uplift-daily · 28 days
R. Derek Black, former scion of the Ku Klux Klan and now an anti-racist advocate, has come out as transgender!
R. Derek Black was expected to become a major leader in the KKK, being the child of former KKK Grand Wizard, Don Black, but experienced a massive transformation while attending the New College of Florida. Their memoir, coming out on May 14th, details their journey to becoming an anti-racist advocate. They come out as transgender (they/them pronouns) in the epilogue and emphasize their commitment to fighting for transgender rights in Florida.
They also married their wife, a Jewish woman, in 2020.
Read more here.
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Independent bookstores grew in number and diversity in 2021
The American Booksellers’ Association, an American trade organization for independent booksellers, has reported it’s highest membership number in years. This has occurred even despite the ABA’s tightening restrictions for membership, including that members must “primarily” sell books (that is, books make up over 50% of the inventory).
In 2021, over a hundred new stores have joined the association, dozens of which are owned by individuals from minority racial and ethnic groups.
Read more (and find some stores in your area!) on Brooklyn Eagle!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
A Minneapolis woman was about to be evicted. Neighbors bought her home for her.
Linda Taylor had lived in her home for almost 20 years when she was given less than two months notice to relocate, because her landlord wanted to sell the property. Taylor had previously owned the home, but had been tricked into signing the house over to the previous owner in 2004; the house was then sold to her current landlord in 2006. 
When Taylor’s neighbor’s caught wind of the situation, they rallied to keep her in her home. The neighbors delivered a plea with over 400 signatures to the landlord to delay the sale, and they used the time to raise over $275,000 - more than enough to buy the house. 
“I knew my neighbors loved me, but I didn’t know how much,” [Taylor] said.
Read the full article at the Washington Post! [No paywall].
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uplift-daily · 2 years
New law allows public sector workers in Colorado to form unions
A new law passed in Colorado allows 250,000 municipal workers across the state to form unions. This change will allow public sector workers to bargain for better pay and working conditions, which may go a long way in closing the gap between public sector and private sector wages. 
Read the full article at The Guardian!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
U.S. Federal Judge rules employers who refuse to cover gender-affirming health care for workers are in violation of U.S. civil rights law
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[Image: Anna Lange, who won her suit against Houston County, Georgia. She has medium length brown hair and is smiling into the camera.]
Chief Judge Marc Treadwell of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia ruled that Houston County violated civil rights law by denying gender-affirming care under the county’s employee health plan. He cited the landmark Bostock v. Clayton County case: “In Bostock, the Supreme Court recognized that Title VII delivers a message ‘equally simple and momentous: [a]n individual’s … transgender status is not relevant to employment decisions.’ … Discrimination on the basis of transgender status is discrimination on the basis of sex and is a violation of Title VII.”
Read the full story at LGBTQNation!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Once Lost, One of Original Two Pride Flags Has been Recovered
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[image: On the left, is an archived image of two rainbow flags flying in San Francisco. On the right, is an image from the GLBT Historical Society of the recovered flag remnant. The remnant is a slice of the stripes, cut down the short end of the flag.]
In 1978, the two original pride flags, designed by Gilbert Baker and handsewn by volunteers, were flown in the Gay Freedom Day Parade in San Francisco. After the event, one of the flags was presumed stolen and lost. The other was taken home by Baker, but also considered lost.
After Gilbert Baker’s death in 2017, the Gilbert Baker Foundation asked to borrow the flags he’d owned, not knowing that one was the original pride flag. The flag was identified in February 2020.
On June 4th, 2021, the GLBT History Society Museum in San Francisco unveiled the flag to the public.
Read the full story at LGBTQNation!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
“European Parliament lawmakers on Wednesday voted to support an effective EU ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2035, rejecting attempts to weaken the proposal to speed Europe’s shift to electric vehicles.”           
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Number of youth tried in adult courts drop in the United States
In a shift away from the “get tough” philosophy of the 70′s and 80′s, the number of youth being tried in adult courts has progressively dropped over recent years. 
Data reported to the FBI each year by thousands of police departments across the country shows the percentage of youths taken into custody who were referred to adult courts dropped from 8% in 2010 to 2% in 2019. The percentage dropped to 1% in 2020.
Instead, more teenagers are being sent to juvenile courts or community programs that steer them to counseling, peer mediation and other services aimed at keeping them out of trouble.
Read the full article at AP News here!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Trial for rectal cancer treatment succeeds with remission for every single patient
A small trial tested a new drug of cancer treatment in 18 rectal cancer patients. Every single patient who underwent the trial went into full remission - although the trial was small, these findings are almost unprecedented.
Read the full story at NYTimes here!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
70 companies in the UK to implement 4-day work week
As part of an experiment overseen by Oxford, Cambridge, and Boston College, 70 companies, with over 3,000 employees, will be moving to a 4-day work week with 100% pay.
