waelstange · 4 months
I hate when I see a see something I know enough to have a witty response. But I can’t tell anyone because it is so niche, no one would get it.
Like how I saw a post about how ancient Vikings were super hygienic.
And my thought was, Ibn Fadlan had a wildly different experience.
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waelstange · 8 months
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Guys. I finally got one. Am I a part of tumblr now?
Now I get all the jokes.
I’m a part of the club
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waelstange · 9 months
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The IRS will now use AI to detect tax evasion by the rich.
The agency will go after 1,600 millionaires who owe at least $250,000 and 75 corporations averaging $10 billion in assets.
The IRS says it's shifting its focus to the wealthy and away from working-class taxpayers.
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waelstange · 9 months
I feel this way about so many ‘classic’ books and stories. Even the good ones, the ones I enjoyed and have re-read. But then there is always one. One ‘classic’. The book that does take you on that journey. And you have to imagine that the other books you’ve read have done that for other people.
Mine was ‘song of Roland’
It was culture as class performance, literature fetishised for its ability to take educated people on false emotional journeys, so that they might afterwards feel superior to the uneducated people whose emotional journeys they liked to read about.
Normal People | Sally Rooney
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waelstange · 9 months
Jokes on you. They are a wingwoman for her shy gay son.
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waelstange · 9 months
This is weird. I am in a lecture about patient focused surveys, this post comes on my computer, and as I scroll past, my prof mentions 'lots of weird things happening in the auto world right now'.
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Let’s go!
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waelstange · 9 months
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Me carrying my historical non-fiction books around
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waelstange · 9 months
This hits the same as the 12345 Medical Building. Yes, I am totally a pharmacist. I work at Drug World.
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Drug World Drug World
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waelstange · 9 months
Make sure you do it to r/curatedtumblr. Because they are curated.
if you guys aren't careful I'm gonna repost you to reddit
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waelstange · 9 months
Two books I hate. Ethan Frome and Brave New World. Cannot comment on EF too much because I read it like two decades ago and all I remember is the big reveal of who he was with was both the women and that’s a cop out damnit.
BNW sucks so so hard. Like the author wants to be pretentious and symbolic but does it so ham fisted with no world building that I had to look it up to find out what was going on. Like at one point a it states something like ‘her skin changed color from red to blue to green.’ And I was like ‘damn, got color changing humans in the future.’ But no, it’s the lighting changing. And when, spoilers, he hung himself at the end it was trying so hard to be symbolic, moving, pretentious that I just didn’t get it and had to read the lead up again.
Also, whatever that book I read in 9th grade about two prep school boys where one was super good at everything and the other was a ‘loser’. When my teacher asked if any of us had any ‘realizations’ about 3/4 of the way through I didn’t answer. Then another kid was like ‘the super talented kid doesn’t even exist, he is too perfect’ and the teacher said he was right and so smart. Bitch, I had the figures out by the third chapter. I thought that shit was obvious.
I am once again calling for book rants. It was so much fun the last time, and I crave more.
Do you have a long standing grudge against a book you read in middle school? Have you gotten swept up by hype only to find that everyone lied to you and the book is trash? Do you burn with rage over the way an author portrayed your favorite mythology or folklore? Is there a book or series that you once loved, but now makes you cringe every time you think about it?
Do you want to vent all of it out to someone who won't judge you, or argue with you, but will simply accept all your feelings as their own?
Hi, that person is me. Send me an ask, anonymous or not, and tell me everything you've wanted to say. Offer me your anger, your frustration, your hatred. I will hold it for you. I will take it into my heart and make it my own.
It can be any genre you want, any demographic. I will accept it all. Even if James Patterson gets involved again. (I'm not scared of you, James!!)
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waelstange · 9 months
No clue how I’ve gone this long without knowing to call him Bitch McConnell and I think I finally found a downside to him dying soon. I won’t be able to say, see, and hear it more.
Holy shit Bitch McConnell froze again and not even his aide yelling the reporter's question in his ear could reactive him.
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waelstange · 9 months
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Hey tumblr, what’s with your ads? I seriously thought this was some epic shitposting.
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waelstange · 9 months
Why am I so bad at making rice? It’s so good and I’m so bad at making it.
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waelstange · 9 months
I seriously cannot wait for more of the anime to come out. Because Elinalise Dragonroad’s transformation to loving wife/mother/grandmother is going to give some of the best fanart. I want mom Elinalise art. Not horny posting.
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エリナリーゼ by 自家太郎 ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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waelstange · 9 months
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waelstange · 9 months
Also his nickname is Tau. Which is a Greek letter that is used for specific tax or per unit tax. Which is ironic. You know. Because billionaires. And exploiting workers.
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source 2
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waelstange · 9 months
Hell. I’m not trusted in a book store without my wife to reign me in. But I have to reign her in too. Otherwise we get unhinged books.
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I'm not to be trusted in a bookstore with a credit card.
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