uh-drarry · 3 years
Hi ! I came across one of your posts today and realized I hadn't see them in a while ! (so I reread all of them haha fuck my responsibilities I guess) I realized it's because I changed my url, I'm not afanbloglikeanother anymore, would you mind changing it ? 🙈 Thank you in advance, I hope you're having a nice day 🧡
Absolutely! Thank you for letting me know! (I feel you on the responsibilities today my friend. I’ve done zero work in like three hours 😅) Hope you have a lovely day as well!
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uh-drarry · 3 years
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Happy last couple days of Pride Month! I hope you all had a good one! Dionysus says Pride is all day every day and you are all valid and he loves all of you.
If y'all have any social media post/headcanon ideas I'd love to hear them, I'd prefer if they'd work within the story I've started. Send me a message and maybe it'll happen!
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uh-drarry · 3 years
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Happy last couple days of Pride Month! I hope you all had a good one! Dionysus says Pride is all day every day and you are all valid and he loves all of you.
If y'all have any social media post/headcanon ideas I'd love to hear them, I'd prefer if they'd work within the story I've started. Send me a message and maybe it'll happen!
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uh-drarry · 3 years
Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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uh-drarry · 3 years
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Hi hey hello it’s been forever. Tbh I don’t have even half as many ideas as when I started these things :/. But I saw this photo and I couldn’t not make this. So here is Harry and Draco texting each other. 
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uh-drarry · 3 years
drarry discord drabble challenge june 2021 | night of summer stars | wc 216 | explicit but like especially explicit under the cut lol | ao3
Draco’s sprawled out on the bed, completely naked, glaring as if he’s daring you to take him apart.
You do.
First with kisses to his jawline and down his neck. He growls at you, turning his head so you catch his mouth.
Next with soft fingers trailing down his chest. You took him to the beach last week, and now freckles adorn his pale skin like stars in a smooth expanse of summer sky. You make sure to kiss each one.
Then with firm hands on his thighs, clenched around tight muscles. He squirms in annoyance, but soon he’s gasping as finally,
Keep reading
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uh-drarry · 3 years
LCDrarry Fic Claim
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Title: Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion
Author: @bisexualronaldweasley
Word Count: 9528
Prompt: The Proposal (2009 movie)
Summary: Faced with exile, Draco pretends to be engaged to Harry Potter, who agrees to play along for Narcissa’s sake. When they’re forced to spend a weekend together celebrating the engagement with the Weasleys, they might try to kill each other, or… they might just fall in love.
Notes: Thank you @prolix- for the prompt!! The Proposal is one of my favorite movies and I loved writing this. Thank you to @lcdrarry​ for being amazing! And thank you to rei382, mywinonas, and kataya for the alpha and beta help ❤️
Read on AO3!
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uh-drarry · 3 years
For You
may 2021 drarry discord drabble challenge | wc: 315 | prompt: used | T
It was the stack of newspapers shoved against the front door. It was the stove, cold and forgotten. It was the creaks of the old house. It was the unused Floo powder, sitting in jars on the mantle. It was the Owls that took off every day and never returned with replies.
One week without him, and you were ruined.
Two weeks without him, and you were little more than a ghost.
Three weeks without him, and you stopped believing that he’d come home.
He’d left for you. And now he was never coming back.
You didn’t know what day it was when the door finally burst open. You leapt out of bed, bleary eyed from hours and days and weeks of restless sleep, of dwindling hope, of longing to be in his arms.
He made it to you before you even got to the stairs.
He stopped right in front of you and stared. You stared right back.
He smelled like blood, and you breathed it in, because he was alive. He was covered in dirt and cuts, and you couldn’t even begin to comprehend where he’d been. What they’d forced him to do.
He raised a muddy hand and slowly, softly cupped your jaw. “Darling,” he said, voice sounding like it hadn’t been used in years. “I’ve missed you.”
“Is it done?” you asked, reaching a hand out to touch his chest. To feel his heartbeat.
“It’s done.”
You pulled him against you, embracing him with all that you had. His arms were strong, holding you to his chest, and you felt a tear trail its way down your cheek.
And then, it was hot water. It was streaks of soap against a lover. It was you’re safe now, it was they won’t come for you anymore. It was smooth sheets against scarred skin. It was comfort. It was safety.
He was home.
(read on ao3)
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uh-drarry · 3 years
Y’all I’m so excited I got part one of my forearm tattoo done today 🎉 one more session and it will be finished. I love it already.
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uh-drarry · 3 years
when you walk out that door
april 2021 drarry discord drabble challenge | word count: 192 | prompt: spring
“I’m never going to be… nice,” Draco says between gritted teeth.
“I don’t want you to be nice,” Harry growls. “I want you to be you.”
Draco glares. “You don’t want me. You want an idea of me. You want something that doesn’t exist.”