This experiment is the largest study of its kind and will assess productivity and employee happiness during the shift. 
Read the full article on the BBC!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
World is Becoming More Progressive, Says Report
The Social Progress Index aims to assess social progress across 168 nations, using key indicators such as quality of healthcare, personal safety, access to education, access to technology, rights, and quality of environment. 
The 2021 report found that over the last ten years since the report first started in 2011, countries as a whole have become more progressive. Overall, 147 nations received a better score in 2021 than in 2011. Only four nations (the US, Brazil, Syria and South Sudan) received a worse score. The top-performing nations are Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Switzerland.
Read the full story on Positive.News!
Read the original report here!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
England Announces Plans for 15,000-Acre “Super Nature Reserve”
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[Image: A clear river running through tall grass in a wetland.]
England has announced the plans to create a 15,000-acre nature reserve in South West England, in the Somerset Wetlands. The wetlands are home to many threatened and rare birds, such as the skylark and bittern. 
This nature reserve is part of a larger plan to create a “nature recovery network” across the country. 
Read the full story on BBC!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Mackenzie Scott Donates $122.6 Million to Big Brothers Big Sisters
The philanthropist Mackenzie Scott has given away over $12 billion to nearly 1,200 groups, including Planned Parenthood, Habitat for Humanity, and historically Black colleges. Her most recent donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters is the single largest donation ever received by the organization. 
Big Brothers Big Sisters currently matches over 250,000 adult mentors with young people around the United States, with the mission “to ensure every young person has access to powerful mentoring experiences that empower them for success in school, life and career.”
Read the full article on NPR! 
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Four UK Activists Acquitted of Criminal Damage for Toppling Statue of Slave Trader
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[Image: A crowd topples the statue of Edward Colston and throws it in the river.]
On June 7, 2020, the crowd pulled down the statue of a prolific slave trader, Edward Colston, and threw it in the Bristol Harbor. Four individuals - Rhian Graham, 30, Milo Ponsford, 26, Sage Willoughby, 22, and Jake Skuse, 33 - were instrumental in providing the ropes or orchestrating the plan to tear down the statue and were brought to trial for ‘criminal damages’. 
Although all four defendants admitted their involvement, they denied that their actions constituted criminal damages, as the mere presence of the statue had been a hate crime against the people of Bristol. On April 27, 2022, the jury agreed and found the defendants not guilty on all charges. 
Following the toppling of the statue in Bristol, many other institutions and monuments linked to slavers across the UK were either changed or removed. 
Read the full story at the BBC!
Read about the removal of other monuments at the Guardian! 
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Despite restrictive “Election Integrity Act”, Voting is Surging in Georgia
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[Image: Nine Black individuals registering to vote outside a storefront in Griffin, GA.]
Georgia was one of first states to pass new laws restricting how ballots can be cast, following the 2020 election. Despite concerns that these new restrictions would curtail voting, more than 800,000 Georgians cast ballots by the end of early voting for the 2022 primaries -- more than even during the 2020 presidential election. 
With 95% of eligible voters registered, Georgia currently boasts the highest rate of voter registration in the country. Stacey Abrams (Dem) fought tirelessly for voting rights in the state after she lost the gubernatorial election to Brian Kemp in a race fraught with voter suppression. She is running again and is the presumed Democratic candidate for the gubernatorial race; if confirmed, she will be running against Brian Kemp, who signed the ‘Election Integrity Act’ into law.
Read the full story at the Washington Post! [Use an incognito browser to get around the paywall.]
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uplift-daily · 2 years
Harvard Decides to Stop Investing in Fossil Fuel Companies, Following Student Protests
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[Image: A crowd of students sit on stone steps in New Haven, CT. Many of them have signs protesting investment in fossil fuels, such as “Protect Humanity - Divest!”.]
In September, Harvard announced that it would be allowing its current investments in the fossil fuel industry to expire, the first step in fully divesting from the industry. The move came after a number of student protests, including storming the field during the annual Harvard-Yale football game. 
Wellesley University and Boston University also divested from fossil fuels this year. Together, these universities’ move away from fossil fuel has been considered one of the greatest climate victories in recent decades.
Read the full article on Slate!
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uplift-daily · 2 years
New Law in Virginia Bans Quotas on Police Arrests and Tickets
A new, bipartisan law in Virginia has prohibited the state police from setting a quota on the number of arrests and tickets an individual officer is expected to make. 
This law is the most recent in a number of new reforms in the state aimed at protecting citizens from unjust police practices. In 2020, Virginia repealed laws that suspended driver’s licenses for unpaid fines or fees, as well as for drug crimes unrelated to driving. Virginia was also the first state to ban pulling over motorists for minor driving violations, such as having tinted windows or a broken taillight. Following these new reforms, the number of police searches on Black individuals dropped more than 40%. 
Read the full article on the Washington Post! [Open in an incognito window to avoid the paywall]
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