veliseraptor · 34 minutes
And thus it came to pass that the Silmarils found their long homes: one in the airs of heaven, and one in the fires of the heart of the world, and one in the deep waters.
Now these were the Three that had last been made, and they possessed the greatest powers. Narya, Nenya, and Vilya, they were named, the Rings of Fire, and of Water, and of Air.
celebrimbor honey are you okay
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veliseraptor · 5 hours
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veliseraptor · 9 hours
Hi! I don't know if you're still open to talking about Xue Yang cause I'm pretty new to this fandom and such. But if you are, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on him and whether or not he actually developed a Golden Core at any point. We know he didn't really get any kind of cultivation training as a kid and I at least assume that he was recruited around ~15, again with basically no training. Do you think he was able to develop a core?
oh boy am I, I'm always open to talking about Xue Yang, still and always my boy ❤️
as to your question - with the caveat that cultivation and the mechanics of cultivation of a golden core is something I only have a limited understanding of (though I get the impression it varies somewhat from work to work), I'm inclined to think yes? if for no other reason than the fact that he can wield Shuanghua seemingly without difficulty, which, based on the way Wei Wuxian can't use Suibian after giving up his golden core, requires one. (or at least, requires one for sustained use, and Xue Yang doesn't seem concerned about that.)
there's at least one other character who didn't receive cultivation training when he was young and still managed to form a golden core, namely Jin Guangyao, so it's certainly possible - I don't think we know how he did it, or when. possibly with the Nie, and I don't know that we know exactly when he joined them.
I'm not clear on if it's possible to cultivate a golden core independent of formal training (though there's a very good fic that goes a little into the possibility of Xue Yang forming his own golden core on his own, that discusses the idea that someone had to do it first, and thus without guidance). of course I am fond of that idea (because I am invested in the fact that Xue Yang is, despite expectations, a pretty skilled cultivator both demonic and otherwise), but it seems equally possible that he just cultivated one later than usual.
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veliseraptor · 9 hours
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veliseraptor · 10 hours
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I won. You lost. Never forget it. (source.)
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veliseraptor · 15 hours
it is so jarring and weird when a fantasy book is like “ok let’s go around the circle and have each character talk about which lgbt umbrella category they identify with” like ok your fantasy world doesn’t have to be feudal europe but can it not be 2023 twitter please
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veliseraptor · 1 day
So my secret dream is that Kinn and Vegas both pick up a ton of non-mafia hobbies down the line.
Now, Kinn is a shit cook. He plucks a trigger much more steadily than he’ll ever pluck Kim’s guitar. His clumsy attempts at painting draw a rare smile to Porsche’s mother’s lips. Kinn knits the lumpiest, most uneven scarf in a climate where nobody will ever want to wear it.
Kinn is bad at his hobbies.
And it is so freeing, to enjoy something and to be bad at it. For Kinn, who has always had to be the best—for Kinn, whose father’s money made him the best even when he wasn’t—what a tremendous relief, to love something and to do it poorly.
Meanwhile—Vegas is an excellent cook. His hands are just as dexterous on the pliers whether he is extracting the movement from a clock or the bones from a man’s ear. His bird’s eye chili plants thrive on the balcony.
Vegas is good at his hobbies.
And it is so satiating, to enjoy something and to be good at it. For Vegas, who has never been the best—for Vegas, whose father’s goalposts moved every time he thought he might be good enough—what a tremendous relief, to love something and to do it well.
Privately (and sometimes not so privately), they laugh at each other. Privately (always privately), they are so much happier.
(And neither of them plays chess. <3)
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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Rem...Rem...we were no good...right from the start. We...I...should never...have been...born.
Trigun Volume 2, Chapter 8
[ALT ID: A vertical comic of Vash and Millions Knives from Trigun. The top of the comic shows Vash on his hands and knees with his teeth bared and wings out; the middle section shows Knives with his wings and giant sword arm out; the final section shows the two of them as children, standing together while Knives is throwing his hands up in excitement and Vash is grinning at him. Over the comic is the quote, "We were no good right from the start."]
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veliseraptor · 1 day
today I am going to write some words, despite the fact that I am feeling a bit unwell. maybe 300 of them. it's a goal anyway
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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shaking him by the shoulders. accept love, idiot!
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veliseraptor · 1 day
a moment of THOROUGHLY NERDY JOY for the fact that I finally tracked down the article connecting tolkien and eliot's the waste land and have acquired it
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veliseraptor · 1 day
I don't know if you're still doing this but top 5 musicians?
i can still be doing it, for sure. honestly i can still be doing top fives whenever, they're fun for me
Vienna Teng. my OTM (one true musician), queen of my musical heart, comfort artist I always come back to. I think Spotify told me I was in the top less than 1% of listeners last year? and that's been true the last several years running. I'm so excited for the new music this year that was promised to me. or if it doesn't happen this year I'll be excited for it next year, or whenever it happens, I don't even care. would try to pick a favorite song but honestly I don't know that I could
ThouShaltNot. I tripped over this one because of @shorelle back in my livejournal days and they've been a mainstay of my listening rotation ever since. I love their lyrics and their sound both. very different from most of the others on this list but still a fave, for sure. favorite song is probably "We Could Have Flown Like Pollen" though it's a toss up between a lot of them on that album.
The Crane Wives. I found these guys through "Tongues and Teeth" which is a #shipping aesthetic song and then learned that I just really like the rest of their music also. "Tongues and Teeth" probably remains my favorite of theirs but I also have a big soft spot for "The Hand That Feeds."
Delta Rae. another more recent discovery where I just really like their general sound/style. I think my favorite is "Chasing Twisters" but I also really like "Forgive the Children We Once Were."
Within Temptation. this spot was a bit of a toss up between them, Nightwish, and Blind Guardian (mostly for Nightfall on Middle Earth, lbr), but ultimately I landed on Within Temptation. bonus points for giving me hella nostalgia for a very specific period in my life. this is another one where my favorite song is a serious open question, but I am deeply attached to the entire The Silent Force album.
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veliseraptor · 1 day
I have been rereading rtc for the past few days and was on 'where will I end up, tonight?' and when Loki says "fairly effective too" about sleep deprivation as torture... ouch. that hurt me in my feelings.
so what I'm saying is thanks for the psychic damage ig
you're so welcome, anon, you're so welcome
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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this is the single worst way i've ever read to describe an erection, frank herbert
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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veliseraptor · 1 day
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Astarion might not like flowers, but they really do suit him 🌹
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