unifi3dtheory · 22 hours
Yo arts are so good oough I'm so amazed
Me am jealous too, but it's not like I'm going evil or anything
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Thank you
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unifi3dtheory · 22 hours
Can you turn splendorman human?
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This is the best I can do ☹️
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Oh and they’re still in love ofc
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unifi3dtheory · 1 day
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they gossip. zalgo is all seeing and tells jeff everything
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unifi3dtheory · 8 days
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Ilikemenderman is a pretty cool guy I see him everyday when I look in the mirror
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unifi3dtheory · 8 days
I always narrow my eyes at people who simp for ben because hes a child fr
Anyways ipad kid ben >>
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i am an eternal 12 year old ben die hard fan forever simply because its funny as hell
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unifi3dtheory · 13 days
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Silly concept for Splendorman
A different kind of Hungarian style cause someone mentioned the old one looked like a different culture dress - and I don't want that lol. I tried to mix the masc and femme elements from the Hungarian cultural dress - masc shape with femme decor.
Also, bone wing-looking limbs instead of tentacles look cool
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unifi3dtheory · 17 days
THEM!! 🫶‼️‼️
(Click on photos for higher quality)
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Ship chart I did with @yaruar7 🥺🥺
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unifi3dtheory · 19 days
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I would like you to know that your devilish delight ship has permanently changed my brain chemistry and its the only thing i can think of.
My life has significantly improved after discovering you
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im surprised theres other ppl who like it bc it totally started as a joke ship for me
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unifi3dtheory · 19 days
So real for this 🫶🫶
I agree with a lot of this 🥺
i started this ages ago but procrastination is my biggest enemy
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Original template by @creeps-and-pasta insane rambling + close ups behind the readmore:
FUCK I FORGOT TO ADD IT BUT EJ X TOBY IS ALSO A FAV SHIP BUT THAT'S MORE OF A CURRENT MODERN FAV, LJ X JEFF HAS STUCK WITH ME FOR THE LONGEST OF TIME SO I'D CONSIDER IT MY ALL TIME FAV I currently have the worst Toby and LJ brainrot i love them so much, EJ is just a classic and tbh zalgo was there to fill up empty space but i still really like him i was a dumb kid so " animal= automatic fav" which is why grinny and smiledog were my fav, i never even read their stories 💀 tbh i dont really remember any hated CRP but i guess this is close enough, Zalgo from i eat pasta is my least favorite adaption of the character, he's just so ugly- Momo i dont even consider a real true creepypasta but sense she's called one all the time i might aswell cause i despise her too, i just dont like looking at the image tbh
Close ups below
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unifi3dtheory · 23 days
I imagine they both sorta showed up one day, Zalgo obviously showing up way before Slenderman.
I personally HC that both Slenderman and Zalgo gain power from their influence/their presence in the world and in people’s minds so maybe thats how they came to be.
Enough people thought about Slenderman, or Zalgo, or some being in the woods, or some darker entity out there, and Zalgo and Slenderman came to be as a result and a sort of manifestation of all those ideas and beliefs combined.
Frankly I just don’t think about this that often so this post might not even make sense. I just enjoy playing around with Creepypasta characters without worrying too much about all the technicalities.
I wrote a lot of Zalgo HCs on my older posts but basically Zalgo is (in my interpretation) the embodiment or extension of chaos and evil. Zalgo is the physical and conscious manifestation of all those things.
Ive heard of people describing Zalgo as “chaos” and Slenderman as “order” which I really like.
But Slenderman isn’t exactly the opposite of Zalgo, they were not created to be enemies or polar opposites, but they are enemies regardless. Not because the other hates what the other is doing, but because both of them feel threatened by each other’s presence.
Can the creepypasta fandom start talking about their headcanon origin stories for Slender and Zalgo?? Like this is such an interesting topic because there's so many different ways to tackle them. Please reblog this with your Slender and Zalgo origin stories I would love to hear them
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unifi3dtheory · 23 days
Foaming at the mouth
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diner date
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unifi3dtheory · 29 days
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stupid extras while i work on smth fuller
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unifi3dtheory · 30 days
The dinner date will have to wait
(Zalgo x Splendorman)
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I hope you all are liking my human design of Zalgo
Me to the few people who look at my posts
ZALGO HCs (human ver)
- Yes he wears eyeliner.