“No, Draco. I want you.” Harry walks up to him, backing him up against the wall of his own office. Draco takes a shaky breath and meets Harry’s fierce gaze.
“You think I want you to be nice?” Harry continues, grabbing the front of Draco’s shirt. “That’s like… like spring without the rain. Sure, it’s pretty, but what’s the point?”
“I’m not good enough for you,” Draco replies, his anger dissipating. “You deserve better.”
Harry narrows his eyes, then lets go of Draco and walks toward the doorway. “You’re wrong,” he says, voice soft. “I’ll back off, though. For now.”
“Thank you.” But Draco feels no relief.
“I’m not going to stop being in love with you. And I’ll be here when you’re ready.” Harry steps out of the office and walks away.
Go after him, Draco’s brain screams. Go. Now.
Draco runs out the door after Harry.
(read on ao3)
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uh-drarry · 3 years
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Fic Claim for HP Trans Fest!
Title: The Walls That Hide Us
Author: @bisexualronaldweasley​
Word Count: 7,732
Summary: In which Harry is sent to a Muggle teacher training retreat with a frustratingly decent Draco Malfoy and an agender, badass Padma Patil.
Featuring a gender realisation, a reformed rival, and a whole lot of slide presentations.
Notes: Longer notes on ao3 but i wrote nonbinary harry to ease my own nonbinary heart… to all my fellow trans harry potter fans - you belong, and you are loved.
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uh-drarry · 3 years
PSA: please never apologize for sending anything to my ask box. i don’t care if you’ve sent one ask or 47, i love them all! you can send questions or just things about your day! talking with y’all makes my day so please never stop and never feel like you have to apologize 💖
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uh-drarry · 3 years
Can i ask what the difference between ace and aro is? If not thats totally fine! I was just curious, have a lovely day ♥️
Of course!! I hope you are having a lovely day as well, nonnie. Thanks for the ask! I’m not an expert but I have done a lot of research since realizing I was both ace and aro but I only recently realized this within the last six months so I’m going to give kind of broad terms and they both definitely have more definitive terms depending on the person using them. Ace is short for Asexual. Aro is short for Aromantic. (As I type this Aromantic is showing as a spelling error, and if that doesn’t tell you anything about how underrepresented that community is idk what will). This got a bit long, so I am putting it all under the cut.
Asexual people feel little to no sexual attraction. The opposite of this is Allosexual, meaning you do feel sexual attraction. Asexual is an umbrella term and there’s many micro labels under it as well. This doesn’t mean aces don’t have a libido though. Some people have high or low libidos and are still Ace because it’s about sexual attraction. Asexual people sometimes define themselves as one of the following, sex favorable (does enjoy sex, but possibly won’t initiate it themselves, or they could live without it but are happy to partake as far as I understand), sex positive (this can mean the previous, or, like me, they encourage others to have sex if they want it, and believe safe sex should be taught, etc.), sex neutral (they might enjoy sex, but eh, that’s cool if they never do it again, or ever), and sex repulsed (might get nauseous at the thought of it, never wants to partake, depending who they are they might not want to see it, hear it, watch it, etc even within media, nothing). Back to feeling or not feeling sexual attraction, for example, I have never once looked at, say Chris Hemsworth or Zendaya, and thought “Yeah, they turn me on, I’d have sex with them.” (Honestly the fact that I really had to think to come up with names there, which I think it very telling, I’m laughing at myself). *oversharing probably but trying to help people understand, sorry* Despite the my lack of sexual attraction to anyone, I do feel things, for example, when I read smut or something similar. Ace people might get themselves off, have sex, or never do anything of the sort down there. That kind of thing is about feeling good, you don’t have to think your partner or whatever is sexy in order to do that. If anyone wants to do their own research, AVEN.com (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) is probably a good starting point, or I can rec some blogs here.
Aromantic people feel little to no romantic attraction. Very different from feeling sexual attraction, yes? Basically, take all of what I wrote about being Ace and exchange sex with romance and that’s an aromantic person. I will explain anyway. Just like allosexual, alloromantic people are people who do feel romantic attraction. Romantic attraction is when you want to do romantic coded things with people. Of course romance is a bit harder to define than sex, so it can mean a lot of things to different people. Kissing can be seen as romantic to one person, and another aro person could really enjoy kissing others for example. Personally, I get pretty uncomfortable in romantic situations regarding myself and someone else, which I would probably define as being Romance Repulsed. After learning what this term meant and reading some about it, I really thought of my experiences. I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a crush on anyone, relationships (the brief two that I’ve had) really just felt like friendships. I didn’t initiate anything besides maybe handholding because I didn’t know what to do, or I didn’t even realize that was a thing that most people in that situation would be doing at that point in a relationship. I felt very uncomfortable when a ex tried to take a kiss further than a peck, among other things. Again, being Aromantic doesn’t mean aro people automatically will never have or want romantic relationships. They just don’t feel those feels for people usually. Like AVEN for asexuals, there’s Arocalypse.com for aro people. I have less blogs to rec here, but I can rec some if someone wants it.
