into your eyes, feeling your fingers on mine, leaning closer to you, almost kissing you. I ended up falling in love with you, even more than before.
Wonwoo: (softly) Y/N, I
 I don’t know how to respond. I’m not ready for any relationship right now. I have a lot of things to deal with, as an idol, as a friend, as a person. I don’t want to hurt you, or Jeonghan, or the others. I don’t want to ruin what we have. I don’t want to lose you.
Y/N: (sadly) I understand, Wonwoo. I respect your decision. I don’t expect anything from you. I don’t want to pressure you. I don’t want to cause you any trouble. I just want you to be happy.
Wonwoo: (gently) Thank you, Y/N. You’re very brave and generous. You’re a good friend, and a good person. I’m lucky to have you in my life.
Y/N: (smiling) Thank you, Wonwoo. You’re very sweet and sincere. You’re a good friend, and a good person. I’m lucky to have you in my life.
They looked at each other, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude. They knew they couldn’t be together, but they also knew they couldn’t be apart. They knew they had to move on, but they also knew they couldn’t forget. They knew they had to pretend, but they also knew they couldn’t lie. They knew they had to face reality, but they also knew they couldn’t deny their feelings.
Y/N: (clearing her throat) Wonwoo, let’s pretend that this conversation never happened. Let’s go back to how we were before. Let’s act normal, like nothing changed. Let’s be friends, like we always have been.
Wonwoo: (nodding) Okay, Y/N. Let’s do that. Let’s pretend that nothing happened. Let’s go back to how we were before. Let’s act normal, like nothing changed. Let’s be friends, like we always have been.
They smiled at each other, but their smiles were bitter and forced. They turned around and walked back to the dome, where the rest of the Seventeen members were waiting for them. They joined them, acting as if nothing happened. They laughed, joked, and chatted with them, acting as if nothing changed.. But deep down, they knew that everything had happened. They knew that everything had changed. They knew that everything mattered. They knew that they loved each other, and they knew that they couldn’t be together.
Will love Spark between them?Find out in the next part!
As a new writer I appreciate your feedback and comments. They inspire me to write better.
Thank you! 😊
Part 3 update!
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twilight-lavender · 3 months
"In Tune with Love: You, the Melody of My Heart"
Part 1
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Y/N had been looking forward to this day for a long time. She had finally returned to Korea after three years of studying abroad, and she couldn't wait to see her brother Jeonghan and his friends. She knew how busy they were as idols, but she hoped they would have some time to catch up with her.
She decided to surprise them at their studio, where they were supposed to be practicing for their upcoming comeback. She took a taxi and arrived at the building, where she was greeted by their manager. He recognized her as Jeonghan's sister and let her in, telling her that the boys were in the recording room.
She followed him to the door and peeked inside. She saw the familiar faces of the thirteen members, all focused on their music. She smiled and waved at them, but they didn't notice her. They were wearing headphones and listening to the playback of their song.
She decided not to interrupt them and waited outside. She figured they would be done soon and then she could hug them and tell them how much she missed them. She sat on a couch and looked around. She saw a piano in the corner and felt curious. She had always wanted to learn how to play, but she never had the chance. She walked over to the piano and sat on the bench. She lifted the lid and touched the keys gently. She pressed a few random notes and listened to the sound. She felt a sense of wonder and joy. She started to play more notes, trying to make a melody. She didn't know what she was doing, but she enjoyed it. She closed her eyes and let her fingers move on their own.
She didn't notice that someone had entered the room and was watching her. It was Wonwoo, one of the rappers of Seventeen. He had gone to the bathroom and when he came back, he saw Y/N playing the piano. He recognized her as Jeonghan's sister, whom he had met a few times before. He had always been friendly with her, but he never had any special feelings for her. He thought she was nice, but he didn't see her as anything more than his friend's sister. He had no idea that she had a secret crush on him for the past five years, ever since she saw him on stage.
He was intrigued by the sight of her playing the piano. He wondered what she was doing there. He wanted to say hello to her, but he didn't want to disturb her. He decided to wait until she finished. He leaned against the wall and listened to her music. He thought it was amusing and endearing, even though it was out of tune and random. He felt a fondness for her as a friend.
He didn't know how long he stood there, but he was snapped out of his trance when Y/N opened her eyes and saw him. She gasped and stopped playing. She felt embarrassed and nervous. She didn't expect anyone to see her. She wondered how long he had been there and what he thought of her. She felt her face turn red. She quickly got up and bowed to him.
"Hi, Wonwoo. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just waiting for Jeonghan and the others. I saw the piano and I wanted to try it. I don't know how to play, I was just messing around. I hope you don't mind." She said in a rush.
Wonwoo smiled and shook his head. He walked over to her and sat on the bench. He looked at her with his calm and cool eyes.
"It's okay, Y/N. I don't mind at all. I actually found it interesting to watch you. You have a natural curiosity for music. You just need some practice." He said casually.
He reached for her hand and placed it on the keyboard. He felt a slight tingling when their fingers touched. He didn't think much of it.
"Is it okay if I teach you?" He asked.
Y/N nodded, feeling her heart flutter. She couldn't believe that Wonwoo was holding her hand and offering to teach her the piano. She felt like she was dreaming. She looked at him and saw his handsome face close to hers. She felt his breath on her cheek. She felt a surge of emotions. She loved him so much, but she didn't know if he loved her back. She wondered what he was thinking.
Wonwoo started to teach her the basics of the piano. He showed her how to position her fingers and how to read the notes. He played a simple tune and asked her to follow him. He was relaxed and confident with her. He teased her when she did poorly and encouraged her when she did well. He held her hand and guided her when she was stuck. He felt a friendship with her. He liked being with her and teaching her. He felt like they had a good rapport. He didn't realize that he was making her fall for him even more. She looked at him and saw his gentle eyes and his soft lips. She felt a sudden urge to kiss him. She leaned closer to him, closing her eyes.
Wonwoo felt her move and looked at her. He saw her face coming closer to his and felt his pulse quicken. He was confused and surprised. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to react. He didn't know what she felt or thought. He didn't know if he should stop her or let her. He didn't know if he liked her or not. He only knew one thing: she was his friend's sister. He hesitated, closing his eyes.
They were about to touch, when Y/N realized what she was doing. She snapped out of her trance and pulled away from him. She felt ashamed and guilty. She couldn't believe she was about to kiss her brother's friend. She couldn't believe she was about to ruin their friendship. She looked away from Wonwoo and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Wonwoo was speechless.......!
"Stay tuned for the next part, where Y/N and Wonwoo's story takes a surprising turn."
A/n : I dreamt something similar to this and want to write it down as a memory.
For self happiness! 😁
Part 2 updated !
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