- No he does not wear “No smudge” eyeliner
- Zalgo never takes his eyeliner off before sleeping, he forgets and honestly the eyeliner is just a part of him at this point. So his pillows are a mess and littered in eyeliner smudges.
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unifi3dtheory · 1 month
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Creepypasta OC
Jason canonically used the red strings on a bulletin board to keep track of his findings of Slenderman.
He’s showing his set up to Zalgo.
I also drew the Scarecrow Girl (from @tic-toc-clock77 post) with Jason since they both work under Zalgo and I thought she was cool.
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unifi3dtheory · 1 month
This is sick
Thinking of drawing her with my crp OC who also works with Zalgo
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The Scarecrow Girl - Dwellers Version
Cw: abuse, religious, physical and emotional abuse/trauma, suicide, mutilation, sacrifice, force feeding, starving
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The Scarecrow Girl formerly lived in a small town as a regular young girl with brown eyes and black chin length. She lived with her average mother, father and was an only child. She grew up admiring the town farmer's son and they went to the same school and the same church.
At 15 years old, she began developing a crush on the farmer boy, she was utterly obsessed with him after a short while. Because her parents didn't want their young daughter dating and getting her heart broken, she had to hide her feelings until she couldn't take it anymore...
She told her parents she was in love but they were terrified for her and her overprotective father forbade her from ever seeing him again, going as far as to keep her locked away in her room for 4 years.
She tried to fight back but only ended up being abused for it, she couldn't escape the house and when she tried, she was tied down to her bed. From then on, she had to be force fed. When she screamed for help, she would be hit until her body was covered in scars and bruises.
Her screaming would last all night, every night until her mother called for the local priest to exorcise her. He came daily, screaming things at her while she begged for help, nobody ever came...
After 4 whole years of being abused, either force fed or starved, screamed at, beaten black and blue, tied down and mentally destroyed...her bonds came loose, randomly it seemed and finally, the hope she held onto, to finally confess, gave her strength.
Pale arms, bruised with long black hair reaching down her sides, she climbed out of her window in the dead of night and went to see the boy who looked at her in horror when he saw her and claimed she was a witch that came back from the dead.
Rejected and dejected, she made her way out to the farmer's field, took a pitch fork and stabbed it into her chest, letting her blood soak into the ground of where she and the farmer's son used to lay as children...
Days later, the farmer's son found the girls body. Instead of properly burying her, he thought that she was scary enough to be a new scarecrow and heartlessly, he dragged her body to his shed, mutilated her by stuffing her open wounds with straw, when the straw was pushed past her organs and through her mouth her once closed eyes opened again which he did not notice, he wandered out to the field, stuck her up on the post and nailed her rotting arms into the wood.
The boy had been, much more demented than the scarecrow had ever known when she was alive. He talked to her daily, she only wanted to talk back, like they used to but her eyes could still, her ears could still hear but her body, could not move.
One day, the boy came to the scarecrow and explained, he'd met a girl named Lily. He planned on bringing the young woman to his home and introducing her to the rotting corpse nailed to the wood. Enraged and jealous, the scarecrow screamed in front of the boy but he kept talking to her, ignoring her scream.
That night, a creature of mist and fog coloured in black and red appeared before the scarecrow, the creature named Zalgo explained he'd released her bounds and that he could more for her. The scarecrow begged for life again, she begged to have the chance to get rid of Lily and Zalgo granted it.....at a cost.
She swore she'd work for Zalgo forever if she could just live again and he granted that wish. Able to move again, she found a scythe and anxiously hurried toward the farm where she watched, seething with jealousy, as Lily and the farmer boy ate together with his family.
Finally, she broke the window, scaring the entire family which the scarecrow mercilessly slaughtered until it was just her and the boy, who was terrified of her. Just as she went to confess her love again, she was taken away by Zalgo and forced into the underworld...
As a Zalgoid minion, Scarecrow gave up on love and fully dedicates herself to Zalgo and her job as a minion. She, along with Stripes and The Rake, are always working and coming up with plots to take down the Slenderman and his workers...
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unifi3dtheory · 1 month
Ivil: Do you know why Zalgo and Slender Man hate each other? If so, could you tell us?
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Actually its because of divorce
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unifi3dtheory · 1 month
“I think you forgot to add some nuts”
Me and yaruar7 being silly in roblox catalog avatar creator :3
They’re getting married 🎉🎉🎉
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