#non-binary Harry Potter
lilred1989 · 2 years
Harry Potter meets the Multiverse:
What if each Horcrux ties Voldemort to the Voldemort from another universe. And when he dies in one Universe his soul is transferred to the Horcrux it is linked too. By consequence, the Harrys are tied to each other too. Not one of them knows about this connection though. 6 Horcruxes are inanimate objects and thus it is near impossible for Harry to feel the connection. The Harry that is linked to Nagini sometimes feels something, but he thinks it’s just another effect of his weird connection with Voldemort. The only exception is the Harry that is tied to the Horcrux that was never meant to exist. Because that Harry is tied to another person. And that Harry is the only one that feels what happened when the Voldemort from his world dies. And so Harry researches. And by the time Key Harry reaches the scene with the 7 Potters, the other Harry has a ritual ready that brings each Harry into Key Harrys world to fight Voldemort. Because destroying the Horcruxes brings forth the soul that was stored within. And to fight 9 Voldemorts, you need 9 Harry Potters. Besides 9=3*3 and we all know that witches have a thing with 3s
Key Harry - Canon Harry
1. Slytherin Harry - Slytherin’s locket: when the hat put Harry into Slytherin, it changed everything. Harry grew up knowing exactly how much power he had and how many titles and what those titles meant. With the help of his Slytherin friends and his bonded, he not only managed to rid the world of Lord Voldemort, but exposed Dumbledore for the manipulator that he was too. (Different timeline from sorting on)
2. Auror Harry - Voldemort’s final soul piece: When the war ended, Harry thought he had it all. A wife, a career, a way to move forward. But he was sorely mistaken. Harry had never learned to maintain a healthy relationship, so his marriage broke apart. The only thing he is good at, is his job. But the Ministry is draining him of all will to live. Firewhiskey is his only excape. (Different timeline from after the war)
3. Professor Harry - asexual - Rovena Ravenclaw’s diadem: When the war ended, Harry left. He needed distance from a world, that only saw their savior in him. Moving to the US and finishing his schooling there, Harry found a new calling. He was apprenticed by none other than Newt Scamander himself and found love in a place he would never have expected. (Different timeline from after the war)
4. Female Harry - Tom Riddle’s diary: Harriet Potter has been fighting every day of her life. First she had to fight to survive at the Dursley’s. Then she had to fight for her life every school year. In her 6th Year Harriet decides she is done fighting other people’s wars. She seeks out allies for herself and finds them in Slytherin. Together with Draco Malfoy she unites Hogwarts and exposes the fact that Lord Voldemort has always been but a creation of Dumbledore. (Different timeline from year 6 - except gender)
5. Non-binary Harry - Helga Hufflepuff’s cup: When James and Lily heard that Voldemort would be after them. They listened to everything Dumbledore was telling them. Like the obedient soldiers the headmaster saw in them, they nodded along to everything he said. When the headmaster had left to collect Peter and prepare the Fidelius Charm, the Potters sprung into action. They took Harry and left England. In France, on an old Black property, they were taken in by Lucius and Narcissa, who had fled the war after the birth of their girl Dracona. Growing up in a stable and safe environment Harry gets to be a normal teenager and discover themselves. But Voldemort never forgot about the Potters and one one fateful night he found them. He was just not prepared for the whirlwind of magic the androgynous creature in front of him could unleash when their girldfriend was threatened. (Different timeline from beginning)
6. Gay Harry Marvolo Gaunt’s ring - Harry’s obsession with Draco Malfoy had never been only about hate. And when he follows Malfoy into the bathroom in their sixth year, something keeps him from attacking the other boy. Together Harry and Draco realize that they are both sides of the same coin and decide to not let their family ties rule their lives anymore. They fall in love and their love unites Slytherin and Gryffindor. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw soon follow suit. And a united Hogwarts is something not even Voldemort can win against. (Different timeline from year 6)
7. Rebel Harry - Nagini: Voldemort won the war before it had even started. Dumbledore was dead. But not all have given up. The small fraction that is left of the Order of the Phoenix and the DA is still fighting. Rumour has it, that Ron Weasley is leading the rebels. But then a Deatheater spies a fighter with a lightning scar over his whole face and green eyes. Harry Potter was alive! A dangerous and daring plan gets rid of Voldemort himself, but Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy take over. Voldemort is dead, but the war isn’t won yet. (Different timeline from year 4)