There are good examples of different types of attraction, I personally feel platonic attraction which would be the desire to be someone’s friend, as well as aesthetic attraction which is defined below.
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People can be one, or both, or neither. I am both, AroAce. People in these communities often use the Split Attraction Model (SAM). Which would be like someone stating that they are Asexual Homoromantic, or Aromantic Heterosexual, or Aromantic Pansexual, among many other combos.
Because I do feel aesthetic attraction, pretty much solely towards women, I define myself as an Oriented AroAce, or Lesbian AroAce. If I ever did end up in a relationship with someone, I can only ever imagine it to be with a woman. Again though, that’s just one microlable among so many that are out there.
This is a huge list of identities and labels, it overwhelms be tbh, but I’m linking it here anyway because it’s very informative.
I assume this ask was in response my reblog here. Yes I get very annoyed when people treat these two orientations as the same thing, despite me identifying as both. As I hope you can now see, they are very different things. A lot of the time, I enjoy reading about romance and sometimes sexual relationships, but sometimes I want to read other peoples thoughts, fics, posts, etc about only one of these and the Aro/Aromanticism tag is flooded with posts about asexuality which really doesn’t help people who are trying to learn about aromanticism or wanting specific content.
One more point before I wrap this up. I read a book because I wanted to see if it’d help me know for sure if I was demisexual (definition can be found in the huge list I linked two paragraphs up, or on google), and it actually made me realize I was aroace and I am forever grateful for it so I will rec it here. It’s called Loveless by @aliceoseman and it has quickly become my favorite book. So if anyone wants to read about a fictional character realizing they’re aroace, this is a fantastic book. I related so much to Georgia, it’s crazy. Also her other works are fantastic.
Remember you are not alone! Experts believe that 1% of the population is ace (and I think it’s the same for aro people) and that might sound like no one but, guys, theres 7.8 billion people on this planet. That means theres 78 million people like us! I ended up finding a lot of ace people to follow on twitter as well by the way.
This might be a hot take to some but the A in LGBTQIA+ does not mean ally! It’s for Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender! And we do belong in the queer community because the queer community is for people who aren’t straight, cis, or amatonormative. Wow, I hope this all makes sense, if any of you are confused or have more thoughts, or I messed something up, UNLESS YOU’RE BEING APHOBIC, add your thoughts, or message me!
Side note: Do please send me recs of people to follow, books, fics, shows, whatever, I am always searching for new content within these orientations!
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uh-drarry · 3 years
hey there!!! all my non cisgender followers!!!
i’ve got something i want to say to you all, and yes, i know this is coming from a cis female and i don’t know shit about it all, but please, read it?
for my trans masc/more masc followers:
you look really manly and badass right now, like holy shit dude-your fucking awesome! don’t forget to take your binder off and stretch, okay? please don’t fall asleep in it. i don’t want you guys getting hurt. you are amazing and valid and strong and cool and i love you.
for my trans femme/more femme followers:
you look really pretty and beautiful, but also fucking amazing and badass (everyone is badass.) it doesn’t matter what other people say, if their being mean-it’s bullshit. you are so pretty and don’t let anyone say otherwise. i love you.
for my gender non-conforming/queer/non-binary followers:
you look pretty nice. very cool and amazing. you exist and you are real. screw anyone else. you look incredible no matter what anyone says. stay safe if you are in a binder, and if not-go drink some water. (pls?) i love you.
and to everyone! (even if ur cis or straight, or just a person!):
you are valid, you are amazing, you are badass and strong and cool and just perfect. you are perfect and amazing and don’t let anyone tell you that your invalid or don’t exist.
because it’s bullshit.
you are you. don’t let anyone take that away from you.
gender, sexuality, race, pronouns, religion, if your nurodivergent, anything.
you are valid.
and i fucking love you.
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uh-drarry · 3 years
hey do you have a twitter account?
I may have like four Twitter accounts. If you happened to find one with this same profile pic, then yeah that’s probably me lol. I don’t post anything though so I’m not going to share the usernames.
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uh-drarry · 3 years
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Another little update. This takes place early quarantine for these guys.
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Tags: @spaceaas @tea-and-bees @abstractundefined @potatoloveisreal @textrovert-01 @tashkib @secretlycrazyhummingbird @theodorapersiaj @cannot-create-username @itsskylover23 @drarryruinedme7 @charlenasaxen @vici-l @sweetlialia @devilrising @malfoy-potterx
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uh-drarry · 3 years
Guys it’s been two years since I posted the original social media posts. Insane. Thank you all for the positive feedback and you’re all amazing ♥️
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