ulinatorina · 2 months
This is a good day to sweet
I didn’t know how badly I needed a duckling wearing a flower hat today, but thank you universe for this 🙌
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ulinatorina · 3 months
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Star Trek (IDW) Vol 2 #20 
Cover B Variant by Taurin Clarke
So this was just announced. I'm thrilled that Shaw is getting more backstory, even in beta canon. I'm also really stuck on how stupidly gorgeous Commander Shaw looks in his Voyager-era uniform.
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ulinatorina · 4 months
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ulinatorina · 5 months
On February 16, 2023, Picard Season 3 aired its first episode and ✨️Liam Shaw✨️ made his first appearance. One year later, it's time to celebrate!
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-Ten days of fan creations, for lucky number ten-
(See guidelines below- do as much or little as you would like to! Choose any of the three prompts and make any fan creation)
Day 1-Feb 16th: Alive/ S3E1 The Next Generation/ Hurt-Comfort
Day 2-Feb 17th: Borg/ S3E2 Disengage/ Backstory
Day 3-Feb 18th: Chicago/ S3E3 Seventeen Seconds/ Fix-it
Day 4-Feb 19th: Dead naming Explanation(s)/ S3E4 No Win Scenario/ AUs: Modern, Coffee shop, Vampire etc.
Day 5-Feb 20th: Engineering/ S3E5 Imposters/ Drabble or short fic
Day 6-Feb 21st: Fears/ S3E6 The Bounty/ Post-canon
Day 7-Feb 22nd: Gumption/ S3E7 Dominion/ 3&1 or 5&1
Day 8-Feb 23rd: Holodeck/ S3E8 Surrender/ Friends to lovers or sex pollen
Day 9-Feb 24th: Knives/ S3E9 Vox/ Crossover (with anything)
Day 10-Feb 25th: Lucky number ten/ S3E10 The Last Generation/ Trapped (in the turbolift, or anywhere)
All fanwork welcome: art, gifset, fics, crafty stuff, we love it all
Use any of the three daily prompts, or of course you can use two or three of them if you like
It's okay to mix prompts from different days, such as Holodeck(day 8) and trapped(day 10) and you can post on whichever day you want
You do not need to make something for all ten days! Pick just one day or more than one. Post your creation to tumblr on that date.
For the episode prompt you can make anything to do with that episode: gifset, missing scene fic, etc.
Post your creation (or a link to your creation) on tumblr
Tag @liamshawday and we will reblog!
Any ships welcome, please tag
If you post an entire fic or chapter on tumblr use a readmore
NSFW welcome, please tag “nsfw” on your tumblr post/use appropriate tags on ao3
If you post a fic on ao3 please add it to the “Liam Shaw Day 2024” collection
*No Shaw hate please, we know some people don’t like this character, but we would like to keep this event positive. (We also know how to block and will.)
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ulinatorina · 5 months
I put this in someone else's comments back in the day, but it deserves its own post: every time I rewatch Picard S3, I find myself rewinding Shaw’s scenes three times an episode and thinking to myself “man, this guy is just really f***ing good at being a captain.”
The big catalyst for this realization was Shaw being the only person on the Titan who realized that the changelings were somehow tracking the ship, and how he delegated the investigation to Jack to pull him out of his guilt-spiral. Oh, right, and he did all of this with a fractured femur while bleeding out all over sickbay. An episode later, all Seven needs to do is tell him that all the engineers are busy and he immediately figures out what the plan is and how he needs to help without being read in.
I’ve previously waxed poetic about the Dinner of Discontent and Shaw regaling Picard’s and Riker’s greatest hits in the turbolift. People just think he’s being a jerk, but no, this man is demonstrating that he actually studied for this test. He methodically gathered information on his guests and methodically used said information to destroy their crappy excuses in a perfectly logical way. In other words, he did the work to make a well-informed decision just as a captain should. On rewatch, when Seven warns Picard to lower his expectations, she’s not making a personal attack against Shaw — she’s warning Picard that Shaw’s done the work and has his number.
This is all in addition to the countless pivots and split-second calls Shaw made on the bridge whenever another bonkers revelation would come out of Picard’s mouth. And the care he consistently showed to Esmar, Mura, and Sidney with thank yous and comforting touches. And the fact that he’s not on the bridge 24/7 because, you know, his first officer exists for a reason. And his overarching drive to protect his crew at all costs, even when it meant unpopular decisions.
Gah, what a gift of a character.
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ulinatorina · 7 months
If you're an adult...
You are allowed to read comic books. You are allowed to write fanfiction. You are allowed to play video games. You are allowed to collect stuffed animals, dolls, Funko Pops and whatever else. You are allowed to go to cons. You are allowed to cosplay. You are allowed to have a comfort show, even if it's not popular, or hasn't been "on the air" for decades. You are allowed to have anime crushes. You are allowed to have fun. You are allowed to pursue hobbies, even if you can't monetize them or turn them into a career or a "side hustle." You are allowed to take time out for yourself; that's not the same as totally neglecting all your responsibilities to their detriment. You are allowed to write your own life script, instead of following the one your parents and culture mapped out for you at birth. You are allowed to decide you don't want to have children, or don't want to get married. (Or that you'd like to do those things someday, but not today.) You are allowed to go at your own pace, on your own path. You're allowed to have a life that's not all bills and back pain, fatigue and drudgery. You are allowed to play, as well as work.
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ulinatorina · 7 months
Do you sometimes read a fic writer’s work, and just… thank all the gods this person managed to get obsessed with the same fictional people you did?
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ulinatorina · 9 months
Now I've reread almost every Liam Shaw centered Fanfiction on AO3 twice.
What should I do now???
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ulinatorina · 11 months
Hoping for a Star Trek Titan-A novel book.
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