8. Link Harry, female, the only one that looks like Lily but has James’ eyes - Key Harry: When Remus and Sirius got the news, that Voldemort had found and attacked James and Lily, they immediately rushed over to their home. It was too late though. The Potters were dead. Maddened by grief, Sirius wanted to go after Pettigrew, but the sight of Remus standing there with Harriet in his arms, crying silently in his shock, was enough to break him out of it. He claimed Harriet as was his right as her godfather and together they raised a strong, independent mischievous girl that may have looked like Lily Potter, but was the daughter of Sirius Black through and through. When she was sorted into Slytherin, Sirius first thought he would have an aneurysm, but Remus helped him to get over it. The friendship between Harriet and Dracona Malfoy helped Sirius mend the relationship he had with his cousin Narcissa. When Peter helped Voldemort to be resurrected, the Dark Lord was in for a surprise, as his most loyal servant - Lucius - did not come back to join him. The death of Sirius nearly destroyed Harriet and Remus, but they came out on the other side fighting. Harriet took over the Order. Then they found a little metamorphmagus-werewolf baby. Remus sacrificed himself to allow Harriet to get away and she fled with the baby to the one place she was safe - Hogwarts - where newly minted Potions Professor Dracona Malfoy had just started teaching. And Harriet had enough. She had lost too many people to the Dark Lord. In an epic battle she defeated him and that’s when it happened the first time. She saw another version of Harry Potter (she thought it was her dad at first). (Different timeline completely)
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forthehpfanboys · 11 months
Thinking of getting caught in the rain with Ron. Him sneaking you into his dorm room, giggling as he uses his towel to dry your hair off. Realizing how close you are and blushing. Him offering you his spare quidditch jersey because the rain soaked through your uniform and he can lowkey see- using the weather as an excuse to cuddle. Him thinking that you're asleep and kissing your forehead 🥺
Sorry if I'm sending in too many asks I just can't stop thinking about him
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Him brushing your hair, if it's long enough. The way he flops down onto his bed and drags you down with him. The way he wraps his long, strong, arms around your waist and pulls you straight into his side.
The way he kisses your clean hair and greedily inhales the scent of your shampoo and just- oh god he's just got heart eyes for you.
And seeing you in HIS jersey? Is making him giggle and hid his face in the crook of his other arm because he's starting to blush.
And he adores you. He wants to kiss you while the rain keeps coming down. Fuck, he LOVES you.
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People are hating on the name Sirona Ryan for the trans character. They are assuming JK came up with the name.
She has almost nothing to do with the game. Nothing with story writing or production.
And everyone complaining about the name. LEARN TO FUCKING USE GOOGLE. My Celtic ancestors are crying. It’s a real name. It’s Celtic. They probably picked it cause Hogwarts is in Scotland. And it means Goddess of Healing Springs. JFC. I am filled with rage. People are not googling it and assuming it means Sir Ona. (Onna is Japanese for woman)
It’s getting ridiculous at this point. Also the hate for anyone playing the games. “Boycott it” if the game does bad. Most who worked on it get laid off. It’s a hard to get job in the industry. But no let’s get hundreds fired and Jk terfling won’t even be affected by the $3-4/game she’s not getting.
Go spread that hate at the actual problem. JK not game buyers.
Don’t buy it if you feel it goes against your morals. But stop bullying people. Making a 12 cry in the comments of a tik tok video about the game isn’t fixing the terf.
Y’all need to watch this before you even think of commenting
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heaven4lostgirls · 10 months
do i dare write a red, white and royal blue starchaser au?
regulus black is the heir to the french monarchy
james potter is the son of the prime minister
prince philip and his wife as lucius and narcissa
remus lupin is regulus black’s equerry and sirius black is regulus’ abdicated idiot of a brother
princess beatrice as pandora lovegood (adopted) and nora holleran as lily evans!!
barty and evan are regulus’ bodyguards
while severus is miguel 🤮
peter is james’ bodyguard 🫶🏽
meanwhile dorlene are regulus’ and james mom’s PA’s and help starchaser hide their relationship from the public 🫡 (basically damage control)
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jegulusposts · 8 months
The Marauders as things my friends have said - Part 2
James: What pronouns do you want us to use today Pads?
Sirius: I’m not a gender, I’m just angry.
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Some of my favourite non-binary (and all genders that fall outside of the binary) tv characters! Not all canon :(
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biopsssihozz · 1 year
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slytherin pantheon pride arts! they all ended up a bit different stylistically esp because ive been drawing them for like 20 days now
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dorian-silver · 9 months
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May I introduce you to my trans Reg Jegulus beach au that I started weeks ago and need the motivation to finish? yes? Okay. Feat: star-shaped top surgery scars
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transenbyconfessions · 11 months
this handles topics of transphobia, racism, homophobia, jk rowling, and it has swearing. please don’t continue reading if you don’t feel comfy with that.
so i have these two “friends” who are harry potter fanatics. both are cisgender females, and one is mixed (white and i believe mexican?) and the other is white. i was texting with them and my other friend (black and native, trans he/they) and we were talking about how jk rowling is a terf. the two of them immediately jumped to her side to defend her, and my friend and i were saying how she was racist, homophobic, and just all around a shitty person. but these two friends kept defending her and saying “we should judge her work, not her actions.”
if you were trans, you would NOT be saying that.
defending trans people should not be conditional. you should defend us no matter what. if trans people are being attacked, you should be on their side no matter what.
(this is obviously over exaggerated to prove a point, but still.)
anyways fuck jk rowling, fuck terfs, and do drugs.
i love you, you beautiful little person! don’t be a terf <3
Submitted July 6, 2023
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hopeymchope · 9 months
Harry Potter-like series reveals a sexfluid character among its protagonists
Do YOU: A) Support trans/LGBTQ rights, BUT ALSO B) Want to be 100% free of any guilt while you enjoy/embrace a story that contains all of the following:
Up-and-coming young wizards/witches attend a magical academy together
Said academy is a castle in England
The students attend the academy for seven years
Classes include magical combat, potions, magical creatures, herbology, and broom-flying
While the students attend those classes, they simultaneously have adventures in and around the school's grounds, encountering dangerous beasts and dark wizards?
If that sounds like something YOU want, I legit recommend you try out Reign of the Seven Spellblades — a light-novel series which became a manga which has now become an anime!
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I first came into this series via the current anime. And as the headline up above states, said anime recently revealed one of heroes in the focal circle of friends has literal sexfluidity. (Like, they're not merely genderfluid. They actually switch their physical sex. ["If only it were that easy," amirite?])
Episode 7 (i.e., the one right after that big twist/reveal I wrote about previously) begins with one of our protagonists, Pete Reston, waking up from a strange dream to reveal that the character-formerly-known-as-"he" is hiding breasts under their shirt. Upon my first viewing, I naturally thought we were learning that Pete was secretly transmasc this whole time, which would've been a cool enough touch. But I've already spoiled that that's NOT where this story goes, so...
Ultimately, Oliver (Pete's roommate and the series' co-lead) notices that Pete's... shaped differently, and Pete is forced to admit that they don't even know what's happening to them. Lucky for Pete, then, that Oliver has read up a LOT on the magical world. He's always there to drop a knowledge bomb. Like this one.
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Not only does Pete then get the full support of his friends (who finally learn all about this in episode 9 and are happy for him/have no problem with it), his class president also steps in to share with him a secret meeting place for people just like himself.
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So yeah; it's been a pretty cool little touch. Plus it feels like they're gently flipping the bird at the creator of Rot7S' obvious inspiration.
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bagerfluff · 7 months
Harry Potter Master List
🌶️ = Smut
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Harry Potter x Male Reader
Cuddles At Three In The Morning
Love And Limps
George Weasley x Male Reader
Sneaking Around
Fred Weasley x Male Reader
Dating Privileges
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this-isajokerjoke · 21 days
slytherin friends headcanons
slytherin friends (blaise zabini, theodore nott, tracey davis, millicent bulstrode)
tracey is the only non-pure blood in the group, she’s a halfblood
her dad was a muggleborn while her mother was a halfblood
millicent’s family was neutral in the war
blaise’s family is from italy, and didn’t care much about british politics and their war
theodore’s family was full of pure blood supremacists and death eaters
but theo hated his father, and his mother was dead
so instead of believing what he was raised to believe, theo rebelled against it all
blaise is non-binary and uses he/they pronouns
theo is tall and lanky, and is a total book worn
millicent will beat a bitch up if they talk smack about one of the friends
tracey explaining muggle things to her friends
theo not caring about his schoolwork, instead focusing on things like ancient runes and warding spells
 millicent and blaise dragging theo to quidditch games
chaser blaise and beater millicent
“trace” “cici”
“dora” (theo hates it and blaise thinks it’s really funny)
theo sobbing to his friends about voldemort’s return
his friends refusing to leave even when he begs them to go out of the country
blaise having trouble understanding love because his mother uses men for their money and kills them
millicent struggling with self image
tracey getting migraines
blaise wearing eyeliner
blaise gets so many bitches. guys, girls, enbys
theo has a massive crush on blaise
blaise is an idiot though, and doesn’t realize until 5th year
millicent’s cat is everyone’s cat and very spoiled
so much cat fur
when theo’s father tries to make him join the death eaters, he runs away (he refuses to tell them where he got the injuries he came to them with from)
millicent dies in the war, tracey loses her right arm, blaise goes partially deaf, and theo goes mute
the remaining three move away from britain
they learn sign language and room together for years until blaise finally suggests therapy
theo doesn’t speak much, but after several years of therapy, he can finally talk to blaise and tracey sometimes
millicent’s cat stays with them
tracey learns how to use her wand with her non dominant hand, but she knows it’ll never be the same
blaise never gets their hearing back, and hates not knowing what’s around them
they sleep with a light on and a knife under their pillow
eventually, tracey moves out to go to college
blaise and theo get married a few years later
they’re traumatized, but they all love each other, even when they grow apart
they each get a tattoo of millicent’s birth day
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forthehpfanboys · 11 months
Rereading your fics and thinking about Ron being jealous of Harry because he think his crush likes Harry even though they obviously like Ron. Ron just staring at them and thinking of how he can't compete with Harry. His crush having to kiss him to prove that they like him. God everytime I try to write something it turns a lil angsty
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Bro no but I've been rereading my OWN shit and goddamn.
He would get so pouty. Like he gets snappy too. He crossed his arms and bounces his leg and huffs and glares at Harry like 24/7.
They definitely argue like an old married couple like super late and the whole dorm has a fit about it because now no one can sleep.
Eventually tho, they work it out because you asked too many questions and got pissy because Ron was pissy and then he accidentally confesses and Harry is like
"No, dude, I don't have a crush on them!!" And he smiles and- idk I think it's cuuutteeeee.
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Tumblr should ban radfem blogs.
I mean it.
First of all, it’s infecting EVERYTHING on here. I normally only engage with the typical fun little fandom shit posts there but every now and again something will be tagged wrong from a twitter import who doesn’t understand tagging every fandom you’re in for every post you make, ‘doesn’t get you followers’.
Second of all, of all the platforms to preach your anti trans, very narrow view of being a feminist, you choose... Tumblr? Arguably the most queer social media platform? ... Really?
I think Tumblr should make a statement about them because they are on here and they are causing active harm to everyone on Tumblr. Even if they were to start restricting hashtags and banning blogs, I know they’ll come back again and again. Much like all the sh glorification blogs and other stuff that Tumblr doesn’t allow. It’s just almost impossible to police when new blogs are made daily. 
Normally I say mobilize and to engage with them and make their experience on Tumblr unbearable but not these ladies.
They’ve become addicted to defending a non existing war.
No reason, no evidence, no passionate plea will help them and they will only become further enraged by you insinuating that they are wrong.
In the end, history will see them out, but the pain they will have inflicted will still be there. 
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starless-gaze · 1 year
dorcas: i swear i don't think about her all the time, just today...
regulus: ...yesterday, every day and tomorrow night.
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themadpantransnerd · 2 years
Okay so I write for Modern Family, ROTTMNT, South Park, Harry Potter / Fantastic Beats, DHMIS, Titans, Sans AUs and your daily dose of gay shit
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I only write for male, trans ftm and non-binay / gender neutral readers
I do headcanons, oneshots, scenarios and imagines
I can do smut, lemon and/or lime only if the character is aged up and it's a character I'm comfortable writting that with.
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Can be platonic or romantic
I DO NOT write polyamorous relationships bc it's so CONFUSING TO-
Anyways, here's some stuff to be clear
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How To Request
Please tell me which characer and which fandom they're from
Tell me wether to wrote for male or trans/any in the transngender cattergory. If not, I will put as gender neutral.
Please tell me the plot of the story if doing requests, and be atleast just a bit specific- like if you wanna make it romantic or platonic, have a child (Y/N), headcanon, how (Y/N)'s personality would be like, etc,
If you're gonna repost PLEASE add the tags and credit me-
I can't answer or write comments for some reason so I apologize if I seem like I haven't responded, just check my page-
If you don't know what to specifically request, just put like "Can I have a Kenny McCormick with S/O that's mute?" Or something like that, and I'll give headcanons for it
If I don't answer any reauests, I'm busy with school life in Portugal- so sorry in advance ;-;
Anyways, I will add more and repost if needes. Bye y'all!!
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